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  • adj. 蓝绿色的

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1. blue green reef chromis 青魔 ; 霓虹青雀

2. blue green algae 蓝绿藻 ; 蓝绿藻类 ; 兰藻 ; 蓝藻

3. blue-green algae 蓝绿藻

4. Blue green 竹青色 ; 蓝绿色 ; 蓝绿 ; 青绿色

5. Blue-green alliance 蓝绿联盟

6. blue green aquamarine 蓝绿

7. cerulean blue blue green 青色

8. blue-green bacteria 蓝绿细菌 ; 蓝绿菌

9. blue green filter 蓝绿滤光镜


1. Typing paper with white, yellow, red, blue, green isosbestic.

打字纸有白 、 黄 、 红 、 蓝 、 绿等色.《互联网》

2. Each female digs a shallow pit in the sand, where she lays tens of thousands of tiny, blue-green eggs, usually in clusters of a few thousand.


3. It includes narrowband images recorded using filters sensitive to emission from oxygen atoms, shown in blue-green hues, and hydrogen atoms in red.


4. Toxic Effects of Hexavalent Chromium on the Growth of Blue-Green Microalgae


5. Standard colors: red, yellow, blue, green, purple.

标准色: 红 、 黄 、 蓝 、 绿 、 紫.《互联网》

6. On the surface of the water were mats of blue-green algae.


7. There are glimpses of blue-green ice within the fissures, but the cracks themselves signal trouble.


8. The train sped on; the broad fields with their blue-green border trees, and the villages nestling in their shade flew past in a stream of pictures which melted away like a flood of mirages.


9. Spectral and lasing properties of J-series blue-green new laser dye


10. My blue - green upholstered chairs that clashed with the couches lurked in corners.


11. Water appears in varying shades of blue, and clouds appear in varying shades of blue-green.


12. Preliminary study on the blue-green algae community of arid soil in Qaidam Basin


13. New structures and material systems including blue - green lasers and cascade lasers.


14. Development of blue and blue-green electroluminescent thin films devices


15. Studies on the growth conditions of several species of marine blue-green algae


16. The lowland district of Faynan, where the blue-green glitter of malachite can be seen from a distance, was an obvious place to study.


17. Plants and cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae), she says, “have evolved highly organized photosynthetic systems for the efficient oxidation of water.”


18. Spectral and. laser properties of a new laser dye in blue-green spectral region


19. Can I cook using water with blue - green algae in it?

我可以烹调用的水是蓝绿色的海藻 吗 ?《互联网》

20. In the bottom image, vegetation appears bright green, snow appears bright turquoise, and fog appears as a very pale, muted blue-green.


21. They thought its blue-green color came from a small amount of methane in the atmosphere.


22. There are 3 types of atoms: blue green and red.


23. Among the blue-green algae are many species of nitrogen fixation.


24. They showed proper low light was beneficial to gain predominance for blue-green algae.


25. The nitrogenase activity and certain properties in several n_2-fixing blue-green algae


26. You have come here voluntarily to this blue green incarnated into the physical tenacities of flesh.


27. Magical microbe: Lyngbya, a blue-green alga usually has many cells joined together


28. When highly purified, the red - absorbing form of the pigment is blue - green.

如果高度提纯, 这种色素的红光吸收型是蓝绿色的.《辞典例句》

29. We followed a sandy track with dazzling views through clumps of juniper and wild olive to the blue-green sea far below.


30. Progress in the Technology and Materials of Blue-green Lasers


31. High density optical disk storage materials using blue-green laser recording


32. Terra's ASTER sensor captured this view of filaments of blue-green algae swirling across Guatemala's Lake Atitlán on November 22, 2009.


33. Colour: Blue, green, pink and transparent.

颜色: 蓝色 、 绿色 、 粉红色和透明的.《互联网》

34. Relationship between nitrogenase activity expression and physiological conditions in blue-green algae Anabaena 7120


35. The organism is a cyanobacterium, also known as blue-green algae, although it is technically not an algae.


36. An Overview on the Research and Development of Semiconductor Blue-green Optoelectronic Devices


37. Colors are blue - green or brown.


38. Blue and green eyeshadow has long been considered kitsch.


39. Effect of high temperature on nitrogenase activity of blue-green algal Anabaena 7120


40. Inhibitory effects of different types aquatic macrophyte communities on blue-green algae


41. As well threatening certain species, blue-green algae can also pose a risk to human health, and officials are advising people not to bathe in areas where the algae is visible.


