
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [raɪt]play美 [raɪt]play

  • adj. 符合道德的,正当的;正确的,真实的;(人、物)合适的,般配的;(意见,判断)对的;右边的,右侧的;(状态或情况)健康的,正常的;<英,非正式> 十足的,真正的(用于强调某人或某物多么糟糕);正面的,外面的;时尚的,上流社会的;(人或政党)支持保守观点的,右翼的
  • v. 纠正,矫正;补救,扭转;把(尤指小船)扶正,使直立
  • n. 正当,公正;正当的要求,权利;版权,发行权(rights);右边,右方(the right);右拐,右转弯;右边的路(或入口);(足球等运动)右外场;部队的右翼;右翼组织,右派政党(the right/the Right);右翼人士的立场,右翼立场(the right);右手拳
  • adv. (地方、位置或时间)正好,就在;直接地,径直地;一直地,完全地;<非正式>立即,毫不耽搁;正确地,确切地;<非正式>顺利,正常;在右面,向右边;(政治上)右倾地;<美>用右手地;彻底地,十足地
  • int. 好的,对(用于表示明白或同意某人的话);好(用于引起注意);对吗(用于确认自己说的话是否正确);(表示不相信或不同意)是吗,好哇;对不对,懂吗(用于确认对方是否在听并明白你说的话)
  • 【名】 (Right)(英)赖特(人名)

复数 rights 第三人称单数 rights 现在分词 righting 过去式 righted 过去分词 righted

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



right /raɪt/ CET4 TEM4 [ righting righted rights ]

  • 1.
    形容词 If something is right, it is correct and agrees with the facts. 正确的

    That's absolutely right.



    Clocks never told the right time.


  • 2.
    副词 Right is also an adverb. 正确地

    He guessed right about some things.


  • 3.
    形容词 If you do something in the right way or in the right place, you do it as or where it should be done or was planned to be done. 适当的; 恰当的

    Walking, done in the right way, is a form of aerobic exercise.



    They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place.


  • 4.
    副词 Right is also an adverb. 适当地; 恰当地

    To make sure I did everything right, I bought a fat instruction book.


  • 5.
    形容词 If you say that someone is seen in all the right places or knows all the right people, you mean that they go to places that are socially acceptable or know people who are socially acceptable. 入流的

    He was always to be seen in the right places.


  • 6.
    形容词 If someone is right about something, they are correct in what they say or think about it. (说法或想法) 正确的

    Ron has been right about the result of every general election but one.


  • 7.
    形容词 If something such as a choice, action, or decision is the right one, it is the best or most suitable one. 最好的; 最恰当的

    She'd made the right choice in leaving New York.


  • 8.
    形容词 If something is not right, there is something unsatisfactory about the situation or thing that you are talking about. 对劲的

    Ratatouille doesn't taste right with any other oil.


  • 9.
    形容词 If you think that someone was right to do something, you think that there were good moral reasons why they did it. (道德上) 对的; 正当的

    You were right to do what you did, under the circumstances.


  • 10.
    形容词 Right is used to refer to activities or actions that are considered to be morally good and acceptable. (道德上) 正确的

    It's not right, leaving her like this.


  • 11.
    不可数名词 Right is also a noun. 正确

    At least he knew right from wrong.


  • 12.
    不可数名词 正确性

    Many people have very strong opinions about the rightness or wrongness of abortion.


  • 13.
    及物动词 If you right something or if it rights itself, it returns to its normal or correct state, after being in an undesirable state. 纠正; 矫正

    They recognize the urgency of righting the economy.


  • 14.
    及物动词 If you right a wrong, you do something to make up for a mistake or something bad that you did in the past. 改正

    We've made progress in righting the wrongs of the past.


  • 15.
    及物动词 If you right something that has fallen or rolled over, or if it rights itself, it returns to its normal upright position. 扶正

    He righted the yacht and continued the race.


  • 16.
    形容词 The right side of a material is the side that is intended to be seen and that faces outward when it is made into something. 正面的

    Trim off excess fabric and turn the right side out.


  • 17.
    习语 If you say that things are going right, you mean that your life or a situation is developing as you intended or expected and you are pleased with it. 进展顺利

    I can't think of anything in my life that's going right.


  • 18.
    习语 If you put something right, you correct something that was wrong or that was causing problems. 纠正某事

    We've discovered what went wrong and are going to put it right.


  • 19.
    heart in the right place →see   heart
  • 20.
    it serves you right →see   serve





1. Right Now 瞬间 ; 现在 ; 马上 ; 立刻

2. reserve the right 保留权利

3. right time 恰好时机

4. that's right 就是那样

5. right on [俚]好极了(表示支持、鼓励);你说得对

6. in the right 正确;有理;站在正义的一边

7. property right 产权

8. right side n. 正面

9. right or wrong adv. 不管如何

10. keep right 靠左 ; 右侧行驶

11. of right 按照法律

12. right to know 知情权 ; 知的权利 ; 知晓权

13. Right Here Waiting 此情可待 ; 在此等候 ; 守候 ; 就在这死等

14. have the right to 有权做…

15. turn right v. 向右转

16. right triangle 数 直角三角形 ; 直角三角 ; 直角三角形的标志 ; 度角三角学形

17. on the right 在右边,在右侧

18. right now 就是现在,马上

19. to the right 向右;在…右边

20. right after 就在…之后;刚好在…之后

21. right away 立刻

22. right here 就是这里

23. right up 一直等到,直到

24. all right 好;顺利;正确的

25. right angle 数 直角 ; 外壳类型 ; 弯式 ; 方向

26. right hand 右手;得力助手


1. We would be very grateful if you would see to it right away.


2. I must answer that phone , but I'll back right away.

我得去接电话, 马上就回来. (副词)《期刊摘选》

3. The establishment of residing right system is an important breakthrough in law in our country.


4. What's the right time?


5. Setting the right carbon price will therefore efficiently align the costs paid by carbon users with the true social opportunity cost of using carbon.

正确地给碳定价因此将有效地使碳用户支付的费用符合用碳的真实社会机会成本。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

6. Believe me, she's not right for you.


7. She sat on Mother's right, facing Mary.

她坐到妈妈右边, 脸朝着玛丽.《简明英汉词典》

8. Even the very phrase “jobseeker’s allowance” is about redefining the unemployed as a “jobseeker” who had no fundamental right to a benefit he or she has earned through making national insurance contributions.

甚至“求职者津贴”这一术语就是意在将求职者定义为不具有领取救济金这一基本权利的“求职者”,而这一权利是他通过缴纳国民保险所获得的。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

9. I'm warning you; stop it right now!


10. I'm going to the kitchen to tell the chef hurry right away.


11. Do it right now!


12. Every woman has the right and ability to give birth relaxed, comfortably, and easily.

每位女性都有权利和能力有一个放松的, 舒服的和容易的分娩.《期刊摘选》

13. You'll see a bar on your right about three blocks down there.


14. The road inclines to the right.


15. If you could get the right ten thousand people to move from Silicon Valley to Buffalo, Buffalo would become Silicon Valley.

