most passionate是什么意思_most passionate短语搭配_most passionate权威例句

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most passionate

adj. 狂热的;热诚的;拥有(或表现出)强烈性爱的;情意绵绵的;怒不可遏的


英 [məʊst ˈpæʃənət]play 美 [moʊst ˈpæʃənət]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. And proceeded to give his wife the longest, most passionate kiss I ever remember seeing.


2. One of the most passionate heart, should be invented with a difference.


3. Take some time to make a short but relevant list with the things you are most passionate about, and would make easy conversational topics for you.


4. On the cover of one of my books, Up from Eden, was a quote from Rollo: "Ken Wilber is the most passionate philosopher I know."

在我的一本书,《来自伊甸园》(Up from Eden,)的封面上,援引了罗洛说的一句话:“肯·威尔伯是我所见过的最有热情的哲学家。”

5. The disenchantment with Obama among some of his most passionate supporters finds an echo in Fitzgerald’s portrait of Gatsby’s social dynamic. Gatsby had


6. But he seemed most passionate about his efforts to encourage investment from outsiders.


7. Chinese and foreign researchers were most passionate in conducting the researches of measure.


8. I would have to say I am most passionate for finding someone to share everything in life with.


9. The most passionate debate, however, has centred on two men: Pele and Diego Maradona.


10. I've worked with some of the brightest and most passionate people in the world. Together, we've built a great company whose products have empowered people around the world.


11. It is not surprising that the most passionate analysis of Gordimer's work and the most hostile reactions generally come from other South Africans or ex-Africans.


12. Their most passionate interests are understanding and knowledge, and their greatest pleasure a lively life of the mind.


13. Extremely successful bloggers like Darren Rowse started blogging about topic he is most passionate about: photography.

极其成功的博客人如Darren Rowse是以他最感兴趣的主题开博的:摄影。

14. Posthumus now broke out into the most passionate exclamations against Imogen.


15. The Italians are said to be the most passionate people in europe.

据说意大利人是欧洲最有激情的民族。《provided by jukuu》

16. Love that matures through hardships is the most passionate love.


17. With every instant message a user sends, it helps address issues one feels most passionate about, including poverty, child protection, disease and environmental degradation.


18. Even the smartest, most passionate people won't thrive in - or will soon abandon - a work environment that stifles them.


19. At the end of the day, it is about finding that inner strength we all have, and summoning the courage to align it with the things we are most passionate about.


20. It broadcasts its spring 2010 ready-to-wear show live exclusively to Facebook followers, offering a big incentive for recruiting new fans and a reward to its most passionate customers.


21. Paloma says that if he has to write articles, he prefers to report on subjects he is most passionate about in his new home: skateboarding and playing pool with his American classmates.


22. This is a horribly difficult call, and not even the most passionate advocate of the responsibility to protect can pretend otherwise.


23. Linda Hogan, a Native American of Chickasaw decent, is widely considered as one of the most passionate, lyrical, and imaginative American environmental writers.


24. Love that matures through hardships is the most passionate love.


25. Even in his most passionate, he has such a Lengao.


26. That were rated the most passionate, the most pure.

这个是最富激情和最纯洁的。《provided by jukuu》

27. Set your goals based not on what you know you can do. Set your goals based on what you're most passionate about.


28. Strange encounters take place in a secret dream, for he is the most passionate lover of all time.

一场幽梦同谁近,千古情人独我痴。《provided by jukuu》

29. Money: It comes more easily when you are doing the things that you are most passionate about.


30. For method, it means a daily dialogue with thousands of their most passionate advocates, the people against dirty.

Method与成千上万名、充满激情的People Against Dirty宣传者进行每日对话。

31. And make sure that you don't deviate from the design career path that you're most passionate and excited about?


32. Finally, he agreed to let me take it off the porch property with my most passionate assurances that I would be careful with his grand-father's wisdom.


