coming year翻译_coming year短语搭配_coming year权威例句

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coming year

网络 来年;明年

英 [ˈkʌmɪŋ jɪə(r)]play 美 [ˈkʌmɪŋ jɪr]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. coming half year 次届

2. Prepare for the coming year 为来年做好准备

3. he Unholy Year is coming 凶年来临

4. the coming year 来年 ; 祝来年好运 ; 来兹

5. in the coming year 在明年 ; 在未来一年内

6. budget for the coming year 为下一年度编预算 ; 制定明年的预算

7. And This Coming Year 在未来一年

8. Or in the coming year 或者在即将到来的一年里


1. We must set ourselves precise sales targets for the coming year.


2. Anxiety lingers, too, over the coming year.


3. We expect to see further improvement over the coming year.


4. We hope that this coming year will be even more fruitful than the last.


5. Prospects for the coming year look bright.


6. May you achieve even greater progress in the coming year!


7. In the coming year, we will do more for god.

在新的一年里,我们要为主做更多的事。《provided by jukuu》

8. He was unwilling to make a prediction for the coming year.


9. You can use such answers to better prepare yourself for the coming year.


10. May each of you be especially blessed throughout the coming year.


11. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness throughout Christmas and the coming year.

在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安 、 快乐、幸福!《互联网》

12. What does that tell us about the coming year?


13. We have plans to add 50 more consular officers this coming year.


14. For the coming year, we are planning further developments.

今后,我们将拟定进一步发展的计划。《provided by jukuu》

15. We look forward to greater success in the coming year.

我们希望在即将来到的一年中取得更大的成功。《provided by jukuu》

16. More than 60 percent of surveyed business owners were optimistic about Asia's economic recovery, and strong anti-pandemic measures and regional integration are expected to be the primary drivers of Asia's economic recovery in the coming year.


17. Management predicts up to 50% growth for the coming year.


18. In the coming year, we would also like your help.


19. Now all the students are writing down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.


20. The trend will pick up steam in the coming year.


21. We expect to see further improvement over the coming year.


22. The coming year, however, will be a miserable one for Barack Obama.


23. He was unwilling to make a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year.


24. The coming year will test whether they really believe that.


25. It's a promise to do something better in the coming year.


26. I wonder what my fate holds in this coming year.


27. Many chances will come along during the coming year.


28. If you were wearing white underpants, preferably new and clean, then peace will be your top priority for the coming year.


29. Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year.


30. Another issue affecting real estate in the coming year will be America's failing infrastructure.

在来年影响房地产业的另一个因素是美国年久失修的基础设施。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 3卷 阅读A》

31. I hope we can make progress in the coming year.


32. That's my resolution for the coming year.


33. However, that could change dramatically over the coming year.


34. WEYMOUTH: What do you foresee for the coming year for your country?


35. Tuition for the Master of Social Work program, for example, will cost twenty-seven thousand dollars in the coming year.


36. This connection happens not only by means of collaborative development, review and testing, but also at conferences where faculty regularly decide on their textbooks and curricula for the coming year.


37. A: We wish you every success in the coming year!


38. The old couple budgeted for the coming year.


39. We are pleased to announce the tournament schedule the coming year.


40. We have a full order book for the coming year.


41. We will work harder to gain better achievement in the coming year.


42. He was unwilling to make a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year


43. The opening speech was about strategy for the coming year.

开场演讲是关于来年策略的。《provided by jukuu》

44. Wish you everything to be a plain sailing throughout the coming year.


45. Good luck and much success in the coming year.


46. People in other regions fast to enter the coming year.


47. To wish you happiness for the christmas season and the coming year.


48. It plans to raise another$ 250 million in the coming year.


49. I will do my best in everything in the coming year.


50. Salary, promotion and plans for the coming year will also be discussed at the meeting.


51. Another issue affecting real estate in the coming year will be America's falling infrastructure.


52. Mark: That sounds like a good plan for the coming year.


53. It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year.


54. It's a time to get together with friends or family and welcome in the coming year.


55. I would to anything for your love in the coming year.


56. Dear Annie: One of my goals in the coming year is to spend more time with my wife and kids, whom I've badly neglected over the past few months because of work.


57. Let me send you my best wishes for the coming year.


58. I hope you'll succeed in everything in the coming year.


59. We identify students who are going to take a big leap, intellectual leap forward in this coming year, and a spurt forward in this coming year.


60. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year.

在新年来临之际,祝福你平安 、 快乐、幸福!《互联网》

61. Wishing you peace, happiness and prosperity through Christmas and the coming year.

在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安 、 快乐、事业兴旺!《互联网》

62. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. This helps them to remember their resolutions.


