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英 [ˈsentrəlaɪzd]play美 [ˈsentrəlaɪzd]play

  • adj. 集中的;中央集权的
  • v. 集中(centralize 的过去分词)

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centralize /ˈsɛntrəˌlaɪz/ TEM8 [ centralizing centralized centralizes ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 To centralize a country, state, or organization means to create a system in which one central group of people gives instructions to regional groups. 使归中央控制; 集权的

    In the mass production era, multinational firms tended to centralize their operations.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 集权化

    ...public hostility to central banks and the centralization of power.







1. centralized network 计 集中式网络 ; 集中型网络 ; 集中网络 ; 集中性网络

2. centralized management 集中式管理,集权管理

3. Centralized traffic control 调度集中系统 ; 调度集中 ; 集中控制

4. centralized accounting system 集中核算制

5. centralized management system 自 集中管理系统 ; 集中治理系统

6. centralized treatment plant 集中处理厂

7. centralized control 集中控制

8. centralized intelligence 集中智能

9. Centralized Monitoring 自 集中监控 ; 中化监查

10. centralized purchasing 集中 ; 集中采购 ; 中采购 ; 集中化采购

11. centralized processing 集中式处理


1. Research on Centralized Monitoring System of Substation Image Monitoring System


2. Centralized configuration management and deployment.


3. Centralized revision control systems typically work in one of two ways


4. The Research of Operation Mode of Centralized Financial Management in Guangxi Mobile


5. The organization of the group be too centralized to be efficient.


6. The administration of city schools was centralized last year.


7. In the figure, a centralized region has been established.


8. Decentralized and centralized management model secondary improve the system stability and reliability.


9. Access performance or availability requirements demand centralized data.


10. All purchasing has been centralized in our office.

所有采购业务都已集中在我们办公室.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

11. As a result of this centralized assignment, IP addresses are globally unique.

这个集中分配的结果, IP地址在全球是唯一的.《互联网》

12. But we must avoid a centralized structure at all cost.


13. On the whole, our financial system is comparatively centralized.


14. The P2P has broken the traditional model of centralized network.


15. Data access can now be performed in a centralized manner.


16. The method greatly reduces centralized control, enhancing informer cooperation among individual store, distribution center, and suppliers.


17. Centralized vs. distributed repositories.


18. A Study on Incentive Mechanism for Market-oriented Centralized Waste Treatment System


19. The Research of Centralized Management and Control System for Electric Power


20. The centralized automatic testing system for Chinese adult physical measurement


21. Centralized control is usually adopted for the conventional network management platform.


22. Towns in the Northern colonies were centralized and compact.


23. What happens to the centralized electric grid, which took decades and billions of dollars to build, as more and more people become "prosumers", who produce and consume their own energy onsite?


24. Research on the Simulation System of Centralized Traffic Control for New Railway


25. China Mobile Gansu Company's Finance Centralized Management Research


26. It makes sense to have a centralized authority in charge of that, right?


27. Research on the Centralized Control Model of Network Information Communication Control Technology


28. This concept of a centralized process engine is not new.


29. Realized Technology of Power Centralized Watch and Control Simulation Training System


30. The governance model is centralized.


31. The economy of the times made it difficult to support centralized rule.


32. Centralized server to store data.


33. Web 1.0: Centralized Them.

Web 1.0:集中它们。

34. In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations


35. Research on Centralized Procurement and Supply Management of China Railway Engineering Material


36. All the security activities are centralized in the security server.


37. It assumes that centralized management was critical to dealing with issues caused by sudden population surges, like a strain on limited food supplies.


38. SSO reduces the network traffic to the centralized server.


39. Study on Optimized Scale of Centralized Municipal Wastewater Treatment System


40. Design and Application of Centralized Drive and Environment Monitor System of Communication


41. The expansion of colonial shipping in turn accelerated urbanization by creating a need for centralized docks, warehouses, and repair shops in the colonies.


42. We will promote the centralized purchase and unified distribution of basic drugs.


43. Large centralized generators have been the primary method thus far.


44. Application Analysis of Electric Power Centralized Copying Electricity Meter System


45. For a unit motor system, decision fusion may use centralized architecture.


46. It is the centralized, up - to date reference for rendering of accounts.

它是开列账目的集中的, 最新的参考.《互联网》

47. What happens to the centralized electric grid, which took decades and billions of dollars to build, as more and more people become "prosumers," who produce and consume their own energy onsite?

