
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [fʌn]play美 [fʌn]play

  • n. 乐趣,享受;嬉戏,玩笑
  • adj. 有趣的,令人愉快的
  • v. <美,非正式> 开玩笑,取笑

第三人称单数 funs 现在分词 funning 过去式 funned 过去分词 funned 比较级 funner 最高级 funnest

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


fun /fʌn/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 You refer to an activity or situation as fun if you think it is pleasant and enjoyable and it causes you to feel happy. 乐趣

    It's been a learning adventure and it's also been great fun.



    It could be fun to watch them.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 If you say that someone is fun, you mean that you enjoy being with them because they say and do interesting or amusing things. 有趣的人表赞许

    Liz was fun to be with.


  • 3.
    形容词 If you describe something as a fun thing, you mean that you think it is enjoyable. If you describe someone as a fun person, you mean that you enjoy being with them. 令人愉快的

    It was a fun evening.


  • 4.
    习语 If you do something for fun or for the fun of it, you do it in order to enjoy yourself rather than because it is important or necessary. 为了好玩

    We used to drive too fast, just for fun.


  • 5.
    习语 If you do something in fun, you do it as a joke or for amusement, without intending to cause any harm. 闹着玩儿地

    Don't say such things, even in fun.


  • 6.
    习语 If you make fun of someone or something or poke fun at them, you laugh at them, tease them, or make jokes about them in a way that causes them to seem ridiculous. 拿…开玩笑

    Don't make fun of me.




  • adj.

    funny 有趣的;滑稽的;奇异的

  • adv.

    funnily 有趣地,滑稽地;古怪的

  • n.

    funny 滑稽人物



1. More Fun 更多乐趣

2. fun fur 化纤花式裘皮 ; 趣味皮草 ; 趣皮草 ; 俏皮绒毛

3. make fun of someone [口语]取笑(或嘲弄、奚落)某人,拿某人开玩笑

4. have fun with 玩得高兴,玩得开心

5. Fun Home 欢乐之家 ; 喜乐园 ; 玩味居

6. Fun Torch 趣味手电筒 ; 娱乐手电筒

7. having fun 玩乐

8. Fun Island 快乐岛 ; 欢乐岛

9. in fun 开玩笑地;不是认真地

10. a lot of fun 非常有意思;很大的乐趣

11. great fun 有趣的人;很大的乐趣

12. for fun 开玩笑地;闹着玩地

13. make fun of 取笑

14. like fun ◎[口语]很快地,迅速地;非常;奋力地,强有力地

15. Fun Facts 趣闻 ; 有趣的事实

16. have fun 玩得开心

17. Horse Fun 套马

18. fun house 游乐宫

19. fun and games [口语]

20. fun fair 游乐园

21. make fun 开玩笑




have fun 玩得开心

join the fun 加入一起玩

ought to/should be fun 应该会好玩

fun to watch 看着好玩的


your idea of fun 认为有趣的事

sense of fun 趣味

fun part 有趣的部分

fun stuff 好玩的东西

fun time 快乐时光


1. It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer.


2. I wouldn't dream of making fun of you.


3. Eating snow might be fun but it lowers the body's temperature.


4. Warning: This product may cause extreme fun and lack of sleep.

警告: 本产品可能会导致极端的乐趣和缺乏睡眠.《期刊摘选》

5. They spend lots of time doing what they find gratifying and fun.


6. Cooking was really fun as I learnt how to buy and cook food.


7. You shouldn't make fun of others'difficulties.


8. You go down and see about it. It'll be fun for you.

你到排演的地方去试试, 你会很开心的.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

9. We didn't mean to hurt him. It was just a bit of fun .


10. It'said, if you to have fun, meet me in room 306 after school.

写着:如果你想知道一些有趣的事情, 下课后到306房间来找我.《期刊摘选》

11. Never point a gun at someone, even in fun, as it might be loaded.

切切不要把枪对准某个人, 即使是开玩笑, 因为枪里可能装有子弹.《期刊摘选》

12. 'What fun!' she said with a laugh.


