
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [saʊnd]play美 [saʊnd]play

  • n. 声音,声响;听力范围,听距;乐音;(音乐演出、电影等的)音响录制和播出,音响制作;无线电广播;声音,音响;(个人或乐队的)音乐特色,音乐风格;<非正式>流行音乐(sounds);海峡,海湾;厄勒海峡(the Sound);印象,感觉;(检查体腔的)医用探子
  • v. (使)发声,(使)作响;发出(警告等),(以……语调)发表;测量(水体)的深度;试探,探询;听起来像;(从嗓音中)听起来;(用于谈论印象或观点)听起来,似乎;发音;听诊(肺或其他体腔);(医)用探子检查(人的膀胱或其他内腔);(尤指鲸鱼)向深海潜入
  • adj. 无损伤的,健康的,坚实的;合理的,明智的,可靠的;全面的,透彻的;酣睡的,沉睡的;(惩罚)严厉的;不错的,实实在在的;资金充实的
  • adv. 酣畅地

复数 sounds 第三人称单数 sounds 现在分词 sounding 过去式 sounded 过去分词 sounded 比较级 sounder或more 最高级 soundest或most

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



sound /saʊnd/ CET4 TEM4 [ sounding sounded sounds ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A sound is something that you hear. 声音

    Peter heard the sound of gunfire.



    Liza was so frightened she couldn't make a sound.


  • 2.
    名词 a relatively narrow channel between two larger areas of sea or between an island and the mainland 海峡
  • 3.
    不可数名词 Sound is energy that travels in waves through air, water, or other substances, and can be heard. 声能

    The aeroplane will travel at twice the speed of sound.


  • 4.
    单数型名词 The sound on a television, radio, or CD player is what you hear coming from the machine. Its loudness can be controlled. (可调大小声的) 播音

    She went and turned the sound down.


  • 5.
    可数名词 A singer's or band's sound is the distinctive quality of their music. 音乐风格

    They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound.


  • 6.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If something such as a horn or a bell sounds or if you sound it, it makes a noise. 使发出声音; 发出声音

    The buzzer sounded in Daniel's office.


  • 7.
    及物动词 If you sound a warning, you publicly give it. If you sound a note of caution or optimism, you say publicly that you are cautious or optimistic. 宣告

    The archbishop has sounded a warning to world leaders on third world debt.


  • 8.
    动词 to seek to discover (someone's views, etc), as by questioning 通过询问了解(某人的观点)
  • 9.
    动词 to measure the depth of (a well, the sea, etc) by lowering a plumb line, by sonar, etc 测量(井、海等的)深度
  • 10.
    连系动词 When you are describing a noise, you can talk about the way it sounds. 听起来

    They heard what sounded like a huge explosion.



    The creaking of the hinges sounded very loud in that silence.


  • 11.
    连系动词 When you talk about the way someone sounds, you are describing the impression you have of them when they speak. 听起来

    She sounded a bit worried.



    Murphy sounds like a child.


  • 12.
    连系动词 When you are describing your impression or opinion of something you have heard about or read about, you can talk about the way it sounds. 令人觉得

    It sounds like a wonderful idea to me, does it really work?



    It sounds as if they might have made a dreadful mistake.


  • 13.
    单数型名词 You can describe your impression of something you have heard about or read about by talking about the sound of it. (听到或看到的) 感觉

    Here's a new idea we liked the sound of.



    I don't like the sound of Toby Osborne.


  • 14.
    to sound the alarm →see   alarm
  • 15.
    safe and sound →see   safe



  • adj.

    sounding 发出声音的

    soundless 无声的;寂静的

  • adv.

    soundly 健全地;完全地;稳健地;彻底地;牢固地

    soundlessly 无声地;静悄悄地;完全静寂地

  • n.

    soundness 健康;稳固;完整;公正

    sounding 音响;试探;测探水深

    sounder 音响发声器;鸣响的东西;发声者



sound noise voice 【导航词义:声音】

sound n. 声音

〔辨析〕 普通用词,泛指耳朵能听到的任何声响。

例1: What made these sounds?


例2: She loves the sound of rain on the roof.


例3: She heard a strange sound coming out of the room.


noise n. 声音,噪声

〔辨析〕 尤指刺耳、喧闹、可怕的声音,有时由多种声音混杂在一起。

例1: The noise was so loud that it was a nuisance to the neighbours.


例2: I slept well despite the noise.


例3: City residents were aggravated by the traffic noise.


voice n. 嗓音

〔辨析〕 主要指人的说话声和歌唱声。

例1: His voice quivered with rage.


例2: Tom lowered his voice when he told his mother the secret.


例3: This girl has a pleasant singing voice.


healthful adj. [正式] 有益健康的

〔辨析〕 指对人体健康有好处的。

例1: The air at the seaside is healthful.


例2: You will have a longer life if you eat healthful food.


healthy adj. 健康的

〔辨析〕 指健康状态正常的,含健壮之意。

例1: She gave birth to a healthy baby-boy.


例2: Though old, my grandpa looks very strong and healthy.


sound adj. 健康的

〔辨析〕 指生理或心理上健康的。

例1: Her body is still sound.


例2: A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body.


well adj. 健康的

〔辨析〕 与 healthy 同义,但只作表语。

例1: She is always well.


例2: I don't feel very well today.


wholesome adj. 有益于健康的;健康的

〔辨析〕 指食物对身体有益的,也指某事物不包含不道德的性内容而有益身心的。

例1: good wholesome family entertainment


例2: Bread and milk makes a wholesome breakfast.


例3: Swimming is a wholesome sport.



1. sound quality 品质优良,完好的质量

2. Sound card 声卡 ; 音频卡 ; 位元音效卡

3. sound wave 声波;纵向压力波

4. sound recording 录音;录音资料;录声

5. sound insulation 隔音;隔音材料;声绝缘

6. sound effect 音响效果

7. The Sound Of Music 音乐之声 ; 真善美 ; 音乐之声电影简介

8. sound like 听起来像...

