be confronted by翻译_be confronted by短语搭配_be confronted by权威例句

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be confronted by

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  • 面临,遭遇:遇到或面对某种困难、问题或挑战。

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. be confronted by danger 遭受到人为的灾祸


1. And the irony is that they will be confronted by the problem for which they have the least experience and for which they are the least prepared: the problem of scarcity.


2. A burglar in Hungary climbed over a fence to rob a house only to be confronted by a sword-wielding Olympic fencing ace.


3. The value-orientation, which has to be confronted by all the educational evaluationists, is a basic theoretical issue in educational evaluation.


4. Where al Qaeda and its allies attempt to establish a foothold whether in Somalia or Yemen or elsewhere they must be confronted by growing pressure and strong partnerships.


5. Here you will be confronted by the construct of magic Isiset, construct of life Ammunae, construct of chaos Setesh, and construct of radiance Rajh.


6. Therapists who see marital partners together may be confronted by a bewildering array of manifestations of discord.


7. Here you will be confronted by the construct of magic Isiset, construct of life Ammunae, construct of chaos Setesh, and construct of radiance Rajh.


8. In the Elaboration phase, their selection is driven by risk — that is, scenarios are chosen because they will cause risks to be confronted.


9. People may head to the produce section of their grocery store with the best intentions, only to be confronted by candy at the cash register and chips and soda at the end of aisles.


10. A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner.


11. We may ourselves be confronted by a of difficulties and challenges, but we must never cease to work for a better future for ourselves and for others.


12. The result is that consumers, used to having a free ride on the information superhighway, are about to be confronted by many more tollbooths.


13. End result: Starting later this year, the iPad will be confronted by an army of other touchscreen machines, from potentially worthy opponents to shameless wannabees.


14. Conclusion: Doctors are confronted with job stress and have serious vocational burnout, which should be paid more attention to by the administrators of all the hospitals.


15. He appears to be bewildered, confronted by a lesson that he can't remember anything about.


16. Confronted with manifold pressures and challenges from studying, life, and employment, university students are apt to be troubled by some psychological perplexities.


17. 'I was too shy to be confronted by any kind of audience,' he says.


18. The attack weapons made by use of the stealth technology or low visibility technology are main target threat which would be confronted by the aerial defense systems at present or in the 21st century.

采用低可见性技术或隐身技术制造的进攻兵器是2 1世纪防空系统重点对抗的主要目标威胁。

19. And since I could see only one play, I should be confronted by a many-horned dilemma, for there are scores of plays I should want to see.


20. At one time, connecting connotation and characteristic of innovative enterprises, on the view of growth model of three-dimensional, paper analysis problems and solutions of innovative companies at all stages of the life cycle will be confronted by.


21. As said earlier, Mercury will be in a debilitated state now that it's retrograde, but to be confronted by Uranus too is overwhelming.


22. We may ourselves be confronted by a bewildering array of difficulties and challenges, but we must never cease to work for a better future for ourselves and for others.


23. Ever since Voldemort regained his powers, Slughorn has lived in fear that he will be confronted by Death Eaters and pressured to join them.


24. You'll be confronted by the witnesses.

你要和目击证人对质。《provided by jukuu》

25. While our dream is confronted with the reality, you always feel painful. Just trample, or you'll be beat down by it.


26. Elected officials tend to be accommodating when confronted by powerful constituencies such as the public service unions that agitate for plush benefits and often provide ( or deny) a steady flow of cash to election campaign funds.


27. The attack weapons made by use of the stealth technology or low visibility technology are main target threat which would be confronted by the aerial defense systems at present or in the 21st century.


28. We may ourselves be confronted by a bewildering array of difficulties and challenges, but we must never cease to work for a better future for ourselves and for others.