13. The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children's fun night.


14. The short cartoons are filled with fun.


15. I was sick of their fun and games.


16. Crystal ball readings are lots of fun.


17. The older Boy liked to make fun by pulling the girl's hair.


18. He was often made fun of for his strong accent.


19. I found wood carving satisfying, and painting fun.


20. We , Beijing World Publishing Corporation, hope making language learning easy and fun.


21. Can be updated directly on the desktop mesh state school Record Net Writing fun.


22. Flying a kite is great fun.


23. I've had more fun at funerals, tom. can you take me home?

我在坟墓中找到了很多乐趣, 汤姆, 你能带我回家 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

24. He a man full of fun.


25. She's really fun to be with.


26. Walking three miles in the pouring rain is not my idea of fun .


27. Her novels poke fun at the upper class.


28. The fishing can be fun and fabulous.


29. I hope everyone will join in the fun.


30. We are making fun of him.


31. Four furry friends frolicking feverishly for fun.


32. But tickling is not simply fun.


33. Sailing is good fun.


34. The fun and games are over.


35. Don't make fun of me.


36. Wang Ping: Who is making fun of you?

王平: 谁给你们开玩笑了?《期刊摘选》

37. At parties and on holidays, people eat foods that are fun, but always good for them.

遇宴会和度假时, 人们吃些令他们开心的食物, 但不见得对他们的身体有益处.《期刊摘选》

38. We're gonna have a lotta fun.


39. About Magic Magic balloon balloon is the preparation of a very creative, fun art of hand!

魔术气球编制是一门非常具有创意 、 乐趣的手工艺术!《期刊摘选》

40. Time steals away from you when you are having fun.


41. Discrimination is never much fun if one is among those who discriminated against.


42. Because in gym class you can have fun and get out in the fresh air.


43. This is the time toand have some fun.


44. So, I thought maybe We could get together later and do something fun.

所以, 我想以后我们说不定可以在一起做点什么有趣的事情.《电影对白》

45. And tickling is, of course , a thing one usually does in a joke, to have fun.

而且挠痒 当然 是一种玩笑一种寻人开心的把戏.《期刊摘选》

46. People were making fun of him but he didn't seem to notice.


47. Liz was fun to be with.


48. "This ought to be fun," he told Alex, eyes gleaming.

“这应该会有趣。” 他对亚历克斯说着,两眼闪着光。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

49. Don't make fun of me...


50. Christmas is a time to have fun with decorations.


51. Liz was wonderful fun to be with.


52. Be serious, John! Don't make fun of me.

严肃点, 约翰! 别拿我开玩笑!《辞典例句》

53. There are lots of fun things for young people to do here.


54. Yes, as Rhett had prophesied, marriage could be a lot of fun.

是的, 的确是像瑞德所说的那样, 结婚是有很乐趣的.《飘(部分)》

55. It is always fan fun to get dressed up.


56. Short rent an apartment house there is digital TV and broadband to your leisure time fun.


57. Your trip must have been fun!


58. Perhaps this riding lark would be more fun than she'd thought.


59. Michael : Today I spoke only English and I had a lot of fun.


60. She's very lively and full of fun.


61. I didn't do all that work just for the fun of it .


62. These include fun activities such as holiday camps and discos.

这包括有趣的娱乐活动.例如假日野营. 蹦迪.《期刊摘选》

63. If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not even crucify Him. They would ask Him to dinner, and hear what He had to say, and make fun of it.