9. sound card 音效卡,声卡

10. sound intensity 声音强度

11. The Sound of Silence 寂静之声 ; 沉默之声 ; 沉寂之声 ; 缄默之声

12. sound field 声场

13. make a sound 发出声音

14. sound production [工程声学]发声

15. sound pressure 声压;声压强

16. sound box 音箱

17. sound system n. 音响系统;音响设备

18. sound sleep 舒适的睡眠;酣睡

19. sound source 声源

20. Sight & Sound 视与听 ; 影与响 ; 杂志

21. sound absorption 声吸收;吸音作用

22. sound signal 声波讯号

23. sound effects 音响效果 ; 音效 ; 声响成效 ; 声音效果

24. speed of sound [电]音速,声速

25. Puget Sound 普吉特海湾 ; 普吉湾 ; 普吉特湾 ; 普捷湾

26. sound level [声]声级

27. Milford Sound 米尔福德峡湾 ; 米佛峡湾 ; 米佛尔峡湾 ; 米尔福德桑德


1. The room echoed with the sound of music.


2. Suddenly a great cracking sound split the air.


3. Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace , whose sounds caress my ear.


4. That sounds fine in theory, but have you really thought it through?


5. They employed an expert to search the Gulf of Corinth with sound devices.


6. He has a sound grasp of the issues.


7. The sound of wind is like a sob a cry. Here is especially horrible at night.


8. The Language of Light is constructed based upon symbol, energetic movement, color, tone and sound.

光之语构建在符号 、 能量运动 、 色彩 、 音调和声音的基础上.《期刊摘选》

9. This is a more sounder resolution.


10. His arguments have a sound economic base.


11. She has become a bundle of nerves, starting at the slightest sound.

她成了神经过敏的人, 听见一点点声响就惊恐不安.《现代汉英综合大词典》

12. The sound of a thunderstorm would look like a deadly boom went off abruptly.


13. Do you like waking to the sound of a radio?

你愿意醒来就听到收音机的声响 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

14. This cavity regarded as the source of sounds and speech.


15. B : That cold sounds pretty bad, Mark.


16. An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level.


17. The faults were on the surface, the core of our country was sound.

弊端是表面的; 我们国家的内核是健全的.《辞典例句》

18. Their arguments all sound a little thin to me.


19. There are no risks linked to having a carotid ultrasound, because test uses harmless sound waves.

由于颈动脉超声波检查是基于无害的声波, 所以对健康十分安全.《期刊摘选》

20. Pests may be controlled using mechanical or physical means, such as traps, light, or sound.

还可以通过机械或物理手段控制害虫, 例如捕捉器, 光照或声波.《期刊摘选》

21. It builds a fundamentally sincere and sound character , which by itself is a powerfully attractive trait.


22. From then on, a sound system of Party committee meetings was instituted in all leading bodies.

从那时以后, 所有领导机构都建立了健全的党委会制度.《期刊摘选》

23. We heard the sound of guns firing.


24. He's got a unique sound and a unique style.


25. Somewhere in the depths of the pine forest an identical sound reverberated.


26. Apply sound financial principles to their deals and decisions.


27. I don't like the sound of Toby Osborne...


28. Leo made it sound so easy. But it wasn't.


29. The loud and clear sound in directs in the hall to reverberate.


30. Winston became aware of silence, as one becomes aware of a new sound.


31. the different sounds and smells of the forest


32. They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound...


33. When we bought the house, it was structurally sound...


34. I think the idea of secularism is a very sound one...


35. While straining the brain, you may experience the soul sound necessary for transitioning to an OBE.

拉张脑部时, 你会听到灵魂声音,这是出窍过程中必要的.《期刊摘选》

36. I have got accustomed to noisy sound.


37. This paper probes into the relationship between sound production and breath dynamics.


38. They gathered around a device the sounds and did not move for hours.


39. Let the sound express itself in a certain body movement.


40. Some exclude from this definition the simultaneous sounding of only two notes.


41. The only sound that echoed in its dark dome was that of incantations which I chanted.


42. When they sang, sound waves began to travel and went in all directions.

他们演唱时, 声波就开始传送,向四面八方扩散.《期刊摘选》

43. The play had excellent sound and lighting effects.


44. Light waves are much faster than sound waves.


45. In my opinion, it's a very sound investment.

在我看来, 这是一笔很合理的投资.《期刊摘选》

46. The engine doesn't sound like it's supposed to.


47. Primary waves are identical in character to sound waves.


48. She sounded disappointed, and a small frown creased her forehead.

她听起来有点失望, 微微皱起了眉头.《期刊摘选》

49. The question would have sounded strange not long ago.

不久前,这个问题听起来可能会很奇怪。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

50. The guy sounded so patronizing as if he were the boss of the company.


51. She is sound and not harmed in any way except for the tiller.

它是完好的,没受一点儿损伤,除了那个舵把.《英汉文学 - 老人与海》

52. The movie demanded a dramatic canvas of sound.


53. Basic earthquake science is a sound investment for many reasons.


54. The solicitor gives us some very sound advice.


55. And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.


56. You sound like an America expert.


57. Eva: Sounds really tough. Rather her than me.

伊娃: 听来好像不轻松. 幸好要应试的是她不是我.《期刊摘选》

58. The production of any sound involves the movement of air.


59. Zina: Could be. He sounds like a 6 prime suspect.

吉娜: 有可能. 他听起来很像头号嫌疑犯.《期刊摘选》

60. In numerous sound, respect of bad news material also unwillings to lag behind.

在众多声音中, 耗材方面也不甘落后.《期刊摘选》

61. Its arguments are always judicious and sound.


62. Autumn's footsteps approaching the earth, I always liked the sound of wind , falling leaves.

秋色的脚步逼近大地, 我总喜欢落叶嗖嗖的声响.《期刊摘选》

63. He's always sounding off about the behaviour of young people.


64. Sound is reflected well in this auditorium.


65. When the instrument releases its powerful sound waves, the stone shatters into tiny pieces.

当器械放出强有力的超声波时, 肾结石就会被粉碎成微粒.《期刊摘选》

66. He give us some very sound advice.


67. The sound of their laughter died away.


68. Teacher spoke sounds probably to catch cold, or cough.

老师说话听起来好像感冒了, 或者咳嗽.《期刊摘选》

69. She sounded a bit worried...


70. “I’m extremely sensitive to sounds, smells and visual detail,” explains Nicole Donohue, who has taken part in many of these studies.

