shown off是什么意思_shown off短语搭配_shown off权威例句

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Wireless power system shown off 无线供电系统亮相


1. The concepts shown off include kitchens that can recognise vegetables and worktops that tell you how to cook them, wall sized screens to play games on and desks that spring into life as giant screens when touched.


2. It was shown off at the EmTech conference, where a user tweeted a picture of the strange contraption that was later shared by tens of thousands of people.


3. The new invention is shown off in a company video, which re-enacts a busy restaurant with patrons waiting outside.


4. The wire bonding failure of devices is mainly shown as the breaking off of wire bonded on the packages after temperature test, and the failure causes are related to wire bonding process and materials.


5. And some fighters have already made incursions into the mainstream - a former champ, Chuck Liddell, has shown off his Mohawk on "Entourage" and "Dancing with the Stars."


6. The company has shown off the faces that will be coming with an update to the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac and everything else later this year.

苹果方面已经披露了这些表情包,并将于今年底在iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、Mac和其他所有苹果产品上更新。

7. A farmer in China has shown off his prize piglet which has two heads containing three eyes two noses and two mouths.


8. Those aged over 40, overweight or living in well-off urban areas are at a higher risk of developing diabetes, medical studies have shown.


9. Large Hadron Collider researchers have shown off what may be the facility's first "new physics" outside our current understanding of the Universe.


10. Its new iOS7 software, which includes a new look and features to deter thieves and more easily share files between devices, was first shown off in the summer.


11. Packed in the family landau they rolled from one tribal doorstep to another, and Archer, when the afternoon's round was over, parted from his betrothed with the feeling that he had been shown off like a wild animal cunningly trapped.


12. Based on the tradition-inheriting and display of features, this paper introduces the development of 4 generations of Polo car. In the meantime, different arrangement of the Polo car and the design approach to pursue comfort is shown off.


13. It was shown off to the public in Tokyo by researcher Takashi Minato, from the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International ( ATR).


14. After in vitro transcription, the cleavage reaction was shown to have cut off 79.3% target RNA in 1h.


15. Newton says studies have shown that women are more reluctant to ask questions and bounce ideas off of co-workers, and that this means they're not getting valuable feedback.


16. This interface controls powering the vending machine on and off, as shown in Figure 1.


17. The new invention is shown off in a company video, which re-enacts a busy restaurant with patrons waiting outside.


18. The ZTE smartwatch has already been shown off at trade shows such as CES and Mobile World Congress.

中兴开发的智能手表已在国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES)以及世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)等商贸展会上亮过相了。

19. The bear was shown off at the International Robot Show in Japan.


20. If you turn it off, only the ICONS for the modeling constructs are shown, which greatly reduces the space needed.


21. Risk-oriented Auditing as a new kind of auditing concept and mode has shown off its scientific and efficient aspect in theory and practice.


22. There is no any excuse for us posterity leave so many excellent artistic songs alone. We are supposed to have their elegant demeanour shown off.


23. However, there were other forms of culturalpower that could be shown off in the international arena.


24. Wall Street has shown little confidence in the new steps, declining sharply on Tuesday before leveling off after Wednesday's announcement.


25. While Samsung's "Galaxy X" is the most famous-and has been shown off in the most detail-just about every major company is working on its own foldable handset.

三星公司已经向大家展示了Galaxy X手机的诸多细节,这也是最有名的折叠式手机,而且几乎所有的大公司都在研发其自有的折叠式手机。

26. The company also has shown off a weaponized version.


27. In the field of CAI, the limitations and weakness of traditional multimedia education software have shown off, while internet-based CAI technology-online integrate ware is mushrooming.


28. After you have bound packages and are ready to run the application again, turn off capture mode and specify static execution, as shown in Figure 17.


29. Intel has shown off the design of its next generation of chips.


30. The car, which has been given the name BrainDriver, was shown off to the world in a video that highlighted the thought-powered driving system on a trip to the airport.


31. Spooling can also be turned off at any point in a session, as shown below.


32. Laboratory studies in a variety of tumor types have shown that EGCG cuts off the nutrient-rich blood supply to tumors and directly kills off cancer cells, Shanafelt says.


