Department of Justice翻译_Department of Justice短语搭配_Department of Justice权威例句

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Department of Justice


英 [dɪˈpɑːtmənt ɒv ˈdʒʌstɪs]play 美 [dɪˈpɑːrtmənt əv ˈdʒʌstɪs]play

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1. Hunan Provincial Department of Justice 湖南省司法厅

2. California Department of Justice 加州司法部

3. Fujian Provincial Department of Justice 福建省厅的正义 ; 福建省司法厅 ; 福建省律政司

4. the US Department of Justice 美国司法部

5. The Department of Justice 司法部

6. Department of Justice Studies 司法学系

7. US Department of Justice 美国司法部 ; 司法部

8. Department of Justice Canada 加拿大司法部


1. Japan hanged three murderers on Tuesday, including one Chinese citizen, according to the Japanese Department of Justice.

据日本法务省(Japanese Department of Justice)称,日本周二对3名杀人犯执行了绞刑,其中包括一位中国公民。

2. The Department of Justice is committed to ensuring that e-books are affordable as is possible.


3. And just as in 2001, the Department of Justice had already cleared the deal-on August 20th.


4. You would contact the DOJ ( department of justice), states attorneys office.


5. But if the US Department of Justice says there is a serious case to answer, it still carries global credibility.


6. Within the Department of Justice are several drug-fighting agencies. The lead agency in this respect is the DEA.


7. The Department of Justice blocked mergers between Northwest and Continental in 1998 and, three years later, between United and US Airways.


8. Here, the Department of Justice are also looking into the market for car parts,


9. And after the Department of Justice threw the first punches against Google, Europe is starting to follow suit in its pursuit of the internet-search giant.


10. Mr Obama has asked the Department of Justice to review both grand jury decisions under federal civil rights law.


11. Such complaints have attracted the attention of America's Department of Justice, which is examining the agreement to see whether it is anti-competitive.


12. Policy influence of breaking through bribery crime in department of justice.


13. Google is facing antitrust investigations from both the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of justice.

尽管在在线广告领域,谷歌显然面临着新的竞争,但同时谷歌也正面临着来自联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)和美国司法部(Department of Justice)的双重反垄断调查。

14. Her behavior this week has solidified her support within the Department of Justice.


15. The Department of Justice has accused Apple of making special accommodations in China.


16. On April 8th, 2011 the US Department of Justice approved the buyout.


17. The proposed merger is contingent on approval by shareholders at both companies and U.S. Department of Justice antitrust clearance.


18. So the Department of Justice should wave the merger through, while keeping the right to interfere if the colossus is poorly policed.


19. America's Department of Justice has joined those probing that market.


20. The Department of Justice took legal action on Wednesday in federal court in New York City.


21. He appointed as his education “chancellor” Joel Klein, a former top trust-buster at the federal Department of Justice.


22. The Department of Justice is investigating the company for giving subprime mortgage securities top ratings just before they imploded.

美国司法部(The Department of Justice)正在对该公司就其在次级抵押贷款证券崩盘前仍给予这些证券最高评级一事展开调查。

23. On August 24th the Department of Justice released a report on the CIA's interrogation of detainees abroad, written by the agency's internal watchdog in 2004.


24. This settlement is one component of the 13-billion dollar deal with the department of justice, expected to be announced soon.


25. The scale of the security lapse came to light as the Department of Justice charged Albert Gonzalez of Miami with two counts of conspiracy.

随着美国司法部(DoJ)对迈阿密的艾伯特•冈萨雷斯(Albert Gonzalez)提起两项犯罪指控,这个安全漏洞的规模才浮出水面。

26. The attorney general is the head of the Department of justice.

司法部长是司法部的负责人。《provided by jukuu》

27. The US Department of justice alleges that Microsoft has used its domination of the operating system market to restrict competition.

美国司法部宣称微软利用了其在操作系统市场上的主导地位来限制竞争。《provided by jukuu》

28. The answer can be found in a fascinating old report from the United States Department of Justice.

答案可以在美国司法部(Department of Justice)先前一份有趣的报告中找到。

29. I represent the Department of justice.

我代表的是司法部。《provided by jukuu》

30. The Department of Justice has contributed to these seminars by supplying both training materials and speakers.


31. The United States Department of Justice showed that one out of four kids will be bullied during their adolescence.


32. Research Team, Department of Justice, Ningxia Autonomous Region.


33. He decided to write to the Department of justice.

他决定给司法部写信。《provided by jukuu》

34. America's Department of Justice, meanwhile, has also taken a robust interest in BAE's overseas affairs.

同时,美国司法部(Department of Justice)也对BAE的海外业务有着强烈兴趣。

35. In fact, the Department of Justice report notes that in two of 63 clearly documented deaths, the subjects were asthmatic.


36. The US Department of Justice also filed criminal charges against three former ICAP employees.

美国司法部(US Department of Justice)还向毅联汇业的三名前雇员提起了刑事指控。

37. The Department of Justice is responsible for drafting legislation in both official languages.


38. News reports said that America's Department of Justice (DoJ) had launched an inquiry into possible collusion among bidders in private-equity deals.


39. On August 31st the Wall Street Journal reported that the Department of Justice has been investigating Oracle, a database-software company, for a year.


