the central government翻译_the central government短语搭配_the central government权威例句

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the central government

网络 中央政府;中央

英 [ðə ˈsentrəl ˈɡʌvənmənt]play 美 [ðə ˈsentrəl ˈɡʌvərnmənt]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. The Central Government S 中央政府

2. Since The Central Government 因为中央政府

3. under the central government 直辖市

4. the Central Government of Miao 苗民长官司

5. Budget of the central government 中央预算

6. municipality under the central government 直辖市

7. In The Central Government 在中央

8. the central government officials 中央职官

9. authority of the central government 中央权威


1. A total of 25.1 billion yuan will be allocated from the central government budget this year for reemployment work, 4.2 billion yuan more than last year.


2. The central government earmarked 27.5 billion yuan in health assistance to combat poverty this year, and 90 percent went to keep plans going in central and western regions, home to most of the country's impoverished counties.


3. There is a lack of trust towards the central government in Rome.


4. After that we will make some more serious recommendations to the central government to help support the market.


5. In China, local government refers to all levels of governments except for the central government.


6. This tax, which was assessed on villages, was computed by the central government using the annual census figures.


7. The area of key public forests funded by the central government with the forest ecological conservation fund expanded to 46.67 million hectares.


8. The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to the regional authorities.


9. Last year the central government cut civil-service wages by5%.


10. Because the central government economic ability is weak and realize regional medical service need funds.


11. A consensus was built among the central government, local governments of various levels, and large state-owned enterprises.


12. For the past year he has been trying to wrest control from the central government.


13. In 2001, the central government replaced the quota system on IPO by the verification and approval system.


14. Six years ago, the central government invited private investors to enter the business.


15. This paper also probes into regional higher education construction in provinces and municipalities under the central government.


16. She was given the title "role model of the times" by the central government.


17. But they said that safety had been an issue for the central government in the tender.


18. This year the central government plans to invest 42.3 billion yuan to assist and promote employment.


19. The central government is determined to put an end to non-enforcement and lax enforcement of laws and will relentlessly condemn economic crimes in accordance with the law.


20. The central government raised some disaster relief allowances and allocated 11.2 billion yuan in relief funds to help disaster victims get back on their feet.


21. The central government allocated 38.437 billion yuan in rescue and relief funds and local governments, 24.328 billion yuan.


22. Eighth based on the subsidy policy, the central government of the three major grain producing counties to further increase support for crop insurance.


23. The central government spent 340.6 billion yuan on science and technology over the past five years.


24. The central government is allocating 103 billion yuan in this year's budget for subsidies to support this work, an increase of 26.5 billion yuan over last year.


25. The central government requires to establish a convenient, efficient, saving modern grain logistics system.


26. This situation forced the central government during the land use plan for reform.


27. The central government shall guide and manage environmental protection enterprises to raise the quality of environmental protection engineering and services.

中央政府应辅导、管理环境保护事业,以提升环境保护工程、服务质量。《provided by jukuu》

28. Since 1994, the Central Government has directly invested a total of 4.86 billion yuan in 62 projects;


29. This year the central government will allocate 146.1 billion yuan to the science and technology sector, up 25.6% from last year.


30. The central government has rejected the draft plans for a property tax submitted by Shanghai, the China Times reported.


31. In southern Afghanistan, Burton says the central government struggles to provide even basic services.


32. The central government will allocate 43.3 billion yuan to stimulate employment.


33. Thus the central government has made a series of policies and principles to strengthen the production safety.


34. The central government will frequently for property deformity rising regulation policy.


35. Through active interaction between the central government and the local government, great progress was made in ethnic education of this region.


36. The central government, together with local governments of all levels, is making arrangement for the victims'life.


37. The central government has had difficulty controlling the finances of its regional governments.'


38. Which management officials as individuals in terms of clear, what the central government have given the right treatment.


39. This figure consists of 1.337431 trillion yuan used by the central government and 2.294561trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments.


40. The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to the regional authorities.


41. The authority of the central government was rapidly disintegrating.


42. The central government is determined to uphold the basic law and to ensure the full implementation of this particular concept.

中央政府坚决信守《基本法》,并确保「一国两制」得以全面落实。《provided by jukuu》

43. This consists of 2.864491 trillion yuan collected by local governments and 2.294561 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments from the central government.


44. Shanghai Shanghai, a city directly under the Central Government, is China's largest city, with an urban population of 9.54 million.


