
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈbɒfɪn]play美 [ˈbɑːfɪn]play

  • n. 研究员;科学工作者

复数 boffins

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boffin /ˈbɒfɪn/

  • 1.
    名词 a scientist, esp one carrying out military research (专做军事研究的)科学家


1. wine boffins 酿酒专家


1. Professor Boffin was a great scientist but he always forget small things.


2. The science boffins are going to show us how to make a Cartesian diver. It is named after Rene Descartes, a famous French scientist, mathematician, and philosopher.


3. A computer boffin is set to make £ 5million from his revolutionary photo technology.


4. This is not all the boffins' fault.


5. In the present more boffins were using the technique in shipbuilding craft and also made progress.


6. In a research note entitled "Soccernomics," boffins at ABN Amro said their work was done with a "quasi-serious approach."


7. The McKinsey boffins conclude that the “true” unemployment rate is around 15-17%, which puts Sweden among the worst job-fillers in the EU.


8. Having lots of boffins does not matter, though, if they are not productive.


9. Mrs Boffin: My goodness Professor Boffin! Look at this bag! It is cement!


10. The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution.


11. It is not just that a Chinese boffin in Beijing reads papers written by Chinese boffins in America.


12. Its boffins in Bangalore are working on projects ranging from a red laser to preserve food to a DNA nano-machine to deliver drugs to precisely the right spot in a patient's body.


13. A Chinese boffin in America may alert his old classmate in Beijing to cool research being done at the lab across the road.


14. England will finally win the World Cup after 44 years of pain if City boffins are to be believed.


15. Radar and other inventions were the work of "boffins".


16. Mr Medvedev also intends to visit Silicon Valley to see if Russia can learn from America’s high-tech boffins how to jump-start its own technology cluster.


17. But the boffins sometimes baffled the layman.


18. A13-year-old German schoolboy corrected NASA's estimates on the chances of an asteroid colliding with Earth, a German newspaper reported Tuesday, after spotting the boffins had miscalculated.


19. Radar and other inventions were the work of boffins .

雷达以及其它种种发明都是科学工作者们的 成果.《辞典例句》

20. My dear Bagginses and Boffins


21. Boffins are pondering birth control for elephants, including even vasectomies.


22. It turns out that science has actually looked at this question: fidgeting is known to research boffins as "non-exercise activity thermogenesis" or Neat.


23. Chinese boffins say that character amnesia happens because most Chinese people use electronic input systems based on Pinyin, which translates Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet.


24. That's one for the boffins back home.


25. For over four decades the boffins tried to program computers to "understand" the structure and phonetics of language.


26. Boffins the world over are also citing more eagerly, on average, than they used to.


27. Boffins at the aquarium admit they are baffled by the appearance of the man's face, which appears to be gawping up at a shark.


28. In the outdoor science activities, the boffin often requires portable equipments to record vast amounts of experimental data immediately for future analysis.


29. The compound, resveratrol, is one of the ingredients of four pills currently being tested by boffins at the university of Leicester.


30. In a research note entitled "Soccernomics", boffins at ABN Amro said their work was done with a "quasi-serious approach."


31. These issues are well known to the boffins who run the parts of the Internet most users never need to know about.


32. She (or, more accurately, it) is the latest innovation from the robotics boffins at the Chiba Institute of Technology, in Japan.


33. In2001 boffins at Amirkabir University built a32-node PC cluster based on Pentium III processors from Intel.


34. Data mining, which has been considered as a important methods in the analysis of time series, received more attention came from boffin. New layered ternary Ti_2AlC and Ti_3AlC_2 attract increasing interest owing to their unique properties.


35. Against the boffins' expectations, a revenue surge that began in 2005 appears to be continuing.


36. Sandy: how long ago were you in America, Professor boffin?


37. This is not all the boffins" fault.


38. Mrs Boffin: And there are your shoes!


39. Indeed, the boffins at the Institute of Medicine reckon that spending on digitisation without connecting it to the organisational culture risks making things worse.


