
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ɔːlˈredi]play美 [ɔːlˈredi]play

  • adv. 已经,早已;<美,非正式>马上,够了(用于表达不耐烦或气恼)

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already /ɔːlˈrɛdɪ/

  • 1.
    副词 You use already to show that something has happened, or that something had happened before the moment you are referring to. Some speakers use already with the simple past tense of the verb instead of a perfect tense. 已经

    They had already voted for him at the first ballot.



    She says she already told the neighbours not to come over for a couple of days.


  • 2.
    副词 You use already to show that a situation exists at this present moment or that it exists at an earlier time than expected. You use already after the verb "be" or an auxiliary verb, or before a verb if there is no auxiliary. When you want to add emphasis, you can put already at the beginning of a sentence. 早已

    The authorities believe those security measures are already paying off.



    He was already rich.



    Already, she is thinking ahead.



  • adv.已经,早已;先前



1. all right already 好啦好啦 ; 好 ; 别念叨啦

2. Already Over 已经结束 ; 结束

3. Already There 已经那里了 ; 已经到那儿了 ; 我已在那儿 ; 已经在那里

4. Already Dead 跨越死亡线 ; 已经死了啊 ; 已经死去 ; 片

5. Already Famous 一泡而红 ; 唱片名

6. I'm Already There 依偎你身边 ; 依偎妳身边 ; 唱片名

7. Already Gone 已走了 ; 爱已成往事 ; 李东宸 ; 我早就离开了

8. Already Been Converted 已被转换

9. They already know 可她们都已知道 ; 但她们都已知道 ; 她们都已经知道了 ; 他们都已经知道


1. Major elements of the country's economy are already under state control.


2. Some donations are already trickling in.


3. It's no use to hide. He has spilled the beans already.

隐瞒是没有用的, 他早已泄漏了秘密.《辞典例句》

4. There has already been a definite improvement.


5. I take it for granted that they have arrived there already.


6. Already the forerunner was born, his mission attested by miracle and prophecy.


7. A low wage for elementary school teachers, however, doesn’t mean elementary education isn’t important. It simply means there’re too many elementary school teachers already.

但是,小学教师的工资低并不表示小学教育不重要。这只是说明小学教师的数量已经过剩了。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

8. The company seems to have concluded that its reputation in Vermont is already so damaged that it has noting left to lose by going to war with the state.

安特吉公司似平已经认识到,既然它在佛蒙特州已经名誉扫地,那么和州政府再打一场官司也不会造成更大损失。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

9. Its competitors have already begun the acquisition and integration work.


10. It has already been, in the ages before us.

哪知, 在我们以前的世代,早已有了.《期刊摘选》

11. Into October, the owners already entered the hot decoration.

进入十月, 业主们早已进入到火热的装修中.《期刊摘选》

12. As it happens, America's armed forces are on the case already

巧合的是,美国军队已经开始研究这一问题。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

13. The American embassy has already complained.


14. Tom was already out of hearing.


15. The group has already shed 10,000 jobs...


16. He already had an idea for his next novel.


17. He had already forgotten Scarlett's heartbreak and his mind was only on playuing his valet.


18. Have you finished your composition already? You are very speedy.

你已经写完作文了 吧 ?你动作真快.《简明英汉词典》

19. The world art market had already been losing momentum for a while after rising bewilderingly since 2003. 

世界艺术品市场在经历了自2003年以来的急剧增长后,相当长一段时间以来已经失去 了其原有的发展势头。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

20. In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.

在世界的很多地方,可再生能源已经成为一种主要能源。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

21. These commitments have already been breached.


22. As the most popular network mangement protocol , the securities of SNMP? CMIP and CORBA already been noticed.

CORBA作为 当今最流行的几种网络 管理协议, 其安全性早已受到人们的重视.《期刊摘选》

23. One former patient already indicated his intention to sue.


24. We've already been introduced.


25. You're not leaving already, are you?


26. The work is already complete inmanuscript.


27. Vienna had already fallen on April 13.


28. This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups, such as “ Italian Americans ” and “ Irish Americans, ” that had already been freed of widespread discrimination.