63. I wish all of you have good health in the coming year!


64. Just what do you want from the coming year?


65. These problems will be serious with the deadline coming year.


66. I'd like to wish you every success in the coming year!


67. Unemployment is likely to rise in the coming year.

明年失业率很可能会上升。《provided by jukuu》

68. Another is expected in the coming year.


69. The coming year was going to present a new set of challenges.


70. We have a full order book for the coming year.


71. Best wishes to my best friend through the coming year.


72. I wish you great times in the coming year.

祝你在这新一年过得很愉快!《provided by jukuu》

73. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christamas and the coming year.

在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝你平安, 快乐,幸福!《互联网》


1. In the coming year, we'll also work to rebuild people's faith in the institution of government.

CNN: Transcript: Obama's State of the Union speech

2. With funding, the company hopes to conduct a 75 patient trial this coming year.

FORBES: Invo BioScience and Next Generation IVF

3. The group hopes to open another 17 gyms during the coming year, four of them in Spain.

BBC: Muscly performance at LA Fitness

4. This coming year, the ObamaCare law is scheduled to markedly reduce payments to doctors and hospitals.

FORBES: Let's Be Honest - Medicare is Insolvent And Doctors Soon Won't Accept It

5. Every year Forbes polls newsletter advisory editors for their Best Ideas for the coming year.

FORBES: Bargain-Priced HomeCloud Stock On The Move

6. Mr Brewster said EMAS had budgeted an extra 10% for fuel for the coming year.

BBC: East Midlands Ambulance Service fuel bill hits ?6m

7. Traders may have further reason be cautious about euro-area equities in the coming year.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. "It was a good year so far. Our best time was coming, it was really just starting.

VOA : standard.2010.05.06

9. Look forward to the gridlock of the coming year, because little gets accomplished.

FORBES: Gridlock Is Good for Stocks

10. And with many seats in Congress up for election in November 2010, Nathan Gonzales,the political editor of the Rothenberg Political Report, believes the president will spend much of the coming year the same way.

VOA : standard.2009.12.15

11. Each year,scientists work to develop a unique influenza vaccine to protect people against the strain expected in the coming flu season.

VOA : standard.2010.07.21

12. The number of teams selected for the coming year will double to 200 or so.

ECONOMIST: Innovation

13. But it's amazing, that every year you find somebody coming up with a way of going around the second law and somehow convincing people who are very smart that this will work.

但是很令人惊奇,每年你都能发现,有人宣称找到了,绕过第二定律的方法,还不知怎么地就说服了,一些非常聪明的人,让他们以为这个真的管用。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. We do have Stephen Schwarzman coming February 22nd and we have Andrew Redleaf coming March 5th, so we have a really strong set of outside speakers this year.

史蒂芬·施瓦茨曼先生确认2月22号会来上课,安德鲁·雷德利夫先生也说3月5日会来,今年客座嘉宾的阵容很强大金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Also this week, IDC predicted tablet sales would triple in the coming year.

FORBES: Apple iPad Awaits Back-To-School Boom

16. So, at least according to the donors, Uganda will be under scrutiny in the coming year.


17. I mean Five Year Alumni Reunion is coming, "I've got to have something to say."

五年校友聚会“就要到了,“我一定得有话可说“人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

18. The seventy-one year old cried tears of joy as she told the crowd the award was "a long time coming" but worth the wait.

VOA : special.2011.02.18

19. UNICEF says it is particularly concerned that some 700,000 children will miss out on the coming school year.

VOA : standard.2009.07.03

20. We expect to see many vital decisions from the Chesapeake management in the coming year.

FORBES: Chesapeake's Outlook Uncertain As Icahn Takes On Management

21. The event has added symbolism this year, coming against the background of Israel's rejection of demands by the United States to stop building in disputed East Jerusalem.

VOA : standard.2010.04.01

22. Though, even if buy-and-hold proved best this coming year, that does not cloud the issue.

FORBES: 300 Years Of Data Confirms Winning Strategy: Buy Stocks Now, Sell In May

23. What that means is that we identify students who are going to take a big leap, intellectual leap forward in this coming year, a spurt forward in this coming year.

测试能让我们找出,将在新学年在学业上,取得巨大进步的学生,在新学年取得巨大进步。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

24. This is a year of financial crises, so I'm warning you ahead that -don't expect a 28% return on the Yale portfolio for the coming year.

金融危机爆发,所以我先提前给大家打预防针,别期望今年耶鲁基金,能延续28%的收益金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The list of reasons why teams coming from abroad were not thrilled at the prospect of several weeks in Nigeria for this year's Under-17 World Cup is long.

