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英 [θiˈætrɪks]play美 [θiˈætrɪks]play

  • n. 戏剧演出;舞台效果;舞台表演艺术

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theatrics /θɪˈætrɪks/

  • 1.
    名词 the art of staging plays 舞台表演艺术


1. Tactics Theatrics 战术表演


1. Brecht's theory of alienation effect consists not only in its theatrics but also in its politics.


2. The paper attempts to shed light on the director's coordination and participation in the four important parts, namely playwriting, performance, theatrics and music so as to embody the new connotation of director centralism in the creation of traditional opera of New Era.


3. But the film is hardly a medical lecture. The hallway theatrics - flags, puppets, dancing - give the conference a carnival feel.


4. You ready for a little bit of theatrics?

你准备好来演出戏了吗?《provided by jukuu》

5. Fans and pundits have spoken much more about his theatrics on the pitch, which included dives, rolling and frequent arguing with referees.


6. The show has received positive critical appreciation with critics complimenting her vocal clarity and fashion sense as well as her ability to pull off theatrics like a professional artist.


7. Certainly amateur theatrics had helped his legal career.


8. The biggest difference has to do with theatrics.


9. During the five or six other announcements, I found myself waiting for more theatrics-i wanted to see Gates dance again-but it appeared the show really was over.


10. The event, in typical Apple style, was tightly scripted and heavy on theatrics and hyperbole.


11. Celebrations of seasonal festivals and stage shows will also incorporate Chinese language, performers, theatrics and acrobatics.


12. ' She's very vaudevillian,'says an admiring Alice Cooper, the rocker whose history of stage theatrics includes simulated decapitations.


13. Italian theatrics aside, the vote today and its outcome are really just one of the many sideshows in the long-running European sovereign debt crisis.


14. Similarly, when Reagan pulled letters written by ordinary people out of his pocket and read them on national television, it was theatrics, but it was honest.


15. Political theatrics aside, the modern presidency is an enormously taxing position, and we have to be realistic about how much reading a president can accomplish in August or any other month.


16. The NBA gained popularity decades ago because of the dazzling plays at the rim when players aggressively attacked the rim and finished with high-wire theatrics.


17. At that time, he said he wasn't upset with critics that made fun of his theatrics in Russia.


18. Despite these dark theatrics, she's become a darling of mainstream radio by drawing from Madonna's playbook, with thumping dance beats, a shape-shifting image and a playful obsession with celebrity.


19. I'm sorry about the theatrics, but we had no choice.

我很抱歉,可也别无选择。《provided by jukuu》

20. Now, these unbelievable theatrics are about to crash as there is practically no wriggle-room left to them.


21. Even the technology press conferences, which have been high-profile in the past and reached a level of drama and theatrics fitting for a Las Vegas stage, have a different bent to them.


22. All theatrics aside, the message was clear to me: "I know I abused you but I don't want to be hated."


23. If the theatrics of the past half year were merely a warm-up, they have not been without cost.


24. Though she writes her own material, she is as focused on visual theatrics, fashion, and global appeal as she is on the music.


25. Thee fact that you're moving on to a new employer is not an excuse to engage in theatrics.


26. But space-suited theatrics and Noah’s ark overtones aside, Biosphere 2 was still the world’s most ambitious test tube.


27. Reagan once commented, “There have been times when I’ve wondered in this office how you could do this job if you hadn’t been an actor.” Even George Washington put theatrics to good use.


28. So your publisher actually condones these theatrics?


29. Lonzo is capable of providing theatrics, and the Wolves should be much improved after their big off-season.


30. But in recent years it has descended into empty theatrics.


31. As the Brewer case makes clear, the death penalty is a sickening business. The grim theatrics of an execution debase the executioner.


32. Indeed, the clothes, while sometimes shrouded by the high-tech runway theatrics, were ultimately strangely practical, especially the easy-to-wear dresses and blousons.


33. It can be said that the photographs of Wang Qingsong are not to record one truth through candid shooting. Instead, he applies the manner of theatrics to demonstrate an imitated and fabricated truth.


34. But for all the theatrics and cases launched by the KACC, none of the major investigations over the past year have amounted to any significant convictions.


35. So we're watching the theatrics of this robot struggle and cry out.


36. Between the theatrics, there were also some amazingly covetable draped gowns in sugarplum, white, and peach.


37. Races such as running, cycling or motor sports offer little scope for theatrics.


38. Why the theatrics? Why didn't you just come to me?


39. 'She's very vaudevillian,' says an admiring Alice Cooper, the rocker whose history of stage theatrics includes simulated decapitations.


40. The actresses had come to raise money to fight domestic violence, but the cause seemed lost amid the event's giddy theatrics.


41. As you ponder the 78-euro prix fixe menu, watch the theatrics ( and occasional temper) of the chef, St é phane J é go, through the kitchen window as he perfects dishes such as mackerel in leek vinaigrette and pork belly with oysters and rabbit.

