social context翻译_social context短语搭配_social context权威例句

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social context

网络 社会背景;社会环境;社会语境;社会情境

英 [ˈsəʊʃl ˈkɒntekst]play 美 [ˈsoʊʃl ˈkɑːntekst]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. Social Context Principle 社会情境原理

2. Social Context Model 社会背景模型

3. Social Context of Schooling 学校教育的社会背景

4. social context theory 社会背景理论

5. lack of social context cues 线索缺乏

6. social context cues 线索

7. Social Context of Business 商务社交语境 ; 企业的社会背景


1. As Murray explains, the videos also provide an important cultural and social context.


2. The Analysis on Social Context and Influence Power of the Podcasting Development


3. Secondly, those who hold this negative opinion do not take the social context into consideration.


4. Everyone who is involved with other human beings in any social context has similar difficulties.


5. Consequently, it is important to judge translating activity only within a social context.


6. On the social context of science


7. The generation and development of culture is always connected with specific social context.


8. In that way the value of self-restraint is isolated from its traditional personal and social context of meaning.


9. Our social context has changed, and what is the direction to art?


10. The fact of the matter is that Americans do sacrifice more for the greater good of the majority of people because the social context allows for it.


11. The report looks at women's employment in its wider social context.

报告审视了在更广泛的社会环境下的妇女就业问题。《provided by jukuu》

12. Study on American Variety of English in Its Social Context


13. Introduce yourself to your customer via a social context or a merchandise - focused opening.


14. According to the New Critics, it does not reside in the author, the historical or social context of the poem, or even in the reader.


15. The Administrative Public Interest Litigation have been produced and developed in this social context.


16. The Social Context, Theoretical Reference and Target Direction of Miller's System


17. Of course, non-scientists are quick to point out that beauty is still in the eye of the beholder -- and the social context that shapes what they see.


18. Public service is produced and developed in the modern western social context.


19. Science in Social Context


20. He emphasizes that morality is determined by the historical and social context.


21. The requirement is likely to differ according to the type of organization and the legal and social context in which it operates.


22. Chapter One analyzes the cultural and social context of the novel.


23. Environment guarantee is mainly policy environment, environment of the forces and social context.


24. When you work with digital systems, it's important to provide a social context for the people's activities.


25. Once literary works are put into a social context, they become a kind of discourse.


26. Our social context has changed, and what is the direction to art?


27. In this social context, women in the family requests have equal status with men, are increasing, the feminist movement began to grow.


28. Social Advertising represents ad formats that engage the social context of the user viewing the ad.


29. Interpretation Function of Social Context in the Multicultural Communication


30. Knowledge transfer always takes place in a certain social context.


31. Social Context and the Translation of A Dream of Red Mansion


32. Bilingual Education for Minorities in China A language policy based on Chinese social context;


33. As a game engine, it lacked capabilities required in business and social context.


34. We then learn that we may be able to say a swear word in one social context, but not another.


35. Social context is important in discourse analysis.


36. Application of Functions of Social Context in Translation


37. Students should relate the language to the social context in which it is spoken.


38. People don't always blindly follow authority figures though, studies show a huge range in obedience, from 12% to 92% depending on the social context.


39. The Visual Tension of Advertisement Codes under Social Context


40. Cultural and Social Context on Cross Languages Code-switching


41. Introduce yourself to your customer via a social context or a merchandise-focused opening.


42. Language Processing in Social Context. An Interdisciplinary Account


43. Constructing Special Education Theory In Chinese Social Context


44. Therefore, we need to put family businesses unique to China to study the social context.


45. Crime has to be studied in its social context.


46. To understand the novel better, you have to study its social context.


47. Formalisation of the social context is the social structure.


48. The Functions of Social Context in Financial English Translation


49. The Application or Social Context to English Teaching


50. Autonomous learning is affected by learners internal factors and social context.


51. "The really unique thing about our advertising is what we call social context," Kendall says.


52. The social context defines the meaning of all actions happening in it, including interactions between participants via services.


53. The book has four sections: Meaning, Sound, Structure and Social Context.


54. problem-solving in a social context, such as how to distribute scarce goods or defend the clan;


55. In a social context. Yes


56. We should see core competence theory with alternative perspectives according to our economic and social context.



1. They've been very influential in teaching us how much of things we should eat, and look at that in this commercial that you're about to see, and also, the social context of this.

他们在教育我们吃多少东西方面,十分具有影响力,仔细观察接下来给你们看的广告,想想这其中蕴含的社会背景因素关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. This concept of open dialogue and idea cross-fertilization is extremely relevant and important in a social innovation context.

FORBES: The Case for Crowdsourcing Innovation and Social Change

3. That is why there are six critical questions to ask to determine the brand strength in the social context.

FORBES: How Strong Is Your Brand In The Social Context? Here's How To Find Out

4. Use simple processes to encourage certain behaviors and work with teams to help them understand their default behaviors and the social-political context that breeds them.

