economic slump翻译_economic slump短语搭配_economic slump权威例句

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economic slump


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1. an economic slump 经济低迷

2. global economic slump 全球经济衰退

3. combat the global economic slump 抵抗全球经济衰退 ; 抵当环球经济阑珊

4. the global economic slump 全球经济衰退

5. world economic slump 世界经济衰退

6. battle the universal economic slump 抵抗全球经济衰退


1. Challenges and Opportunities of China's Information Industry under the Global Economic Slump


2. Their pleas come as donor countries are recovering from the worst worldwide economic slump since the 1930s.


3. But paying off debts will be an enormous and painful task, which could also prolong the pain inflicted by the economic slump.


4. Some donors are concerned the area may see an economic slump after the reconstruction jobs disappear.


5. THE worst global economic slump since the Depression has generated reams of mind - boggling numbers.


6. The overall trade deficit is expected to continue shrinking, as the economic slump leads to lower demand for imported goods.


7. Then there is France, where couples looked at the economic slump and shrugged.


8. The current economic slump is an earnest of the major recession to come.


9. This loss of appetite didn't begin with the economic slump.


10. COULD those who produce luxury goods escape the worst of the global economic slump?


11. Today's economic slump could well generate a similar backlog of couples whose relationships have been irreparably ruined.


12. Is Asia really heading for such a painful economic slump?


13. And he praised Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson for his efforts to promote calm and correct the economic slump.


14. The economic slump is a second worry.


15. The election comes amid the deepest global economic slump for two generations.


16. Having lasting significance or worth; enduring. At this point in time it is hard to say how long the economic slump will last.


17. But war and the economic slump have made them even more challenging to achieve.


18. We are victims of the economic slump in the UK, he said, with public sector clients cutting back.


19. But the West's economic slump has given force to their claims by sapping the earning power of the young.


20. The economic slump is hammering sales and profits for these manufacturers, too.


21. Millennials, of course, will have to temper their expectations as they seek employment during this deep economic slump.


22. The economic slump has meant a growing share of the world's population is going hungry, after a steady decline since 1970.


23. Yet analysts think the British habit of piling children's bedrooms with junk is changing, thanks to the economic slump.


24. Goodyear could be vulnerable in a prolonged economic slump.


25. The overall trade deficit is expected to continue shrinking, as the economic slump leads to lower demand for imported goods.


26. But sales are already suffering with Russia's economic slump.


27. But pressure is mounting as Russia faces its worst economic slump in 10 years.


28. First, in any economic slump fear can easily give rise to protectionist policies on Tariffs and quotas.


29. Toyota has been slower to adjust to the global economic slump than its main Japanese rivals.


30. Toyoda, 57, took over as Toyota chief in 2009, amid a worldwide economic slump.


31. The economic slump is hammering sales and profits for these manufacturers, too.


32. Many people are unemployed as a result of the economic slump.


33. The world is scraping Bottom in the deepest economic slump in a half-century.


34. The election comes amid the deepest global economic slump for twogenerations.


35. THE worst global economic slump since the Depression has generated reams of mind-boggling numbers.


36. Analysis and Countermeasures for the economic slump of ceramics enterprises in Jiangsu Province


37. During an economic slump, the government has to boost demand.


38. The reduction in labour input would be voluntary and completely different from what happens in an economic slump.


39. First, in any economic slump fear can easily give rise to protectionist policies on tariffs and quotas.


40. And even those not willing to go that far argued that any attempt to fight an economic slump would do more harm than good.


41. At this point in time it is hard to say how long the economic slump will last.


42. The LDP can hope to win some benefit from signs the worst of the current vicious economic slump may now be over.


43. They are planning to get out of the economic slump, watch out for each other and let fast rising nations help out.


44. Yet analysts think the British habit of piling children's bedrooms with junk is changing, thanks to the economic slump.


45. Bankers warned yesterday that this trend was a creeping form of protectionism that could plunge the world into a deeper economic slump.


46. This strategy may be of particular interest during an economic slump when businesses are being pushed to cut spending.


47. Its combination with Western economic slump promoted the first transformation from the new classical economics to Kains economics.


48. But if deflation is the result of a deepening economic slump, that's another thing entirely.


49. It will take World War II to pull America out of its economic slump.


50. Greece's ongoing instability has sparked public discontent at the country's recent economic slump and rising unemployment levels.