Nicole Donohue 参与了许多这样的研究,她解释说:“我对声音、气味和视觉细节信息极为敏感。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

71. I know it sounds crazy but it just might work.


72. An unexpected error occured in the Sound Hardware Test Wizard.


73. The first sound one hears is a hand being drawn through a bowl of water.


74. M: That sounds great, but will the shuttle get me to the airport in time?.

男:听起来不错啊,但是班车能把我及时送到机场吗?。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

75. We know light waves are different in frequency just as sound waves are.


76. Never again, but that doesn't sound as bad as the few stories above.

从未再次, 但这并不健全的恶劣作为为数不多的故事以上.《期刊摘选》

77. Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.


78. She sounds just the person we need for the job.


79. I might never have heard that entrancing sound, or smelt that bewitching smell!

永远听不到那种叫人醉心的声响, 闻不到那股叫人着迷的气味了!《期刊摘选》

80. The proposal makes sound commercial sense.


81. Although the car is basically sound, I was worried about certain areas...


82. The sound woke echoes in a mountain valley.


83. Sangao company has excellent management team, advanced production technology, sound quality system, perfect test methods.

三高公司具有专业的优秀管理团队, 先进的生产工艺, 健全的质量体系, 完善的检测手段.《期刊摘选》

84. The creaking of the hinges sounded very loud in that silence...


85. Sounds mighty suspicious. Did you kill him intentionally?

听起来很可疑, 是不是你故意杀了他的?《期刊摘选》

86. While it may sound like an advantage to many, people with this rare condition often find their unusual ability burdensome.

尽管对许多人来说,这听起来像是一种优势,但拥有这种罕见能力的人经常觉得自己这种不寻常的能力是一种负担。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

87. We expect to more friends can express his happy about sound sound view in this column.


88. The din in the factory ends abruptly when the noon whistle sounds.


89. That sounds really interesting.

这个听起来很有意思。《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

90. If attentively fixed attention listens, we can hear the sound that close almost.

假如凝神谛听, 我们几乎能够听见关门的声响.《期刊摘选》

91. Annie: Actually he sounded nice.

安尼: 其实他的声音很好听.《期刊摘选》

92. The regional influence in the speech sounds and the accent is high in English.


93. Good, sound business judgment is shown by this placement.

良好 、 合理的生意判断也时常藉由这相位显示出来.《期刊摘选》

94. The decline effect of fabric on sound wave has the chractaristic of frequency alternative.


95. I became aware that he was passing silent signals to me, perhaps sounding me out.

我变成知道他正在对我经过沈默的信号, 也许发声的我在外.《期刊摘选》

96. Saying that there’re no easy answers sounds wise, but it’s actually foolish: our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will to act.

“没有简单的答案”,这说法听起来明智,但实际上是愚蠢的:如果我们有清晰的头脑,有政治意愿去采取行动,那么我们的失业危机可以很快得到解决。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

97. Established throughout the country a huge sound marketing network.


98. Here's a new idea we liked the sound of...


99. That sounds like the product we had in mind.


100. If it doesn’t sound like ?too much of a cliché,our world is ?constantly changing and it’s changing ?quickly.

这听起来可能有点像陈词滥调,但我们的世界一直在变,而且变得很快。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

101. That note sounded sharp.


102. Because of their limited sound producing mechanisms, cicadas can make only ticks and buzzes.

由于蝉有限的发声机制, 它们只能制造滴答声和嗡嗡声.《期刊摘选》

103. Make an excellent design more impossibly without comprehensive and sound program.


104. The utility model relates to the sound production instrument about electroacoustic conduction.


105. Sound public finances are a decisive component of economic stability and sustainable global growth.


106. I like their sound.


107. When rules interfered with free and beautiful sound, he changed the rules.

如果规则妨害了轻快与优美的声调, 他就改革规则.《期刊摘选》

108. She didn't sound surprised when I told her the news.


109. Sound waves will not travel through a vacuum.


110. A terrible sound grows louder and louder, like a thousand trains 3 approaching.

一种可怕的声响越来越强, 就像一千辆火车正在逼近.《期刊摘选》

111. You use your ears to hear all the sounds around you.


112. The sea was here quite quiet, there was no sound of any surf.

海相当平静, 听不到一丝儿惊涛拍岸的声响.《辞典例句》

113. A young man sounds the bell to start the Sunday service.


114. Sound mental activity results from normal circulation and a sufficient supply of blood.


115. This sounds like a widespread disease but it's one that technology may now help to cure

这听起来就像是一种广泛传播的疾病,但是有一种科技或许可以帮忙解决这个问题。《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

116. It is based on a sound theory and has been tested on numerous occasions.


117. You don't sound very sure.


118. She went and turned the sound down...


119. The sound produced by the vocal organs of a vertebrate, especially a human being.


120. A tuning fork transmits sound waves through the air.


121. There's no at all . Just a hollow sound that echoes with each kick.


122. With unique characteristics and sound cavitation, ultrasonic wave can effect on fiber macromolecule and finishing bath.


