
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [weɪt]play美 [weɪt]play

  • v. 等候;盼望,期待;推迟,延缓;(已备好)可处理,可取用;(用于鼓励或威胁)等着;(用于打断讲话)等一下,慢着;服侍,招待
  • n. 等待,等候的时间;<史>(城镇)官方乐队(waits)
  • 【名】 (Wait)(英)韦特,(捷)魏特(人名)

复数 waits 第三人称单数 waits 现在分词 waiting 过去式 waited 过去分词 waited

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


wait /weɪt/ CET4 TEM4 [ waiting waited waits ]

  • 1.
    及物动词/不及物动词 When you wait for something or someone, you spend some time doing very little, because you cannot act until that thing happens or that person arrives. 等候

    I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus.



    I waited to see how she responded.



    We had to wait a week before we got the results.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 等候

    The waiting became almost unbearable.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A wait is a period of time in which you do very little, before something happens or before you can do something. 等待的时间

    ...the four-hour wait for the organizers to declare the result.


  • 4.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If something is waiting for you, it is ready for you to use, have, or do. 等 (你) 使用; 等 (你) 去做

    There'll be a car waiting for you.



    When we came home we had a meal waiting for us.



    He had a car waiting to take him back to the office.


  • 5.
    不及物动词 If you say that something can wait, you mean that it is not important or urgent and so you will deal with it or do it later. 延缓

    I want to talk to you, but it can wait.


  • 6.
    不及物动词 You can use wait when you are trying to make someone feel excited, or to encourage or threaten them. 等着吧 (期望引起对方兴奋之情,或鼓励对方); 等着瞧 (表示威胁)

    If you think this all sounds very exciting, just wait until you read the book.


  • 7.
    及物动词 Wait is used in expressions such as wait a minute, wait a second, and wait a moment to interrupt someone when they are speaking, for example, because you object to what they are saying or because you want them to repeat something. 等一下 (用以打断对方的谈话,或要求对方重复); 且慢

    "Wait a minute!" he broke in. "This is not giving her a fair hearing!"


  • 8.
    不及物动词 If an employee waits on you, for example, in a restaurant or hotel, they take orders from you and bring you what you want. 服侍; 招待

    There were plenty of servants to wait on her.


  • 9.
    习语 If you say that you can't wait to do something or can hardly wait to do it, you are emphasizing that you are very excited about it and eager to do it. 急于要 (做某事)

    We can't wait to get started.


  • 10.
    习语 If you tell someone to wait and see, you tell them that they must be patient or that they must not worry about what is going to happen in the future because they have no control over it. 等着瞧

    We'll have to wait and see what happens.




  • adj.

    waiting 等待的;服侍的

  • n.

    waiting 等待;服侍

  • v.

    waiting 等待;伺候(wait的ing形式);延缓


  • vt.等候;推迟;延缓

    await   /   phase back

  • vi.[计]等待;耽搁;伺候用餐


  • n.[计]等待;等候



1. wait on 服侍;焦急地等待

2. wait state 等待状态 ; 等候状态 ; 等待状况 ; 零等候状态

3. wait time 等待时间

4. too impatient to wait 迫不及待

5. wait a moment 等一会儿;稍等一下

6. wait out 等到…结束

7. wait until 等待直到…

8. can't wait 迫不及待

9. Wait and see 拭目以待 ; 观望 ; 我们拭目以待 ; 走着瞧

10. wait up 不睡而等候

11. wait a second 稍等一下

12. wait a minute 等一下;等一会

13. please wait 请稍候,请稍等;请您稍候;正在暖机等待结束再开始使用

14. wait in 在家等待

15. wait for a while 等一会儿

16. wait for 等候

17. wait and see 等着瞧

18. wait around 呆呆地等;空等

19. circular wait 循环等待 ; 循环等待条件 ; 循环式等候 ; 轮回期待

20. Wait Until Dark 盲女惊魂记 ; 等到天黑 ; 奇谋妙计女福星 ; 盲女惊魂记等到天黑

21. wait upon 侍候;服侍

22. keep someone waiting 让某人等待

23. wait in line 排队等候

24. wait a while 等一会儿


1. I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus...


2. I hope Katy calls soon. Just sitting around and waiting is making me antsy.


3. Can't you wait till we get home?


4. Just wait till you see it. It's great.


5. A cool $500,000 is to be spent on obtaining genuine 17th-century air from the inside of, wait for it, an occupied lead coffin.


