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European Community

网络 欧洲共同体;欧共体;欧盟

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European Community

  • 1.
    名词 an economic and political association of European States that came into being in 1967, when the legislative and executive bodies of the European Economic Community merged with those of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community: subsumed into the European Union in 1993 欧洲共同体 ( abbr: EC)



1. European Community Trademark 注册欧盟商标常见问题

2. European Economic Community 欧洲共同体 ; 欧共体 ; 欧洲共同市场

3. European Community of Writers 欧洲作家协会

4. Competition Law of European Community 欧共体竞争法

5. Commission of the European Community 欧洲共同体委员会

6. EC European Community 欧洲共同体 ; 欧洲委员会 ; 欧洲团体

7. European Community Bureau of Reference 欧洲共同体标准物质局 ; 欧共体标准物质局

8. The European Community 欧共体 ; 欧洲共同体 ; 群落

9. Treaty Establishing the European Community 欧洲共同体条约 ; 建立欧洲共同体条约


1. In 1964, Turkey became an associate member of the European Community.


2. Conference of the Peripheral Maritime Regions of the European Community


3. Action against Member States under the Treaty Establishing European Community


4. The jargon of european community documents and regulations.


5. Britain is about to propose changes and reforms to the European community institutions.


6. He says it's also been the case in France, which is one of the leading poultry producers in the European Community.


7. European Community legislative procedure is the process of interests' balancing.


8. The European Community, a regional economic integration organization, will also participate as a Party.


9. You are now just a little country in the European Community and nothing more, be conscious about this, please leave every arrogance.


10. the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Community.


11. European community information services


12. Its membership includes 171 countries and the European Community.


13. The sources of law include (1) statutes; (2) a large amount of “unwritten” or common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community.


14. Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community.


15. Britain has the lowest ratio of spending to GDP in the European Community.


16. Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community.


17. It was adopted by the European Community in 1986.


18. The European Community belongs to all its members.


19. Neutral Alcohol Production Standard in European Community in Comparison with That in China


20. He succeeded in negotiating Britain into the European Community.


21. The particularity results first from the specialty of the legal system of European Community.


22. Negotiators failed to resolve the bitter dispute between the European Community and the United States over cutting subsides to farmers.


23. By 15 December 2005, 114 countries, plus the European Community, had become parties to the WHO FCTC.


24. And we are way behind not just China, but the European Community, Japan, Russia, India and barely ahead of South Korea.


25. European Community's Policy and Practice of the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism


26. It sets out the essential health and safety requirements for machinery within the European Community.


27. Progress of Database Copyright Protection in the European Community


28. He succeeded in negotiating Britain into the European community.


29. Joint Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the European Community


30. The principle of proportionality is one of general principles of the law of European Community.


31. Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.


32. The main subjects in sewage sludge ordinance of the European Community and Germany are compared.


33. On Contracting Rights of the European Community under the Federal System


34. THE ECJ And the Construction of the European Community Judicial System


35. Analysis On Elements Influencing The Competition Law Of European Community


36. Rational Thoughts on the Educational Law by the European Community and the Construction of Educational Legal System in China


37. Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community


38. Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between China& the European Community ( food part)


39. The Maastricht treaty is signed turning the European Community into the European Union and paving the way for the euro.


40. The European Community is the best instrument for this purpose.


41. Principle of Proportionality of the Law of European Community


42. Policy Goal and Effects of European Community's Anti-dumping Against China


43. Second, the legal resources of European Community Tax Law are analyzed.


44. European community should give a lead in respect of disarmament talks.

欧洲共同体在裁军谈判中应该作出榜样。《provided by jukuu》

45. As for the implementation of safeguard measure, European Community has been very discreet.

在保障措施的实践方面, 欧共体对于实施保障措施一直持十分审慎的态度.《互联网》

46. It is one of the independent members of the Commonwealth (the Queen is recognized as head of the Commonwealth), and a member of the European Community.


47. The administrative budget of the 15 - country European Community amounts to some $ 4.5 billion.


48. Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued the admission to the European community.


49. He succeeded in negotiating Britain into the European Community.


50. The Commission has 181 member States and one member organization, the European Community.


51. General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Community


52. The European Community is a regional international organization.


53. Germany is facing a maddeningly difficult choice that could shape the future not just of the European community, but the world economy.


54. The brewing crisis for Italy and Spain exposes a striking weakness in the structure of the European Community.


55. Association of the Coal Producers of the European Community


56. The European Community to all its members.


57. The technical rules of European Community EMC standard was introduced.

讲述了欧共体实施的EMC( 电磁兼容)标准的技术细则.《互联网》

58. The sources of law include (1) statutes; (2) a large amount of "unwritten" or common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community.


59. Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued the admission to the European community.


60. Free movement of workers within the European Community


61. It sets out the essential health and safety requirements for machinery within the European Community.


62. The European Community belongs to all its members.


63. The European Community has become one of the main forces in the world that can resist and block U. S. unilateralism.


64. On the Principle of Proportionality and Its Judicial Review Function in European Community Law


65. The WHO FCTC closed for signature on 29 June 2004 with 168 signatories (including the European Community).


66. Spain was admitted to the European Community in 1986.


67. Prime Minister Ted Heath takes Britain into the European Community


68. As the economic strength of the European Community grew, its competition with the United States intensified.


69. It has 173 Member States and one Member Organization (the European Community).



1. Since the end of the Bosnian war of the early 1990s, ultimate power has resided with the United Nations and European community, in the shape of an envoy known as the High Representative.

