
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈsɪstəm]play美 [ˈsɪstəm]play

  • n. (协同工作的)系统;(计算机、警报器等的)系统;体制,制度,方式,方法;现行体制,既成制度(the system);身体,(器官)系统;人体的活动方式(尤指消化和排泄方式);(度量,分类中的)方法(或规则);条理,秩序;(交通、通信)网,网络;(地质)(年代地层学用语)系;(天文)系;下赌注法;(乐)用弧线连为一体的谱表;晶系(crystal system 的简称)

复数 systems

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system /ˈsɪstəm/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A system is a way of working, organizing, or doing something which follows a fixed plan or set of rules. You can use system to refer to an organization or institution that is organized in this way. 体制

    The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory.



    ...a flexible and relatively efficient filing system.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A system is a set of devices powered by electricity, for example a computer or an alarm. 系统

    Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A system is a set of equipment or parts such as water pipes or electrical wiring, which is used to supply water, heat, or electricity. (水管或电线等的) 系统

    ...a central heating system.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A system is a network of things that are linked together so that people or things can travel from one place to another or communicate. 网络

    ...Australia's road and rail system.


  • 5.
    可数名词 Your system is your body's organs and other parts that together perform particular functions. 身体系统

    He had slept for over fourteen hours, and his system seemed to have recuperated admirably.


  • 6.
    可数名词 A system is a particular set of rules, especially in mathematics or science, which is used to count or measure things. (计算或测量用的) 体系

    ...the decimal system of metric weights and measures.


  • 7.
    单数型名词 People sometimes refer to the government or administration of a country as the system. 政府

    These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system.


  • 8.





1. expert system 专家系统

2. Nervous System 解剖 神经系统 ; 神经组织 ; 铁的神经系统 ; 神经系

3. power system 电网,电力系统;动力系统

4. management system 管理系统;经营责任制

5. economic system 经济体制;经济体系,经济系统;经济制度

6. file system 计 文件系统 ; 档案系统 ; 文件体系 ; 文件编制

7. Limbic System 解剖 边缘系统 ; 边沿系统 ; 边沿体系 ; 解剖 边缘系

8. Embedded System 计 嵌入式系统 ; 嵌入式 ; 嵌入系统 ; 内嵌系统

9. service system n. 服务系统

10. management information system 管理信息系统

11. monitoring system 监控系统,监督系统

12. system monitor 系统监视器 ; 系统监控 ; 系统监控器 ; 计 系统监督程序

13. control system 控制系统

14. information system 信息系统

15. financial system 金融体系;财务系统

16. communication system 通信系统

17. operating system [计]操作系统

18. support system 支援系统

19. system design 系统设计;制度设计

20. open system 开放系统 ; 物化 敞开系统 ; 开放式系统 ; 开系统

21. water system 水系;供水系统(等于water supply)

22. quality system 质量体系;品质系统

23. security system 安全系统

24. system structure 系统结构;体制结构

25. legal system 法律制度

26. index system [计]索引系统


1. He evolved a system for making money quickly.


2. Basically the system ought to have worked.


3. ...Trachtenberg's system of simplified mathematics.


4. We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.


5. He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system.


6. Criticized the religious policy of French, persisted national religion system liked England.

批判法国的宗教政策, 坚持一种英国似的国教制度.《期刊摘选》

7. A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £ 80 000.


8. The system software uses the software engineering design method, the realization procedure structurization, the function modulation.

系统软件采用软件工程设计方法, 实现程序结构化, 功能模块化.《期刊摘选》

9. The system ran like a well-oiled machine.


10. Their education system is useless.


11. Europe's monetary system is falling apart.


12. The new computer system comes on stream next month.


13. I must admit that I too use this system.


14. System portal are developed based on xml and xsl with a good dynamic characteristics.

知识管理门户采用XML和 XSL相结合的开发方法,具有动态特点.《期刊摘选》

15. Every part of the system has a backup.


16. These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system...


17. The fifth part establishes the whole developing system of the stadia and gymnasia in Changsha.


18. Alcohol is bad for your system.


19. There were calls for major changes to the welfare system.


20. Methods 13 cases of total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis were reviewed using the HSS score system.


