take ... for granted是什么意思_take ... for granted短语搭配_take ... for granted权威例句

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take ... for granted

网络 想当然;想当然的认为

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1. take it for granted that 想当然地认为 ; 想当然

2. to take for granted 认为真实

3. take it for granted 认为理所当然 ; 想当然 ; 视为当然

4. Take things for granted 自以为理所当然

5. don't take things for granted 黄英九

6. postulate take for granted 要求

7. take sth for granted 视为当然 ; 认为某事当然 ; 想当然的认为

8. take for granted 想当然 ; 认为 ; 想必是

9. Don't take it for granted 不要想当然


1. A right we take for granted.


2. Don't take for granted how much your parents love you. You're very lucky.


3. Family are people we often take for granted.


4. Don't take for granted what you have.


5. The thing is, sleeping in a warm bed, to most of us, is something we take for granted.


6. The larger point, of course, is that vast swaths of the reality we take for granted are mere accidents of anatomy.


7. The Internet has become a service many of us simply take for granted.


8. Don't take for granted the passions that she has for you.


9. Many of the things we take for granted as must do are only required because we let them be.


10. There are many things I take for granted and don't even realize.


11. Do not take for granted skills that you perform well as a matter of course.


12. Dot take for granted the things closest to your heart.


13. It is so easy to take for granted the color of the azaleas, the color of our kids'eyes, the way the melody in a symphony rises and falls and disappears and rises again.


14. Those are things that other parents may take for granted - but they are noteworthy achievements for a child with autism.


15. Here are five things that singles sometimes take for granted.


16. Physical and intellectual miracles we take for granted.

我们把身凡的奇迹认为是当然的。《provided by jukuu》

17. Everything you take for granted wasn't there any more.


18. I came into adult life clueless about a lot of things that most people take for granted


19. Don t take for granted the things closest to your heart.


20. We tend to focus on our problems in life and to take for granted our blessings and achievements.


21. Too often, they take for granted that you sacrificed pay, even risked your current job, to meet with them.


22. Descartes thinks that since our senses can deceive us, we ought not take for granted that what they tell us is really true.


23. Software developers invent the technologies that we sometimes take for granted.


24. These and other inborn capabilities we take for granted are not kluges, they're not "good enough," and they're more than merely smart.


25. We just take for granted that he needs no supervision for managing his stuff.


26. In his second book, Toffler came up with another profound insight that we all now more or less take for granted.


27. The things we often take for granted.

这些东西我们经常认为是理所当然的。《provided by jukuu》

28. nor to believe and take for granted;


29. Never take for granted the greatest power of all* The power to choose.

别小看了它,最重要的力量,是选择的力量。《provided by jukuu》

30. Don't take for granted the things closest to your heart.


31. For them, the most basic things we take for granted, such as water and electricity, are beyond reach.


32. To take for granted that things will go the way we think they will is a human weakness.


33. Think of something that you use every day, but might take for granted: your E-mail.


34. The importance of exercise to good health is only one example of aspects of life people most often take for granted.


35. Like other modern architects, he employed metal, glass and laminated wood materials that we take for granted today but that in the 1940s symbolized the future.


36. They take for granted that it is a good investment.


37. To be accidental and take for granted. So you must, Suiyuan unchanged, unchanged Suiyuan.

来是偶然的,走是必然的.所以你必须, 随缘不变, 不变随缘.《互联网》

38. These are things we all tend to overlook or take for granted because they aren't necessarily how our society measures success.


39. Security—it was a luxury she had come to take for granted.


40. Think of something that you use every day, but might take for granted: your e-mail.


41. We take for granted how many things boys can do that girls can.


42. It took humans 10,000 years to learn how to grow most of the crops we now take for granted.


43. It's something that many people take for granted when they're born and they grow up within the environment.


44. The expression of numerical quantities is something we tend to take for granted.


45. Today we take for granted that they're horizontal bands of plant communities.


46. There are elements of your business that you take for granted, but prospects would be amazed if they knew the details.


