
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [waɪn]play美 [waɪn]play

  • n. 葡萄酒,果蔬酒;深紫红色
  • v. 喝酒;设酒宴款待(某人);<西印度>跳摆臀舞
  • 【名】 (Wine)(英)瓦恩(人名)

复数 wines 第三人称单数 wines 现在分词 wining 过去式 wined 过去分词 wined

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


wine /waɪn/

  • 1.
    集合名词 Wine is an alcoholic drink made from grapes. You can also refer to alcoholic drinks made from other fruits or vegetables as wine. 葡萄酒; 果酒

    ...a bottle of white wine.




  • adj.

    winey 酒的;有酒味的;如葡萄酒的

    winy 有酒味的

  • n.

    winepress 葡萄榨汁用大桶;葡萄榨汁机



1. rice wine 米酒 ; 黄酒 ; 料酒 ; 加饭酒

2. Port Wine 波特酒 ; 食品 葡萄酒 ; 波酒 ; 钵酒

3. Wine Red 葡萄红 ; 葡萄酒红 ; 酒红

4. fruit wine 食品 果酒 ; 水果酒 ; 果子酒 ; 果味酒

5. Ice Wine 冰酒 ; 冰葡萄酒 ; 加拿大冰酒 ; 葡萄酒

6. Fortified wine 加强葡萄酒 ; 强化酒 ; 加烈葡萄酒 ; 强化葡萄酒

7. Sparkling wine 气泡酒 ; 含汽葡萄酒 ; 起泡酒 ; 汽酒

8. Red Wine 食品 红葡萄酒 ; 红酒 ; 干红葡萄酒 ; 酒红色

9. WHITE WINE 食品 白葡萄酒 ; 干白葡萄酒 ; 白酒 ; 白兰地


1. He drank a whole bottle of wine.


2. Take counsel in wine, but resolve afterwards in water.

喝酒时所听的忠告, 过后就像水一样化掉了.《期刊摘选》

3. elderberry/rice wine


4. The grapes are made into wine.


5. Dark red elegant wine , spicy 、 peppery nose with well balanced tannin.


6. The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients.


7. The wine made him bold enough to approach her and introduce himself.


8. After two glasses of wine, I was feeling mellow.


9. Colleagues were furious at doing her work while she wined and dined...


10. Anything is right with me except wine.


11. His doctor ordered him to abstain from beer and wine.


12. We supped mulled wine.


13. Our specialty here are Italian wines, and these tend to be fruity with medium acidity

我们这里的特色是意大利红葡萄酒。这些是酸度适中的果味红葡萄酒。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

