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英 [ˈɪntəvjuː]play美 [ˈɪntərvjuː]play

  • v. 面试,面谈;采访,访问;讯问,审问;接见,会见
  • n. 面试,面谈;采访,访谈;问讯,口头审讯;接见,会见

复数 interviews 第三人称单数 interviews 现在分词 interviewing 过去式 interviewed 过去分词 interviewed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


interview /ˈɪntəˌvjuː/ CET4 TEM4 [ interviewing interviewed interviews ]

  • 1.
    有变体名词 An interview is a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a job or school. 面试

    The interview went well.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you are interviewed for a particular job or school, someone asks you questions about yourself to find out if you are suitable for it. 对…面试

    When Wardell was interviewed, he was impressive, and on that basis, he was hired.


  • 3.
    可数名词 An interview is a conversation in which a journalist puts questions to someone such as a famous person or politician. 采访

    The trouble began when Allan gave an interview to the Chicago Tribune last month.


  • 4.
    及物动词 When a journalist interviews someone such as a famous person, they ask them a series of questions. 采访

    I'd interviewed him often in the past.


  • 5.
    及物动词 When the police interview someone, they ask them questions about a crime that has been committed. 询问

    The police interviewed the driver, but had no evidence to go on.





  • n.接见,采访;面试,面谈


  • vt.采访;接见;对…进行面谈;对某人进行面试

    cover   /   to receive


1. job interview 求职面试

2. group interview 小组面试;团体访谈

3. focus group interview 焦点团体访谈

4. interview method 访谈法

5. personal interview 个人面谈;面谈调查;私人的会谈

6. in-depth interview 深入访谈;深度访问

7. interview content 采访内容;面试内容

8. structured interview 结构化面试;结构式访谈

9. unstructured interview n. (对考生进行的)口头审查;非结构化面试;非结构性面谈

10. interview skills 面试技巧

11. exclusive interview 独家采访

12. telephone interview 电话面试,电话访问

13. depth interview 对顾客需要的深入查询




job interview 求职面试

(tele)phone interview 电话面试(或采访)

magazine/newspaper/radio/television interview 杂志/报纸/广播/电视访谈


conduct an interview 进行面试(或采访)

give an interview 给予面试机会;接受采访

request an interview 要求面试(或采访)


1. Space the interviews so that you have some time between the different candidates.


2. You will be asked to present yourself for interview.


3. The date of the interview will be fixed at your own discretion.


4. I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience.


5. The man on the television show interviews outstanding personalities.


6. He indicated that the interview was over.


7. Method The families of 28 VLBW infants method of observation and interview before discharging.


8. Carrie stood waiting a moment, hardly certain whether the interview had terminated.

"嘉莉站在那里等了一会儿, 不知道这会见是否算结束了.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》


10. Which post are you being interviewed for?


11. In theory, the success of an applicant should not depend on the few others chosen randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr Simonsohn suspected the truth was otherwise.

理论上来说,申请者的成功不应取决于当天随机抽选参加面试的其他几名申请者,但是,西蒙逊博士怀疑事实并非如此。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