33. The flower auction itself is like a Dutch version of Wall Street, albeit contested with great propriety by local growers and wholesalers bidding for buckets as they are trolleyed into view and shown off.


34. The car, which has been given the name BrainDriver, was shown off to the world in a video that highlighted the thought - powered driving system on a trip to the airport.


35. The company also has shown off a weaponized version.


36. Happiness studies have repeatedly shown that being marginally 15 better off than your neighbours makes you feel good, but being a hundred times richer makes you feel worse.


37. While OLED has been shown off at CES for years now, no set has been this big, and it's been rare to see even design prototypes with the Ultra HD resolution.


38. NASA scientists, who have shown off their first colour "post card" of Mars taken by the robot explorer Spirit. Click here for a photograph.


39. The bear was shown off at the International Robot show in Japan.


40. A common way was shown to rounding off numerical values through research for GB/ T8170-1987 Rules for Rounding off Numerical Values.


41. In the video, filmed by a bystander in the crowd and later aired on television, Gaddafi is shown being dragged off a vehicle's bonnet and pulled to the ground by his hair.


42. One badly burned woman was shown lying on the road with a man standing over her, his clothes burned off.


43. Privatisations are often unpopular in Britain at first; they prove their worth later, when (with luck) it can be shown they have left the country better off.


44. Now, when you run your application again, be sure to turn off capture mode, as shown in Listing 9.


45. A list is shown coming off of the questions dropbox with options for Clear, 'All questions,' and a listing of each individual question for selection.


46. Ms. van Dijk did have one quibble: She was shown falling off a chair while meeting Dr. Oz in the episode.


47. After she had shown off all her "normal" feats, she demonstrated her 360 degree twist and crawled into her box which I had brought along.


48. A list is shown coming off of the questions dropbox with options for Clear,'All questions,'and a listing of each individual question for selection.


49. Mrs Morcom sent Alan a 'Research' fountain pen, such as Christopher had shown off, as a present.


50. The car, which has been given the name BrainDriver, was shown off to the world in a video that highlighted the thought-powered driving system on a trip to the airport.


51. Its charred chassis and a singed palm tree next to the colonel's white-tiled but wrecked villa were shown off to the foreign media.


52. This follows the current trend, Hurtado says, adding that "reports have shown men have better ways of working off stress than women."

这与当下的趋势相吻合,Hurtado 说,同时“报告显示男性比女性有更好的解压方法。”


1. In the last few days it's shown off both the new live video player shown above, as well as a new Facebook app in beta for BBC Sport.

ENGADGET: BBC launches updated, interactive live video player ahead of Olympics; lines up 'summer of 3D'

2. Arguably Nokia could have shown off a phone running Symbian, Meego, or even Android, and the bulk of the presentation would have been identical.

FORBES: Why Microsoft Hobbled The Launch Of The New Nokia Windows Phone

3. The aircraft were shown off along with six other military drones at a major Chinese arms show last November in Zhuhai.


4. Even this week at PAX, the Mechromancer has been shown off with an incomplete skill tree due to it not being finished yet.

FORBES: Borderlands 2 Skill Tree Unveiled Ahead Of Launch

5. Other unmanned prototypes have been shown off by the American space agency Nasa.

BBC: Hydrogen-powered plane takes off

6. Microsoft has shown off the next version of Windows 8 at its BUILD conference in California, giving 5, 000 developers a Samsung tablet running the operating system, Computer World reports.

FORBES: Morning Tech Wrap: Microsoft, Intel, Facebook

7. Researchers have shown off a "magic carpet" that can detect falls and may even predict mobility problems.

BBC: 'Magic carpet' can detect or even predict a fall

8. All of the essentials (and then a few extras) have been tossed onto the Umeox Apollo smartphone, shown off for the first time today at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

ENGADGET: Intivation intros Umeox Apollo smartphone: $100, solar-powered, Android 2.2 (hands-on)

9. Researchers have shown off a means to spray-paint batteries onto any surface.

BBC: 'Paint-on' batteries demonstrated

10. Now DNA is a double helix and I've only shown you one part of the helix, right? I've shown you one upright strut and a base hanging off of it, but it forms a double helix because complementary strands of DNA strongly associate with one another and that's a very stable structure.