倘使耶稣·基督今天出现的话, 人们将不会把他钉死在十字架上. 人们将会请他参加晚宴, 听听他有什么好讲的, 然后拿他寻寻开心的吧.《简明英汉词典》

64. It was clean wholesome fun.


65. He always makes fun of anyone with whom he chats.


66. The entertainment was good clean fun for the whole family.


67. People were having fun in the pool, swimming or just splashing around.


68. This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun.


69. Although discipline isn't fun for parents or children, it's a necessary part of training.

虽然处罚对于亲子双方都不是什麽有趣的事, 但是它仍是训诫孩子时必要的一部份.《期刊摘选》

70. Don't say such things, even in fun.


71. He thinks it's clever to make fun of people.


72. It's just a bit of harmless fun.


73. She poked fun at people's shortcomings.


74. Homemade Thanksgiving decorations are easy and fun to make.


75. The children were having fun, chasing each other's shadows.


76. The lottery provides harmless fun for millions.


77. Receiving criticism isn't always fun.


78. Although have no glorious accomplishment, but get too many fun from it.

虽没有辉煌的业绩, 但却从中得到太多的乐趣.《期刊摘选》

79. He had just come for the fun of it.


80. We've had a lot of fun over the years.


81. The opportunity to sing in Japanese has given me both already , and has been so fun!


82. Even the Europeans were offended. But Henry thought it was just jolly good fun.


83. Don't make fun of him.


84. He's a little rascal - but he's still great fun.

他有点淘气 - 但他还是很有趣的。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

85. This game looks fun!


86. Meeting new people is fun. But it can also induce nervousness.

认识新朋友是很开心的事, 但也可能引起紧张.《期刊摘选》

87. Wood line: This is the most fun I kill jobs.

木系: 这是我杀的最开心的职业.《期刊摘选》

88. American young people see a date as a time to have fun.


89. Walking three miles in the pouring rain is not my idea of fun.


90. You will enjoy the fun of horse grassland, fire dancing show.

你会享受草原纵马的乐趣, 篝火晚会的手舞足蹈.《期刊摘选》

91. She's very lively and full of fun .


92. I come here because it is fun.


93. Cavities and gum disease are no fun.


94. We had a lot of fun at Sarah's party.


95. Then I would have time to do fun stuff or just relax and watch television.

那么我就可以有时间去做些有趣的事情,或者只是放松放松,看看电视.《超越目标英语 第4册》

96. They made fun of Robert's big ears.


97. A young age did not have fun.


98. I decided to learn Japanese just for fun.


99. I ask you, is almost any excuse for not being fun?

我问你, 差点要翘辫子是不是个拿来开玩笑的理由?《期刊摘选》

100. It's not much fun going to a party on your own.


101. It was such a success and we had so much fun doing it...


102. Run for the fun of running, the way children do and enjoy it!

为了跑步的乐趣而跑, 就像孩子们做的那样!《期刊摘选》

103. Colin: But it also means no responsibility and heaps of fun things to do.

柯琳: 但是它还意味着没有责任和大量有趣的事情.《期刊摘选》

104. This is a fun project for kids who have visited the beach recently and gathered seashells.


105. This is not an occasion for fun and games.


106. Pak : Good. I know we will have fun wherever we go.

好, 我知道无论我们去那里,都会有有趣的事.《期刊摘选》

107. It was actually quite fun after all.


108. Your letters are so much fun ( comfort ) ( entertainment ) ( company )

您的来信充满了乐趣 ( 给了很大安慰 ) ( 带来了欢乐 )《期刊摘选》

109. This year promises to be terrifically good fun...


110. Part of the fun of being a craftsman is meeting other craftsmen

成为手艺人的一大乐趣是结识其他手艺人。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

111. Beauty salons, karaoke OK you will also add new fun.

美容美发 、 卡拉OK也将为您增添新的乐趣.《期刊摘选》

112. Thus working in CSW should be fun though bit challenging spare time, I'm crazy about travelling.


113. I decided to learn Spanish, just for fun.


114. Those girls at the telephone office have very sharp tongues and they like to make fun of others.


115. In the West, we never make fun of people's weaknesses.

在西方, 人们不以他人的弱点来开玩笑.《期刊摘选》

116. I'm all for people having fun.


117. Sailing is good fun .


118. The controls are pitch perfect, and it's sort of fun to smash blocks around the screen.

音高的控制完美的, 它的有趣的事情粉碎在屏幕上块.《期刊摘选》

119. She thinks he is intriguing and can show her all the fun in the outside world.


120. But I do love clothes. It is always fun to get dressed up.

但我爱好穿衣装扮, 这是件有趣的事.《期刊摘选》

121. Have fun (= Enjoy yourself) !


122. It was all innocent fun.


123. What a fun person he is!


124. While the children have fun , wholesale wedding gowns , parents can take dance lessons the beach.

当孩子们嬉闹的时候, 父母可以在海滩上上舞蹈课.《期刊摘选》

125. I have also taken the opportunity to poke fun at my reactions.


126. Time flies when you're having fun.


127. ‘What fun! ’ she said with a laugh.


