
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈlɪkwɪdeɪtə(r)]play美 [ˈlɪkwɪdeɪtər]play

  • n. 清算人;公司资产清理人

复数 liquidators

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liquidator /ˈlɪkwɪˌdeɪtə/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A liquidator is a person who is responsible for settling the affairs of a company that is being liquidated. 清算人

    ...the failed company's liquidators.




  • adj.

    liquid 液体的;清澈的;明亮的;易变的

  • n.

    liquid 液体,流体;流音

    liquidity 流动性;流动资产;[金融] 偿债能力

    liquidation 清算;偿还;液化;清除

  • vi.

    liquidate 清算;清理债务

  • vt.

    liquidate 清算;偿付;消除


  • n.[法]清算人;公司资产清理人



1. public liquidator 公共清算人

2. joint liquidator 联合清盘人

3. provisional liquidator 临时清盘人 ; 暂委清盘人 ; 临时清算人

4. Liquidator Music 出版者

5. liquidator reckoner 清算人

6. The Liquidator 清款人 ; 清算人 ; 唱片名

7. representative liquidator 金融 代理清算人

8. liquidator r 清算人 ; 清盘人 ; 液化器

9. official liquidator 清理人


1. Smith, chartered accountant, has been appointed as liquidator to wind up the business and will discharge all the firm's liabilities and receive all payments due to it.


2. Chapter three is about the rights and duties of the liquidators.


3. This chapter divides into four parts to introduce the production, the nature, the duty and legal liability of company liquidator.


4. In case of bankruptcy, subordinated bond holders are paid after the liquidator, government taxes, and senior bond holders are paid.


5. Chapter 4 analyses the qualification and appointment of liquidators.


6. However, unlawful conduct on the part of the liquidators shall be excepted.

但清算人有不法行为时,不在此限。《provided by jukuu》

7. Existing regulations may cause the lack of expression mechanism for external interests in the liquidator panel, which will result in the losses of creditors and other stakeholders.


8. Later, the number of registered liquidators rose to600000, although only a small fraction of these were exposed to high levels of radiation.


9. The company is owned by Tom sulllivan, the entrepreneur who made his fortune starting lumber liquidators.

这家公司的老板是汤姆•苏利文,他是靠创办硬木地板零售企业Lumber Liquidators发家的。

10. Company's liquidator system.


11. Commercial real estate manager& liquidator.


12. The Liquidator System is incomplete;


13. On Restructure of the Chinese Insolvency Liquidator Law


14. Where the liquidator is appointed by the court, the report shall also be submitted to the court.

清算人由法院选派者,并应呈报法院。《provided by jukuu》

15. The first chapter defines that liquidator is human or corporation appointed by certain procedure in the case of a company which is being wound up, to undertake the liquidation affairs.


16. On the Supervision over Bankruptcy Liquidators


17. Liquidator to be in charge of the Chernobyl area to rescue survivors and the elimination of the threat of proliferation.


18. He acquired the parts in 2007 from the liquidators of one of the companies in the MG Rover Group.


19. Also plate is subject to the liquidator to the status of your order and issue a new plate.


20. Other liquidators have since died but their deaths could not necessarily be attributed to radiation exposure.


21. The final plan to solve this problem is to organize a team of professional, neutral liquidators without constraints from inside the company.


22. However, each liquidator has the right to act in the name of the cooperative over a third party.

但对于第三人,各有代表合作社之权。《provided by jukuu》

23. This chapter then discusses the composition of the liquidator panel.


24. The court may dismiss a liquidator whenever it deems necessary.


25. When a creditor files a claim, he shall specify the matters related to the claim and provide the relevant document of proof. The liquidator shall register such a claim.


26. Article 61 The duties of a liquidator are as follows.


27. The creditors are notified of the progress of the liquidation by progress reports the liquidator.


28. Licensor becomes insolvent or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed;


29. Upon liquidation the liquidator will take control over all the company's assets and affairs.


30. The expenses and losses thus entailed shall be borne by the liquidator.


31. Recent investigations suggest a doubling of the incidence of leukaemia among the most highly exposed Chernobyl liquidators.


