
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [siːd]play美 [siːd]play

  • n. 种子,籽;<美>(苹果或橙子等的)果核,籽;<旧> 精液,精子(常为幽默用法);<古,文>(古时用语,原用于《圣经》中)子嗣,子孙;(感情、过程的)起源,开端;(网球、羽毛球等体育项目中的)种子选手, 种子队;晶粒,晶种;辐射管,镭管
  • v. 给(蔬菜,水果)去籽(去核),给......脱籽;选定......为种子选手(或种子队);在(地里)播种;(植物)结籽,脱籽;(植物)自播;(喻)使萌芽,使发展;用晶粒物质使冷凝(结晶)(尤指促云化雨)
  • adj. 用作种子的
  • 【名】 (Seed)(英)锡德(人名)

复数 seeds或seed 第三人称单数 seeds 现在分词 seeding 过去式 seeded 过去分词 seeded

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


seed /siːd/ CET4 TEM4 [ seeding seeded seeds ]

  • 1.
    有变体名词 A seed is the small, hard part of a plant from which a new plant grows. 种子

    I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you seed a piece of land, you plant seeds in it. 在 (地里) 播种

    Men mowed the wide lawns and seeded them.



    The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside.


  • 3.
    复数型名词 You can refer to the seeds of something when you want to talk about the beginning of a feeling or process that gradually develops and becomes stronger or more important. (事物的) 起源

    He raised questions meant to plant seeds of doubts in the minds of jurors.


  • 4.
    可数名词 In sports such as tennis or badminton, a seed is a player who has been ranked according to his or her ability. 种子选手

    ...Roger Federer, Wimbledon's top seed and the world No.1.


  • 5.
    及物动词 When a player or a team is seeded in a sports competition, they are ranked according to their ability. 将 (选手或球队) 排列名次

    The Longhorns have won a national title and are seeded first overall.



    He is seeded second, behind Brad Beven.


  • 6.
    习语 If vegetable plants go to seed, they produce flowers and seeds as well as leaves. 开花结籽

    ...plants that had long since flowered, gone to seed, and died.


  • 7.
    习语 If you say that someone or something has gone to seed, you mean that they have become much less attractive, healthy, or efficient. 衰退; 退化

    He says the economy has gone to seed.



    ...a retired cop who has gone to seed.




  • adj.

    seedy 多种子的;结籽的;破烂的

    seeded 已播种了的;去籽的

    seedless 无核的;无子的

  • n.

    seeder 播种机;播种人;去籽机;人工造雨装置

    seediness 破旧;下流;没精打采;起粒

    seedsman 播种者;种子商(等于seedman)