如果越来越多的人成为“产消合一者”,自己随时产出并消费能源,那些曾花费数十年和上百亿美金建造的中央电网该怎么办呢?《六级真题- 2016年 12月 3卷 阅读A》

48. In BPM 2.0, content doesn't remain centralized within the organization.

在BPM 2.0中,内容在组织内不是集中存放的。

49. Centralized Supervision and Management of Power System for Telecom


50. The centralized structure is just a middle stage.


51. A centralized safety unit to establish and control Train separation.


52. Power is no longer as centralized as it once was.


53. Oilfield Water Injection Remote Centralized Control System Based on DSP


54. Villages scattered around the district will be gradually merged and towns centralized.


55. In old days wealth and power centralized in the hands of a few noble families.


56. All food safety issues can be controlled at the centralized plant.


57. Completely centralized management and administration.


58. Effects of Centralized Management and Strategies for Integrated Management of the Yellow River


59. Some scholars argue that the concentration of water within the urban core of these sites provided a centralized source of political authority for Maya elites based largely on controlled water access.


60. The logs and data-sharing architecture are centralized for all the clients.


61. To manage intensified food production, to collect, store and distribute food, you need centralized decision-making, centralized decision-makers.


62. A Centralized Differential Archiving Method for File Level Continuous Data Protection


63. Establishing the centralized administration system of land market;


64. The invention also provides an electronic order centralized - control method.


65. There needs to be a server based, centralized build process.


66. The requirements of cooperative and centralized systems make the acceptance of standards of vital importance.


67. In order to centralized power control, centralized fund management has become a trend among the large enterprises both abroad and domestic.


68. It's also a centralized reflection of the anthropological stand of apriorism.


69. In this phase, the centralized infrastructure is installed at the regional hub.


70. Development of a centralized hierarchical stability control system and its application in Guizhou power system


71. The invention relates to an electronic order centralized - control system and method.


72. However, guerrilla warfare cannot be successfully developed without some centralized command.


73. A Centralized Monitoring System Based on the Distributed Network of Coal Mine


74. Is government becoming too centralized?



1. If Europe is to become a centralized state, it will do so by evolution, not dictate.

FORBES: Ireland's 'No' Gives Europe Breathing Room

2. How did it get this way? Just thinking over the long run, How did France end up so centralized?

为什么会这样,从长远来看,法国为何变得如此中央集权化1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. We'll want to have centralized power stations.

VOA : standard.2010.04.21

4. An omnipresent bureaucracy with its detailed and all encompassing records gives the clearest picture of the power exercised by the centralized monarchs of the Mycenaean Age."

一个无处不在的官僚体制,所留下详尽细致,无所不包的记录,清晰地描绘了,迈锡尼时期中央集权统治的实行"古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Some recent investments in centralized nuclear plants in other countries highlight and echo these lessons.

FORBES: New Centralized Nuclear Plants: Still an Investment Worth Making?

6. Credit default swaps becoming more exchange-oriented with centralized clearing perhaps even a consolidated tape.

FORBES: Phil Purcell's Words Of Wisdom

7. We've centralized the note issue in the United States starting in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Board so your notes that you see are called Federal Reserve Notes.

我们在1913年通过联邦储备金监察小组,集中了美国发行的钞票,所以你看到的钞票,叫做联邦储备券。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. That said, the current government approach to cybersecurity relies unacceptably on centralized monitoring and protection architectures.

FORBES: Cyberwar Or Not Cyberwar? And Why That Is The Question

9. All states centralized, became larger and centralized their ability to extract resources from their population.

所有中央集权化制的国家,会变得更大,并集中所有能力,对人民敲骨吸髓1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. But, the reality is that his policies do indeed require a fairly large-scale centralized plan.

FORBES: The Question I Ponder: Who Plans (And Spends) For Whom?

11. There were no fiscal limitations or centralized governing bodies, such as the eurozone has today.

FORBES: The 1870-1914 Gold Standard: The Most Perfect One Ever Created

12. Under his plan the large centralized radar facility proposed for the Czech Republic will not be needed, nor will the earlier generation of ground-based interceptors planned for Poland.

VOA : standard.2009.09.17

13. P. was a centralized organization, run from New York according to highly formalized operating procedures.

NEWYORKER: Small Change

14. An alternative money provider that was centralized would probably not survive long in any jurisdiction.

FORBES: Bitcoin Prevents Monetary Tyranny

15. Subprime Lending and Our Financial Crisis: The Result of Centralized Planning Planning for competition works wonders.

FORBES: No, I'm not voting for Obama

16. Other countries have it centralized but in the U.S. it's split up over fifty states.

其他国家均实行国家统一监管,但美国却把监管权分给了各个州金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. To handle the influx, the IRS centralized its review of these applications in an office in Cincinnati.

NPR: AP Exclusive: IRS Knew Tea Party Targeted In 2011

18. From these vantage points, they had been able to plunder the resources of the centralized state.

WSJ: One Cheer for Corruption in India

19. Dagne says highly de-centralized and mobile al-Shabaab forces threaten the Transitional Federal Government, and noted that African Union forces are constrained because they are not authorized to take offensive action.

