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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. decline day by day detail 日见衰败

2. decline by large margin 大幅度减产

3. Company by Sheng to decline 公司由盛转衰

4. to decline day by day 日趋衰落


1. In a disorderly adjustment scenario, financial inflows to developing countries could decline by as much as 80 per cent for several months, the World Bank warned.


2. Polaris has compensated for the decline by boosting sales in developing markets such as Russia where its exports total$ 35m compared to$ 10m to the US.


3. The company predicts that in 2009, revenues per available room the industry benchmark will decline by 10 per cent.


4. Hiring for recent grads will decline by 3% for those employers.


5. According to Forrester research, a market-research firm, technology purchases will decline by 3% in 2009 when counted in dollars (see chart).


6. Meanwhile, USA Network saw its ratings decline by 10% in the second quarter as its schedule of reruns and WWE wrestling ( along with some original series) lost out to the NBA finals.

同时,USA Network的收视率在第二季度下跌了10%,因为其重播节目以及美国职业摔角赛(此外还有一些原创系列节目)都输给了NBA总决赛。

7. Accidents are predicted to decline by 30 per cent after the makeover but he thinks the effect will be even more dramatic.


8. If the economy is weak and the market overshoots, house prices could decline by another 5 per cent, he says.


9. He estimates that such contracts are set to decline by a third within the next decade.


10. Retailers are trying to counter this decline by making gift CARDS more attractive.


11. The over pumping of underground water has caused water levels to decline by 0.57 meters per year.


12. Since a falling dollar raises the cost of imports and increases the export demand for us products, a dollar decline by itself puts upwards pressure on the US inflation rate.


13. The proportion of people over 60 years old is now more than 12 per cent of the population and those of working-age, between 16 and 65 years old, has begun to decline by 2.5m a year.


14. Amid these activities came an attempt to arrest the dynastic decline by restoring the traditional order.


15. And the same time, Some significative conclusions have been gotten: Combustion efficiency will decline by adding three-way catalytic converters. Exhaust component will change by adding three-way catalytic converters.


16. Decline By the mid 11th century, the Khitan had lost their morale and started adopting a defensive attitude towards their neighbors.


17. The agency's analysis also estimates that health care and other costs will decline by$ 140 billion in the next 20 years as a result of declining trans fat consumption.


18. Morgan Stanley forecasts that the amount of cash in European makers’ manufacturing operations will decline by euro 34 billion this year.

Morgan Stanley预测今年欧洲制造商的生产业务资金总额将会下滑340亿欧元。

19. Toyota regained its footing by moving up in the ranking from seventh to fourth, but Honda continued its inexplicable decline by plunging to eighth place from fifth.


20. 5'-deiodinase activities decline by selenium deficiency in rat tissues


21. Argentina saw its GDP decline by 10.9% in the year after its December 2001 default.


22. The WHO reckons that deaths from infections will decline by 3% over the next ten years.


23. He predicts that shelf space devoted to print books in physical stores will decline by 50% during the next five years and 90% during the next decade.


24. It revised its April prediction when it said the volume of merchandise trade will decline by between 13 and 32 percent this year.


25. NGU increased with the highest rate ( 31.71%) followed by genital herpes ( 29.67%), and gonorrhea had a swift decline by 16.22%.


26. In the last quarter of 2008 Scania saw truck orders decline by 84% year-on-year in western Europe and actually go negative (as orders were cancelled) in emerging markets.


27. After two consecutive quarters of rises, road accidents in Britain revealed a substantial decline by as much as 30% in the third quarter, from 76,400 times to 56,300 times.


28. This is the exact opposite answer I was looking for tho. One is LeBron james indeed, but this"LeBron James" was supposed to decline by now, not Melo.


29. It's suggested, seasonal agriculture exploitation is the main factor to affect the groundwater regime, and if we keep the actual state, the groundwater level will decline by 1m/ a.


30. Those with only a high school diploma have seen their incomes decline by 13 percent over the past 35 years.

在过去的35年里,那些只有高中文凭的人的收入下降了13%。《六级真题- 2015年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

31. It's early, but after the 67% growth this year, we're forecasting DRAM revenue to decline by 18% next year.


32. The head of the ministry that oversees state-owned enterprises expects the number of these businesses to decline by as much as44% by the end of2010.


