英 [bəʊθ]美 [boʊθ]
词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句
She cried out in fear and flung both arms up to protect her face.
Both of these women have strong memories of the Vietnam War.
Miss Brown and her friend, both from Brooklyn, were arrested on the 8th of June.
He visited the Institute of Neurology in Havana where they both worked.
Both the horses were out, tacked up and ready to ride.
Now women work both before and after having their children.
1. both the two 两者;并
2. Both ends 装卸两港 ; 两端 ; 两头
3. argument on both sides 单方的论点 ; 两边的论点 ; 双方滴论点
4. both of them 他们俩都…
5. Break Both 行列打断
6. both sides 两边 ; 两旁 ; 两侧 ; 双方
7. BENDS BOTH ENDS 装卸港 ; 两端
8. Both Sides Now 一体两面 ; 正反两面 ; 两面 ; 情越海岸线英文插曲
9. both and 两个都;既...又...
10. make both ends need 收支平衡 ; 收支均衡 ; 出入均衡
11. both her parents 她的父母双方 ; 她的怙恃两边 ; 她的父母两边
1. The product is sold both at home and overseas.
2. A stalagmite is below a stalactite and they both grow, eventually to meet.
石笋在钟乳石下面,它们二者都在增长, 最终会合.《辞典例句》
3. Consideration must be given to both the development of production and the improvement of the people's livelihood.
4. She denied both accusations.
5. Put both vegetables into a bowl and crush with a potato masher.
6. The array may contain the number index, the name index, or both.
这个数组包含了数字索引 、 名称索引或同时包含上述二者.《期刊摘选》
7. At first glance, calcite might be confused with quartz where both are clear, colorless, and glassy .
乍一看来, 方解石可能与石英相混淆,因为两者都是透明 、 无色 、 且 “ 呈玻璃状 ” 的.《辞典例句》
8. We're both going after the same job.
9. The artist was revolutionary in both subject matter and technique.
10. Both of us were tired.
11. Yet Kissinger succeeded in defying an old Washington dictum that you can have in the capital visibility or influence, but not both.
在华盛顿有一条传统格言:要么抛头露面,要么得势弄权, 二者不可兼得. 基辛格却公然蔑视这种传统.《简明英汉词典》
12. Planning patience are a combination for success. You have natural talents for both, so use them.
计划和耐心的组合能使你迈向成功. 这两者都是你的天性, 善用之.《期刊摘选》
13. Reading is the base of writing, both of them supplement and complement each other.
阅读是写作的基础, 二者相辅相成的.《期刊摘选》
14. Both girls began to giggle.
15. Both views are highly contentious.
16. There will be a test of both oral and written French.
17. We are both ecstatically happy.
18. There is no impassable gulf between democracy and centralism, both of which are essential for China.
民主和集中之间,并没有不可越过的深沟,对于中国, 二者都是必需的.《期刊摘选》
19. Please write in pen on both sides of the paper.
20. A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries.
21. Both adopt a sort of angular , outsider's perspective.
22. Both were new and radical experiments.
23. They both escaped unharmed.
24. Scared? Probably a bit of both.
害怕时呢?大概两者都有那么一点。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》
25. Be this kind of connection makes the union of both becomes a possibility.
26. Both fell on the auspicious day of lunar 25 th , day to make offerings to Dakinis.
27. We have both seen the movie.
28. For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish.
29. A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat.
火可以和太阳相比, 两者都可以发光发热.《简明英汉词典》
30. This innovation quickly caught fire and spread throughout both rural and urban Japan.
31. Both of them joined the consequent stream at approximately the same point.
32. Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences.
33. The interest contradiction between harmonious labour and capital, straighten both relation, crucial to each country government.
协调劳资之间的利益矛盾 、 理顺二者关系, 对各国政府来说都至关重要.《期刊摘选》
34. She was a wonderful mother to both her natural and adopted children.
35. Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two.
首要思路是去研究某种全球性的统计数据,即某种能从经济和环境两方面评估国家财富并显示二者之间的关系的指标。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》
36. My grandmothers are both widows.
37. Both are extroverted, social, and stubborn.
两者都是外向, 社会和顽固性.《期刊摘选》
38. The play is being cast in both the US and Britain.
39. Both are clever, fast, and pride themselves on their uniqueness.
两者都是聪明, 快速和自傲的独特性.《期刊摘选》
40. They have lent them the school day or added days to the year or both.
41. Inflation, unemployment, on both i . e . stagflation, are manifestations of business cycles.
通货膨胀, 失业或者二者并存, 即滞胀是商业周期的表现.《辞典例句》
42. Both women were French.
43. Experimental physical chemistry and analytical chemistry show similarity in that both have a measurement science focus.