12. But it nauseated him, Mr. Wu recalled in later interviews.

但是这让他作呕, 吴先生在后来的会见中回忆到.《期刊摘选》

13. Create podcasts of any useful interviews or public speaking events.


14. The manager will interview the candidates in order of arrival.


15. The interview tapes were transcribed verbatim, were proofed and the content was analyzed.

会谈结果以录音带转录出, 再行内容分析.《期刊摘选》

16. The interview went well.


17. When Wardell was interviewed, he was impressive, and on that basis, he was hired...


18. He was among the three candidates interviewed for the job.


19. A reporter interviewed the combat hero.


20. And be sure to slouch or chew gum or smoke while you're waiting for your interview.


21. The ambassador of friendly nation refused to give any interviews to journalists or TV men.


22. Several candidates were called for a second interview.


23. Maybe you can give me a practice interview first!.

或许你可以先帮我进行一次模拟面试!。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

24. interviewing techniques


25. Music, bio, interviews, art and more available upon request.

提供所有音乐, 简介, 访问, 作品,以及更多你想了解的.《期刊摘选》

26. The ambassador refused to give any interviews to journalists or TV men.


27. After the interview, my interest in Yoga and I tried out some steps.

访问后, 小记对瑜伽倍感兴趣,还即兴做了些瑜伽式子.《期刊摘选》

28. an interview with the careers adviser


29. Most of the offenders interviewed for this article said they had experienced it.


30. Make The Psychiatric Interview your bridge to understanding.


31. He completely botched up the interview.


32. Asthe experts, we adopt questionnaire survey, and there are 7 experts the interview.

专家学者部分采取半开放式问卷, 共访问七位专家学者.《期刊摘选》

33. I thank you very much indeed for this interview.


34. The computer qualitative analytic tool enables us to categorize statements in the interviews.


35. Interview to understand the process.


36. He interviewed the journalists from all parts of the country.


37. Anna, it's time for you to have the interview.

安娜, 面试的时间到了.《期刊摘选》

38. Rain, who I met for the interview, was very cautious.

雨, 当我采访他时, 对于我的提问非常谨慎.《期刊摘选》

39. Conduct a questionnaire or interview with the client to get the design brief.


40. Would you like to for a personal interview?

你愿意安排一次私人会见 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

41. A boy that about to leave a courtyard and father accept a reporter to interview together.


42. a job interview


43. He will give an interview to the delegation.


44. [不可数名词]The research involves in-depth interviewing.


45. The conversation of interview is normally recorded on tape, and distortion is rare.

记者访问通常都收录在音带上, 很少曲解.《期刊摘选》

46. He demanded a personal interview with the comrade in charge.


47. After the interview has been documented, using closed questions can usually do any clarification.

在会谈已文字记录后, 使用封闭性问题可以澄清理解.《期刊摘选》

48. We will be orienting and interviewing more than 60 new candidates.


49. I seized the chance to interview Chris Hani about this issue.


50. Salary details are further discussed with you at the interview stage.


51. She maintained her serious mien until the interview was over.


52. The survey interviewed 2,295 students . No margin of error was provided.


53. Did you hear the interview with him on the radio?


54. Almost everyone who was interviewed for this special report said that the biggest problem at the moment is not a lack of demand but a lack of good work to sell.

几乎所有接受过这个特别报道采访的人都说,目前最大的问题不是没有需求, 而是缺乏可以出售的好作品。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

55. Choose contact methods ( mail, telephone, Internet, personal interview ).

选择联系方式 ( 信函 、 电话 、 因特网 、 面谈访问 ).《期刊摘选》

56. Do all these, he drives guesthouse , ground of as if nothing happened goes interviewing Xiao Yun.

办完这一切, 他开车到宾馆, 若无其事地去会见晓云.《期刊摘选》

57. He came over well in the interview.


58. Is it convenient for you to arrange for a personal interview?

您方便安排一次个别会谈 吗 ?《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

59. Do you have any messages or advice to give to anyone that might read your interview?


60. It is a old interview posted in jia za zhi's old version.


61. Employers are assessing your presentation before you even show up for an interview.


62. State Information Center, senior economist Qi Jingmei in an interview with reporters this analysis.


63. He can't interview people to save his life.


64. Sociologist Catherine Kohler Riessman reports in her new book Divorce Talk that most of the women she interviewed — but only a few of the men — gave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces.

社会学家凯瑟琳·里斯曼也在她的新书《夫妻对话》中提到,大多数接受采访的女性都认为她们离婚的原因是缺乏交流沟通,而只有少数男性持相同观点。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

65. Hitherto she had felt no dread with regard to the coming interview.


66. Researchers will go out and interview.


67. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at you convenience.


68. (British English,North Amercian English)If you don't interview well you are unlikely to get the job.


