
学考宝 作者:佚名



n. 临时保姆;代人临时照看小孩的人


英 [ˈbeɪbɪˌsɪtəz]play 美 [ˈbeɪbiˌsɪtərz]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. The Babysitters 片 ; 兼职褓姆

2. Babysitters on Acid 唱片名

3. Share Babysitters With Friends 与朋友共用保姆

4. Babysitters' Skills 保母技能

5. Imagine Babysitters 幻想保姆

6. Training for Babysitters 保姆技术训练


1. Our new babysitter is a real find.


2. Angelina couldn't be with us tonight. It's tough to get 17 babysitters on Oscar night.


3. She couldn't always afford a babysitter


4. We have very reliable babysitters.


5. It can even recommend private holiday nannies and babysitters in Majorca.


6. Dear eight-year-old, find out your babysitter's weakness, then use it against them.


7. Babysitters on Halloween are even scarcer than on New Year's eve.


8. you've got three great babysitters right here.


9. Please ask yourself: How many male babysitters have you ever hired?


10. Can't you find a babysitter and come over for dinner?

你难道不能临时找个人照看小孩然后过来吃饭吗?《provided by jukuu》

11. See I don't know I can trust a man babysitter.


12. You think you can get a babysitter some night?

你哪个晚上找个保姆好吗?《provided by jukuu》

13. Because only mother can breastfeed, a baby always knows who is the person he loves the most. Nannies, babysitters, and daycare workers are no substitute for a nursing mom.


14. Babysitters. Make a plan to have a babysitter that you trust watch your children once a month or once a week so that you can get some time for yourself.


15. When I ask Nick about his childhood, he remembers a parade of babysitters.


16. Um, can you just leave us a little bit for babysitter?


17. They think of the flight attendants as their own personal babysitters.


18. She enjoyed most her employment as babysitter.


19. She's past the age where she needs a babysitter.

她已过了需要找人照看的年龄。《provided by jukuu》

20. The beautiful couple needs a lot of hired help to get the job done, but they aren't looking for your average run-of-the-mill babysitters.


21. In Japan, mothers are expected to raise their children by themselves: it is not common to hire house workers and babysitters.


22. On the Characteristics of American Television Viewing Culture in the Case of The Babysitter


23. When we arrived the Baby Lino, there were many babies playing with the babysitters.


24. They arranged for a babysitter to take care of the children.


25. Having a babysitter in the house was great,


26. The beautiful couple needs a lot of hired help to get the job done, but they aren’t looking for your average run-of-the-mill babysitters.


27. Not long after, a video was released in January 2008, showing many children were being brutally beaten in a private kindergarten by no other than their own teachers and babysitters.


28. In Australia, we are teachers, not babysitters, we can give you the knowledge and the skill, not take care of you all the time! If you can't handle it, just go!


29. There's also the added advantage of sibling babysitters.


30. Any time you want a babysitter, dear, you only have to ask


31. It's just hard to get a babysitter on a Friday night.

周五晚上很难找到保姆的。《provided by jukuu》

32. For this reason, babysitters are in high demand in many American cities.


33. I can't find a babysitter for tonight.


34. I got a babysitter for the first time in three months.

三个月里,我第一次请到了一个保姆。《provided by jukuu》

35. It could eventually, be like having a babysitter and a nurse rolled into one--or, if that required emotional intelligence beyond the power of Mr. Musk's imagined machine, at least someone to chop the carrots, wash the car and mow the lawn.

这最终就好像将保姆和护士合二为一了——又或者如果所需的情绪智力超过了马斯克先生设想中的机器人,那至少我们也会拥有会切胡萝卜、洗车或修剪草坪的帮手。《六级真题- 2018年 6月 3卷 短文填空》

36. The babysitter said that you were working today.

那个看小孩的说你今天工作。《provided by jukuu》

37. The hotel manager will arrange for a babysitter


38. Tell your babysitter what to do in case of fire.

告诉她万一起火时应该做些什么。《provided by jukuu》

39. We'll call you the next time we need a babysitter.


40. As usual, they'd left the children at home with the babysitter.


41. So how long you got the babysitter for?

你的保姆呆到什么时候?《provided by jukuu》

42. The babysitter will look after my son when I go to work.


43. On a small family farm in Mongolia, a rooster struts around little Bayar's bed, a goat drinks from his bathwater and livestock serve as babysitters.