  • n.[植]种子;根据;精液;萌芽;子孙;原由

    foundation   /   child

  • vt.播种;结实;成熟;去…籽

    sow   /   gather head

  • vi.播种;(植物)结实



1. Sunflower seed 葵花籽 ; 香瓜子 ; 向日葵籽 ; 葵花子

2. Seed of Hope 俗世情真 ; 希望的胚珠 ; 但愿的胚珠

3. pumpkin seed 南瓜子;西葫芦子

4. sesame seed 芝麻籽,芝麻种子

5. seed vigor 种子生活力

6. The Bad Seed 坏种

7. raise up seed 繁殖后代

8. in seed ◎撒过种的,播过种的

9. seed dormancy 种子休眠

10. seed crystal n. 晶种;籽晶

11. grape seed extract 葡萄籽萃取物;葡萄籽精华

12. Blue Seed 碧奇魂 ; 奇稻田密录 ; 草剃护 ; 宫红叶

13. grape seed Oil 葡萄籽油 ; 葡萄子油 ; 蒲萄籽油 ; 高不饱和度之葡萄籽油

14. lotus seed 莲子,莲芯

15. grass seed 牧草种子;草籽

16. sunflower seed 香瓜子,葵花子;向日葵籽

17. cassia seed 决明子;决明子粉末

18. seed coat 种皮

19. seed treatment 种子处理;种子处理试验;拌种剂,种子处理剂

20. Dragon Seed 龙种

21. seed bank 种子库;种子银行

22. seed selection n. 选种

23. seed cake 种子饼;香饼

24. grape seed oil 葡萄籽油

25. mustard seed 芥菜籽

26. rape seed 油菜籽


1. The growth rate of seed shoots is higher than corm shoots.


2. The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.


3. During the winter the seeds lie dormant in the soil.


4. They seeded their fields with wheat.


5. OBJECTIVE To study the evolution, identification and fine seeds selection through Bidens parviflora chromosome number , karyotype and volume.

目的 对小花鬼针草染色体核型等进行研究,为研究该种鉴定、起源、演化 、 良种培育等提供必要的细胞学资料.《期刊摘选》

6. He says the economy has gone to seed...


7. Contact toxicity of seed extracts from Dodonaea viscose against Sitophilus oryzae were determined.


8. This remains true and we have by now a good deal of experience in the matter.


9. Tony was seeded number two.


10. The trees will propagate themselves by the reproduction of their seed.


11. Next week TODAY is celebrating with a great giveaway of FREE garden seeds.


12. Bolman has studied regional variation in Douglas fir seed yields.


13. The genetic background of seed hardness is very complicated in pomegranate.


14. The fruit of the coconut and lotus spread their seeds in this way.


15. Men mowed the wide lawns and seeded them...


16. The end of thesis puts forward and solves the concrete seed marketing channel conflicts.


17. I am negotiating with financiers to raise seed capital for my latest venture.


18. The seeds took root and grew, and the sunflowers multiplied.

这些种子生根并生长, 向日葵不断的繁殖.《期刊摘选》

19. The seed vault has space for a lot more seeds.


20. The new machine distributes seeds evenly and quickly.


21. The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4% interest.


22. The transgenic plants return to normal growth, and their seed production was close to normal.


23. He always said, "A man is just like a seed. Please be a good seed."


24. He was a big man in his forties; once he had a lot of muscle but now he was running to seed.

他 40 多岁时很魁梧,曾经肌肉发达,但如今身体逐渐衰弱了。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

25. The plant can be propagated from seed.


26. Black pepper and vanilla are seed plants.


27. sesame seeds


28. the number one seed


29. The farmers are scattering seed.


30. The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction.


31. I'm afraid he hasn't been seeded.


32. They only eat part of the seed.


33. The corms in Sagittaria form of vegetative reproduction and this species also produces seeds.


34. According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam.


35. The land must be plowed before seeding.


36. Result All reviewing items existed some difference among the herba leonuri at different seeding time.


37. He raised questions meant to plant seeds of doubts in the minds of jurors...


38. The top seed won comfortably.


39. After his divorce, he let himself go to seed.


40. Small particles adhere to the seed.


41. A seed only needs one cubic centimeter of soil to grow.


42. Tree propagate themselves by seed.


43. In short, savings are the seed corn of a good economic harvest.


44. It appears in the shape of a cocoa seed.


45. Small particles adhere to the seed


46. He planted the first seeds of doubt in my mind.


47. In the UEFA Cup the top 16 sides are seeded for the first round...

在欧洲联盟杯比赛中,排名前 16 位的球队已按位次进入首轮。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

48. This planted the seeds of doubt in my mind.


49. Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind.


50. Most plants reproduce by seed.


51. These vegetables can be grown from seed.


52. Where do the seeds of change come from?

变化的种子从何而来?《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

53. With the exception of the mixed doubles, all other individual events eliminated some seeded players.

除混合双打外, 其他单项比赛均开始有种子选手遭淘汰.《期刊摘选》

54. The hulled seeds, creamy or pearly white and tiny, have a mild, nutlike aroma and taste.

种子带壳, 呈奶油色或珍珠白, 体积微小, 香味适度而似胡桃.《期刊摘选》

55. He was an unknown player who wasn't seeded.


56. Falling leaves of the season, I was cold a seed planted in soil.

树叶飘零的季节, 我在冰凉的泥土里埋下一粒种子.《期刊摘选》

57. Autumn Festival, the master and bought a bag of grass seeds, called novices to sowing.

中秋, 师父买了一包草籽, 叫小和尚去播种.《期刊摘选》

58. Most plants propagate by seed.


59. Chinese ag economist plows ahead with his push for genetically modified seeds.


60. ...a packet of cabbage seed...