如果能找到一万名合适的人从硅谷搬到布法罗,布法罗就会成为硅谷。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

16. Ambition tempered with realism seems to be the right approach.


17. The old house leans to the right at a dangerous angle.


18. They put right everything which made life hard for the peasants.


19. My mother ’ scriticism had shown me that Kafka is right about the cold abyss,and when you make the introspective ( 内省的 ) descent that writingrequires you are not always pleased by what you find.

母亲对我的批评告诉我,卡夫卡关于“寒冷的深渊”的说法是正确的,而且当你沉浸在写作过程中必要的内省中时,收获并非总是令人愉悦的。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

20. It may take some perseverance to find the right people.


21. You will fill me with joy on your presence with eternal pleasure at your right hand.


22. No solution is incontrovertibly right.


23. A: All right, I got a surprise for you!

好的, 我正要给你一个惊喜呢!《期刊摘选》

24. You're not holding it the right way up.


25. The guest's drawing room is on the right of the main entrance.


26. I want it sent right away.


27. Das wears gold chains around his neck and right wrist and two gold rings.


28. That said, there is an important distinction established right off the bat.

以这样看待, 二者之间立刻就有了重大区别.《期刊摘选》

29. I knew right away she was dead...


30. 'I want a word with you when you stop.' — 'Right you are.'


31. Beneficial Right: Personal Right ? Real Right? Or New Right?

信托受益权: 物权? 债权? 抑或新权利?《期刊摘选》

32. Please part it on the right.


33. If that tear is supposed to be mended, you've made a right pig's ear of it.

如果认为那个裂口可以补好的话, 那你就把事搞糟了.《简明英汉词典》

34. I'm going to get some water. I'll be right back.


35. She'd made the right choice in leaving New York...


36. And yet, it would be a mistake to think we are right now simply experiencing the painful side of a boom and bust cycle.

然而,那种认为我们此刻仅处于繁荣与萧条交替周期的痛苦阶段的想法并不正确。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

37. As the train continues westward, the mountain shows up conspicuously on the right.

随著列车继续向西行驶, 右方的那座大山清楚地显现在眼前.《期刊摘选》

38. Jack put up his right hand.


39. We've discovered what's gone wrong and are going to put it right.


40. Hui: You are right, it was planned in that way.

许: 是的, 这是事先设计好的.《期刊摘选》

41. WANG Shi Rong keep illegal users of the right to pursue legal liability.


42. Incomplete rules cause chaotic management and the right of tourists can not be protected.


43. B Write these sentences again . Put the words in parentheses in the right place.

改写下列句子, 把句尾括号中的词放在合适的位置.《期刊摘选》

44. Industry is fortune's right hand, and frugality her left.

勤勉是幸运的右手, 节俭是幸运的左手.《简明英汉词典》

45. Mike insisted that he was right.


46. Tell Juan to get the fix and log it right away.


47. It's the right thing, the lawful thing.

这是正正当当的事情, 是法律所容许的事情.《期刊摘选》

48. You're absolutely right.


49. Where the road makes a dip, soon after a small vineyard on the right, turn right.


50. He got me with a right to the jaw.


51. Those who are fond of setting things right, have no great objection to seeing them wrong.

喜欢纠正错误的人, 看到事情错了并不坚决反对.《期刊摘选》

52. You must stand up for your rights.


53. It ’ s the right people.

需要合适的人。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

54. The bus stop is on the right side of the road.


55. It was a struggle that lasted right up until the day he died.


56. This is an adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction.

只要方向正确,这笔资金是足够的。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

57. Skin of ministry of right hand wrist is annular cut achieve, reach greatly hypodermic.

右手腕部皮肤环形切创, 深及皮下.《期刊摘选》

58. Longer hitter can tee shot over the bunker on the right for a shorter approach.


59. Above all, he spent years just hanging around in the right company , acquiring credibility by association.

最重要的是, 他花了多年时间与合适的人群打交道,通过交往获得了信任.《期刊摘选》

60. If you want to a very successful entrepreneur, you must start a business right away.

如果你想成为一名胜利的企业家, 你就必需现在立刻创建你的公司.《期刊摘选》

61. He looked around for the right size bit.


62. The existing injustices will soon righted.


63. Adults at least are supposed to discern between what's right and wrong.


64. It's all right. Don't cry.


65. She seated me on her right.


66. He has never been able to get his English pronunciation right.


67. Li Ning's sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time.


68. The door which takes a right behind will open and into.


69. The Constitution provides for a wide range of political rights to citizens.


70. Let's start to sweep the room right now.


71. I'll get the traveler's cheques for you right away.


72. Sexual harassment should be made a legal issue because it infringes upon personal dignity and rights.


73. All right, Mr. Hart.

好的, 哈特先生.《期刊摘选》

74. He thought that once the economy had been put right, everything would automatically be put right.

他想只要经济被调整过来, 一切就会自然地恢复正常.《期刊摘选》

75. Where symbols appear in pairs one to the right represents a rounded vowels.


76. Keep your child's weight at the right level for their height.


77. No one in his right mind would do such a terrible thing.


78. It is his legal right to appeal.


79. May I come and see it right away?

我可以立刻过去看看房子 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

80. We should have the brand registered to uphold our just rights and interests.


81. Choose the right time and the right place to express your emotion.


82. No one in her right mind would make such a major purchase without asking questions.


83. Operator : Alright, I'll have someone bring them right away.

好的, 我立刻请人送过去.《期刊摘选》

84. People who organize data and put it in the right place.


85. Right, I'll be back in a minute...


86. DOREEN: Henry! Don't you ignore me! You get right back up here right this minute! Henry.

朵琳: 亨利, 你别不理我! 你现在立刻回来, 亨利.《期刊摘选》

87. Nevertheless, we now know that the ancient and medieval testers were somehow on the right track.

不过, 现在我们知道古代和中世纪的检测者们不知何故其检测的路线是正确的.《期刊摘选》

88. For some, it's going a party wearing the right shoes.


89. So I went into a spin down and to the right.


90. Or an illnessan end to someone's life right in the midst of its fullness and creativity?

我们怎样去解释有人正当年富力强、充满创造力之际,不治之症却使一切化作乌有 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

91. The attributes of private property are exclusive and transferable resource rights.


92. Please get out here right away.


93. The helicopter turned at an awful angle before righting itself.


94. Ron has been right about the result of every General Election but one...


95. We have the sole right to sell this range of goods.


96. The rights of the minorities are being trampled on.


97. I suppose the compensation curve is made by Heidelberg engineer, is that right?

我想补偿曲线是由海德堡工程师制作的吧?对 么 ?《期刊摘选》

98. She can always put other people right, but will never admit making an error herself.

她总是能够纠正别人的错误, 但从不承认自己犯的错误.《期刊摘选》

99. He did it right.


100. Get the capital allocated for trading assets right.


101. That sausage doesn't smell right.


102. Through his father, he had met all the right people.


103. Since you knew you'd made a mistake, why didn't you put it right immediately?

既然你知道错误了, 为什么不及时纠正 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

104. There, a little below the right shoulder blade, and to the side , his scalpel would enter.

他的刀要从那儿进去, 在右边肩胛骨下面一点儿, 靠边上的地方.《辞典例句》

105. Because how should be deformation of heal of fracture of right hand radius treated?


106. Our boat started to tip over, but It'soon righted itself.

我们的船发生倾斜, 但不久就恢复正常.《辞典例句》

107. Right then, where do you want the table to go?


108. First right, second left. You can't miss it.

先向右, 再向左. 你不会找不到的.《生活英语口语25天快训》

109. For them, the right kind of gamification might be turning their sales pitches into a competition with other team members, complete with a digital leaderboard showing who is winning at all times.

