to park是什么意思_to park怎么读_to park的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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to park

to park

网络 停车;停放

英 [tu pɑːk]play 美 [tu pɑːrk]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. to park the ship incident 故意停船搁浅

2. Go to Park 逛逛公园 ; 去公园 ; 走走公园 ; 进入园区

3. shift to park 转移到公园 ; 转移园

4. to park the bus 铁桶式防守

5. Been to Park 去过公园

6. How to get to Park 怎么去公园 ; 如何找到公园 ; 如何获取到公园

7. How to Park in Chicago 芝加哥的停车场

8. difficult to park 停车难

9. I will go to Park 我将要去公园


1. You're not supposed to park car here. It's private parking only.


2. They know they're not allowed to park there , but , contrariwise, they always do.

他们明知不准在那里停车, 却偏偏总要把车停在那里.《辞典例句》

3. Santas are told to park their car a few streets away and walk.


4. We wanted to park in front of the bank, but the traffic warden moved us on.

我们想在银行前面停车, 可交通监察员却把我们驱走了.《简明英汉词典》

5. Would you trust a robot to park your car?


6. You decide to park farther away and take the stairs.


7. There was the usual faff of finding somewhere to park the car.


8. They are happy to park children in creches, which remain more plentiful than in the west.


9. The game when starts displays the Time ( mili seconds) and number of moves you take in order to park the car.


10. I really can't find a place to park my car.


11. He should have had the sense to park the car in the shade.

他本应该知道要把车停在阴凉处。《provided by jukuu》

12. He found a place to park the car.


13. Or see this guy trying to park?


14. Is it permissible to park my car here?

可允许的,我把车停在这里可以吗?《provided by jukuu》

15. The government leading has the vital significance to park and to achieve the goal of development.


16. Borrowers use credit to buy houses, boats, and an extra Jaguar to park out on the lawn.


17. How much is it to park hotel?

去花园饭店多少钱?《provided by jukuu》

18. It was very foolish of you to park the car near the bus stop.


19. One day your car will drop you at work, then drive itself off, either to park outside town or to collect someone else.


20. The sector is used by institutional investors to park cash not invested elsewhere.


21. You're not meant to park your car in front of the main entrance.


22. Parking assist system helps the driver of the truck to park.


23. I do not think it advisable to park our car here.


24. I found a place to park beside a station wagon.


25. It was often difficult to find a place to park.


26. Emergency vehicles will be permitted to park on the shoulder and left lane area when responding to emergencies.

应急时,允许紧急车辆停在路肩和左侧车道区。《provided by jukuu》

27. After Christmas, Bill drove up from Hot Springs to Park Ridge to spend a few days with my family.


28. Sorry, can't stop here. there's nowhere to park.

对不起,这儿不能停,没有地方可以停车。《provided by jukuu》

29. I think they've got a cheek making you pay to park the car.


30. And it's hard to find a place to park there.


31. The simulation and experiment results show that in the scope suited to Park model, the new model has the exactly same behavior as the Park model.


32. Can you find a free space to park the car?

你能找到停车的空位 吗 ?《辞典例句》

33. We need not actually forbid a citizen to park as long as he wants to;


34. In order to register a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it.


35. Am I permitted to park my car there?


36. Students are requested to park at the rear of the building.


37. You will need a parking permit if you want to park in this street.

如果你想在这条街停车,你需要有一个停车许可证。《provided by jukuu》

38. I had to drive two blocks before I spotted a place to park the car.


39. There was the usual faff of finding somewhere to park the car.


40. It is not lawful to park in front of a hydrant.


41. It is against the law to park here overnight.

整夜在这里停车是违法的。《provided by jukuu》

42. You are not allowed to park here.


43. It costs 10 p. an hour to park in this car park.


44. It is illegal to park your car here.


45. He had to park his car somewhere else, and then walked back home.


46. You don't know how to park a bicycle straight.


47. Small cars are easier to park than big ones.


48. I'll ask if it's all right to park here.


49. When he got home at noon, he had to drive another place to park his car, then walked back home.


50. No permission to park!


51. People like to park in the fall, the outskirts of kite flying.

人们在秋天喜欢到公园, 郊区放风筝.《互联网》

52. We're going to have to park here and walk up so as not to be noticed.


53. Mark: Sorry, but you'll have to park in a normal space.


54. That would give banks an incentive to park money at the Fed, rather than lending it out.


55. We couldn't find a space to park near the station.

我们在火车站附近找不到停车的地方。《provided by jukuu》

56. Tanks are heavy on fuel, destructive to roads and difficult to park.


57. However, everybody agreed that it was still important to have a school library. So, the head of the school, Graham Blake, decided to park an old bus on the school car park and change it into a library.