我们自己会面临一连串的困难和挑战,这些困难和挑战会令我们感到困惑,但我们绝不能停下脚步。 而应该继续努力,为自己和他人创造更美好的未来。

29. Analysis of the Competitive Environment at Home and Abroad to be Confronted with by the Development of Industries after China's Admission to WTO


30. Many Western consumers were subjected to years of promises about the virtues of 3G services such as web surfing, only to be confronted by clunky handsets and inadequate mobile networks.


31. We may ourselves be confronted by a bewildering array of difficulties and challenges,


32. The main reason is that if the achievement of a hi-tech cannot bring about industrialization and large-scale production quickly in proper interval, it will be confronted by substitution or obsolescence.


33. The troll is a warning. They know if that if they bypass the troll, they’ll be confronted by an ogre.


34. Competition Environment to be Confronted by Petrochemical Industry of Our Country after Entering WTO


35. Play, I should be confronted by a many-horned dilemma, for there are scores of plays I should want.


36. Conservatives don't want to make an issue of mass murder because then they would be confronted with the fact that the massacres are committed by people using guns.


37. As world leaders return home, they will be confronted by the reality of the decisions they have not taken.


38. The existence of the modern human race is legitimately confronted with crisis, which can only be "dissolved" by art.


39. Like it or not, this nation will be confronted by its history this year.


40. While our dream is confronted with the reality, you always feel painful. Just trample on the pain, or you'll be beat down by it.


41. It can commendably resolve these problems to be confronted by polysilicon gate.


42. When the tourism develops to a certain stage, providing and improving tourism public service becomes a important task which must be confronted by both the government departments and public organizations.


43. With the qualification of membership by the WTO and the trend of global economic integration, what the domestic enterprises will be confronted with are not only chances but also challenges.


44. A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner.


45. Like it or not, this nation will be confronted by its history this year.


46. Therapists who see marital partners together may be confronted by a bewildering array of manifestations of discord.


47. I'd rather be confronted by anyone but those three.


48. Just as the environmental harm caused by aviation and other transport must come under far greater scrutiny, the social cost of tourism must also be confronted.


49. While our dream is confronted with the reality. Just trample on the pain, or you'll be beat down by it.


50. And don't forget: confronted by the biometrics industry, anyone who doesn't like what's happening is going to be at one end of a very imbalanced argument.


51. Property right system reform is the most challenge to be confronted by supervising committee of banking in China


52. How to prolong enterprise's life and realize sustainable development is a global problem that must be confronted by enterprises& theory researchers and governments.


53. In other words, unless a pupil sleeps through his history classes he will be inevitably confronted by the, shall we say, unsavoury aspects of his country's history.



1. Abol Fotoh would go on to become part of the "middle generation" of Muslim Brotherhood leaders who were more pragmatic than some of the old guard who had confronted the Nasser regime in the 1960s and remained skeptical that headway could be made by participating in the country's flawed electoral process.


2. And so, instead of being confronted with a sudden crisis that prompts real change, South Africa appears to be drifting - sustained by an expanding middle class and buoyant local economy - while the water in the pot keeps getting steadily hotter.

BBC: Zuma's missed opportunity to sell South Africa

3. While Francois Hollande resists austerity, he will be confronted by realities.

FORBES: What Is Going To Happen To Europe?

4. This would all be academic of course, except that internationally Obama is being confronted by terrorists.

FORBES: Obama Lost the Debate, Just Like the Middle East

5. Before the hearing began, Sandra Steingraber, a leader of New Yorkers Against Fracking, confronted Martens and demanded the environmental review and regulations be put on hold and a comprehensive health impact analysis be done by an independent investigator.

WSJ: DEC head: No 'timetable' on NY fracking decision

6. But there is a growing sense that Japan's problems - debt, deflation and demographics - must be confronted by policymakers and voters and not ignored for too much longer.

BBC: Japan: Debt, demographics and deflation

7. Where al Qaeda and its allies attempt to establish a foothold -- whether in Somalia or Yemen or elsewhere -- they must be confronted by growing pressure and strong partnerships.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan | The White House

8. Say no and he will be confronted by a coalition of the victims of phone hacking, Labour, the Liberal Democrats and some Tory MPs.

