fossil oil是什么意思_fossil oil的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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fossil oil


英 [ˈfɒsl ɔɪl]play 美 [ˈfɑːsl ɔɪl]play

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1. fossil oil areas 石油石化矿区

2. fossil insulation oil 矿物绝缘油

3. fossil oil reservoir 古油藏

4. fossil oil-gas pool 古油气藏

5. fossil oil & gas inc 矿物油气公司


1. According to the method of low-temperature carbonization, it can be used to product the shale oil, just like the crude fossil oil.


2. These costs aren't factored into the market prices of coal, oil, and gasoline, or the prices of electricity generated by fossil fuels, the report says. But someone eventually pays for them.


3. Our known fossil fuel reserves are soaring. New finds of coal, natural gas, oil, tar sands, and oil shale keep growing, not declining.


4. Carbon dioxide is the chief greenhouse gas produced by human activity. It is produced when we burn fossil fuels: oil, gas and coal.


5. The report said that fossil fuels — especially from the major oil-exporting nations in the Mideast — will remain as the world's main energy source.


6. The planet's abundant reserves of gas hydrate could potentially sustain mankind's current energy needs for about 1000 years, so it is regarded as an important alternative to polluting fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas.


7. For centuries, we've been using high-density fossil fuels, but peaking oil supplies and climate concerns have given new life to green technologies.


8. This paper can test whether environmental protection listed companies have significant characteristics by contrast with coal and fossil oil listed companies on debt levels, debt maturity structures, business performance and empirical study.


9. But other factors have brought hydropower back into vogue, such as rising oil prices and concern about the impact on global warming from burning fossil fuels like coal.


10. The properties of the biodiesel are similar to the ones of 0# fossil diesel oil.


11. People use fossil fuels like coal and oil.


12. The new type engines without the combustion process have to be researched and manufactured, especially for China, because of urban pollution and the short of fossil oil.


13. Oil and other fossil fuels would have to fill the gap, he said.


14. The present paper propose a newly discovered sponge-reef fossil oil-gas pool in the ChangxingFormationin the Panlongdong, Xuanhan, Sichuan.


15. Global primary energy demand will remain overwhelmingly dominated by fossil fuels, with coal, oil and gas accounting for 82 percent in 2030 (currently 81 percent).


16. The key to the harmonious development of the fossil oil areas is the harmonious development of central-government-managing enterprises and local economy.


17. If we could find more ways to harness solar power safely and efficiently, we could get much more usable energy from it than we currently get from burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas.


18. Anticipating criticism from environmental campaigners, he said he wanted to move the American economy away from fossil fuels and foreign oil towards home-grown fuels and clean energy.


19. With the requirement of the exploitation and defence in the islands, especially for the requirement of the fossil oil exploration and tourism, much more projects will be built in the sea and the scale will be larger.


20. As an energy of high quality and industrial chemical of great importance, the product of fossil oil have been wildly used in the industry, agriculture, national defence and daily life.


21. Such a breakthrough, combined with enough cast-aside plant matter to sustain it, and possibly some of the plant's oil, would provide for a plastic completely free of fossil fuels.


22. The biodiesel from the corn oil has the following characteristics: density 0.873g/ ml, dynamic viscosity 6.72g/ cm/ s ( 25 ℃), cetane indices 49, calorific value 39.46MJ/ kg, which are similar to fossil diesel oil.


23. The use of fossil fuels-coal, oil and natural gas has affected the environment by polluting the air and water, creating toxic wastes, and causing global warming.


24. Fourth, environmental protection listed companies are significant difference with coal and fossil oil listed companies on debt maturity structures and operating income growth rate and the ratio of largest shareholders impact on business performance.


25. Coal, fossil oil, and natural gas, which are unrenewable resources, are the major fuel of thermal power generation.


26. Biomass is the only clean renewable energy resource that can be liquefied. Bio-oil made from fast pyrolysis of biomass is convenient for being stored and transported with potential to be used as a fossil oil substitute.


27. Biomass is an organic compound generated by photosynthesis, which is the fourth biggest energy source followed by coal, fossil oil and gas.


28. The expert was giving a lecture on the forming process of fossil oil.


29. The first, third and fourth phases of dissolution were mainly resulted from the organic acid generated by the underlying Cambrian-Ordovician mature source rocks. The second phase of dissolution was resulted from the organic acid generated from microbial degradation of hydrocarbons in fossil oil reservoirs.


