
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈkwɒləti]play美 [ˈkwɑːləti]play

  • n. 质量,品质;优质,上乘;素质,品德;特征,特质;(语音)音质,音色;<英>(供有品位者阅读的)高质量报纸(=quality newspaper);(占星)黄道宫运动三大特征之一
  • adj. 优质的,高质量的;<英>(报纸)内容严肃的,高级的;<英,俚>棒极了

复数 qualities

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


quality /ˈkwɒlɪtɪ/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 The quality of something is how good or bad it is. 质量

    Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life.



    Other services vary dramatically in quality.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Something of quality is of a high standard. 优质

    ...a college of quality.


  • 3.
    可数名词 Someone's qualities are the good characteristics that they have which are part of their nature. 优良品质

    Sometimes you wonder where your kids get their good qualities.


  • 4.
    可数名词 You can describe a particular characteristic of a person or thing as a quality. 个性; 特性

    ...a childlike quality.






quality attribute characteristic feature peculiarity property trait 【导航词义:特性】

quality n. 特性,特征

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指有形或无形的特性,也可指个性或共性的特征。

例1: She has a childlike quality.


例2: One quality of wood is that it can burn.


例3: He is studying the physical and chemical qualities of the metal.


attribute n. 特性,特质

〔辨析〕 指某人或某物特有的性质或属性,尤指好的、有用的特质。

例1: What attributes should a good leader possess?


例2: Jake has all the attributes of a first-class athlete.


characteristic n. 特性,特点

〔辨析〕 指有别于其他人或事物的典型的、特殊的、本质的特性或特征,含易于辨认之意,通常用复数。

例1: These two groups of patients have quite different characteristics.


例2: His predominant characteristic is honesty.


例3: The physical characteristics of objects should also be taken into account.


例4: It is one of their distinguishing characteristics.


feature n. 特征,特色

〔辨析〕 指引人注目的显著特征或细节,多用于说明人或事物的主要特征,也可用于说明地理特征等。

例1: This is a key feature of our community college.


例2: Her eyes are her best feature.


例3: The most distinguishing feature of Korean food is the spiciness.


例4: What are the important features of the landscape in Holland?


peculiarity n. 特性,特点

〔辨析〕 指地方、人、情况等的独特之处。

例1: The lack of a written constitution is a peculiarity of the country.


例2: Pouches are a peculiarity of marsupials.


property n. [正式] 特性,性质

〔辨析〕 多指同类事物所共有的特性,通常用复数。

例1: Let's compare the physical properties of the two substances.


例2: This container has good heat-retaining properties.


trait n. [正式] 特征,特性

〔辨析〕 多指人的性格或性情特征,尤指先天的性格特征。

例1: genetic traits


例2: His two most pleasing traits are generosity and amiability.


例3: The medical research was based on particular personality traits.



1. quality standard 质量标准

2. high quality 高品质

3. reliable quality 质量可靠

4. Software Quality 计 软件质量

5. quality education 素质教育;优质教育

6. product quality 产品质量

7. quality inspection 质量检查

8. surface quality 表面质量;表面符号;外观要求

9. service quality 服务质量;功能质量

10. quality control 质量控制,质量管理

11. superior quality 优等的质量 ; 质量上乘 ; 优等品 ; 质地考究

12. excellent quality 优良品质;优良质量

13. Quality Engineer 质量工程师 ; 品质工程师 ; 品保工程师 ; 质量控制

14. quality first 质量第一

15. good quality 良好品质,高品质;好质量

16. quality service 优质服务

17. environmental quality 环境质量;环境品质

18. best quality 最佳品质

19. quality management 质量管理

20. water quality 水质

21. quality assurance 质量保证;品质保证

22. quality system 质量体系;品质系统

23. Quality Assurance 经管 质量保证 ; 品质保证 ; 质量保证人员 ; 质量控制

24. quality of life 生活质量;基本生活条件

25. quality certificate 品质证明书 ; 质量认证 ; 品质证书 ; 质量证书




air quality 空气质量

quality of life 生活质量

quality of service 服务质量

water quality 水质

quality of work 工作质量


best/better/good quality 最好/更好/好的质量

high/higher/highest quality 高/更高/最高的质量

low quality 低质量

poor quality 差质量

top quality 顶级质量


1. Three, the setting up modern education idea, improves teacher own comprehensive quality and ability unceasingly.

三是树立现代教育理念, 不断提高教师自身的综合素质和能力.《期刊摘选》

2. Process improvement, including efficiency, process capability , operation time, quality loss reduction, cost reduction.