51. The world is scraping Bottom in the deepest economic slump in a half - century.

世界目前正处在 半 个世纪以来最严重的经济衰退的沟底.《互联网》

52. When everyone tried to restrict imports, the combined effect was a deeper global economic slump.


53. I can understand that this economic slump is hard on the company, as it is on all of us.


54. The current economic slump is an earnest of the major recession to come.


55. Wal-Mart Stores ( WMT), the world's largest retailer, has increased its market share during the economic slump.


56. THE last time Mexico suffered an economic slump, in 1995, it turned to its northern neighbour for help.


57. For a while, a falling U. S. trade deficit helped cushion the economic slump.


58. Some donors are concerned the area may see an economic slump after the reconstruction jobs disappear.


59. COULD those who produce luxury goods escape the worst of the global economic slump?


60. Preparations required to cope with us and Japanese economic slump.

对美日经济低迷要有应对准备。《provided by jukuu》

61. Many people are unemployed as a result of the economic slump.


62. I voted for Reagan because I think he can lead us out of this terrible economic slump.



1. On top of all the other problems, Mr Pastrana's government must deal with an economic slump.

ECONOMIST: Pastranas many battles

2. With the economic slump of recent years has come pressure on business executives to justify spending on sponsorships and other sports marketing.

FORBES: Roush Fenway Racing Tries New Sponsor Pitch

3. Even before the longstanding economic slump began in 2008, U.S. emissions remained essentially flat, rising merely 2 percent between 2000 and 2007.

FORBES: Skynet Terminator Speaks Chinese

4. But the economic slump and awful weather have kept buyers away.

FORBES: Speed Bump

5. But health REITs are better insulated from an economic slump than, for instance, office REITs.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. Twenty-three years ago, amid an oil crisis and a world economic slump, the territory still had one foot in poverty.

ECONOMIST: One of the worlds most dynamic economies is in recession

7. As we should have learned decades ago, the only thing these increases do is deepen an economic slump.

FORBES: Will Paul Ryan Save Civilization?

8. Coal was extracted from the region from the 17th to the 20th century, when it suffered an economic slump.

CNN: Coal slag heaps join pyramids on World Heritage list

9. Anyway, both inflation and high interest rates which have contributed to an economic slump would come tumbling down, boosting growth and speeding up convergence.

ECONOMIST: Some EU candidates favour an early move to the euro

10. The election comes amid the deepest global economic slump for two generations.

ECONOMIST: Democracy in India

11. Trade agreements are always controversial, but particularly so this year because of the economic slump in the United States.

FORBES: Bush's Risky Trade Bet

12. If Europe goes into a deep or prolonged economic slump, the rest of the world follows.

FORBES: Dire Consequences As Global Growth Grinds To A Halt

13. The post-economic slump climate has most teams shying away from overpaying the back end of such contracts.

FORBES: Expect a Limited Market for Pujols

14. Yet analysts think the British habit of piling children's bedrooms with junk is changing, thanks to the economic slump.

ECONOMIST: Toys and culture

15. Before Asia's economic slump in 1997, Indonesia had become Australia's second-biggest export market in South-East Asia.

ECONOMIST: Australia and Indonesia

16. At stake is whether Japan will enter another 50-year productive spurt or see its 10-year economic slump continue indefinitely.

FORBES: Japan's Dirty Secrets

17. Compared to tropical or refined destinations, Clark County, Nevada has some appealing characteristics in the midst of an economic slump.

FORBES: Vegas Visitor Volume Up, Local Economy Still In A Slump

18. During the heart of the economic slump, many retailers slashed prices in hopes of luring cash-strapped consumers and ridding themselves of excess inventory.

FORBES: For The Super Bowl And Beyond, Price Is The Problem

19. The message from official Japan couldn't be clearer: the end of the economic slump is finally in sight.


20. Japan's prolonged economic slump is partly to blame for the rise in crime, but in a curiously indirect way.

ECONOMIST: And the prisons fill up

21. Five companies that have had a stellar 2001 despite this year's severe economic slump.

FORBES: The Overachievers Of 2002

22. Certainly, China will feel some pain, particularly because the economic slump in Japan and Korea will hurt demand for Chinese products.

ECONOMIST: Chinas currency

23. Economists warn that overindulgence in gold often prefigures an economic slump, however.

WSJ: In Thailand, Those Seeking A Golden Glow Rush to the Spa

24. These were five companies that, despite the dramatic U.S. economic slump, had managed to grow profits and sales without laying off employees.

FORBES: The Overachievers Of 2002

25. Hotel revenues and occupancy levels are improving worldwide after the economic slump.

FORBES: Priceline Pops Above $515 By Grabbing Greater Hotel Room Market Share

26. But right now, the key is making sure that we pull ourselves out of the economic slump that we're in.

WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference

27. And, crucially, Indonesia is weathering the global financial economic slump better than most places.

ECONOMIST: The president in the driving seat

28. And this is not the 1930s, when the economic slump pushed every country bar the then Czechoslovakia into autocratic rule.

ECONOMIST: Doom and gloom are not universal

29. The challenges facing newspapers long predate the worst economic slump since the Great Depression.

CNN: Newspapers fold as readers defect and economy sours

30. The prolonged economic slump that has exacerbated Japan's fiscal problems also has trapped younger workers in temporary jobs with meager pay.

WSJ: Japan Welfare Case Stirs Debate on Who Should Care for Needy



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