42. It is important to control the blue-green algae blooms.


43. Then around 3.7 billion years ago, early forms of blue-green algae began to use sunlight to make food.

后来,约3.7亿年前,早期的蓝绿藻(Blue - green algae)开始通过阳光来制造食物。

44. It can also get rid of spores and blue-green algae to provide clean drinking water.


45. He likes all colors: red, blue, green, yellow and so on.

他喜欢各种颜色: 象红色 、 蓝色 、 绿色 、 黄色等等.《互联网》

46. What about the kind of cyan-ish, blue-green one? Yup.


47. She had often carried test tubes containing radioactive isotopes in her pocket, remarking on the pretty blue-green light they gave off.


48. Water is dark blue, vegetation is bright green, and clouds are pale blue-green.


49. We can design the structures of blue-green laser diodes based on these results.


50. In her hair, she wore three silk ribbons, blue, green, and white.


51. The yellow you can see in the picture is modified at certain angles to a blue-green color.


52. The water is almost blue-green and is clear.


53. Researchers monitoring the spread of the blue-green algae said such blooms had spread over the Baltic sea each summer for decades.


54. Effects of Biogas Slurry of Blue-green Algae on Biological Characteristics and Quality of Chinese Cabbage


55. Among the blue - green algae are many species of nitrogen fixation.


56. The blue-green emission is caused by the defects in the nanotubes. 4.


57. Scientists are experimenting with photosynthetic microbes such as algae and cyanobacteria (sometimes referred to as blue-green algae).


58. Black people with auburn hair, skin like butter and eyes of deep blue-green.


59. For example, I see a color I call blue-green, which to me is blue with a touch of green. Someone else may call the color green-blue, because he sees more green than I do.


60. Would you call it blue or green?


61. Analysis of Signal Energy Transmission in Blue-green Laser Uplink Propagation Model


62. Study on Cloud Characteristics in Blue-Green Laser Down Propagation Channel


63. His father claimed the water here was the most amazing color he'd ever seen-a vivid blue-green he'd dubbed Hokkaido green.


64. The structure and principle of the emitting blue-green light ACPDP are described in this paper.


65. Fresh seaweed brown or blue - green, happy Feast essential.

新鲜发菜呈蓝绿色或褐色, 喜庆筵宴必不可少.《互联网》

66. Results show that, for Taiwan society, Blue-Green ideology remains crucial power in the network.


67. If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.


68. The water ranges from black to a rich blue-green tone, its color intensified by the contrast between it and the winter white landscape around it.


69. Standard colors are red, yellow, blue, green, white.

标准色有红 、 黄 、 蓝 、 绿 、 白色.《互联网》

70. They showed the requirement of blue-green algae for light was lower than green algae.


71. New structures and material systems including blue-green lasers and cascade lasers.


72. This 170 - degree panorama through blue green and red filters shooting.


73. The rest of the lake appears nearly uniform blue-green.



1. The paint is thick, almost recklessly applied, gloriously messy and richly hued from blue-green to brown to tan to yellowy white.

WSJ: Tale Told by a Modern Romantic | Jonah | Albert Pinkham Ryder | By Sidney Lawrence

2. After negotiating their way down a series of steps carved into the steep rock face, explorers of the Blue Lake Grotto are faced with a deceptively deep pool of limpid blue-green water.

BBC: Livin la vida Bonito

3. The blue- and green-striped Muppet fur covering copies of Schizophrenology suggests that the North Carolina band The Majestic Twelve might not have picked up on the difference.

NPR: A Decade of College Rock in Less Than Four Minutes

4. More importantly, it puts forward a concrete set of proposals and objectives to transition to a Blue-Green Economy.


5. Red, white and blue -- red, white and green.

NPR: Coordinating Flags at Immigration Marches

6. Blue-green economies are an important means to achieve what sustainable development ultimately aims at: the wellbeing of people while respecting the environment, including ocean and water-related aspects.

UNESCO: Indigenous Peoples

7. One is that there's four different colors and so you can see red, blue, yellow, green here - four different colors and that's all there are, there aren't more than four.

一是这些梯阶有四种不同颜色,你可以看到红 蓝 黄 绿,恰恰只有四种不同颜色,不多不少生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. The painting is mostly three colors -- blue,green and pink.

VOA : special.2010.03.24

9. Custom shops can cut out logos on the side and light them with neon rope lights, add blue-green LEDs to the fans inside or give the box a custom paint job.

FORBES: Tangerine Flake Streamline Baby

10. Some of the key areas highlighted included marine biodiversity conservation, ocean acidification, marine pollution, and the required investment in science and capacity development for transitioning to a blue-green economy.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

11. Directly above that, the LCD section, which houses the red-, green-, and blue-colored pixels of the display.


12. Its blue-green glass ceiling is the equivalent of a giant sunroof, capable of revealing your noggin to the ozone via a 5-square-foot hole.