工艺改进, 包括生产率, 过程能力, 质量废损, 成本改进等等.《期刊摘选》

3. Our superior product quality, advanced technologies and related software solutions are appreciated in the industries.

我们高质量的产品 、 卓越的技术以及相关的软件解决方案在行业中受到一致青睐.《期刊摘选》

4. Specification complete, quality and cheap, the quality of their products were certified BrandName Zhuji City.

品种规格齐全 、 质优价廉, 其产品质量被诸暨市认证名优产品.《期刊摘选》

5. Our products are in high quality, wide variety and price and the timely delivery is guaranteed.

产品品质优良, 品种齐全,价格优惠,交货及时.《期刊摘选》

6. Can be as your company in the local business promotion center. Connaught the quality and reliable!

可作为贵公司驻本地的业务推广中心. 实诺品质,值得信赖!《期刊摘选》

7. His good qualities overbalance his shortcomings.


8. To the rich, we continuously improve the quality of our society has gradually a qualified citizens.

为了富裕, 我们的素养在不断地提高,我们在逐渐成为社会的合格公民.《期刊摘选》

9. Will: man, have high level, the high quality, the high skills game development.

要的因素: 人, 具备高水平 、 高素质 、 高技能的游戏开发人才.《期刊摘选》

10. Good oral and written English proficiency , passes good interpersonal and guest contact skills leadership quality.

良好的英语口语, 良好的沟通能力及客户接触技能.《期刊摘选》

11. We in good faith, rapid and high quality service exchange for your trust and cooperation again!

我们以真诚, 快速,优质的服务换取你的信任和再次合作!《期刊摘选》

12. Skill: Understand quality system & EHS, Speaking and writing English fluently.

技能: 了解熟悉质量 、 安全 、 环境体系.英语说写流利.《期刊摘选》

13. With quality products and comprehensive customer service has won recognition at home and abroad and support.


14. Our company specializes in making better quality office furniture and equipment.


15. I am not talking about the quality of care, let me hastily add.

让我快速补充一句,我说的不是护理的质量。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

16. I will complete product range, quality and reasonable price.

我行产品种类齐全 、 品质优良,价格合理.《期刊摘选》

17. personal qualities such as honesty and generosity


18. Combination of listening, speaking and writing is the key of language systematic quality.


19. Possess certain quality technical statistics knowledge, skill, measurement technical knowledge and skill.

具备一定的质量技术统计知识 、 技能, 测量技术知识、技能.《期刊摘选》

20. The quality of the students' work varies considerably.


21. quality service at a competitive price


22. For related equipment factory in the provision of technical support and quality equipment.


23. Wisdom The quality of understanding a mage possesses about the balance of magic and the mundane.


24. The best integrated turf quality was recorded in Ram I 、 Midnight 、 America 、 Connie 、 Liberator, which could be adopted in Shanxi.


25. OBJECTIVE: To provide direct and high quality pharmaceutical care for out patients department of dermatology.

目的: 为皮肤科门诊患者提供直接、优质的药品保健服务.《期刊摘选》

26. The quality of teaching in the school is excellent.


27. With a higher deposition efficiency , high quality and low intensity of labour, etc.


28. Over the past three decades, the industry has made  some efforts to improve the quality of its offerings.

在过去30 年间,食品行业在改善自身产品质量方面做出了一些努力。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

29. This wine is of doubtful quality.


30. He was popular as much for his personal qualities as for his management skills.


31. Only by offering higher quality ofcustomer value consistently, can hospital gain more customer satisfaction and fidelity.

因此,医院只有持续地为顾客提供高水平的价值, 才能获得可靠并持续的顾客满意水平,赢得顾客的忠诚.《期刊摘选》

32. The market range, range, reliable quality and reasonable price, customers are the preferred structures.

市场品种齐全, 应有尽有, 质量可靠,价格合理, 是客户构物的首选.《期刊摘选》

33. Bride suffered grievance, begin to tell remove oneself the good qualities of gone husband.

新妇受了委屈, 就开始讲起自己死去丈夫的优点.《期刊摘选》

34. These are leather goods of high quality.


35. It has a high reputation of many years'standing for good quality.


36. A worthy fellow , Ratty , with many good qualities, but very little intelligence and absolutely no education.

耗子呀,人倒是个好人,优点不少, 可就是缺少智慧,根本没受过教育.《期刊摘选》

37. Specialized in order to ensure quality in order to create superior, can be the field!

专业制造才能保证专业品质,才能打造精品, 才能是这个领域最后的赢家.《期刊摘选》

38. The quality of vocabulary learning has direct influence on the development of language skills.


39. Yet why does it need a war to bring out our qualities and reassert our pride?


40. Our products sell well in overseas markets because of high quality and competitive price.


41. In all our products the accent is on quality.


42. Art teachers as a child the perpetrators , must possess the necessary qualities to do the activities.

幼儿美术教师作为>的实施者, 必须具备一定的素养才能胜任活动的实施.《期刊摘选》

43. She possesses admirable leadership qualities and is looked up to by her peers.


44. Those qualities, skills and infrastructure remain in the region.


45. We will design and produce high quality Venetian pearl according to your demand.


46. Build on the qualities you are satisfied with and work to change those you are unhappy with.


47. The annual survey is a prestigious ranking of employee talent, quality of management and business innovation.

这项年度调查是对各公司的雇员才能 、 管理质量和企业创新的享有很高声望的排名.《期刊摘选》

48. Guild house improves both the trade income, and the quality of merchants created in the region.


49. They were agreeably surprised by the quality of the food.


50. At the Exploratorium in San Francisco, we recently studied how learning to ask good questions can affect the quality of people ’ s scientific inquiry.

近期,在旧金山的探索馆,我们研究了学会提问是怎样影响人们科学探索的质量的。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

51. Central to the author's thesis are Austin's great qualities as a leader.


52. ” This finding supported ConAgra’s decision to position the product against other high quality frozen dinners, rather than as a diet or health food.

”这一发现支持了ConAgra 的 决 定, 即让这类产品与其他优质的冷冻餐食竞争,而不是作为一种特别饮食或健康食品。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

53. a decline in water quality


54. At present we're making efforts to improve the quality and increase the variety of our products.


55. There is a poetic quality to her playing.


56. It's time to wake up to the fact that making smart buildings,cities and homes will dramatically improve our quality of life in the years ahead.

