gum up是什么意思_gum up短语搭配_gum up权威例句

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gum up

英 [ɡʌm ʌp]play美 [ɡʌm ʌp]play

  • 粘住:指用胶黏住或使之粘住。
  • 阻塞:指因为杂质或粘性物质而导致管道或机械部件无法正常运行。
  • 弄糟:指因为错误的操作或混乱而使事情变得混乱或无法正常进行。

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gum up

  • 1.
    动词 to cover, dab, or stiffen with gum 用胶覆盖、轻涂或使变硬


  • 搞乱;把事情搞糟;使出毛病

    bolix   /   hash up


1. OSIS MESS UP Matt Gum 尚司哑色发胶

2. up a gum-tree 骑虎难下

3. Be up a Gum Tree 进退两难

4. Xishhthe wind up beingst Gum 黄原胶

5. Bust Up Gum 口香糖

6. gum up the works 把事情搞糟 ; 把事情弄糟

7. up a gum tree 进退维谷 ; 前进也难 ; 什么意思及同义词


1. Phoebe: And on my way over here, I stepped in gum.... What is up with the universe


2. Gum up: To apply gum arabic or similar solution to a lithographic surface to protect it from oxidation and grease.


3. Another reason to bone up on your brushing and gargling is that poor oral hygiene and gum disease have been linked to more serious illnesses, including diabetes.


4. Still, in some applications, nano-materials gum up the works, or break down after a few dozen charges and discharges, experts say.


5. Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress.


6. It can be hard to get used to not holding something and having something in your mouth. If you have this problem, stock up on carrot sticks, sugar-free gum, mints, toothpicks, or even lollipops.


7. Combining a nicotine patch with an 'as you need it' nicotine lozenge or gum could be the best way to help smokers give up the habit, a new study has found.


8. The multicoloured balls in bubble-gum machines could be picked up in a girl’s dress, or the red of a stiletto shoe matched with the frame of a shop window.


9. Don't gum up the works by telling Mother what we are going to do.


10. Regulators may gum up an efficient system


11. The hitch is that syngas from waste is full of tarry residue that tends to gum up the turbine.


12. You might get $30 per piece, but it all adds up, It is a rich area and people simply drop things, or their jewellery falls on the street, and it gets stuck in the mud or the gum.

这些黄金可能一片才30美元,但如果将它们熔炼在一起,价钱就大大提升了。 这是一片富裕区,而人们经常掉东西,他们的珠宝掉落在大街上,然后被泥土或口香糖卡住。

13. Please don't gum up the works while I am working on my new plan.

当我从事新的计画时,请别破坏它。《provided by jukuu》

14. A mock-up, then, is something you pungle together out of duct tape, chewing gum, paper clips, cardboard, and paint just to test a concept that you don't necessarily want to implement.


15. Cadbury became the world's largest confectionery company in 2003 after buying up a number of gum brands, including Trident and Stride.


16. But if they are wrong, an already crowded city will simply gum up.

但如果他们错了的话, 这个已经拥挤的城市肯定会更糟糕.《互联网》

17. As credit lines gum up and outsiders plead for action, it is not just the euro that is at risk, but the future of the European Union and the health of the world economy.


18. The younger generation of geisha is represented by the gum-chewing Mickey, an arrogant example of Westernisation who racks up debt around the district and moans about having to get up early.


19. I said, 'We don't break up packs of gum.' -i mean, I've got my principles.


20. Don't wear inappropriate clothing, chew gum, or show up late.


21. More than one attempt may be necessary, as may the injection of a "bridging agent" to further gum up the blowout preventer.


22. You all go along and gum up the works.

你们都继续干吧,把事情搞乱。《provided by jukuu》

23. Aggressive drivers, who don't give the car in front of them enough space, and timid drivers, who need a big gap between themselves and the cars surrounding them, gum up the works for everybody else.


24. One day, I managed to gather up ninety-seven cents worth of bubble gum.


25. And refused to give up the image of American soldiers handing out chewing gum and chocolate bars.


26. Don't gum up the work by telling Mother what we are going to do.

别告诉母亲我们要干的事,那会把事情“搞糟 ” 的.《互联网》

27. But if they are wrong, an already crowded city will simply gum up.


28. Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress. More.


29. Self-interested drivers opting for the quickest route do not take into account their effect of lengthening others' journey times, and so can gum up a new shortcut.


30. But too often, human frailties gum up the works by leaving unforeseen breaches in otherwise secure systems.


31. Antibodies are proteins that stick onto a pathogen and gum up its works.


32. Don't gum up the work by telling mother what we are going to do.


33. But too often, human frailties gum up the works by leaving unforeseen breaches in otherwise secure systems.


34. Gum up to apply gum Arabic or similar solution to a lithographic surface to protect it from oxidation and grease.


35. It may well be worth trying to gum up the joint.


36. In fact, according to a 2005 U.K. study in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, smokers are up to six times more likely than nonsmokers to develop gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss.


