gender equity翻译_gender equity短语搭配_gender equity权威例句

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gender equity


英 [ˈdʒendə(r) ˈekwəti]play 美 [ˈdʒendər ˈekwəti]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. social gender equity 性别平等

2. gender equity Counseling 性别平等

3. Gender Equity Task Team 性别平等任务小组

4. Gender Equity Education Act 性别平等教育法

5. gender equity and equality 两性公平与平等

6. Gender Equity Education Committee 性别平等教育委员会

7. Gender Equity Act 性别平等教育法


1. Nordic countries, for example, have followed policies that encouraged equality of benefits and services, full employment, gender equity and low levels of social exclusion.


2. And the field of education in China are subject to the "gender equity" impact, began to explore the "feminist" Localization in China, in a bid to build gender-equitable education system.


3. These imbalances in gender equity are a threat to the health of populations.


4. Increasing the net income of farmers, rural employment and social and gender equity are core features of the SPFS.


5. So why, amid economic changes and gender equity advancements, are men still expected to pay for the bill?


6. More and more teachers are becoming aware of the importance and the immediate need for gender equity in education for both girls and boys.


7. Vital event registration was significantly associated with local equity stratifiers such as gender, socioeconomic status and geography.


8. Leveling the gender playing field therefore means, ultimately, creating greater equity for everyone.


9. After the investigation is complete, the Gender Equity Education Committee shall submit a written report to its school or competent authority regarding the investigation and Suggestions for handling.


10. That doesn't mean that gender equity is achieved, not at all.


11. Gender equity and equality is an issue all over the world.


12. Fertility Transition, Gender Equity and Policy Options in Hong Kong


13. The equal principle realizes the formal equality of gender equity, and the difference principle realizes the substantive equality of gender equity.


14. The competition evaluating a man's achievement by the way he treats women is a creative way to achieve gender equity, a director of Woman's Studies Institute of China, Xiao Yang, said.


15. Senior high schools shall integrate gender equity education in their curriculum, the same as the five-year junior colleges in the first three years of their curriculum.

高级中等学校及专科学校五年制前三年应将性别平等教育融入课程。《provided by jukuu》

16. Police-maker need to devote themselves to making gender equity policy.


17. In addition, formal recognition could diminish the autonomy that companies and teams have on campuses, bringing about rules like Title IX, the gender equity law.

此外,把它正式化可能会削弱公司和团队在校园中的自主权,令其受到一些规定的约束,比如性别平等法律《教育法修正案第九条》(Title IX)等。

18. They were the pioneers of gender equity, in their useful, adaptable clothing, which was both made for the masses and capable of self-expression.


19. The Gender Equity Education Committee shall take into account the difference in power between the two parties in its investigation and handling of a case.


20. The Gender Equity Education Committee shall not be affected by the judicial procedures of the case in its investigation and handling of a case.


21. Provide consultation services related to gender equity education, and investigate and handle cases pertinent to this Act;


22. Increasing the net income of farmers, rural employment and social and gender equity are core features of the SPFS.


23. Other matters related to gender equity at school or community level.


24. The process of completely solving elderly females' problems coincides with that process of achieving social justice and gender equity.


25. Article 10 the competent authority at central, municipal, county or city shall designate budgeting in accordance with all the projects planned by its gender equity education committee.


26. Gender equity education: to eliminate gender discrimination and promote substantive gender equality through education.

一、性别平等教育: 指以教育方式消除性别歧视,促进性别地位之实质平等.《互联网》

27. The gender equity during the process of health resources allocation should be strengthened.


28. On this basis, in art education will be able to reflect gender equity, and promote the growth of personality, art disciplines to female students comprehensive, reasonable development.


29. So, in addition to changes in income, boosting shared prosperity focuses on improving gender equity and low income peoples access to food, shelter, clean water, sanitation health care, education and jobs.


30. Earlier, in the1990s, we focused on gender equity and rights for ethnic minorities, migrant workers and for people with disabilities.


31. Schools shall develop course planning and assessment methods in accordance to principles of gender equity education.


32. But behind the seemingly fair people "education gender equity" understanding not thorough.


33. The school shall erect regulations to implement gender equity education, and promulgate them.


34. Although realizing gender equity is a long and hard journey in every field of society including academia, we should understand every little movement will push it forward to final target.