是时候认识到这一事实了:建造智能建筑、城市和家居将极大地改善我们未来的生活质量。《17年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

57. Other services vary dramatically in quality.


58. A job analysis should also include what skills and personal qualities are required.


59. He has great qualities , ambition , discipline, tactical awareness and of course he is a great goalscorer.

他是一名非常出色的前锋,有着出众的技术,求胜的欲望, 严明的纪律, 良好的战术素养.《期刊摘选》

60. Tourist soap and slippers with high quality and fine packing is suitable for the star hotels.


61. Grafting can join scions with desirable qualities to rootstock A graft can be cut several ways.


62. Does the quality of teaching depend on class size?


63. Only in the inspection and quality control manager confirmed by the ability after through to production.


64. The commodities handled By us are Best in quality and most numerous in variety.


65. Guide and help the district manager to improve their professional and comprehensive quality.


66. This provided an important theoretic basis for strategies in breeding and quality cultivating of Glutinous Sorghum.


67. She acts well but she hasn't got star quality.


68. The burden of his complaint was that quality was very poor.


69. A demand of nature and quality of phosphate rock for producing different phosphate fertilizer is discussed.


70. Provides the high quality optical system and the durable reliable operating mechanism.


71. The strategy of our company is The best quality and the best service.


72. goods of a high quality


73. The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability top learn, ambition and goof health.

主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好 、 学习能力优 、 事业心强和身体健康.《期刊摘选》

74. Dressing adequately P and K ? fertilizer? is of benefit to improving the quality.

适当施用磷 钾肥 有利于改善柑桔品质.《期刊摘选》

75. The recording quality is excellent.


76. But the A . A . U . P . AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality.


77. In a challenge for manufacturers, 81% of paper product users said they would consider buying recycled toilet tissue if it were comparable in quality to standard paper.

81% 的纸制品消费者表示,如果再生卫生纸的质量与标准卫生纸的质量相当,他们会考虑购买再生卫生纸,这对制造商来说是一个挑战。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

78. These products are of high quality and able to compete internationally.


79. Follow up the shipment and received the goods in good quality.


80. In our company, quality is high on the agenda.


81. Quality of leadership, creativity and self motivation.

具有领导才能 、 创造力并能够自我激励.《期刊摘选》

82. The extruder used process features simple head structure, low price I less space and quality extrudate.

该法使用的挤出机,具有机头结构简单 、 价廉、占地面积小,挤出物质量好等优点.《期刊摘选》

83. The most loyal customers would still get the product they favor, the idea goes, and they’d feel like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in.

这一想法是:最忠实的顾客仍然会购买他们青睐的产品。他们会觉得自己正在帮助维护自己信赖产品的质量。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

84. If you start bragging about your qualities, then too, you go to extremes.

如果你开始夸耀你的优点, 继而, 你会走极端.《期刊摘选》

85. This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare.


86. Good quality jeans are only available on the black market in this city.


87. Xintai Fastener the product type to be complete, quality fine price preferential benefit.

信泰紧固件的产品种类齐全, 质优价廉.《期刊摘选》

88. High quality integrated image intensifier and CCD camera the function more stable and the image clearer.


89. The technological process has high forging inside quality and facilitates the forging of large extrusion roll.


90. To sum up, he is a person with many outstanding qualities.

总括起来说, 他这个人有不少突出的优点.《期刊摘选》

91. The effect of polyphenols on the edible quality of walnut kernel was studied in this paper.


92. Methods: Filling in surveillance capability questionnaires of drinking water quality and analyzing the information.

方法: 填写统一的生活饮用水水质监测能力调查表,汇总资料分析.《期刊摘选》

93. The progress of production, variety, quality and technology of white carbon in China are introduced.

介绍了国内白炭黑工业在生产 、 品种 、 质量和生产技术方面的进展.《期刊摘选》

94. Your teacher or boss will write a letter describing your good qualities.


95. Rather would I buy a Samsung, far better design, quality and ergonomics.

我宁愿买三星的, 因为它们设计完美, 质量上佳,附合人类仿真.《期刊摘选》

96. As king of the world, he will need all of those qualities to rule the nations.

作为世界的王, 他需要所有这些品质才能统治各国.《期刊摘选》

97. The quality of the recording is quite exceptional.


98. Hospital managers need high quality measurement tools in their practice of quality improvement.


99. On the contrary, I can develop my total personality, such as personal qualities and social skills.

相反, 我可以发展我的, 如个人素质和社会技能的总的个性.《期刊摘选》

100. Raise customer awareness via achieving customer satisfaction by providing high quality service.


101. It is because of clients like you that we continue to offer quality merchandise and service.


102. In ultrasonic cutting process, the cutting pressure is still essential for achieving good quality cutting process.

在超声切割过程中, 为了保证切割质量,对切割压力仍有一定的要求.《期刊摘选》

103. The article introduces the quality, varieties and development of bar steels in Bao Steel.


104. Its advantages are simple structure, easy manufacture high shaping speed and high quality of product.

本发明具有结构简单 、 加工方便、成型速度快和加工质量好等优点.《期刊摘选》

105. Application of zeolite catalyst in cumene process makes it possible to achieve better quality without pollution.


106. My company's products are variety, quality, excellent, innovative design and reasonable price, and other four characteristics.