45. But Shenzhen is actively supporting the central government's investigation.


46. First, the central government always gives top priority to protecting the legitimate rights and interest of overseas Chinese citizens.


47. Due to the Grand College Enrollment plan, the number of university graduates has been on the increase since the central government started implementing the plan.


48. This is the first time the central government has a clear plan.


49. Total government revenue exceeded the targeted figure by more than 723.9 billion yuan last year, including 416.8 billion yuan in the central government budget.


50. Many provincial governments have taken advantage of this to place local interests above those of the central government


51. The number of Chinese tourists to Antarctica has been increasing since 2007. Therefore, it's time the central government took some effective measures to promote responsible tourism.


52. To fund this work, 2.8 billion yuan has been allocated in the central government budget.


53. After all, political careers depend acceding tothe demands the central government.


54. He is expected to extend direct rule by the central government for another six months.


55. The central government departments concerned should encourage such experiments.

中央各部门要允许和鼓励它们进行这种试验。《provided by jukuu》


1. But the central bank chief warned that credit for home buying remains limited and dependent on government-supported programs.

VOA : special.2009.05.08

2. The programme requires contributions from peasants and provincial governments as well as the central government.

ECONOMIST: Governing China

3. Mr Mitra is trying to raise tax revenues, while seeking debt forgiveness from the central government.

ECONOMIST: Reviving Kolkata

4. The idea was that power to the people rather than the central government.

核心目的是权利属于人民,而不是属于中央政府。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. About two-thirds of the money prefectures raise in taxes goes to the central government.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Japan: Japan's Governors Take Aim at Mighty Tokyo

6. The central government also contributes to financing education in the form of educational innovation projects.

UNESCO: Introduction

7. One sensible reform would be for the central government to take charge of the pension system.


8. The central government of Vietnam plans to build a dam nearby to generate electricity.

NPR: World Traveler Learns Climate Complexities

9. Sectarian strife also continues to plague the country, where Shiite Muslims dominate the central government.


10. Meanwhile,more clashes have been reported in the central Hiran region, where government forces are reported to have suffered setbacks in recent days.

VOA : standard.2009.08.21

11. Somalia's weak central government must deal with a deadly rebellion inside the country and is unable to police its waters.

VOA : special.2009.04.25

12. The central government might try to shut brothels but is stopped by corrupt local officials.

FORBES: Shame on CNN for Its Christian Bale Stunt

13. Scholz took photos of a demonstration throughout the central government areas of Tbilisi on Saturday.

CNN: Georgian iReporter: 'My country is falling'

14. Most of the country has now found peace and the central government has slowly reasserted control.

BBC: Q&A: DR Congo conflict

15. They are, after all these years, still acting as disbursing offices of the central government.

FORBES: New Asia

16. But central to the debate going on in Britain is the very credibility of the Afghan government as more and more question whether British lives should be put at risk in support of what is seen as a less than clean Hamid Karzai government.

VOA : standard.2009.11.04

17. The management structure consists of the central government, the island governments, and the school boards.

UNESCO: Introduction

18. Since then, forces sent by the central government in Baghdad have crushed the militias.

ECONOMIST: Iraq's southern oil hub

19. The secretary reportedly has been trying to mediate between Kurdish leaders and the central government in Baghdad, over a thorny territorial dispute over the oil-rich region of Kirkuk.

VOA : standard.2009.07.29

20. Why would the central government move the losses from one group of state entities to another?


21. Darfur rebels rose up against the central government in 2003 after years of perceived marginalization.

VOA : standard.2010.03.21

22. Al-Iryani says the warnings are harming his country, and that Yemen's major cities and almost all its roads are safely controlled by the central government.

VOA : standard.2010.04.20

23. Chinese fixed investment has plowed ahead despite the central government's greater steps to slow that activity.

FORBES: Blindsided by Booms

24. Mining companies argue that Maoist-affected states have "influenced" the central government to tax them.

BBC: Indian tax plans condemned by mining companies

25. The austerity path means cutting benefits and the central government picking winners and losers, Ryan said.

FORBES: Paul Ryan Takes On Obama's Budget (VIDEO)

26. "The bill also calls for tangible progress in governance - including an independent judiciary, greater accountability by the central government, respect for human rights and civilian control of the levers of power, including the military and intelligence agency."

