
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˌriːˈsaɪkl]play美 [ˌriːˈsaɪk(ə)l]play

  • v. 回收利用,再利用;(将可回收物品)送入回收加工厂;使再循环;再次应用,重新使用(观念、文章等)
  • n. 回收利用,循环使用

第三人称单数 recycles 现在分词 recycling 过去式 recycled 过去分词 recycled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


recycle /riːˈsaɪkəl/ CET4 TEM4 [ recycling recycled recycles ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you recycle things that have already been used, such as bottles or sheets of paper, you process them so that they can be used again. 回收利用; 循环使用

    The objective would be to recycle 98 percent of domestic waste.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 回收利用; 循环使用

    ...a recycling plan.





  • adj.

    recyclable 可回收利用的;可再循环的

  • n.

    recycling (资源、垃圾的)回收利用

  • v.

    recycling 回收;再循环利用(recycle的现在分词)



1. recycle bin 回收站;资源回收筒

2. recycle gas 回注气,循环气

3. Recycle Bin 回收站 ; 垃圾箱 ; 资源回收桶 ; 鬼域

4. Recycle Bags 环保袋

5. Recycle Economy 循环经济

6. recycle system 计 循环系统 ; 回注系统 ; 循环体系 ; 循环系

7. recycle pump 再循环泵 ; 循环泵 ; 炉水循环泵 ; 洗涤循环水泵浦

8. fuel recycle 能源 燃料再循环

9. use recycle paper 使用再生纸

10. Recycle Stack 回收栈


1. The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste


2. Recycle everything you can.


3. We can recycle the scrap and the waste water from the whole production.


4. Other observers suggested a broader view of the costs and benefits of recycling.


5. Recycling of rubbish costs money and requires special equipment.


6. All glass bottles which can't be refilled can be recycled...


7. A lot of the plastics that carmakers are using cannot be recycled.


8. Recycle our bottles and cans.


9. A separate bill by Los Angeles-area Senator Gloria Romero would require high-tech manufacturers to develop programs to recycle so-called e-waste.


10. a recycling plant


11. The scientist is making a research on how to recycle disposable products.


12. Recycling the waste from our increased consumption is better than burning it.


13. [不可数名词]the recycling of glass


14. They recycled their carbon, from CO 2 to organic matter and back again, in about two years.

在大约两年的时间内,它们重复利用自己的碳, 从二氧化碳到有机物质,再从有机物到二氧化碳, 循环往复.《期刊摘选》

15. There is almost a "recycle" rubbish can around.


16. We'll cause more pollution unless we find ways to recycle more rubbish.


17. We recycle our newspapers and bottles, we take public transport to get to work, and we try to buy locally produced fruit and vegetables.


18. If we can recycle the waste, environmental pollution will not be so serious.

如果我们能将废物加以回收利用, 环境污染就不会如此严重.《期刊摘选》

19. In this paper the treatments and recycle system of sewage were introduced.


20. Trash recycling is becoming an increasingly viable option for waste disposal.


21. The objective would be to recycle 98 percent of domestic waste.


22. On the other hand, abundant natural resources lose because of the recycle system.

而另一方面, 固体废物不能有效地回收利用,这是对有限自然资源的一种严重浪费.《期刊摘选》

23. It is printed on recycled paper.


24. The recycling industry is particularly vulnerable to wild cyclical swings in the market.


25. In Australia, the government has encouraged people to collect rainwater and recycle water from showers for a second use.


26. If we recycled more waste, we wouldn't need to produce so much and there wouldn't be so much pollution.


27. Collect shipping boxes, wood scraps, metal and other construction waste to recycle or sell for salvage.

航运收集箱, 木屑, 金属和其他建筑废料回收或出售救助.《期刊摘选》

28. Since the launch of its program, Best Buy changed its policy to add a$ 25 fee for recycling old televisions in order to keep the program going.

该计划推出后,百思买改变了政策,回收旧电视增加了25美元的费用,以维持该计划的运行。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

29. Waste paper recycling system of restraints were waste paper recycling rate.


30. Environment experts urge people to reuse and recycle plastic bags.


31. But some companies are realizing that placing the burden of recycling entirely on the consumer is not an effective strategy, especially when tossing something away seems like the easiest and most convenient option.