我公司的产品具有品种丰富 、 质量过硬 、 式样新颖、价格合理等四个特点.《期刊摘选》

107. Stress free time, quality time for you to spend on yourself, your family or friends.

强调将你的自由时间, 高质量的时间花费在你自己身上, 你的亲人或者朋友身上.《期刊摘选》

108. Harvard economist Raj Chetty has pointed to economic and racial segregation , community density, the size of a community ’ s middle class, the quality of schools, community religiosity , and family structure, which he calls the “ single

strongest correlate of upward mobility. ”哈佛经济学家 Raj Chetty 指出的因素包括经济和种族隔离、社区密度、社区中产阶级的规模、学校的质量、社区的宗教性和家庭结构,其中家庭结构在他看来与向上流动有着最强关联性。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

109. Quality is an everlasting theme of an enterprise.


110. Working process is fluent and the standard of reliable product quality achieved.


111. I produced the bath tub shower and more varieties of good quality at reasonable prices.


112. SHL has been serving it's customers since 1998 a focus on high quality industrial components.


113. Quality and quantity guaranteed, price reasonable.

产品优点︰质量保证, 价格优惠.《期刊摘选》

114. We have - class production equipment and technology, product quality in Guangdong good reputation.

我们有一流的生产设备和技术, 产品质量在广东很好的美誉度.《期刊摘选》

115. PC skills ( MS Word , Excel , Power Point , Project , AUTO CAD ), quality systems, automotive related background.

具有计算机应用能力, 熟悉质量体系以及具有与汽车相关的背景.《期刊摘选》

116. High quality projects the required product, service or result within scope , on time within budget.

高质量的项目能在预算内按时提交满足要求的产品 、 服务或成果.《期刊摘选》

117. Asexual propagation of a guarantee to the Cayman Asian Taxus species of pure, good quality seedlings.

采用无性繁育技术保证了曼地亚红豆杉品种的纯正, 苗质优良.《期刊摘选》

118. High quality and continuous improvement is key to our service.


119. We are a distributor of high quality new parts to both OE and Aftermarket customers.


120. Our productivity, technology capability and quality level be up to international standard.

产品的生产规模 、 技术能力和质量水平达到国际认定标准.《期刊摘选》

121. Quality is something we never neglect. Good quality ensures continued sales.

我们一直十分重视质量. 商品质量好,才能不断有销路.《期刊摘选》

122. Good in workshop organization procedure and leadership quality.


123. The edible quality of vegetable soybean consists of sweetness, flavor, texture and taste.

衡量食味的主要品质指标有甜味 、 质地 、 香味和鲜味等.《期刊摘选》

124. Their quality of life improved dramatically when they moved to France.


125. This is high quality stuff.


126. The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.


127. The company has substantial term cash, the full range, quality and cheap, fast delivery.

本公司长期备有大量现货, 品种齐全, 质优价廉, 交货快捷.《期刊摘选》

128. The message is you need better quality control.


129. Thereby, improves students'ability of solving problems and raises their overall qualities in practice.


130. Have basic knowledge of medicine production process, validation. Have using capability of quality management tool.

具有一定的药品生产工艺, 验证知识和经验以及质量管理工具应用能力.《期刊摘选》

131. The cassettes were of inferior quality.


132. It will also enhance the design ability, shorten the design period, and improve the design quality.

同时,对于提高设计能力, 缩短设计周期, 提高设计质量,起到十分关键的作用.《期刊摘选》

133. Map Literacy is an important component part of the geographical and scientific quality.


134. We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices.


135. Text can be scaled from 4 points to 108 points without any loss of quality.


136. In our work, quality is paramount.


137. contemporary writers of quality


138. Guaranteeing the value of accouting information only relys on improving the quality of accouting information.


139. The digital jet printer with belt type features high quality and wide applicability.


140. Third, improve the quality and capacity of our workers.

第三, 提高劳动者素质和能力.《期刊摘选》

141. To find high quality candidates for the production functionfunction is always a headache.


142. Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life.


143. Cultural quality course is a compound optional course that contains moral education and art education.


144. Providing the services of commodity quality inspection and sanitation inspection.


145. With the OfficePro you can print up to 4 high quality color pages a minutes.


146. Justice is the quality of being just and fair to everyone.


147. Strong visual sense and able to deliver quality layout and art direction 3.


148. Our company puts the emphasis on quality.


149. A strong sense of responsibility, prudence seriously, a good professional quality.

责任心强 、 踏实认真 、 有良好的职业素养.《期刊摘选》

150. His quality of life has improved dramatically since the operation.


151. The demand is for quality, variety and novelty.

现在需求的是质量 、 花式品种和新颖性.《辞典例句》

152. Please be advised that we are able to offer a high quality bicycles now.


153. Her best qualities come out in a crisis.


154. What qualities go to make a successful businessman?


155. The quality is uniformly high.


156. Wish our sincere and high quality services will win the support and trust of customers.


157. Quality —— Perfect quality is our everlasting goal.


158. Quality is our watchword.


159. Justice is a noble quality.


160. Only by th e perfect combination of the two can renditions of high quality be produced.


161. While consumers are spending less on toilet paper, they remain fussy – in theory at least – when it comes to paper quality.