61. His lettuces have gone to seed.


62. After the harvest, the peasants began to prepare the soil for seed.

收割后, 农民就开始整地以便播种.《简明英汉词典》

63. The bird Clark’s nutcracker, for example, hides up to 100,000 seeds per year, up to 30 kilometers away from the seed source,

and has a very close symbiotic ( 共 生 的 ) relationship with several pine species, most 32 notably the whitebark pine.例如,北美星鸦每年会贮藏多达 10 万颗种子,最远的贮藏地距种子采集地 30 公里,而且北美星鸦与好几种松科树木都有亲密的共生关系,其中最 (32) 突出的是白皮松《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

64. the seeds of rebellion


65. The type of vegetable seed delivered to farmers was inappropriate for the particular season.


66. A number of plants, most from the tropics, do not produce seeds that can be stored.

很多植物, 多数是来自热带地区的植物,无法通过种子繁殖, 不能产生可供储存的种子.《期刊摘选》

67. Know when to seed and now he that the two sowing seasons, harvest twice.

知道什么时候下种,现在他知道一年四季播种两次, 收获两次.《期刊摘选》

68. Six , improving the technology of seed multiplication and advanced extending system.

改进和完善种子繁殖制种技术, 建立健全优良杂交种推广体系.《期刊摘选》

69. ...Pete Sampras, Wimbledon's top seed and the world No.1...