BBC: The looming shadow of Leveson

9. John Hess was as magnanimous as could be expected when confronted by reporters after the meeting.

FORBES: John Hess Saves Face In Last-Minute Truce With Elliott Management

10. They would also be among the last times when humans were confronted by a land where creatures more powerful than themselves were sovereign.

BBC: East Africas best kept secret

11. No question that sectarian violence must be confronted by the Iraqi government and a better trained police force, yet we're making progress.

CNN: vert.bush.newser.02.pool.jpg

12. After getting pounded by the Senate Finance Committee, Geithner was quickly sworn in by the president, only to be confronted by the toughest financial crisis of the last seven decades.

CNN: Commentary: Is Geithner a liability for Obama?

13. Tourists are also bound to be confronted by requests for money.

BBC: Taking photographs of people

14. Business was booming and the East Bay Express did an article (February 2007) on his tactics, which included using hot young women to lure the cheating men to a rendezvous at a restaurant only to be confronted by the Mrs. during dinner.

FORBES: Divorce Turns Ugly With Setups for DUIs

15. As the trials progressed, Koreans were confronted with the question of how much the sins of the past should be judged by the standards of the present.

CNN: Time Of Reckoning

16. Such are the perils confronted by independent counsels who are truly independent and refuse to be swayed by the parties writing the check.

FORBES: SEC Asked to Do More to Protect Whistleblowers

17. Imagine my shock when I arrived in England bursting with all that knowledge gleaned from the books I had read and from a few well-behaved British tourists I had met in my town, only to be confronted by the screaming headlines of the tabloids and pictures of scantily-clad models baring most of their assets.

BBC: A Hamster ate my Granny!

18. Luckily, the four suicide bombers, assumed to be linked to al-Qaeda, blew themselves up when confronted by security officers.

ECONOMIST: The big surprise is that this was a real live election

19. And then, be confronted with someone who would tear it down by false testimony, by lies under oath.

CNN: Transcript: House manager Gekas' statement on the law

20. Chaudhry went to Pakistan's largest city, Karachi, only to be confronted with a counter-demonstration organized by a pro-government party intent on disrupting his appearance.

NPR: Former Pakistan Leader Sharif Desires Return

21. Some will be confronted by a growing mountain of debt early in the New Year as Christmas bills start to pour in.

BBC: Top ten Christmas health risks

22. But the Swiss's concentration seemed to be affected at the beginning of that game when he was confronted by a spectator, who breached the security and appeared to wave a flag in Federer's face before belatedly being wrestled to the ground.

BBC: Federer claims historic Paris win

23. Moreover, Congressional willingness to invest the necessary sums even if confronted by a Soviet resumption of its build-up of recent years can hardly be assumed.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Time For A Sanity Check: Do Hasty US Concessions To Gorbachev Make Sense?

24. Under a particular set of facts it could be that both Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman reasonably believed they were being confronted by unlawful violence from the other, and therefore that both thought they had to use force to defend themselves.


25. You can travel for hours though pristine terrain and only occasionally be jolted from your reverie by turning a bend in the river to be confronted by the raw scar of a Chinese-financed dam under construction.

FORBES: Land of Apocalypse Now

26. The fact that they and myriad others must be confronted, assessed and rapidly responded to virtually simultaneously by officials in the executive branch, members of Congress, the press and interested elements of the public at large invites incoherent or inappropriate U.S. policies.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Security Policy In The Post-Kuwait World

27. The Cape Verdian referee had to be sheilded by security in the middle of the pitch as furious Masry players confronted officials.

BBC: JSK reach hat-trick final

28. "That's what started it all, " said Ms. Aronin, who attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and was all set, at age 18, to accept an apprenticeship at the Falmouth Playhouse, a summer-stock theater, only to be confronted by a scene that was way too gritty: A drunk roommate.

WSJ: Life in the Background | By Joanne L. Kaufman




























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