30. It can be extracted without burning a fossil fuel such as coal, gas, or oil.


31. So unlike with fossil fuels such as coal and oil, burning them does not add new carbon to the atmosphere.


32. The U. S. meanwhile sits on largely untapped fossil fuel resources, including coal, natural gas and oil.


33. The three conventional forms of fossil carbon-oil, coal and gas-differ both in the way the Earth stores them and the way its people use them.


34. The reserve of the fossil oil, especially the high-class oil, is less and less because of the massive extraction.


35. Today, humans consume an average of15 trillion watts of power, 85% of which comes from burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas.


36. That would involve putting a floor under the price of fossil fuels by imposing a price on carbon emissions and import duties on oil to keep the domestic price above, say, $70 per barrel.

这要求将化石燃料的价格保持在一定水平之上。 具体可以通过确定二氧化碳排放价格,征收石油进口关税等,以使国内石油价格维持在一定水平(比如说每桶70美元)之上。

37. Spearheaded by a switch from oil to renewable-power production, the strategy aims to all but eliminate the use of fossil fuels in the Maldivian archipelago by 2020.


38. It has been widely applied in electric power system, gas collection& transfer, and fossil oil chemical industry and so on.


39. Xu blamed the soaring prices of fossil and edible oil, increasing costs of labor and electric fees for the latest rise in prices.


40. The Compositional Features and Thermal Stability of Organic Sulfur Compounds in Fossil Fuel& oil Shale and Shale oil From Jordan


41. While fossil fuels—coal, oil, gas—still generate roughly 85 percent of the world's energy supply, it's clearer than ever that future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar.


42. Renewables account for only a small share of global primary energy consumption, which is still dominated by fossil fuels—30% each for coal and oil, 25% for natural gas.


43. If the polar ice caps melt any further, Russia would be able to drill for oil and gas in the Arctic Ocean, where it's believed to have huge fossil-fuel reserves.


44. There is an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ( mainly carbon dioxide or CO2) due to industrialised processes that rely on burning fossil fuels like oil and coal.


45. It depends on imports of fossil fuels ( crude oil, natural gas, and coal), grains, beef, raw materials, and military equipment.


46. They pointed out that the excavation of fossil fuels has its own history of catastrophic accidents, including coal mine collapses and the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


47. It is produced from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) and the smelting of mineral ores that contain sulfur.


48. On the harmonious development of the fossil oil areas: a study of the future of Daqing


49. It has been widely used in the departments of power, metallurgic, fossil oil, chemical industry, and light industry.


50. Today, humans consume an average of 15 trillion watts of power, 85% of which comes from burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas.


51. Petroleum is a non-renewable resource, and many oil fields are now getting depleted because of massive demand by consumers and industries that use fossil fuel products.


52. However, with the increasing consumption of fossil oil resources in future, oil based synthetic fiber industries will face great challenges. This will directly result in shortage of raw materials for carbon fibers based on polyacrylonitrile and pitch.


53. Of course, fossil fools will argue that the only alternative to burning up our remaining oil and gas supplies is for us all to live like the indigenous peoples in the Amazon.


54. The development of current economy depends on the exploitation of fossil resources such as oil, coal, natural gas, etc. But they are non-renewable and facing shortage.


55. It takes more fossil fuels for oil companies to make higher octane fuels.



1. Even though prices for fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal are stable or even falling, interest in the alternatives is high and rising.

ECONOMIST: When virtue pays a premium | The

2. Human sources come principally from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.

BBC: Scientists call for action to tackle CO2 levels

3. The three conventional forms of fossil carbon oil, coal and gas differ both in the way the Earth stores them and the way its people use them.

ECONOMIST: Unconventional gas

4. Venter says the goal is to discover the "thousands and thousands" of different organisms found in fossil fuel sites, from coal beds to oil wells.

FORBES: BP's Biotech Bet

5. So when we pursue energy independence, when we continue to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by increasing domestic production of fossil fuel energy but other forms of energy, we enhance our security and protect America's future in that way.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

6. The report insists that, in hand with a combination of energy efficiency and fuel-switching measures, this growth in electricity production would be enough to supplant all fossil fuel use (coal, gas and oil), including that for transport and space-heating.

FORBES: Could Australia Go Carbon Neutral By 2020?

7. Taking all these things together the burial of the charcoal and the substitution for fossil fuels of the heat, gas and oil produced by its manufacture Johannes Lehmann of Cornell University and Jim Amonette of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington state suggest that a reduction of between one and two gigatonnes of carbon-emission a year might be achievable.

ECONOMIST: Biochar could enrich soils and cut greenhouse gases as well

8. Yet burning a tonne of palm oil instead of fossil fuel saves only three tonnes of emissions.

ECONOMIST: Can biofuels save Europe, or the planet?