123. But they made no sound, and what I had almost remembered was uncommunicable forever.

但是嘴唇发不出声音, 因此我几乎想起的东西就永远无法表达了.《期刊摘选》

124. Please notify the crew immediately if the buzzer sounds.


125. Evarts' invention warns the drivers with the light and the sound when they hold the wheel with one hand only, but as soon as they place the other hand back on the wheel the light turns back to green and the sound stops

埃瓦茨的发明以发光和发声的方式向只用一只手握方向盘的司机发出警告,但是当司机把另 外一只手放回到方向盘上的时候,灯就变回绿色并且停止发声。《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

126. It was almost as if the poor animal were starved for the sound of gentle words.


127. She shivered as the sound of that man's abuse rang in her ears.


128. The bell sounded dismissal early today.


129. Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum.


130. The wave front of the ultrasonic wave can be changed by using the sound lens.


131. As they are vocal organs, the generation of sound begins from the close of vocal cord.

喉器和声带是歌唱的发声器官, 声音的产生是从声带的闭合开始的.《期刊摘选》

132. Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make.


133. Always have a mute button on every page that uses sound.


134. You sounded just like your father when you said that.


135. Isabel: Sounds like you want to get something out of me.

伊莎贝尔: 听你的口气,好像是有求于我呢.《期刊摘选》

136. The sound was magnified by the high roof.


137. The sound of a blacksmith's hammer smote their ears.


138. The big ball echoes the faintest sounds.


139. Trading foreign currencies like Australian or Canadian dollars , both tied closely to commodity prices, sounds appealing.


140. She heard the sound of footsteps outside.


141. It sounds as if they might have made a dreadful mistake...


142. Breathing, while singing as the sound motive, is base and life of singing.

歌唱呼吸是发声的动力, 是歌唱的基础,是歌唱的生命.《期刊摘选》

143. A goldfish rose to the surface of the little pond, with a sharp rippling sound.

那小池塘里, 一条金鱼浮上水面来,激起一片涟漪,清脆的一声响.《辞典例句》

144. These rats spent only 14 percent of the time freezing to the sound of the tone.


145. If the volume is just right the baby will move along with the sound.


146. Malanta: Aha! You sound like my old instructors at the academy.

马兰塔: 啊哈! 你的语气好像我在学院时候的老师们.《期刊摘选》

147. I am really afraid the night's silence, without any sound, quiet to hear my own beat.

我真的很害怕黑夜的沉寂, 没有一丝声响, 静地可以听到自己心跳的声音.《期刊摘选》

148. They always ask her for advice , she always says sound things.

他们经常征求她的意见, 她也常常给出合理的建议.《期刊摘选》

149. While Middle English still sounds similar to German , it also begins to sound like Modern English.

那时的英语听起来还是象德语, 也开始象现代英语了.《期刊摘选》

150. They describe music by defining pitch, amplitude, timbre , duration and other sound qualities.

它用音调 、 振幅 、 音色及其他一些性质来描述音乐.《期刊摘选》

151. It is equipped with a sound machine and a solar panel on its lid.


152. I hope I don't sound as if/as though I'm criticizing you.


153. That sounds pretty terrible, but the loss of life has decreased by a factor of 10 simply because we are getting better at warning people.

这听起来很可怕,但是死亡人数已减少到原来的十分之一,就是因为我们在警告人们方面做得越来越好。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

154. Expenses for repairing and maintenance were reduced after the frequency sound wave deashing device was used.


155. Countries with fewer taxes, strong property rights, low regulation and sound money score best.

税收水平低,财产权保护强, 规定少, 货币体系健全的国家或地区得分最高.《期刊摘选》

156. Broadband: A band of light wave or sound wave with a wide range of frequencies.

阔波段: 频率范围广的一段光波或声波.《期刊摘选》

157. Sound waves are generated by a pneumatic device that works like a balloon burst.


158. It is a sound investment to use a professionally designed letterhead on your office stationery.


159. From the sound of things you were lucky to find him.


160. The building is structurally sound.


161. Sound travels more slowly than light.


162. Sound waves are measured by their amplitude.


163. Simon hated the sound of his own crying, the hacking, sniveling sound echoing on and on.

Simon讨厌自己发出的哭泣声, 这干咳, 这啜泣,这声音一遍又一遍回响.《期刊摘选》

164. The sound has to be coordinated with the words on the screen.


165. Played only once, betrayal of the other is the soundest choice.

如果只玩一次, 背叛对手是最合理的选择.《期刊摘选》

166. Liza was so frightened she couldn't make a sound...


167. A confusion of sounds or voices.

嘈杂声混乱的声音或''.'音响'. ''.《期刊摘选》

168. I can hear the sound of running water.


169. The amplitude defines how loud the sound is and is usually measured in decibels ( dB ).

声波实质上是 正弦曲线,它有振幅和频率.《期刊摘选》

170. The engine's whistle shrieked, the carriage wheels changed their sound and rhythm.

火车汽笛尖啸, 车轮的声响和节奏起了变化.《期刊摘选》

171. Equally, sound internal control can guarantee perfecting corporate governance and setting up the modern enterprise system.

同样, 健全的内部控制也是完善公司治理、建立现代企业制度的重要保证.《期刊摘选》

172. Her heart is as sound a drum.


173. Playing sounds into the right ears (stimulating the left hemisphere) of 27 volunteers was more likely to wake them up than if the noises were played into their left ears.