58. You prefer to park on the sidewalk.


59. He found a place to park the car


60. They are forbidden us to park the car here.


61. You're not supposed to park car here. It's private parking only.


62. Ar-we cant go up and we cant go down, you want us to park here?

我们不能前进不能后退,你想让我们停在这里吗?《provided by jukuu》

63. Some others say no to this offer because they think women have passed the same driving test as men and therefore they should be able to park just as well.


64. According to Automotive News, he wanted a car that would be easy to park.

据Automotive New报道,他仅仅是想让一辆车在拥挤的大城市很容易找到停车位。

65. I'll ask if it's all right to park here.


66. Of course, some drivers also clearly believe they're just another place to park.


67. Students are requested to park at the rear of the Department.


68. I think they've got a cheek making you pay to park the car.


69. A: I'm sorry. You're not supposed to park in front of the building.



1. When many people think of Florida, images of sandy coastlines or fun theme park rides come to mind.

VOA : special.2010.09.21

2. In the lower parts of the structure are spaces for cars to park and residents to live.

BBC: Betaville lets New Yorkers play real-world Sim City

3. When he does invest, he will think carefully about where to park his savings, consulting experts, judiciously diversifying.

FORBES: The Entitlement State Is Morally Bankrupt

4. And now, it's like everyone just wants to be in Central Park, picnics all the time in the summer.

而现在,好像人人都想去中央公园,在夏天,他们随时都想在这里野餐。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 最美丽的公园

5. Instead, they argued that workers should be able to park their pension savings in an "aggregator pot".

BBC: Pension reforms plans 'could cut retirement income'

6. cause they'd have to pay some to park them somewhere.

因为他们得花停车费。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 公共交通更方便

7. High reserve requirements, which force banks to park much of their capital with the Central Bank, helped too.

ECONOMIST: Brazil's presidential campaign

8. The first park to charge a visitor fee was Mount Rainier in the northwestern state of Washington in nineteen hundred and eight.

VOA : special.2009.09.28

9. This team went to a location in downtown Chicago where bike commuters come to park their bikes.

FORBES: Getting The Most Out Of 'Getting Out Of The Building'

10. And not completely dark. The National Park Service has enough lighting to see many of the beautiful formations all around.

VOA : special.2009.12.07

11. Then, I went out to Golden Gate Park and I went to the Bison Paddock.

接着我去了金门公园,去了野牛帕多克。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

12. Nobody knew where to park, so we parked on the side of the street and ran through Lafayette Park.

CNN: We celebrated 'the death of my generation's face of terror'

13. For starters, ranch real estate can be a good place to park money, say brokers and money managers.

FORBES: Energy Boom Fueling Demand For Ranch Real Estate

14. He said the goal of creating the park was to protect forever a wild area that cannot be replaced.

VOA : special.2009.06.30

15. "I will take the children on an outing as well. I will take them to the zoo or to the park.

VOA : special.2009.08.10

16. People would then see where to park on their satnavs or phones, park and then pay in one process.

BBC: Parking - Your Thoughts

17. We went to Vancouver and I really like the Stanley Park. It was really, really beautiful

我们去了温哥华,我很喜欢斯坦利公园。真的真的很漂亮。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我喜爱的城市

18. You're asked to take a long walk in the park with your parents. And you're just saying,

你还得陪父母到公园里散步。你这时会感慨道,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I like课堂

19. The motivations for suburban flight are the usual ones larger houses, better schools and somewhere to park the car.

ECONOMIST: Black Britons finally break into dreary neighbourhoods

20. The development includes large terraces and a car elevator that allows residents to park on their balconies.

WSJ: New Lives for Nazi-Era Bunkers

21. Access for the traffic and being able to park 20, 000 cars within 12 miles of the course.

BBC: The battle of a Ryder Cup host

22. Operation Stack reserves part of the coast-bound motorway for lorries to park before crossing the Channel.

BBC: P&O ferry

23. And,it can take more than another hour to find a place to park your car.

VOA : special.2009.06.01

24. Park officials have been too busy with rescue efforts to assess damage to park facilities, Jordan said.

CNN: Crews search Smoky Mountain wilderness after deadly storm

25. The industry messed up horribly, but people still need loans and somewhere to park their savings.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

26. The numbers suggest that they consider the U.S. to be among the safest places to park their cash.

FORBES: Outcome of S&P's US Downgrade Defies Anti-Obama Narrative

27. I just wanted to get her on the subway and she, too, she did mention I want a round trip, she wants to be able to come back from Park Street Station so where is the option that just says one way or round trip?