VOA : standard.2009.05.04

27. The central government is trying to strengthen municipalities, but the pace of change is slow.

ECONOMIST: The South African state has a welcome fiscal problem

28. India's central government has pumped tens of millions of dollars to have the lakes cleaned.

VOA : standard.2009.12.16

29. The territory of Somaliland declared independence last central government collapsed, but has yet to be recognized as its own state by the international community.

VOA : standard.2009.09.07

30. That's why we need independence of the central bank; we want to have a central banker that can say no to the government.

这就是为什么我们需要独立自主的,中央银行;,我们希望有一个可以对政府说不得,中央银行家。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. But the army's limited capacity for counterinsurgency operations and a weak central government have many concerned that the situation could worsen.

VOA : standard.2009.05.05

32. The protesters have occupied a central commercial district for more than two months, demanding the government step down and allow new elections.

VOA : standard.2010.05.15

33. On Friday several thousand people rallied in central Bangkok calling for an end to the anti-government protests.

VOA : standard.2010.04.03

34. But yet when you look at all of this, you can see that the kind of chaos, the political upheavals finds in response in the growth of central government authority and the growth of bureaucracies.

不过当你纵观全局时,你会看到这种混乱状态,特别是政治动乱是与中央政权,和官僚体系的发展紧密相关的欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. But the central government in Kabul has banned elaborate celebrations in Kandahar because of security fears.

BBC: Taleban 'ambush Afghan police'

36. So the central bank would print up notes and give it to the government and the government would start spending it on the war.

于是,中央银行会印制钞票,并将其交到政府手中,之后政府开始,将其用到战争开销中。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. Worse, the territory's chief executive, Tung Chee-hwa, seems to buy the central government's line.


38. Ethiopian troops, who had supported the central government, began to withdraw from the country last month.

WSJ: Somalia's New President Faces Old Opposition

39. Indeed, they pay the central government a slightly higher interest rate than savers receive.

ECONOMIST: India's finances

40. First off: Japanese people do not trust the central government that much, believe me.

FORBES: Why Do The Japanese Handle Crises So Much More Calmly Than Americans?

41. "It is our belief that within the framework of Iraq's central government, alongside our Kurdish brethren of Iraq's Kurdish regional government we have reached an understanding to put an end,together, ."

VOA : standard.2009.03.23

42. Experts lament that neither the central government nor most states have agencies dedicated to disaster planning.

ECONOMIST: The sorrow of India

43. Iraqi Kurds claim Kirkuk, which sits on significant oil reserves, but the city's Arab and Turkmen residents say it must remain under the control of the central government.

VOA : standard.2009.11.08

44. The government can't kick the central head- head of the central bank out for failing to offer them loans when they want it.

政府不能因为当它需要资金时-,中央银行的首领没有给予它贷款,而解雇他。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. The rugged tribal regions have long resisted central-government control.

VOA : standard.2009.03.26

46. Ethnic Turkomen and Arabs want it under the central government.

VOA : standard.2009.11.09

47. The new system could well make life easier for the central government in Beijing.

ECONOMIST: Five years in China | The

48. That prompted the central government to dispatch border security and police reserve forces to the area.

VOA : standard.2009.06.21

49. The draft constitution laid claim to oil and gas rights that are contested by the central government.

VOA : standard.2009.07.29

50. Now Chen is saying the central government is usurping the power of local governments.

CNN: Quake Politics

51. In Japan in 1997 the government of Japan granted the Bank of Japan independence like the U.S. central bank.

在1997年,日本政府批准了,日本银行像美国中央银行一样拥有自主权。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. If a state violates the limit, it can lose access to funds from the central government.

WSJ: Ruchir Sharma: India's Cycle of Recklessness and Reform

53. Some in the central government believe piracy hurts Chinese economic growth, and they want to fight it.

NPR: U.S. Takes Chinese Trade Complaints to WTO

54. Third, the central government is borrowing far more than it contemplated just a few months ago.

FORBES: Recovery In China? Not So Fast

55. In some ways the move toward trust lending works in the interests of the central government.

WSJ: China's Lending Spills Over Limits

56. Tensions between the Kurds and the central government in Baghdad over oil revenues and the disputed city of Kirkuk continue to worry U.S.officials.

VOA : standard.2009.07.28

57. What the government would do is send someone over to the central bank and say -just lend us the money.

政府会做的是,派遣一个人到中央银行说,嘿,-给我们-借我们一些钱,hey,expand--give,us–金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课




















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