33. Advertising has withered in the recession, causing Mediaset's revenues to decline by 12% in the first quarter and its net profits by 50%.


34. The temperature and fuel concentration on the surface decline by adding water in fuel and consequently prolong the ignition delay.


35. Newsprint demand will decline by 56% between 2008 and 2020 printing.while volumes for business papers and print will also fall by45.5%, according to a new report.


36. Global economic output is expected to decline by 4.4 percent this year.


37. Prices there are projected to decline by another 30 per cent or so.


38. The company predicts that in 2009, revenues per available room – the industry benchmark – will decline by 10 per cent.


39. • after contracting in real terms by 0.6% in 2012, the GDP of the 17-member eurozone is projected to decline by another 0.3% in 2013.


40. World steel demand is likely to fall 14.9 per cent this year, making the decline by far the biggest in the industry since the end of the Second World War, according to forecasts issued yesterday by the World Steel Association.

据全球钢铁协会(world steel association)昨日发布的预测,今年全球钢铁需求可能会减少14.9%,为二战迄今该行业最大降幅。

41. Yet the last decade saw the total number of jobs decline by 1.1 percent.


42. China's manufacturing exports would decline by a staggering 21% and India's by 16%.


43. Meanwhile, lucrative investment banking revenues for underwriting could decline by 50% and M& A fees are also on hold as companies wait out the market tumult.


44. Targland plans to halt this population decline by blocking the current access routes into the desert and announcing new regulations to allow access only on foot.


45. Most forecasts for next year say that AD spending in America will decline by 5% or more.


46. "It is becoming more apparent that we will see an end to the decline by the end of this year but not a quick recovery," she said.


47. But by the beginning of this month, analysts were instead braced for the quarter's profits to decline by 9.4 per cent.


48. A number of studies have observed that a product's production costs decline by some quantity about each time cumulative output doubles.


49. Rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decline by 10 percent over the next 50 years.


50. The leading chief executives of steel companies said earlier this year that Europe's demand for steel would drop by more than a quarter and demand in the US would decline by 36.6%.


51. Grantham says that such stocks should decline by less than the market during declines, and are thus worthy of our consideration in their own right.


52. As a result, Intel has suffered. The company's profits are sinking and revenue is forecast to decline by 3% this year.


53. Even the much hyped rise of online advertising has been reversed, with spending forecast to decline by 2.2% in America this year.


54. I think that several hot markets could decline by 50-70% before global asset prices are normalized.


55. Transmitted by sap-sucking insects, the bacterium1 has caused Italy's olive production to decline by 60% since it was first discovered in 2013.


56. In such a situation, GDP can be expected to decline by 1%, rather than the historic average of 0.5%.



1. Whether or not they decline by double digits anytime soon remains to be seen.

FORBES: If Hong Kong Isn't A Housing Bubble, Then Nothing Is

2. Government spending this year is estimated to decline by approximately 2.0 percent in real dollars.

FORBES: Budget Cuts Don't Stop Bull Markets

3. And the decline by some 70 percent in Baghdad is shown by the bottom line.

CNN: Transcript of Iraq hearing statements

4. For Toyota were the yen to rise to 79, operating profit would decline by JPY 35 billion.

FORBES: Whither Japan Stocks: Four (Maybe Five) Trends that Will Push Stock Prices Higher

5. It is expected to decline by a further 40% in the coming five years.

BBC: Cheque use given backing by government minister

6. What will happen if your revenue will decline by 10% in the second half of the year?

FORBES: As Markets Plummet, Advice For The Financial Advisor

7. It led to a rapid decline in foreign direct investment in Georgia and a rapid decline in growth, reinforced,of course, by the economic crisis.

VOA : standard.2009.09.01

8. The revenue generated per dollar of assets may be about to decline by around a third.

ECONOMIST: Fund management

9. However, NYSE has managed to mitigate the impact of the decline by drawing more business to its Arca electronic market.