33. Giving her the longest, most passionate kiss I ever remember seeing.


34. This is the World Cup in the country that is most passionate about soccer.


35. Get an idea as to what you're most passionate about, and then evaluate the likelihood that you can make it work.


36. This is just actually an excellent book on the Memory Wars by Frederick Crews, which — and Frederick Crews is one of the strongest and most passionate critics of Freud.


37. He's great at football, but drawing is definitely what he is most passionate about.


38. And Buenos, Aires, the city associated with the most passionate dance on the planet, tango, rounds off the top five.


39. Hopeful bets are placed, tense decisions made and Hong Kong's most passionate spectator activity is underway.


40. Most passionate people who follow their life longings are happy and fulfilled individuals.


41. Of all the dreams, this is the one I'm most passionate about.


42. The disenchantment with Obama among some of his most passionate supporters finds an echo in Fitzgerald's portrait of Gatsby's social dynamic.


43. The most passionate thing in my life happened to someone else.

我生命中最渴望的事在其他人身上出现了。《provided by jukuu》

44. Fortunately, many of the most prominent campaigners against shark fin are Chinese, with Yao Ming, the recently retired basketball sensation, among the most passionate.


45. Peru and India rated as the next most passionate football nations, with 38 percent and 31 percent of individuals from those countries respectively saying that they were passionate followers of football.


46. One of the most passionate retailers I'm aware of is Julian Richer the owner of the Richer stores in the United Kingdom.


47. True happiness comes when you do what you are most passionate about .


48. Enlist the aid of your highly affiliated, most passionate customers to help you improve an aspect of your business every week so that it builds monthly momentum.


49. With every instant message a user sends, it helps address issues one feels most passionate about, including poverty, child protection, disease and environmental degradation.


50. Get an idea as to what you're most passionate about, and then evaluate the likelihood that you can make it work.


51. The 100 most passionate films were selected by a blue-ribbon panel of leaders from the film community, including directors, screenwriters, actors, cinematographers, and historians.


52. I am the MOST passionate man in the WORLD!


53. The response is his most passionate, and comes with more hand waving than normal.


54. My youngest son BB (poodle) is the most passionate. He is also a "Doctor Pet" and a part-time model!


55. I would have to say I am most passionate for finding someone to share everything in life with.


56. We all tend to overemphasize the purposes we feel most passionate about and neglect the others. Churches do the same thing.


57. What are you most passionate about?


58. My best friend recently told me that I was the most passionate person she's ever known.



1. Yet, at the same time, this internationally minded businessman is the most passionate defender of what are, in effect, the interests of small-town Switzerland.

ECONOMIST: Christoph Blocher, ascendant Swiss populist

2. "Whatever you're most passionate about when you're five is what you should do for the rest of your life, " says Ms. Stephens, 54 years old.

WSJ: On Pins and Needles: Stylist Turns Ancient Hairdo Debate on Its Head

3. In perhaps the most passionate part of his speech, Obama was also sending a message to voters, who polls have shown are divided over changes in gun law.

CNN: Obama's emotional plea might lead to vote on guns

4. It's got the world's most passionate fans, and the track layout always promises great drama.

FORBES: Just the ticket.

5. And then watch what happens to the prose style and the difference in tone: I find it most difficult to express with adequate force that flash, that shiver, that impact of passionate recognition.

然后看看那些散文风格,及语调发生的改变:,我发现要恰如其份地表现一刹那的那种颤栗,那种动了感情发现的碰撞,真是最为困难。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. This seems like a reasonable response, but Dean Ornish, probably the best-known and most passionate advocate of low-fat diets, goes much further in attacking the credibility of the trial.

FORBES: The Mediterranean Diet: The New Gold Standard?

7. This simple illustration of how all those Joneses up and down the block were performing proved far more effective than the most passionate and slickly produced of marketing campaigns with one flaw.

FORBES: Op-ed: Behavioral economics and your monthly energy bill

8. Today, companies that are raising capital are not able to inform even their most passionate supporters.

FORBES: Happy First Birthday JOBS Act

9. Unsurprisingly, some of Kennedy's best-known dealmaking came in the areas he was most passionate about: education and health care.