FORBES: Magazine Article

13. They consist largely of blue-green strains that are poisonous and cause skin irritation.

NPR: Report Predicts Ever-Bigger Lake Erie Algae Blooms

14. And UC Davis researchers figured out a way to engineer blue-green algae to make fuel from sunlight.

ENGADGET: Inhabitat's Week in Green: cardboard cockroach, a milk carton pavilion and the iPotty

15. To transition to a blue-green economy, we must develop a new relationship with our ocean where we endeavor to live with and from the ocean in a sustainable way.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

16. It was this very same blue-green algae that created the oxygen they are now breathing.

NEWYORKER: Stone Mattress

17. When it reaches the top, Thom steers away from the wind, the enormous sail billows out to leeward and the yacht's mahogany hull digs deep into the blue-green water.

FORBES: Magazine Article

18. The T28 is equipped with a tiny (to today's standards) rectangular 1.4-inch monochrome screen (101 x 33 pixels or three lines of 12 characters) with a blue-ish green backlight.

ENGADGET: Ericsson T28z review Mobile

19. Dune after dune, rising and falling beneath his feet, then finally falling, falling, falling all the way to a gray-green-blue vastness, riffled, glinting, and crossed by the cloud shadows as far as the eye could see.


20. Despite concerns about the number of attacks by members of Afghan security forces on Nato troops - so-called "green on blue" attacks - Ms Greening said that the vast majority of partnerships between Nato troops and Afghan security were forces were positive.

BBC: Afghanistan statement

21. By adapting the technology to 1-by-1-foot modules--each containing 16 rows and columns of red, blue and green pixels--that could be loaded on to circuit boards, Daktronics could finally compete in the same ballpark as Sony and Mitsubishi, offering a video-ready scoreboard.

FORBES: Bright, Very Bright

22. While analysis of spirulina has shown that it does not contain a harmful toxin called microcystin, other blue-green algae has found to be frequently contaminated.

BBC: Algae may boost immune system

23. Event bosses have been forced to cancel the Great North Swim in Cumbria after blue-green algae was found in the water which could be dangerous.

BBC: Cumbria Great North Swim cancelled over safety fears

24. San Francisco entrepreneur Todd Pelman has founded a small start-up company called Blue Green Pacific, which produces a corkscrew-shaped, roof-mounted turbine that is still in the development phase.

CNN: Stimulus may get small wind turbines spinning

25. What about the kind of cyan-ish, blue-green one? Yup.

那这个蓝绿色的呢?化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. More importantly, it puts forward a concrete set of proposals and objectives to transition to a Blue-Green Economy, the only path to sustainable development and peace.


27. One of the earliest and most important works by Picasso to enter a British collection, it marks a transition into the artist's celebrated Blue Period, when he moved away from a broadly Impressionistic style to a more sparing aesthetic, creating sombre works painted almost solely in shades of blue and blue-green.

BBC: Child With A Dove by Pablo Picasso

28. Aramal, with pastel-blue flowers and deep-green leaves, was designed by Josef Frank in the 1940s, but it wasn't produced until 2009.

WSJ: Nordic Designers Expose Wilder Side in Textiles

29. Using a specialized sub-pixel signal processing for Sharp's red-green-blue-yellow Quattron pixel panel, the next genesis of Quattron will allow the control and use of these colors individually, enabling the reproduction of double resolution in one singular pixel.

ENGADGET: Sharp AQUOS Ultra HD, 1080p HDTVs eyes-on HD

30. We were surprised to learn that a biologist at the Argonne National Laboratory is transforming the data found in blue-green algae into music, while researchers at Michigan State discovered that super-strong bacteria can produce nuggets of gold.

ENGADGET: Inhabitat's Week in Green: solar panel printer, gold producing bacteria and a life-size of horse made of computer keys

31. The organisms do not fit easily into our classification schemes, though in some respects they resemble blue-green algae.

NEWYORKER: The Invasion from Outer Space

32. For an unforgettable experience, take a night walk to the arched cave and waterfall at Natural Bridge under the western ramparts of the Springbrook plateau, which is alight with fairy-like blue-green lights given off by the millions of bioluminescent glow worms that line the cave roof and the steep earth banks along the rainforest path.

BBC: Exploring Queenslands rainforest hinterland

33. Deep into the autumn, every package or can I open takes me back to conversations around the cookhouse's huge stone fireplace, to wind rustling through alders, and sun-spangled blue-green water, to the promise of adventure every morning.






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