be obligated to是什么意思_be obligated to短语搭配_be obligated to权威例句

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be obligated to

网络 有义务;对……负有责任

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词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. be obligated to keep confidential 负有保密责任

2. be obligated to pay tax 负有纳税义务


1. The company shall not be obligated to give reasons for its decision or reveal its past or present activities relating to the submitted idea.


2. If youve been invited by someone, for example, its good to state that you might be obligated to leave soon, because you have another thing to do.


3. You are obligated to send him a letter every month, to report to him on your studies and life at school. It will be just like writing home to your parents, that is, if they were still alive.


4. Article 14 The Governor, Deputy Governors and other staff members of People's Bank of China shall safeguard State secrets according to law and be obligated to safeguard the secrets of the banking institutions and parties concerned under their supervision and control.


5. The Supplier shall not be obligated to compensate either for normal wear and tear caused by wrong operation or for the losses due to direct or indirect accidents.


6. Whenever I'm at home, if my computer is on, I feel obligated to be on it and working.


7. The principal may be obligated as if it had expressly granted the authority to agent.


8. The seller is obligated to warrant that the buyer will be free from any third party claim against it in respect of the subject matter delivered, except otherwise provided by law.


9. Both parties should be obligated to check with the quantity, quality of the washings, and sign on relevant documents when to take over.


10. There are rights to be obligated, obligated to have responsibility in the legal field, the opposite is also true.


11. Other than entry fees, what fees will winners be obligated to pay?


12. Why cant we just be together without feeling obligated to one another?


13. The public finance requires that government should be obligated to provide the basic medicinal insurance for public.


14. Based on past experience, should a provider be obligated to launch a system on-line within rigid time schedule, quality would always be sacrificed.


15. I sort of feel obligated to be there.


16. Yablonsky says the longer Ukraine gets subsidized gas, the longer it will be obligated to return the favor to Russia either politically or economically.


17. Traders should be obligated to maintain reliable time stamps providing information about who trades and when, for without this it would be almost impossible to build an insider trading case in many of the different markets in the world of finance.


18. Trojan is legally obligated to place graphic warning messages on tobacco products before they can be sold in Australia and may have erased or covered the label, the company said.


19. Based on past experience, should a provider be obligated to launch a system on-line within rigid time schedule, quality would always be sacrificed.


20. Other than entry fees, what fees will winners be obligated to pay?


21. Any person who is considered to be the parent of a child pursuant to Section 15 of this Act shall be obligated to support the child.


22. If you need two incomes to qualify for a home loan then both of you will have to sign the promissory note and be legally obligated to pay back the debt.


23. The Supplier shall not be obligated to compensate either for normal wear and tear caused by wrong operation or for the losses due to direct or indirect accidents.


24. We would still be obligated to discuss the exodus.

我们还是得要讨论出埃及记。《provided by jukuu》

25. Whether consignee should be obligated to take delivery of goods


26. Seller shall be obligated to sell to Buyer, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement the volume of Components equal to the number of Components specified in Appendix 1.


27. I might also say that I should be obligated first to the most specific of my obligations.


28. Agencies of technological exchange and intermediate institutions shall be obligated to keep secret the technical know-how of the parties concerned, which they come to know while serving as an agent or an intermediary.

技术交易场所或者中介机构对其在从事代理或者居间服务中知悉的有关当事人的技术秘密,负有保密义务。《provided by jukuu》

29. There are rights to be obligated, obligated to have responsibility in the legal field, the opposite is also true.


30. A shall be obligated to timely respond to b's letter, fax, notice, telephone and other inquiry.


31. Fulbright was from Fayetteville, and most of my friends, though they liked Bumpers, felt obligated to help the senator in what was sure to be an all-uphill battle.


32. The transport insurance will be obtained by us to the extent we are obligated to do so pursuant to the agreed upon delivery terms (most recent Incoterms).


33. They will not be obligated to do any sales qualifications until and unless we open in their respective countries.



1. That legislation would direct President Obama, who is obligated under the Constitution and his oath of office to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, to pay debt interest and Social Security benefits out of continuing incoming revenues, if the federal government reaches its debt limit, and cannot borrow any further.

FORBES: Addressing The Various Debt-Limit Delusions

2. In any given year, this family would be obligated to spend about 13% of their take home pay on medical costs before they could look to their insurance for help plus the sum they are paying in premium costs for the benefit of the catastrophic policy.

FORBES: Would Free Market Medicine Really Work in America?

3. But the view eventually will be that only Israel is obligated to the God of Israel, other nations aren't held accountable for their idolatry in the books of the Torah.