向(27) 志愿者的右耳传入声音(刺激大脑左半球)比向他们的左耳传入噪音更有可能唤醒他们。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

174. Although I was glad to hear the sound, yet my gladness was not without admixture.

虽然我很高兴听到他的声音, 但这高兴中也夹杂着别的成分.《英汉文学 - 金银岛》

175. Ultrasonic devices use sound waves of extremely high frequency.


176. Eddie Mars ( John Ridgerly ): Your story didn't sound quite right.

艾迪: 你的这个故事听起来不那么对劲.《期刊摘选》

177. Soundness — A working dog must be sound.


178. Another of our traditions is a sound set of principles governing Party activities.


179. a high/low sound

高的 / 低的声音《牛津词典》

180. W:That sounds tempting, but I won't be ready till 5, as I've got my statistic seminar now.

女:听起来真吸引人,但是我现在正赶着去参加统计学的研讨会,五点才能结束。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

181. For a second, the room is the reverberant sound of cry.

一时间, 正个房间里都回响着她的哭声.《期刊摘选》

182. Eight years on, Sir Alex Ferguson's investment has been proved to be a sound one.

转眼间,八年过去了,现在回头看看, 弗爵爷当初这笔投资还是颇为明智的.《期刊摘选》

183. He crept into the house trying not to make a sound.


184. Good, sound science depends on 26 hypotheses, experiments and reasoned methodologies.

的科学依赖于 (26)  假说、实验和合理的方法论。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

185. Sent up from Alarnogordo, these balloonswere designed to detect sound waves fromnuclear tests.


186. He doesn't sound bitter, just commenting on the absurdity of the situation.

他没有说难听的话, 只是就这种荒谬的情况发表了看法.《期刊摘选》

187. The trumpets sounded and the angels sang the gates swung open and she walked into heaven.


188. In the sepulchre there by the sea ? In her tomb by the sounding sea.

在海边那儿的石 墓穴 里,在涛声回响的海边墓室里.《期刊摘选》

189. Growing your own vegetables sounds like a lot of sweat.


190. You don't sound too bothered about it.


191. Sound travels better in water than in air.


192. The ups and downs of pitch makes speaking sound like singing.


193. Uses sound judgment even in conditions of uncertainty.


194. Ears open to catch every sound.


195. In the Audio device to use box. select a different sound card or sound controller.

在可使用音频设备框中. 选择不同的声卡或声音调节器.《期刊摘选》

196. Sound signal into the speaker plays back through the sound.


197. A melodic interval is the interval between two notes sounded in succession, as in a melody.


198. Jack : Virtuous mission? Sounds like some kind initiation ritual.

“贞节任务”? 听起来好像是某种开场仪式.《期刊摘选》

199. Medicine An abnormal sound, usually emanating from the heart, that sometimes indicates a diseased condition.

不正常的声音, 通常由心脏发出, 有时意味着有病.《期刊摘选》

200. The enemy fled, believing the sounds to be the warning voices of angels.

敌人认为这个声音是天使警告他们的声音,落荒而逃。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

201. This article is an article which designs about the digital stereo sound frequency modulated transmitter software.


202. Adams's words, published in 1931, early in the Great Depression, sound prophetic for our own times.

亚当斯的著作发表于1931年, 大萧条时代早期, 却充分预言了我们如今的时代.《期刊摘选》

203. They listened anxiously for the sound of the ambulance.


204. This sale sounds like sharp practice to me and I want nothing to do with it.


205. He usually like to sound his opinions to his bored children.


206. The house needs attention but the roof is sound.


207. They decided to sound out her interest in the project.


208. China's rapid development of SMEs, the internal control system is not sound in serious condition.

我国中小企业迅速发展, 内部控制制度不健全的情况严重.《期刊摘选》

209. His voice sounded strange on the phone.


210. He listened carefully to the sounds from next door.


211. Sounds played at the same volume and pitch can seem very different.


212. Class begins at the sound of the bell.


213. Do I sound envious? I pity them, actually.


214. He didn't sound like his usual happy self.


215. Sound seems to carry better in the evening air.


216. They are trained nutritionists who can give sound advice on diets...


217. They turned up safe and sound.


218. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.


219. He was lying in bed, sound asleep.


220. Acoustic emission is the characteristic and irreversible sound emitted by a material when it is deformed.


221. Football fans sounded their rattles.


222. Before you can hear the sound, the sound waves must reach your ears.


223. They will certainly be able to give you sound advice.


224. A sound mind a body is to be prayed for.


225. Granular: Uses granular synthesis techniques for the creation of sound clouds and other special effects.

颗粒: 利用颗粒合成技术,建立健全的云彩和其他特殊效果.《期刊摘选》

226. The sound of the shot was reverberated by the hills.


227. The sparker was originally developed for fundamental studies of underwater sound propagation and of subbottom geology.


228. The whale looks for food using sound waves.


229. Ann : That sounds great, but I hope the warmer would shower first.

听起来好像不错, 但我希望他能事先洗个澡.《期刊摘选》

230. But as politicians announce their plans, they do not sound terribly ambitious.


231. I don't like the sound of it.


232. Archives are founded upon tones, sound, movement and symbols.

档案是以音调 、 声音 、 运动和符号而建构的.《期刊摘选》

233. Of course, that may sound like a description of every teenager on the planet.

当然,上面那个描述听起来像是这个星球上所有青少年的共同特点。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