对他们来说,正确的游戏化方式可能是把他们的推销变成与其他队员的比赛,并用电子积分榜来显示谁一直独占鳌头。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

110. Through the garden and turn right, you'll find the sign of the music teahouse.

穿过花园向右拐, 你就能看到音乐茶室的标志.《期刊摘选》

111. I guess he's right.


112. Maicon's surging from right back give the team significant counterattacking impetus.


113. Did you get the answer right?


114. But she added that Berries there is also a right a of free use and access.


115. Such meetings cannot resolve fundamental over what has gone wrong and to put it right.


116. I'll be right back.


117. And I can't provide the right type of.


118. No one in their right mind would dump a bottle of water a laptop.


119. Come to ER right away if you a fever, upper abdominal pain, or black stool.

如果你发烧, 觉得上腹痛或者是排泄黑色的粪便请立刻到急诊室来.《期刊摘选》

120. She was kept very busy right up to the moment of her departure...


121. And not only do our prospective new energy workers have to be trained, they have to be trained in the right sequence.

而且不仅这些未来的新能源工作者要接受培训,他们的培训也需要按正确的顺序来进行。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

122. All right, would you please get undressed now? Let me examine you.

好的, 请脱下衣服好 吗 ?我检查一下.《期刊摘选》

123. If I was them I'd get a divorce and get married to each other right away.

要是我,我就离婚,然后马上重新结婚. ”《英汉文学 - 盖茨比》

124. He was clearly the right man for the job.


125. Please do me a favour . All right.

请 帮帮 我. 好的.《期刊摘选》

126. Don't worry. You'll do all right, so long as you follow his advice.

别发愁. 只要你听从他的劝告,你会干的很好的.《期刊摘选》

127. I'll try to do whatever is right.


128. I can't talk right now; I'm fixing my hair.

我现在没办法讲话; 我在整理头发.《期刊摘选》

129. It is vital to choose the right excitation characteristic of the nonlinear inductor when analyzing ferroresonance.


130. Put your hands on your head and turn left and right. Do this ten times.

把手放在头上并向左向右转. 这样做十次.《期刊摘选》

131. Peretti says the Times shouldn’t waste time getting out of the print business, but only if they go about doing it the right way.

柏瑞迪称,《纽约时报》不应将时间浪费在取消印刷业务上,除非他们采取了正确的方法。 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

132. With wired setups, the fear is that a burglar ( 入室盗贼) might be able to shut your system down simply by cutting the right cable.

用有线装置时,人们担心窃贼只要切断正确的电线,就能关闭整个系统。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

133. Am I right in thinking that you used to live here?


134. In the right stage of the weather a pond fires its evening gun with great regularity.


135. Sit tight. I'll be right back.


136. Always do what is right.


137. Leave the monument on the right and cross the bridge.


138. We all have the right to ask our friends to be trustworthy.


139. Right click [ Option ] icon, click on [ Page Arrangment ].

按右键, 选点 [ 页面整理 ].《期刊摘选》

140. There was hardly any traffic and we drove right along till we got home.


141. The mistake is being righted.


142. If I had known the fact, I would have taken action right away.

假如果早知道真相, 我就会立刻采取行动.《期刊摘选》

143. Right, we're ready to go.


144. Get me in just the right situation, and I as fast and graceful as could be.

只要让我处在了合适的位置, 我就会尽可能保持快速和得体.《期刊摘选》

145. I'm right behind you on this one.


146. Next time we'll get it right.


147. You're dead right!


148. Sure, here are the keys. But you'll have to stop at the gas station right away.

当然不会, 这是钥匙. 但是你要立刻去加油.《期刊摘选》

149. Essentially, this is another way to tell someone that what they have said sounds right.

本质上, 这是另外一种告诉某人他所说的话是正确的方式.《期刊摘选》

150. Oh yes. Just go out of the hotel turn right round the first corner.

哦,是的. 从旅馆出来,向右转,在第一个拐角处转弯.《期刊摘选》

151. The bright fighter is frightened and flies upright in straight line from the right.


152. There are subliminal clues that things are not right, not normal.


153. The president was absolutely right in ordering the bombing raid.


154. The alarm has rung; therefore, I have to get up right away.

闹钟响了, 所以我得立刻起来.《期刊摘选》

155. The fighter feinted with his right hand and struck with his left.


156. All right, paramedics will be right over.

知道了, 医护人员马上到.《轻松英语会话---联想4000词(上)》

157. Take the fishing line right by the rocks.


158. This is a step in the right 32 direction, but we’d like to see the U.S. Sentencing Commission make further changes to the guidelines.

这是向正确的 (32) 方向迈出的一步,但是我们希望美国量刑委员会能进一步调整量刑指南。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