21. No matter how the math works out, you persistently view restaurants with voluntary tipping systems as being a better value, which makes it extremely difficult for restaurants and bars to do away with the tipping system.

不管这笔账到底怎么算,你都坚持认为有自愿付小费机制的餐厅更划算,这也使得餐厅和酒吧很难摒弃付小费的制度。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

22. The potential energy is energy the system possesses by virtue of its configuration.


23. The whole system is inefficient and corrupt.


24. These pills won't harm your system.


25. a security system


26. The fundamental fix—reshaping how care is delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system—is likely to be achieved only through trial and error and incremental ( 渐进的) gains.

最根本的解决之道——在当前这个浪费资源的非正常体系下,改革医疗护理服务和医生薪酬发放办法——只能通过反复试验及循序渐进的推进才有可能实现。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

27. Corruption is endemic in the system.


28. The body system are regulated by the endocrine system and are controlled by the nerves system.


29. You can't beat the system (= you must accept it) .


30. Biologists used to think that the immune system was a separate, independent part of our bodies.


31. He follows no system in his reading.


32. the British educational system


33. The success of the system is not in doubt.


34. Dynamics emulating in shock resistance of ship's systems and equipments is described in this paper.


35. Enhances the functioning of white blood cells , helping to strengthen the body's immune system.

改善白血球的机能, 增强身体免疫能力.《期刊摘选》

36. Meanwhile, we analyzed the prospect and feasibility of chitosan based gel systems as new food additive.


37. Objective : To discuss the influence of drug classification system on hospital pharmacy.

目的: 阐述药品分类管理制度对医院药剂科的影响.《期刊摘选》

38. heating systems


39. He had slept for over fourteen hours, and his system seemed to have recuperated admirably...

他已睡了超过 14 个小时了,他的身体恢复得很不错。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

40. This system sets the pattern for others to follow.


41. a new system for assessing personal tax bills


42. Our new approach to systems development is based on both defined and black box process management.


43. Your duties will include setting up a new computer system.


44. Photograph interconnection is between pattern of two kinds of systems, certain condition finishes mutual transition.

两种制度形态之间相互联系, 一定条件下相互转换.《期刊摘选》

45. The analyzes the method and principle of the modular design in view of system structure method.


46. By that time the new system should be up and running.


47. Including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.

其中包含一些现有移民体系中不易用合法手段获取的方式和结果。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

48. My own hospital system has banned sugary drinks from its facilities.

我所在的医疗体系已经在其设施中禁止了含糖饮料。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

49. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely tied.

正是因为法律和政治关系密切相关,所以我们制定法律体系时,才会有意地把它们分开。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

50. The young technical innovator didn't lose heart though the new system was not yet brought into a workable condition.


51. Figure 4.1 shows the respiratory system.


52. Determination of cytochrome C was attempted with the aid of this salt bridge supported BLM system.


53. The new system is the focus of controversy.


54. The new system was tried and found wanting.


55. “The human systems and the landscapes we live on are linked, and the interactions go both ways,” he says.

“人类系统与我们所赖以生存的地景相互关联,而且,两者间的相互影响是双向的,”他说。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

56. The system was introduced on a trial basis for one month.


57. They were able to accurately place the hair samples in broad regions roughly corresponding to the movement of rain systems.

根据雨水体系的移动,他们就可以准确地将头发样本与其大致的区域来源对应起来。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

58. a system of government


59. The poisons generated by remorse inveigh against the system, and eventually produce marked physical deterioration.

由悔恨产生的毒素侵袭着身体组织, 最终造成明显的体质恶化.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

60. Our system is probably new to you.


61. ...a central heating system.


62. We propose to establish the theoretic system of SIG in this paper.


63. This system seems to be working out well.


64. I was very angry with him, but now I feel I've got it out of my system.


65. a stereo system


66. What does that tell us about our education system?

这件事能告诉我们涉及我国教育体系的什么问题呢?《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

67. ...a news channel on a local cable system.