40. In RECENT years investment Banks were supposedly hijacked by boffins who used their nuclear-physics doctorates to devastating effect.


41. Discrimination of Sports Leisure and Leisure Sports& and Deliberating with Boffin Ma Hui-Di


42. Mr Obama, like his boffin compatriots, was laying claim to one archetypically American trait ( self-confidence) while exhibiting signs of another ( self-delusion).


43. Art should be for everybody and not just art boffins, historians and so - called experts.

艺术应该是属于大家的,而不是只是属于艺术家 、 历史学家或其他的专家.《互联网》

44. Housing boffins regard negative equity as the best predictor of default, which is why they take loan-to-value ratios very seriously.


45. The McKinsey boffins conclude that the "true" unemployment rate is around 15-17%, which puts Sweden among the worst job-fillers in the EU.


46. The editor of a science journal warned me that I would find little to interest mainstream readers the boffins would agree on pretty much everything.


47. Boffins at the aquarium admit they are baffled by the appearance of the man's face, which appears to be gawping up at a shark.


48. Narrator: Professor Boffin is going to bake a cake, but he can't find any flour.


49. Boffins "did the whole job by hand", says Paul Wiles, the Home Office's chief scientific adviser.

技术人员“纯人工完成整项工作”,内政部首席技术顾问Paul Wiles说。

50. But she's not a super-strong supermodel... she (or, more accurately, it) is the latest innovation from the robotics boffins at the Chiba Institute of Technology, in Japan.


51. At his instigation, pfizer's secretive boffins unveiled details of the firm's drugs pipeline, disclosing information for the first time on more than half of its30 research programmes.

在他的鼓励下,辉瑞的幕后研究人员在活动中透露了公司许多研发中药品的细节,首次披露了其30个研发项目中过半项目的信息。《provided by jukuu》

52. This and other inventions were the work of boffins .

雷达以及其它种种发明都是 bofin 们的成果.《辞典例句》

53. Moreover, untangling cause and effect in studies like these is notoriously tricky. And it does not help that the boffins themselves seem baffled by the results.


54. A teasingly tricky maths challenge that claims to separate the real boffins from those who just claim to know the answers is sweeping Facebook.


55. THERE have been several cases in which well-meaning boffins have introduced a new species to overcome one problem only to create another.


56. They included rewards for boffins who had researched into why woodpeckers don't get headaches from all that tapping, and whether dung beetles really enjoy their diet of faeces.


57. For decades the continent's scientific elite watched as boffins in America fled academia to start biotech firms.


58. Boffins were busily filling in the blanks in the periodic table and probing unknown atomic phenomena (like radioactivity and bonding).


59. One day, Professor Boffin walked in a street.


60. In February, before passage of the reforms, those same boffins estimated that health costs would rise an average of 6.1% per year over the next decade.


61. They fear being bilked by a cabal of clever boffins, who can insidiously fiddle with the system's software to take advantage of less geeky types.



1. Don't get carried away thinking there's life on Mars just yet, however, because NASA's boffins aren't sure the organic molecules are native -- they may have come from Earth on this, or a previous mission.

ENGADGET: NASA Curiosity rover digs Mars, finds sulfur, chlorine and organic traces of unknown origin

2. Efforts by America's top military boffins to develop heavy-lifting airships have faltered, too.


3. Some whale experts, however, disagree with the navy's boffins.

ECONOMIST: The American navy may soon have a whale of a problem

4. What is still not clear and what the boffins themselves have not yet decided is how badly an industry ought to suffer before it is allowed to import the workers it needs.

ECONOMIST: Immigration clampdown

5. What explains the startling difference between the boffins?

ECONOMIST: Social Security reform

6. The boffins in Palo Alto want to build computers out of living tissue, and to that end they've created a biological transistor, called the transcriptor.


7. These are some of the nuggets of information discovered by information boffins trawling through vast oceans of data.

BBC: The boffins digging for nuggets of gold in big data

8. In what many took to be fodder for the capitalism-is-a-conspiracy theorists, boffins have claimed that about 150 companies, mostly banks, are controlling the majority of the economic power.

