to make fun of翻译_to make fun of短语搭配_to make fun of权威例句

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to make fun of

网络 取笑;开玩笑;嘲弄;捉弄

英 [tu meɪk fʌn ɒv]play 美 [tu meɪk fʌn əv]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. to mockto make fun of 调谑


1. I guess we don't get to make fun of Burt's lifestyle anymore.


2. It's wrong to make fun of disabled people.


3. It's bad manners to make fun of those disabled.


4. It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer.


5. The truth is, I never wanted to make fun of anyone.


6. If you want to make fun of me, fine.


7. He has the ability to make fun of himself.

他都有能力取消自己。《provided by jukuu》

8. It is wrong to make fun of handicapped persons.


9. She doesn't get angry even if someone trys to make fun of her.


10. All that came from his mouth were terrible noises, and when the other animals heard this, they all came around to make fun of the hippo.

他嘴里传来了可怕的声音,当其他动物听到时,他们都围过来取笑河马。《中考真题- 2016 福建 阅读B》

11. Walter:I won't have anyone to make fun of anymore.


12. He likes to make fun of others'appearance.


13. It doesn't pay to make fun of the Law, my man!


14. He thinks it's clever to make fun of people.


15. It's mean to make fun of people.

拿别人开玩笑是很不友善的。《provided by jukuu》

16. Benjamin has learned that it is not polite to make fun of others.


17. One day a bunch of naughty children wanted to make fun of him and said to him:" There are birds' eggs on that tree.


18. I'm not going to make fun of you.

我可没跟你开玩笑。《provided by jukuu》

19. May be the fate of love is to make fun of people


20. It's bad manners to make fun of the blind.

取笑盲人是不礼貌的。《provided by jukuu》

21. Therefore,a child’s efforts should never be satirized even if you are attempting to make fun of him.


22. He exuded confidence and professionalism but was self-effacing and modest, always ready to make fun of himself.


23. It was miserable of you to make fun of him.


24. It's bad manners to make fun of those disabled.


25. It is not right to make fun of disabled people.


26. Little children occasionally like to make fun of others.

小孩子偶尔喜欢作弄别人。《provided by jukuu》

27. All that came from his mouth were terrible noises, and when the other animals heard this, they all came around to make fun of the hippo.


28. They always try to make fun of me.


29. Tease: To make fun of; mock playfully.

为了捉弄; 模拟开玩笑.《互联网》

30. Ann: No, I believe he just want to make fun of me.


31. It's cruel to make fun of a cripple.


32. As soon as they sat down beside a boy, they started to make fun of him.


33. The little girl used to make fun of Jim's haircut.


34. It's cruel to make fun of are deaf.


35. I go to make fun of it often together with my best friends.


36. People like to make fun of each other on April Fools Day.


37. He thinks it's clever to make fun of people.


38. It's cruel to make fun of a cripple.


39. It is wrong of you to make fun of the strangers to Beijing.


40. It is impolite to make fun of a cripple.


41. Walter : I won't have anyone to make fun of anymore.


42. That will teach him a lesson! It doesn't pay to make fun of the Law, my man!


43. It's wrong to make fun of people just because they're old.

仅因为人老了,就取笑他们是不对的。《provided by jukuu》

44. Soon his political opponents began to make fun of him.


45. It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer.


46. I knew that Adam and Chen were going to make fun of me in front of John, and that John would decide that he'd rather be buddies with them.


47. It is wrong to make fun of a cripple.


48. You and your fembots just want to make fun of us.

你和你的变态跟班们只是想那我们开刷。《provided by jukuu》

49. Those girls at the telephone office have very sharp tongues and they like to make fun of others.


50. Now the Fox was always looking for a chance to make fun of his neighbors.


51. He liked to make fun of the way that she walked.

他喜欢取笑她走路的样子。《provided by jukuu》

52. Who is most likely to make fun of Greendale students with Jeff?


53. Some even made their own blackscreen wallpaper to make fun of Microsoft’s new anti-piracy measures.

一些人甚至自制 壁纸来讽刺微软反盗版的新举措。

54. I am not dredging up these old comments to make fun of Prof Kennedy.


55. Because cats are known to back down (escape, run from) dogs, kids use this to make fun of their scared classmates.


56. Ping Gong said: "I am serious. But you go so far as to make fun of me!"


57. It's cruel to make fun of people who are ill.


58. I am not dredging up these old comments to make fun of Prof Kennedy.


59. It is wrong of the other children to make fun of you.


60. Those girls at the telephone office have very sharp tongues and they like to make fun of others.


61. You used to make fun of the Runway girls.



1. Feel free to make fun of his unibrow.

FORBES: As A Very Casual Football Watcher, How Can I Look In-The-Know At Super Bowl Parties?

2. His friends called to berate or, in some cases, make fun of him.

WSJ: Ground Rules for Digital Communication With Friends and Family

3. "It is absolutely unacceptable to have individuals suffering in silence because they're afraid their peers or superiors will make fun of them,or worse, it will adversely affect their careers,".

VOA : standard.2009.12.25

4. "We do what we do because we love it and we try to be successful at it and to make it as fun as possible, " says Rosso of the album.

CNN: Plastilina dancing in Mexico's mosh pit

5. While she doesn't always care to draw attention to her prosthetic, Gustafson does always make sure the socket that fits around her residual limb has a bit of fun or sparkle to it.

CNN: Strutting their stuff for limb loss awareness

6. Though willing to make fun of himself, he was also steely, staring down what he saw as the Soviet threat.

FORBES: Obama, Romney, and What Their Voices Tell Us

7. But with all there is to make fun of, it's a great time to be a cartoonist for the New Yorker.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. Due to begin manufacturing within the next two or three months, the Lyuba Max and Lyuba Fun aim to make bezels a thing of the past.

