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be weary of

be weary of

网络 厌倦;厌烦的

英 [bi ˈwɪəri ɒv]play 美 [bi ˈwɪri əv]play

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1. to be weary of 厌倦

2. Be Weary Of War 厌战

3. look tired be weary of 面有倦容


1. Dreaming souls weary of our time have desired to be transferred to the sublime age of Pericles.


2. Never to be weary of well doing.


3. But be weary of other players trying to Conquer you.


4. In 1980, when voters were weary of Jimmy Carter but worried that his challenger might be an extremist, Ronald Reagan's amiable performance reassured them.


5. He began to be weary of the research work.


6. No one had gone down the winding rivers of inner Africa. He whistled to himself it would be a weary experience, but he would do it.

但还没有人沿着非洲内陆那些蜿蜒的河流走过。他朝自个儿吹了声口哨这样做肯定会很疲劳, 但他一定要做。

7. If we draw the picture is all stereotyped, even if the picture beautiful also can let the person again be weary of.


8. What does it feel like to be weary? You have trouble concentrating. The problems of the day are like a claw in your brain. You feel pummeled by life.


9. Never be weary of well doing.


10. He said one of his core tasks will be to breathe new life and inject renewed confidence into the sometimes weary Secretariat, and seek to set the highest ethical standard.


11. The light radically pulls me not to be able to rest, therefore only can support by hard and stubborn effort, did not know when can be weary of such life very much, again considers by that time!


12. Thee unquellable positivity of Americans, for example, seems to be lacking from their use of emojis as they seem to most often use the weary face icon.

举例来说,从使用的表情包来看,美国人似乎不像人们认为的那样积极乐观,他们最经常使用的是一张疲惫的脸。 。

13. I remember what G O'H said to me once 'Be not weary of well doing for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not' and Bennett* who is very kind on these occasions 'Heaviness may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning'.


14. It's something I'm very weary of, and I know that MyInkBlog could use some improvement on, and it should be drastically improved in the coming redesign.


15. If a man nervous, food, will be hesitated, breaks things delayed. Delay is the result of the weary in well doing begging, immobilized.

人若神经紧张,说东道西,就会犹豫不定,反把事情耽误了。耽误的结果是叫人丧志乞怜,寸步难移。 。——莎士比亚。

16. They also need to be weary of overconfidence after two easy games against sub par teams at home.

它们还要注意在主场轻松2连胜后不要过于自负。《provided by jukuu》

17. Be weary of web design companies that don't provide contracts for all of their projects.


18. He'd spent too long in the same job, and was beginning to be weary of it.

他干同样的工作干得太久, 开始感到厌倦了.《互联网》

19. If we draw the picture is all stereotyped, even if the picture beautiful also can let the person again be weary of.


20. The main psychological problems of the students in teaching appear to be the reverse psychology and school-weary psychology.


21. In particular, you would probably get weary of typing long, complex command lines with loads of options, or where the order of the arguments has to be just so.


22. Which day you if be weary of to, please ahead of time tell me.

如果到哪一天迩会厌倦 、 请提前告诉我.《互联网》

23. None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken

其中没有疲倦的,绊跌的,没有打盹的,睡觉的。 腰带并不放松,鞋带也不折断。

24. RICHARD MONK (MG car OWNER's CLUB) : Ah I think some customers would be weary of car that perhaps came direct from China, um, they may consider it not to be an MG.


25. My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction.


26. This is important question for technical secondary school students to be weary of study in the process of technical secondary education.


27. Well, it seems a weary number of hours,' she muttered doubtfully: `it must be more.

我说。 “唉,好像过了数不尽的时刻啦,”她疑惑地喃喃着,“一定还多些。

28. Never be weary of well doing.


29. Peter: ( Be weary of ) En! What's the matter, Daddy?

彼得: ( 不耐烦的 ) 啊 !什么事, 爸爸?《互联网》

30. My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline or be weary of his reproof.


31. We became very weary of something that may be kludged to work today, but may break tomorrow if a more complicated web method were needed in later version of the service.


32. RICHARD MONK ( MG CAR OWNER'S CLUB ): Ah I think some customers would be weary of car that perhaps came direct from China, um, they may consider it not to be an MG.


33. The specially equipped boxes may take a bit of getting used to, but the weary traveller cannot fail to be impressed.


34. The man appeared to be about sixty years of age; he seemed sad and serious; his whole person presented the robust and weary aspect peculiar to military men who have retired from the service.


35. The Scotland persondisposition heroic is free and easy, could let be weary of the Englishtype indifferent tourists to feel exceptionally comfortably.