14. Wine contains about 10% alcohol.


15. White wine provided the perfect accompaniment to the meal.


16. Wines, beers, and other alcoholic products also axe produced through microbial activity.

果酒, 啤酒以及其它的含酒精产品也可以用微生物来生产.《期刊摘选》

17. Sugar is added to the wine during fermentation to increase the alcohol level.


18. The wine made him bold enough to approach her.


19. The wine has made him a trifle tipsy.


20. They drank quite a lot of wine.


21. Please try out red wine.


22. Should better not drink highly the liquor, may amount drink wine, the wine or the beer.

最好不要喝高度酒, 可以适量喝一点葡萄酒 、 黄酒或啤酒.《期刊摘选》

23. This wine is of doubtful quality.


24. Wine vinegar tenderizes meat.


25. I would say the safest option is always a red wine

我认为最安全的选择永远是红葡萄酒。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

26. This wine has a strong delayed effect.


27. Unctuous. Term applied to wines which are smooth, soft and full on the palate.

肥厚的、丰满的: 用于描述口感平顺 、 柔和、饱满的葡萄酒.《期刊摘选》

28. There were two dead bottles of wine on the table.


29. He drank a glass of sweet wine.


30. The wine is still made by treading grapes in the traditional way.


31. The wine makes a good accompaniment to fish dishes.


32. Burke, the agreements will give wine producers simplified, improved access to both markets.

他还指出, 这些协议将为两国葡萄酒商提供简化和改良的市场渠道.《期刊摘选》

33. For they eat the bread of wickedness And drink the wine of violence.


34. The standard wine bottle contains 75 cl [ centiliter ].

标准葡萄酒瓶的容量为75 厘 升.《期刊摘选》

35. After four glasses of wine he began to feel light-headed.


36. The mixed juice of pumpkin, lycium and aloe was used to produce complex fruit wine.

以南瓜 、 枸杞、芦荟三种汁液为原料生产复合果酒.《期刊摘选》

37. Visitors can drink, socialize, taste, consume and share not only wine but information and opinions.

参观者可以喝酒, 应酬, 口味, 消费和共享不仅葡萄酒,但信息和意见.《期刊摘选》

38. Wine and horses have always played a prominent role , as the red, calcareous soils favour both.

葡萄酒和骏马一直有着非常突出的联系, 红色石灰质土壤尤其适合它们.《期刊摘选》

39. There are 2,000 boxes of wine in store.


40. The wine has no kick.


41. The fermentation techniques of pomegranate fruit wine were studied.


42. He smokes opium and drinks wine from day to day.


43. Some fine wines from German vineyards have a very low alcohol content.


44. He drank two bottles of red wine.


45. Wine is his only indulgence.


46. Hello, I wish to buy a bottle of wine

您好,我想买瓶葡萄酒。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

47. The growth characteristics of Angel wine yeast were studied.


48. We had some wine ─ or what passes for wine in that area.


49. She stood up suddenly, upsetting a glass of wine.


50. Drink this glass of wine.


51. We have excellent Chinese red wine which I can recommend.


52. For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink wine of violence.


53. Occasional drinking has overtaken regular wine consumption, the study showed.

偶尔喝酒的风气,已经超过了固定喝酒的风气, 这项研究显示.《期刊摘选》

54. After drinking wine, I feel warm all over.


55. May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?


56. During fruit wine processing, the main fermentation technological conditions are the key factors.

在果酒生产中, 主发酵的工艺条件是关键.《期刊摘选》

57. There's still some wine in the bottle.


