to disapprove of翻译_to disapprove of短语搭配_to disapprove of权威例句

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to disapprove of

网络 不赞成;不同意

英 [tu ˌdɪsəˈpruːv ɒv]play 美 [tu ˌdɪsəˈpruːv əv]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. to strongly disapprove of 表达反对的意见


1. I can see no reason to disapprove of establishing a computer center.


2. Why do you always have to disapprove of dverything I do?

为什么我做的每件事你都要反对?《provided by jukuu》

3. Even though they disapprove of the Afghanistan operation, 60% accept that such missions are unavoidable, according to Allensbach, a polling organisation.


4. Voters are more worried about the economy than anything else, YouGov found, and they disapprove of Barack Obama's handling of it by a margin of 47% to 43%.

YouG ov还发现,再没有什么比经济更让选民担心的了,对于奥巴马的经济处理方案,不赞同的比例为47%,赞同的占43%。

5. I disapprove of artists who cuddle their work and inflate its importance so much that they worry about every minute detail to the point of redundancy.


6. This approach has been to disapprove implicitly of such measures by asking countries to take a lot of complementary action ( improving corporate governance, strengthening financial regulations and so on) in order to preserve foreign flows, considered sacrosanct by the IMF.


7. If you want to pick things to disapprove of, the rating agencies would be far down on the list.


8. We assume the role of the manager and use the BPC Explorer to process the approval task, deciding to disapprove the order.

我们假设一个经理角色并使用BPC Explorer来处理审批任务,还决定不批准订单。

9. Many Iranians disapprove of women raising their voices, a problem when it comes to rehearsals.


10. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. (Voltaire).


11. More than 80% disapprove of BP, according to a new poll, and more than two-thirds are dissatisfied with the federal response.


12. Those who disapprove of it vastly overestimate its capacity to corrupt.


13. I can see no reason to disapprove of


14. If a country boycotts a country, they refuse to be involved with it anyway because they disapprove of it.


15. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.


16. We disapprove of referring bilateral disputes to multilateral forums because that will only make these issues bigger and more complicated.


17. If you want to pick things to disapprove of, the rating agencies would be far down on the list.


18. With one voice they disapprove of you, all bossily saying that it is your job to mentor talent (horrid phrase) and that if you even think of keeping him down you are a worm.


19. Yet people who disapprove of using animals to conduct medical research still contribute to it through the federal taxes they pay.


20. For instance, if your husband is prone to fits of cursing in front of your child, let him know it's not okay. Let him know WHY it's not okay, not just that you disapprove.


21. The number who disapprove has jumped from 44% in December to 53%, and 48% say they are now mostly resentful of Obama's policies towards Banks and financial institutions.


22. More seriously, Americans disapprove of Mr Obama’s plan to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay by 50% to 44%.


23. If parents are angered by their daughter's divorce, dislike her new husband, and disapprove of how she is raising their grandchildren, chances are that they are not going to enjoy her visits.


24. Paul is a meticulous taskmaster on a job site, and he tends to disapprove of my cutting corners - as I tried to do by reducing the concrete in the foundation.


25. In the last phase, Approval of ECR, a decision on whether to approve or disapprove the ECR is made.

最后一个阶段Approval of ECR决定是否同意执行ecr。

26. Protestant countries disapprove of cruelty to animals.


27. This causes the approvalResponse operation to be called, with an approval response value of "disapprove" (and the orderId for correlation).

这会导致调用 approvalResponse 操作和审批响应值 "disapprove"(以及用于关联的 orderId)。

28. If parents are by their daughter's divorce, dislike her new husband, and disapprove of how she is raising their grandchildren, chances are that they are not going to enjoy her visits.


29. To those educationists who disapprove of testing, let Myers be a lesson to you, and to me, as I sit down in her new office (passing five girls waiting nervously outside the door).


30. The registration authority shall notify the applicant enterprise of its decision in writing to approve or disapprove of the deferment in the registration based on the situation within ten working days after receiving said application.

产权登记机关自收到企业书面申请10个工作日内,依据实际情况以书面文件通知企业准予或不准予暂缓登记;《provided by jukuu》

31. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say.


32. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. — Voltaire.



1. Although two-thirds of Germans disapprove of sending soldiers to Congo, few have protested.

ECONOMIST: Germany's armed forces: Abroad, by inches | The

2. Inevitably, they rather like being part of it, and stick around for years trying to slim down something they disapprove of, fanatical dieters insisting on eating at the best restaurants so they can better control the portion sizes.

BBC: Are Republicans the 'stupid party'?

3. It is important to note that the SEC does not approve or disapprove of UITs or the securities within a given UIT or pass upon the adequacy of any prospectus for a given UIT.