FORBES: Why The Best Executive Teams Can Make The Worst Decisions

5. Because screens are smaller on mobile devices, content relevance and summarizing social context are more important.

FORBES: The Future of the Newspaper

6. Mr Swafford is good on the social and political context of Brahms's life.

ECONOMIST: Composers lives: Setting it straight | The

7. The two founders' aim is to mine knowledge that isn't already online and put it in the highly social context that Facebook has trained everyone on.

FORBES: Why Silicon Valley is going nuts over a tiny website.

8. There is an appropriate level of programmatic thinking relevant to your mind, and engaging with it can make your ideas more valuable in a social context.

FORBES: Learn To Code #2: The Many Reasons Why We Must Program (And The Few Why Not)

9. Bing's statement about its involvement in the service says "when people want to search beyond Facebook, they see web search results from Bing with social context and additional information such as Facebook pages".

BBC: Facebooks Graph targets Google

10. Government officials who attempt to place it in a social and cultural context are doing their job.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

11. In a social context, it may be seen as a sign of romantic interest, or just plain creepy.

WSJ: The Decline of Eye Contact

12. Diversity of experience and interests creates the foundation for the social context in which we are all embedded.

FORBES: The Case for Crowdsourcing Innovation and Social Change

13. The love songs that predominate, as they usually do with Oberst, are long on social context.

NPR: Conor Oberst: When Love Turns Sour

14. This includes the social context, with specific focus on aggregation and analysis of Social CRM, CRM, and social media content, in addition to behavioral analytics and sentiment analysis.

FORBES: Connect

15. It is to defy powerful forces in and out of the social and national context ...

CNN: Cuban President Raul Castro says he'll leave in 2018

16. There is this social context of race relations whose grammar he is also learning, and I would just remind you of the passage where he starts to ask his mother about whether his granny is white or not.

一种来自家庭无可绘状的影响,当时社会的种族对立,对他学习的语言也有很深的影响,各位看一下当他问母亲,祖母是白人还是黑人?1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Social context is about the conditions and circumstances we live in, the way our daily life is arranged, our habits and routines.

FORBES: Two Simple Ways To Keep Up With New Year's Resolutions

18. Now researchers have shown for the first time that an animal other than a human can remember the social context of a past event, and use this knowledge to adjust its behaviour and plan for the future.


19. Now, Social Key will unite the best context from social networks with the business framework of traditional data, enabling enterprises to build even stronger relationships with customers and close more deals, faster.

FORBES: There's Something Big Missing From LinkedIn

20. Other prominent politicians have expressed timely opinions in recent weeks, indicating the importance of the matter in the social context of 21st century American politics.

CNN: Same-sex marriage: A potential Supreme Court blockbuster

21. There was a strong relationship between social context and the relative level of rejected ballots - the greater the degree of social deprivation in a constituency, the higher the rate of ballot rejections.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Ballot paper report at-a-glance

22. At DU, much of the focus is on building the kind of complex industry, professional, and leadership skills that can best be strengthened in a live, social context.

FORBES: Want Your Company To Succeed In The Future? Invest In Employee Skills Training Like Deloitte LLP

23. However, the same social context that created knowledge silos within upper level management is rapidly transforming with advances in technology.

FORBES: The Case for Crowdsourcing Innovation and Social Change

24. These four forms, and combinations thereof, help to explain why people understand Social Business very differently, or do not grasp the basis of value of interacting in a social context I casually refer to this sort of misunderstanding as a Great Disconnect.

FORBES: Four Elementary Forms of Sociality Impacting Trust and Relationships

25. He says they will feel more and more like social networks, and Twitter thinks about social context in terms of delivering information to you right now.

FORBES: Web 2.0: Twitter Seeing Nearly 250 Million Tweets/Day; Over 100 Million Users

26. The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) has been working on a framework that sees data protection as a basic human right, a protection that is offered to consumers within a social context.

FORBES: The EU's 'Right To Be Forgotten': What Data Protections Are We Missing in the US?

27. They provide us social context, allow us to transfer trust, and create opportunity.

FORBES: The Best Organizations For Entrepreneurs

28. The author said research was needed for a better understanding of the social context in which the rapes took place and to develop preventative measures against such attacks.

BBC: SA teachers 'raping pupils'

29. Because fundamentally the Culture Economy is all about the broad social and cultural context of a brand.

FORBES: Love It? Hate It? Beyonc Does H&M

30. Is it a social context? Is it a literary one?

社会环境?文学环境?1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Obviously, changing lifestyle involves two parameters: personal drive and social context.

FORBES: One Thing Missing From Coca Cola's Formula For Fighting Obesity

32. We may now have a number of ideas about its possible use but we need also to explore the social context, that is, what other evidence is available for understanding the society which produced and used the figurine.

FORBES: Lois P. Frankel On Citibank, Manning Up & Being Nice

33. There is a lot of potential for real innovation here, but it takes special techniques to frack that innovative potential out of the social context that works with the crushing weight of two miles of bedrock to keep that kind of change down.

FORBES: Connect





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