58. Wine improves with age.


59. This wine is too sweet for me.


60. The wine color was not correlation with soluble solid and full coefficient of fermentable vessel.


61. The music and wine began to make him feel sexy.


62. Persimmon fruit wine was produced by yeast strain solid fermentation with sweet persimmon as raw materials.


63. At this price the wine is a bargain.


64. She wore her wine-coloured gaberdine raincoat.


65. I've never acquired a taste for wine.


66. Red wine can help to dilate blood vessels.


67. Too much pulp produces a sour wine.


68. John tried not to drink wine.


69. Red wine is fermented at a higher temperature than white.


70. Having fruit wine frequently is good for the health of the elderly.


71. The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list.


72. Wine is made from grapes.


73. a glass of dry/sweet wine

一杯干 / 甜葡萄酒《牛津词典》

74. My head was spinning from the wine.


75. red/rosé/white wine

红 / 玫瑰红 / 白葡萄酒《牛津词典》

76. Vinegar is made from apple cider, malt, and wine, and is the product of fermentation.

醋:由苹果酒 、 麦芽酒和葡萄酒制成, 为发酵产品.《期刊摘选》

77. The grocer sells wine and spirits.


78. High total acids content in dry waxberry fruit wine would deteriorate wine quality.


79. The price of wine varies enormously depending on where it comes from.


80. He has a fancy for wine.


81. They drank a glass of wine to seal their new friendship.


82. She sipped her wine reflectively.


83. Tannins: Tea, red skinned apples and pears, apple and cider, and red wine, which contain tannins.

单宁: 茶 、 红苹果、梨 、 苹果汁、苹果酒和红酒, 这些都含有单宁.《期刊摘选》

84. A rich and complex wine combining soft pineapple and tropical fruit aromas.


85. The wine from this region is rich and fruity.


86. One unit is roughly equivalent to a glass of wine or a small beer.


87. It is marketed as a low-alcohol wine.


88. He drank from a crystal wine glass.


89. The priest blessed the bread and wine.


90. I was disappointed by the quality of the wine.


91. The English do not drink much wine.


92. After drinking some wine , I feel warm all over.


93. He finished off the last of the wine.


94. Let's go to the front of the wineshop to have some wine.


95. Serve the wine at room temperature.


96. Cats pee: Pungent, even aggressive, aroma found particularly in some Sauvignon Blanc wines.

猫尿味: 刺激性的甚至侵略性的气味,特别是出现在一些长相思葡萄酒.《期刊摘选》

97. He ordered a carafe of wine.


98. He's become quite a fundi on wine.


99. Drink how does prickly heat giving wine do?


100. They now say that red wine is good for you.


101. I solved this problem by drinking grape juice and pretending it was wine.


102. sparkling wine


103. The wine had been doctored.


104. The wine has a clean taste and a lovely golden colour.


105. The wine has a brilliant colour of sustained intensity with a garnet tint.


106. Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.


107. The area's wine industry still has a way to go to full maturity.


108. This is a nice wine.


109. He had a quick swill of wine.


110. I enjoy the occasional glass of wine.


111. Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.


112. This wine is best served chilled.


113. ...a bottle of white wine...