44. You are going to need the world's best babysitter for that matter.


45. They are also the world's biggest babysitters.


46. We rarely hire babysitters.


47. You know how hard it is to find a babysitter?

你知道要找到一个保姆是多么难吗?《provided by jukuu》

48. If your babysitter hates feet, do a handstand and then put your feet right in their face.


49. One of the friskiest babysitters I ever hired was a sweet little grandma I'll call Beulah.


50. The Babysitters Club tried to think of ways to compete with the older group.


51. Kara and Cliff Petty of Sunrise, Fla., spend at least $1,000 a month on day care and babysitters for their children, Aidan, 6, and Landon, 2.


52. There are grandparents whose grandchildren come and visit them and the teenagers next door, who we've known since they were kids, are our babysitters.



1. HBO-HD (1080i): Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead (5:30 p.m.), A Cinderella Story (7:15 p.m.) Walkout (9 p.m.).

ENGADGET: HDTV Listings for March 21 HD

2. Genentech offers take-home dinners and helps employees find last-minute babysitters when a child is too sick to go to school.

FORBES: Silicon Valley Employers Go Wild With Lavish Employee Benefits

3. My employer offers a service providing bonded, certified, triple-A, recommended, backup babysitters.

CNN: A Latina mom's baby-sitting lament

4. The campaigns are arranging rides, babysitters - everything that someone needs to actually get out of their house and get there.

NPR: Decision Time in Iowa

5. If you file for that credit, the IRS can ask for proof that your babysitters and day care centers have Al Gore's government stamp of approval.

FORBES: Fact And Comment

6. Teachers are not glorified babysitters with summers off.

CNN: The courage of teachers

7. As the evening overran, some brave audience members were caught texting babysitters, incurring the wrath of the madcap Geordie.

BBC: By Jeff Allum

8. But Congress created an exception for babysitters and elderly companions.

NPR: Home Health Aides Seek Labor Protections

9. Parents today have enough to worry about without the ever-present stress of finding and coordinating babysitters they can trust.

WHITEHOUSE: Improving Childcare Services

10. In my case, my parents weren't home, and these were my babysitters sometimes.

CNN: 'Clone Wars' goes full-on Wookiee tonight

11. Martin has sold millions books and launched a successful young adult franchise: The Babysitters Club.

FORBES: Q&A: Ann M. Martin, Author of The Babysitters Club

12. In the capital, the new rich are employing gardeners, housekeepers and babysitters, paying others to shop for them and even hiring drivers.

ECONOMIST: Cubas economy

13. This app aims to connect people with tutors, caterers, babysitters and other local small businesses that are often hard to find.

FORBES: Getting A Job Washing Cars Is Harder Than Getting Into Harvard

14. He couldn't pay babysitters, so we went with him to job interviews.

WSJ: Brad Meltzer: His Plotting Pays Off | By Joanne Kaufman

15. " I thought, "Wait, do babysitters just take babies out for a walk like they would a dog?

CNN: Motherhood: What endless love feels like

16. The history of 3-D movies coming out on DVD is limited and until Avatar, most 3-D movies were aimed at kids and kids movies tend to do better on DVD regardless (as they make great babysitters).

FORBES: How 3-D Could Stall DVD Sales

17. Even more important to our cause is seeking out the tech savvy alpha moms ( HatchedIt is a social-based family calendar that allows you to give various levels of access to spouses, grandparents, babysitters, etc).

FORBES: Winning the Mommy Market -- Our StumbleUpon vs. Pinterest vs. Facebook Experiment

18. Finding babysitters is easier in Beijing than in Baltimore or Balham.

ECONOMIST: An American tradition is spreading

19. Or kids can be taken off parents' hands by capable babysitters, to frolic in the 15-meter pool or take part in nature walks, play board games or draw in a leather-bound blank book provided by the lodge, with complimentary crayons.

FORBES: Ecca Park





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