9. But Metcalf also confirmed the finding that many fossil fuel activities, particularly oil drilling, get very favorable tax treatment.

FORBES: Corporate Tax Reform and the Energy Sector

10. For an hour and a half they spoke about how to solve what Icelandic President Grimsson called, "the most fundamental question of the 21st century": energy and whether there will ever be enough alternative sources of power to satisfy global demand if, and only if, the world manages to shake its addiction to oil and other fossil fuels.

CNN: Doha - round table highlights

11. "Given the pressing need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, especially oil, and to cut CO2 emissions, the future for hydrogen as an alternative means of storing and utilising energy cost-effectively has never been brighter, " said Jim Heathcote, chief executive of ITM.

BBC: Hydrogen refuel station unveiled

12. The EIA also reports that total fossil fuel production in public areas oil, gas and coal has plunged to a nine-year low, to 18.6 quadrillion BTUs from 21.2 quadrillion in 2003.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: Energy in the Executive

13. Today is Earth Day, and it is very likely that the fact that abundant fossil fuels like oil, natural gas and coal, are natural resources, and gifts to humanity from Mother Earth herself will be lost amid all the frightful doom and gloom predictions that will be launched by environmental activists and repeated by various media outlets.

FORBES: Thank Mother Earth for Oil, Natural Gas and Other Fossil Fuels

14. But what I want to emphasize is that this announcement is part of a broader strategy that will move us from an economy that runs on fossil fuels and foreign oil to one that relies more on homegrown fuels and clean energy.

WHITEHOUSE: Energy Security and Independence

15. Those heat-trapping gases are from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.

NPR: World Warm Last Year, But Not Like Record US Heat

16. Then Oil and other fossil fuels will go into a long decline with investors on a business decline strategy making money out of the asset stripping and running the oil fields into the ground.

FORBES: Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All

17. Amid surging oil prices and talk of fossil fuels running out, nukes have lost a lot of their taint.

FORBES: Going Nuclear

18. "We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations, " he said, warning of a "long and sometimes difficult" path to sustainable energy sources in a nation dominated by its fossil fuel industries such as oil and coal.

CNN: Obama's speech ties current issues to founding principles

19. Fossil fuel, such as oil and coal, are in such great demand because of their constant availability they are there when people and businesses need them.

FORBES: Power Opportunity for GE, et al: How To Store Wind/Solar Renewable Energy

20. That was the assessment a year-and-a-half ago, Since then, the Congressional Research Service has tabulated the totals and acknowledges that the United States currently has the largest known fossil fuel reserves in terms of total oil equivalent almost three times as much as Saudi Arabia and it seems that every month the new gets better: The reserves continue to swell.

FORBES: The Kind Of Energy Policy The U.S. Needs

21. In the fossil fuel industry, both enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and enhanced coal bed methane recovery use compressed CO2 as an input.

FORBES: New Markets Emerge for Carbon Dioxide

22. That means industry is going to have to find ways to reduce energy use, because most greenhouse gases come from burning coal, oil and other fossil fuels.

NPR: Calif. Diverges from U.S. with Greenhouse Gas Cuts

23. Now, the professors did a very careful analysis, considering fossil fuels only and converting these into oil equivalents.

FORBES: Moonshine on Capitol Hill

24. And I think what distinguishes the President's approach, all-of-the-above approach to our energy future from the Republican approach is that the Republican approach is essentially one that is written by or dictated by big oil and focuses almost entirely on oil and fossil fuels.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

25. Instead, the unmistakable message that we need to get off of dirty, unsafe fossil fuels came from an undersea volcano of oil unleashed by the hubris, recklessness, and arrogance of Big Oil.

FORBES: Digging Into The Senate Climate Bill

26. Oil companies are better known for burning fossil fuels than splicing genes.

FORBES: BP's Biotech Bet

27. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal for electricity and oil for gasoline, has caused the overwhelming bulk of the man-made increase in carbon in the air, scientists say.

NPR: Experts: CO2 Record Illustrates 'Scary' Trend

28. He said that's all the more reason to diversify away from foreign oil and fossil fuels in general.

NPR: Bush Defends Iraq Strategy, Resists Call to Leave

29. Because of the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, carbon dioxide levels have gone up by that amount in just 55 years.

NPR: Greenhouse Gas Milestone; CO2 Levels Set Record

30. Kola Aluko, a Nigerian energy and aviation tycoon, founded oil trading firm Fossil Resources in 2001, then went on to become CEO of Exoro Energy- an indigenous oil exploration and production firm.

FORBES: Ten Nigerian Multi-Millionaires You've Never Heard Of


































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