69. Always wanted to interview a Pope Pope.


70. After the interview they held a press conference together.


71. After this interview, I learned about electron mobility.

通过这次访问, 我了解到电子迁移.《期刊摘选》

72. How did you get on at the interview?


73. I work for a computer company.


74. He refused to meet any and every reporter who wants to interview him.


75. The candidates are being called out individually for interviews.


76. a television/radio/newspaper interview

电视 / 电台 / 报纸采访《牛津词典》

77. In our interviews, many students viewed politics with suspicion and distaste.

在我们的采访中,许多学生对政治充满怀疑和厌恶。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

78. An initial interview to secure the willingness of the respondent a diary or receive a meter.


79. The interviews were given to a random sample of students.


80. He requested that the Premier grant him an interview.


81. Actually, I’m on my way to a job interview.

其实,我正准备去面试一份工作。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

82. I’m speaking to Delroy Simmonds , an ?unemployed Brooklyn man who ?missed a job interview Tuesday ?for the best reasons.

我现在正在采访Delroy Simmonds,这是一位来自布鲁克林的失业男士,他周二错过了一场面试,但他没能参加面试的原因令人赞叹。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

83. She fluffed her interview at Harvard.


84. My first interview with the manager was curious.


85. In reality I was only trying to make the interview easier.


86. The interview was beamed live across America.


87. Faheem says he and his partner are ready for the spotlight, prepared to interview celebrities.

法何姆说他和他的搭档已经准备好闪光灯, 准备采访名人.《期刊摘选》

88. I’ve got a second interview with that big foreign accountancy firm in the city center.

我得到了市中心那家大型外国会计事务所的第二轮面试机会。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

89. A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview.


90. We interviewed ten people for the job.


91. Sequential interview is a common method for intellectual selection.


92. After interviewing the owners the designer draws a plan to maximize the room's potential.


93. Wang Ping: He refused to be interviewed together with Montya after a match.

王平: 在一次比赛之后,他竟然拒绝和蒙托亚一起接受记者采访.《期刊摘选》

94. He got up in the middle of the interview and I was left high and dry.


95. They really made me sweat during the interview.


96. The psychiatric interview is your window into the mind of your patient.


97. The police are anxious to interview everyone concerned in last night's accident.


98. A job interview is a very artificial situation.


99. The interview went smoothly.


100. She spruced up for the interview.


101. to give an interview (= to agree to answer questions)


102. He asked for an interview with the Premier.


103. The HR manager interviewed him then watched him floor as a test.


104. I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.


105. Michael Knight, IPEX 2002 President, had accepted a interview to introduce the exhibition.

IPEX2002国际印刷展主席MICHAELKNIGHT 就IPEX2002国际印刷出版传媒大展接受记者访问,详细介绍了展览会的情况.《期刊摘选》

106. When I went for my first interview for this job I arrived extremely early...


107. The people with HSAM I’ve interviewed would certainly agree that it can be a mixed blessing.

当然,我采访过的这些HSAM 者们都认为,这种能力好坏参半。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

108. My whole future is riding on this interview.


109. The interview procceded in a most friendly atmosphere.


110. She broke her public silence in a TV interview.


111. Interviews, field observation and document analysis will be carried out.

访问 、 实地观察和资料分析亦会同时进行.《期刊摘选》

112. The following is an edited version of the interview.


113. The interview went well...


114. The interview whipped up half the people into a frenzy of rage.


115. We have taped the interview.


116. He rehearsed the interview in his mind beforehand.


117. He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews conducted by 31 admissions officers.

他研究了由31名面试官进行的9323场MBA面试的结果。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