159. Sakesman : Akk right, I guess you ' ve stayed up akk night because you kook so exhausted.

店员: 好的.我估计您这几天肯定是熬夜了,您看起来很疲倦的样子.《期刊摘选》

160. I was so hungry, I couldn't wait to get right down to eating.

我饿死了, 恨不得马上就吃饭.《期刊摘选》

161. She wasn't entirely in the right...


162. Besides, it is now much easier to gather information to help make the right decision.

以前要找资讯很难找, 现在很容易,比较容易做正确的决定.《期刊摘选》

163. Low achievement at school often arises from poverty and bad social conditions.


164. The lack of hierarchy in companies extends right to the top.


165. You should use your cutlery in the right order.


166. Her answer was right off the beam.


167. They don't know their rights...


168. Your answer is exactly right.


169. He feinted to the left and ran to the right.


170. Special agreements, the initial registration of the real estate registration from the right people have registered.

有特别约定的, 经房地产登记机关初始登记,由登记的权利人拥有.《期刊摘选》

171. Forest officials would release the healthier snakes in the jungle, animal rights activists said.


172. Helen: Cross this street and go ahead for 2 blocks your right.

海伦: 穿过这条街往右边朝前走两个街区.《期刊摘选》

173. He was always to be seen in the right places...


174. As soon as you are done you get right back to drawing.


175. It's not right, leaving her like this...


176. People have the right to read any kind of material they wish.


177. I can pop right off.


178. He was paddling with his right hand and holding onto the line with his left.


179. When you get off the elevator, it's the first door on right.

您出了电梯, 右手边第一个房间就是.《期刊摘选》

180. Righting herself, she noticed the rope, which had run over a sharp rock, about to break.

恢复平稳后, 她发现绳子在一块锋利的岩石上的部分快要断掉了.《期刊摘选》

181. Walk down the street, past Hemingway Street, and the bookstore is on your right.

沿着街道一直走, 过了海明威大道, 书店就在你右边.《期刊摘选》

182. I will call him for you and have him call you right back.


183. She is on the far right of the party.


184. Fine. In case anyone calls you, I'll tell him or her there's no such guest, right?

好的, 万一有人给您打电话, 我们会告诉对方,没有这个客人, 对 吧 ?《期刊摘选》

185. More normal fatty marrow is seen at the far right.


186. The boy fell from a tree and suffered fractures of his right arm and leg.


187. A small area of calcification is seen in the plaque at the right.


188. OK. I'll do it right now. I'll also buy ten 60 cents stamps.

好的, 我现在就写. 我再买10张60美分的邮票.《出国英语口语25天快训》

189. Most of the people would give their right arm for a better education.


190. Children must be taught the difference between right and wrong.


191. I was sure everything was all right with that shipment.


192. There is no right or wrong; all truths are valid.

没有对与错, 所有的真实都是正当而有效的.《期刊摘选》

193. If you shout at a student enough they will lose heart and never get it right.


194. Goldman may have the right kinds of justifications in this environment for big bonuses.


195. He thought it was Thursday, but I soon set him right.

他认为是星期四, 我马上给他纠正了过来.《期刊摘选》

196. Size the right margin for the same binding is very important.


197. We will amend the situation right away.


198. The loop of wire was still around his right fist.


199. Legally, the local tax office is in the right.


200. He thought it was Thursday, but I put him right.

他认为今天是星期四, 我纠正了他.《期刊摘选》

201. At last I saw the right kind of bike in a shop window.


202. A normal mature lymphocyte is seen on the left compared a segmented PMN on the right.


203. I don't understand how people can think Dr. Kevorkian is doing the right thing.


204. Right away, I realized this was a mistake of gargantuan proportions.


205. Are you getting along all right in your new job?


206. They recognise the urgency of righting the economy...


207. He moved a little to the right.


208. DOGGETT: All right, you've painted me the picture , now put it in a frame.

道根: 好的, 你搞定我了, 但需要给我个头绪.《期刊摘选》

209. You may well be right.


210. She confesses to having trouble finding Mr Right.


211. Which were right under our noses all along!


212. A small adjustment at the right point in a complex system can bring it back alignment.


213. What gives you the right to judge other people?


214. Take a right turn at the intersection.


215. You can stretch your neck by turning head to the left, then to the right.

你能把头向左转, 然后向右转来伸伸脖子.《期刊摘选》

216. She wears a ring set with emeralds on her right hand.


217. We managed to get it right in just two takes.


218. She guessed the right answer at once.


219. Yang : Go straight on for 2 blocks. Then turn right.

一直往前走两个街区, 然后右拐.《期刊摘选》

220. They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place...


221. Take the first right, then the second left.


222. These two lines form a right angle.


223. The contractees and contractors should sign land use contracts to define each other's rights and obligations.


224. Her instincts had been right.


225. I just wanted to know if everything was all right.


226. But we must act right now.


227. The vibes weren't right.


228. B : Go straight along this avenue, when you're at the cross, turn right.

沿着这条大道一直向前走, 到达十字路口时, 右转弯.《期刊摘选》

229. Things are right now again.


230. What about dress right?

右边的那件衣服 如何 ?《期刊摘选》

231. What do you mean by doing the LP just right?


232. The breed societies'own auctions, especially in Europe, are an education in their own right.

马匹繁育协会下属的拍卖会是相当于自身权利所有的组织, 尤其是在欧洲.《期刊摘选》

233. Under the circumstances , things would be righted. Her actions would be justified.

一旦他们结了婚, 她的错误就纠正了,她的行为也就无可非议了.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

234. If things fall right for them, they could be like Golden circa 2007.

如果事情对于他们来说向着好的方向发展, 那么他们就可能成为2007年的金州勇士.《期刊摘选》

235. The Republican Right despise him.


236. You're not going about the job in the right way.


237. Sandy: He's holding bar of chocolate in his right hand.

桑迪: 他右手拿着一块巧克力.《期刊摘选》

238. The external form of your right shoulder has been restored normally.


239. Education is provided by the state as of right.


240. By the agricultural letter society, its property right relations were unclear, internal government confusion.

以农信社来说, 其产权关系一直不清, 内部治理混乱.《期刊摘选》

241. Middle Easterners seat the most important guest to the right of the host.


242. He can always put other people right, but with never admit making an error himself.

他总是纠正别人, 可从来不承认自己的错误.《期刊摘选》

243. It will be some time before the wrongs suffered over many years are set to rights.


244. I think I can find the right size for you.


245. Whenever we find anything wrong, we do our best to put it right.

我们无论何时发现有任何不对时, 都会尽力纠正的.《期刊摘选》

246. The conception that everyone has a right to an education appropriate to his potential is a highly democratic and compassionate standard, says Marven Breselor, a professor at Princeton University

普林斯顿大学的教授 MarvenBreselor 说,这种每个人都有权利接受能力所及的教育的概念是高度民主和友善的。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