6. Do not wait dinner for me.


7. I remember waiting you to stay so and being so thrilled at the thought.


8. We have to wait for half and hour in passport control.


9. Waiting lists increase all the time and we are simply not building enough new homes.

等待批准的申请人名单一直在增加,而我们却根本没有建造出足够多的新房。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

10. Alone she lies waiting?


11. Resentment is like taking a poison and wait for another person to die.


12. Wait for the traffic lights to change.


13. I've been waiting (for) twenty minutes.


14. Wait till I get my hands on him!


15. Don't wait for separation, to make it up.

不要等到分开了, 才希望挽回.《期刊摘选》

16. He's waiting his opportunity.


17. That matter can wait.


18. I can't wait until my car is repaired. The commuting with public transportation is killing me.

我 真 的希望我的车能快点修好,做公共交通工具上下班会把我累死的.《期刊摘选》

19. Hurry up! We're waiting to go.


20. 'Wait for me!' she shrilled.


21. Enhanced security measures since then, combined with a rise in airline travel due to the improving economy and low oil prices, have resulted in long waits at major airports such as Chicago's O'Hare International.

从那以后,安检措施有所加强,加上由于经济好转以及油价降低带来的航空旅行人数的增加,导致了人们在诸如芝加哥奥黑尔国际机场这样的主要机场长时间等待的状况。 《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

22. Sit there and wait till I've done.


23. We sheltered in a doorway to wait out the storm.


24. I can hardly wait for our graduation ceremony.


25. Wait here to have your passport stamped.


26. Mr. Smith waited in the greeting area to meet his overseas client.


27. He was told to sit down and wait.


28. Hope to work with you for so long. Have good day and waiting for your reply.

希望与你这么久. 具有良好的一天,等待你的答复.《期刊摘选》

29. I'll wait outside until the meeting's over.


30. You will have to do an electrocardiogram, please wait in the doorway.

要做心电图检查, 请在门前等候.《期刊摘选》

31. He waits on the chance that she may want to say more.


32. Wait, and it'll all blow over.


33. We must hope that they will wait for the end before they sell me up.


34. Is it the breakthrough we've been waiting for?

这就是我们一直盼望的突破 吗 ?《英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 癌症与艾滋病》

35. He arrives in 2:30, and is told to wait in the very important person lounge.

他在两点半到达, 并被告知在要人休息室等候.《辞典例句》

36. We were tired of waiting and hoped that the bus would come before long.


37. I'm quite happy to wait for you here.


38. The cast is [ are ] waiting on the stage.


39. Could you wait a moment , please?


40. Wait for me!


41. We can't wait to get started...


42. I'm hungry and thirsty, we've been waiting for help since the morning, said Zhaxi Toinzhub.

扎西顿珠说:“我又渴又饿, 从早晨到现在我们一直盼望着救援的到来. ”《期刊摘选》

43. It irks us to wait for people who are late.


44. Hamlet hurriedly walked to her room where she was uneasily waiting for him.


45. He now faces an agonizing two-month wait for the test results.


46. When we came home we had a meal waiting for us...


47. It's gonna be great. I can hardly wait...


48. Let's wait until the rain stops.


49. He is waiting his opportunity.


50. Waiting for the next train at Riffelberg station.


51. A white Christmas will be great . I can't wait for Christmas to come.

Metoo. 马可大哥和我都盼望圣诞节可以赶快来临呢!《期刊摘选》

52. He hurries down the gangplank to hug his waiting wife.


53. Wait till you see what I've found!


54. Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen...


55. 'Shall I wait?' 'No, don't bother'.


56. Leeds United had waited for success for eighteen years.


57. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting; I just popped out for a few moments.