FORBES: 150 Companies Control the World!

9. Home Office boffins justify the six-year retention of innocents' DNA with research showing that people who are let off after an arrest are more likely than the general public to be rearrested.

ECONOMIST: The vast police directory is trimmed, but only a little

10. Mazda's development engineers have achieved something elusive in the car business: They have arrived at a signature feel for their cars, in much the same way BMW's ride-and-handling boffins have dialed in a gestalt for their cars.

WSJ: 2012 Mazda3 i Grand Touring Review: It Really Moves the Needle (Not the Gas One) | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

11. Washington's budget boffins worry that all kinds of other requests will be attached to money for Katrina relief, such as (paradoxically) drought relief for farmers in the mid-west.

ECONOMIST: When government fails

12. Mr. FORSTER: Well, the science part of this, we're told by the boffins that the actual vibrations that we create, the worm believes it to be rainfall.

NPR: The Tricks And Tools Of Worm Charmers

13. Boffins flock to America because its universities are the best, but the ordeal of getting a visa prompts many to take their ideas elsewhere.

ECONOMIST: Terrorists hurt America most by making it close its borders

14. Many boffins co-operate with western universities.

ECONOMIST: Polish education

15. If the boffins suggest that those wards cannot be defended economically, it would once again be mostly poor and black residents who would be affected.

ECONOMIST: A new plan to help New Orleans could go dangerously wrong

16. These were relatively unsophisticated at the start, but South African boffins soon developed a range of more elegant products--among them explosives, a nice fit for the mining industry.

FORBES: Overcoming Isolation

17. As a result, say the Democratic boffins, Social Security benefits would have to be cut by 54% for those 30 or younger in 2002 to keep the system solvent.

ECONOMIST: Social Security reform: The battle of the boffins | The

18. Its boffins in Bangalore are working on projects ranging from a red laser to preserve food to a DNA nano-machine to deliver drugs to precisely the right spot in a patient's body.

ECONOMIST: Crazy-talking boffins

19. Indeed, the boffins at Goldman Sachs now reckon it is at its lowest for more than three years.

ECONOMIST: Why is volatility so low in financial markets?

20. The IMF's boffins have been charged with providing just such analysis.

ECONOMIST: Currency wars

21. Economic boffins have long promised that the region's financial woes would affect America, by reducing demand for American exports and increasing imports as the dollar strengthened.

ECONOMIST: Is Americas economy too hot, too cold, or just right?

22. On January 21st Indian army boffins admitted that the latest BrahMos test had suffered a hitch: the missile missed its intended target.

ECONOMIST: Indias disillusionment with its allies

23. And, according to boffins at the University of Stirling, if British companies were to capitalise their operating leases, their gearing would shoot up from an average of 20% to 72%.

ECONOMIST: Commercial property

24. The boffins who created the stuff claim it's reusable and can be used on locally-sourced cotton fabrics for a minimal, 12 percent cost increase given current manufacturing conditions.


25. That is why regulators in each country must ensure that there is enough spare generating capacity boffins say perhaps 20% above expected peak load and transmission capacity to be sure the lights stay on.

ECONOMIST: Why do the lights keep going out?

26. Moreover, most of the extra spending would be offset by savings on the treatment of those who would have been infected, but were not some 12m people, if the boffins have done their sums right.

ECONOMIST: Thirty years of a disease

27. The boffins in the boardrooms may not like it, but in the future they will have to spend more time worrying about the bits of their business that don't win Nobel prizes.

ECONOMIST: Too clever by half

28. The gripe about Britain being poor at gestating bold entrepreneurs is an old one: the stereotype is of boffins who are good at generating ideas, but lose out to thrusting Americans when it comes to monetising them.

ECONOMIST: Entrepreneurship and technology

29. IEA's boffins have analysed how much of a boost nuclear power could get from a carbon tax, and the answer is quite a lot possibly enough to compete with coal.

ECONOMIST: A renaissance that may not come

30. So he asked his boffins to devise their own system.

ECONOMIST: Videoconferencing


















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