114. Am I correct in saying that you know a lot about wine?


115. I suddenly to have a drink that night. I drank the remaining magic wine.

那天晚上我突然很想喝酒, 结果我喝了那半坛“醉生梦死”.《期刊摘选》

116. The wine had made him incapable of thinking clearly.


117. Meanwhile we eat bread and drink wine to remember the Lord until he comes.


118. We had mulled wine at the party.


119. He tried many wines and declared this to be the best.


120. Organic acids, ammonia acids, phenolic compounds and aroma components in apple wine were studied systematically.

对苹果酒中的有机酸 、 氨基酸 、 酚类物质、香气成分等进行了系统的研究.《期刊摘选》

121. The more he talked, the angrier he became . Fuddled with drink, he clumsily knocked over his wine cup.

他越说越气,毛手毛脚地喝酒, 把酒杯都打翻了.《现代汉英综合大词典》

122. French wine is on special offer this week.


123. Foreigners like to drink, especially red wine.

外国人很喜欢喝酒, 尤其是红酒.《期刊摘选》

124. And the results also indicated that the wine yeast used in.


125. Wine from the Rhine Valley is famous all over the world.


126. The heat and the wine made her sleepy.


127. Add three parts wine to one part water.


128. This one here is a Chianti, which is perhaps Italy's most famous type of red wine

这一瓶是基安蒂,可能是意大利最有名的红葡萄酒了。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

129. The best thing about New Year's is being able to drink wine all day.


130. But you must be more moderate in your drinking. Too much wine can easily lead to serious trouble!


131. Wine contains about 10% alcohol.


132. I'd like five gallons of wine.


133. The men mostly drank beer and liquor, while women preferred wine and fortified wine.

男人通常饮用啤酒和烈酒, 而女士更喜爱饮果酒和加度葡萄酒.《期刊摘选》

134. This deeply coloured red wine is a blend of 4 varieties.


135. The talk in Europe was of grain and butter mountains, and lakes of milk and wine.

在欧洲,人们谈论的是堆成山的谷物和黄油 、 流成河的牛奶和葡萄酒.《期刊摘选》

136. A wine with a brilliant crimson colour, intense aromas of red fruit ( blackcurrant ) and spices.

本品呈明亮的深紫红色, 具有浓郁的红色水果 ( 黑加仑子 ) 和胡椒的香气.《期刊摘选》

137. The wine is [ tastes ] mellow .

酒味 醇厚.《现代汉英综合大词典》

138. Mr. Barnes, answered the count, all I want out of wines is to enjoy them.

“ 巴恩斯先生, ” 伯爵回答, “ 我喝酒的唯一乐趣就是品味. ”《期刊摘选》

139. She took a swig of wine.


140. a bottle of wine


141. Identify interoperability issues with the organization's partners ( for example, topology, protocol )

确定与合作伙伴的互用性问题 ( 例如, 拓扑 、 协议 )《期刊摘选》

142. I refilled our wine glasses.


143. Sulfur dioxide control in fruit wine had become an important research project in food safety.


144. Fragrant. Term applied to wines with pronounced and pleasing aroma.

芬芳的: 用于描述果香显著宜人的葡萄酒.《期刊摘选》

145. Instead of beer and cider, try dry wine, Bloody Marys or spirits mixed with diet mixer.

试试干葡萄酒 、 血玛莉酒或是无糖酒精饮料来代替啤酒和苹果酒.《期刊摘选》

146. We downed bottles of local wine.


147. Good wine can make a meal.


148. A lot of money went on wining and dining prospective clients.


149. Some wines do not travel well.


150. Additional, wine flavour is likewise honey mellow cold , wine of assuming Yu Bai.

另外, 果酒味道同样甘美醇冽, 不逊于白酒.《期刊摘选》

151. Don't drive after wine.


152. He poured the wine on the ground.


153. The new clarifying technique of dried red fruit wine was studied.


154. Cider also goes up by a penny a pint while sparkling wine will cost another eight pence a bottle.


155. It was not good for him to take any wine, but he drank with his eyes open.

他明知喝酒对他没有好处, 但偏要喝.《现代汉英综合大词典》

156. I'm used to wine with my meals, so I find these lunches rather unsatisfactory.

我习惯于吃饭时喝酒, 因此我对这顿午饭相当不满意.《辞典例句》

157. We get benefits from the acquired by more than 150 years in the wine industry.


158. A good sign in young wines.


159. A classic Bordeaux wine, dark colour with a nose of dark fruit and berries.

典雅的波尔多魅力, 醉人的深红色泽带来成熟酱果的嗅觉享受.《期刊摘选》

160. Christians eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of Jesus.


161. olive and wine wool sweater.


162. Xinhui citrus was used as raw materials to study the processing techniques of Xinhui citrus wine.


163. This wine is good stuff.


164. The wine a ruby red, possessing of full - bodied fruity flavour.

酒体呈深红色, 带有浓郁的果香.《期刊摘选》

165. Red wine leaves a stain.


166. She found his story so compelling that she had forgotten to drink wine.


167. The deacidification of orange fruit wine was studied.


168. The wine is aged in oak casks.



1. Growing up I only saw the hard work part of growing grapes and making wine.

FORBES: Female Winemaker Series: Oregon's Luisa Ponzi

2. Wine-making is my wife's department.


3. For example, a Chardonnay wine grown in France will taste very different from one grown in California.

VOA : special.2010.10.13

4. If I had to make the same wine all the time to the same standard...

BBC: Uruguays boutique wineries

5. And we are thanking them with our dollars every day for making wine more accessible and universally palatable.

FORBES: Faking It

6. "It makes for this haunted sort of sound. It's a little bit like a wine glass, when you play a wine glass.

VOA : special.2010.07.12

7. Men and women sing and dance, falling onto the grass under the effects of too much rice wine.

BBC: On holiday in North Korea

8. cobwebbed racks of wine bottles


9. Whatever the mixed effects elsewhere, it has been an unqualified win for American wine buyers.

FORBES: Forget the price tag-- you'll love what's in the bottle.