我很抱歉,劳你等候了; 我刚才匆匆出去一会儿.《期刊摘选》

58. Lashed inside her blooded girdle she is waiting for the rain.


59. The plane had to wait half an hour on the tarmac because of fog.


60. My hope of a better job damped down after six years waiting.


61. She rang the bell and waited.


62. I can cheerfully take it now, or with equal cheerfulness I can wait.

我可以现在就愉快地接受, 或同样愉快地等待.《期刊摘选》

63. I'll wait until they arrive.


64. The operation cannot wait.


65. I'll wait for you out (the) front.


66. A police inspector was waiting for him to recover consciousness.


67. The whole project is in suspended animation while we wait for permission to proceed.


68. Uneasy but eager, the whole family waited for the eggs to hatch.


69. Back in Mpamirundi , Domatilla is waiting the wind to bring back the rains.

在麦迪穆伦迪村, 多玛提娜正盼望着一阵风会带来一场雨.《期刊摘选》

70. You don't need to wait for me.


71. They dug in and waited for the enemy's attack.


72. I waited my chance and slipped out when no one was looking.


73. Wait until they get and shaken out, then jump in while no one is watching.

应该等到希望出场的空方难受、动摇,纷纷离场时, 再一跃入场.《期刊摘选》

74. A contingent of troops in ceremonial dress representing a colorful array of flags waited for review.


75. Have you been waiting long?


76. Each student is expected to wait at table for one week each semester.


77. We'll have to wait and see what happens.


78. While Rick and Dan wait, Janet suffers from the extreme pain of her broken arm.

在里克和丹等待的时候, 珍妮特由于骨折的手臂疼得死去活来.《期刊摘选》

79. We are waiting for confirmation of our onward reservations.


80. As soon as you get some food inside you, you'll feel more cheerful. Just you wait.


81. Any changes will have to wait until sponsors can be found.


82. We can't afford to wait.


83. We had to wait all day long.


84. ...a wait-and-see attitude.


85. We're waiting for the rain to stop before we go out.


86. I'll wait for another six months or a year and hope prices can go lower.


87. This is just the opportunity I've been waiting for.


88. To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth.


89. I resigned myself to a long wait in line.


90. He doesn't have the patience to wait.


91. I wish the bus would come; I've been waiting here for ages.

我希望公共汽车快来. 我在这里已经等候好久了.《期刊摘选》

92. Arms bend. Arms upward. Wait for it. Stretch.


93. A seeker trusts, he hopes; he can wait, he can wait infinitely.

一个探寻者相信, 他希望着, 他能等, 他能无限地等.《期刊摘选》

94. It a message of hope and urgency. Because he's not gonna wait much longer.

这是个关于希望的紧急讯息, 因为他不想在等下去了.《期刊摘选》

95. I was content to wait.


96. Most of the men who were waiting were pulling nervously on cigarettes.


97. a wait-and-see policy


98. Also has other four character waiting hope.


99. Waiting for a suggestion from above does nothing . Hoping to strike 4 D is nothing.


100. Wait for the concrete to go hard.


101. In order to cut waiting time, patients can call to make an appointment.

为了缩短就诊等候时间, 外国患者可以直接电话预约就诊时间.《期刊摘选》

102. He Himself by His Holy Spirit will teach us this if we wait upon Him.


103. In the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work.

在理想化的科学研究中,世界的真相正等待着实事求是的研究者们去观察和收集,他们会用科学的方法去开展工作。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

104. He waited for it to be light.


105. Then wait Alexeyevich Prague will be charged with the crime of corruption.


106. If you think this all sounds very exciting, just wait until you read the book...


107. Children can't wait for the summer to dive in the river.


108. He's waiting for me to make a mistake.


109. Wait for the game to load.


110. The opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for.


111. The practice is waiting urgently for the answers given by the theoretics.


112. Neutral jin is theto earthbending. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike.

中性之劲才是驭土术的精要, 它包含了倾听和等待,为的是找到出手的最佳时机.《期刊摘选》

113. You'll just have to wait your turn (= wait until your turn comes) .


114. Sorry mate, you'll have to wait.


115. She smiled hopefully at me, waiting for my answer.

她满怀希望地微笑, 等待我的回答.《期刊摘选》

116. Katie : Great, I can't wait. Oh, I wish I was going to Sydney with you now.

太好了, 我都等不及了. 真希望我能够和你们一起去悉尼啊.《期刊摘选》

117. 'Wait a minute!' he broke in. 'This is not giving her a fair hearing!'