68. We are trying to assess how well the system works.


69. And, at the risk of sounding parochial, adopt a capital regime similar to the Canadian system.

此外 —— 虽然有狭隘之嫌 —— 采用与加拿大体系类似的资本规则.《期刊摘选》

70. Japan is a highly competitive market system.


71. Research conducted at Stanford University shows a mental image fires the nerve system?the same way as actually doing something.

斯坦福大学进行的研究显示,想象出的景象会以和实际行动一样的方式刺激神经系统。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

72. People need to be satisfied of the need for a new system.


73. It will take a while for the drug to work out of your system.


74. Mr. President, you're aware of the system.


75. Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes.


76. This paper studies the node analysis method for constructing an underground gas storage bank system.


77. For the short of supervisory system, the swindle crimes on commercial instruments increased.

由于监管制度不全, 利用票据进行诈编的犯罪也日益增多.《期刊摘选》

78. Managing environment is the summation of all kind of systems and the sanction originated from system.


79. But the system isn’t efficient, and it does not work that well.

但是这个系统没有效率,运行得不是那么好。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

80. The system is going down in ten minutes.


81. There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries.


82. Thirdly, to perfect and the coordinated the content system, guaranteed each concrete link coordination.

第三 、 完善和协调内容体系, 统筹安排各具体环节.《期刊摘选》

83. “This breaks the major rule in the American belief system — that anyone can do anything,” explains M.J. Ryan, author of the 2006 book “This Year I Will...” and Ms. Markova's business partner.

“打破了美国信仰体系中的重要原则——每个人都无所不能”,2006年出版的新书《今年我会……》的作者M.J.赖恩解释说。同时,赖恩也是马可娃女士的生意伙伴。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

84. These pillars are firewalls, VPNs, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems ( IDS ).

防护方法包括四个方面:防火墙 、 VPN 、 反病毒软件, 以及入侵检测系统 ( IDS ).《期刊摘选》

85. Wellness Transfer Factor is a technologically advanced approach to immune system integrity.


86. This increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for the complex political systems

required by advanced economic performance.不断提高的教育水平也许是非凡经济效益所需的复杂政治制度的必要条件,但并非充分条件。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

87. Sales commission: According to the implementation of sales commission management system.

销售提成: 按公司销售提成管理制度执行.《期刊摘选》

88. Hypothalamus and maintain good physical constancy, control autonomic nervous system and other related emotions.

下丘脑与保持身体恒常性, 控制自律神经系统,感情等相关.《期刊摘选》

89. He played a major role in setting up the system.


90. But the boil was gone, and all the poison was out of his system.

但是疖子全没了, 所有的毒都离开了他的身体.《期刊摘选》

91. The odds of a criminal using technical means to bypass a security system are so small that the FBI doesn’t even track those statistics.

罪犯用技术手段避开安保系统的几率非常之小,以至于FBI 甚至都没有追踪这类数据。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

92. Their legal system parallels our own.


93. Exercise helped him get the alcohol out of his system.


94. Users could select which system to join, and only registered users whose identities have been authenticated could navigate those systems.

用户可以自行选择想要加入的系统,且只有身份通过验证的注册用户可以浏览这些系统。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

95. To get the system working again, losses must be recognized and dealt with.

为了让系统重新运转,银行必须要承认损失、处理问题。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

96. The new system expanded the role of family doctors.


97. The system has been in operation for six months.


98. Peoples assessor system actually exists in name only in most areas in China.


99. I want to get boxing out of my system and settle down to enjoy family life.


100. There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.


101. There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.


102. These gases would seriously damage the patient's respiratory system.


103. This involves physical, mental, and spiritual preparation and attunement to a new system.

这牵扯到身体上, 心理上和精神上的准备与协调,以进入一个新系统.《期刊摘选》

104. There have been some problems but basically it's a good system.


105. Do not be afraid to increase your resistance and challenge your muscles and cardiovascular system.


106. The system was state of the art.


107. The telephone system has broken down.


108. Then spread this light energy through out your energy system and your physical body.


109. Then, he’s going to need to know the technical details of your system and acquire the specific equipment necessary for jamming your specific setup.