BBC: Nikola Spiric (file image)

2. There are steps that European community and our allies throughout the world may take.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

3. After 1992, the European Community ushered in a new era of freer competition that created a more even playing field for imported cars.

FORBES: Magazine Article

4. the states of the European Community


5. There is still work to be done in the broader European community, to provide markets a strong assurance that countries like Italy will be able to finance their debt.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at the APEC Business Summit

6. These protocols were annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community economic and monetary union.


7. The Southern African Development Community, the European Union and the United States agree.

VOA : standard.2009.03.20

8. Indeed, since Britain joined the European Community in 1972, the House of Lords is obliged to seek a preliminary ruling concerning the interpretation of any relevant E.


9. After all, it was the French, together with the Germans, Italians and others in the European Community that pressed relentlessly for immediate Western financial assistance to Gorbachev at the Houston Economic Summit earlier this month.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Trumping For Dollars: Moscow Plays Favorites In Payments To Western Creditors

10. And since then there been at least 2 iterations of further stop gap measures, first European community adopted and then American are doing much the training.

至少有两次想要控制差距的措施,一个是欧盟采用的,然后美国也在作相似的训练工作。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

11. Minister Keith Fantham said he wanted to reach the town's growing eastern European community, and had already identified a potential candidate.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid Wales | Polish minister could boost flock

12. By establishing London as Europe's dominant banking centre, for instance, he saw how the explosion of the Eurobond market would help pave the way for Britain's entry into the forerunner of the European Community.

ECONOMIST: Siegmund Warburg

13. "We have found that with the expansion of the European Community there certainly has been an increase in individuals from those new member communities presenting to us, particularly Portuguese and Polish people, " said Mr Carroll.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Homeless 'need Christmas support'

14. Poland wanted admission to the European Community.


15. In so doing, he can better leverage the cooperation of the European Community during the summit so that a formal announcement of alliance-wide sanctions can be made at the conclusion of the sessions in Paris.


16. If so, two founding member nations of the European Community would have rejected the constitution as a new political basis to unite the European continent, and it would be seen as a dead letter .

BBC: Mundo | Aprenda ingls | Voto holands sobre la UE

17. The United States and European Union are among the voices in the international community still pressing for accountability for thousands of civilian deaths at the end of the Sri Lankan civil war.

VOA : standard.2009.11.09

18. It was the scene in February 1992 for the signing of the treaty which created the EU, increasing its powers from those of its predecessor, the European Community.

BBC: Is Brighton the next Maastricht?

19. He succeeded in negotiating British entry into the European Community.


20. So why don't the puffin-hunters just cut adrift from Denmark (which halved the land mass of the European Community two decades ago by granting self-rule to Greenland)?

ECONOMIST: Will the Faeroes flee the nest?

21. In particular, it would require local authorities to make information about the proportion of recycled materials that is processed outside the European Community and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) publicly available.

BBC: Debate on shipment of waste for recovery measure

22. As British leader, Thatcher took a firm stance with the European Community -- the forerunner of the European Union -- demanding a rebate of money London contributed to Brussels.

CNN: Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female PM, dead at 87

23. She made few friends in the European Community either, with her "handbagging" and insistence on a rebate for excessive British budget contributions.

BBC: Iron Lady on the world stage

24. The tide started to turn in 1985, when the European Commission passed a"product liability"directive, since adopted as law by all of the European Community member states.

FORBES: Sue Everywhere

25. As a mark of pride, every Italian government ritually reminds its partners abroad that Italy was a founding signatory of the treaty that ushered in what became the European Community, and Rome its birthplace.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

26. When it last took in poor countries (Spain and Portugal in 1986), the European Community, as it was then called, was not a single market for goods, services, labour and capital.

ECONOMIST: Unfinished business | The

27. But at this point, the larger European community has to stand behind the European project.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obamas News Conference with Prime Minister Gillard of Australia | The White House

28. They say the success of the Euro is vital for the future of the European Community.

FORBES: Time To Nuke The Euro!

29. Until last week, the United States paid lip service to the need to end of the Yugoslav strife while relying on the European Community's utterly ineffectual efforts to bring it about.


30. The CAP began operating in 1962, with the then European Community intervening to buy farm output when the market price fell below an agreed target level.

BBC: MEPs urge reform of the CAP

31. Returning from a fractious Euro summit in Rome, she let rip against her European counterparts, refusing to countenance any increase in the power of the European Community and outraging many colleagues.

BBC: Obituary: Margaret Thatcher

32. Igor Kartel, chair of the Eastern European Community Group in Lincoln, said problems in the area had been made greater by the effects of the recession.

BBC: Boston immigration levels to be discussed in Parliament

33. There were organisations variously called the European Economic Community, The European Coal and Steel Community and so on, but there was not a European Union before 1 Nov, 1993.

FORBES: European Union Peace Prize: Nobel Committee Jumps The Shark

34. In addition, the European Community's humanitarian branch contributed 3 million euros.

CNN: World reacts to tsunami disaster

35. Middle-aged voters, many of whom voted for British membership of the European Community in 1975, in the hope of heading off economic failure and isolation, are the least hostile to the constitution.

ECONOMIST: European constitution campaigns

36. Once the Cabinet had officially decided to recommend staying inside the European Community, some ministers declared their intention to campaign the other way.

BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | How Wilson handled his Euro split

37. The tide started to turn in 1985, when the European Commission passed a "product liability" directive, since adopted as law by all the member states of the European Community.

FORBES: Sue Everywhere







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