118. Our correspondent interviewed all those on the scene.


119. to be called for (an) interview


120. The Prime Minister declined to be interviewed.


121. The original interview notes were subsequently lost.


122. She drew the interview out to over an hour.


123. The interview served Michael the good turn of taking his thoughts of himself.


124. The interview took place on a Friday afternoon.


125. At the end of the interview, he thanked me politely and hung up.

访问终于结束了, 他礼貌的谢了我,挂了电话.《期刊摘选》

126. AE: It'sounded like , from some interviews you've given, that there was tension on the set.

从一些你做过的访问听起来, 片场上有过紧张的气氛?《期刊摘选》

127. Will this joint interview make up minds among the vast throng of undecideds? ( William Safire )

这次联合会见是否能让广大犹疑不定的选民作出决定 呢 ? ( 威廉萨菲尔 )《期刊摘选》

128. She got herself into a real state before the interview.


129. The website gives you tips on interviewing for colleges.


130. And now this fateful interview had come to a close.


131. It was a very enlightening interview.


132. The manager has an interview with us.


133. The interview was recorded and then transcribed.


134. Some of the soldiers Pyle interviewed portrayed themselves in the film.

派尔采访过的一些士兵在影片中本色出演。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

135. Interview with Citroen owners in France.


136. She has just taped an interview.


137. Not so , according to women I have interviewed who have reached the apex of their professions.


138. an interview with the new Governor


139. Yesterday, in an interview on German television, the minister denied the reports.


140. Police interviewed several bystanders after the accident.


141. This interview was conducted under false pretences.


142. Had he asked any friends to grill him in a mock interview?


143. In the prosecution of his duties, he had to interview people of all classes.

在履行职责的时候, 他得会见各个阶级的人.《期刊摘选》

144. I was asked to microphone Victor's flat, where the interview was to take place.

我被要求在维克托的公寓房间里安装窃听器, 因为会见将在那里进行.《辞典例句》

145. I shall esteem it as an honour if you kindly grant me an interview.


146. Then he related his interview with these foreign friends.


147. In the study next door, my brother was interviewing a pupil.

在隔壁的书房里, 我兄弟正在接见一个小学生.《期刊摘选》

148. She was always on edge before an interview.


149. Throughout the interview she kept her temper perfectly , laughing and jesting.

在整个会见过程中,她从容不迫, 谈笑自如.《期刊摘选》

150. I think I fared quite well in the interview.


151. The inauguration went well; how did your interview go?

就职典礼进行顺利; 你的接见进行得 怎么样 ?《期刊摘选》

152. The police interviewed the driver, but had no evidence to go on.


153. Tsang yesterday's first reading in the background of the Jackie Chan Awards reports after an interview.


154. The Treasury Select Committee interviewed bankers and the Prime Minister last week about the banking collapse.


155. As he had nothing to tell , he refused to give any interviews to the journalists.

他由于无可奉告, 拒绝了记者采访.《期刊摘选》

156. How many people have you interviewed for the job?


157. He mentioned that problem at our interviews.


158. When he was assigned to interview the Present, he had butterflies in his stomach.

当他被分配接见礼物的时候, 他在他的胃中有了蝴蝶.《期刊摘选》

159. The interview was published in all the papers.


160. All interviews are transcribed in the languages the interviewees used during the interviews.


161. You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview.


162. However, when interviewed by SpikeTV at Comicon 2007 , George did reveal that it was Quentyn Martell.

然而, 当SpikeTVatComicon2007的访问中, 乔治的确透露了是昆廷.马泰尔.《期刊摘选》

163. Next week, I will be interviewing Spielberg about his latest movie.


164. New Clinical Vignettes let you see the basic components of the psychiatric interview in action.


165. Work with HR manager to interview and assess the applicant.


166. METHODS: Data questionnaires, phone interviews and medical records.

方法: 数据通过问卷 、 电话访问和医学记录的方式收集.《期刊摘选》

167. Suddenly we were summoned to the interview room.


168. He went into the interview in a defiant mood, but came out withtail betweenlegs.

他以挑战的气派进去会见, 却灰溜溜地走了出来.《期刊摘选》

169. Thank you, mary, you're a real pal, I call now to set up an interview.

谢谢你, 玛丽.你真够朋友.我现在就打电话约定面试.《期刊摘选》

170. The police are waiting to interview the injured man.


171. The lawyers interviewed the prospective jurors in the panel.


172. The film star gave an interview to the journalists and TV men.


173. The following is the first media interview of Yang Jinggui as conducted by Henan Commercial News.


174. The full transcription of the interview is attached.


175. I made a real hash of the interview.


176. He dreaded the interview with Mrs. Fox.


177. The Ambassador refused to give any interviews to journalists.


178. Authorities are building a case from interviews with federal informants and secretly recorded conversations last fall.


