
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [lɑːdʒ]play美 [lɑːrdʒ]play

  • adj. (尺寸、范围、容量)大的;广泛的,重要的;身材高大的;(公司或组织)大规模的
  • n. 大号,同类中最大者
  • v. <英,非正式>(尤指跳舞和饮酒)作乐,狂欢
  • adv. 夸大地;大大地
  • 【名】 (Large)(英)拉奇,(法)拉尔热(人名)

复数 larges 第三人称单数 larges 现在分词 larging 过去式 larged 过去分词 larged 比较级 larger 最高级 largest

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


large /lɑːdʒ/ CET4 TEM4 [ larger largest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 A large thing or person is greater in size than usual or average. 大的

    The pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes.



    In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults are sitting on the carpet.


  • 2.
    形容词 A large amount or number of people or things is more than the average amount or number. 大量的

    The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery.



    There are a large number of centres where you can take full-time courses.


  • 3.
    形容词 Large is used to indicate that a problem or issue which is being discussed is very important or serious. 重要的; 严重的

    ...the already large problem of under-age drinking.


  • 4.
    习语 You use at large to indicate that you are talking in a general way about most of the people mentioned. 大多数

    I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community at large remain extremely remote.


  • 5.
    习语 If you say that a dangerous person, thing, or animal is at large, you mean that they have not been captured or made safe. 逍遥法外

    The man who tried to have her killed is still at large.


  • 6.
    to a large extent →see   extent



  • adv.

    largely 主要地;大部分;大量地

  • n.

    largeness 巨大,广大;大量



big bulky great large 【导航词义:大的】

big adj. 大的

〔辨析〕 普通用词,主要形容面积、体积、范围之大,可与 large 换用,但更为通俗;形容人的时候,既可指身材高大,又可以表示职位、等级和辈分很高。

例1: The box is too big/large to carry.


例2: That police officer is a big man.


例3: Several big men in the entertainment industry came into the studio.


bulky adj. 庞大的;大块头的

〔辨析〕 形容某物体积大而笨重,难以携带或存放;也可指人又高又胖的。

例1: You'd better not take that bulky piece of luggage.


例2: He is a bulky man.


great adj. 大的,巨大的

〔辨析〕 表示体积、尺寸、程度等大于一般的,相当于 very big。

例1: There are great white poplars along the road.


例2: They could be in great danger.


large adj. 大的,巨大的;大量的

〔辨析〕 普通用词,主要用于形容面积、体积、数量、重量;指人时表示身材高大的。

例1: We rarely see large trees in that country.


例2: It'll add up to a large amount.


例3: He's a very large child.



1. a large amount of 大量的(接不可数名词)

2. large number 大量;多位数

3. large number of 大量的;众多的

4. a large extent 很大程度

5. by and large 大体上,总的来说

6. on a large scale 大规模地 ; 大规模的 ; 大批量 ; 大范围地

7. in large quantities 大量地

8. in the large 大规模的;全局的

9. large power 大功率

10. at large 详尽的;未被捕的,整个的

11. large quantity 大量;大数量

12. Very Large Array 天 甚大天线阵 ; 甚大阵

13. in large numbers 大量地

14. large size 大尺寸的;大号,大码

15. large population 庞大的人口

16. large stall 大排挡 ; 年夜排挡 ; 大排档

17. large group 大群体

18. large quantities of 大量…

19. large capacity 大容量

20. large scale adj. 大规模的;大型的

21. law of large numbers 数 大数定律 ; 大数法则 ; 大数定理

22. Large White 大白猪 ; 英国大白猪 ; 大白 ; 大约克夏

23. large amount 大量;巨额;大批

24. large numbers of 大量的

25. Large-scale 大型 ; 科技 大规模 ; 大举 ; 大比例尺的

26. a large quantity of adj. 大量的

27. large intestine 解剖 大肠 ; 大 ; 结肠 ; 年夜肠


1. In northern China has the largest trading market of plastic and plastic processing base.


2. Their success is due in large part to their determination.


3. One of the largest feeders for high school math competitions—including those that eventually lead to the IMO— is a middle school program called MathCounts.