44. I talked to the women. Both of them were French/They were both French.
45. The benefits of conservation are both financial and aesthetic.
46. One is a compound, the other an element, yet both galena and native lead are minerals.
方铅矿和自然铅,虽然一种是由化合物构成, 另一种是由单元素构成, 但它们二者都是矿物.《期刊摘选》
47. Both are part of the state system, but the similarity ends there.
二者同是国家体系的一部分, 但他们的相似之处也仅限于此.《期刊摘选》
48. Both of the women were French.
49. Both men were charged with assault.
50. They both had some right on their side.
51. Both shows premiered in September 2005, and both were produced by Mark Burnett.
两个节目的首次公演都在2005年9月, 而且两者都由马克·伯内特制作.《期刊摘选》
52. Both the women were French.
53. They both said much the same thing.
54. It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap.
55. In a sense, both were right.
56. Both my brothers were scouts.
57. These businessmen are both competitive and honourable.
58. Any such action would have to be approved by both American and Saudi leaders.
59. These habits are both universal among mankind and peculiar to individuals.
60. Both offer undergraduate degrees in the art scientist arts and sciences, for example.
61. Both are made by the people themselves and a sense of karma deserve.
62. Disintegrators will do more damage, Buzzers can counter infantry, and both can attract fire sometimes.
粉碎者可以造成比较多的伤害, 蜂群用来对抗步兵, 并且两者都可以吸引一定注意力.《期刊摘选》
63. Both suspects have flown the country.
64. Both my parents work.
65. Penny dreadfuls and shilling shockers are genres4 similar to the dime novel, which both refer to inexpensive novels of violent adventure or crime that was especially popular in mid-to-late Victorian England.
Penny dreadful和shilling shocker都与dime novel有类似的意思,二者都指那些维多利亚统指的后后期社会上广为流传的那些内容包含暴力和犯罪的廉价小说。
66. Both mother and baby are doing well.
67. They were both only 20 years of age.
68. I liked them both.
69. Both submarines and surface ships are demagnetized at regular intervals.
70. Both of the women were French.
71. The boundaries on both sides are fixed and immovable.
72. They are both in duplicate.
73. He strongly urges colleges toto use both high school grades and SAT scores to evaluate applicants.
74. Both of us were tired.
75. I've found reading and doing the audio lessons concurrently enhances both experiences.
76. Both the women were French.
77. The system is both practical and ecologically sound.
78. Discontent and populism may now form a vicious circle, both causing economic failure and worsening it.
不满和民粹主义现在可能形成一个恶性循环, 两者都能引起经济失败,并使之更加恶化.《期刊摘选》
79. The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.
80. So we can have taxpayers pick up students’ tuition in exchange for dictating what those students will study. Or we can allow students both to choose their majors and pay for their education themselves. But in the end, one of two things is true:
所以,我们要么让纳税人承担学生的学费,而代价是让他们指定学生学习的内容。要么我们就让学生自己选择专业,但同时也要自己支付教育费用。不过说到底,以下二者必有一个是正确的:《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》