179. On the presentation day , we interviewed 3 groups of Awardees coming from different schools.

为了解得奖者的感受, 小记访问了三组来自不同中学的同学.《期刊摘选》

180. Well, this was done by a human resources consultancy, who interviewed more than 1,000 workers, and established a top ten of the factors which make people happy at work

嗯,这项调查是由一家人力资源咨询公司完成的,这家公司共采访了一千多名职工,列出了让人们在工作中感到快乐的前10 个因素。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

181. The interview came live by satellite from Hollywood.


182. People can join the interview via Fetion, a mobile messaging service.


183. I felt really nervous before the interview.


184. The last part of the interview was deleted due to space limitations.


185. There'll be an interview with Mr Brown after the news.


186. The interview went out over the airways.


187. There is no point saying you run marathons, if you are going to be out of breath arriving at the interview on the second floor.

如果你连跑到二楼去面试都要气喘吁吁的,就没有必要说自己擅长跑马拉松。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

188. Mr. Richard, this is Henry. I was interviewed by you last Tuesday.

理查德先生, 我是亨利. 上星期五您给我进行过面试.《期刊摘选》

189. He has an interview next week for the manager's job.


190. to conduct an interview (= to ask sb questions in public)


191. The minister granted journalists an interview.


192. I to make appointment to see Mr. Cooper. Would you to arrange for a personal interview?

我想约个时间去看顾勃先生. 您愿意安排一个私人会见 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

193. After the interview has been documented, using closed questions any clarification.

在会谈已文字记录后, 使用封闭性问题能澄清理解.《期刊摘选》

194. The candidates will be interviewed in order of arrival.


195. Allan gave an interview to the Chicago Tribune newspaper last month...


196. After the game the striker gave an interview to Sky.


197. W: You were going to an interview ?when the incident occurred, ?right?.

女:意外发生时,你正准备去参加面试,对吗?。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

198. King does little or no preparation for his interviews, and he doesn't use notes.

拉里金访问前很少甚至完全不做准备, 而且从来不用笔记.《期刊摘选》

199. The interview whip up half the people into a frenzy of rage.


200. We will take up references after the interview.



1. When, however, people watched the recording from the perspective of the suspect, suddenly the interview appeared more coercive.

CNN: Could video evidence deceive us?

2. Officially CCTV official personnel in California tried to interview Apple HQ but were stonewalled.

FORBES: Apple Apologizes To Chinese Consumers For Seeming 'Arrogant,' Promises Warranty Changes

3. In a 1971 interview, he responded to opponents of the insecticide DDT, which was later banned in the United States.

VOA : standard.2009.09.16

4. Talackova, in a 2010 interview, said she knew she was a girl at age 4.

CNN: Miss Universe pageant opens to transgender contestant

5. The interview was satellited from Hong Kong.


6. Her conversation with him on his 90th birthday was the last official interview he gave.

CNN: About

7. In an interview Welch recalls, K.P. was the igniter of the flame for GE coming to India.

FORBES: Pay Dirt

8. For example, if you go to interview, it took... you start from nine until four,

比如,如果你去面试,它花费……你会从早上九点开始到下午四点结束,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 就业很难

9. This is a monthly program that that we interview people who had something to say about religion or ethics or spirituality or culture.

本节目每月一期,我们采访的嘉宾,都对宗教,道德,精神,或文化有独到的见解。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

10. Still one Boeing executive, sought to put a positive spin on the industry's future during an interview with France 24 news channel.