高中数学竞赛——包括最后会进入国际奥数竞赛的那些竞赛——最大的选手来源之一是一个叫做MathCounts 的中学项目。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

4. Oxford attracts large numbers of sightseers.


5. Even on the ground, a large flare can overload power grids.

即使在地面上, 大规模的耀斑可能会使电网超负荷.《期刊摘选》

6. This cross section reveals a large myocardial infarction involving the anterior left ventricular wall and septum.


7. Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee.


8. After undergoing annihilating the geopolitics has taken large development in the west world since the 1970 s.


9. a large and complex issue


10. We found a large flat rock to sit on.


11. It's one of the largest and longest burning wildfires in California history.


12. He was riding on a large black horse.


13. Continuous processes will usually be more economical for large scale production.


14. There are three sizes—small, medium and large.


15. People like us are small fry to such a large business.


16. But in the United States we have many private universities, and I think they’re large bureaucracies also

但是在美国有很多私立大学,而我觉得它们也是庞大的官僚体制。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

17. About large sets of ( directed ) cycle systems and path decompositions, much work has been do.

无向(或有向)图的 ( 有向 ) 圈系统和路分解的大集问题已被广泛的研究.《期刊摘选》

18. The movie is drawing large audiences.


19. An uprising there this time last year was the largest rebellion against Chinese rule in decades.


20. ...a large company in Chicago...


21. He was smoking a large cigar.


22. There are both large - scale operations and small - scale activities.


23. a large area/family/house/car/appetite

大面积 / 家庭 / 房子 / 汽车 / 胃口《牛津词典》

24. I took in a large gulp of air.


25. The survey formed part of a larger programme of research.


26. Many large old houses have been converted into flats.


27. very large sums of money


28. A large package has arrived for you.


29. A large crowd was gathered outside the studio.


30. The library has a large biology section.


31. These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers.


32. The wheels are usually fairly large.


33. The foundation design for very large structures may require extensive geologic studies.


34. In especial, cyclones are widely used in design projects of large milling plants, extension and reconstruction.


35. There were a large number of candidates for the job.


36. Somewhere along the line a large amount of money went missing.


37. Time for reading comprehension is shortened and the rate of correct increased to a large extend.


38. A large number of people have applied for the job.


39. By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.


40. the largest displacement of civilian population since World War Two


41. He frequently donates large sums to charity.


42. The man who tried to have her killed is still at large.


43. Women usually do the larger share of the housework.


44. Here the rules might not be as stringent as they are the large scale games.


45. The question was discussed at large.


46. We don't carry a large stock of pine furniture.


47. I hadn't seen her for fifteen years and then there she was, (as) large as life.


48. They have a large family.


49. The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes...


50. Did you know that besides larger places like France and Germany, Europe is home to several extremely tiny countries? One of these countries contains less than a square mile of land.

你们知道除了法国和德国这些较大的国家之外, 欧洲也有一些非常小的国家吗? 在这些小国之中, 有一个国家的领土面积不到一平方英里。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

51. No matter how hard you try, you can ’ t turn something that large on a dime (10美分硬币 ), or even a few thousand dimes.

不管你怎么费劲,你都不可能花 10 美分的硬币让那么大的东西转动,即使花几千枚硬币上也无法做到。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

52. Modern buildings were set up on a large scale in that city.


53. He's a very large child for his age.


54. He talked at large about his plans.


55. Large delivery team ensures products to be punctually delivered to the clients.


56. The Pumpkin Giant had a very large yellow head, which was also smooth and shiny.

南瓜巨人有一个非常大的黄澄澄的脑瓜, 看上去是锃光瓦亮.《期刊摘选》

57. A large proportion of old people live alone.


58. China is the country with the largest orange can production in the world.


59. To the larger work I think you are only a detriment now.


60. I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community at large remain extremely remote...


61. Which is the largest city in the world?


62. a large number of people


63. A large bus was sitting outside.


64. Large and sustained commitments such as that in Afghanistan would no longer be possible.


65. If we look at the larger picture of the situation, the differences seem slight.


66. The house is large and difficult to maintain.


67. We are one of the largest providers of employment in the area.


68. ...the already large problem of under-age drinking...