247. She comes home with her right hand bandaged.


248. He looks to his left, up at the screen, then to his right.


249. In this case, the horizontal perspective it's a little up on the picture's right side.

在这种情况下, 横向的角度来看,这是一个不大了对图片的右边.《期刊摘选》

250. Leave me alone! My right thumb hurts.

别动我, 我右手大拇指很疼.《期刊摘选》

251. They demanded the right of assembly.


252. The agent may lose his right to compensation.


253. The boss needs to see you right now.


254. He let It'slip that they were leaving right away.


255. Clocks never told the right time...


256. Go straight ahead at the traffic lights and then turn first right.


257. This seemed to be some watchword or signal that all was right.


258. I must put the papers right.


259. Having spent 25 years righting his own mistakes, he is anxious that children should not waste opportunities.


260. Turn right at the next junction.


261. Normal brain is at the right and the center of the abscess at the left.


262. Keep on the right side of the road.


263. The right to use your information will remain under our control at all times.


264. These problems should be put right as soon as possible.


265. We've made progress in righting the wrongs of the past...


266. The pain runs the small ofback right down my left thigh, he told the doctor.


267. The ship righted again.


268. If you want to shut it off, you can turn it tightly to the right.

如果您想关掉, 就向右转紧.《期刊摘选》

269. I have to discover and respond to a variety of possible doubts and express purity.


270. To avoid the city center, turn right here.

如果要避开市中心, 请从这里向右转弯.《期刊摘选》

271. I am getting in touch with him right away.


272. Sensible Singaporeans are sure to make the right choice.


273. The name Sue Anne never seemed quite right to Molly...


274. The right decision was made, but probably for the wrong reasons...


275. On the right hand side stationery is piled on the shelves.


276. It's the first building on your right; keep going straight and you won't miss it.

就是你右手边的第一幢建筑, 向前走,你肯定不会错过的.《期刊摘选》

277. Yes. Let's see. Ah, here might be the right one: the medium size.

好的.让我找找看. 啊, 这一件是中号,也许正适合您.《期刊摘选》

278. It's on your right hand side at the end of this hallway.


279. Cos two wrongs, don't make a right.

因为两个错误, 并不能变成正确的.《期刊摘选》

280. Your eyesight rights itself very quickly.


281. If it's all right with you, Byers can file these briefs Iater.

如果没有问题, 柏尔斯待会就会整理好文档了.《电影对白》

282. By turning this knob to the right you can amplify the sound from this radio.


283. But educating a child with a disability is more than therapy and the right preschool.


284. I was pleased with my performance on Saturday — everything went right.


285. The earthquake caused the wall to sway to the right.


286. He's the right man for the job.


287. "I guess you're right."—"Of course I'm right!"


288. A few kind words at the right time make all the difference.


289. They deprived the criminal of his rights.


290. Ratatouille doesn't taste right with any other oil...


291. Another consideration is choosing the right travel agencies and finding the best price.


292. The remainder of the brain is relatively hypoperfused ( use the buttons at right ) and structurally normal.

其余脑部造影相对低灌注 ( 点击右侧按钮 ),结构上也是正常的.《期刊摘选》

293. Edward had set himself with a will to put the place to rights.


294. The ship slowly righted again.


295. Principles of assumed liability for infringement of intellectual property rights sit under dispute.


296. He reserved the right to change his mind...


297. Walking, done in the right way, is a form of aerobic exercise...


298. Someone who might help find the right words to make my little girl's problems disappear.


299. Yes, it has. The external form of your right shoulder has been restored normally.

是的, 您右肩的外形已恢复正常了.《期刊摘选》

300. Mistakes are all right and hard to avoid.


301. Your meal will be served right away.


302. Right wing politicians touting the American Dream consistently advocate lower taxes.


303. Ethelberta breathed a sort of exclamation, not right out, but stealthily, like a parson's damn.

埃塞尔伯塔发出了一种惊叫声, 并非立刻, 只是偷偷儿地, 好象牧师 说 “该死的”一样.《期刊摘选》

304. Now, it's your turn to choose, and you are the right choice in leaving.

现在, 风水轮流转,轮到你选择的时候了, 你决意离开是无比正确的选择.《期刊摘选》

305. Stop crying, child. Everything will be all right.

别哭了, 孩子, 一切都会好的.《期刊摘选》

306. If I get the right offer.


307. What can be done to put matters right?

人类可以做些什么工作,以使这些情况恢复正常 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

308. There is a clapboard among casing, right an electric machinery.

箱体中间有一块隔板, 右边一个电机.《期刊摘选》

309. Education is provided by the state as of right (= everyone has a right to it) .


310. All right, I'll forgive you.


311. The ministry said it reserved the right to take whatever action necessary.


312. He wants to see you right away...


313. We've got to get up early, all right?


314. Armedthe right tools and materials, newlyweds gaily embark the task of decorating their own homes.

新婚夫妇备好合适的工具和材料, 喜气洋洋地开始布置新房.《期刊摘选》

315. If you can stick it out bit longer, everything will be all right.

如果你能再忍耐一会儿, 一切都会正常的.《期刊摘选》

316. If knife and fork and use a fork feeding can be the right hand.


317. Because this undersized, sickly, disagreeable, fascination little man was right all the time.

因为这个身材比正常的小 、 多病 、 讨厌的 、 迷人的小个子男人一直是正确的.《期刊摘选》

318. the rightness of his decision


319. She seems to be well in with all the right people.


320. Ideas flew from Lucy's lips, Jay worked them into the right phrase.

创意从露西的口中源源流出, 杰随后对它们进行整理.《期刊摘选》

321. You are just overtired. There is nothing wrong with you . You'll be all right after a couple days'rest.

你就是太累了,没别的毛病, 休息两天自然会好的.《现代汉英综合大词典》

322. Jenny : I'll offload some of his current responsibilities, so he can start almost right away.

我会减少他现在的工作量, 那么他差不多可以立刻开始了.《期刊摘选》

323. It will be crowd that gathers for the right reasons and keeps the reason they're mind.


324. The right of a polished stone is the grindstone.


325. The guy looked like he needed a bang in the arm right then!


326. If only I could have helped put matters right .


327. Our aim is to the user is always right.


328. Take the first street on the right .


329. And when problems emerge, they can be easily put right.


330. He convinced me he was right.


331. It's three blocks down, right across from the public library.

有三个街区那么远, 从公共图书馆向右拐.《超越目标英语 第3册》

332. She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong.


333. Ahead of you on the right will be a lovely garden...


334. Most handwriting slants to the right.


335. Once I had satisfied myself that it was the right decision, we went ahead.

一旦我自己确信这个决定是正确的, 我们便动手干了起来.《期刊摘选》

336. A list of all the wrongs I have to right before I die.


337. The large single head balances the smaller child on the right.


338. You were right to do what you did, under the circumstances...


339. Mother had to right the entire house after the party.


340. Take the first turning to the right.


341. Project claim for compensation is the normal compensation requirement that raises according to contract right.


342. Laurie: All right. I'll give her the message.

劳丽: 好的. 我会转达给她的.《期刊摘选》

343. Scientists tried out thousands of chemicals before they found the right one.


344. I tried hard to be sensible and do things right, but they never work out.

我尽量明智而恰当地处理事情, 但这从未奏效.《期刊摘选》

345. Property as the basic human right roots is the human's ideas for it's justice.


346. The bank righted the error in her account.


347. Polonius thought his guess was right.


348. He righted the yacht and continued the race...


349. You made the right decision.


350. Right, I'm ready for bed.


351. Carton , with his right hand in his breast, stood close beside him.

卡尔顿右手放在前襟里, 逼近他站着.《英汉文学 - 双城记》

352. He has a competent knowledge of English.


353. No one in their right mind would choose to work there.


354. How do you understand that's all right. that everything changes?

怎么才能明白这是正常的 现象 ,因为万物都在变化?《期刊摘选》

355. ...bachelors searching for Ms Right.