VOA : standard.2009.06.26

20. Without a centralized, institutional investor pushing for discipline and a timely ROI, the company is languishing.

FORBES: The ABCs Of VC Funding And Building Your Board

21. The transition from centralized computing resources to personal computing unleashed a multi-decade wave of productivity.

FORBES: The Best Thing to Offer a Technology Customer: Choice

22. Despite all of the--Mitterrand's plans for decentralization, and the creation of regional councils, basically France remains the most centralized state in Western Europe, and the role of Paris in French life does not have an equivalent in other European countries.

尽管密特朗计划在法国实施,去中央集权化并创立地方议会,法国基本上还是西欧,中央集权化程度最高的国家,巴黎在法国的地位是欧洲其它国家的城市,所不能比拟的1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. According to Talpes, along with communism came a passion for centralized planning among government controlled companies.

FORBES: Will Bitdefender Be Romania's First Tech IPO?

24. Law enforcement has discovered innovative ways to match fingerprints and ballistics against centralized, digitized databases.

FORBES: Big Bets On Big Data

25. It is doubtful that any organization will ever get to a truly centralized information management infrastructure.

FORBES: eDiscovery 2012: The Year In Review

26. In the typical Japanese model, product development was frustratingly (for U.S. management) centralized in Japan.

FORBES: Panasonic Steps Up Its Solutions Game

27. Before Bitcoin, the only known way to address this issue was to have a centralized transaction register.

FORBES: Four Reasons Bitcoin Is Worth Studying

28. Now there's something very wrong about this diagram, in that it's showing these functions as sort of centralized in the core, and of course that's not how your body is organized.

这张图上有些东西是不对的,图上显示这些功能都围绕着一个核心,当然,这绝不是人体的组织形式生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. So it's a country which, with centralized management, I think is doing an incredible job.

FORBES: Intelligent Investing Transcript

30. What if the servers were distributed to homes and offices instead of placed in a centralized location?

FORBES: Combined Heat and Computing: The Big Green Story for 2012?

31. "We can,if necessary, be very centralized,"

VOA : standard.2009.09.24

32. Throughout the salesforce.com journey, the company has been a disruptive force against centralized top-down systems.

FORBES: Marc Benioff to Write Age of Context Foreword

33. They replaced it with a much more centralized government with the a great deal more power.

FORBES: We Demand Fiscally Responsible Government

34. Still, some area residents say they will miss the centralized access it offered to city services.

WSJ: Deal of the Week: El Paso Steps Up to Plate

35. And, what they were trying to do was imagine a new world which would be less centralized; but, for the socialists, they wanted more centralization.

他们留下的目的就是,能生活在一个没有中央集权的社会中,但是,对于社会主义者来说则正相反1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. But through low tax rates and free markets they've soared ahead of centralized economies.

CNN: State of the Union Address

37. The Soviets had a strong, centralized military bureaucracy, with a long tradition of theoretical analysis.

NEWYORKER: Creation Myth

38. And,so,you've got these processes in the nineteenth century, economic processes that you find all over Europe that consolidate the power of the French State, centralized in Paris.

你了解到了,十九世纪的发展历程,经济发展历程,巩固了法国以巴黎为核心的,中央集权统治1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. The currency is centralized at the European Central Bank.

货币在欧洲中央银行,被统一了。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Decentralizing those connections by expanding Gatwick would undermine the "network effects" of having a centralized hub.

BBC: Terminal 5: Welcome arrival or major infringement?

41. The centralized model fails to meet the different learning styles and unique interests of individual children.

FORBES: The Teachers Strike May Have Been In Chicago, But It's Our Problem

42. And, so, this is an entry path to see this, to see this thing brought down as a symbol of centralized oppression.

这正是观察集权压制,走向末路的一个切入点1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. Eventually, the parent corporation centralized operations to the point where Sullivan's job in Seattle was eliminated.

FORBES: Magazine Article

44. Data can be better secured since the management is centralized, even though access is distributed.

FORBES: Best Practices For Managing Big Data

45. Again, I want to say it's the because in Egypt the whole Nile Valley-- because I think of the nature of the Nile Valley-- became totally centralized, under the rule of one man, the Pharaoh, and he commanded the whole thing.

我想强调的是,由于在埃及的整个尼罗河流域,当然,我认为尼罗河流域的政权性质,是完全集权化的,法老是唯一的统治者,并且他控制着所有事物古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. No longer is the artist (or the record company) trying to keep everything centralized.

FORBES: The User-Generated Concert: This Is The Remix



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