daily activities翻译_daily activities短语搭配_daily activities权威例句

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daily activities

网络 日常活动;日常生活

英 [ˈdeɪli ækˈtɪvɪtiz]play 美 [ˈdeɪli ækˈtɪvətiz]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. My Daily Activities 我的日常活动

2. Most daily activities 最日常的活动

3. Talking About Daily Activities 谈论日常生活 ; 谈论日常活动 ; 问候

4. Mindfulness of Daily Activities 日常生活中的正念 ; 日常

5. Describing daily activities 描绘日常活动 ; 描述日常活动

6. In daily activities 日常活动中

7. your own daily activities 你自己的日常活动

8. Lesson Nine Daily Activities 日常活动


1. Organize and manage warehouse daily activities, and update inventory data.

组织与管理仓库的日常工作, 及时更新原料库存记录.《互联网》

2. Analyzing requirements, utilizing frameworks, implementing design patterns and squashing bugs are amongst your daily activities.

你的工作内容包括分析设计需求, 利用框架标准, 实现设计模式和清除程序故障.《互联网》

3. Try to blurt out sentences before you do each of these daily activities.


4. Is forgetful in daily activities.


5. Have you lost interest in your normal daily activities, especially those that use to bring you pleasure?


6. Rituals surrounding birth, death, circumcision, and daily activities are strictly adhered to.

恪守以生 、 死 、 割礼和日常生活为主要内容的仪式.《互联网》

7. In daily activities, this means.


8. Heart failure causes breathlessness and fatigue that severely limits normal daily activities such as walking.


9. It doesn't mean that my to-do lists no longer exist, but I've become more aware of the importance of slowing down and making sure that I enjoy the daily activities as I carry them out.


10. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring provides information about blood pressure during daily activities and sleep.


11. It is our national drink and tea-drinking is one of the daily activities of Chinese people.


12. In addition, information about the daily activities of our ancestors can be provided by art,


13. Bees also rely heavily on scent to perform daily activities.


14. My daily activities include swimming and jogging.


15. Training is the daily activities of army and the precondition for battle effectiveness.


16. Now write a short passage about daily activities of your classmates according to the survey.


17. The cell would be in the same position if it didn't have a clock to coordinate its daily activities.


18. Improvement of balance function in relation to motor function and the degree of recovery of daily activities.


19. Daily activities of rats were observed.


20. Father kept an account of his daily activities.

父亲把每天的活动都记录下来。《provided by jukuu》

21. Relation of transient silent ischemic episodes to daily activities and heart rate changes


22. Keep yourself busy by scheduling daily activities that are interesting, fun or even challenging.


23. The researchers said their findings could have implications for other daily activities.


24. She spent many year observing and recording their daily activities.


25. Set objectives and plan your daily activities around achieving them.


26. Combining his interest with daily activities fosters more inspired and innovative solutions.


27. Perform daily activities related to shipment of goods including paper work.

进行日常货物发送处理及相关文书工作。《provided by jukuu》

28. Students daily activities an hour of implementation requires further implement.


29. Subjective well-being from daily activities of rural residents


30. A Follow-up Research on Daily Activities and physical Psychological Parameters in Post-stroke Patients


31. To be able to learn some English language patterns, to talk about daily activities.

能够相识少数的语言标准样式, 就本身的乐趣和见解举行简略的英语对于话.《互联网》

32. The insights gained from examination of your daily activities may help you refine your schedule.


33. And cultures are closely related to daily activities, festivals and ceremonies.

文化也与日常活动、节日、仪式紧密相关。《provided by jukuu》

34. Record Your Daily Activities and Use a calendar.


35. Supervise and train technicians on their daily activities;

指导员工日常的工作;《provided by jukuu》

36. We cannot emphasize the importance of health too much because it lays the foundation for all of our daily activities.