选择这一称呼的原因是它呼应了种族群体,例如“意大利裔美国人”和“爱尔兰裔美国人”,这些称呼都已经不带有种族歧视色彩了。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

29. The sun was already up when they set off.


30. We're already two goals down.


31. Little reward accompanies duplication and confirmation of what is already known and believed.

重复和确认一些早已被人熟知或接受的东西是几乎没有回报的。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

32. He has already voted by absentee ballot.


33. He's already been gone four hours!


34. He was already rich...


35. His campaign is already hurting for money.


36. Want to have a great relationship? Learn from those who already have one.

想获得伟大的 友谊,去向那些早已有伟大友谊的人学习.《期刊摘选》

37. I am already on your mailing list.


38. One hundred have already been placed with foster families.


39. Some climate impacts may already be discernible.

有些气候影响可能已经露出端倪。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

40. Higher interest rates are already pinching the housing industry.


41. This evidence ties in closely with what we already know.


42. This fact indicates that China has already mastered, and has been continuously improving, its dispenser design technique.


43. He had already left when I called.


44. We had to work within the parameters that had already been established.


45. He was already aboard the plane.


46. I already did it.


47. She has already agreed to play the lead character in the film.


48. Try to be quick ! We're late already.


49. Along the coast, an industrial fringe had already developed.


50. She scorned the view that inflation was already beaten.


51. So much snow has already melted away.


52. It's best to send the heavy cases ahead so that they'll be there already when we arrive.


53. The ubiquitous (无所不在的) battery has already come a long way, of course.

当然,无所不在的电池已经得到了长足的发展《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

54. Blake already owed him nearly $50.


55. Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the spring.


56. He's been in the dock several times already.


57. I'm going ─ I've done enough damage here already.


58. It's late in the day to think of a change of plan when we've already ordered the materials.


59. He already has three demerits on his record.


60. For example, he theorised that a judge fearful of appearing too soft on crime might be more likely to send someone to prison if he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.

例如,他提出这样一种理论:一名法官因为担心在犯罪面前表现得太心慈手软,如果一天当中已经宣判其他五、六名被告人执行强制性的社区服务,那么他就极有可能把某个人送进监狱。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

61. Production has already been put on the right track.


62. Is it 10 o'clock already?


63. Unix has already undergone several such transformations.


64. They had already voted for him at the first ballot...


65. The authorities believe those security measures are already paying off...


66. Your identity has been formed; you’ve built up your resources; and now you have the chance to take the big risks precisely because your foundation is already secure.

处于这个阶段的人已经形成了自己的身份形象、积累了一定资源,并且正是因为根基已经牢固,你现在也有了能够承担更大风险的可能性。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

67. His proposal has already been turned down.


68. Parliament has in fact already authorised the government to tame the tobacco trade.

实际上议会已经授权政府限制烟草贸易。《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

69. I've already done it.


70. Shouting at me is useless. am already used of it.

也会骂我没用, 但我早已习惯.《期刊摘选》

71. He is already assured of the job and his interview is a mere formality.


72. After just one day, she had already made an enemy of her manager.


73. We need double the amount we already have.


74. The cracks in the government's economic policy are already beginning to show.


75. The new government has already been pitched into a crisis.


76. If he did, we'd all be in hell already.

如果他这样做, 所有的人早已经在地狱里了.《期刊摘选》

77. I've already written a fair chunk of the article.


78. He'd said something on those lines already.


79. Mama Corleone, dressed in her widow black, was already sitting in it, waiting for her.

考利昂妈妈穿着她的黑色寡妇服, 早已坐在汽车里等她了.《教父部分》

80. It was already nearly eight o'clock.


81. Even so, prices on liquor is about news consumers already spread like wildfire.

即便如此, 关于白酒即将涨价的消息,早已在消费者中不胫而走.《期刊摘选》

82. In fact, I’d like to relive a period I’ve already lived: the 1960s—I was in my twenties, and everything was being renewed.