118. I hope, from the bottom of my heart, he won't keep her waiting much longer.

我从心底里希望, 他不要再让她等下去了.《辞典例句》

119. He told Sarah to wait while he dressed.


120. The business can wait till next week.


121. Those who are waiting on My return with hope and gladness.


122. They could still invalidate Fourth Amendment protections when facing severe, urgent circumstances, and they could take reasonable measures to ensure that phone data are not erased or altered while waiting for a warrant. 

他们还可以在面临严峻紧急情况时越过第四修正案的保护条例;他们也可以在等待搜查令时采取合理措施以保证手机数据不被删除或更改。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

123. Do everything in the day and wait, not pinning hopes opportunity.

不要凡事在天,守株待兔, 更不要寄希望于 “ 机会 ”.《期刊摘选》

124. The dancers stood on the floor, waiting for the music to begin.

跳舞的人站在地板上, 等待音乐开始.《辞典例句》

125. I can hardly wait for my birthday.


126. Her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance.


127. Mind goes, and forgetting stays. Waiting for next samsara. I will bury hope!

走了心中的, 留下忘记的, 等到下一个轮回, 将希望埋葬!《期刊摘选》

128. Praise waited for thee, O God, in Sion and unto thee shall the vow be performed.

(大卫的诗歌,交与伶长)神阿, 锡安的人都等候赞美你, 所许的愿,也要向你偿还.《期刊摘选》

129. I kept trying to write my paper in the waiting room, but it was too hard.

我试着在等候室里写作文, 但我办不到.《电影对白》

130. As well as the army, thousands of policemen across Russia have served in Chechnya.

像军队一样, 全俄罗斯的数千名警察也在车臣服役.《期刊摘选》

131. Js arrives first, she is everywhere see behind head for a post, waited for before post.

先抵达, 她四处看看后走向一根柱子, 在柱子前等候著.《期刊摘选》

132. He planned on waiting for the group at the foot of the hill.


133. I'm seeing a patient—please wait outside.


134. Well, what are you waiting for? Do I have to ask you for a kiss?


135. Divorced persons may remarry,but a gender prejudice shows up: The divorced male doesn’t have a waiting period before he can remarry while the woman must wait ten months.

离异之人可以再婚,但是会出现性别歧视;离异的男性再婚前不需要经过一个等待期,而离异的女性则必须要等待十个月。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

136. We waited dinner for him.


137. There were plenty of servants to wait on her...


138. ...the four-hour wait for the organizers to declare the result.


139. For now, they are herded a waiting area ringed with metal barriers.

不过目前, 他们还只能从用金属栏杆围起来等候区入场.《期刊摘选》

140. And only I who would wait and weep and wear out my heart in vain longing?

我只能哭泣着等待,把我的心折磨在空虚的伫望之中 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

141. We have been waiting for this.


142. Quiet one waits for the light happiness.

静静的等待淡淡的幸福. 翻译成英语怎么说?《期刊摘选》

143. Think of them as children playing hide and seek, hoping and waiting to be discovered.


144. I do hope that the guy you are waiting will never be a heart breaker.


145. I can't wait till he's just a little older.


146. There'll be a car waiting for you...


147. They postponed making a decision and we just had to wait.


148. 'I'll wait,' he said with a sigh.


149. We all waited for the last bus hopefully.


150. He checked his baggage and waited to board the plane.


151. I wait for you in the springtime of beatings and gross unnecessary death.


152. The hope has been replaced genuine belief and I cannot wait for the season to start.


153. I want to talk to you, but it can wait...


154. Waiting for the arrival of what, I comb their hope?

等待什么的降临, 我在梳理自己的希望 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

155. They hoped the waiting and the uncertainty would wear down my resistance.


156. Humboldt was just what everyone had been waiting for.


157. The time dragged as we waited.


158. A lower priority thread might be forced to wait while higher priority threads complete their tasks.


159. We have a car waiting just outside the airport over there.


160. They to be waiting for something toup.


161. Iou for being so patient, the lonely nights waiting.

感激你,因为你总是那么耐心, 漫漫长夜里的等待.《期刊摘选》

162. Where do I wait for the express Edinburgh?

我到哪里等候开往爱丁堡的快车 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

163. I'll be famous one day, just you wait!


164. Seat by number. Late audience please wait in the waiting area till the interval.



1. Would it not be better for him to die quickly, and go to wait for her in that blessed place of the future?

VOA : special.2009.04.18

2. By 1997 Delhi Metro's fathers were calling and full-time contemplation would have to wait.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

3. As is usually the case, the more you can wait, the better your options.

ENGADGET: HTC Gold with Windows Phone 7 in November, and more from a rumored UK roadmap leak

4. Others were less excited about the overnight wait for the sixth version of Apple's iconic smartphone.

CNN: iPhone 5: The wait is over

5. You might say, "Wait a minute, I thought the tonic was down here."

你也许会说,等等,我想主音应该在这里聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Sony did not and had to wait another six weeks to get their first chips.