32. If there turned out to be no rescue, then they would be liable to the liquidator.


33. The removal of a liquidator shall be reported to the court by the shareholders within fifteen days.


34. You then act as a "liquidator" and get a percentage of the entire sales.


35. Commercial real estate manager — liquidator.


36. One of the company directors was appointed liquidator.


37. A list of the members of the liquidation team shall be submitted to the registration organ for archival purposes within 10 days after the liquidator is determined.


38. The court may upon application by a liquidator give such directions as it thinks fit in relation to any matter arising under the winding up.

法院在清盘人提出申请时,可就有关计划进行清盘所产生的任何事宜,发出其认为适当的指令。《provided by jukuu》

39. First of all, it introduces the registration system for the company dissolution and liquidator.


40. Upon being inquired, the liquidator shall provide answers about the liquidation immediately.


41. Part III, is about legal regulation of liquidator .


42. To serve as an inspector, liquidator, bankruptcy administrator, or executor of a will, or in any other fiduciary capacity.


43. Part III, is about legal regulation of liquidator.


44. You will need to speak to your liquidator to confirm their fees.


45. Some Issues on the System of Bankruptcy Liquidators


46. Application to release as liquidator and to destruct the books of accounts and documents



1. The collapse of the UK's "last" freezer manufacturer will have an "awful" effect on local employment, the firm's provisional liquidator has said.

BBC: Warning over collapse of Caithness freezer maker Icetech

2. If a limited company becomes insolvent and cannot pay its debts, a liquidator will be appointed to collect and redistribute all the company's assets to the creditors.

BBC: When stores go bust: How to get your money or goods back

3. In effect this would mean another loan sale competitor to NAMA and the IBRC special liquidator.

FORBES: Euro Exit Scenarios

4. We like LQDT because it is the largest pure-play online surplus and salvage asset liquidator.

FORBES: Students from the McIntire Investment Institute Make the Pitch for Liquidity Services

5. This disposal process should in theory have no correlation with the Special Liquidator valuation and disposal process or indeed the Department of Finance.

FORBES: Euro Exit Scenarios

6. The co-liquidator of the biggest feeder fund for Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities says some investors in the Fairfield Sentry funds had knowledge of the massive financial fraud and profited as a result.

FORBES: EXCLUSIVE: Some Fairfield Investors Knew About Madoff Ponzi and Profited

7. Mr Frost is a liquidator and says he sees the challenges facing licensed venues already struggling with high rents and low profit margins.

BBC: Croydon alcohol curb zones labelled classist

8. Accountancy firm Grant Thornton said that it had been appointed a provisional liquidator by the court after "Solutions RMC's two clients, Breast Cancer Relief and Breast Cancer Research (Scotland), had judicial actions taken which has prevented funds due to them being paid".

BBC: Charity fundraiser in liquidation

9. To be completely fair, Pandigital officially called it quits back in July of this year, when it handed the remaining of its assets to a liquidator in order to comply with the don't-call-it-a-bankruptcy process.

ENGADGET: Tablet maker Pandigital no longer offering warranty replacements, reminds us it's now out of business

10. Alternatively, the company can be bankrupted by a lawsuit from a phoney creditor, who can then appoint a liquidator of his choice.

ECONOMIST: Russian shares

11. Investors should get their money back within seven days of the credit union defaulting, and the appointed liquidator will contact each borrower to discuss repayment terms of loans.

BBC: Severn Four Credit Union in Bristol closes

12. The company is the sole liquidator of surplus and scrap assets for the US Department of Defense (DoD).

FORBES: Students from the McIntire Investment Institute Make the Pitch for Liquidity Services

13. In October, Grant Thornton UK LLP was appointed as liquidator.

BBC: Lynmouth Road in St Werburgh's in Bristol

14. He said people who were now in Mr Sheridan's Solidarity party had accused him of being "what was called a liquidator".

BBC: Court hears Tommy Sheridan denied sex club claims

15. It is not yet known how much of this money, if any, will be returned to the provisional liquidator.

BBC: Depositors to vote on bank scheme

16. The credit union is open in Truro and Penzance from 10:00 to 16:00 GMT until Friday this week so people who had benefits paid in can access a hardship fund approved by the liquidator.

BBC: Cornish credit union to return money within seven days

17. But their underlying value throughout the frenzy remained more or less unchanged for many of them, that value was ultimately measured by a liquidator.

ECONOMIST: The ultimate measure by which a company is judged



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