35. Other regional matters related to gender equity education.


36. The Gender Equity Education Committee of the school or competent authority may form an investigation team for the aforesaid case.


37. The purpose of this study is to use journal writing to inquire teachers college students' development of gender consciousness through the gender equity education course.


38. Overview of Saskatchewan gender equity education in elementary and secondary school in Canada


39. This fact is likely to have an influence on individuals' adoption and use of technology-hence affecting gender equity across the globe.


40. Article 35 the school or competent authority shall establish facts relevant to cases prescribed by the act according to the investigation report provided by its Gender Equity Education Committee.


41. It was an extraordinary decision, raising important questions of gender equity at the bank.


42. If women can also manage to close the gap in the other parts of their application, then gender equity in business schools could soon be a real proposition in the not-so-distant future.


43. They were the pioneers of gender equity, in their useful, adaptable clothing, which was both made for the masses and capable of self-expression.

她们是两性平等的先驱,体现于她们非常实用的、适应性强的服装上,既适合大众,又能表达自我个性。《六级真题- 2017年 6月 2卷 阅读A》

44. Gender Equity, Equality and Empowerment of Women


45. The Problems and Solutions of Gender Equity in Basic Education in Shanxi


46. It reveals the equality between male and female education and the gender equity.


47. The court shall consult the investigation reports provided by the Gender Equity Education Committee at different levels in establishing facts referred to in the preceding paragraph.


48. Gender equity is an important task of the basic education research in China, even in the world.


49. That gender, equity and environmental factors under-pin all health issues, strategies and policies, and that special attention to given to women's and girls health.


50. The study concludes that, The participation of sport tourism is not correlated with consumers' gender, showing the equity of genders.


51. Only condoms have been proven effective at preventing STDs, but" not everybody wants to use male condoms," said Serra Sippel, executive director for the Center for Health and Gender Equity.

健康和性别平等中心首席执行主任Serra Sippel说,避孕套仅仅用于阻止性病的传播,但并不是每一个人都用男用避孕套。

52. Attend eight hours of courses on gender equity education;


53. Senior high schools shall integrate gender equity education in their curriculum, the same as the five-year junior colleges in the first three years of their curriculum.


54. Gender Equity under the Shadow of Poverty& An Empirical Analysis based on case study of Fenghuang County, Hunan Province


55. The Construction and Implementation of Gender Equity Curriculum in American Schools


56. The school shall erect regulations to implement gender equity education, and promulgate them.

学校应订定性别平等教育实施规定, 并公告周知.《互联网》

57. While only 58% of women are literate, national gender equity laws govern the paid work sector, and, as a result, the nation ranks 8th in wage equality.


58. Before reaching the aforesaid conclusion, the school or competent authority may request representative(s) of its Gender Equity Education Committee to attend the meeting for clarification.



1. Would our political priorities be the same if there were anywhere near gender equity among our elected representatives?

FORBES: Connect

2. Another vowed to make gender equity a required part of parent-teacher conferences.

CNN: India can learn respect for women

3. The problem women face in attempting to achieve gender equity has nothing to do with how the job fits the gender (female astronaut) and everything to do with how well prepared the individual is to do the job.

FORBES: Turning Gender-War-Swords into Ploughshares

4. "The key that we're going to have to pursue is a -- is a pathway to get the Muslim world to be able to reject extremism on its own, " Romney said, proposing U.S. policies to promote economic development, better education, gender equity and to help create institutions.

CNN: Campaign enters final stretch as Obama takes final debate

5. Or maybe we need to create a Professional Sports Gender Equity Trust that taxes the revenues of the NBA, NFL, PGA, MLB and Nascar, and redirects funds into research on ways to improve professional sports opportunities for women.

FORBES: Why Obama's 'Energy Security Trust' Is A Bad Idea

6. Last week, the White House Council on Women and Girls hosted an event marking the 40th anniversary of Title IX with dozens of advocates and leaders who are continuing the fight for gender equity in our schools.