234. In sound recording , interference , such as ambient noise and reverberation, degrade the quality.

录音时, 环境噪声和回响之类的干扰使录音质量劣化.《期刊摘选》

235. They were studying the reflection of sound waves.


236. They had a wonderful time by the sound of it .


237. It's still the weirdest damn sound I ever heard out of a Jersey boy.


238. The sound , image , or message transmitted or received in telegraphy , telephony , radio , television, or radar.

在电话技术中,利用音调在电路中传送监控 、 地址和报警信号的做法.《期刊摘选》

239. Chord: a combination of three or more usually concordant tones sounded simultaneously.

和弦: 三个或三个以上听起来同时奏出的通常为谐和的音调的结合.《期刊摘选》

240. Their latest single sounds suspiciously like the last one.


241. Sounds simple, sure, but you must be able to articulate this to yourself and others clearly.

听起来很简单, 当然了, 可你必需能够清清楚楚地回答这个问题,明明白白地告诉别人.《期刊摘选》

242. The street was alive with the sound of children playing games.


243. The news has a sinister sound, ie seems to be sinister.


244. She went and turned the sound down.


245. The Archbishop of Canterbury has sounded a warning to Europe's leaders on third world debt...


246. They were striking themselves, sounded as the pure music . In my ears the price.


247. Minutes passed sound of the explosion died away, but It'still reverberated in everyone's ears.

几分钟过去了,爆炸声渐渐平息, 但依旧在人们耳边回响.《期刊摘选》

248. Buy a policy only from an insurance company that is financially sound...


249. And found that the interlopers imitated the sounds of an adult queen.


250. He crept into the house trying not to make a sound .


251. She had woken me out of a sound sleep.


252. The aim of the aesthetic education is to train and develop the students sound personality.


253. Includes wallpaper, sounds, mouse pointers, icons, and other features for the Mystery theme.

“神秘之物”桌面主题包括墙纸 、 声音 、 鼠标指针 、 图标和其他功能.《期刊摘选》

254. Others consider the move premature and have sounded a note of caution...


255. The reviewers gave his book a sound sLating.


256. True friendship is sound health value of which is seldom known until it is lost.


257. Short sound waves bounce off even small objects.


258. It a percussion instrument, so a musician must beat or strike it to make sounds.

它属于敲打乐器, 所以音乐家必须以敲击或打击的方式使其发声.《期刊摘选》

259. This gives the design team a sound basis for their work.


260. The first year provides students with a sound theoretical basis for later study.


261. Her ears were echoing back the explosive sounds in decibels of pain.


262. That's very sound advice; you should take it.

那是非常明智的忠告, 你应当接受.《简明英汉词典》

263. I wanted to sound him out about a job.


264. In this way, a sound energy strategy would in large part become our climate change strategy.

这样, 一个健全的能源战略将在很大程度上成为我们的气候变化战略.《期刊摘选》

265. I am not sure that this is sound democratic practice...


266. The piano needs to be tuned again , the keys are sounding too sharp.

这架钢琴音调偏高, 需要调音.《期刊摘选》

267. Now, more than 140 years later, It'still provides sound advice.

140多年后的今天, 这本书仍然可以提供明智的忠告.《期刊摘选》

268. The sound quality of the tapes was excellent.


269. The buzzer sounded in Daniel's office...


270. In fact, a sound energy strategy will in large part become our climate change strategy.

事实上, 一个健全的能源战略将在很大程度上成为我们的气候变化战略.《期刊摘选》

271. Thus, they are trading on not a sound, valid basis.

因此, 他们没有在一个健全的, 有效的基础上交易.《期刊摘选》

272. Then how do you know the abstractions are sound?

那您如何知道您进行的抽象是合理的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

273. Everything was quiet, aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance.

除了远处偶尔有汽车的声响外, 四周一片寂静.《简明英汉词典》

274. It sounds like a wonderful idea to me, does it really work?...


275. Sounds like you've got a legitimate reason. You two ar just not compatible at all.

听起来好像你有个正当的理由. 你俩根本就处不到一块儿.《期刊摘选》

276. M: Simultaneous interpreting, putting someone’s words into another language more or less as they speak, sounds to me like the more difficult.

男:同声传译,几乎要在某人说话的同时把内容译成另一种语言,我觉得这个听起来更难。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

277. All we could hear was the sound of roaring water.


278. A harmonic interval is the interval between two notes sounded simultaneously.


279. Barnard's observation , made forty years ago, sounds remarkably like what we might hear from Mr. Matsushita.


280. To have a sound financial plan for the Spa year to date budget versus actual revenue.


281. Peter heard the sound of gunfire...


282. The explosion gave forth a tremendous sound.


283. ZHOU : Your accent sounds a bit like someone from Wuxi.


284. Vibrating objects produce sound waves, each vibration producing one sound wave.

振动灭的物体发生声波, 每一主振动产生一个声波.《期刊摘选》

285. Pressure created by sound waves squeezes moisture from the air, creating the artificial cloud.

声波产生的压强将空气中的水分挤压出来, 形成 “ 人造云 ”.《期刊摘选》

286. The sound of splintering wood reverberated outside.


287. It is only the man unpurchasable by society that can create the sound society.


288. Microphones convert sound waves into electrical voltages are eventually converted back into sound waves thru speakers.


289. My counter bid is well sounded.


290. They heard what sounded like a huge explosion...


291. His quick recovery is ascribable to his sound constitution.


292. Compact discs have brought about a vast improvement in recorded sound quality.


293. They can even hear samples of what each instrument sounds like.


294. It was like the last feeble echo of a sound made long and long ago.


295. His theory met both sound and prejudiced opposition.


296. Some of the consonants have a hard sound when you pronounce them.


297. And if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle?

若号筒吹的音调不准确, 谁还准备作战 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

298. Vocal organs: larynx is an important body of sound.

发声器官: 喉头是一个重要的发声体.《期刊摘选》

299. In this way, we can collect more sound waves. So we can hear more clearly.

这样, 我们可以收集到更多的声波, 从而可以听得更清楚.《期刊摘选》

300. Subsequent experiments replicated this effect with other stimuli, such the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects.

随后的实验利用其它刺激物重现了这种效果,例如在黑板上刮指甲的声音和令人厌恶的昆虫照片。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

301. Given the current economic outlook in the US and Europe, this seems like a sound strategy.

考虑到美国和欧洲的经济前景, 这似乎是合理的策略.《期刊摘选》

302. I sound like a jackass if I say you're all four, which obviously you are.

如果我说你四个都是的话,我听上去就好像个傻子, 但你的确就四个都是.《期刊摘选》

303. Instead she prays for more power and a sound mind.


304. Nevertheless, the waterproofing process was essentially sound and was improved and refined over time.

尽管如此, 防水处理根本上是完好的,并且随着时间的推移得到改良和完善.《期刊摘选》

305. His snore sounds like ( someone ) hunting.

他的 鼾声 好像打猎一样.《期刊摘选》

306. The band are great live and have a brilliant sound.


307. The property is in need of some renovation works but the structure is very sound.


308. Your car doesn't sound very healthy.


309. Two cars hit each other violently. The explosive sound frightened all the pupils.

两辆车猛烈相撞, 那(像)爆炸性的声音惊吓到了所有的小学生.《期刊摘选》

310. Next, I heard the sound of voices.


311. There was a strange inhuman sound.


312. Listen quietly, to the sound of your heart. Cheerful melodies may rise.


313. I bought this sound house for a song.


314. A sound mind in a sound body.


315. The endless rain seemed to dull all sound.


316. He gave me some very sound advice.


317. Actions should be positive and controlled, portraying sound judgment and skill.

行动还应积极而克制, 体现合理的判断和技巧.《期刊摘选》

318. They had a wonderful time by the sound of it.


319. Sound money commentators fret about the difficulties of withdrawing the stimuli in time.


320. This might sound small, but to undo the effects of such a decrease a candidate would need 30 more GMAT points than would otherwise have been necessary.