128. The Oscar show is full of little funny skits that make fun of the famous movies.


129. It's always so much fun to get together with friends and family and exchange gifts.


130. Parents and kids will have fun while sharpening there arithmetic skills, together.

家长和孩子将有乐趣的同时锐化有算术技能, 在一起.《期刊摘选》

131. Why didn't you come to my rescue when they were making fun of me?


132. I decided to learn Spanish, just for fun .


133. It wasn't serious ─ it was all done in fun.


134. Half the fun of gardening is never knowing exactly what's going to come up.


135. We entered into all the fun of a children's party.


136. ‘What do you say to a weekend in New York? ’ ‘Sounds like fun. ’


137. He was just funning.


138. Swimming under the water must be a lot of fun.


139. Traveling to a foreign country a lot of fun.


140. It could be fun to watch them.


141. You love the activity; it’s great fun.

你喜爱这项活动,它给你带来很大乐趣。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

142. Join Lucy in her quest and some great fashion fun!


143. Of course I'm coming ─ I don't want to miss out on all the fun!


144. It makes a real fun thing to put in your garden. Almost like a scarecrow.


145. It was a fun evening...


146. Her life is one long round of parties and fun.


147. Are you making fun of me?

你拿我开玩笑 吧 ?《辞典例句》

148. While the children have fun, parents can take dance lessons the beach.

当孩子们嬉闹的时候, 父母可以在海滩上进行舞蹈课.《期刊摘选》

149. Life isn't all fun; it has its bad moments.

人生不仅有乐趣, 也有令人不快的时刻.《简明英汉词典》

150. She laughed and chatted but was, in truth, not having much fun.


151. Agent 47 is now more athletic and his additional movements make for more devious fun.


152. What fun it is to eat and talk potluck tonight, ohh.


153. It was fun working there at first but the novelty soon wore off.


154. Occupying Iraq has not been fun for President Bush.


155. It's wonderful when somebody says to you, We'll have a lot of fun.

当有人对你说“我们能得到许多乐趣 ” 的时候,就是令人愉快的事.《期刊摘选》

156. You can have fun at Ann'birthday party.


157. He does not like to be made fun of.


158. It's been a learning adventure and it's also been great fun.


159. Police suspected that the boys, whose fun and games hurt a lot of people, were on drugs.


160. Jeff: Don't make fun of me. Sit well.

杰夫: 别开玩笑了, 坐好了.《期刊摘选》

161. Swimming in the seaside is great / good fun.


162. Chatting with him is great fun!


163. There is little reason to think the fun will stop.


164. It wasn't serious─it was all done in fun .


165. Shanghai is an international city. And Shanghai is a good place to have fun!

上海是一座国际城市. 和上海是一个让人玩得开心的好地方!《期刊摘选》

166. He said so only in fun.


167. I took my M. A. just for fun really...


168. Just the seeing doctor the beginning and the ending, it would bring some fun.

仅仅从看到医生在开始和结束, 这将带来一些乐趣.《期刊摘选》

169. People frequently do fun of me since my noseso big.


170. USA Puppets are used mostly as a fun way to entertain children.


171. I'm not saying it in fun.


172. It's not exactly fun city here is it?


173. Their relationship is never short on fun and frolic.


174. Although our joking was all in fun, Joe took it to heart.

尽管我们只是开开玩笑, 乔却很在意.《期刊摘选》

175. Flirting is good clean fun.


176. Her sense of fun has rubbed off on her children.


177. Don't you see it was just for fun? You got it all wrong.

你没看出那不过是开开玩笑 吗 ?你完全误解了.《期刊摘选》

178. So while they don't have enlightenment, they also miss out lot of fun.

所以一方面他们不能得到证悟, 另一方面他们也错失了很多乐趣.《期刊摘选》

179. You may also find that reading has become more fun than work!


180. His uncle is fond of fun.



1. The group's Web site gives suggestions on how to keep birthday celebrations simple, meaningful and fun without spending a lot of money.

VOA : special.2009.09.11

2. But another engineering student from India,Bikramjeet Singh Grewal, says he does not have time for much fun in the sun.

VOA : special.2010.05.27

3. "I like the atmosphere. It's fun to learn things and enjoy a good beer. "I would call this a civilized education."