WHITEHOUSE: Student Loan Interest Rates, Refinancing, and the Affordable Care Act: Deputies' Download | The White House

7. Affirm gender equality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development and ensure universal access to education, health care, and economic opportunity.

UNESCO: Understanding sustainable development

8. The UK National Commission for UNESCO (UKNC) draws on this knowledge to promote environmental science, help build scientific capacity in developing countries, improve access to scientific information globally and encourage gender equity in science.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: Science

9. He told the assembled audience that gender equity and alleviating violence against women were two of his most important goals.

FORBES: Calling all Global CEOs -- Have You Signed the UN Women's Empowerment Principles Yet?

10. Some of the true leaders pushing gender equity as an issue affecting all aspects of our world were with us.

FORBES: Six Challenges, One Solution

11. The Administration also announced a new set of policies to step up enforcement of full gender equity under Title IX, ensuring that our schools continue to provide a fair shot at success for everyone.

WHITEHOUSE: Student Loan Interest Rates, Refinancing, and the Affordable Care Act: Deputies' Download | The White House

12. It's no secret that we still have a long way to go before achieving gender equity in the fields collectively known as STEM: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

CNN: The historical analogs of brilliant women

13. Even in today's higher-income, double-earner "seesaw marriages, " which Rosin heralds as a more flexible roadmap to gender equity, women often run themselves ragged.

WSJ: Best of the Web Today

14. "There may be fewer women contesting than desirable for gender equity, but the variety of talent and background that these women represent is interesting, " says Rita Chohan, a student.

BBC: Vasundhara Raje Scindia

15. Prioritising investment in lifelong learning for women, creating multi-purpose community learning spaces and centres, improving access to and participation in the full range of adult learning and education programmes for women are among the necessary steps to enhance the status of women and facilitate the achievement of gender equality and equity in and through education.

UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

16. This higher degree of transparency in the public sector may be related to the greater gender pay equity in the federal government, the institute says.

FORBES: 3 Ways Women Can Get Paid More At Work

17. Key themes of SD in the region include among other things poverty alleviation, citizenship, peace, ethics, responsibility in local and global contexts, democracy and governance, justice, security, human rights, health, gender equity, cultural diversity, rural and urban development, economy, production and consumption patterns, corporate social responsibility, environmental protection, climate change, prevention and adaptation, natural resource management, biological and landscape diversity.

UNESCO: Education

18. They also looked at data from online surveys that asked participants what qualities they found attractive in a mate, and compared these to the gender equity data to see if there was a correlation.

FORBES: Sexy And You Know It: Girl, Look At The Gender Gap

19. Promote and use OER to widen access to education at all levels, both formal and non-formal, in a perspective of lifelong learning, thus contributing to social inclusion, gender equity and special needs education.


20. Disappointing, however, is the fact that although Kantor acknowledges that Sandberg addresses the systemic issues that create barriers to the advancement of women, she oversimplifies the very complicated issues related to gender equity.

FORBES: 'Leaning In,' 'Leaning On' And Leveling The Workplace Playing Field

21. The ideals and principles behind sustainability include broad concepts such as intergenerational equity, gender equity, social tolerance, poverty alleviation, environmental preservation and restoration, natural resource conservation, and building just and peaceful societies.

UNESCO: Education

22. The study showed that the companies that had the highest levels of gender diversity also had higher returns on equity, operating results and growth in market valuation than the averages in their respective sectors.

FORBES: Soft Is The New Hard (As In Skills), And Women Lead The Way

23. And second, clients were openly expressing concerns about gender equity in their own companies.

FORBES: One Company's Evolving View of Gender Equity

24. Within the framework of UNESCO's contribution to the promotion of community participation in sustainable development through community media and the UN Gender and Development Programme entitled "Setting things right towards gender equality and equity", the awareness and capacity for protecting the rights of women and girls will be increased through community media.


25. It was also proposed to devote appropriate attention to the principle of equity, basic education and training, and gender issues, involving young people and women in the process of building green economies and societies.

UNESCO: Education

26. Kudos to Unilever for pulling out in front on the gender equity front.

FORBES: Unilever Aims for Gender-Balanced Management by 2015



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