47. We take for granted the things that we should be giving thanks for.

我们通常把我们应该感谢的事视为理所当然。《provided by jukuu》

48. The things that we overlook as simple and ordinary and take for granted are truly wonderous.


49. "This is a means of learning we take for granted as humans," Stoinski said.


50. It has overwhelmingly contributed to the high standard of living which we aspire to and take for granted.


51. It makes us appreciate things we normally take for granted.


52. I came into adult life clueless about a lot of things that most people take for granted.


53. Do not take for granted the things closest to your heart.


54. How many little things do you take for granted everyday that others would love to have?


55. I came into adult life clueless about a lot of things that most people take for granted.


56. and give meaning to our founding values, values we must never take for granted.


57. Their life's work is our security and the freedom that we all too often take for granted.


58. Today we try not to take for granted the things we almost always take for granted.


59. Or so I take for granted.


60. There are a lot of things that happen to you that you take for granted.


61. Electricity is a modern convenience that many of us take for granted.


62. But don't hurl random assaults at others and take for granted that whatever you say is truth.


63. Intelligent people let themselves become fascinated by things others take for granted.


64. He did it without the connections and advantages many of us take for granted.


65. Never for a moment take for granted that love would stay there for ever.


66. The place has no electricity at all, no photocopiers, all the things that you just take for granted here, they just won't be there any more.


67. They often examine beliefs that most of us take for granted most of the time.


68. To be accidental, and take for granted.

来是偶然的, 走是必然的.《互联网》

69. This meant that it lacked many things .NET developers take for granted such as constructors and static methods.



1. This would turn the majority of that country's squatters into legal property owners, who would have the rights and protections that we in the U.S. and other Western nations take for granted.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

2. An abundance of food at reasonable prices is something most Americans take for granted.

FORBES: Foods With The Biggest Price Increases

3. The initial deterrent effect has largely disappeared because people just take it for granted.

WSJ: Bombing probe highlights expansion of surveillance

4. It also mutes somewhat the Republican argument that the Democrats take the black vote for granted.

NPR: Presidential Campaigning Heats Up Early

5. Often by looking at extremes it throws into sharp contrast things we naturally take for granted.

通常对极端情况的研究,会与我们日常所坚信的信念,形成强烈的反差心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. This is going to be probably a homework at some point to do this. For now, let's take it for granted. Let's take it for granted that we know how to calculate this derivative from an equation of state like this.

这可能是将来的一个课后作业,现在,请把这当成理所当然的,理所当然地认为我们,知道怎样从一个状态,方程计算这样的微分式。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. But with the weather being unpredictable, the firm said it was asking customers not to take water for granted.

BBC: Lake Vyrnwy in Powys

8. I think that they're really privileged and probably take their life for granted a little bit. I mean,

我认为他们很有特权,也许有点觉得自己的生活是理所当然的了。我是说,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 名牌效应

9. So think about these things, don't pass over these details lightly, and don't take them for granted.

我们不应该轻易忽略细节,也不要想当然。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Ken Mehlman, the party chairman, implores blacks not to let the Democrats take their votes for granted.

ECONOMIST: Yes, but they keep quiet about it

11. To be part of a team like this, we do not take it for granted.

NPR: Heat Win 27th Straight, Run Away From Magic 108-94

12. Left in private hands, industry strives to create the abundance we often take for granted.

FORBES: A Revealing Ad Exposes The Department Of Energy's Hypocrisy

13. They cannot be reconciled as traditional students of the relationship between rhetoric and grammar in studying the rhetorical and grammatical effects of literature take for granted.

它们不可能和解,像传统的修辞学与语法学关系的学生,在研究修辞学和语法学对文学的影响之时想当然地做的那样。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Confidence in a banking system is something we, here in America, take for granted.