10. We train the vines correctly, low to the ground, and the wine is now much better.

BBC: Portugals anti-port

11. There are 400 wine producers in Poland, but most plant only a few acres.

BBC: A dark and fantastical Polish land

12. We supped mulled wine.


13. Cereal would be--a serving of cereal would be about the amount that would fit in a wine glass, but people think that you fill up a bowl and that becomes a serving, but a typical amount of cereal that people serve themselves might be two or three times what the ordinary size is.

这是一餐份量的麦片,放在酒杯里大概那么多,但人们认为满满一碗才是一份,人们通常所食用的麦片,是原来大小的二到三倍关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. There's Wine Country if you like, you know, drinking wine or even beer, there's microbreweries.

这里有酒乡,如果你喜欢,你知道,喝葡萄酒或者,甚至啤酒,这里有小酿酒厂。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 加州万岁

15. We'll get bottles of wine, you know.

我们会买几十瓶好酒。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : That's all课堂

16. Day trips start at 495 rand per person, including transport, bike rental and wine tastings.

BBC: Easy breaks from Cape Town

17. And they have a pretty cheap wine.

他们家还有非常便宜的红酒。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I've already 实战

18. French vintners have increased wholesale prices for new wine 50% and more over the past three years.

FORBES: Drink It Up

19. You've got horses which you need for the army but also which they start slaughtering; you've got cattle but you have enough food to last for maybe a month; there's always a lot to drink because of the caves, that is, the wine cellars that people had, but things get worse and worse.

你有军队所需的马,但是士兵会把马杀来吃,你有牛,但是这些食物只能,维持大概一个月的时间,喝的东西总是不缺的,因为他们有酒窖,就是用来储藏葡萄酒的酒窖,不过事态还是变得越来越糟1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Now that we know about grapes and geography, we have some important tools for understanding the label on a bottle of wine.

VOA : special.2010.10.13

21. The company will close 53 stores that trade as Threshers, Victoria Wine, Haddows and Bottoms Up.

BBC: A Threshers shop

22. the hidebound British wine-trade


23. It stands on a wine route, surrounded by vineyards, pine trees, wild roses and herbs, among others.

UNESCO: Mediterranean diet

24. He let you borrowed a shirt and you went to a party and you spilled wine on his shirt.

他借给你一件衬衫,你穿着去参加一个派对,结果溅了一点红酒在上面。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I've already 课堂

25. The article 'The Negev desert wine route' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet.

BBC: The Negev desert wine route

26. Two years later it fixed up a hotel built in 1905 in Oregon wine country.

FORBES: Magazine Article

27. Yet France may raise the age limit for beer and wine sales to eighteen, the same as for hard liquor there.

VOA : special.2009.04.02

28. The importance of wine to this nation of four million is hard to exaggerate.

BBC: Discovering wine in Georgia

29. The green is more about the ripeness, or lack of ripeness, of the grapes used to make the wine.

VOA : special.2010.12.20

30. I paid the wine man the full price he wanted without asking you to taste the wine first.

VOA : special.2009.02.07

31. We regained the light and pushed on to La Bugue and our heavenly omelets and wine.

FORBES: How foie gras was my valley

32. I can see a wine bottle in your backpack.

我在你背包里看到一个葡萄酒瓶。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 记忆犹新的表演

33. But most California wineries tend to make a pretty rich version of the wine.

FORBES: Wine & Spirts

34. There are even a number of vertical deals sites such as wine website Lot18.

FORBES: Daily Deals Growing Up With First Conference

35. The Vatsadze family make wine in a way their most distant ancestors would recognise.

BBC: Discovering wine in Georgia

36. I smiled to myself and said "But some people say that he is as good a judge of wine as you are."

VOA : special.2009.02.07

37. To be made into fine wine, some kinds of grapes must grow in a limited range of temperatures.

VOA : special.2009.04.22

38. "It is," I said. "The wine cellar is just beyond these tombs where the dead of my family are kept.

VOA : special.2009.02.07

39. as in from books to museums, to clubs, to nice wine bars.