70. The seeds are transported by the wind.


71. Flat green pod, up to 10 cm long; seeds spread by mechanical explosion.

一种扁平绿色的荚果, 长达10厘米,果实成熟时爆裂,散播种子.《期刊摘选》

72. The budgerigar gave a quick peck at the seed.


73. I am seeded two in tournament.


74. What a pity you let all those cabbages go to seed. They're no use now.


75. Plants are reproduced by seeds.


76. Some seed varieties germinate fast, so check every day or so.


77. Umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells: The ideal seed cells for bone tissue engineering?

脐血间充质干细胞: 骨组织工程学的理想种子细胞?《期刊摘选》

78. There are only two seeded players left in the top half of the draw.


79. I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost.


80. Thyestes fell back, vomiting, and laid an ineluctable curse upon the seed of Atreus.

堤厄斯忒斯向后一倒, 呕吐起来; 他向阿特柔斯的子孙作了必然实现的诅咒.《辞典例句》

81. He seeded wheat in the field.


82. This helps the trees spread their seeds and reproduce.


83. He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil.


84. The team was to have won four gold medals but two seeded players fell ill suddenly.


85. Plants whose life cycle lasts only year, from seed to blooms to seed.

从种籽到开花到结籽,生命周期仅维持一年的植物, 称为一年生植物.《期刊摘选》

86. The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.


87. Better germination is obtained if the seed is sown or drilled shortly after a shower.


88. Other birds unknowingly carry seeds that cling to them for the ride

其他鸟类会不知不觉地携带黏在身上搭便车的种子。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

89. Scatter the grass seed over the lawn.


90. All the seeded players got through the first round.


91. Describe three ways in which flower seeds scattered.


92. After that, the seed can start growing.


93. Ever since their inception, the black seed of their Primarch infected them with violence and despair.

甚至从他们的起源开始, 黑色的叛乱之种便经由他们的基因原体而为他们带来对暴力和毁灭的无尽欲望.《期刊摘选》

94. This replenishes the seed content of the desert soil.


95. Heat and moisture will germinate the seeds.


96. All work is as seed sown; it grows and spreads, and sows itself anew.

一切工作都好像是播下的种子; 它生长开花结籽, 然后又重新播种.《期刊摘选》

97. The ITO was to administer a comprehensive code governing the conduct of world trade.


98. The results showed that the effective seeding rate improved over that of conventional methods by 1.2 %.


99. Where did you get the seed?


100. He says the economy has gone to seed


101. He is the number one seed in this tournament.


102. Sow the seeds outdoors in spring.


103. List the advantages and drawbacks for plants reproducing with seeds and with spores.


104. The number two seed is safely through to the second round of the tournament.


105. The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside.


106. Sowing, or planting seeds is important to people all over the world.

播种, 或者撒种,对全世界人们来说都是重要的.《期刊摘选》

107. France holly cultivation to the propagation of cutting propagation mainly, but also seed propagation.

法国冬青的繁殖栽培以扦插繁殖为主, 也可播种繁殖.《期刊摘选》

108. That means I'm not a small seed anymore.


109. Seed production is one way of reproduction, vegetative production is another way to get new plants.

种子繁殖是其中一种繁殖方式, 而无性繁殖是获得新植株的另一种方法.《期刊摘选》

110. He is one of the top seeds.


111. The farmers distributed seeds over the field.


112. Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.


113. The poor germination of your seed could be because the soil was too cold.


114. He began by scattering seed and putting in plants.


115. Other birds feed on developing reproductive structures or seed.


116. He considered that there were, in these developments, the seeds of a new moral order.


117. Seed formation, ( NOT: seed dispersal ) increases the chances of genetic variations.

种子形成 ( 不是: 散播种子 ) 使遗传变异的机会增加.《期刊摘选》

118. All the fields are now ploughed up, ready for the seeds.

全部土地都翻耕过了, 准备播种.《简明英汉词典》

119. On the inside there's a seed with a hard shell.


120. Already their seeds had borne fruit and multiplied.


121. These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.


122. Trails of propagating this species by seeds have been carried out at AFCD.


123. And it's getting even harder trying'to feed & water my seed plus.


124. The flower will set seed in late summer.


125. Sow the seeds in rows.


126. The seeds were pounded to a fine powder.


127. The second half of the game, the seeded players gave an account of a reasonable way.

下半场比赛, 我们的种子选手给出了使人信服的陈述.《期刊摘选》

128. Most plants reproduce by seeds.


129. He says the economy has gone to seed.


130. He is seeded second, behind Brad Beven...


131. Some tropical plants can only be propagated from seeds.


132. Also sells seeds, we planted a large number of cabbage, and cabbage.

还销售种子, 我们这栽种有大量的甘蓝和白菜.《期刊摘选》

133. Seeding uniformity is an important factor to evaluate performance and quality of seeders.


134. Sow the seed in a warm place in February/ March


135. The younger Williams is the top seed at Wimbledon.


136. The frog raise up seed by laying eggs.


137. First, the researchers germinated the seeds.


138. The land must first be raked over you plant the seeds.


139. I can imagine that seed dispersal might be a factor.


140. But my dreams lie shattered across the desks of the seed merchants who insist there is no mangel seed to be found.


141. The sunflowers in my garden have all run to seed.


142. seed potatoes (= used for planting)


143. What a pity you let all these cabbages run to seed. They're no use now.


144. Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E.