NA是双螺旋,我只是给你们讲了螺旋的一边,我给你们演示,一条链的支柱及碱基团,但其能构成双螺旋,是因为DNA是完全互补的两条链,彼此之间结合紧密,结构异常稳定生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Gigabyte's no stranger in the field of dockable computing devices, and its M2432 laptop shown off at Computex is yet another example proving just this.

ENGADGET: Gigabyte M2432 laptop with GeForce GT 440 graphics card dock hands-on

12. The image - of the shadow cast by the Moon as it blocks the light and particles - was shown off at a meeting of the American Physical Society.

BBC: Hawc gamma-ray telescope captures its first image

13. Image search is shown off by an ice sculptor, who selects various perspectives of a tiger for some inspiration.


14. Indeed, HP has already shown off the Envy X2 detachable tablet that locks into a matched keyboard.

ENGADGET: Switched On: Hail to the hybrids

15. It's gotten a bit drowned out in all the Note 8.0 fanfare, but there's another notable member of Samsung's Galaxy being shown off here at MWC 2013: the Xcover 2.

ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 hands-on: a ruggedized smartphone with Android Jelly Bean onboard (video)

16. Microsoft has shown off an augmented reality system that allows users at different locations to work together on tabletop activities, sharing objects which they can both handle.

BBC: MirageTable demonstration

17. Also shown off for the first time was Tizen, Samsung and Intel's alternative to Android.


18. In total 28 designs were shown off at the fair and the winner was a team from the California Institute of Technology.

BBC: Bill Gates looks to new toilets to improve world sanitation

19. Then again, the 8X has already been shown off at a press event or two, and we're not sure a Verizon-branded variant would merit such a high-profile news conference.

ENGADGET: HTC and Verizon to hold a press event in New York City on November 13th

20. They are afraid of what these things will be able to do (and because no one has really shown off yet what they do that fear is at least partially justified).

FORBES: Is It Socially Acceptable To Wear Google Glass To A Bar?

21. The first, shown off this week in Portugal, was to be called the Gingo, until Renault objected that this was too close to the name of its Twingo model.


22. The only native app being shown off was Skype, and there was a camera mounted on top of the demo TV, though we didn't get to actually check out video calling in action.

ENGADGET: Snapstick preview and hands-on

23. No teenager likes to be shown off to guests.

BBC: Hard times for Japan's temples

24. The device was shown off at the Thinking Digital Conference in Gateshead.

BBC: shows off 'perceptive radio' that can alter scripts

25. We were then treated to a mini-drama which saw the many features of the phone shown off by the compere, his family and his friends.

BBC: Samsung's New Galaxy - goodbye Google?

26. There is an image of a courier vessel from 1926 on the 53p stamp, and an RNLI lifeboat, from the present day, is shown off the coast of Corbelets Bay on the 69p stamp.

BBC: Alderney Harbour shown on new set of stamps

27. The USR9620 was being shown off at CeBIT, where crowds apparently gathered 'round as USRobotics technicians wowed onlookers by making several Skype calls using one of Alexander Graham Bell's original telephones borrowed from the Smithsonian.

ENGADGET: USRobotics USR9620 USB adapter VoIPs your old analog phones

28. Home was shown off in a presentation given at Facebook's campus by the social network's founder Mark Zuckerberg.

BBC: Facebook's release of 'home' spurs privacy worries

29. Unfortunately, the products being shown off at today's event weren't quite ready for prime time.

ENGADGET: Barnes & Noble's Nook Tablet gets real, we go hands-on (video)

30. Shown off here at CES 2013, the Flex is a wireless band much in the vein of Nike's Fuelband and Jawbone's rebooted Up.


31. The prototype device, shown off at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, is equipped with various connection technologies such as GPS, 3G and wifi - and has an LED display on top of the handle.

BBC: Fujitsu makes 'smart walking stick' to help elderly
















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