但一些公司意识到,将回收的重担完全推给消费者不是有效策略,毕竟处理不用的东西还是扔掉最容易且方便。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

32. She is going to recycle useful rubbish.


33. What things do you recycle?


34. The action of effluent recycle on an upflow anaerobic filter is very complex.


35. We should recycle everything that we can.


36. Taking Jining No.3 Coal Mine as an example, the practice of the recycle economy is introduced.

最后,以济三煤矿为例, 介绍了兖州矿区循环经济的实践.《期刊摘选》

37. I wonder if this GLASS Bottle might know something about Recycling?


38. He recycled all his old jokes.


39. Normally recycled scrap, iron, and alloying elements.

通常是可以回收利用的废料 、 铁及合金元素.《期刊摘选》

40. This sort of recycle of waste materials is a way of reducing pollution.


41. Metal sand pack is considerable parts in fiber production. It can reuse via recycle.


42. Water recycle is a good way to save our resources.


43. They have to be sent to a special recycle centre.


44. You can recycle plastic bottles and cups to grow something.


45. Permanently removes all items in the Recycle Bin and frees up disk space.


46. Power tool maker DeWalt partners with companies, such as Lowes and Napa Auto Parts, to collect old tools at their stores for recycling.

电动工具制造商DeWalt与Lowes和Napa Auto Parts等公司合作,在他们商店里收集回收旧工具。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

47. The 33 boroughs all have different recycling systems.


48. Recycle means "change things into something else to be reused."


49. The world's resources are finite, so we are trying to recycle reusable resources.

世界的资源是有限的, 我们将尽量回收利用可持续资源.《期刊摘选》

50. We can recycle some of our rubbish.


51. Squash your cans flat before recycling.


52. Rogers calls this evolutionary strategy genome recycling.

罗杰斯称这种进化策略为 “ 基因组的回收利用 ”.《期刊摘选》

53. New ways to recycle fat profits.


54. According to some experts, paper cups cannot be recycled because they may contain chemical additives.

一些专家认为, 废纸杯无法回收利用,因为可能含有化学添加剂.《期刊摘选》

55. We recycle our Newspapers and bottles, we take public transport to get to work, and we try to buy locally produced fruit and vegetables, and we want to take these attitudes on holiday with us.


56. Maybe you see low customer participation at first, or conversely, so much success that the cost of recycling becomes too high.

也许你一开始看到的客户参与度很低,或者相反,人们参与太积极使得回收成本过高。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

57. The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials.


58. Environmental conscientiousness isn't always enough to make customers recycle old goods.


59. The man collects the waste bin and deposits the waste into a shredder for recycling.


60. The motto many people repeat is: reduce, reuse, recycle.

其口号是: 少用, 重复使用, 回收.《期刊摘选》

61. He decided to recycle cans.


62. Our newly designed ships can recycle 98 % of the shipping building materials.


63. The recycling scheme gets its first try-out in rural Dorset.


64. These used computers will be recycled and disassembled.


65. The waste paper is baled, then sent for recycling.


66. The garbage is then away and, if possible, recycled.

然后这些垃圾被运走,并且可能的话, 再进行回收利用.《期刊摘选》

67. We should recycle them just like we recycle newspapers.


68. Plastic bags cause the deaths of 100,000 marine animals each year because the animals mistake them for food. So if you must use them, always recycle them.


69. Tomorrow is Earth Day. Let's discuss what we can do to recycle things.


70. The sole reason the Recycle Bin exists is to implement an undo facility for deleted files.

回收站存在的唯一理由就是实现文件删除的撤销工具.《About Face 3交互设计精髓》

71. The materials from e-waste include iron, copper, gold, silver, and aluminum materials that could be reused, resold, salvaged, or recycled.