也许这听起来微乎其微,但是要消除这一降分所带来的影响,被面试者则要在GMAT中比正常情况多考30分。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

321. She has become a bundle of nerves at the slightest sound.


322. Sound activated. Start moving with one clap and stop with two claps.


323. Freddy: Sounds a lot like American Idol.

福瑞迪: 听起来很像《美国偶像》.《期刊摘选》

324. Everyone seemed to be asleep, there was not a sound in the courtyard.

大家好像都已睡了, 全院中一点声儿也没有.《汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子》

325. All she could hear was the sound of the waves.


326. The system is both practical and ecologically sound.


327. This sounds like an ordeal.


328. Edna: Sounds like an ideal life to me!

埃德娜: 在我听来好像是一种理想的生活方式.《期刊摘选》

329. Suppose the speakers both emit a pure sinusoidal sound wave of constant frequency.


330. His argument is basically sound.


331. We arrived home safe and sound.


332. You don't sound like a foreigner talking English.


333. That check seems neat but sound business practices may still fall foul of it.


334. But extra wax can harden and form a blockage interferes with sound waves and reduces hearing.


335. Sounds like she's got the whole package?

听起来好象她完美无缺 呀 ?《期刊摘选》

336. The aeroplane will travel at twice the speed of sound.


337. a clicking/buzzing/scratching, etc. sound


338. Are you familiar with English sounds yet?

你已经熟悉英语的音调了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

339. The plan was based on sound commercial logic.


340. Before shaking , the flash, sound production, shines, sees this sentiment, suitable decisive, fast motion, few dangers.

临震前, 一瞬间, 地发声, 又发光, 见此情, 宜果断, 速行动, 少危险.《期刊摘选》

341. Andrea gave her son a sound spanking.


342. Tantor : That sounded like Tarzan. It'sounded like he was in trouble.

丹托: 那听起来像是泰山. 好像他遇到麻烦了.《期刊摘选》

343. She looked round at the sound of his voice.


344. VOICE : ( LAUGHS ) Drinking 1000 bottles of wine per day doesn't sound like realistic therapy.

( 笑 ) 每天喝1000瓶酒不是合理的诊疗方式.《期刊摘选》

345. Peter heard the sound of gunfire.


346. Digital recording gives excellent sound reproduction.


347. Marjorie was, however , woken by the sound of plumbing.


348. Only by destroying the old and the rotten can we build the new and the sound.


349. The room had been wired for sound.


350. Murphy sounds like a child...


351. The court' s ruling is legally sound in defining a kind of favoritism that is not criminal.

在判定某种偏袒不属于犯罪时,法院的裁决是既合法又合理的。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》


1. There are a number of times when Mercer's vocals are folded way back into a cushion of sound.

NPR: Broken Bells: Danger Mouse Meets James Mercer

2. A pickup is a device that captures the vibration of the metal guitar strings and changes them into electronic sound signals.

VOA : special.2009.09.27

3. The recently opened Ministry of Sound plays music ranging from hip-hop to Chinese pop.

FORBES: Just the ticket

4. He's got a unique sound.


5. Does that sort of suggestion that Stuart's made regarding compensation for the beleaguered travellers sound reasonable to you?

BBC: George Muir and Stuart Francis

6. We asked, what if we designed a sound system that was a platform for the display?

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

7. Gen McKiernan did not look or sound like a man of the "Yes We Can" school.

BBC: When generals become unstuck

8. The car was sound.


9. "I drive everyone crazy trying to get the sound that I hear in my head to come out of the speakers.

VOA : special.2009.08.07

10. Purchase prices are relatively low and financing costs are cheap for those companies with sound financials.

FORBES: Should a Business Buy Its Own Building?

11. You could focus on Terreon's sound and rhythm alone, and be rewarded all night.

NPR: Stefon Harris And Blackout On JazzSet

12. Mr. FAIUMU: Well, I don't know if there's actually any sound, particularly in our music, that's derivative.

NPR: Fat Freddy's Drop Blends Reggae, Soul And DJ Culture

13. Sony and Philips, another electronics manufacturer, worked together to create a new storage device for digital sound -- the compact disc.

VOA : special.2011.05.11

14. The only real way to get high quality TV sound today is with an outboard solution.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

15. I have mine selected not to that sound but to Mozart, so I hear this sound on my telephone.

我没选乱七八糟的那些,而是选了莫扎特的,我听到了我手机的铃声聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. It always was, and mostly still is, a hardscrabble place, the South Puget Sound.

FORBES: The American Oyster Paradise

17. Now,there came to my ears a low,dull,quick sound, such as a watch makes when inside a piece of cotton.

VOA : special.2009.05.16

18. While the "golden age" of jazz ended, the Kansas City sound never really disappeared.

BBC: Kansas City's Midwest renaissance

19. You can sleep soundly knowing that a parcel of your net worth is safe and sound.

FORBES: Soros Vs. Levy Vs. Buffett

20. She writes dangerously catchy songs that sound like nonsense but eat their way into your brain.

NPR: Lady Gaga: Most Fascinating Of The Year?