然后,他需要知道你家安保系统的技术细节,并获取用于干扰你家这套特定装置的专用设备。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

110. It is not my intention to develop here a whole theory of monetary systems.


111. In other departments, a new student is assigned a faculty adviser based on some system of distribution of the ?departments “advising load”.

在另一些系,学校会根据院系“指导负荷量”的某种分配体系来为新生指派一位指导教师。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

112. young people rebelling against the system


113. Urban passenger transport system is an important factor to affect urban transportation efficiency.


114. Based on the method and combining database technologies, the computer intelligent analyzing system has been constructed.


115. Long runsare taxing on the system, and you usually need a day to recover.

长距离跑对身体各系统消耗很大,通常, 您需要一天恢复时间.《期刊摘选》

116. You have to wait until the drugs have passed out of your system.


117. a transport system


118. HIV impairs the immune system leaving the body vulnerable to infections.


119. It was not known, however, whether central fatigue might also affect motor systems not directly 29 involved in the exercise itself,such as those that move the eyes.

然而,尚不知道中枢性疲劳是否也有可能会影响本身并不直接(29) 参与身体锻炼的运动系统,比如那些控制眼部活动的系统。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

120. America’s education system has become less a ladder of opportunity than a structure to transmit inequality from one generation to the next.

美国的教育系统已变得不太像是通往机遇的阶梯,反而更像是一个将不平等从一代传到下一代的体系。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

121. This system has much to recommend it.


122. Ina quarter system the credits would total 190 to 208.


123. Previously, the authorities got their act together and prevented the financial system from collapsing.

以前, 各国政府会携手行动,防止金融体系崩溃.《期刊摘选》

124. And the valid calculator system installs excellent turn the method seem to be more for key.


125. Tainted food can poison your system.


126. It is not, however, a sign that they're getting serious about transforming the postal system for the 21st century.

但是这并不代表他们会慎重考虑21世纪邮政体系的改革。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

127. Our first task is to set up a communications system.


128. That framework has contributed to our broken immigration system and the long political paralysisover how to fix it.

这一思维构架在很大程度上导致了我们的移民体系漏洞百出, 也致使政府对“如何修复这一体系”处于长期瘫痪状态。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

129. Information system plays a vital role in public sanitary project.


130. Allocate the assignment system that is socialistic property to spend by labor element.


131. The biggest concern with robots going against human values is that human beings fail to do sufficient testing and they’ve produced a system that will break some kind of taboo ( 禁忌).

有关机器人违反人类价值观的最大担忧是人类做的测试不够,于是就制造了将会打破某种禁忌的系统。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

132. They lashed out at the university enrolling system.


133. Article 34 Any and all payment and settlement organizations shall effect and implement a regular auditing system.


134. In March 2001, the PLA began to reform the budgetary planning system.

2001年3月, 军队开始对预算编制制度进行改革.《期刊摘选》

135. Can you explain how the email system works?


136. The system was down all morning.


137. Fail to forgive, and no portion of the form will become a thorough crystalline system.

未能宽恕, 身体就没有任何部分会变成完全的水晶系统.《期刊摘选》

138. Applications of such systems in biomedical engineering, biological engineering research and nanotechnology.

这些系统在生医工程 、 生物工程研究与纳米科技上的应用.《期刊摘选》

139. Together, these cells work as the body's reward system.


140. Even if they could, SimpliSafe claims that its system is always evolving, and that it varies slightly from system to system, which means there wouldn’t be a universal magic formula for cracking it.