电子垃圾中的材料包括铁、铜、金、银和铝这些材料可以重复使用、转售、回收或循环利用。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

72. In order to recycle the useful material often needs stave processing and separation processing.


73. A zero-waste life follows the 6R rule, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Rot.

零浪费生活遵循 6R 规则:拒绝,减少,再利用,修复,回收和腐烂。

74. Steel companies recycle some of the old containers.


75. The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste...

目标是对 98%的生活垃圾进行回收利用。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

76. Recycled water is increasingly seen as a valuable resource.


77. They are also more environmentally friendly they last longer and can be recycled for other use.


78. China Changfa , incorporated in Jersey, is the holding company of Xi'an Changfeng Aluminium Recycling Co.

格林威治标准时间2007年2月27日早7时, 中国长发铝废品回收利用有限责任公司开始交易.《期刊摘选》

79. Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps.


80. It's in the recycle bin.


81. The new way of thinking has to do with the recycling paradigm.


82. We will use solar energy, and we will clean and recycle our water.


83. The city's recycling system is totally inadequate.


84. There are some items I have never thought to recycle.


85. recycled paper


86. These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers


87. In consumer markets, recycling has already spawned an array of alchemists.

在消费品市场上, 资源的重复利用已经导致出现许多“炼金术士”.《期刊摘选》

88. In an ideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything.


89. The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled loo paper.


90. Best Buy, for instance, has been bearing the lion's share of e-waste volume since two of its largest competitors, Amazon and Wal-mart, do not have their own recycling programs.

以百思买为例,由于其最大竞争对手亚马逊和沃尔玛没有专门的回收计划,百思买在回收电子垃圾总量中占比最大。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

91. Recycling is now recognised as an important part of the conservation of resources.


92. Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life.


93. Pd catalyst can be recovered and recycled, which can reduce the cost.

由于贵金属钯可以回收及重复利用, 也降低了本发明工艺的成本.《期刊摘选》

94. The caustic soda recycle and utilization were investigated in the present work.


95. Why not recycle it?


96. In order to avoid wasting resources, we must recycle them as much as possible.


97. Recycling is expected to reduce production costs by 35 per cent.


98. With the development of polyurethane industry, lots of polyurethane wastes need to be recycled and disposed.

摘要随著聚氨酯工业的迅速发展, 大量的聚氨酯废弃物需要回收利用.《期刊摘选》

99. It is in our own best interest to recycle.


100. Decomposers recycle nutrients , making them available to producer organisms.


101. An important source of supply in the silver market comes from secondary scrap from recycled film.


102. We can recycle plastic bottles.


103. The teachers give a prize every month to the pupil who's tried the hardest to recycle.


104. I usually recycle newspapers and cans.


105. Later, she set up paper factories in China to do the recycling.

之后, 她在中国开办了纸厂,从事回收利用废纸.《期刊摘选》

106. Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.


107. Recycling is an issue that has come of age in Britain in the last decade.


108. All glass bottles which can't be refilled can be recycled


109. For instance, DeWalt discovered that many contractors were holding on to their old tools, even if they no longer worked, because they were expensive purchases and it was hard to justify bringing them in to recycle.

例如,Dewalt发现,许多承包商仍保留着不能工作的旧工具,因为这些工具的采购成本很高,而且很难说它们可以回收利用。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

110. According to the results, Rankine cycle and Brayton cycle are advised to recycle LNG physical exergy.

依据研究结果, 提出了采用Rankine循环 和Brayton循环的方法来实现LNG物理回收利用.《期刊摘选》

111. Marketers must qualify their claims on the product packaging and limit them to a specific benefit, such as how much of the product is recycled.