81. The common feature of human beings and apes is that they are both primates.
82. She cried out in fear and flung both arms up to protect her face...
83. We were both tired.
84. Abuse can lead to both psychological and emotional problems.
85. Both women were French.
86. The tank is a new weapon combining the functions of both spear and shield.
87. Output consists of both exports and sales on the domestic market.
88. White was both visionary and rationalist.
89. Both were subject to expertise.
90. No, you can learn how to 6 integrate them, you can the best of both worlds.
不, 你们可以学着如何把二者融为一体, 你能够鱼和熊掌兼得.《期刊摘选》
91. An effective government must be an authoritative government, both these aspects are mutual.
有效的政府必须是有权威的政府, 二者是互动的.《期刊摘选》
92. Both London and Dublin are playing the matter down.
93. Some operas are combinations of both.
94. You're both coming? Splendid!
95. Environmental sustainability and profit are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to achieve both.
环境的可持续发展与经济利益的获得并不是互相排斥的. 两者都可以兼顾到.《期刊摘选》
96. Most of the time you'll be hunting for things that appeardim, small, or both.
你花了很长时间去搜寻的大多数天体都很暗弱, 很小, 或两者都是.《期刊摘选》
97. You need a complete change, both professionally and personally.
98. They're both beautiful ─ I can't make up my mind.
99. John was present at the birth of both his children.
100. Both partners shared childcare.
101. The law applies to both individuals and corporate bodies.
102. What is there between both inevitable connection.
103. Programming and human interface design are separate skills, and people good at both are rare.
编程和界面设计是两种不同的技能, 两者都精通的人是很少的.《期刊摘选》
104. Keep both A and constant by minimizing and movement , and keeping circuits awayand RF fields.
105. The answer, of course, is both of them.
当然, 答案是二者都有道理.《期刊摘选》
106. Both are responsible for coming up with big, effective and persuasive ideas.
两者都是负责未来与大的, 有效的和有说服力的想法.《期刊摘选》
107. Now women work both before and after having their children...
108. Both their children are at university.
109. Both measured income and measured consumption, the theory suggests, contain a permanent and a transitory element.
该理论提出, 可计量的收入和可计量的消费二者都包含有一个恒常性的部分和一个暂时性的部分.《辞典例句》
110. Develop deep increasingly as economic internationalization, the connection of both is closer and closer.
随着经济国际化日益深入发展, 二者的联系越来越密切.《期刊摘选》
111. Both (my) sisters live in London.
112. Both are equally effective.
113. Both have reached the ear of Him Who heareth all supplications the spoken and the unspoken.
114. I think a combination of both was at play.
115. Both parties are disstisfied with piecemeal tinkering and muddling through .
二者都不满足于 “ 渐进修补 ” 和 “ 摸索前进 ”.《辞典例句》
116. I have two sisters. Both of them live in London/They both live in London.
117. When we use he , we generalize for both sex.
当我们用 he 时, 我们泛指男女.《简明英汉词典》
118. Both studied sculpture.
119. Yet both are perceived as havens of safety in a troubled world.
120. Both colloquial usage and slang are more common speech than in writing.
121. Both are equally remote and vacuous.
122. There is little difference the velocity fields and the time both models require is almost equal.
123. They were both politically active.
124. The impact ruptured both fuel tanks.
125. Jack Pan : You are both. But in what way?
潘杰客: 两者都是, 能不能具体说说?《期刊摘选》
126. Both teams battled hard.
127. Both drivers escaped unhurt.
128. They both spoke together.
129. Both bear a strong affinity to the discussions of other celebrated bodies.
130. The captain cares the safety of both the crew and the passengers.
131. They are both drawn from the image of a machine with independent, replaceable parts.
他们两者都把经济看作是由相互独立的, 可更换的部件所组成的机器.《期刊摘选》
132. Both of them are used in an independent suspension system of a sedan.
133. I'd put them both down as retired teachers.
134. They both want to job share.
135. When the blind lead the blind, no wonder they both fall into matrimony.
男人结婚因为他们疲倦了, 女人结婚因为她们好奇,结果两者都失望了.《期刊摘选》
136. Conclusion Both bFGF and FGFR 2 may effect on cochlea and oppose to gentamycin.
137. Both parties are hungry for power.
138. Both methods rely on the accurate determination of the pressure of the gas.
139. In this paper , the working mechanisms and features of HEM were summarized.
140. We went on a cruise, a first for both of us.
141. Although majoring in automation as a graduate, i am able to balance both of them.
本科学习的是自动化,可兼二者之长, 有较强的求知欲和学习能力.《期刊摘选》
142. Both his mother and his father will be there.
143. You shall have joy, or you shall have power, said God; you shall not have both.
上帝说,你可以拥有喜悦, 或者你可以拥有权势; 但你不可以同时拥有二者.《期刊摘选》
144. Both her children still live at home.
145. They both love outdoor pursuits.
146. Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically, or both.
从身体上能够看见光环, 或从心理上感觉到它, 或者二者都可以.《期刊摘选》
147. The honesty of Partridge was equal to his understanding and both dealt only in small matters.
148. Luckily, we both love football.
1. The pros also think the U.S. dollar and commodities will both rise sharply in 2010.
FORBES: The Smart Money Is Conflicted
2. Microfibre fabrics are both water-resistant and windproof.
3. Both firms had one project coordinator overseeing a calling agent selling customer-relations software to medium-size businesses.