37. The apps can also record their daily activities.


38. Which of my daily activities are those that bring me the most and ask me to provide the least effort?


39. Manage DLR daily activities and organize annual business meeting.


40. We also arrange for daily activities and programs for little ones.


41. This lifestyle focuses on the idea of making simple daily activities special or meaningful.


42. The experts all agree: Your exercise is one of your most important daily activities.


43. The difference between the two sexes was the cause of body size, daily activities and strength level.


44. In modern times, people still keep tea-drinking as one of their daily activities.


45. Ways to achieve your daily activities (your actions).

帮助你完成各种日常活动的方法 。

46. Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy involves keeping a record of various daily activities.


47. Daily activities, such as walking up a short flight of stairs, may become very difficult as the disease worsens.


48. Manage the daily activities of the third part contractors.

下级服务商日常工作管理。《provided by jukuu》

49. Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.


50. In daily activities, this means that things are going well.


51. The other group of participants stayed awake and did daily activities.


52. Difficulty performing daily activities because of vision problems.


53. But Putin's daily activities have been covered by Russian state TV as fully as Medvedev's.


54. Neighborhoods, daily activities, and measuring health risks experienced in urban environments.


55. Elder People ′ s Daily Activities and Strategies for Improvement of Their Life Quality


56. Third, the party should correspond to the daily activities of people, time and money.


57. his daily activities into public rituals.


58. Automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society.


59. The other group of participants stayed awake and did daily activities.


60. Versions for consumers are also now being developed to help people more easily do everything from DIY, to walking, climbing stairs, and other daily activities.


61. The apps can also record their daily activities.

这些应用程序还可以记录他们的日常活动。《中考真题- 2016 哈尔滨 阅读D》

62. We go for walks through the countryside and watch the villagers do their daily activities.


63. Do your symptoms interfere with your daily activities?


64. Set objectives and plan your daily activities around achieving them.


65. The Investigation of the Students' Diet and Daily Activities in Our College



1. We both took part in our FIVE children's daily activities and had a rule whoever was home first started dinner.

FORBES: Readers Say

2. Both older and younger generations are moving into places where they can walk during their regular daily activities.

WHITEHOUSE: Building Pedestrian Friendly Environments

3. We have a family (all SEVEN of us) every night where we discuss our daily activities and schedules for the evening.

FORBES: Magazine Article

4. He described "an age of algorithms" where connected sensors digitised all kinds of data about an individual's health and daily activities, and then provided them with useful material.

BBC: CES: The selling starts

5. The census found more than 360, 000 people in Wales were limited in their daily activities because of a health problem or disability.

BBC: Census 2011: South Wales Valleys rank bottom for health

6. In order to have a positive impact upon the daily activities of the learners and to create a solid foundation for lifelong learning, the lessons contain aspects of functional learning.

UNESCO: Country Profile: Uruguay

7. The stories are presented through the portrayal of an ordinary family, its daily activities and hopes, customs and traditions.


8. Many other politicians in Washington use Twitter to share their daily activities with supporters.

VOA : special.2009.02.06

9. In terms of daily activities, 72% of online users indicate that they use email, 55% read news, 46% use it for personal interests, and 46% claim they use social networking.

FORBES: Connect

10. Not all hernias require immediate surgery, especially when there is no pain or disruption to daily activities.

WSJ: A Secret for Patients Undergoing Hernia Repair

11. People can also be unable to perform the simple activities of daily living without assistance because of the severe myofascial pain.

VOA : special.2011.07.26

12. When you have appropriate treatment and stick to your treatment plan, you have a good chance of leading a productive life and functioning well in daily activities.

CNN: Catatonic schizophrenia

13. Still,many popular opposition sites, like Mir Hossein Mousavi's Facebook Web page, get thousands of visitors daily and put out up-to-the-minute bulletins of opposition activities.

VOA : standard.2009.11.14

14. It was then very common for a family, sometimes three generations, to share a 300-square-feet room that they used for sleeping, eating and daily activities.