VOA : standard.2009.06.16

11. The victim, who was on a ventilator, died about two weeks after the police interview.

BBC: Ohio man convicted by paralysed victim's blinks

12. In one interview,though, he asked President John F.Kennedy about another conflict that was growing then.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

13. "We'd been working our tail off on the airplane, " Yeager told me during a phone interview.

CNN: Where planes go to die

14. You'd probably want to interview certified public accountants with banking experience who live in Texas.

FORBES: Is Your Product's Price Right?

15. To do that,go to As soon as you are accepted, make an appointment for a visa interview at an American embassy or consulate.

VOA : special.2009.07.16

16. Other studies suggest that as adults, they might be less likely to get called for a job interview.

VOA : special.2009.07.06

17. The interview went well.


18. George Lucas in fact said when we did an interview with him that he thought one of the reasons he was so comfortable when he got into the movie business because he already knew how to tell a story visually from having looked at Norman Rockwell's covers."

VOA : special.2010.09.20

19. "These are really fantastic figures, " he told New Europe TV in an interview.

BBC: EU's Dalli insists on innocence in tobacco scandal

20. In the interview, General Musharraf clarified his policy on the use of nuclear weapons.

CNN: CNN Profiles - Matthew Chance - Senior International Correspondent

21. In an interview with CNN's Don Lemon, Gov. Hogan seemed to channel his inner 1950s Southern governor.

CNN: Calling people 'thugs' solves nothing

22. Before leaving Washington, King Abdullah sat down for an interview broadcast Sunday on the NBC television news program Meet the Press.

VOA : standard.2009.04.26

23. This is why in the last passage on your sheet from the interview with Stefano Rosso, de Man is willing to venture on a categorical distinction between his own work and that of his very close friend, Jacques Derrida.

那就解释了为什么在纸上的最后一段,选自斯蒂法诺,罗素的采访,德曼愿意在自己的作品与他的密友雅克,德里达的作品,之间一个绝对的差别上冒险。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. they got back to me and scheduled up, set up an interview with an alumni in the Jacksonville area.

他们通知我,安排一个时间,在杰克逊维尔区和一位校友面谈。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 收到了录取通知书

25. "They help you do your resume, your cover letter and everything you need for a job interview, and they help you find a job whatever you're interested in."

VOA : special.2010.05.13

26. Now senator, you're here at Google and I like to think of the presidency as a job interview.

参议员,您现在在Google,我想,把总统之职作为一个求职面试。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

27. An interview,or direct meeting, also is usually required for entrance to medical schools.

VOA : special.2010.07.13

28. and submitted my resume to him and got an interview at General Motors, went there and interviewed with them.

我给了他简历,然后得到了面试通知,所以就去面试了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 团队的重要性

29. And also, Professor Bawendi recently did an interview with "The Tech." Did anyone see a few of you read the paper last week.

同时,Bawendi教授最近,和“The,Tech“做了一个采访,3,4个,一小部分人看了上星期的报纸。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

30. Watching sumo, among the most amusing moments is the post-match interview with the winner.

FORBES: Of Sumo and Japanese Government Finances

31. And we usually interview poets in America as well, for this inner part of the magazine.

我们还会采访美国的诗人,采访内容也会刊登在杂志里。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 耶鲁文艺刊主编

32. He also had the only one-on-one interview with President Clinton during his historic 2000 trip to Vietnam.

CNN: About

33. From the interview questions, then they summarized all of the enters and wrote really nice stories about their parents as well.

孩子们根据问题,总结所有信息,写出了有关他们父母的精彩故事。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

34. But,just two months after that interview, shots were fired at his open-top car.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

35. When the interview with What Hi-Fi ended, Kim presumably kicked a puppy just to drive his points home.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

36. This World Cafe appearance includes an interview with the band plus a performance from World Cafe's studios.

NPR: The Church On World Cafe

37. and if you are lucky, you might see one walking by and you can interview them.