145. The government will give seed money to the project.


146. He has been seeded 14th at Wimbledon next week.


147. Men mowed the wide lawns and seeded them.


148. Propagation: They grow quickly from seed or by division of larger clumps.

繁殖: 种子繁殖迅速,或可将大团块进行分割繁殖.《期刊摘选》

149. How many seeds can be put in the seed vault?


150. My bad habits must be destroyed and new furrows prepared for good seed.


151. In the final Capriati, the third seed, defeated Katerina Maleeva.


152. Doctors used carrot seeds and roots as medicine, on the theory that foods that taste bad must be good for you

医生曾把胡萝卜的种子和根用作药材,因为他们相信良药苦口的理论。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

153. He is seeded second, behind Brad Beven.


154. He was seeded number 1.


155. She is a seeded player.


156. The seed is the potential flower and fruit.


157. When animals or plants reproduce, they bring forth young ones or seeds.

动物或植物繁殖时, 他们产仔或种子.《辞典例句》

158. The seeds will sprout in a few days.


159. In Men's Singles, Peter Rasmussen of Denmark eliminated the British seeded player Colin Haughton.


160. Some seed varieties germinate fast, so check every day or so


161. We put the seeds into different groups according to their rankings.


162. The seeding are machine planted.


163. The seeded players all won their matches.


164. Main supply flower disc makes the nutrient that upside lamina makes in the seed is formed.


165. If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring.


166. Most plants propagate by seeds.


167. Tulips grow from bulbs and can be propagated through both seeds and buds.


168. Most mustard is grown for its seeds.


169. Seed, seedling and planting stock sourcing?

种子, 秧苗和繁殖材料的来源?《期刊摘选》

170. a packet of wild flower seeds


171. Full seeds should be completely dried after immersion and should be sown the same year.


172. Most plants reproduce through seeds.


173. a newly seeded lawn


174. This new machine distributes seed evenly and quickly.


175. The dandelions went to seed.


176. The pasque flower can be propagated from seed.


177. Cut a marrow in half and scoop out the seeds.


178. She is one of the top seeds.


179. Mainly applicable for spreading fertilizer, sowing seeds and mixture of fertilizer and seeds.


180. The seeds were not meant for human consumption



1. The oil from the seed, about 16 percent of the seed's weight, is sold to buyers in Lubbock.

NPR: Texas Cotton: 'Farmer Profits at Every Step'

2. After disposing of the French fourth seed, Belgium's US Open champion now faces Anna-Lena Groenefeld.

BBC: SPORT | Tennis | In-form Clijsters reaches final

3. Then spread loose straw ten to fifteen centimeters deep over the seed pieces and between the planted rows.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

4. Finally, Dante alludes to this image of the Virgilian underworld in The Inferno when he describes the descent of humanity, the evil seed of Adam, into the Christian hell.

最后,但丁又在中描述到人性的败坏,亚当在基督教的地狱中撒下的邪恶种子时,含沙射影了维吉尔关于地狱的描写。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Beyond that, the USDA cannot approve a new seed variety until it conducts an Environmental Assessment.

FORBES: Exposing the Anti-GMO Legal Machine: The Real Story Behind the So-Called Monsanto Protection Act

6. The West Texas seed had a reputation for poor by-products, and therefore brought low prices.

NPR: Texas Cotton: 'Farmer Profits at Every Step'

7. He discovered that seeds or spores could grow if the seed could develop in a special preparation.

VOA : special.2010.04.06

8. the world's biggest seed catalogue


9. And just to plant this seed with 32 bits, what's the biggest number you can represent?

而对于32比特,所能表示的最大的数是多少?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

10. Line eight: "That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed..."

第八句:,“点化过那个牧羊人,最初向您的选民。。。“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. We can also see in this phrase "in the Beginning" - we can see it applying to the end of the preceding clause, "That Shepherd who first taught the chosen Seed / in the Beginning."

太初“一词“,还修饰了后面跟着的从句,“那个牧羊人,最初向您的选民宣讲“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. And indeed, it's expressly stated by God that Humans are to be given every fruit bearing tree and seed bearing plant, fruits and grains for food.

而上帝也确实这样表述过,人们能拥有所有结果的树,结籽的植物,以果实和稻谷为食。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Its seed investments from the incubator have seen a valuation increase of 10 times.