356. Twist the handle to the right and the box will open.


357. Sorry, Madam. I'll adjust it right away.

对不起, 夫人. 我马上调整.《地道口语脱口SHOW 高中升学篇》

358. Much public anger at bankers'rewards is legitimate, and politicians are right to respond to it.

公众对银行家报酬的愤怒大部分是正当的, 政界人士对此作出反应也是正确的.《期刊摘选》

359. Capital structure is referred to the relationship and structure of the right part of balance sheet.


360. Do you think it is right and legal to ship the dangerous wastes to other countries?

你认为把有危害的废物运往他国是正当合法的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

361. The road swerves to the right.


362. She kept right on swimming until she reached the other side.


363. Make sure that sign's the right way up.


364. You should try to pat the errors right.


365. In his chamber, the chambermaid was setting things and papers to rights.


366. to make a right


367. You were right in deciding not to go.


368. If you find inspiration and want to do a goal, don't start right away.

如果受到鼓舞并且想去实现一个目标, 不要立刻开始.《期刊摘选》

369. She has class all right ─ she looks like a model.


370. We are born with two hands: a right hand and a left one.

我们生来都有两只手: 一只右手和一只左手.《期刊摘选》

371. Right off the bat , Dan agreed to the deal.


372. My leg has not been right lately.


373. I know we need some extra help but it's a matter of finding the right person for the job.


374. Wonderful. Right, let's go to our next caller.


375. D : All right, would you please get undressed now? Let me examine you. Now, swallow, please.

好的, 请脱下衣服好 吗 ?我检查一下. 现在请做一个吞咽动作.《期刊摘选》

376. I can't think of anything in my life that's going right...


377. Similar statutory rights can be found in other jurisdictions.


378. No, when you have integrity, you'll do what's right whether anybody is watching or not.

不, 当你心意正直,无论有没有人在看, 你都会做正确的事.《期刊摘选》

379. Fox hunting is popular among some people in this country. It doesn't make it right though...


380. Please keep patient, the doctor is on his way right now.

请您忍耐一下, 医生马上就到.《期刊摘选》

381. The capsized boat righted again.


382. He's not averse to publicity, of the right kind.


383. Ghost Wei Ge à ? left negative, right hand catch Hydra , face ferocious is no deposit.

鬼尉 左手负革阑, 右手捕长蛇, 面目狰狞,现无存.《期刊摘选》

384. Originally paper money could, upon demand, as of right be changed into gold.

原先, 只要有人求兑, 作为正当权利,纸币都可以兑成黄金.《简明英汉词典》

385. I can arrest you right away, and, if you resist, I'll shoot!

我马上就可以拿你, 你要拒捕的话, 我开枪!《汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子》

386. You're right to be cautious.


387. In truth, neither version is right.

实际上, 这些看法都是不正确的.《期刊摘选》

388. A separate agreement on protecting intellectual property rights will also be signed Tuesday, officials said.

一份保护知识分子合理权利的单独协议也会在周二被签署, 官方如此表示.《期刊摘选》

389. Right now, many of those who are experiencing these impacts are paying the costs uncompensated.

现在, 许多人正在承受这样无补偿的环境破坏的影响.《期刊摘选》

390. If they're not there, will you get on to the printers right away?

假如那边没有, 请您马上同印刷厂联系一下.《企业管理英语口语(第二版)(1)》

391. He can put things right if he will only use his head and be unselfish.


392. You might be right.


393. The doctor will bring him round all right.


394. Joan is absolutely right.


395. He plays right wing for the Canadian national team.


396. I have a busy schedule today, so I would like to see him right away.

今天来行程紧凑, 所以我想立刻见他.《期刊摘选》

397. Many are against brand, I possibly infringe upon the right.

多是防名牌, 我可能侵权.《期刊摘选》

398. The administration compensation a legal system serves to ensure human right protection and balance various interests.


399. It'seems that my sixth sense is right.


400. None of the 25 sites we surveyed used right side navigation.


401. If my memory serves me right.


402. But many such wrongs aren't righted.


403. Let us take a right turn.


404. Minor mistakes must be quickly put right.


405. That's absolutely right...


406. This enabled them to run transport cars right up to the work face.


407. You can take the time to find the right woman.


408. That's absolutely right.


409. At our company if you cross him he will fire you right away.


410. So using Alli encourages dieters to eat right.


411. It'seems ethical and right.


412. Surely this can't be right?


413. Is that true? Was she right?...


414. The police have no right to seek into the lives of ordinary citizens without just cause.


415. When you are right, shut up your mouth; When you are wrong, say are sorry immediately.

当你是对的时候, 请不要张扬. 当你做错了, 就立刻说抱歉.《期刊摘选》

416. Advice: McGrady missed two games in November with a strained right elbow.

建议: 麦克格雷迪在11月因扭伤右手肘错过了2场比赛.《期刊摘选》

417. Whether this is right, and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall, is hard to determine with any precision—which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations.

这一观点是否正确,以及如果正确的话生态的大斧会在何地何时落下,这都是很难精准确定的,这就是为什么政府和金融机构刚刚才开始实施把这种风险纳入到经济核算中的做法。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

418. Vivian is stubborn girl has dreamed of meeting the right boys.


419. Walk until you get to the second crossing turn right.


420. So now, the main challenge was to find the right material for printing clothes with , I mean the material you feed the printer with.

所以现在主要的问题就是找到合适的打印材料,我是指放入打印机的材料。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

421. We are ready to fight right up to the moment of complete victory.


422. You had the privacy light on in your hotel room until 8:30, right?

您旅馆房间里的灯一直亮到8:30对 吗 ?《电影对白》

423. The post office is on the right.


424. By studying about 700 adult smokers, she found out that her mom quit the right way—by stopping abruptly and completely.

通过研究约700 位吸烟的成年人,她发现母亲采取了正确的戒烟方法——突然并彻底地停止吸烟。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

425. Hold up your right hand. Now, count down from ten, starting with your thumb.

现在, 请举起你的右手, 从你的大拇指开始从十倒数.《期刊摘选》

426. I told him right off what I thought of him.


427. We will soon set that right.


428. They crucified two robbers with him, one on his right and one on his left.


429. Your ring is in her right hand.


430. All rights in the Content not expressly granted herein are reserved.


431. My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me.

诗63:8我心紧紧的跟随你. 的右手扶持我.《期刊摘选》

432. ‘I'll have a whisky and soda. ’ ‘ Right you are , sir. ’