FORBES: Why Home Depot Struggles and IKEA Thrives in China?

15. It was then very common for a family, sometimes three generations, to share a 300-square-f00t room that they used for sleeping, eating and daily activities.

FORBES: Why Home Depot Struggles And IKEA Thrives In China

16. Luvox is generally prescribed to patients whose obsessions or compulsions cause them distress, consume time, or interfere with their daily activities.

CNN: Columbine shooter was prescribed anti-depressant

17. He shows us around Ward 53, the psychiatric outpatient unit, where a board lists daily activities such as art and group therapy.

NPR: Chaplain Struggles with PTSD from Time in Iraq

18. Why do we need to attach an hourly rate to our daily activities to give validation to what it is that we do?

FORBES: Putting a Price on Mom

19. It gives opportunity to reflect a lot, contemplate a lot about not only your own daily activities, but just what's going on in the world around you.

这是一次机会,让人反省沉思,自己的日常生活中的一些活动,也思考我们身边的世界。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

20. It may pay for some assistance with daily activities, such as bathing or eating, but does not pay for room and board, which represents the bulk of costs.

FORBES: Do You Really Want to Give Away Your Assets to Become Eligible for Medicaid Long-Term Care?

21. "Many patients may be able to remain in their jobs longer, and allow them to continue to carry on daily activities that we often take for granted".

BBC: Parkinson's drug breakthrough

22. As Crowdtilt expands into mobile he thinks that users will find it useful to collect group payments for their daily activities, rather than just well-planned events.

FORBES: Crowdtilt Raises $12 Million From Andreessen Horowitz And Sean Parker (For Real This Time)

23. "That may have an impact on the parents' life because they're changing traditional habits, their daily activities, " she explains.

CNN: When adult children fail, parents suffer too

24. As the disease progresses, care for routine daily activities will become an around-the-clock need.

FORBES: September Marks World Alzheimer's Month as Advocates Push for Early Diagnosis and Health Care Planning

25. Other newspapers tell about his daily activities,fan reactions and crowded performances.

VOA : special.2010.04.02

26. He made her write a log of daily activities and gave her homework assignments, such as a night out with friends.

FORBES: Magazine Article

27. Be clear about your mission, purpose, expectations, and daily activities.

FORBES: You Can't Be a Great Leader Without Trust. Here's How You Build It

28. Braces, wheelchairs and other devices assist patients with daily activities, while portable respirators help them breathe in later stages of the disease.

WSJ: New Muscular Dystrophy Drugs Offer Hope

29. Occupational therapists, who help patients perform daily activities like eating and dressing, rank fifth on the Vault.com list.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. The report said the incident "created office gossip" and "adversely affected the daily activities of several squads".

BBC: FBI staff disciplined for sex texts and nude pictures

31. Patients can use the device at home, allowing them to continue their normal daily activities.

ENGADGET: Portable brain tumor treatment system kills cancer while you take out the trash

32. Nest, the learning thermostat, can be programmed to perfectly match your daily activities.

CNN: 5 ways to beat the winter blues

33. Megan's boss might show his support by being active in his employees' daily activities, but he ends up coming across as overbearing instead.

CNN: What do you want from your boss this holiday season?

34. To prevent illnesses in pets, it is important that their daily activities be monitored, as is the case for humans.

ENGADGET: Fujitsu collar monitor proves that all dogs go to the cloud

35. And you also have classes that will give you an insight into, someone is coming to see you, who has an alcohol problem, a drug abuse problem, things you will engage in daily activities, boyfriend girlfriend problems, having trouble in class.

和其他课程,比如,有一个人来找你咨询,他有酗酒或者是吸毒问题,或者其他会在日常生活中遇到的问题,男友女友的问题,课堂上的问题等等。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

36. Finally, you may have to submit a detailed curriculum of daily activities and food menus.

FORBES: Magazine Article






















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