FORBES: Life On Cyprus After The Bailout

15. But they are a warning to the president that he cannot take the highlands for granted.

ECONOMIST: Ecuador's president

16. WWT's Gary Mantle said the report shows that residents must not take the environment for granted.

BBC: Dried up river

17. Mr Hubbert says the Germans have learnt an important lesson: that they should not take workers' loyalty for granted.

ECONOMIST: The DaimlerChrysler emulsion

18. but right now you're going to have to take it for granted. So, if the Joule-Thomson coefficient is equal to zero, just like we wrote, du = Cv dT du = Cv dT for an ideal gas, we're going to dH = Cp dT have dH = Cp dT for an ideal gas as well.

但是现在请你们应该把它看成理所当然的,所以,如果焦耳-汤姆逊系数等于零,就像我们写的,对于理想气体,我们也可以得到对于理想气体。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. So that the disabled have access to facilities the rest of us take for granted.

BBC: News | UK Politics | Charles Kennedy's speech in full

20. The fact that we've got free will is something that most of us take for granted about ourselves.

我们拥有自由意志这一事实,被大多数人认为理所应当死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. There's nothing like a dependent class whose votes you can take for granted.

FORBES: How Congress Wages An Economic Race War

22. They're a good playing nation and we won't take this game for granted.

BBC: Okocha has renewed his commitment to Nigeria

23. We should not take that for granted.

我们不能小看它古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Nor can one take unionist support for the agreement for granted.

BBC: Rural South Antrim constituency

25. We in the U.S. and other developed countries take it for granted that one can set up a lawful business in a matter of days or weeks.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

26. It's very interesting that they all just sort of take meaning for granted.

有意思的是他们都把文学的意义看作理所当然。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Unlike just about everyone else today, De Soto understands intimately that one of the biggest stumbling blocks to economic progress in formerly communist or developing countries such as Peru is the lack of well-defined, easily accessible property rights that we in the U.S. and the West take for granted.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

28. Those of us who work in marketing and other communications disciplines today almost take this innovation for granted.

FORBES: Steve Jobs Lives

29. On the evidence of this week in Brighton, he cannot take it for granted.

ECONOMIST: Heads, not hearts

30. It is a time to stop, look around, and think of all we take for granted.

FORBES: No Gift Like the Present

31. Leading companies in the photovoltaic industry should not take their positions for granted.

FORBES: By Andreas Abt and Brian Carey

32. Light is actually a very basic need that we often take for granted.

FORBES: Social Enterprise Spotlight: Portable Solar Lighting

33. Lionel explains that he doesn't take career longevity for granted.

VOA : standard.2009.06.24

34. Thereafter, European jockeys who came to race in India couldn't take the racing authorities for granted.

FORBES: Magazine Article

35. They often need our support navigating everyday civilian challenges that many nonmilitary folks take for granted.

FORBES: Our Returning Military: We Need to Do More

36. One of the advantages of an evolutionary perspective on the mind is that it forces us to look scientifically at what we would otherwise take for granted.

优势之一,从进化角度看心理,迫使我们从科学角度,看待我们认为理所当然的东西。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. Yet there are plenty of people of other countries, many Mexicans for example, would gladly pay 33% in taxes on their wages if they could live in the U.S. and get everything else most of us in the U.S. take for granted as part of the infrastructure.

FORBES: Obama's 'Didn't Build That' Jab Exposes Cancer At Heart Of Crisis

38. But we most certainly, as Rothkopf says, cannot afford to take it for granted.

FORBES: The Myth of American Superiority at Innovation

39. The unfailingly consistent excellence of the Irish Rep is no less easy to take for granted.

WSJ: Truth Is Scarier | The Weir | Irish Repertory Theatre | The Master Builder | Brooklyn Academy of Music | By Terry Teachout

40. We just take one for granted.

我们只是默认为。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. Their life's work is our security, and the freedom that we all too often take for granted.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Fort Hood: "Greatness Before Our Very Eyes" | The White House

42. We're just going to take it for granted.

只需要接受它就行了。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. For me, the U.S. is the land of opportunity, and values that some take for granted are quite tangible to me, having come from a hard background into the land of freedom, protection, safety, values and ideals.

FORBES: U.S. Needs Immigration Reform -- Part 2


















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