尽管消费者在卫生纸上花的钱变少了,但在考虑纸张的质量时,他们仍然很挑剔——至少理论上是这样。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

162. Our incomparable quality enables us to charge higher prices than our competitors.


163. Results The results showed the method could get the higher productivity and quality of cottonseed oil.


164. And its yarn forming quality comparison against traditional spinning is also done through experiments.


165. The subcontractor shall not use such verification as evidence of effective control of quality.


166. In this paper also makes researches how to improve students information basic quality and innovative ability.


167. What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?


168. The problem is “decision fatigue,’’ a psychological phenomenon that takes a toll on the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making, says Evan Polman, a leading psychologist

杰出的心理学家埃文•波尔曼说道:问题在于“决策疲劳”,这是一种心理现象,在不断做决定的漫长一天结束后,你的决策质量会受到很大的影响《18年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

169. They will not produce machine tools of highest quality unless they are equipped with modern machinery.


170. Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life...


171. Assassins'Guild house improves law and order in the region, and the quality of locally assassins.

刺客行会提高城邑法律和秩序, 同时亦提高本地刺客的职业技能.《期刊摘选》

172. In conclusion, authors propose that three coping strategies be adopted to ensure the quality of interpreting.


173. Layering is a traditional breeding methods for the preservation and development of quality varieties.


174. Landmarginal land . They grown grow fast and provide provide good quality wood.


175. ...a childlike quality.


176. Suitable for any water quality in Taiwan, with cheap cost and advantages of economical value.

适用于台湾大部份的水质环境, 更兼具低成本,高经济价值的优点.《期刊摘选》

177. We sell good quality food at reasonable prices.


178. Drinking regularly can improve physical quality and enhance ability to immunize.


179. The molecular biology would provide tool to understand the mechanism of quality variation.


180. Sometimes you wonder where your kids get their good qualities...


181. Quality is an inner , unshaped, comprehensive and complete inner potential ability.


182. Only products manufactured with sophisticated skill and high in quality can win praise from numerous customers.


183. A useful troubleshooting facility is the ability to test the quality of a network connection.


184. Our main concern is to provide quality customer service.


185. to have leadership qualities


186. At least you have a list of these activities or experiences learned the skills or qualities.


187. The company will be excellent quality, affordable prices and quality service to your satisfaction!

公司将以卓越的品质 、 实惠的价格和优质的售后服务让你满意!《期刊摘选》

188. to be of good/poor/top quality

质量好 / 次 / 上乘《牛津词典》

189. No matter how it happened, millions of Americans are putting their health, quality of life and even length of life in danger

不管原因为何,数以百万计的美国人正在把自己的健康、生活质量,甚至寿命都置于危险之中《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

190. With rich work experience, quality of technical services.

拥有丰富的工作经验, 优质的技术服务.《期刊摘选》

191. Who sets the standard for water quality?


192. He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities...


193. Shockingly, the two groups came up with plans of similar quality (although the college students had better spelling skills).

令人震惊的是,两个组提出的计划在质量上非常接近(尽管大学生的拼写能力优于五年级学生)。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

194. They prefer something unique and they demand quality

他们追求独特,崇尚品质。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

195. The system can reduce the labor strength and ensure the cleaning quality and others.


196. The traditional view of such moments is that they constitutea charming but irrelevant byproduct of youth — something to bepushed aside to make room for more important qualities, likeperseverance ( 坚持不懈 ), obligation, and practicality .

关于这些时刻的传统观点是,它们可算作青春带来的一种迷人却无关紧要的副产品——将为毅力、责任心、实事求是等更重要的品质让路。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

197. These recordings are cheap, available everywhere, and very often much higher in artistic quality than today’s live performances; moreover, they can be “consumed” at a time and place of the listener’s choosing

这些录制品价格低廉、随处可得,其艺术品质也通常比如今的现场音乐会高很多;另外,听众还可以自己选择“消费”这些录制品的时间和地点。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

198. The BFI said “a dip in production should not be confused with a decline in quality”, adding that Hollywood studios were spending more in the UK.

BFI称:“制片数量的下降不应和质量的下降相混淆”,另外,好莱坞的电影公司在英国的投资也增加了。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

199. Thieves'Guild house improves the quality of spies hired in the same settlement.


200. Our products are well made by original ABS and other high quality materials, with experienced workers.

采用高质量的原材料, 高水平的制作工艺,制造出高质量的外壳产品.《期刊摘选》

201. Do supplier performance evaluation and management for quality, price, delivery and development area periodically.

对供应商就品质, 价格, 出货与开发等方面进行定期性的评估与管理.《期刊摘选》

202. The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.

主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好 、 学习能力优 、 事业心强和身体棒.《期刊摘选》

203. Give the other person a genuine compliment positive quality or trait they have.


204. It'suggested that Alveograph NG Consistograph have the fast and accurate merit in the quality analysis.


205. They wanted the very best quality.


206. Music used for the dance must be of good quality and in compact disc ( CD ) format.

用于舞蹈伴奏的音乐必须是优质的、光碟 ( CD ) 格式的乐曲.《期刊摘选》

207. We specialize in quality furniture.


208. Our products have a complete range of specifications and steady good quality.


209. What qualities go to the making of an explorer?


210. You have this quality in your eyes and mouth and in your nature.

你的眼睛和嘴巴,还有你的天性都具有这种才能.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

211. Shao Yong is a high quality of jurisprudence, he has to create a number of commendable.

邵雍是一个素养较高的理学家, 他有许多值得称赞的创造.《期刊摘选》

212. They also do not have access to quality health care or other prerequisites for upward social mobility.

他们也无法得到高质量的医疗保健服务或向社会上层流动的其他必要条件。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

213. If a team manager exemplifies such qualities, then the team as a whole would be better able to realize their potential and achieve their objectives.