FORBES: Silicon Valley's Prison Call Center
4. But tackling the crisis head-on requires energy and luck, and many here lack both.
BBC: Greece's young: Dreams on hold as fight for jobs looms
5. Ronald says that genetically modified crops have proved remarkably safe for both people and the environment.
FORBES: Green Genes
6. Because it's made from corn, it is both inexpensive and easy on the earth to produce.
NEWSWEEK: Business
7. Meaning he can't move anything except for one of his eyeballs and both of his eyelids.
NPR: A Beautiful Movie: 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'
8. If we had an honest discussion, both of us would know that the other person's heart is in the right place.
VOA : special.2010.07.11
9. Both committees are working with the Treasury Department on the specifics of the language.
FORBES: Financial Reform: The Legislative Logjam
10. So a diesel hybrid, in theory, will give you the best of both worlds.
NPR: Hybrids and the 'Halo Effect' of Car Ads
11. Now this may suggest a certain condescension both toward theory and toward literary text, which is not at all intended.
选择这篇文章也许意味着,要对理论和文本进行一定的浓缩,这一点不是我想要的。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
12. It is housed at the Carnegie Museum, which has both an art museum and a museum of natural history.
VOA : special.2009.07.13
13. He increased the number of coaches, both for goods and passenger trains, from 16 to 24.
FORBES: On the Right Track
14. And he's parodying both kinds of response in this novel, so in that sense, the novel is very much of its time.
在小说中他模仿了两种方式的应答,从这个意义上说这本小说很有它的时代价值。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
15. The battle of Shiloh had brought home to the American people both of the North and South the horror of war.
VOA : special.2009.09.03
16. Both became lawyers. They each served in the Illinois state legislature before serving one term in the United States Congress.
VOA : special.2009.07.24
17. Both were keen, he said, to keep out the anarchists who might cause trouble.
BBC: A heavy police presence surrounded the talks
18. Apple , however, is currently on a jihad against Flash, for both good and bad reasons.
FORBES: Ending Apple And Adobe's Feud
19. Recently, experts on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean were interested in a huge basking shark discovered in eastern Canada.
VOA : special.2009.06.16
20. Both Guillory and Angus Fletcher are examining the troubled relation of Milton to one of his favorite poets.
无论是古伊洛还是安格斯弗莱彻,他们都在研究弥尔顿最爱的一首诗中和他相关的问题。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
21. Both Islam and Moataz smiled when I asked about police control in Nagaa Hammadi.
BBC: Egypt: Echoes of the revolution far from Cairo
22. Both firms are producing quantities; both firms are trying to maximize profit, and I want to find out the Nash Equilibrium.
两个公司都生产商品,都希望最大化利润,而我也想找出纳什均衡博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
23. It began in April of nineteen ninety-four after a plane carrying the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, both Hutus,was shot down.
VOA : special.2009.03.09
24. I said that Yeats looks on the modern with a sense of both horror and a fascination, a compulsion almost.
我说过叶芝看待现代是,以一种害怕和好奇的感觉,一种难以压抑的冲动。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
25. Now the reason that is true is because we live in a post-Christian culture, and both aspects of that term are important.
出现这种情况的原因是,我们生活在后基督教文化中,有两方面的意义。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
26. She says both partners have to give their time,effort and, in many cases, income for the good of the family.
VOA : special.2010.02.19
27. Both Lusimbo and Ghoshal are keen to point out that despite past hostilities, life continues.
CNN: Celebrating gay pride in Uganda
28. The key for a developer is how to keep both that feeling and the newer developments.
FORBES: It's A Mall World After All
29. As both the North and South were learning quickly, the Civil War was becoming more costly than anyone had imagined.
VOA : special.2009.09.17
30. You can look for copies of both in the second-hand bookshops in downtown Rio.
BBC: Trekking in Rio de Janeiro
31. And I want to show you an example of this, to lead to both the syntax, and to the semantics.
我要给大家讲一个例子,让大家学习语法,和语义。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课
32. Both combatants are extremists, prone to violence and heated rhetoric in support of their causes.
ECONOMIST: Israel's intransigence
33. So where we had left off with was we'd fully discussed up to the point of considering homonuclear diatomic molecules, so molecules that both have the same nucleus.