36. My son, despise not the chastening of Jehovah; Neither be weary of his reproof.

我儿, 你不可轻看耶和华的管教, 也不可厌烦他的责备. <箴3:11.《互联网》

37. A nation weary of wasting billions on unctuous educators who never deliver what they promise may be ready to hear some hard truths.


38. He began to be weary of the research work.


39. But be weary of other players trying to Conquer you.


40. My child, do not despise the Lord S discipline or be weary of his reproof.


41. Dragging my weary body and half asleep mind, it was no easy feat, I prayed to God for strength that I could be full of life and excitement to lead everyone to rejoice together!


42. This is important question for technical secondary school students to be weary of study in the process of technical secondary education.


43. He judged her to be capricious, and easily weary of the pleasure of the moment.



1. The head of Elliott Management warned of the massive levels of leverage at major global banks, and at the perils of quantitative easing which is masked money printing, telling investors to be weary of holding U.S., European, or Japanese bonds.

FORBES: Billionaire Paul Singer: The U.S. Has A Big Debt Problem And The Fed Is Making It Worse

2. Much of that money will be used to energize election-weary voters to get out and vote.

CNN: Attorney hopes to become first Vietnamese in Congress

3. Pacino's looking his age at last, but it suits his world-weary Dormer to a tee, Hilary Swank makes good use of what would be a throwaway support role in any other thriller, and Robin Williams?

BBC: Insomnia: Your views

4. Today we are informed by many politicians and commentators that we are weary of those burdens though what we should be weary of, given that our children aren't conscripted and our taxes aren't being raised in order to pay for those wars, is unclear.

WSJ: Eliot Cohen: American Withdrawal and World Disorder

5. If taxpayers want to preserve gains made thanks to tax competition, they must be weary of the threat posed by global tax cartels though organizations such as the OECD.

FORBES: New OECD Report Calls For Crippling New Corporate Tax Rules

6. Pivot could be the first of many "a la carte" broadband channels offered to subscribers weary of paying for whole tiers of cable-TV networks.

WSJ: Pivot, network for millennials, tries to change TV

7. The same policy could be extended to other uses of social media tools, making companies weary of engaging at all.

FORBES: FDA Wants to Regulate Drug Firms on the Internet and It's Targeting Facebook 'Likes'

8. The technique is little changed from the previous venture, and is starting to look weary: he makes fools out of gullible celebrities (mostly, it must be said, from the lower ranks), pausing only to make fools of regular folk.


9. These debates still seem to be mainly the preserve of the usual euro-suspects, and are treated with rather weary ennui by many MPs, but tension over a whole series of EU issues is rising, and they could yet result in serious problems for the government.

BBC: A Year On Part 2: The old lags flourishing in Commons

10. It's sort of this velvety, smooth, world-weary voice that seems to be untouched by time.

NPR: Dylan's Legacy Keeps Growing, Cover By Cover

11. An end to the violence and uncertainty in Kashmir would also be widely welcomed in India and Pakistan - and not only by those weary of the fighting or those who see it as a hindrance to the economic development of the South Asia region.

BBC: Q&A: Kashmir dispute

12. The long-promised road map for Israeli-Palestinian peace, which Syria condemns as inadequate, is likely to be endorsed by the rest of the war-weary region.

ECONOMIST: Syria hates the war, but is too weak to play the spoiler

13. However, al-Nusra rebels continue racking up victories on the battlefield and appear to be attracting growing respect from many supporters of Syria's weary armed opposition.

CNN: Rebels in northern Syria pin hopes on airbase's downfall

14. Because rather than ill-use the weary hordes, retailers are making it worth the trouble for customers to be one of them.

FORBES: Why You're Mad if You Miss Black Friday Madness

15. It might just be because they recognize that lots of voters are weary of witnessing many billions of tax dollars squandered on phony climate alarm-premised green subsidy fiascoes and empty promises of energy security and employment benefits.

FORBES: Election Campaigns Prove Global Warming Crisis Skeptics Won The Climate Debate

16. Mr Romney would take a more hawkish line abroad, with more criticism of enemies and more buttering-up of old allies, though a war-weary America would be no more likely to get involved in new conflicts.

ECONOMIST: Conclusion

17. There appear to be no good options in Syria and, like most Americans, NATO countries have grown very weary of the long war in Afghanistan.

CNN: G8 and NATO-athon, with Pakistan at the table

18. Be weary that the further we go deeper into the month of December, fundamentals and technical can sometimes be easily tossed to the wayside!

FORBES: Euro Has Upside Here, But Beware The Tricks Of The Season

19. Weary as you must be of hearing about Silicon Valley, you have to admit it ticks and hums to perfection.

FORBES: Four Mice Of The Apocalypse









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