21. Movies, music and games come alive with full and clear sound to accompany stunning visuals.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

22. On an acoustic guitar, the strings vibrate and the hollow part of the instrument, or the sound box,also vibrates.

VOA : special.2009.09.27

23. It's called "The Noble Writer and the Sound of Words".

题为《作家的高贵和文字的音乐》人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

24. It was a sound that I will never forget, as long as I live.

BBC: Zimbabwe, a side you've never seen

25. Elliptic's ultrasound technology uses sound waves and microphones to detect movement, similar to how radar detects objects.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

26. Sevenpop has built an app to turn the venue sound system into a jukebox.

FORBES: Israeli Tech Meets New York and Reveals a Familiar Pattern

27. It looks severely damaged. But the huge hole, the names and other marks seem to add to its sound.

VOA : special.2010.05.12

28. If it was sound that was being received that might be beating of a drum, for example, that sound gets transduced.

如果将配体看作是,有待接受的敲鼓声,声音信号得到了转换生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Julie is a sound mixer.


30. She borrowed sound recordings from a musical project by the singer David Byrne to make one song on her new album.

VOA : special.2009.08.14

31. They said the larvae nearly always chose to follow the sound as they sought a place to call home.

VOA : special.2010.08.10

32. So, hedge funds do not advertise, that's why people don't know about them and they have a mysterious -they sound mysterious.

对冲基金公司做不了广告,那也是公众并不了解他们的原因,他们披着一层神秘的面纱...,他们听起来挺神秘的金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. The sound of a phone being replaced on its catch followed.

被取代的电话的声音有出现了。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. While I obviously disagree with much of what Krugman wrote, he does make some sound points.

FORBES: English Riots, Faux Austerity, and Krugman's Fairy Tale

35. I go in, and I remix and produce the sound that they have, and we put them out.

之后才加入到制作过程当中,将原声带进行混合重组,并将它们拿到市场上发行。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 告诉你们Hip-Hop

36. Drivers will experience richer sound and customizable audio settings with Sony's Advanced Sound Engine.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

37. Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound so condescending.

对不起,我不是故意要让它听起来如此高深。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

38. Without the right experience or sound counsel, getting it right can require considerable energy and effort.

FORBES: Docking: New-Age Brand Licensing

39. In other words, language, according to Derrida, in the Saussurian tradition seems to privilege sound over script, over what is graphic.

换句话说,德里达认为,在索绪尔的理论中,音响比文字,更具优势。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. "We don't have enough money to record things that sound contemporary, " he says, laughing.

NPR: Kings Go Forth: Bringing Back Soul

41. These problems sound sickeningly familiar.


42. The creak of my footsteps is the only sound as I make my way down to the barn.

BBC: Snowbound Slovenia

43. Still, the researchers sound upbeat -- they're saying the work proves that no secret is truly safe.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

44. Later, as night fell, I could hear the faint sound of avalanches on the distant mountains.

BBC: Long-distance swimming in Nepals glacial mountain lakes

45. Well, in Tennyson sound is the device, "the murmurous haunt"--oh, I have no memory at all today.

在坦尼森的的作品中声音扮演同样的角色,那沙沙的萦绕之声,哦不,我记混了。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. The sound had a rougher and more rebellious edge than the highly produced country music coming out of Nashville,Tennessee.

VOA : special.2010.06.11

47. I alone of English writers have consciously set myself to make music out of what I may call the sound of sense.

我自己作为一名英国诗人有意地,在我称作感性的声音中写出音乐感。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. If things weren't working out by the end of the summer he'd fire me and I go back to Stanford for business school, that didn't sound too terrible.

如果不行的话,他就炒了我呗,我还可以会斯坦福继续读商科,这听起来又不会太差。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

49. Only the sound of insects filled the air as I walked through the empty town that summer day so long ago.

VOA : special.2009.07.04

50. He never returned. But many nights Sylvie heard the sound of his whistle as she came home with her grandmother's cow.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

51. Nina Simone later told a reporter that she decided just to try to sound like the famous singer Billie Holiday.

VOA : special.2009.10.04

52. And,again,to us in the modern world, if you didn't already have some exposure to religious narratives like this,that would sound odd.

同样的,对现代人来说,如果没接触过这类宗教描述,可能会觉得奇怪。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. That's not good enough, and so the repetition in the plot reinforces the repetition of the sound in question.

由于她总是不能正确地发音,这样一来情节的重复,就加强了声音的重复。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. This may sound a little bit too much, but I'm no different than that animal, than that tree, than that rock.

这也许一下子很难接受,但我与各种动物没有不同,也与树木,岩石无异。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

55. It many sound like a great deal, but there are plenty of reasons you should resist the temptation.

FORBES: Ball And Chain Borrowing

56. Now do that in a sound byte on a national radio station when you got two minutes to answer.

这时你就得为全国听众一字一句地,在两分钟时间内解答这个问题美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. In "Mowing," the scythe makes a sound as it cuts, and that sound is delicate, it's quiet, it whispers.

在“割草“中镰刀割草时发出声响,这个声音很微弱,安静,像低声细语。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. Colossus marks a departure from the relatively traditional pop-rock sound of RJD2's 2007 album, The Third Hand.

NPR: RJD2: A 'Colossal' Return To Form

59. For example, read copies of a group's financial records and be careful of groups with names that sound like well-known charities.

VOA : special.2009.11.02

60. Returning our country to sound fiscal footing will take more than governing via crisis.

CNN: How to jump-start U.S. economy

61. Acer says this netbook, with its high-definition screen and Dolby sound software, is particularly suited to watching videos.

FORBES: Acer Goes After Asus

62. Bright and jangly at its core, his is still an identifiable sound guitarists seek to emulate.

WSJ: Still Close to His Roots | Johnny Marr | Cultural Conversation by Jim Fusilli

63. Around us flowed the sound of the river and dewdrops wept from the moss.

BBC: The quietest place in the US

64. As a boy,Carl said he knew if it was time to go to school by the sound of a train.

VOA : special.2009.11.01

65. That's sound advice.






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