你在浏览78欧元的固定价格菜单时,可以透过厨房窗户观看大厨斯特凡纳·热戈(Stéphane Jégo)的精彩表演(和偶尔的坏脾气)。他用大葱酸醋沙司给鲭鱼调味,用牡蛎和兔肉搭配五花肉。

42. Whether or not it was that, it was certainly a test of his mastery of political theatrics, his sure-footedness, and his willingness to take a calculated risk.


43. If the theatrics are supposed to scare me.

如果你是想吓吓我的话。《provided by jukuu》

44. But it will take more than such theatrics to dispel the doubts over his ability to micromanage affairs of state from a Cuban hospital.



1. Another Carter penalty extended the lead as France failed to live up to their pre-match theatrics with any positive action.

BBC: New Zealand 18-20 France

2. It is a useful reminder that this is the real stuff of politics not the banal theatrics of presidential debates.

FORBES: Hurricane Sandy - In the Eye of the Storm

3. The 2010 Harvard Theatrics Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year whooped and hollered her way through introductions and transitions.

FORBES: Anne Hathaway: A Good Representation of Young Women?

4. There is also an element of theatrics to the creation process.

BBC: In the kitchen with Viennese history

5. In some instances, canvasses of iconic cachet are pre-sold so the bidding process is a sham staged for its theatrics content.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. The shameless theatrics of Edward Fagan, the American lawyer who championed the reparation claims against the German companies, look ominous.

ECONOMIST: Paying for war slaves

7. But by the 1970s, spectators had become turned off by an overemphasis on theatrics.

WSJ: As the World Turns, So Do the Wheels of Roller Derby

8. It is the most eye-catching piece of nuclear theatrics since Ronald Reagan squared up to Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik.

ECONOMIST: Nuclear diplomacy: Chain reaction | The

9. "I will not let any theatrics or any sideshows distract us from what we are here to do, " Koh said.

MSN: Apple executive: Steve Jobs was open to making a smaller iPad - Technology & science - Computers | NBC News

10. Passenger advocates like Hanni sometimes resort to theatrics to get lawmakers' attention.

NPR: Attention, Airlines: This Is Your Passenger Speaking

11. Biblical scholars turned their noses up, calling it hysteria, theatrics, a faith of the illiterate.

NPR: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Frogtown'

12. Often the mechanical theatrics took inspiration from popular theatrical events like the circus, featuring automaton clowns performing acrobatic feats to the accompaniment of music.


13. The last meaningful encounter, at Euro 2004, ended in a rather disappointing 1-1 draw, and didn't offer much in the way of theatrics.

WSJ: Like for Like Among Old Rivals

14. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, going into a Sunday strategy session with House Speaker Newt Gingrich, accused the President of theatrics.

CNN: Budget battle continues as new deadline nears

15. The Brazilian was soon shouting for a penalty but his theatrics that followed a Rio Ferdinand hand on his shoulder did not fool the referee.

BBC: Inter Milan 0-0 Man Utd

16. He won't have to sit next to a bunch of people he won't know, and he won't have to endure the lingering theatrics of a regular ceremony.

CNN: Students can't be part of main graduation because of Mexico trip

17. This will clearly take time, and will involve some theatrics, like the somewhat forced multiculturalism of the Republican Convention.


18. We need to analyze this, not get sidetracked by emotional theatrics.

FORBES: How Culture Controls Communication

19. "Newt Gingrich understands theatrics and showmanship, " the Senate's top Democrat minority leader Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) lamented.

CNN: From Charles Bierbauer

20. He performed a cartwheel on the mat as the crowd booed the extracurricular theatrics.

WSJ: Jones retains light heavyweight title at UFC 159

21. For some, it was the final scene of nothing more than political theatrics.

WSJ: Donald Trump returns to the 'Apprentice' boardroom

22. It is time to shift from symbolism and theatrics to the details of improving the transition that is occurring.

CNN: Repeal health care law? Forget about it

23. My petulant badgering of Audin had been nothing more than second-rate theatrics, which no doubt all of the Afghans expected from an earnest and self-righteous American.

NPR: Sergeant Notes Odd Rituals of War in Afghanistan

24. "It was theatrics, a bunch of nonsense, " says Richard Marler, 64, chief executive of Signal International.

FORBES: Labor Unrest

25. Note too the fresh near-five-year high for the DAX index on the threshold of renewed recession and notwithstanding the weekend theatrics in Rome.

FORBES: Why Monti's Exit Is a Smooth Move

26. There's even a harpsichord solo which has all the thrills, theatrics and drama of a massive electric-guitar shred-fest.

NPR: Headbanger Andrew W.K. Rocks Out To Bach

27. Races such as running, cycling or motor sports offer little scope for theatrics.

ECONOMIST: Cheating in sport

28. "I will not let any theatrics or sideshow keep us from doing what we're here to do, " she said.

WSJ: Apple's Secrets Revealed at Trial

29. Theatrics aside, the lack of willingness to negotiate before the last latest, greatest self-imposed deadline is a bit concerning for many taxpayers.

FORBES: House Will Vote To Push Off Debt Ceiling Talks... Again

30. For his part, Mr. Putin stuck to the political theatrics that had served him well for years.

WSJ: Russia After Putin















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