如果 一个团队的管理者表现出了这样的品质,那么团队作为一个整体就更能意识 到自己的潜力,从而实现自己的目标。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

214. At the same thethe improving of quality mainly lies in revealing andthe mental problems of students.


215. The success of our business reflects the quality and skill of Cooper people.


216. Use talent, knowledge, qualities and charm to compete with appearance, tools, background and wealth.

用才能 、 学识 、 气质和魅力,竞争(战胜)外型 、 工具 、 背景和钱财.《期刊摘选》

217. We not only ensure good product quality, more to achieve higher level of work efficiency.

我们不但保证良好的产品质量, 更要达到更高一层次的工作效率!《期刊摘选》

218. Product quality, innovative, artistic, and species diversity.

产品质量好 、 新颖美观 、 品种多样化.《期刊摘选》

219. The print quality of the new laser printer is superb.


220. Using AC motor speed control system directly and cutting feed rate to achieve high quality cut.


221. Our products enjoy an excellent price performance ratio and high quality.


222. The book will be a quality softback, perfect bound with full colour covers.

这本书会是本高质量的平装软皮书, 完美地用彩纸包装起来.《期刊摘选》

223. ...a college of quality...


224. It possess the qualities of energy saving, noise elimination, acid resisting and convenient in flushing.

本设备具有节能 、 消声 、 耐酸、生产能力强、清洗方便等优点.《期刊摘选》

225. What qualities do you have ? Most great people are also important people . But important great people.


226. “ Most journals are weak in statistical review, and this damages the quality of what they publish.

他说“大多数杂志统计审查方面很薄弱,这损害了他们出版的论文的质量。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

227. So we can be sure of the quality.


228. Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable.


229. Rice quality measure analysis showed that Bijing 41 is a low amylose soft rice variety.


230. While quality of life has improved, there's still a lot of burnout.

在生活质量提高的同时, 却有许多人身心疲惫.《期刊摘选》

231. Charm: The power or quality of pleasing or delighting; attractiveness.

魅力,魔力: 讨人喜欢或令人愉快的能力或品质; 魅力.《期刊摘选》

232. The quality of customer service is extremely important.


233. Fourth , improve the overall quality of the contingent of pharmacists and pharmacy service capacity.


234. This model represents the best compromise between price and quality.


235. The company's domination of the market is based on the high quality of its products.


236. This product is packaged, high quality and low price, will give you a greater profit margins.

本产品包装精美, 质优价廉, 将带给您更大的利润空间.《期刊摘选》

237. The adaptability of youth to new surroundings is one of their good qualities.


238. Drive continuous improvement in every phase of the operation yielding agreed targets on quality, and throughput.

为既定的目标对质量 、 生产能力进行持续改进.《期刊摘选》

239. I need high quality back links from unique accounts with PR 4 or more.

我需要高质量的反向链接与PR由 4个或更多不同的帐户.《期刊摘选》

240. Quality of the fruit is becoming of utmost importance in the final selection of a variety.


241. ...the pretentious quality of the poetry...


242. Increasingly, researchers have begun to look at the quality of relationships, rather than at the frequency of contact, between the elderly and their children.

研究人员们开始越来越多地关注年长者与子女间的关系的质量,而非来往的频率。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

243. Even the quality papers agreed that it was a triumph.


244. Knowledge, ability and quality are the three essential factors of contemporary educational target.

知识 、 能力、素质是构成现代教育目标的三个基本要素.《期刊摘选》

245. The other quality is the ability to work in a spirit of harmony with others.


246. One in 10 buyers rank toilet rolls made from recycled paper among their top considerations, highlighting how overall the environment is much less of a consideration for shoppers than product quality.

十分之一的买家会把用再生纸制成的卫生纸列入首选对象中,这突出表明总体上对于购买者来说,与产品质量相比,环保因素很少被纳入考虑。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

247. It is quality not price that sells our products.


248. I was disappointed by the quality of the wine.


249. First, consumers may take CSR spending as a “signal” that a company’s products are of high quality

首先,消费者会将CSR支出视为公司生产高质量的“标识”。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

250. Price is not always an accurate marker of quality.


251. When costs are cut product quality suffers.


252. ‘What was the film like? ’ ‘Quality! ’


253. We have been looking good quality wiper blade for OEM purpose , under our own brand name.


254. Market research has shown us that people want quality, not just low prices.


255. I will try to reach the level of supervisor on personality, competence and work quality.

达到主管的素质 、 能力和工作质量要求(水平).《期刊摘选》

256. Have the ability to deal with urgent quality issue.


257. Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races.