69. She now directs a large choir.


70. His shaven head accentuates his large round face.


71. Her killer is still at large.


72. By and large, the papers greet the government's new policy document with a certain amount of scepticism.


73. small, medium, large

小 / 中 / 大号《牛津词典》

74. Lisa : We can share a large bucket.


75. The harp has a very large repertoire.


76. Shaerl trudged toward them, hugging a large box.


77. There's a very large question about the viability of the newspaper.


78. Prestressed slab column structure is a structure form which is widely used in large span structures.


79. He ate a large bowlful of cereal.


80. She talked at large about her plans.


81. I have made trial of this method, both in small and in large.

我用这种方法做过试验, 小规模的和大规模的都做过.《辞典例句》

82. Some drugs are being used on a much larger scale than previously.


83. Traditional and the newly established key projects absorbed a total of more than 60 million graduates.


84. He's made trial of this method in large.


85. In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults are sitting on the carpet...


86. The large issue networks and ability on social influence bring us lots of client groups.


87. The flag a Guinness record as being the world's largest.


88. The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery...


89. They have a large family to feed.


90. He's the president of a large international organization.


91. But in a large sense we cannot dedicate, we can't consecrate, we can't hallow this ground.

但是,从更广泛的意义上说,这块土地我们不能够奉献, 不能够圣化, 不能够神化.《期刊摘选》

92. They held a large umbrella over her.


93. I didn't want to go to a large university.


94. From the Early Silurian large scale of retrogression had begun accompanying the Late Caledonian movement.


95. They agglomerated many small pieces of research into a single large study.


96. The internationally successful 1997 German film Bandits, exposed Jasmin Tabatabai to a larger audience.

在国际上成功的1997年德国电影土匪, 暴露贾斯明塔巴塔巴伊了广泛的观众群.《期刊摘选》

97. Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface.


98. One reason is that more countries are big oil producers now, so the nations suffering from the price drop account for a larger share of the global economy.

一个原因是,现在有更多国家成为石油生产大国,所以受价格下跌影响的国家占了全球经济更大的比重。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

99. He has a large body, but thin legs.


100. At that time people had large families as an insurance against some children dying.


101. Go straight on untill you come to a large red building.


102. China is a large country and it couldhave succeeded it has without widespread decentralization.


103. The world's largest aircraft has taken to the skies for the first time

世界上最大的飞行器已经完成了第一次试飞。《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

104. The speed can be controlled smoothly and cost effectively across large range.


105. The large desk was heaped with papers.


106. She's always wanted a large family.


107. Larger randomized clinical trials are currently looking into this further.


108. The large white area is the art board, and the Toolbox is to the left.

大的空白区域是美工板, 左边是工具箱.《期刊摘选》

109. We accept a large variety of listed shares as security and offer competitive loan interest rate.


110. Large scale studies should be collaborative.


111. On June 6, 1944, Allied forces launched their largest invasion.


112. Larger sizes give the best value for money.


113. Development of CTI ( computer telephone integral ) makes call centers be large used.

由于CTI ( 计算机电话集成 ) 技术的发展,使呼叫中心得到广泛的应用.《期刊摘选》

114. Who's the rather large (= fat) lady in the hat?


115. Most large companies now use computers for accounting and housekeeping operations.


116. The African elephant is the largest animal on land.


117. There is a large window on either side of the front door.


118. Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly.


119. Many large oaks were felled during the war.


120. There, at its mouth stands one island larger than Switzerland

在那里,也就是它的入海口,有一个比瑞士还要大的岛。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

121. Don't make large purchases or investments.


122. Most important of all, the Amazon irrigates the largest tropical rain forest on earth

最重要的是,亚马孙河灌溉着地球上最大的热带雨林。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

123. Their collective volume wasn't very large.


124. When the EEOB was finished, it was the largest office building in Washington, with nearly 2 miles of black and white tiled corridors.