433. Happiness consists in the attainment of our desires, and in our having only right desires.

幸福在于愿望的视线, 而且在于只存在着正当的愿望.《期刊摘选》

434. The Prophet: Now at long last, I have returned to set things right.

先知: 现在,经历很多磨难后, 我最终回到了这里来纠正一些错误.《期刊摘选》

435. W: Right.

女:好的。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

436. You shouldn't be handcuffed in your attempt to right wrongs.


437. Right thumb, middle finger, ring finger, little finger and the rosette is slightly incomplete.

右手拇指 、 中指 、 无名指 、 小指及莲座稍有残缺.《期刊摘选》

438. Dysuria occurred in 2 cases, who got right after 3 weeks and 2 months.


439. Please listen to 1 and repeat it . Then match the places with the right pictures.


440. They had fought hard for equal rights .


441. B : Go straight and turn right. You can see the bus stop there.

一直走然后向右转. 你就能看到这公共汽车站了.《期刊摘选》

442. Now, when you get to the light, go right.

嗯, 到红绿灯那里, 向右转.《期刊摘选》

443. To deceive is to make others believe falsehood as truth and accept wrong as right.


444. Your work is all right but I'm sure you could do better.


445. Andre now you want to , all right go ahead. What do you say?

安德烈,现在你想发言,好的, 你想说什么?《期刊摘选》

446. Don't scoff—she's absolutely right.


447. They almost always have a bit of juice that you can access using the right formula.


448. A That sounds clear . Straight ahead at the lights, then turn right.

B是的. 看到那些交通指示灯了吗?一直向前走到红绿灯处然后向右拐.《期刊摘选》

449. And I can't provide the right type of life for my family.


450. Over there on your right.


451. She heard smile through tears, throwing ground paper right away into litter bag.


452. We must set the facts right so that he isn't charged unfairly.


453. Maybe they'll let you into the operating room if it's put to them right.


454. Turn it more to the right.


455. The inventory situation was righting itself.


456. Go to the corner and turn right at Station Street. Follow Station Street about seven blocks.

开车到街角向右往车站街拐, 顺着车站街大约走7个街区,向右往环行路拐.《期刊摘选》

457. Suitable casting powder and right casting parameters should be selected for casting steel on slab caster.


458. Myself not bad hobby, has the right steady work, loves cleanly.

本人无不良嗜好, 有正当稳定工作, 爱干净.《期刊摘选》

459. At the Dead Sea, you can stay in five star luxury resort, right on the shore.

在死海, 你可以住在海岸右边的五星级豪华度假村.《期刊摘选》

460. I think you should call Rita Mae right now.


461. Oh, we'll be right back, Miss Madenda,'said one of the chaps, bowing.

“ 哦, 我们马上就回来, 麦登达小姐, "小伙子中的一个鞠了鞠躬说.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

462. He is so not the right person for you.


463. No one in their right mind would buy that old car.


464. Without knocking, she walked inside and spoke right away, not even waiting for an opening.

没有敲, 她立刻走进里面而且说, 对于一个开始是不是甚至候补.《期刊摘选》

465. The 64,000 Dollar question is: How do you find the right people?

难题是: 如何找到合适的人选?《期刊摘选》

466. Minor mistakes can be quickly put right.


467. What gives you the right to do that?


468. A small child's confusion in distinguishing the right from the wrong is quite natural.


469. I like to serve you, sir, and to obey you in all that is right.

我喜欢为你效劳, 先生, 并且在一切正当的事情上服从你.《辞典例句》

470. If you wait for the right time you may never do it.

如果你等待 “ 合适的时候 ” 原谅别人,也许永远也不会做到.《期刊摘选》

471. The chemistry just wasn't right.


472. Many radicals on the right and left insist that undercapitalized banks should be recapitalized right now.


473. You can rest for three or four months and then the longing for work will return and you will be right back in harness.


474. Finally, most of the Chinese brides agree that their marriages are the right choices.

在婚姻的评价方面, 大部份的大陆籍配偶赞同是一正确选择的婚姻.《期刊摘选》

475. The Government is doing its best to put right certain glaring injustices.


476. You are right. We'd better stop this forest trip right now.

你说的对 哦 ,我们最好立刻停止这次冰雪旅行.《期刊摘选》

477. Just straight and turn left. It's down Bridge Street on the right.

一直向前走,然后左拐. (它)就在大桥街的路右边.《期刊摘选》

478. Just when I thought I had lost the letter forever, it blew right back into my hand!

正当我以为那封信已永远丢失的时候, 它又被风吹回来了.《简明英汉词典》

479. How could anything but overwhelming victory come to a Cause as just and right as theirs?

像他们为之战斗的这种正当公平的主义,除了绝对的胜利之外,还会有什么别的结局 呢 ?《飘(部分)》

480. In reality I believe that economic advancement and respect for individual rights are closely linked.


481. I guess you're right . Maybe it is my concerns that aren't legit.


482. If there are any words you think not right, just strike them through.

有什么词你认为不合适的, 尽管删去好了.《简明英汉词典》

483. If mankind had wished for what is right, they might have had it long ago.

假如人类希望得到正当的东西, 早就得到了.《期刊摘选》

484. Turn right out of the hotel and then go straight ahead.


485. They hate what we see right here in this chamber, a democratically elected government.

他们憎恨我们在这间会议厅里认为正确的东西, 憎恨一个民选的政府.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

486. The state protects normal religious activities and the lawful rights and interests of the religious circles.


487. M: Well, I think having the right customers to start with, selling the right beer, keeping it good, and most of all keeping a good attitude yourself, even though you probably feel very tired.

男:嗯,我认为,首先是招来合适的顾客,你要卖出合适的啤酒,保持啤酒的品质良好,而且最重要的是要使自己保持态度良好,即使你可能感到非常累了。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

488. I suspect they were right.


489. This helps them pick the right startups, and means they can supply advice and connections as well as money.

这有助于他们挑选合适的新兴企业,还意味着他们可以提供建议、人脉以及资金。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

490. All right. I'd like to pay my bill by credit card.

好的, 我想用信用卡结账.《轻松英语会话---联想2000词(下)》

491. All right, we'll be right over.

好的, 我们马上赶到.《轻松英语会话---联想4000词(上)》

492. Only you can make it right.


493. We'll look into that right away.


494. Take the escalator on your right.


495. Interested parties shall also have the right, on justification, to present other information orally.


496. Let's jump on the bandwagon right now and endorse the man before we get left behind.


497. You're probably right.


498. So effective it is that I have taken the right measures.

我采取正当措施极为有效。《provided by jukuu》

499. I can do them for you right away.



1. The remaining two 20 Watt amps each drive the left and right front firing drivers.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

2. But Julian Schnabel didn't speak French when he originally decided to tackle the subject matter, right?

NPR: A Beautiful Movie: 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'

3. Let me go ahead and -- oh, that's nice, someone learned how to send right messages on the cloud. All right.

让我们继续--哦,那不错,有人学会了,怎样在云中发送正确的消息,好的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

4. He said the forthcoming marriage meant it was "the right time" to reopen the issue.

BBC: Review could see Prince William's daughter as Queen

5. The other: the majority said the Supreme Court had the right to decide the case.

NPR: Detainee Suits Caught Between Congress, High Court

6. "This was the year that Jimi was trying everything to find the right direction, " he says.

NPR: Jimi Hendrix's 1969 Album Set For Release

7. Am I pronouncing it right?


8. You’re ready, right?


9. The important thing,says one expert, is to find the right tree for the right place for the right use.

VOA : special.2009.09.01

10. On the right hand side, the work, let's call this left hand side, let's call this right hand side.

在右手边,让我们先在这里,标下标表示左手,这里示右手。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

11. The workday typically starts right at 8 am and ends right at 5:30 pm.

BBC: Are the Swiss really that efficient?