258. The great vineyards of Champagne, Burgundy, the Loire River, and Bordeaux all have quality limestone soil.

在香槟产区 、 勃艮第 、 卢瓦河 、 波尔多地区有大片高质量的石灰石土壤.《期刊摘选》

259. In the honeymoon stage, partners idealize each other , seeing only their partner's best qualities, said Commerford.

康墨德说,在蜜月期, 双方都理想化伴侣, 看到的只是彼此的优点.《期刊摘选》

260. He is a firm believer in total quality management.


261. The students' work varies considerably in quality.


262. We supervise from beekeepers, stations to factory record to ensure sufficient material with good quality.

从蜂农 —— 基地——工厂的全程监控管理模式,保证了企业充足和高质量的原料供应.《期刊摘选》

263. Production and speed, angle of paper strength, stable product quality advantages.

具有生产速度快 、 纸角强度 、 产品质量稳定等优点.《期刊摘选》

264. He can also tell you what would be even better to improve the program's quality.


265. We are guided by the principles of integrity for customers to provide quality products and services.


266. It is a misunderstanding that Russian clients has lower request in quality than European and American.


267. He combines all the qualities of a successful player. You name it, he's got it.

他身上有一个成功球员所有的优点. 你说什么, 他有什么.《期刊摘选》

268. Besides, it is imperative for Mongolian and students to enhance the quality of integrated cultural knowledge.

此外, 提升蒙古族学校师生的综合知识素养也是必要的.《期刊摘选》

269. One who is pursuing police work should be provided with integrated qualities and craftsmanship.


270. These products are of good quality.


271. It was a performance with star quality written all over it.


272. Customers for processing are welcome. High quality dyed yarn can be supplied directly.


273. the special quality of light and shade in her paintings


274. He says they show more about the quality of students'work than traditional grades still do.


275. Systematic technical information, scale production and professional skills ensure the company to make high quality products.

系统化的技术信息, 规模生产的经验以及制作工艺方面的技术技能,使公司能够制造出高质量的产品.《期刊摘选》

276. Polishing surface with elastic laing tools have higher efficiency and quality than with ball end tools.


277. Excellent presentation skills, excellent temperament and personal qualities, communication, and well influence.

出色的演讲技巧, 优秀的气质和个人素养, 沟通力 、 感染力佳.《期刊摘选》

278. It is with characters of good quality, cold tolerance, rice blast resistance and high yield.

该品种具有优质 、 耐冷 、 抗病和高产的特点.《期刊摘选》

279. The sound quality of the tapes was excellent.


280. As to the problem of agricultural structure, the tactics of improving the quality of agricultural production.

针对农业结构问题, 论文提出扩大优良品种提高农产品优质率.《期刊摘选》

281. The quality of the training has vastly improved.


282. He has the defects of his qualities.


283. All work consistent sound ensure product quality and stability improvements.


284. School musical instruments so I have good music quality and a wealth of musical knowledge.


285. high-quality goods


286. Of course, our growth and the quality of products and user support is inseparable from the!

当然, 我们的壮大与产品的质量以及用户的支持是分不开的!《期刊摘选》

287. We HAs inquired of Manager Zhang about the varieties, quality and price of tea.

咱们向张经理询问了茶叶的品种 、 质量、价格等疑难题目.《期刊摘选》

288. Quality originates in the persistent sense to keep improving and the strict scientific divided management.


289. Strong analytical skills in detecting and trouble shooting packing quality.


290. The quality of the food here has dropped a notch recently.


291. This will be reflected as required by a qualified quality of college students!


292. Only by avoiding and overcoming problematic translations, can the overall quality of translations be improved.


293. High quality products of chocolate, bakery and biscuits are their speciality.

该公司专门生产高质量的巧克力 、 糕点和饼干.《期刊摘选》

294. He has leadership qualities.


295. We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.


296. High quality raw ore and reasonable treating process are the guarantee for quality of diatomite.


297. Will you and your company to provide the most comprehensive, quality services.

将为您和您的公司提供最全面 、 最优质的服务.《期刊摘选》

298. With rich experience, specialized skill and high quality service make our company popular among the customers.

丰富的经验, 专业的技能和高品质的服务使我们公司广受欢迎.《期刊摘选》

299. Technical disclosure: design requirements , materials to be used, construction methods , quality standards and safety measures.

计划安排: 落实混凝土供应日期,时间 、 数量 、 品种 、 强度等级和技术要求.《期刊摘选》

300. Quality attention is what your child craves and giving it will only benefit you, too.



1. He emphasized first-time quality because, he says, correcting defects makes up 10% to 15% of product cost.

FORBES: How an outsider's vision saved Kodak

2. For those users who value high-quality video, the camera has 1080p Full HD capabilities as well.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

3. The same nations and the short life expectancy of birth probably the lowest quality of life in other areas.

这一数字在下降,在上述国家,新生儿预期寿命较短,某些区域生活质量极低。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. Edward Lawler at the University of Southern California says these companies may now have difficulty getting and keeping high-quality employees.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

5. unless it has really good quality or I think it's going to last me for a really long time.

除非它真的质量很好,或者我认为我真的会用很久。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : SOHO的画廊

6. A spokeswoman for the mayor's office, Joanna Dovan,says the Pittsburgh area has been working to improve its air quality.

VOA : special.2009.07.13

7. Heck, it's higher-quality than most Atom-powered Windows 8 tablets, too, albeit not as powerful.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

8. That takes time, and quality time, too, which we cannot dilute by churning out yet more babies.

BBC: Viewpoint: Just what is middle age?

9. We have the difference between conjunct music with the and disjunct music and that perhaps adds to the unsettled quality of the beethoven Fifth Symphony.

我们发现存在着不同,当级进混合着跳进时,也许正是这样的处理突出渲染了,贝多芬第五交响曲中的不安氛围聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. In the hands of chocolatier Thomas Scheiblhofer, high-quality chocolate is turned into beautifully presented truffles.

BBC: In the kitchen with Viennese history

11. It's a puzzle, but it has for its delight a kind of solitary quality, both of the composer and of the solver of the chess problem.

它是一个谜语,却具有某种令人愉快的自我的特性,不论是设题的人还是解题的人都能感知到。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. He said it offers a modern new way to share high quality videos with a large group of people interested in art.

