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1. The system cauld be easily prepared at the laboratory for enantioseparation.
2. Secondly, it was also found that it seemed very important to persist a long-term and continuous maintenance treatment and regular intensification treatment for elevating the long-term CCR rate as possible as it cauld.
3. I think you may be to catch a girl now or else after the war finish, no any girl cauld wait for you to catch!
4. The traditional theory of bank merger focuses on the development of the bank, including searching for economy of scale or scope, improving efficiency, risk diversification, and the promotion of the shareholder value, etc. This cauld not explain these mergers occured in financial crisis.
5. Cauld* is the blast upon my pale cheek, But caulder thy love for me, oh!
6. It cauld also help nervous men calculate when to avoid the ultimate commitment.
7. It was found that in the experiment for micronucleus of polychromatic erythrocyte ( PCE) and lymphocyte cauld give similar results.
8. It was found that in the experiment for micronucleus of polychromatic erythrocyte (PCE) and lymphocyte cauld give similar results.
1. But house or hald, To thole the winter's sleety dribble, An cranreuch cauld!
BBC: Last Updated: Tuesday January 25 2005 15:24 GMT