如果你幸运的话,你可能会看到一个路过的名人,那么你就可以采访他了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 演艺人居住的街区

38. In an interview with the UK's Sunday Times newspaper, he said Britain was determined to militarise the situation.

BBC: Syria conflict: Assad accuses UK of bullying

39. He endorsed suicide attacks in a BBC interview and was questioned in connection with a German terror cell.

BBC: Abu Qatada case: UK agrees assistance treaty with Jordan

40. you know, invite you in for an interview or invite you in for, um, recruit chat,

然后邀请你去参加面试或招聘,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 实习生到正式员工

41. And it's one of the things that the actress Kerry Washington said in the interview before.

NPR: A Local Perspective on the South Carolina Vote

42. Next interview. "Well, you know, less shy."

下一次采访,“这个嘛,太害羞了“幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

43. Some linguists would interview --Linguists would interview adults in these communities and say, "Why don't you speak to your babies?"

语言学家们会访问,住在这些社会中的成人,然后问道,"你为什么不和你的宝宝说话"心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. While he may have had numerous media interview opportunities, somehow they never turn out quite right.

FORBES: An Experts Dilemma -Media Training

45. But there's one in particular that you just have to listen too, and it was the interview with Michael Pollan, the author of the book that's for the class.

但还有一个你们不能错过的播客,就是对麦克尔·波兰的访谈,他是本课教材的作者关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. He has been publicly named as Tommaso Stenico, and has confirmed that he gave the interview.

BBC: NEWS | Europe | Vatican bars prelate in gay row

47. If so, be sure to use them in answering a reporter during an interview.

FORBES: Analogies In Your Answers -Media Training

48. His Special Advisor on Burma, Ibrahim Gambari, told VOA in an exclusive interview that he too is extremely disappointed.

VOA : standard.2009.08.11

49. Then, in mid-March, Kelly revealed in an interview with the State Journal-Register of Springfield, Ill.

WSJ: Former Bills QB Kelly battling cancer of the jaw

50. Billy Graham's last television interview while producing a documentary on his last revival in New York.

CNN: CNN Profiles - Kyra Phillips - Correspondent

51. A direct meeting,or interview, also is usually required for entrance to medical schools.

VOA : special.2009.06.02

52. The WWF itself had picked it up from a 1999 magazine article based on a phone interview with an Indian scientist.

VOA : standard.2010.01.23

53. I think you may remember from the book that I found a interview with him made about 20 years before he died.

我想你还记得,我找到的,在他去世20年前的访谈录中。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

54. In an interview with CNN over the weekend, the dad spoke gently, softly about his boy.

CNN: Dad faces son's alleged killer; sees 'normal' youngster

55. "Things we are not legally allowed to ask in an interview,we can find because they're publicly displaying it on the social networks."

VOA : special.2011.05.13

56. This is the idea he shared in an interview with a reporter from Chicago's Fox 32.

NPR: Pick 'Em Up, Lock 'Em Up: Getting Tough On Gangs

57. The interview was podcasted last night.


58. Sure. Doing your homework and preparing for an interview really pays off.


59. Tanaka This is Tanaka who you just saw was the only one I found at the place when we were looking for someone for an interview. And she gave us this fascinating story of what is the life for a mother worrying about her daughter in this time of changes.

刚才你们看见的是,是我在采访时发现的唯一的人,她给我们讲述了一个,非常感人的故事,是关于母亲如何担心她女儿的。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

60. Congratulations! This is your first interview ever.


61. But the most amazing think about the interview is that it happened at all.

FORBES: West Ham Chairman Reveals Demba Ba's Contract Details

62. Mr Cameron's interview with Total Politics magazine raised questions about the longevity of the coalition.

BBC: Coalition will go the distance, say Cameron and Clegg

63. In a two-part interview, NPR's Tavis Smiley talks with Farrakhan about his life and leadership.

NPR: Minister Louis Farrakhan

64. In an interview, Peto argued that the cancer death issue is not statistically valid.

FORBES: Magazine Article

65. In an interview, he noted that the data included every form of electronic communication.

FORBES: The Sheep Stop Here: Another Church Committee or Full Review of Privacy Laws Needed?







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