WSJ: Playing the Fool

7. It was a cancer. President Cleveland asked how long he could wait to have the cancer removed.

VOA : special.2010.06.17

8. Wait a minute, you're thinking what about Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Connecticut.

NPR: For Some, Civil Unions Gain Second-Class Stigma

9. Most analysts believe that Mr. Simon will wait as the downturn in the euro zone persists.

WSJ: Investors Ponder Simon Property's French Appetite

10. But March also means another kind of madness -- the nervous wait for admissions letters from colleges and universities.

VOA : special.2009.03.26

11. And now, if I'm touching mouse pointer, we saw that Boolean expression before, play sound meow, wait a couple of seconds, and then just keep checking.

现在,如果我们碰下鼠标指针,起初我们看到一个布尔表达式,播放猫叫的声音,等几秒钟,然后如刚才那样做检测。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

12. They wanted to start a fight. They would wait for someone to be brave enough to try to hit it off.

VOA : special.2010.01.17

13. This is the place I can't wait to get back to when I go overseas.

NPR: The Right to Be Fully American

14. The longer the wait,experts say, the more likely that the risks of treatment will outweigh the benefits.

VOA : special.2009.08.12

15. Craig, a year older than Carolyn, still remembers the torment of trying to wait.


16. Perhaps wait for a slight rest in TSLA, but the stock seems to have more upside.

FORBES: First Solar Shows Textbook Short Squeeze In Effect

17. The police have not yet registered a case, saying they will wait for the committee's report.

BBC: Chinese man held in Kashmir over 'Koran desecration'

18. And, in order to determine that, we had to wait a few years until 1909.

为了完成那,我们等了好几年,直到1909年。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. You're now in the experimental group and I say, "Please wait here.

你现在是实验小组的一员,我说,“请稍等。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. The wait list, every kid on the wait list is qualified to go to the school.

NPR: Ask Amy: Responding to the Thin Envelope

21. Now you might say, wait a minute. Thing's ordered, if I stop part way through and I throw away half the list, doesn't that help me? And the answer is yes, but it doesn't change the complexity.

如果我在半路上停下来,然后不去遍历剩下的数组了,这会有帮助么?答案是有帮助,但这没法改变算法的复杂度,因为我们之前怎么说来着?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

22. Mr. Murray can't wait them out, and he senses that his time is now.

WSJ: Andy Murray Tries to Crack Tennis's Inner Circle

23. So Peter Mandelson had to wait until Tony Blair became leader for his first comeback.

BBC: Martha Kearney's week

24. There is this wonderful overarching voice that unifies everything after all. This is what I call," says de Man, "the rhetoricization of grammar, right--but wait!

有这种包罗万象的声音,它把所有东西都联合起来,这就是我所说的“,德曼说,“语法的修辞化,对了,等等!文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. We should not need to wait for the Windy City to take the lead.

FORBES: Why Rahm Emmanuel Should Use More School Vouchers

26. What this parable really teaches us is that we do best to wait, we do best to consider the command, to consider all of the possible investment strategies.

这个寓言真正教会我们的是我们最好等着,我们最好仔细考虑要求,考虑所有可能的投资策略。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. For now though, Goldman has to wait in line like every other bank regarding dividend matters.

FORBES: Why Goldman Sachs Can't Repay Warren Buffett

28. He would wait in orbit around the moon while Armstrong and Aldrin landed and explored the surface.

VOA : special.2009.07.15

29. John could not wait to pay back the rest of the money that Judge Tone said his father had borrowed.

VOA : special.2010.06.26

30. And so the man took the box, and put up his forty dollars and sat down to wait.

VOA : special.2009.08.29

31. We had to wait - it seemed like an age - for the police to arrive.

BBC: Briton killed in Mumbai is named

32. For decades we were expected to stay at home and wait on men hand and foot.

FORBES: Readers Say

33. Wait, let me clarify: a place where you can actually buy a girl her life back.

FORBES: The Girl Store: Is It Too Provocative?