40. ROBINSON Ok, terrific. Department of Justice?


41. The Department of Justice stood behind her, and she won her right to practice her faith.

司法部(Department of Justice)对他表示支持,她赢得了信奉自己宗教的权利。

42. The US Department of justice had also been informed of the concerns, two people close to the matter said.

两位知情人士表示,美国司法部(department of justice)也已被告知上述问题。

43. There are numerous subdivisions of the Department of Justice.


44. BHP said the US Department of Justice had concluded its own investigations and would take action.

必和必拓称,美国司法部(Department of Justice)已经完成了自己的调查,并将采取行动。《》

45. IBM is being investigated by the US Department of Justice over allegations of anti-competitive behaviour, a computer industry trade body has said.


46. He said that even his worst days at the Department of Justice were better than his father's best days.


47. And the Department of justice, which comes under the Secretary for justice.

至于律政司,则由律政司司长掌管。《provided by jukuu》

48. The Department of Justice is appealing against his decision.


49. He decided to write to the Department of Justice.


50. American Express will go to court after the American Department of Justice sued it for anti-competitive conduct over the "swipe fees" that it charges merchants.


51. The US Department of justice is also investigating, UniCredit said in a statement at the weekend.

裕信银行在上周末发布的声明中表示,美国司法部(us department of justice)也在展开调查。

52. Joint criminal litigation separation of the establishment has its inherent theoretical basis, but also necessary for Department of Justice practice.


53. Criminal prosecutions are controlled free of interference by the Department of Justice and in accordance with established common law principles.


54. Legal Publicity Division, Department of Justice, Liaoning Province.


55. One is that, by convention, the Department of Justice is expected to appeal decisions that strike down existing law.


56. It is to help pay for the move by leasing its current building, in the University Hill area of Columbia, to the Department of Justice.


57. The Department of Justice is looking into derivatives, too.



1. The Attorney General -- I would refer you to the Department of Justice on it.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

2. This is an action taken by the Attorney General and the Department of Justice.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

3. The Department of Justice announcement of the sentencing today included severe warnings to the recalcitrant.

FORBES: Flatotel Father Son Team Get 10 Years For Tax Fraud

4. It needs the power to do criminal investigations the same way the Department of Justice can.

FORBES: Mary Schapiro's SEC Exit An Opening For Greater Reforms

5. His Department of Justice has declared that it will not cooperate with Arizona in its enforcement.

CNN: Obama, Romney make same mistake on Hispanics

6. Page 58 (9:44 p.m.): Department of Justice officials are added to the e-mail chain.

CNN: White House releases Benghazi e-mails

7. Observers noted a similar lack of preparedness in the intelligence community and Department of Justice.

FORBES: Compared With Bush, Obama's Defense Record Looks Real Good

8. To understand this especially gilded revolving door, we must understand the Department of Justice.

FORBES: The Revolving Door at the Department of Justice

9. The U.S. Department of Justice's grim pursuit of Microsoft is a laughingstock the world over.

FORBES: How Microsoft could blow it

10. Evidence even suggests this was done with full knowledge of the U.S. Department of Justice.

FORBES: Revenge Still Sweet As Anonymous Posts 27,000 More HBGary E-Mails

11. Allen is cooperating with the Department of Justice as part of his plea agreement, Friedrich said.

CNN: Alaska senator on charges: 'I am innocent'

12. The Department of Justice has consistently taken the position that online poker violates U.S. law.

FORBES: The Big Question For Full Tilt's U.S. Players: Will They Get Their Poker Winnings Back?

13. The Department of Justice should have no objections based on Clayton Act to Microsoft killing Nook.

FORBES: Apple And Amazon Should Rejoice As Microsoft Morbidly Embraces Nook

14. The Department of Justice, the FBI and the University of Pittsburgh police are investigating.


15. It joins the US Department of Justice and the UK accounting regulator in questioning the firm.

BBC: HP logo

16. Permission is also needed from the Department of Justice before an exhumation can be carried out.

BBC: Jimmy Savile's nephew Guy Marsden in exhumation call

17. That will come if we desire to talk about that more from the Department of Justice.

WHITEHOUSE: 5/10/10: White House Press Briefing

18. And within weeks, on June 19, the Department of Justice announced an agreement allowing the sale.

CNN: Moving Money Through State Capitals

19. The FCC and the Department of Justice both are required to approve such mergers.

CNN: Senate committee to review Telecommunications Act

20. For comment on specific Supreme Court cases, I would point you to the Department of Justice.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

21. The government wins about 90 percent of federal trials, according to Department of Justice data.

FORBES: What To Expect At The Raj Rajaratnam Trial

22. The Department of Justice also examines whether there is "probable cause" to justify the request.

BBC: US-UK extradition: The law explained

23. But there will be no Department of Justice inquiry, no settlements, and no recoveries.

FORBES: Does Apple's Holy Grail of Tax Avoidance Runneth Over?

24. Those letters targeted information about 7, 201 people that year, according to the Department of Justice.

FORBES: Connect

25. Representatives for the U.S. Department of Justice could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

FORBES: 10th Circuit Brings Foreign Copyrights Back From The Dead

26. The Department of Justice takes his cooperation into consideration, but he's been offered nothing.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton

27. The corporation quickly pleaded guilty and paid its nearly billion-dollar tribute to the Department of Justice.

FORBES: The Revolving Door at the Department of Justice

28. The Department of Justice indicted Matthew Keys, a 26-year-old digital journalist from Sacramento, Calif.

FORBES: Justice Dept. Charges Reuters Employee Matthew Keys With Helping Anonymous Hack Tribune Co.

29. The Delaware Department of Justice issued an emergency petition Wednesday to have Morse's medical license suspended.

CNN: Girl accuses father of 'waterboarding'

30. The U.S. Department of Justice website updates a list of approved credit counseling agencies.

FORBES: Credit Counselors Face Challenges of Their Own -- Just When They're Needed Most
















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