我只想让她乘上地铁,她也是,她提到她想要一个环形旅行,她想,从Park,Street地铁站返回,但是哪里有一个选项,来说明是一个单线的还是环线的?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

28. Dang, Cletus, why'd you have to park by my parents?

克莱特斯,你为什么非要停在我爸妈家门口?公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Another potential place to park the cash raised by real estate sales is in the stock market.

FORBES: Following The Smart Money In Asia

30. The National Park Service says it will limit the number of climbers to about two hundred a day.

VOA : special.2009.06.29

31. There are no places to park cars near the events.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

32. Where has been the worst place to park your money for the last 20 years?

FORBES: I'm Buying Japanese, I Really Think So!

33. A good way to see all the areas of Canyonlands National Park is to fly over it.

VOA : special.2009.04.15

34. Ferguson also paid tribute to Park, who scored for the fourth time against the Gunners.

BBC: Arsene Wenger blames Man Utd pitch for Arsenal mistakes

35. Once upon a time, banks were a safe place to park cash, as governments implicitly guaranteed deposits.

FORBES: Where Are The World's Safest Banks in 2013?

36. It may also have the added benefit of ensuring there is somewhere to park them come the spring.

BBC: Downturn turns port hub to car park

37. She spoke to Park Ranger David Fox.

VOA : special.2009.11.06

38. Investors looking to park money in the market could be attracted to the stable balance sheets and solid dividend yield.

FORBES: Market Gets Boost As Apple Waits On Deck

39. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park was created by local citizens who wanted to protect the area.

VOA : special.2009.09.28

40. Take me out to the park, etc... " It's amazing that that melody has become as popular as it has given the fact that it's really hard to sing.

带我出去逛公园,等等,奇怪的是,这段旋律,很流行,而事实上,它真的很难唱聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. In Brooklyn, New York. judges decided to use a public park as a place to park their cars.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

42. But visitors to Guadalupe Mountains National Park in West Texas can still get a sense of their historic importance.

VOA : special.2010.04.26

43. Bryant Park used to have fashion week there and that was like, a great meeting place for people there.

布莱恩公园过去有时尚周,那里真的是个很适合与人见面的地方。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在布莱恩公园

44. This spring, Everglades National Park launched a visitation program to what was once a highly restricted military base.

VOA : special.2009.06.30

45. They paid 19% more to park, buy beer, soda and hot dogs, and grab a souvenir.

FORBES: The NHL's Best (And Worst) Fans

46. He goes out to Versailles and creates this noble theme park and sort of a Euro Disney for nobles where he can watch these nobles.

他来到凡尔赛,在那里他为贵族建了个主题公园,类似欧洲的迪斯尼乐园,在那里他可以看到贵族们的一举一动欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. But you cannot leave the city without going to Golden Gate Park and going to California Academy of Sciences.

金门公园和加州科学院是非去不可的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于旧金山的博物馆

48. Otherwise, the idea here is to park the mouse on its dock when not in use.

ENGADGET: Mobee's inductive Magic Charger for Apple's Magic Mouse really is magical

49. Stationary, such airships would be heavier than air and so easier to park.


50. but I like to, every now and then, I take a walk over there, just cut through Central Park

我喜欢时不时地穿过中央公园,到河滨公园散步,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我的爱好是读书

51. Miz Park says it was very exciting to meet him and see fans dressed up as characters on the show.

VOA : special.2009.06.05

52. I try to come to the park early, you know, get some exercise and get a nice walk and some air.

我尽量早起去公园,去锻炼身体,散步,呼吸新鲜空气。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 中央公园的时光

53. but it's important to get some peace and quiet sometimes, so I do go to Central Park for that.

但有时候得到一些平静和安宁也很重要,这种时候我就会去中央公园。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 街上的售票员

54. For now, many small-town savers still prefer to park their money in insured accounts with local banks.

ECONOMIST: Small banks in America

55. In Golden Gate Park, I'll cross it to either go home or to the other side of the city.

在金门公园里,我会骑车穿过它,要么回家,要么去城市的另一端。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 是市民的朋友

56. Y. judges decided to use a public park as a place to park their cars.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

57. Foreign central banks and other investors may soon reconsider their plans to park cash in dollar-denominated assets.

FORBES: An Inflationary Death Spiral

58. Above all, they value real estate as the best place to park their money.

FORBES: Can China's Rich Solve America's Real Estate Problem?

59. Right, OK. So what I do to open the book is to ask the reader to image that they walking past a shallow pond, maybe somewhere in the park or or university campus.

好的,我在这本书的开篇,请读者想象这样一个画面,你走过,一个浅浅的池塘,可能是公园里,或是大学校园里。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

60. On our drive from Boise, Idaho to Park City, Utah we saw farmers spraying their crops from planes.

FORBES: Money Saving Tips for This Summer's Road Trips









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