商家必须使产品包装上的广告语名副其实,并且限制在具体的优点上,例如这个产品有多少部分是可以回收的。《六级真题- 2016年 6月 3卷 阅读A》

112. The process successfully used in water treatment, it's useful to recycle the wastewater of oil refining.


113. If we try our best to recycle the wastes, we can reduce pollution and conserve natural resources.


114. In 83 % of these scenarios recycling proved the greener of the available options.


115. Be sure to recycle everything you can in your house and school.


116. Test shows that the method of recycling socket buffer can improve the Linux network performance efficiently.



1. To recycle a passage from Matthew 5:5: Blessed are the geeks, for they share inherit the rare earths.

FORBES: Rare Earth Recycling: A Key to the New Energy Economy

2. It's important to recycle household waste.


3. Use liquid from boiling noodles on pot plants and recycle bath wa ter for mopping the floor.


4. Users with a price discrepancy have the option to recycle or to have their electronics shipped back.

WSJ: Finding a Market for Your Old Electronics

5. Meanwhile, if it does have too many, it could recycle them profitably in the merchant market.

FORBES: Shadow Market Keeps Computer Components Flowing

6. You can also sift through your hard drive, delete temporary files and empty your recycle bin.

CNN: dotCOM Tools: Healthy PCs

7. Second, undo the effects of uncertainty on the portfolio side, and help recycle the funds towards risky assets.

ECONOMIST: Economics focus

8. There are some estates where I think if you can recycle there then you can recycle anywhere.


9. Recycle yoghurt pots for planting seeds.


10. And, while damage is slowly repaired, it makes sense for states to recycle part of the funds themselves.

ECONOMIST: Economics focus

11. Anything I can't recycle, it's old plastic, lots of plastic trays and containers, foam polystyrene.


12. The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.

目标是实现对 98%的生活垃圾回收利用。

13. For consumers it should be just as easy to recycle electronics as it is to buy them.

FORBES: Making Recycling Electronics as Easy as Buying Them

14. But, if Suzy Amis Cameron wears any Harry Winston jewels, she might not want to recycle them.

NPR: Red Carpet Awaits The Star In The 'Eco-Dress'

15. Cloud computing could lead to billions in energy savings and could help recycle mainframes.

FORBES: Can we consider a firm without IT?

16. Plastic bags don't recycle cost-effectively.


17. The children also get a lesson in two of the three Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle).

CNN: Envisioning a world without garbage

18. The problem is that there are different ways to recycle that are cheaper than others.

FORBES: INTERVIEW: Recycling Of Specialty Metals Needs Improvement - Yale Researcher

19. Do you recycle?


20. If China's international reserves rise more slowly or even stop, there will be fewer dollars to recycle.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. Reed says the agency has been urging stores that sell the bulbs to help recycle them.

NPR: CFL Bulbs Have One Hitch: Toxic Mercury

22. That gives firms an incentive to make their wares easy to recycle or re-use.

ECONOMIST: The waste industry

23. The landfill tax is designed to encourage councils to recycle more waste and make less use of landfill.

BBC: Minister targets food recycling

24. It is, rather, that we should recycle those things that we do not reuse.

FORBES: Now The European Union Starts To Ban Recycling

25. The soft drink giant plans to collect and recycle the plastic bottles used at the games.

FORBES: London's Olympics Go For Environmental Gold

26. But they have been stockpiling the minerals and working on technologies to recycle them to protect against supply disruptions.

FORBES: China's New Economic Warfare

27. If they could collect and recycle a larger proportion of their bottles, that problem would be solved.

FORBES: How Corporate America Might Just Save Recycling

28. Come campaign time, they might even recycle an old Club for Growth ad from last year.

FORBES: Obama And Boehner Set To Swap Roles In Payroll Tax Fight

29. These Living Machines recycle wastewater by filtering it through a system of bacteria and plants.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. Wadongo said that when the time and need arises, he intends to service, replace and recycle his lanterns.

CNN: 'Saving lives' with solar-powered lights

31. Another example is the brilliant Recyclebank, which uses gamification to inspire more people to recycle.

FORBES: Gamification Comes of Age

32. Other countries like China recycle their foreign trade imbalances and use dollars as fuel subsidies.

FORBES: Shale Gas Sparks A U.S. Chemicals Renaissance

33. There are two good reasons to boost efforts to recycle all metals, not just rare earths.

FORBES: INTERVIEW: Recycling Of Specialty Metals Needs Improvement - Yale Researcher

34. The industry trend is to recycle wastewater from fracking jobs in increasingly sizeable amounts.

FORBES: Don't Be Swayed By Faucets On Fire And Other Anti-Fracking Propaganda

35. TVs and monitors are harder to recycle because of the lead and other hazardous materials they contain.

BBC: Computer mountain graphic



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