即便他们能找到,SimpliSafe 也称它的系统是在不断改良的,并且每个系统都有细微的差别,意味着不会有神奇的通用破解方法。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

141. Chapter Four proposes several legal suggestions on transplantation of the system of the civil protection orders.


142. The circulatory system is the primary means of feeding the crystalline cells and detoxifying the form.


143. Suitable for all types of enclosed gear drives with circulation or splash lubrication systems.


144. But I confess our present educational system excites in my mind grave misgivings.


145. Trust is implicit in the system.


146. A new design method for effluent treatment system with a single contaminant is presented.


147. Exploratory Analysis is a system analysis methodology summarized from Rand strategy analysis.


148. Our system should be up by this afternoon.


149. The high school adjusted its teaching approach and cancelled its departmental system.


150. ...the decimal system of metric weights and measures.


151. Initially, the system worked well.


152. The principle, utilization method and application examples of detection system for electronic marker are analyzed.

分析了电子记标探测系统的原理 、 使用方法和应用实例.《期刊摘选》

153. For the same blending system, the penetration rates for acetic ether , absolute alcohol and gasoline sequence.

对同一体系, 对乙酸乙酯渗透率最小,无水乙醇次之, 汽油最大.《期刊摘选》

154. Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately.


155. This is the one major drawback of the new system.


156. In chapter 6 the measure results are given and analyzed are proposed to improve the system.


157. But many within the public sector suffer under the current system, too.

但在现行制度下,有许多公共部门的雇员也深受其害。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

158. More specifically, advocates attempted to show how unjust social systems can destroy basic values.

更具体, 主张试图说明如何不公正的社会制度,破坏基本价值观念.《期刊摘选》

159. Their systems may run short of calcium or magnesium point where they physically collapse.


160. In Sweden, they have a really cool system called “Study C i r c l e s ” where it’s not

在瑞典,他们有一种非常酷的学习体系,叫“学习圈”,这里不是……《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

161. In this paper the treatments and recycle system of sewage were introduced.


162. Alcohol affects nearly every system in the body.


163. The system is unable to log you on.


164. Data on management expenses at the college system and in other state departments will be part of a “business justification” the state will use as officials deliberate the specifics of an outsourcing plan.

大学系统或者其他州政部门管理方面的支出数据将是官员们考虑外包计划的细节时州政府将会采用的“商业论证”的一部分。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

165. When the system thinks it’s being jammed, it’ll notify you via push alert ( 推送警报).

当系统认为遭到干扰攻击时,会通过推送警报来通知你。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

166. If they detect something wrong while the system is armed, they’ll transmit a wireless alert signal to a base station that will then raise the alarm.

在系统运行期间,如果探测到异常情况,感应装置会向基站发射无线报警信号,然后基站会发出警报。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

167. The principle, methods and system of supervision in various link also were investigated.

并就监理在各个环节中的工作原则 、 工作方法及工作制度进行了分析研究.《期刊摘选》

168. ...Australia's road and rail system.


169. Shareholder action system comprises shareholder direct action and shareholder derivative action.


170. This paper studies the constitute measure, the emulation and amelioration of system.


171. The proposed method has been applied AGC system of Fujian power grid.


172. Each language has a different vowel system.


173. This command will invoke the HELP system.


174. The system is not 100 per cent foolproof.


175. Too much alcohol is bad for the system.


176. In this way , the Principal System will become advanced system which suits our current education situation.


177. Thus, in his view, diverse aspects of culture, such as the structure of families, forms of marriage, categories of kinship, ownership of property, forms of government, technology, and systems of food production, all changed as societies evolved.

因此,在他看来,文化的各个方面,比如家庭结构、婚姻形式、亲属关系、财产归属、政府形式、科技以及食物生产体系,都会随着社会的进化而改变。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

178. The system of invoking authority stipulates that the country civil servant authority fairly.


179. The writer of this paper is focusing on the bankruptcy property system.


180. Practices zero reporting system to the production suspension including the dairy products Production enterprise.


181. Whatever system you choose, it must be run in properly.


182. Therefore in the 1950's and 1960's, the baby boom hit an antiquated and inadequate school system.

因此,在五六十年代, 生育高峰冲击着陈旧而不完备的学校体系.《期刊摘选》

183. To perfect the continuous education scores registration system, directly connecting it with appraising , hiring and promotion.