VOA : special.2010.05.14

4. The country is friendly, fun, affordable and teeming with wonderful natural, cultural and culinary treasures.

FORBES: World's Greatest Sporting Event You Don't Know About

5. They took down the billboard and even had some fun on Twitter replying to comments.

CNN: Apparently This Matters: Teatime for Hitler

6. The unique, original characters are what make this film so fun and really so surprisingly touching.

FORBES: 'Wreck-It Ralph' Is An Homage To Video Games And A Story Of Friendship

7. And you thought you had to wait until New Year's Eve to have this much fun.

NPR: National Pi Day Celebrates Math

8. I need one more piece of notation and then we can get back to having some fun.

我需要再引入一个符号,之后我们再继续研究博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. And so we sort of sit back from the situation and say, "Look, hey, you're a really nice guy, and we like you and your family. And you're fun to be with and we like your jokes, but you didn't get the job done."

我们得保持客观,说,你很不错,我们喜欢你和你的家庭,你很幽默,我们很喜欢你讲的笑话,但是你并没有完成任务“戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

10. That's part of the fun of the game is being in situations where something different happens.

NPR: Richard, Guzman Lift Padres To 17-Inning Victory

11. Parties are meant to be fun.


12. So mostly it's just work and practice and a lot of fun with my friends, but it's pretty normal.

所以,我的本科生活就是学习,训练,和朋友们一块放松,很普通的学生生活。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : MIT的时尚品味

13. He said he did not see why not, as long as people put up with him and he was having fun.

VOA : special.2009.09.27

14. "She is fun, dry, ironic - as funny as any male writer out there, " he says.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Jane Austen - why the fuss?

15. Heaven forbid that a man would ever actually marry a woman who's fun to be around.

WSJ: The Jazz Scene: Easy Keys, Bass Instincts

16. She started Camp Shriver at her home in Maryland to give disabled children a fun summer program filled with physical activities.

VOA : special.2009.08.23

17. (THE BEACH BOYS - "ALL SUMMER LONG") However,for some teenagers, summer vacation was not all fun and games.

VOA : special.2009.06.22

18. So people were very creative with it, and it was really lots of fun.

大家都很有创意,真的很有意思。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Bike sharing is a fun, easy, environmentally friendly way to explore a new place.

BBC: Bike sharing around the world

20. when I drink a lot of alcohol I lose my inhibitions and become a more fun person.

当我喝酒喝多了的时候,我不会再压抑自己,也就变成了一个更加有趣的人心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Abandon a fun project remember, the opposite of a profound truth is also true!

FORBES: Happiness Booster: Take Time for Projects

22. All right. So it's fun, and I got a little bit of applause out of it, which is always nice for me, but I also showed you how to think about it recursively.

好,挺有趣的,我也得到了一点掌声,这让我挺高兴的,但是我想让大家明白,怎么用迭代的思想来解决这个问题。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. The owners are proposing the building of 400 homes and a fun park instead.

BBC: Margate Dreamland: Judgment reserved in High Court case

24. The drumbeat of daily new highs can be more frustrating than fun for them.

FORBES: Hypselotimophobia: The Fear Of High Prices

25. When many people think of Florida, images of sandy coastlines or fun theme park rides come to mind.

VOA : special.2010.09.21

26. "What was it like up on stage?" "It was pretty fun. I was mostly chopping because I'm not good with chords.

VOA : special.2010.08.20

27. Most of the rank and file saw the stunt for the manufactured fun that it was.

NEWYORKER: Googles Moon Shot

28. They were fun to read. Yet his books sometimes dealt with serious subjects including equality, responsibility and protecting the environment.

VOA : special.2010.05.02

29. So I think they really did give them a new horizon It was fun, and they learned.

我想这给与了他们一个全新的视野,很有趣,并能学习。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

30. And so I'll do things that are really fun activities, because these are children who are living in unimaginable poverty.

VOA : special.2009.08.10

31. It's always fun to see how its described in The New York Times or in The Boston Globe.

看纽约时报或者波士顿环球上,对它的描述是很有趣的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. The trip wasn't going to be all fun and games--at least not for the old man.

FORBES: The Laptop Lament

33. You can also give a Quarterly subscription as a gift, tons of fun (and easy).

FORBES: Replace a Light Bulb

34. Please be on the look out for emails from section leaders with ; study guides for sections which will be meeting this week; you'll have a lot of fun with the creation stories.