VOA : standard.2009.11.05

26. But they're resigned to the fact that many voting systems will be changing in the coming year.

NPR: Several States Abandon Electronic Voting for Paper

27. It will be fascinating to see what new discoveries it makes in the coming year.

FORBES: Russian Launch: a Bid for Largest Telescope Ever

28. "Earlier this year, the sort of strident sort of criticism that you heard coming out of the White House certainly indicated that there was displeasure with the disfunction of the government in Kabul,".

VOA : standard.2009.08.03

29. In the coming year, we would also like your help.

VOA : special.2009.12.31

30. Criticism has already been leveled at Woods for the timing of his statement coming in the middle of the first big golfing event of the year the Accenture Match Play championship in Arizona.

VOA : standard.2010.02.19

31. For the coming year, it guided earnings and sales growth to the "mid-to-high-single-digits" on a constant-currency basis.

FORBES: Magazine Article

32. While most American students are on their summer vacations, many teachers are busy attending training programs and getting ready for the coming school year.

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

33. The Munich-based company hopes to sell 100, 000 Minis around the world during the coming year.

BBC: BMW recalls new Mini

34. The BBC also plans to keep up with their new lives in the coming year.

BBC: Castaways face the reality of home

35. Question Four: How should my own role in the company change in the coming year?

FORBES: Ask your Business's Owner Where It's Going

36. We shall see I plan to do a follow up interview with CompleteSpeech in the coming year.

FORBES: How to Find and Market an Invention -- David Larsen, CompleteSpeech

37. Most of that is coming from Vietnam. The highest year that the US shipped rice, over these last 10 years,was in 2004;

VOA : standard.2010.07.29

38. "Clearly with the economy around the world growing again, passenger traffic coming back, cargo traffic coming back, we're in a much better position today than we were last year and as we look forward, we're very optimistic about the future."

VOA : standard.2010.07.23

39. New production in China is expected to speed up growth in the coming year.

FORBES: Four Niche Stocks for Defensive Investors

40. But there are options for borrowers who face substantially higher payments in the coming year.

FORBES: Surviving The Mortgage Mess

41. A resolution is a promise to change or do something different in the coming year.

VOA : special.2009.01.01

42. "Coming in this season, shooting has been really cool, but kind of feels like your senior year, where you're really appreciative."

VOA : standard.2010.05.25

43. He says prices especially for Thai rice are being pushed higher by new customers coming into the market after the economic slowdown of the past year.

VOA : standard.2009.12.17

44. You'll have to register, but there's no cost. At the website you'll also get a hint about areas to watch for breakthroughs in the coming year, including America's human spaceflight program.

VOA : standard.2009.12.24

45. A law that would make in Yemen has been languishing in parliamentary committees for over a year now, and is expected to be voted on again in the coming weeks.

VOA : standard.2010.03.27

46. With that background, here are the rest of my themes for the coming year.

FORBES: More themes for the coming year

47. So what can we do differently if we're looking to make a change in the coming year?

CNN: A New Year's resolution for the workplace

48. So they're not focused on the products that are coming out later this year, or even next year.

他们不关注,今年或明年要推出的新产品。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

49. The breakthrough of the year was 15 years in coming.

VOA : standard.2009.12.24

50. President Obama got the most applause from opposition Republicans when he said the number-one focus in the coming year would be on creating jobs and giving a boost to small businesses.

VOA : standard.2010.01.28

51. And climate talks will continue in the coming year with meetings in Germany and Mexico.

VOA : special.2009.12.26

52. Magnifying the uncertainty for the coming year will be presidential elections in the U.S. and France.

WSJ: World's Woes Leave Lasting Scars

53. And the movie is coming out, hopefully in a year, but it's about the experiment that I am going to share with you now.

电影有望在一年后上映,但电影讲的是我要谈到的这项实验。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

54. "Rates of increase for international students coming to America were a little bit slower in the last year and we think that reflects the global recession.

VOA : special.2010.11.18

55. However, 38 percent of high-income shoppers in both countries plan to cut back in the coming year.

FORBES: China Leads World in Luxury Spending

56. More than 20 trusts also claimed they may run into financial difficulties in the coming year.

BBC: Top NHS trusts voice fears over waiting time targets

57. President BUSH: In the coming year, I will continue to reach out and seek your good advice.

NPR: Slate's Politics: State of the Union Specifics

58. As noted previously, the embattled district is facing massive shortfalls in its budget for the coming year.

FORBES: Is SDP Getting Schooled by the IRS?

59. Microsoft will continue introducing Xbox Music in new regions around the world throughout the coming year.

ENGADGET: Xbox Music heads to Xbox 360 first tomorrow, PC / tablets on Oct. 26, WP8 soon after; we go hands-on






















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