完善继续教育学分登记制度, 把继续教育学分和评聘、晋职直接挂钩.《期刊摘选》

184. As the chakras of your body's system glimmer, their Light resonates a glorious musical harmony.

由于你身体系统脉轮闪光, 它们的光共振一个华丽悦耳和声.《期刊摘选》

185. What we eat is assimilated into our systems.


186. A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.


187. the male reproductive system


188. The idea is to create a federation of private online identity systems.

其理念是创建联合私人在线身份验证系统。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

189. Installation of the new system will take several days.


190. A good system has a highly effective data accessing method inevitably.


191. It's a system that works wonderfully well.


192. For that, we have a robust informal learning system that gives no grades, takes all comers, and is available even on holidays and weekends.

基于此,我们有一个强有力的非正式学习体系,不评分并接纳所有人,而且在节假日正常开放。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

193. The system is open to abuse.


194. Vitamin C protects the body's cells from potential oxidative damage and enhances the immune system.


195. This system helps speed up access times.


196. Better design and wiser user of both mass transit systems and private vehicles will playing an important part in helping America get more out of energy used for transportation

公共交通系统的更好的设计和更聪明的使用者会在帮助美国更高效地使用交通能源上起重要作用。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

197. The share system is a new way and model that integrated with funds, techniques and l.

在河北省采用股份制,集资金 、 技术、劳动力为一体开发治理荒山,发展山区经济是种新的方法和模式.《期刊摘选》

198. It means that a thief likely wouldn’t be able to Google how the system works, then figure out a way around it.

它意味着窃贼可能无法搜索出这个系统的运作原理,并找到绕开它的办法。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

199. II. A working system and coordination mechanism with distinct features has been built up.


200. The system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time.


201. ...a flexible and relatively efficient filing system.


202. Neuroscientists, experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that there’s actually a lot that can be done.

神经学家——即研究神经系统的专家不断指出,其实,我们可以在许多方面抑制这种现象。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

203. JAKE rocks with the direct contact between his nervous system and hers. The ultimate intimacy.

杰克的身体因为与她的神经系统直接相连而颤抖. 终极的亲密接触.《期刊摘选》

204. This method offered powerful tech support to develop and perfect the fault diagnose expert system.


205. By far the biggest type of momentum that comes into play when it comes to changing our energy systems is economic momentum.

目前,我们谈到能开始改变能源系统的最大的动量是经济动量。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

206. The parole originating from capitalistic punishment system is an important way of enforcement of punishment.


207. Based on wavelet multiresolution analysis theory, this paper proposes a novel method for data systems identification.

基于小波多分辨分析理论并结合面向控制的辨识思想, 提出一种多率采样系统分频段加权辨识方法.《期刊摘选》

208. The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory.


209. Our first task will be to set up a communications system.


210. False: Yoga is a physical system with a spiritual component.

误: 瑜伽是一种运用精神部分进行身体锻炼的系统.《期刊摘选》


1. So, and of course, you know, keeping entropy as a fixed variable for a system like that is extremely cumbersome.

所以,对这样的系统要求它们的熵保持恒定,和一个非常笨拙做法。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. The regulatory system that brought us these crises is politicized and badly broken, as Sen.

FORBES: The Inept Financial Reform Bill

3. The cross-party report warned the proposed changes were being rushed and risked damaging the exam system.

BBC: Planned switch from GCSEs to Baccalaureate in England 'abandoned' - BBC News

4. The change will bring an end to this system of "contracting out", with two consequences.

BBC: Flat-rate state pension 'expected to start in 2017'

5. He says that would reduce the need for an American missile-defense system proposed for the Czech Republic and Poland.

VOA : special.2009.03.07

6. It has the function, in other words, of negating its own meaning in another semiotic system, in this case the semiotic system of the stoplight.

也就是说,他有这样那样的功能,在不同语义系统中表示的甚至完全相反,就像红灯表示的这些不同含义一样。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. An object in the solar system could be identified if it appeared to move from its place in the earlier photograph.