我们上次,讲到了我们,已经讨论过同核双原子分子,也就是有相同原子和的分子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课
34. "When solar panels supply both hot water and space heating, the goal of zero emissions begins to look achievable."
VOA : special.2009.03.25
35. Both are in a weakened state, and both have a troubled history, said De Groote.
FORBES: Branson Vs. Murdoch?
36. Pilot Chesley Sullenberger safely landed a US Airways passenger plane on New York's Hudson River after both its engines failed.
VOA : special.2010.01.02
37. They've both been about artist - "Basquiat and - goodness - "Before Night Falls.
NPR: A Beautiful Movie: 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'
38. Both bodies had been mutilated.
39. She was given the organ in a simultaneous operation on both women involving two surgeons.
BBC: News | UK | Comedian's daughter saved by kidney transplant
40. Monsanto says both suits are frivolous and accuses Syngenta of inappropriately exploiting Monsanto technology.
FORBES: A Tough Row
41. Both parents are working.
42. It describes how a hunter can use both barrels of a shotgun to bring down two birds very quickly.
VOA : special.2010.07.25
43. That might be a question you might wanna answer or you might wanna say, is the thing on the left and the thing on the right both true?
这可能是一个,你得到回答的问题,你还可能会问是不是左边的和右边的都是真的?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课
44. It is made up of three historic palazzo, and both Depp and Jolie have stayed here.
BBC: Hollywood and Venice: A love story
45. Interesting that he has a flak jacket, he's taking precautions on both sides of the fence.
BBC: Return to Vietnam
46. So the market moves to new levels, both up and down, in sharper intraday moves.
FORBES: Watch Out For The Quants
47. So I will take into account it that there is some contribution of both the nucleus and the electron.
所以我将考虑,那是原子核与电子,共同作用的结果。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课
48. So in that respect, black voters count for both Democrats as well as Republicans.
NPR: Presidential Candidates Target Black Music Festival
49. Both records have since been broken, and Larry Olmsted says he has no plans to try to recapture them.
VOA : special.2011.05.16
50. both exhibited megalomaniac tendencies
51. Both organisms are infectious.
52. Public protest was so great that both parties in the eighteen eighty-eight elections promised to pass a federal law against trusts.
VOA : special.2010.06.03
53. The LG Optimus L5 is now available from both Bell Mobility and Virgin Mobile in Canada.
ENGADGET: blogger-avatar
54. He was eventually released unharmed, but we're told that both sides are currently holding hostages.
NPR: Gaza Cease-Fire Disrupted by Gun Battle
55. so I just want to say how much I appreciate both of you and I want to also say that stay strong.
我只想说,我非常感谢你们两位,我还想说,两位要一直这样坚定。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课
56. Both shared, both sides, the leadership of both sides, shared a rich kind of nationalism about this American experiment.
双方,双方的领袖,关于这场美国政治改革,都有着同样浓厚的民族主义思想美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
57. God and humans lock in an eternal struggle, neither prevailing, yet both forever changed by their encounter with one another.
上帝与人类陷入一场永恒的战争,谁也不占上峰,但是他们相遇时却一直会引起改变。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
58. They came to monitor a ceasefire agreement which both the rebels and the government were violating.
BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
59. Now it's--I think it's still the dominant academic view, but there's a big debate and there are partisans on both sides.
现在,这种观点-我认为仍然是主流的学术观点,但是对此学术界也存在激烈的争论,并且双方都有自己的阵营。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
60. Both candidates agreed on something else, too: Important statements should be made from mansions.
FORBES: Top Of The News: Candidates Return To Court
61. Laura Linney is sort of the lead, but they both get about equal screen time.
NPR: A Beautiful Movie: 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'
62. Heading south from Atlantic, both Court and Smith Streets are lined with local designers' boutiques.
BBC: Last minute holiday shopping in the Big Apple
63. They're both expansions. They'll both have net work done on the surroundings, but not the same amount, right.
是不同的,他们都是膨胀,都对外做功,但数量不同,对吧?热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课
64. "Rinderpest affected Africa, Asia and Europe for millennia and caused widespread famine and decimated millions of animals, both domestic and wild."
VOA : special.2010.11.02
65. I'd like to describe what we're doing in both of those aspects, both of technology and active learning aspects.
我想谈谈我们在这两方面,具体干了什么,在技术和自主学习两方面。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课