FORBES: The Senate

10. It may be 25 years since the strike started, initially in Yorkshire, but it can still evoke the most passionate of opinions in this small community of around 4, 000 people.

BBC: 'Little Moscow' remembers strike

11. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has upped his rhetoric in recent days, criticizing the Israeli strikes but reserving his most passionate denunciation for the Assad regime.

CNN: 5 reasons Syria's war suddenly looks more dangerous

12. As a result, it looks as if the projects I was most passionate about were also the ones that worked.

FORBES: Vision+Passion: Source of Entrepreneurial Success, or Result of It?

13. As a writer, she is most passionate about discussing leadership, feminism, social-issues and education.

FORBES: From Intern to Television, How Asking One Question Changed Her Career

14. He's the hardest working, biggest money raiser and frankly the most passionate Democrat in the House, " Ford told CNN's "CrossFire.

CNN: Gephardt considers future

15. But Clinton's language about what was at stake this November could have been lifted from a speech by any of the most passionate Obama supporters.

CNN: Analysis: Was Tuesday first speech of next Clinton campaign?

16. He is most passionate about basketball, but his height makes it much more likely that he will have success in football.

FORBES: Career Advice For Graduates

17. Or the student who pursued a wide range of activities and subjects, never focusing on one, even though he was most passionate about environmental sustainability.


18. So many of us learn as we go through life to hide that most passionate part of ourselves, because that attracts criticism, or scorn, or rejection.

FORBES: The Two Secrets For Giving A TED Speech That Lasts

19. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook states that people should find that thing they are most passionate about and pursue it.

FORBES: Does Being Passionate About the Work You Do Increase Your Chance of Success?

20. One of the females in attendance was probably the loudest and most passionate, and she knew plenty about her team.

FORBES: Is ESPN Alienating Current Female Viewers In Attempt To Attract New Ones?

21. Perhaps the two could go a step further in the last days of the campaign and argue which is the most passionate about cars irrespective of economic policy.

FORBES: Who's The Bigger Car Guy: Obama, Romney Or...LBJ?

22. With that much money on the table, it should come as no surprise that these same variable-annuity-selling broker-dealers are among the most passionate opponents of the fiduciary standard.

FORBES: Why Investors Should Care About The Fiduciary Standard

23. This view had been made unfashionable by the fact that one of its most passionate advocates is Prince Charles.

ECONOMIST: The south-east

24. This is just actually an excellent book on The Memory Wars by Frederick Crews, which--and Frederick Crews is one of the strongest and most passionate critics of Freud.

记忆战争》,是一本好书,由弗雷德里克·克鲁斯所著,弗雷德里克·克鲁斯是对弗洛伊德批评,最为有力也最为激烈的人物之一。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Yet some of the Kumbh Mela's most passionate participants could mar it.

ECONOMIST: Take me to the river

26. But some of the most passionate outbursts have come from judges trying to sort through its language.

WSJ: Here's a Funny Idea: Medicare Laws That Are Easy to Read

27. Mohr told Omidyar to figure out the things that he was most passionate about, so that he could act on them.

FORBES: The Radical Philanthropist

28. To Paul's most passionate followers, though, it doesn't matter that Paul has earned only an estimated 76 delegates (although his supporters challenge that number), compared with Romney's 841.

CNN: For Paul's true believers, a study in American optimism

29. When FORBES recently ran the numbers on which NFL faithful were the most passionate (comparing television ratings and Internet traffic to market size) the Cheeseheads emerged on top.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. But perhaps surprisingly, the most passionate argument on this issue has arisen not between government and opposition, but between two Labour backbenchers who regard the issue as one of principle.

ECONOMIST: British nationals abroad

31. Although I don't want to push my daughter into any specific career, I fear I'm doing just that, simply because it's the path that her father and I feel most passionate about.

WSJ: Our Child Hates Mathand We Parents Are Partly to Blame

32. What follow are the most passionate and explicitly erotic love scenes that Allen has ever directed.

NEWYORKER: Match Point









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