完工后,它成为华盛顿最大的办公楼,有近2英里长,由黑白瓷砖铺设而成的走廊。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

125. A large stone landed right beside him.


126. Auditing: Beware of little expenses; a small leak can sink a large ship.

审计: 谨防小的开支, 一个小的漏洞可以使一艘大的轮船沉没.《期刊摘选》

127. He spoke at large on the subject.


128. There are three sizes ─ small, medium and large.


129. “ And what the Stoics say in general is simply this: There is a larger plan in life.

斯多葛学派的观点概括起来就是简单一句话:生活有一个更大的计划。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

130. Aerial surveys locate general areas of interest or larger buried features,such as ancient buildings or fields. 

航空勘测可以使考古学家确定大体的关注区域或较大的被埋葬的遗址特征,如古建筑或古活动场所。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

131. Three large globes stand on the floor.


132. [B] Retail sales of food and drink in Europe's largest markets are at a standstill. leaving European grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow.

[B] 在欧洲最大的市场上,食品和饮料的零售业务量已经处于停滞状态,这使得欧洲食品零售商渴望寻求市场发展的机会。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

133. There have been large cuts in government funding for scientific research.


134. It remains the world’s largest trading block.

它仍是世界最大的贸易组织。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

135. Amongst the population at large the support for the present regime is virtually zero.


136. There are a large number of centres where you can take full-time courses...


137. Tjinfo. com is a large talent market.

天基 人才网是一个大的人才市场.《期刊摘选》

138. They are used a large number by various industries and in a variety of applications.


139. Many large organizations run courses for their employees.


140. Many children can't function effectively in large classes.


141. Raster images can be of very huge file size , especially when the area is large.

影像档案可以很大, 尤其是当影像档案详细地覆盖广阔的面积时.《期刊摘选》

142. the opinion of the public at large


143. A large purple scar marked his cheek.


144. He was wielding a large knife.


145. Chengdao Oilfield is the largest nearshore oilfield developed in recent years by Shengli Oil Administration Bureau.


146. She was holding a large box.


147. Vicia amoena is a kind of legume which has large biomass, high nutrition and large distribution.

在豆科牧草中,山野豌豆是一种生物量大 、 营养成分高且分布广泛的优质牧草.《期刊摘选》

148. The most widely used large energy source is the air gun.


149. He's a larger than life character.


150. A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs—and suddenly industry was eager to employ those “unadaptable and untrained” workers.

几年后,一项庞大的国防建设项目终于为经济需求提供了足够的财政刺激——于是,业界突然又急不可待地要雇用那些“不适应工作要求,而且没有经过培训”的员工了。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

151. At its peak around AD 600, this city was one of the largest human settlements in the world.

大约在公元600年,这座古城曾一度鼎盛,是世界上最大的人类聚居地之一。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》


1. Vithalla is a large temple complex featuring a stunning 100-column hall, a large chariot-shaped shrine and several mandapas.

BBC: Escape from Goa: Hampi and the ruins of Vijayanagara

2. Its large rooms and affordable rent gave middle class black people a new kind of housing opportunity in the nineteen sixties.

VOA : special.2009.12.27

3. you've got the Outer Richmond and the Outer Sunset that have large Asian communities and also Russian communities.

在里士满郊区和森塞特郊区里,有许多亚洲裔和俄罗斯裔。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有各种社区

4. On a large scale, cheap fish is being substituted for expensive fish without the consumer knowing.

BBC: Mislabelled fish slip into Europe's menus

5. They look funny with their big red noses, painted faces and clothes that are much too large for them.

VOA : special.2009.01.11

6. At the end of the day this is all about equipping you with skills and knowledge and understanding with which to take a problem, take a large data set maybe and actually produce something useful-- produce a project that is of interest to you.

下午放学后,就用学到的技能,知识和理解力来,解决问题,或者处理超大数据集,或制造一些有用的东西-,例如发起一个你们感兴趣的项目。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

7. Just 20 miles from the Mexico border, San Diego has a large Latino community and culture.

BBC: Living in: San Diego

8. Suddenly, we have evidence, thirteen or fourteen hundred years earlier, that people were reading this stuff and, by and large, it's a pretty constant textual tradition.