比如从图书馆到博物馆,到俱乐部,再到很棒的红酒酒吧。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 讲述伦敦的生活

40. If General Motors sent him a case of wine, they would both be prosecuted.

FORBES: Ralph's Used Car Analysts

41. Outside, a group of women banter with the waiter as he refills their glasses with red wine.

BBC: Cultural encounters in Istanbul

42. The wine had made Barton tipsy.


43. Theirs comes with duck confit, caramelised balsamic onions and a foie gras and red wine sauce.

BBC: How the Quebecois came to love poutine

44. Murad scoops wine from them using a dipper made out of a pumpkin shell.

BBC: Discovering wine in Georgia

45. But Hermitage was a wine that was known by connoisseurs in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, and ever since then.

在17和18世纪,"隐士山"葡萄酒为品酒师所熟知,推崇至今欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. asked me a question about wine and I had to tell the whole class.

他问了我一个关于葡萄酒的问题,我得在全班同学面前回答。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 康奈尔的教授不一样

47. We never sell the wine before its time, something like that. On television, in different acting roles, he would take any worthless role in somebody's movie just because there was such a large fee, and he will pour that into his movies.

之前人们对这种酒闻所未闻,在电视上,在饰演,不同的角色时,他在一些电影中做不起眼的角色,因为这可以,赚到一大笔钱,然后可以投到自己的电影中。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

48. For a drink you can choose from myriad charming bars, enoteche (wine bars) and pubs.

BBC: An evening out in Rome

49. "I don't care," he said. "I am the only person who can tell you if your wine man has cheated you.

VOA : special.2009.02.07

50. Wine production is a link to the past and an expression of national identity.

BBC: Discovering wine in Georgia

51. Nonetheless, village life continues and vestiges of the fabulous past remain - including the local wine.

BBC: Turkeys land of fairy chimneys

52. With 76 cellar-doors, wine tastings are within easy reach and cycling between them has become increasingly popular.

BBC: The top places to escape Australias major cities

53. Chic, fashionable, wine-loving Paris, with its grand architecture and wide boulevards is likely the city of your dreams.

BBC: Five cities where you can live large, for a little

54. With its mountain vistas and sprawling wine country, South Africa was a favourite destination for its train-side scenery.

BBC: Which country is best seen by rail?

55. The report compares prices of 160 goods and services, from cars to bread to wine, across 131 cities.

BBC: Living in: The worlds most affordable cities

56. "Terroir" is the word used to describe how a vineyard's soil and climate give a wine special qualities.

VOA : special.2010.10.13

57. In the future, rising temperatures may open up possibilities to countries that otherwise could never compete in the wine industry.

VOA : special.2010.10.20

58. And keep in mind when Crane wrote those lines too, it was illegal to buy and sell wine in this country.

记住克莱恩写下这些诗句的时候,禁酒令还在适用,买卖酒都是非法的。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. is sort of the heart of an up-and-coming wine region in the central coast of California.

位于加利福尼亚州的中部海岸,一个蓬勃发展的葡萄酒产区的中心地带。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我的职业是

60. It suggests that ecstasy is like wine, ; and wine is like an eagle clasping you; it's prey in its claws.

这里暗示着令人着迷的狂喜如同美酒一般,而酒又像是紧紧抓着你的鹰;,用它的利爪疯狂地掠夺着你所有的。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. Because his wife Millicent liked to invite her friends to big dinners and serve them rare and expensive food and wine.

VOA : special.2010.05.29

62. I'm thinking again of grapes and olives; they made mostly olive oil and wine.

我又想起了橄榄和葡萄,它们绝大部分被制成橄榄油和酒古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. Wine talons," there's one. "Wine talons," what are they?

这里有一个,“美酒的诱惑“,这是指什么?现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. The Romans, who later controlled this region, were also partial to a drop of wine.

BBC: The Negev desert wine route

65. And,let me go back to my drawing, so I can sell it to the magazine and buy food and wine for us."

VOA : special.2009.08.01





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