但随后演变为,只有犹太人,有义务崇拜自己的上帝,其他的民族则不用,根据《摩西五经》的记载。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. For those interested in buying the right kinds of life insurance for their situations, start by determining whether a product being offered is from a mutual life insurance company that will be owned by you, or by a stockholder-owned company that is obligated above all to earn a profit for somebody else.

FORBES: Retirement Disaster Looms For Universal Life Policyholders

5. Instead, Delaware may be obligated to follow New York law with regard to PwC.

FORBES: No Bark, No Bite: PricewaterhouseCoopers Rolls Over To Beat Fraud Cases

6. Answer: Allah has obligated all of his servants to be ruled by the Shari'a, and every other form of law is ignorance (jahiliyya).


7. The losers promptly launched a legal protest that was partially successful, but on the crucial issue of price realism government lawyers ruled that the Army was under no obligation to investigate how realistic Oshkosh pricing was since with a fixed-price contract the company would be obligated to absorb any overruns.

FORBES: Oshkosh Proof That Pentagon Can Make, Or Break, A Company

8. They tend to be attended by way too many people, all of whom feel obligated to speak, even when they have nothing to say.

FORBES: Boycott A Meeting Day Is A Revolutionary Idea

9. In other words, even if Bellisario was obligated to be consulted or hired full-time on NCIS: Los Angeles, medical issues would have prohibited him from doing so.

FORBES: CBS And 'NCIS' Creator Continue Bizarre Legal Wrangling

10. As an avowed contrarian, it would be antithetical for me to feel obligated to do what everyone else is doing.

FORBES: Hug A Scrooge Today; They Need Love, Too

11. That's because the CBA offered no opt-out provisions: Players who signed with their teams would be contractually obligated to play for a full season, which extends into March.

WSJ: NBA: For Wilson Chandler, J.R. Smith, Patty Mills, Kenyon Martin and Aaron Brooks, Leaving China May Not Be Simple

12. "The government is obligated to give protection to its people and that protection should be supported by law."

VOA : standard.2010.05.13

13. With the insurance industry obligated to provide this coverage, parents would be incentivized to delay purchasing insurance for an individual child until that child gets sick.

FORBES: Do Private Health Insurers Have A Moral Obligation To Sick Children?

14. Out of respect, you might say but would you feel obligated to be silent, if I were at the microphone, praying to the Goddess?

FORBES: Mixing Two Religions, High School Football and Christianity, Has One Georgia Coach In Hot Water

15. In return for the services they were obligated to provide to their teams, the players were to be paid specific compensation per the terms of their individual agreements.

FORBES: Seventy-Eight Football Players File Lawsuit Against United Football League

16. Under the law, prosecutors are obligated to reveal any and all information that could be relevant to the guilt of the defendant, particularly information that would be exculpatory.

FORBES: Prosecutor Misconduct In Casey Anthony Case Alleged

17. Neither body would be obligated to hear the case but typically, the Supreme Court agrees to hear cases when the administration seeks a review.

WSJ: Court Rules Obama Recess Appointments Unconstitutional

18. Sprint has told Wall Street that they have options, hence it will not be obligated to pay a premium to acquire Clearwire.

FORBES: Pride Is More Expensive Than Ever

19. Under such a convention, which has the force of a treaty, signatory nations would be obligated to require companies under their jurisdiction to publicly disclose material sustainability information.

FORBES: A Tipping Point on Sustainability Disclosure in Rio?

20. And an employer would be obligated to give a reason for any dismissal, he said.

NPR: Chirac Says He Will Sign Modified Youth-Jobs Law

21. In this case, they would be obligated to pay the taxes themselves.

FORBES: California Prepares for the "Amazon Tax"

22. In addition, the USSR should be obligated to make purchases from Eastern Europe in hard currency commensurate with its demand for hard currency payment for energy deliveries.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Energy Leverage: Moscow's Ace in the Hole

23. Companies guaranteed these mortgages for substantial fees (expecting they would not be obligated to cover these loans), and other companies used these guarantees to enhance their financial reporting.

FORBES: Weaning Ourselves from Economic Steroids - Excess Debt

24. Further, six innovative energy projects have received conditional loan guarantee commitments from the DOE and secured developer financing, but, because the OMB will not consider loan guarantee funding to be obligated until loans have closed, these projects, too, will be cancelled.

FORBES: House GOP Budget Proposal Would Stifle Energy Innovation

25. Eastern Europe should be obligated to choose between pleasing the Soviet military establishment and not jeopardizing Western democracies.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | East-West Relations At A Crossroads: The Role Of Western Economic And Financial Assistance

26. The Bush administration rejected the block-grant proposal but agreed to a capped allotment which in this case generally amounts to the same thing fixing for five years the amount the federal would be obligated to give the state.

FORBES: A Solution to the Medicaid Mess















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