事实上,我希望重过一段我已经过过的时光:20 世纪60 年代——那时我20 多岁,而且一切都在更新中。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

83. She's already outgrown her school uniform.


84. This evidence ties in very well with the picture which detectives have already built up.


85. I'm already late.


86. As a matter of fact, I’ve already contacted one of the girls who would be living in the same house as me, and she seemed really nice

事实上,我已经联系了和我住一个房间的其中一个女孩,她看起来非常友善。《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

87. Therefore the human will have at any time the pressure, I will already be familiar with.

因此,人在任何时候都会有压力, 我早已习惯.《期刊摘选》

88. The tree is in bud already.


89. Most of them are already in universities but being carried and funded by the universities themselves.


90. ‘Lunch? ’ ‘No thanks, I've already eaten. ’


91. Many may already see France a nation ofgrumblers, but a new survey shows the French agree.

很多人可能早已觉得法国人爱发牢骚, 然而一项最新调查表明法国人竟然也对此表示认同.《期刊摘选》

92. With sufficient will in Downing Street this would have been done already.

如果唐宁街有足够的决心,这种监管就应该已经实施起来了。《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

93. Little imagine west sheds an economics to be immersed in the predicament of the crisis already.


94. They were surprised to find that he'd already left.


95. They had already fired three people and he was afraid for his job.


96. The money already paid is irretrievable.


97. The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels.


98. There is already a high level of environmental contamination.


99. Have you finished already? That was quick!


100. The crisis has been already brought on.


101. I looked around, but the driver already gone.

我环顾四周, 但是那个司机早已不在了.《期刊摘选》

102. So we had already made mould according to the 3 D design paper we sent you before.


103. A crowd already filled the gallery.


104. Eight o'clock had already chimed.


105. Robots already save us time, money and energy.

机器人已经帮我们节省了时间、金钱和精力。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

106. The two companies have already carried out in the aircraft engine cooperation.


107. I was disappointed to find that they had left already.


108. There's no point in duplicating work already done.


109. I have already insisted on the fact that truth is made largely out of previous truths.


110. He's already outgrown his older brother.


111. We've already said our goodbyes.


112. In fact, the best words chosen for translation already appear in the previous talks.

其实, 从先前谈话出现的词语中来挑选翻译用词,才是最好的.《期刊摘选》

113. We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.


114. The plaster has buckled because of the settling of the house.


115. Alex has already gone.


116. Half (of) the work is already finished.


117. Spring has already passed by, has already wiped the shoulder and left in adolescence.

春天早已过去, 花季早已擦肩而去.《期刊摘选》

118. She's backpedalled twice already.


119. There are far too many people already. We can't take any more.


120. When we arrived the party was already in full swing.


121. I've already looked there ─ it must be somewhere else.


122. Which may be what the Times is doing already.

也许,《纽约时报》已经在这么做了。【句子解析】本句是一个复合句,主语Which指代④句的内容,系动词是may be, what引导的表语从句作表语。从句的主语是the Times,谓语是is doing,what在从句中作宾语;副词already作状语。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

123. The students are already acquainted with the work of Shakespeare.


124. 'He's already left,' she informed us.


125. He was barely 20 years old and already running his own company.


126. In other words, if you’re going to make a print product, make it for the people who are already obsessed with it.

换句话说,如果你要做纸质版,就将目标锁定在那些早已痴迷于此的人身上。 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

127. Katherine was already in the front seat of the SUV giving the agent directions.


128. I reached the station only to find that my train had already left.


129. We got there early but Mike had already left.


130. The vacancy has already been filled.


131. She's already counting down to the big day.



1. Insurers could not deny coverage to people who already have a condition, or cancel coverage if people get sick.

VOA : special.2009.09.12

2. He has already appointed former Labour Culture Secretary James Purnell as director of strategy and digital.

BBC: director general Tony Hall 'confident' about future

3. It also is the case that probably many of you have already read it and possibly studied it in school and talked about it.

也有可能是你们很多人都已经读过,也有可能是在学校的时候就学过并讨论过的。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. The students examine an issue, review what is already known, think about what they have learned and come to some conclusion.