请大家留意助教的邮件,上面会有,对下堂课的一些指导;,你会从阅读创世纪的故事中,得到很大乐趣。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. It has never been much fun, he reflects, but now it seems particularly burdensome.


36. "My training sessions may be long, repetitive and intense, but they're fun, " he said.

WSJ: Zdenek Zeman: The Return of Soccer's Jedi

37. It's very nice. I haven't heard live music in a while. This is fun.


38. She'd had fun mimicking her aunt.


39. It was so much fun that we just knew we'd have to do it again.


40. Beneath the big, galloping fun of American Slang lies a unifying theme about the fleeting nature of youth.

NPR: First Listen: The Gaslight Anthem, 'American Slang'

41. The vision for Ebay everyone agreed on was a return to the "fun" of auctions.

FORBES: Too Smart for its Own Good

42. Daniel is named after Daniel in the Bible. And Zachary sounded wild and fun so we went with it."

VOA : special.2009.07.06

43. His eldest brother, Joseph Martin, described him as a happy, popular and "fun-loving" child.

BBC: Northern Ireland

44. She has the ability to make anything fun and finds it very difficult to sit still.

CNN: Cancer can't stop teen singer's music

45. The same thing happens in the 1870s, there's a revival of that old time religion, and it's helped by various miracles and that kind of thing, but which I'll talk about in the lecture on religion, which is kind of fun--it's fun to do.

十九世纪七十年代发生了同样的事情,那时候旧时代的宗教复兴了,而它得益于许多神迹之类的,但那是我在宗教讲座上要讨论的东西,那会很有趣的1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. She's a fun-loving girl.


47. Foresee nothing but fun on your fourth-day sightseeing tour of Guatemala City, Central America's largest city.

BBC: Daily deal: A Guatemalan escape

48. Senior creative engineer, Patrick Miller, describes his days at DL as technically difficult, fast-paced, and fun.

FORBES: Names You Need to Know: Deeplocal's Nathan Martin, at Play in the Fields of Gutter Technology

49. "The last three games have been pretty fun to watch, " Marlins manager Mike Redmond said.

WSJ: Ozuna's 4 RBIs propels Miami to sweep of Mets

50. For fun I write best-selling novels under assumed names like Carl Hiassen and John Grisham.

FORBES: Roll Your Own Berkshire

51. And with this low level power as we'll see, as I hinted before, comes a lot of fun, interesting, scary security implications.

我之前提到过,就是这么点权限,也能带来很多乐趣,还有一些安全方面的东西。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

52. People who want to search for their roots say it is a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.

VOA : special.2010.06.28

53. Now, this question is fun to have fun with in some ways because it's fraught with stereotypes, isn't it?

探讨南方的特点很有意思,因为这其中充满了我们的成见,不是吗美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. In fact they look less like substitutes and more like fun at this stage.

FORBES: Google Fiber and Google Glass Could Also Come To Nothing

55. Now I get to tell a fun story.

接下来我要说一个有趣的故事。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

56. And I know it sounds kind of crazy but we have a lot of fun as you can tell.

我知道听上去很疯狂,但我们相处得很快乐,你们看得出。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

57. He also made fun of the paid announcements broadcast during his radio show that were designed to sell products.

VOA : special.2009.10.11

58. This means a place that is fun and not serious, and maybe even out of touch with reality.

VOA : special.2010.01.03

59. At the time as a kid you really didn't want to be made fun of.

BBC: British Bull Luol Deng takes big time in his stride

60. I mean parties are fun, but there's not too much time to party, not too much time for study.

我是说派对很有意思,但是我们没有很多时间去玩,也没有很多时间去学习。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 派对很好玩

61. This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun.


62. He's earned the right to treat himself to this absolutely lovely -what must have been an extraordinary amount of fun to write -lovely catalog of flowers.

他已经得到了游荡的可爱之处,写这些一定会特别有趣,可爱的花丛中的权力。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. Ms. SMITH: (Singing) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, some nights of fun, that's what I want.

NPR: Tierney Sutton: 'I'm With the Band'

64. And America saw her often on television, not only giving advice but making fun of herself.

CNN: TV pioneer, famed psychologist Joyce Brothers dies

65. This will be fun for local kids or anyone who can't afford a ticket.

FORBES: Magazine Article



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