37. Do not gum up the work by telling mother what we are going to do.


38. These incidents were just the last straw as the ban on chewing gum was brought up earlier, but not approved.


39. It's9:45 o'clock, and not a single picture hat or piece of pineapple chewing gum has showed up yet.


40. That would add to the legal cost of transactions and further gum up a damaged channel of credit.


41. If plaque is not removed, it builds up and gets under the gum line.


42. Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum.


43. Gum up: to apply gum Arabic or similar solution to a lithographic surface to protect it from oxidation and grease. It also increases the hydrophilic property of the non-image areas.


44. One colleague told me he was sent away after he turned up chewing gum.



1. Will governments cut spending and taxes and get rid of rules that gum up the labour market?

ECONOMIST: Remodelling Scandinavia

2. The argument that it will gum up Parliament is a disguised threat, issued by the people who plan on pouring the glue.

ECONOMIST: Constitutional reform: Lording it | The

3. Current rules gum up liquidity and flexibility.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

4. The naysayers could, however, gum up the works in ways that actually make things worse for broadband holdouts.

FORBES: Telegram for the FCC: Time to Retire the Telephone Network

5. All in all, China is so different from the current members that its admission could gum up the group's decision-making ability.

CNN: Filling A Gap

6. The excess insulin triggers the liver to produce an overabundance of triglycerides, which gum up already-narrow arteries.

FORBES: The Unknown Epidemic

7. Merck is now racing to devise the first drugs that gum up the enzymes and slow formation of the deadly amyloid peptide and plaques.

FORBES: Betting on the brain

8. Republicans brought motions to adjourn, motions to table other motions, anything to gum up the work.

NPR: Republicans Protest as Recess Nears in Congress

9. The databases can--in a single day--test one disease-causing protein against a trillion chemical compounds and rank which ones are most likely to latch onto the protein and gum up its works.

FORBES: Machine Gunner

10. He did not simply stick a Post-it note on a door somewhere and leave town, solely to gum up the government.

CNN: Rand Paul, a civil liberties hero and civil rights villain

11. It is national rules on minimum wages, hiring and firing and the like that now gum up the jobs market.

ECONOMIST: European Union

12. The key is to gum up as many as possible.

FORBES: Swiss Army Medicine

13. The next President must overhaul the FCC, lest it--with the connivance of lobbyist-influenced Congress--gum up these advances with stifling regulations or by enacting net neutrality, which would have politicians and bureaucrats fixing prices for access to broadband networks.

FORBES: Why Stocks Stink

14. Whereas Europe employs regulations to gum up the gears of commerce, we use a tort bar.

FORBES: Why We Need Startups

15. Like chemical skeleton keys, these generic compounds can quickly be customized to gum up specific kinases as their roles in disease become clearer.

FORBES: Machine Gunner

16. The mere threat of such suits may gum up board meetings as directors pay more attention to protecting themselves from legal action and less to doing what they get paid to do taking risky decisions that may sometimes prove wrong.

ECONOMIST: A proposed new bill would invite judges into the boardroom

17. And what that indicates is a degree to which we're just trying to gum up the works instead of getting business done.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats

18. This time, too, thanks to the tea-party movement, plenty of the Republican freshmen in the new House will once again be conservative ideologues, relishing another chance to gum up the administration of an activist Democratic president.

ECONOMIST: Lexington: The wrong target | The

19. The goal was to jam the works by synthesizing an antisense strand of DNA to gum up the RNA section that codes for PKC-alpha.

FORBES: Antisense and Sensibility

20. No ideological sideshows to gum up the works.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Extending the Payroll Tax Cut and Unemployment Insurance | The White House

21. The four horsemen really can gum up the works.

FORBES: When Opportunities Erupt

22. This is the point where the process gets even messier and where anti-biotech activists and lawyers do their best to gum up the works in hopes of generating a critical mass of negative public opinion.

FORBES: Exposing the Anti-GMO Legal Machine: The Real Story Behind the So-Called Monsanto Protection Act

23. Because kinases have similar chemical structures, a single thoughtfully designed chemical can gum up more than one, taking away the cancer cells' ability to nourish themselves and divide.

FORBES: Swiss Army Medicine

24. Will politics gum up these wondrous works?

FORBES: Fact and Comment

25. Dasatinib can gum up the protein when the flap is open or closed.

FORBES: The Race Is On

26. Do you worry that that could gum up things a bit?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

27. Areas that tend to gum up the works: asset sales, perks (such as tax-free public transit cards), tax-free transactions, outside partnership income and deferred compensation.

FORBES: Should You Do Your Own Taxes?

28. But even if national rules are applied in all innocence, they can still gum up trade.

ECONOMIST: A survey of world trade: Alphabetti spaghetti | The

29. Staffers have also ripped ballots and spilled coffee on them anything to anticipate what might gum up the works.

NPR: Ohio's New Voting System Revs Up for Primary



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