VOA : special.2009.04.30

5. Many communities, particularly in the Pacific, are already facing the first impacts of climate change.

UNESCO: Natural Science

6. The gold seekers quickly learned that most of the valuable areas of land had already been claimed by others.

VOA : special.2009.02.11

7. The project has already seen great success since it launched, with rooms booking up quickly.

BBC: Pay what you want at a Paris hotel

8. CARLOS AMAYA: "By then, I had already developed my own idea of what sustainable was, and where it needed to go."

VOA : special.2009.04.10

9. She believes that most of the building blocks to form a new business already exist.

FORBES: Extreme Outsourcing

10. I've saved £50 already.


11. She has already achieved some success, having appearing in several independent films and commercials.

BBC: The road to Hollywood, California

12. We already talked about the Hittite vassal treaties as a model for the Israelite covenant, when we were talking about Exodus.

我们已经将希提的纳贡条约作为以色列立约,的范本进行过研究,在我们讲解出埃及记的时候。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. It's already making the band nostalgic for the peace and quiet of last year.

BBC: Sound of 2013: Chvrches

14. The reason is because we already have a full valence shell for our hydrogen, it doesn't want any more electrons.

原因是因为我们的氢,已经有一个排满的价壳层了,它不再需要多余的电子了。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. Now you also may remember that we have already run into Spenser's Mammon before this point, before Paradise Lost.

现在你们可能也记得我们已经,在遇到《失乐园》之前就与斯潘塞的贪欲之神相遇了。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. It's great for showing that you've already expressed something and you want to emphasize that point to you are conversant.

在表明你已经表达过某个观点并且想要再次强调的时候,这个句型非常有用。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : That's what课堂

17. Presidential hopefuls have already begun visiting the town: John McCain made a stop on March 17.

NPR: Welcome to Milford: Town's View of 2008 Race

18. It was already the smallest in terms of market-cap of the big Wall Street banks.

FORBES: Betting Against Bear

19. But researchers reported recently that the evidence was stronger when they combined the results of the four major studies already done.

VOA : special.2009.09.22

20. Still,some economists say other signs in the economy show that the recession is over already, or will be soon.

VOA : special.2009.08.21

21. The difficulty with reading Machiavelli today is that we all think we already know what he knows and that is false.

今日阅读马奇亚维利的困难点,在于我们都认为我们早已知道,他所知道的东西,但那并不正确。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. And the first thing you do is ask is it an instance of some problem that other people have already solved?

而且你以前从没碰过这个问题,你首先要做的一件事就是问问自己,这是不是一个别人已经解决了的问题?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. Anglesey council said it supported the recommendations and that it was already making good progress.

BBC: Wales

24. He has already re-arranged the board and put in place new marketing and finance directors.

FORBES: Bargains And Dogs

25. You'll hear maybe later about, or maybe you've already about Milgram and maybe Asch conformity and maybe Robber's Cave.

可能不久后,你们将会接触到,可能已经知道心理学家米尔格拉姆,阿施“权威服从”实验,盗贼洞穴心理实验。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. How hard will it be for people who are already sick to buy insurance?

NPR: A Partisan Divide On Health Care Reform

27. So, more data to come, so this is a clip some of you might have seen in section already.

随着更多数据的出现,就会形成一个标签,有些人可能已在相应章节中看到过了。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

28. Now another approach would be to take pieces of the pancreas that already have all that capability within them.

现在还有一种方法就是,取一部分健康人的胰脏,移植到糖尿病患者体内生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Some students already take GCSEs early, usually maths and maybe a language such as French.

BBC: GCSEs 'too easy' for brainy pupils

30. Sony's product is already on the market and Casio has released its new range.

BBC: Do we need watches to tell us more than the time?

31. Already there were problems. It didn't augur well.


32. It was already eight o'clock and Sylvie wondered if her grandmother would be angry with her for being so late.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

33. She is someone whose work is already helping to tackle global issues facing global communities.

UNESCO: NZer wins prestigious science prize

34. Scientists believe large groups of wolves became stuck when they came to feed on animals already trapped in the asphalt.