VOA : special.2010.07.11

8. Nodwyd bod system ar waith lle bod ffwr moch daear yn cael ei liwio.

BBC: Pwyllgor Amgylchedd a Chynaladwyedd

9. He had deleted files from the computer system.


10. We asked, what if we designed a sound system that was a platform for the display?

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

11. This system has an electronic-mail facility.


12. In two thousand six, Defense Secretary Robert Gates advised President George W.Bush to base a missile defense system in Europe.

VOA : special.2009.09.19

13. But all of you in this room probably remember what we technically call the base 10 system or decimal system because back in grade school or the like, you learned to count and add and subtract numbers by way of columns.

但是,在座的每一位可能都记得,这在小学的时候学的,以10为进制的系统或者十进制系统,通过数列方式学习数数和加减法。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

14. Whichever system is adopted (and both might be, for different applications), two further things are needed.


15. In the US, more than 270 million people visit the national parks system each year.

BBC: Birth and spread of the worlds national parks

16. Mizz Blackburn and Mister Szostak discovered the special system of genetic information in the telomeres that protects the chromosomes from ruin.

VOA : special.2009.10.07

17. Mr. MIKHAIL GRISHANKOV (Anti-Organized Crime Committee): (Through translator) It's a very powerful multi-headed system.

NPR: Killing of Top Banker Rocks Official Moscow

18. Workers insisted the new system was too inflexible.


19. Livingstone earned praise for his condemnation of the 2005 terrorist bombings on London's transport system.

CNN: London mayoral election: Battle of the buses

20. The current economic downturn grew out of a culture of irresponsible lending and borrowing and "a failure of the entire system,"

VOA : special.2009.06.19

21. After two years they had a cumbersome system and a grand total of two dozen articles.

FORBES: The Answer Man

22. He published a treatise that he had written earlier on grammar, inventing his own system for the understanding and the learning of the Latin language.

发表了一篇他之前写的关于语法的论文,在这篇论文中他创建了自己的一套理解和学习,拉丁文的体系。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Wasteful discards are reckoned to account for a quarter of total catches under the current quota system.

BBC: Euro MPs back large-scale fishing reform to save stocks

24. The head of the Lemuelson-MIT Award program says Doctor Selanikio's work has saved lives and strengthened the global public health system.

VOA : special.2010.05.03

25. But with threats, a language barrier and fear of the legal system, victims are often unwilling or unable to seek help.

VOA : special.2010.06.14

26. And,minutes after awarding the prize, Netflix announced a second one million dollar competition to improve the system even more.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

27. And Pauli says no two electrons in a given system can have the entire set of quantum numbers identical.

而泡利认为在一个给定的系统内,没有两个电子有完全相同的量子数。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. That's not necessarily a legitimate argument in a capitalist system that's supposed to reward risk taking.

NPR: House to Vote on Alternative Minimum Tax

29. The Advantix cameras are based on a hybrid digital-and-conventional technology called APS, for Advanced Photography System.

FORBES: How an outsider's vision saved Kodak

30. Thermodynamics is asking you, what work does this thing do on the surroundings or the surroundings do on the system?

热力学在问你们,到底是系统对环境做功,还是环境对系统做功?热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. The nominator will need to create a user id or password if new to the system.

UNESCO: 2015 LOREAL-UNESCO International Women in Science Awards

32. The Web site and e-mail system crashed the second day that she was there.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

33. Before last week's announcement, the total number of so-called exoplanets outside our solar system was just over five hundred.

VOA : special.2011.02.09

34. So in fact what happens inside of an object-oriented system, and particularly in init Python's object-oriented system, is the following.

面向对象系统的内部,尤其是在Python的面向,对象系统的内部的过程,就是如下的,当我们调用,它会去创建一个实例。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

35. The regulatory system - the oversight system failed, and we are now paying the price.

NPR: Listeners' Money Questions Answered

36. And he cautioned against central banks flooding the financial system with too much liquidity.

BBC: Shares surge on US bail-out plan

37. However,the national social security law established a system that would grow and become a central part of American life.