FORBES: Stabilizing Share Gives NYSE Euronext Upside

10. Maybe four more decades of fiat money would see the value of the dollar decline by another factor of forty-eight.

FORBES: Economic Booms And Busts Of The Gold Standard Era

11. Wall Street bears expected feature phone volumes to decline by 2-4 Million units sequentially.

FORBES: Nokia's 3Q12 - Not as Easy to Game as It Seems

12. It saw overall sales decline by 14% in the fourth quarter over the year-ago quarter.

FORBES: Apple Swings To Loss

13. The number of mail carriers is expected to decline by 38, 100 by 2020.

FORBES: The Jobs With the Brightest Future

14. The report says studies show that if 15% of a country's population is HIV-positive, its GDP will decline by 1% annually.

BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Slowing population 'lacks funds'

15. The Asia Pacific region led the decline with a more than 14 percent fall off Passengers for North American flights fell by more than 13 percent.

VOA : standard.2009.04.28

16. Spain will see its economy decline by 1.8% this year and could well remain in recession next year.

BBC: Euro crisis: The European maze

17. The forecast is that the working age population (15 to 64 years old) will decline by almost half to 44 million.

FORBES: Japan's Demographic and Cultural Destiny

18. We forget about the enormous trading vitality of Asia, even sea vitality and land vitality at the same time, but they are without any question by this point-- with the decline of the Spanish empire, which begins before this course-- the Dutch and the English.

我们先不考虑亚洲大量的贸易活动,包括同时的陆上和海上贸易,在十七世纪之前,随着西班牙帝国的衰退,欧洲最大的贸易实体,毫无疑问是荷兰和英国欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. The European Union predicts the German economy, Europe's largest, is likely to contract by 5.4 percent this year, a larger decline than the EU average.

VOA : standard.2009.05.04

20. Current futures markets suggest that house prices will decline by 12%-18% in the next 18 months.

WSJ: Low-Interest Mortgages Are the Answer

21. The mid-1990s binge angered McDonald's 2, 800 franchisees, some of whom saw sales decline by as much as 20% from cannibalization.

FORBES: Beyond burgers

22. Traders anticipating a continued decline by ZIP may want to consider the November 15 put.

FORBES: Lose The Facebook Funk With Visa, LinkedIn And A Zipcar Short

23. That means that the price of each share should decline by the amount they paid out divided by the number of shares.

这就意味着每股价格会降低,降低值为,总开支除以总股数金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. They warn America is growing away from its constitutional roots, doomed to decline by debt and outsized government.

BBC: Will the rise of the rest mean the decline of the US?

25. Hotels in Glasgow saw occupancy rise by 1.4% but rooms yield decline by 4.7%.

BBC: Scottish hotels

26. During his tenure, the socialist President has seen oil production decline by roughly 25%.

FORBES: What Chavez's Reelection In Venezuela Means For Global Oil Markets

27. The dollar was then allowed to decline by around 50% to the yen between 1985 and 1987.

FORBES: For China's Yuan, China Knows Best

28. The bellwether PSEi dropped 3.8%, the biggest single-day decline by percentage since September 2011.

WSJ: Tokyo Shares Down Sharply

29. He says the pool of available new subs is likely to decline by 5%, in line with recent trends.

FORBES: Sprint: Is The Street Too Bullish?

30. Or at least is seems likely that recorded web traffic is going to decline by 90 percent.

FORBES: Web Traffic to Decline by 90 Percent

31. There has been little relief for RIMM shares as the stock continued its long decline by sliding another 26% year to date.

FORBES: Stocks Trading For Less Than David Einhorn And Prem Watsa Paid For Them

32. We also foresee skills surpluses as demand for one-in-three roles within corporate IT may decline by more than 80 percent.

FORBES: The IT Skills Gap

33. "China,after having been one of the world's strongest and most developed countries, went through a period of relative decline and relatively being pushed around by other countries."

VOA : standard.2010.04.21

34. Hold: projected to decline by no more than 5% or to rally no more than 5% over the next twelve months.

FORBES: Five Large-Caps To Buy And Trade

35. The good news from Italy is that spending is expected to decline by only 1-5%.

FORBES: European Debt Crisis Ravaging Retail Sales
















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