FORBES: Kai-Fu Lee Talks Steve Jobs, China Angels, Next Gen Tech

14. Over the years, he has worked with farmers and seed companies and developed more than eighty seed types for Africa.

VOA : special.2009.07.07

15. And ninth seed Daniela Hantuchova saw off France's Alize Cornet 6-2 7-5 to continue her progress.

BBC: Venus stumbles into third round

16. So, we have evidence that the king doled out seed for planting, instructed people just exactly when to plant, where to plant, what to plant there, when to fertilize it if they did.

也有证据表明,国王恩赐作物种子,指导人民在何时,何地,耕种何种植物,以及如何在恰当的时间施肥古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Mauresmo is scheduled to meet fifth seed Svetlana Kuznetsova of Russia in the last eight.

CNN: Venus set to face Henin-Hardenne

18. A seed,a strength,a virtue,a competence that other teachers did not see, because they did not ask this question; because they asked,metaphorically speaking, ?" "how many geometric shapes do you see on the screen?"

潜能,优点,品德,能力,这些是其他老师没看到的,因为他们没提出这个问题;,打个比方,他们只会问,“你在屏幕上看到多少个几何图案“幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

19. Farmers could not plant crops, because they had no seed and no animals to break the ground.

VOA : special.2010.01.14

20. The province's two main tribes, the cattle-herding Hema and the seed-sowing Lendus, used to bicker intermittently.

ECONOMIST: Congo's wars

21. She seed the potential that is there; she's not even inventing something.

她看到存在的潜力;,她不是发明家。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

22. Russia's Pavlovsk Experimental Station houses one of the oldest seed and plant collections in the world.

VOA : special.2010.08.24

23. She says people who do seed beading share a great sense of community.

VOA : special.2009.05.18

24. Fourth seed Roger Federer was also struggling before Felix Mantilla retired when trailing 6-7 6-4 4-1.

BBC: Hewitt back from the brink

25. It can provide thick green grass without the work or wait required to grow a lawn from seed.

VOA : special.2009.07.07

26. Second seed and defending champion Yanina Wickmayer demolished Simona Halep of Romania 6-0 6-2.

BBC: Heather Watson loses to Shuai Peng in Auckland quarters

27. Three-time Miami runner-up Rafael Nadal will play British fourth seed Andy Murray in Friday's opening semifinal.


28. These switches are set off by a chemical signal sprayed on genetically tinkered seed.

ECONOMIST: Terminator genes

29. Earlier, ninth seed Gaston Gaudio became the first big name to fall in the men's draw.

BBC: SPORT | Tennis | Nadal makes confident start in NY

30. Using a mortar and pestle, the fruits are slightly pounded to remove the shells from the fruits without breaking the seed inside."

VOA : special.2011.06.14

31. In the woman's event eighth seed Martina Sucha beat German Barbara Rittner 7-6 7-5.

BBC: Krajicek beaten on comeback

32. To speed up germination, it is worth soaking the seed in water.


33. Fourth seed Del Potro's luck seemed to finally run out over on Hisense Arena.

BBC: Juan Martin del Potro out of Australian Open

34. Nothing better shows our heavenly origins, our divine seed, our human intellect, those holy traces of Promethean fire."

没有什么能更好的讲述我们的起源,我们的子孙,我们人类的智力,生命之火神圣的踪迹“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. Chinese fifth seed Li Na crashed out, losing 6-3 6-2 to 18-year-old American Madison Keys.

CNN: Tennis stars Federer and Nadal honor 'a very loved man'

36. If I can plant that seed, and help people become more mindful, my job is done.

FORBES: Want to Improve Your Life? Try an Annual Shopping Embargo

37. And if we have high expectations, if we see the seed of greatness in the students, that seed of greatness is more likely to flourish.