FORBES: Why Unit Investment Trusts Can Be A Good Investment Alternative

4. According to a Quinnipiac poll published last week, a whopping 67 percent of American Jews disapprove of Obama's handling of the situation between Israel and the Palestinians.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Barreling on, regardless

5. One of my girlfriends admitted recently she was afraid to tell the women in her mother's group she sometimes has a glass of wine to calm herself down because she thought they'd disapprove.

CNN: A kind of courtship: Finding a mom friend in the big city

6. Such cultural sensitivity among churchmen in Mexico, however, is relatively recent, and many Mexican Catholics disapprove of what they see as the willingness of churchmen in Chiapas to bend to paganism.

ECONOMIST: The Mexicans treated as aliens in their own country

7. The effect is as predictable as it is cynical: Most panel members know of no reason to disapprove ratification.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Quality control or rubber stamp?

8. Have the people the right to turn out a government of which they disapprove and are constitutional means provided by which they can make their will apparent?


9. Meanwhile, other women who may disapprove of the situation stand quietly to the side, fearful of becoming targets themselves.

FORBES: The Psychological Warfare of Women: Are We Our Own Worst Enemy?

10. And even when they disapprove of such activities they still seem to accept it as an intrinsic part of the game.

BBC: News | Football | Football's drink problem

11. Demonstrators disapprove of plans to rebuild old Ottoman barracks and create a shopping arcade.

CNN: Police try to break up Istanbul shopping project protest

12. Although polls suggest that a majority disapprove of Mr Alvarez's decision to resign, his approval ratings are still twice as high as the president's, which have dropped from 70% to 23% since December.

ECONOMIST: Argentina

13. They show a similar disdain for television, music and cinema and disapprove of girls aged 10 and over from going to school.

BBC: Q&A: Pakistan's Swat offensive

14. If they cannot get the president to do their dirty work for them, so the theory goes, they might be tempted to step in again to remove a civilian government of which they disapprove.


15. One of his current challenges is to design a metal case for a cellular phone, which may appeal to environmentally conscious consumers who disapprove of plastic.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | GizmoLand! | Man Beats Machine

16. According to Rasmussen Reports, 37% of Americans strongly disapprove of the president's performance, compared with 30% who strongly approve.

FORBES: Financial Reform

17. And if you disapprove, then in 2010 you witnessed the power of America's system to check an overactive majority.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

18. Mr. REINSCH: Well, if investors want to make that choice to take their money out of something they disapprove of, that's fine.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Transcript of CNBC Divest Terror debate

19. On the one hand it claims to disapprove of selection: while it will allow ballots to destroy grammar schools, it will not allow ballots to create new ones.

ECONOMIST: Education: Going for grammars | The

20. But only the freedom to do all the things we approve of and no freedom to do any of the things we disapprove of.

FORBES: A Feminist Approach to the Freedom of the Press

21. And if they do, what right do the rest of us have to disapprove of suicide, or to try to stop it?

ECONOMIST: Let death be my dominion

22. For another, Mr Tomblin demonstrated that the way to win as a Democrat in a conservative state where voters heartily disapprove of Mr Obama is to run, in effect, as a Republican.

ECONOMIST: West Virginias governors election

23. Indeed, bank regulators, who were in charge of enforcing CRA standards, could hardly disapprove of similar loans made to better qualified borrowers.

FORBES: Media Parrot Obama Financial Crisis Campaign Propaganda

24. Mr Riordan has sought the endorsement of Republican women who disapprove of their party's previous opposition to abortion.

ECONOMIST: Maybe, if he stays a liberal Republican

25. Besides, they know that putting him on the ticket could lure some Latino support away from Democrats -- especially given that, according to polls, a majority of Latino voters disapprove of President Barack Obama's handling of immigration.

CNN: GOP version of Dream Act holds promise

26. Moreover, many Iraqis sympathetic to the rebels when they attack the Americans or their foreign allies disapprove of attacks on the Iraqi security forces and may, as a result, be more loth than before to harbour the attackers.

ECONOMIST: Iraq: Is it getting safer? | The

27. While majorities have to tolerate the views of minorities, minorities also need to tolerate the rights of the majority to disagree with and even disapprove of them.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: From fashion to fortitude: the road to resilience

28. Most of Congress has gone on record in opposition: 56 of the 100 senators voted to disapprove it, as did virtually the same majority of the House (56.7 percent).

NPR: U.S. Troops Surge Toward an Exit in Iraq

29. Thus it is very possible that the percentage of Americans who disapprove of Bush, 60% to 63%, might be the same who say the economy stinks.

FORBES: Anxiety in The Age of Prosperity

30. And after pictures of the Abu Ghraib abuses came to light, they slipped further according to a new Gallup poll, 55% of Americans now disapprove of Mr Bush's handling of the situation in Iraq, with only 42% approving.

ECONOMIST: The buck stops where?





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