VOA : special.2011.04.07

38. According to the FAA, the system will make air travel faster, safer and cheaper.

BBC: The futurist: The US new air traffic control system

39. The American political system, for all its faults, is the model for much of the world.

CNN: Mission: Peace -- Analysis

40. Mr. WESSEL: The financial system is suffering the worst shock since the Great Depression.

NPR: Listeners' Money Questions Answered

41. Doctor Pascal Meier of the University of Michigan Health System led an international study of one thousand five hundred patients.

VOA : special.2010.09.15

42. You're taking advantage of a promoter system, or a gene activation system, that this species knows about because adult animals can make milk.

我们之所以能利用这个启动子系统,或者称之为可以被这一物种识别的,基因活化系统,是因为成年动物可以泌乳生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. Asteroid 99942 Apophis is a primordial relic from the formation of our Solar System.

BBC: Foresight mission spacecraft Image

44. The World Health Organization, the United Nations health agency, uses a system of six phases to warn of possible influenza pandemics.

VOA : special.2009.05.06

45. The reason for that is because all of this is connected, so we're moving electrons everywhere in the system.

这个现象的原因是因为,它们全部都是连接起来的,所以在这个系统中,电子移动到所有地方。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. The system worked perfectly.


47. And the thought, of course, is that the robot or the computer is a deterministic system and you can't have free will if you're a deterministic system.

那个想法,当然,是说机器人和电脑只是一种决定论的系统,而如果你是个决定论系统的话,就不可能有自由意志死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. The 1907 banking crisis then led finally to the creation of the system that we have now the Federal Reserve System.

907年的银行业危机最终导致,我们现有的系统的建立,联邦储备金系统。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Just to make things more convoluted, food production and distribution is now an internationalised system.

BBC: Food: Organic growth?

50. Public transport is excellent in Prague, with a well-integrated Metro, tram and bus system.

BBC: Mini guide to Kafkas Prague

51. an overburdened air-traffic-control system


52. It's been clear since the 1970s that the class system was becoming more inflexible.

BBC: Class calculator: A US view of the class system

53. This indicates that by combining two lithiums, the energy of the combined system is lower than the energies of the atomic systems.

结果显示,两个锂结合后,其结合后的能量,比原子体系的能量要低。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

54. My system came with eight dimly photocopied pages devoted mostly to support, warranty and return policies.

FORBES: Doesn't Do Windows

55. Microsoft rushed to get its system out for the 2005 holiday season, and it shows.

FORBES: Michael Noer On Digital Entertainment

56. So must the system of military courts, which shield soldiers from prosecution by civilians.

ECONOMIST: Turkey and its army

57. So magic in a pagan system, Kaufman claims, is a way of getting around the gods, circumventing the capricious will of the gods and demons.

考夫曼宣称,异教系统中的法术,可以用来应付众神,能使反复无常的神谕和恶魔的诅咒失灵。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. This week it named the winners of a million dollar competition to improve its system for suggesting movies to its members.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

59. This should hold us over until we develop a thorough, sophisticated land-based antiballistic missile system.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

60. Last fall he was ready to unveil it as a 288-satellite system very much like Iridium.

FORBES: "We're On A Collision Course"

61. Missus Lindbergh later admitted that both she and her husband failed to see the worst evils of the Nazi system.

VOA : special.2009.06.28

62. so I'm heating up the system in this path here, and then to connect the 2 endpoints here, a constant temperature path.

需要再用,一个等温过程,这两个状态。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

63. The episode fed criticism that the specialist system is antiquated and needed to go.

FORBES: The NYSE Trades Up

64. No one, until this time, had suggested that a system would be subjected to quantization except for light.

在他之前,还没有人提出过,除光系统外的量子化系统。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

65. So, that's a homogeneous system, one phase. You have to know if your system is an equilibrium system or not.

所以这是个均匀系统,只有一个相,你得知道你的系统,是不是个平衡系统。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课
















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