如果我们有很高的期望,如果我们在学生身上看到伟大的潜能,那么这种潜能就更可能被激发。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

38. To start the seeds inside, you can use a seed tray in your home or other shelter.

VOA : special.2009.04.28

39. They watered, they shed a light to it and the seed germinated and grew.

他们灌溉,播撒阳光,种子开始发芽生长。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

40. Nelson still sometimes keeps some of his seed, but not usually, and not much.

NPR: Texas Cotton: 'Farmer Profits at Every Step'

41. Look at line eight: Moses, "that shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed."

看第八行:,摩西,“点化过那个牧羊人,最初向您的选民。。。“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Yet despite the false starts, and the trials, and the years of famine, and the childlessness, and the infertility, the seed of Abraham survives, and the promise is reiterated: "I will go down myself with you to Egypt, and I myself will also bring you back."

但尽管有错误的开始,试验和多年饥荒,断子绝孙和贫瘠,亚伯拉罕的子孙还是得以幸免,许诺被重新申明:,“我要和你同下埃及去,也必定带你上来“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. And that,once again,made all the difference, because she saw the seed of greatness in each student.

这问题改变了一切,因为她看到了每个学生的潜能。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

44. Seed germination in sterile nutrients is now a common way to reproduce orchids.

VOA : special.2010.04.06

45. The seed for the second letter was planted by computer programmers in the 1960s.

FORBES: Sustainability Plan: Customers Will Soon Ask About Yours

46. Alex Ovechkin and the Washington Capitals squeezed into the playoffs as the East's seventh seed.

WSJ: NHL Playoffs: Hockey Night in America?

47. Over the years, he has worked with farmers and seed companies and developed more than eighty seed typesfor Africa.

VOA : special.2009.06.16

48. They completely missed the seed of greatness.

完全忽略了学生的潜能。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

49. At Chiron three seed strains are injected separately into fertilized eggs chosen under strict rules.

FORBES: Broken Eggs

50. You can seed it directly, rather than transplanting seedlings.


51. "Ashoka then provides those teams of young people with advisors, monetary seed funding, as well as non-monetary support to transform their idea into action."

VOA : special.2011.03.02

52. Many examples of startups with large and unwieldy boards even at a seed stage.

FORBES: Investors: Know The Space Or Keep Quiet

53. Mr Hadron, a grower and seed conservationist in the Black Isle, said it was "fundamentally flawed".

BBC: Planned new European laws 'threaten' rare seeds

54. Gasquet, a semifinalist in Miami last month, beat Croatian ninth seed Marin Cilic 7-5 6-4.

CNN: Nadal 'relaxed' as rivals struggle at Monte Carlo Masters

55. The kit contains everything you need including plant pots, compost instructions and seed.


56. No eight seed had ever won a championship in any of our professional sports.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Welcomes the Stanley Cup Champion LA Kings and MLS Cup Champion LA Galaxy | The White House

57. Azarenka beat Italian seventh seed 6-0 7-5 Sara Errani in their last four clash.


58. And when we don't see the seed of greatness, when we don't water it and shed a light on it, it withers and dies, which is unfortunately the fate of most human potential.

如果我们看不见学生的潜能,不去栽培它,它就会枯萎而死,遗憾的是,大部分人类潜能都因此而被磨灭。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

59. Australia's Samantha Stosur, the No. 5 seed, beat Carla Suarez Navarro, from Spain, 6-1 6-3.

CNN: Venus Williams crashes out in Wimbledon first round

60. Top seed Roger Federer begins against Colombia's Alejandro Falla, while Nadal plays Kei Nishikori of Japan.

BBC: Andy Murray to play Czech Jan Hajek in Wimbledon opener

61. The No. 6 seed Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, from France, triumphed 7-6 6-2 over Russia's Nikolay Davydenko.

CNN: Djokovic fit to take part in Monte Carlo

62. For the poor, carts, seed, and farm equipment would be purchased.


63. The Spanish clay court specialist won 6-4 3-6 6-1 against third seed Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland.

CNN: Tsonga and Ferrer battle to title wins

64. Soybean is an important seed around the world, but it is only twenty percent oil.

VOA : special.2009.09.29

65. Sod can grow at times and in places where growing grass from seed is difficult.

VOA : special.2009.07.07







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