34. Wait!


35. The longer the wait, experts say,the more likely that the risks of treatment will be too great.

VOA : special.2009.09.22

36. Instead, the Administration announced last Friday it would wait until after the 2012 elections to decide.

FORBES: Corruption And Election Tricks Are Adding To The U.S.' Energy Troubles

37. African countries frequently have to wait for years, if not decades,for new medical products to trickle into their health systems.

VOA : special.2011.01.19

38. Well, I could just not consume anything this year and I could wait until next year and consume the terminal value.

当然,我今年也可以分文不花,到明年再以最终价值花掉金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. The property's lobby opens directly into the airport check-in area, making it easy to gauge the wait time.

BBC: Business trip: Montreal

40. We will have to wait for a case to see how all this shakes out.

FORBES: Will Declaratory Judgment Actions Be The Savior Of Domestic Asset Protection Trusts? Probably Not.

41. But John Masiunas of the University of Illinois Extension says it may be best to wait until after the last winter freeze.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

42. It's your turn,sir.I'm sorry that you've had to wait.


43. He took me to Miss Adair's house and agreed to wait there until we had finished our business.

VOA : special.2009.01.17

44. So, that, for me, was kind of the first connection that what went, "Woah, wait a second, I want to be thinking about these molecules all the way down to the level of individual atoms."

接下来我遇到的一个问题,哇哦,等等,让我想想,是我在学习,有机化学的时候“化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

45. Hurry up! Mom, I can't wait any more.


46. And your dad is like, "Oh, give me a big hug, I can't wait to see you."

你的爸爸说,“哦,来赶紧给爸爸抱一下,我等不及要见你了。”SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Don't 课堂

47. Any money over that means you have to wait in line with other creditors for recovery.

FORBES: Is Your Bank At Risk Of Failure?

48. He quipped that President Barack Obama's health care reform law would have required a long wait.

NPR: Paul: GOP Needs To Become A 'Bigger' Party

49. Put yourself down on the wait list if you don't get into the section you want.

如果你想换个小组,请在等候名录里预约博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. Authorized's victory ended a long Derby wait for Dettori, 36, dating back to 1992.

CNN: Dettori triumphs in Derby at last

51. Wait until it is safe to travel to volunteer sites and opportunities have been identified.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

52. and then you would wait two seconds or so and then you would see a target, presented very rapidly.

然后你会等待大约两秒钟,的时间,之后你会看到一个目标,显示得非常快。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

53. Wait. Don't you first need to study the other ?" so that you can be more sensitive to others?"

等等,你难道不要首先研究别人,才能对别人更敏感吗“幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

54. If you spot them in your home or experience bites, do not wait to call in an exterminator.

FORBES: America's Most Bed Bug-Infested Cities

55. They just wait, they wait for their time, they wait until you are in danger from a particular antigen.

它们时刻准备着,在等待着那一刻,等待你被某种特别的抗原威胁的时刻生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. It can provide thick green grass without the work or wait required to grow a lawn from seed.

VOA : special.2009.07.07

57. But then he said 'it's looking good but we need to wait until the cars finish'.

BBC: Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel kept Formula 1 title belief

58. Lions wait in ambush, with scavengers such as hyenas and jackals eying good pickings.

BBC: Migration and the Masai Mara

59. I think I've heard bits and pieces of the answer everywhere, so I don't want to wait until we get it word-perfect.

我想我可以听到各种各样的答案,所以我不想等这大家想出完美的答案基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. `Wait for me', she shrilled.


61. `You wait and see!' he had blurted out brashly.


62. They did not wait for Norway or Belgium or the Netherlands to commit an act of war."

VOA : special.2010.01.31

63. And then it becomes cinematic again because the camera says "Wait a minute, I can help."

接着它又变得很电影化了,镜头会说,等等,我可以帮忙“电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

64. "We'll wait and see how intense the Wales training is, " said former Wales captain Young.

BBC: Williams ignores Welsh rugby row

65. The camera has a launch time and shot-to-shot wait time of about 0.5 seconds(12).

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