因为突然间,我们有了证据,证明1200或1400年前就有人,读着这些经文而且总的来说,经文一直延续了其文本传统。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. The large subduction zone earthquakes are responsible for most of the ocean-wide tsunamis, such as the recent tsunami in Japan.

VOA : special.2011.06.07

10. The goal is by 2005, they have all the large lecture courses in MIT physics taught in this format.

我们的目标是到200年,能使所有的大型讲座课,都能用这种方式讲授。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

11. The earlier style pictures rather large estates by Greek standards, with raiding warrior groups going out to steal what they can.

古风时期展现出,拥有武装部队的大型农庄,四处掠夺古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. The D.C.Commission on the Arts and Humanities has asked him to create large paintings on the walls of buildings.

VOA : special.2010.03.19

13. This is when you learn the laws in terms of which you can understand and explain a large number of phenomena.

从此刻开始,你们学习的理论,能帮助你理解和解释生活中的很多现象基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Eventually, I found my arms reluctantly outstretched with a ludicrously large tourist map in front of my face.

BBC: A caffeinated return to Florence

15. Well, it's on one hand a very large idea to take in, particularly I think if one's working in a university.

这是一个很大的话题,不容易理解,对于在大学中工作学习的人尤为如此。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

16. Lazard has been the last of its breed of large, privately held banking partnerships.

FORBES: Wasserella, The Sequel?

17. large-jointed


18. She often owned large landed estates in her own name and controlled them through black eunuch servants.

BBC: Uncover the secrets of Topkapi Palace

19. Although, it also - there is no evidence that its spreading this way in any large degree.

NPR: Tracking a New Strain of Drug-Resistant Staph

20. Mister Bernstein wrote other major classical works through the years for a large group of singers and an orchestra.

VOA : special.2009.08.02

21. If the shortfall is large, the resulting high oil prices will likely push energy stocks to new highs.

FORBES: Energy Stocks For An Ugly Market

22. But because of her large size as a third-grader, she had to shop in the adult section.

CNN: Family loses 300 pounds together

23. There are a lot of people that can do work, and if you have a more efficient way to manage a large crowd of engineers, you can be very competitive in the technology world.


24. Colleen had dreamed of mothering a large family.


25. Byrne claims there are large numbers of unsettled trades in the system, exposing the market to risk.

FORBES: Naked Shorts Seeking Cover

26. Within a month, there was money enough to buy a large area of the battlefield for a military cemetery.

VOA : special.2009.11.12

27. It was all thanks to a large dome of persistent high pressure, clear blue skies and strong sunshine.

BBC: Spring equinox today but winter lingers

28. Visitors to the Computer History Museum can also see parts of one of the earliest large-scale electronic computing devices.

VOA : special.2011.02.15

29. He was doing a fairly basic job, but then grew throughout the company, and now he's a senior vice president, and is responsible for a very large part of the company.

而是做一些比较基本的工作,但是之后逐级晋升,现在已经是高级副总裁了,负责公司很大一部分工作。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

30. It overlaps substantially with Little Armenia (, home to a large Armenian-American community and the St.

BBC: Ethnic Los Angeles

31. Reflecting his analysis of the U.S. balance of payments deficit, Levy owns a large position in the euro.

FORBES: Leon Levy Says Sell on Strength

32. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke says the large amounts being paid are part of the reason for the rise in hijackings.

VOA : special.2009.04.25

33. The paintings hanging in these large rooms give a lesson in the history of art over hundreds of years.

VOA : special.2010.08.04

34. Later designs brought a large area in the middle for the hay and feeding stations all around for the cows.

VOA : special.2009.12.29

35. It was an estimable challenge, as starving locals killed animals in large numbers for their meat.

BBC: Zimbabwe, a side you've never seen

36. Another large relic backed by lore is the Panagia Myrtidiotissa monastery, the largest in Cythera.

BBC: The island of Aphrodites ancestors

37. But nature was cruel. By the nineteen twenties, erosion from winds and weather had removed a large part of the land.

VOA : special.2009.10.06

38. Scientists believe large groups of wolves became stuck when they came to feed on animals already trapped in the asphalt.