ENGADGET: Nyx Mobile Lyuba Max and Fun hands-on Mobile

9. It causes most lawyers, in any event, to make fun of the trainer, devalue the training and hence reject the lessons.

FORBES: Diversity is Dead, Long Live Diversity

10. So honestly, one of the best strategies in this course and in programming in general is-- generally speaking design, but it's these little tricks of the trade that will honestly make things much more fun, much more easier, and really allow you to focus on the juicy parts of the problem and not little tiny bugs that you may have started tripping over already.

说实在的,这堂课在编程方面最棒的策略之一,简而言之,就是--设计,但这只是一些让事情更简单,更容易的小技巧,让你专注于问题的核心关键,而不是一些可能让你绊倒的,这样或那样的小错误。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

11. The magazine's offices were the scene of an attack in November when they were burned on the day the magazine was due to publish an issue with a cover appearing to make fun of Islamic law.


12. Soon his political opponents began to make fun of him.

VOA : special.2010.02.14

13. It seems unfair to make fun of a country's flag.

NPR: What's In a Nickname? The Answer Is in the Cup

14. And then when they do, we all have to kind of make fun of them.

NPR: Ron Paul Brings the Youth Vote

15. Being part of a group is a terrific way to make new friends, deepen existing friendships, have fun, create a sense of belonging, and spend time thinking about a subject that interests you.

FORBES: Have You Joined or Started a Happiness Project Group? If Not Do You Want To?

16. Peek is designed to make it easier and fun to get this information, says Ruzwana Bashir, cofounder and CEO of Peek.

FORBES: Peek Opens Travel Suggestions Platform To Users

17. Lichtenstein was already a favorite target of mainstream media, which regularly made a mockery of him in order to preemptively discredit artwork that seemed to make fun of them.

FORBES: Why Roy Lichtenstein Was So Serious About The Comics

18. To spice things up, the Senate Committee invited Facebook to join the grill-out, giving one privacy advocate from Common Sense Media the opportunity to make fun of the social network for its recent failed PR attack on its co-testifier.

FORBES: Highlights From The Google, Apple, Facebook, Senate Privacy Circus

19. Elke Steinwender says there are many levels of safety built into the Kids Club to make sure that children have a safe and fun experience online.

VOA : special.2010.12.28

20. There are reasonable arguments on both sides of the sales-tax debate, but really, if you're going to make fun of somebody for being a know-it-all, you ought to make sure you know what you're talking about.

WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Nobody's Laughing Now

21. He refused to make fun of President Obama.

FORBES: Is Chris Rock Funny Enough to Say Who's Funny?

22. At the end of the day, the goal is to make something that's of interest to you, fun for you, cs50 net/ohs and you'll see at for office hours, what the schedule is therefore.

目的是让大家做一些,有意思的事,一些有趣的事,请关注,该网站上有我们的工作时间以及安排。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

23. In the hope of finding something economic to make fun of more often in fact.

FORBES: Not the Way to Resolve an Economic Crisis

24. However fun it is to make a knock out logical point of such inanity.

FORBES: Three responses to Noahpinion

25. In the early Clinton years, Gore managed to seem less like a piece of chain-saw sculpture for a while by going on talk shows to make fun of his own woodenness.

CNN: He ain't dumb, he's my president

26. So just confirming these actions, not only did that spoil my weekend but it also spoiled my opportunity to make fun of Kaj all week, so it was really a big deal.

这个点球,不仅毁了我的大好周末,还让我错失了调侃卡茄的机会,真是亏大了博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. You come to see them make fun of themselves while simultaneously promoting BH products in auto insurance, underwear, jewelry, cowboy boots, shares of jet airplanes, candy, even bricks.

FORBES: Omaha-Cum-Lourdes

28. Now I don't know about you, but I believe it is an unwise idea to make too much fun of people's tattoos of their spouses, lovers or children.

WSJ: Jason Gay: Tattoos and Consequences

29. All of this leads to a set of behaviors that make it a fun place to work, but where employees are able to make a large impact on their customers.

FORBES: Managing the Evolution of Your Startup's Corporate Culture

30. "We certainly didn't want to make fun of "It's a Wonderful Life."

VOA : standard.2010.05.27

31. It is easy to make fun of Dragon Mart.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

32. Benefits were nonexistent and fancy perks were something to make fun of bigger, richer media companies for offering.

FORBES: From Digital Sweatshop To Perk Palace: Why Gawker's Nick Denton Started Spoiling His Staff

33. This is the same girl that used to make fun of Sex Devil but she doesn't know it is the same person because he talks completely different.

NPR: Excerpt: 'The Mysterious Secret of the Valuable Treasure'

34. Now,it's easy to make fun of Chambord, who was a pauvre type, a sad sack,in many ways.

取笑尚博尔伯爵很容易,在很多方面,他是一个可怜的家伙,是一个冒失鬼1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. We did make errors, but we had a lot of fun doing it. Being the first ones to do something that gigantic was very exciting."

VOA : standard.2009.08.14

36. "We wanted to make people aware of both our fun side and our serious side, " he explained.

WSJ: From Kilts to the Caber

37. They write Saturday Night Live sketches to make fun of people like me.

FORBES: Why Playing Video Games Makes You a Better Dad

38. But also, women are more likely to talk about their moms if they're going to make fun of a parent, just as, you know, a son, a son's never going to make fun of his mom, or almost never make fun of his mom.

NPR: The Funny Side of Fatherhood

39. How did we forget that we used to just make fun of the newest wave of immigrants and then prospered on the backs of their hard work?

FORBES: Immigration And Prosperity: Why Tech Needs Open Borders



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