12. Right now Motorola is having a bumpy time in its consumer-paging and cellular markets in Asia.

FORBES: Analytic myopia

13. My mother always told me, if you study hard, the answers should be right under your nose or easily seen.

VOA : special.2009.09.13

14. One platform declared that the people of a territory had the right to decide if slavery would be legal or illegal.

VOA : special.2009.07.09

15. Right? I expect him to tell me the truth about the weather, right, and that's what I'm listening to him for.

对吧?,我希望他告诉我们天气的实况,我听他说话就是这个目的。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Any right-thinking printer or any right-thinking publisher would scoff at the presumption of a poet who demanded such a thing.

任何一个思想健全的印刷商和出版商,都会嘲笑你去假定诗人需要这样的东西。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. But the time, he says, is not right to take to the streets again.

ECONOMIST: The hopes kindled by the saffron revolution have faded fast

18. An evening here will bring you right back to that gilded age of movie going.

BBC: Portland, Oregons Art Deco movie houses

19. Maybe it'll be broadband, but then there's a backup for 3G connection or 4G, right?

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

20. In July,nineteen fifty-one, New York City officials took away his right to play in nightclubs because he used illegal drugs.

VOA : special.2009.05.03

21. He may have been right: many have called these roads the most dangerous in the world.

BBC: Meet Septembers BBC Travel Photo Nomad

22. Take a look for yourself right after the break, alongside a picture of the back.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

23. Yeah, I think this is right because younger people are more influenced by advertising number one.

BBC: Rocky times

24. In a decision in eighteen seventy-six, the Supreme Court said states had a legal right to control costs of railroad transportation.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

25. She finds the right spool of microfilm, takes it to a darkened room and threads it on a viewer.

VOA : special.2010.06.28

26. Elissa says she'd love to meet the right man, but it will happen when it happens.

BBC: China's 'leftover women', unmarried at 27

27. Within a constant shell, it varies from left to right, maximally taking value at the right extreme.

在一个固定的层里,它会从左往右变化,在最右边时达到最大值。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. The lights of another fishing boat flicker in the darkness away to the right.

BBC: Sardinia, land and sea

29. Of course, some scouts are sent around the world to find the right locations.

BBC: The true life of a location scout

30. Especially technology employees spoiled by a Silicon Valley mentality that considers stock options a divine right.

FORBES: Private matters

31. But every single time, a grass-roots uprising has put it right back on the table.

NPR: Public Option's Proponents Seek To Resurrect It

32. That influence shows up years later in the recording of "If You Pray Right" on Miss Simone's album "Baltimore."

VOA : special.2009.10.04

33. When the world is in crisis, it is right to consider boosting the IMF.

BBC: Eurozone crisis: Right to boost IMF funds, Cameron says

34. You always want to check your signs at the and because it's so easy to get the sign wrong, and I was hoping that it was right here because I wasn't sure, but it turned out to be right.

我们完成计算时,一定要记得检查符号,因为很容易弄错符号,刚才我就不太确定,是否弄错了符号,检查发现没有问题。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

35. Other tricks used to win included not running the right number of laps in cross-country races.

BBC: Pressure to win 'turns children into sports cheats'

36. There has been much debate around Europe as to whether internet access is a fundamental right.

BBC: Europe mulls file-sharing plans

37. Now you're right: you're right if you have the feeling that you've heard a lot of these same ideas before.

你们是对的:如果你们觉得,这些说法都是老生常谈了。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. They're pretty small right now, but supposed there could be more numbers, so let me increment my right hand.

现在它们都很小,但假定它包含更多的数字,我以右手的增量示意。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

39. Right? I've allocated a variable, it happens to be a pointer; it's still a variable, who know what's in it, right?

对不?我分配了一个变量,它碰巧是一个指针,它还是一个变量,谁知道它里面是什么?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

40. In fact, we'll talk about that concept throughout the course because one of the big challenges of making these sort of new biological therapies work in people to treat diseases is getting the right molecules into the right cells, at the right period of time.

实际上,我们会讲到一个,贯穿这门课程的概念,因为为了治疗疾病,而采用的新型生物学疗法,所面临的一个大问题就是,如何将正确的分子在适当的时候,转进正确的细胞当中生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. What is right in normal situations will not be the same as what is right in states of emergency.

是非常不同于,紧急状态时的正当。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. She didn't say a word to me when she opened the door, but took me right into her living room.

VOA : special.2009.07.18

43. When people are as contrite as the folks at JetBlue, you have to forgive them, right?


44. Huck's heart leads him to do the right thing, even when everything he has been taught tells him it is wrong.

VOA : special.2010.03.21

45. All right. - So you have the choice of becoming involved or not by pushing the fat man. - All right.

好了,-所以你有权选择是否把胖子推下去,从而牵涉其中,-好了。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Right, I've got it now.


47. The far right was more popular in the early and mid-1990s, when unemployment was very high.

ECONOMIST: France, race and immigration

48. Right in the City of London, in a beautiful Grade II-listed building, is 1 Lombard Street.

BBC: Insiders guide to London

49. It's as if someone was trying to parody right-wing narratives of government bureaucracy and incompetence.

ECONOMIST: Business travel

50. Right. Well it's interesting as a chaplain on campus, outdoor pursuits of any sort are really not part of the job description as such. -Right.

好的,很有意思对于一个校园神父来说,各种户外活动,应该不是其工作的一部分,-是这样的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

51. NPR's Kim Masters explores why right now retirement commercials seem totally divorced from financial reality.

NPR: Amid Meltdown, Retirement Ads Stay On Message

52. Ah, yes, that's right.


53. Basically, I think you're right.


54. The Civil War began in eighteen sixty-one as a struggle over the right of states to leave the Union.

VOA : special.2009.10.08

55. This is - we're going to stop it right now, if we want to.

NPR: Oversight of Blackwater a 'Grey Zone,' Author Says

56. Right now, MRSA, in the general population, is killing about 19, 000 people a year.

NPR: Tracking a New Strain of Drug-Resistant Staph

57. But he was also right that it would be the first step toward ending slavery in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.05.10

58. What can we say about those choices? Somebody right behind you, the woman right behind you, shout it out.

我们怎么评价他们的选择,找你身后的,你身后的那位女士,请大声说博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. But this is a compound, right, it has some non-zero heat of formation from the elements. So is water, right?

但这是种化合物,对吧?,它具有非零的生成热,水也是一样,对吧?热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

60. Thank you. I mean, I know I sort of said it to you, but you're right. It's logarithmic, right?

但你们是正确的,是对数级的,它有这样的效率是因为他每次能把问题减半?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

61. Cardiff almost went top at the weekend and they are right in the mix.

BBC: Ask Steve Claridge

62. Negroes should enjoy every possible right that does not threaten the safety of the society in which they live."

VOA : special.2009.06.11

63. Grand Hyatt Beijing is an elegant, modern hotel located right in the heart of town.

BBC: Mini guide to Beijing

64. If we had an honest discussion, both of us would know that the other person's heart is in the right place.

VOA : special.2010.07.11

65. The publisher thought the press had a duty to place itself into stories to right wrongs where it could.

VOA : special.2009.08.28





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