VOA : special.2010.04.07

39. This is what you see here: a large pool of water left behind by the sea.

BBC: Meet this months BBC Travel Photo Nomad

40. And during those two years in Spain, my blog had grown a large following of dedicated readers.

BBC: How I quit my job to travel: The blogger

41. Although it also attracts a large number of low-skill migrants, Houston has considerably expanded its white-collar workforce.

FORBES: Model U.S. City

42. "They had a very large scale model of Chucky from Child's Play looking at me, " he said.

BBC: Pleasurewood Hills' Hobs Pit ride given 12A BBFC rating

43. large, purplish-blue flowers


44. She made sure there were a large number of workers to give the necessary attention to all the kids.

VOA : special.2009.08.23

45. At the front of this big store are large double doors that open promptly at 9 a.m.

FORBES: Legacy Shareholders

46. In a major blunder, Bogot is ceding large chunks of the country to the guerrillas as sanctuaries.

FORBES: Fact And Comment

47. There you will also find the large, concerned face of Medusa carved in stone.

BBC: An epic ancient ruins road trip

48. But today, only the Big Bend portion of the river can support the large crane population.

BBC: Nebraskas awe-inspiring crane migration

49. The Apology is a speech given before a large and largely anonymous audience of over 500 persons, the Assembly, the Court.

苏格拉底自辩篇》的听众,是大量匿名,超过,500,人的场合,议会法庭。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. The large flat stones at Dawes Point, for instance, are said to have been used for baking fish.

BBC: Australia rediscovers its urban indigenous heart

51. After many years of resistance, large portions of the U.S. population are finally beginning to get it right.

FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

52. That's a very large number, it's all relative, so you don't necessarily know it's large without me telling you or giving you other ions to compare to, but chlorine does have a very large affinity, meaning it's really likes getting an electron and becoming a chlorine ion.

这是个非常大的数值,这种数值都是相对的,因此你不一定能知道这是非常大的,除非我告诉你或给你另外离子数值作为参考,但是氯确实有很高的电子亲和能,这意味着它非常乐意得到一个电子,而变成一个氯离子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. We're moving into the large on-term across next term where we'll teach 600 students in six sections, of about 100 each.

我们准备下学期,搬去更大的地方,就能一次教六个班的学生,每个班100人左右。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

54. which ends with that line, you'll remember: "New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ Large."

它的结尾是这样的,你们应该记得:,“新的长老只是夸大的旧的牧师而已,“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. "You have to think of a large stone birthday cake, " Haas says with an almost fatherly pride.

NPR: With Climate Swing, a Culture Bloomed in Americas

56. Remember that these cells are relatively large compared to bacteria and so diffusion doesn't occur very quickly over this length scale.

要知道这些细胞相对细菌而言,还是比较大的,扩散作用在这种尺度上,发生得不是那么快生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Silver also points out the large decline in sales was shared by all four regions in the report.

FORBES: July Slump Paints Ugly Picture For Home Sales

58. and your boss comes to you with a very large project when you already have much work to do.

你的老板找到你,希望你参与一个大型项目,而你自己的工作已经快忙不过来了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I think 课堂

59. And, so my impression was that there was like, you know, it was a beautiful, large, crazy, psychotic place,

我对它的印象是,它是个美丽的、大而疯狂的地方,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 介绍我的朋友

60. Most serve a maximum of 15 people and guests eat together around one large table.

BBC: In Buenos Aires, a private chef dinner inspired by art

61. plants with large, lusty roots


62. The men wore open shirts exposing large medallions.


63. He was stationed in Germany where he lived in a large house and dated a lot of beautiful women.

VOA : special.2010.04.04

64. But the Church would become the first large, mainstream, denomination in the UK to do so.

BBC: Mood shift points to gay clergy for the Kirk

65. She said the loss of traditional grassland and wet summers were a large part of the problem.

BBC: Guernsey bumblebee species under threat says expert







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