VOA : special.2010.04.07

35. Microsoft is an oft-mentioned suitor for Nokia, but the two already have a tight licensing relationship.

FORBES: Just What Did Google Buy?

36. The industry has already settled the thorniest issue: what type of connector to use.

FORBES: Smarter Phone Charger On Way

37. The company had already announced plans to treat Bayer CropScience as a separate unit.

FORBES: Bayer Finds Breaking Up Hard To Do

38. This private tour was my idea, and the kids had already objected to it earlier.

BBC: Missing pieces in Utah

39. And,again,to us in the modern world, if you didn't already have some exposure to religious narratives like this,that would sound odd.

同样的,对现代人来说,如果没接触过这类宗教描述,可能会觉得奇怪。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Another Morgan Stanley banker, Vikram Gandhi Vikram Gandhi , has already signed up with a rival.

FORBES: Wasserella, The Sequel?

41. As the blade slices, a blizzard of snow-white flakes floats onto an already headhigh mound.


42. It left more than a million other people homeless in a nation where most citizens were already living in deep poverty.

VOA : special.2010.04.02

43. Liz had already gone.


44. We have already encountered on some level the importance of the figure of eating to John Milton. Think of Comus.

我们已经在某种程度上见识到了,对于弥尔顿来说吃的形象的重要性,想想司酒宴之神。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. The German government, a 31% stakeholder in the company, has already accepted his resignation.

FORBES: Deutsche Post CEO On His Way Out

46. By bringing women into the job, you are bringing different skills and enhancing skills already there.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | 'If a gran can do it, anyone can'

47. The Hang Seng index of 33 blue-chip companies is already trading near its four-year lows.

FORBES: One country, one system

48. Soon we'll know. First of all, we'd better say, as is already clear from what we've been quoting, language is not quite Saussurian.

我们很快就会知道,首先,从引文中很容易看出,语言不是索绪尔式的。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Twenty Russian wardens already patrol the rivers, some armed with Kalashnikovs to discourage poachers.

FORBES: Catch and Release

50. Already reeling from the flu, I grew more nauseated as I sloshed in the wind-whipped waves.

BBC: Eyeball to eyeball with Canadas migrating salmon

51. The leaves on many of the trees have already begun to change color as they prepare to drop to the ground.

VOA : special.2009.09.21

52. The chemicals are joining twelve other substances that are already banned under a treaty known as the Stockholm Convention.

VOA : special.2009.06.23

53. Environmentalists say Australia is already overpopulated.


54. And I'm inclined to think, "Yes." In fact, I already suggested as much when I talked about the chess-playing computers.

我倾向于认为,有,实际上,当我在谈会下象棋计算机时,我已经暗示过很多次了死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. But already Russia's outlying areas are running themselves with less and less say-so from the centre.

ECONOMIST: Western mans burden

56. He has already met with Hispanic members of Congress and promised to work with them to try to shape a plan.

VOA : special.2009.04.18

57. We need to think about solutions to this, right from the start of the class, and we already talked about something.

从一上课开始,我们就应该开始,思考这些问题解决方案,现在我们已经谈论了一些了博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. They found that climate changes "are already exerting a considerable drag on yield growth" and may have affected food prices.

VOA : special.2011.05.17

59. The Scottish government has already said it would like the minimum voting age to be 16.

BBC: Scottish independence: Teaching union backs votes at 16

60. I wrote my first book--I already talked about that, Pioneering Portfolio Management--that deals with the challenges that face institutional investors.

我写的第一本书,我已经提到过了,《机构投资的创新之路》,讨论了机构投资者所面临的挑战金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. There has already been a lot of division within the Christian community over this election.

BBC: Voters' Views: Jessica Ross

62. After all, they are already quite free to marry someone of any other faith.

BBC: Girls equal in British throne succession

63. Test projects have already begun, and he says the main part of the National Children's Study will begin next year.

VOA : special.2011.08.03

64. Both units are already being marketed to potential buyers, including some private equity firms.

FORBES: Otellini To Cash Some Of Intel's Chips?

65. He's already gone.








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