VOA : special.2009.08.28

13. Not only will the quantity of drug candidates increase, but their quality should, too.

FORBES: A hail of silver bullets

14. Singh s refusal to cut quality corners ensured that DLF could get premium prices for its properties.

FORBES: Pay Dirt

15. Now they will be able to locate genes for any desired trait, improving quality, nutritional value and disease resistance.

VOA : special.2009.10.20

16. Close attention to detail and quality of work, balanced by ability to manage heavy workload.


17. This efficient data management network provides free automatic quality controlled data to marine scientists and oceanographers worldwide.

UNESCO: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)

18. We wanted to quickly catch up and surpass everyone in terms of search quality for Chinese users.


19. Each support international understanding, peace, intercultural dialogue, sustainable development and quality education in practice.

UNESCO: Education

20. Decked out with hipster art and patrons, the restaurant serves top-quality burger, pasta and pizza fare.

BBC: Late-night eats in New Orleans

21. in terms of quality. I know, for instance, that I wanted to go to see an exhibit last April,

就质量而言。例如,去年四月我想去看展览,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 蒂姆伯顿最棒

22. But she also said the health care reforms passed by Congress will improve the quality of care for all Americans.

VOA : special.2010.04.21

23. But the structure of an organisation matters less than the quality of the people who lead it.

ECONOMIST: Bank strategies

24. The quality of pictures is measured in pixels microscopic points of color per square inch.

FORBES: How an outsider's vision saved Kodak

25. at least as much a distinguishing feature between good venture capitalists among each other as the quality of their ideas.

这至少和创意质量一样,是区别优秀风险投资者,的重要特征之一。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. The greatest barriers to the spread of truly digital photography are price and quality.

FORBES: How an outsider's vision saved Kodak

27. Other advances grow out of massive improvements in cost, quality and ease of use.

FORBES: Spotting Evil

28. The gentleman may lack the speculative intelligence of a Socrates but he will possess that quality of practical rationality of practical judgment necessary for the administration of affairs.

绅士可能缺少,像苏格拉底般的思索智慧,但他却拥有,实际理性的本质,拥有行政事务所需的,实际判断力。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. The National Council on Teacher Quality is a research group that works to increase the number of effective teachers.

VOA : special.2011.08.11

30. The only real way to get high quality TV sound today is with an outboard solution.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

31. The European Association of Zoos and Aquaria also promotes conservation and quality among its 345 members.

BBC: The dual sides of animal captivity

32. The psychoanalysis is about basically understanding mostly through the subconscious: that's how you understand it; that's how you improve the quality of life.

精神分析学主要通过潜意识分析:,它决定你的理解;,决定如何改善生活。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

33. This led people to go back and look at the places that were manufacturing the vaccine to make sure that they were all producing vaccine of the proper quality.

这现象让人们回溯并且审视,制作疫苗的地方,以确认他们生产的疫苗,质量都合格生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. This includes road and rail links and quality business hotels in more remote locations.

BBC: Prices predicted to rise in emerging markets

35. Belinda was always attracted to men with an androgynous quality to them.


36. But sixty-six percent agreed that a professor should consider effort and not just the quality of a student's work when deciding grades.

VOA : special.2009.03.12

37. With Skype in the workspace, I am visible to quality leads without even leaving the office.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

38. So, that really won't do the trick in giving us the best quality pleasures of the kinds that humans most crave-- the pleasures of friendship and discussion and sexual intimacy.

那无法给与我们,人类最渴望最高质量的快乐-,友谊,讨论,性事带来的快乐。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Mabbott urged me to study the sausage, which she said indicates the overall quality of the breakfast.

BBC: Does England make the worlds most delicious breakfast?

40. Mr Andrews told BBC Wales he is concerned about the quality of education provided by local authorities.

BBC: Wales

41. So, it has a quality that is different from Humbert's elaborate world view through which we see or don't see Lolita.

所以它有一种不同于亨伯特的精制世界观的特质,这在洛丽塔里也许出现过。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. The conference centered on three main problems to getting and keeping girls in school: violence,poverty and poor quality education.

VOA : special.2010.05.20

43. All the tools are fabricated from high-quality steel.


44. Freddo and Persicco, the two most popular chains, are known for their high-quality products.

BBC: The summertime scoop on Buenos Aires ice cream

45. The BBC Trust document was its final report into cost-saving plans known internally as "Delivering Quality First".

BBC: Children's shows to leave BBC One

46. Differences between budgets, equipment and the availability of skilled workers have created uneven quality from lab to lab.

VOA : special.2009.10.03

47. And so ease of implementation is actually a very compelling -- metric against which to measure-- -- do you mind toning my voice down a bit-- is a very reasonable measure against which to measure the quality of an algorithm, right.

如此简单的实现实际上是一个很牵强的,度量,与之相对的衡量是-,如果你们不介意,我降低点音量-,是一种用来度量算法质量的,合理的方法。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

48. Ms Truss believes the experience of France illustrates that quality is not jeopardised by higher ratios.

BBC: Ministers 'plan childcare change'

49. But after years of building loyalty, the Japanese company may have put its quality brand name at risk, at least temporarily.

VOA : special.2010.02.05

50. The music has a dreamy, elegiac quality.


51. He saw the demand increase for the cheaper products, especially as their quality improved.

FORBES: China's Khyber Pass

52. In our work, quality is paramount.


53. And in societies where there is less trust between people, the quality of the legal system plays a larger part.

VOA : special.2009.12.19

54. The American Lung Association said Pittsburgh was last in the nation in one of three measures of air quality.

VOA : special.2009.07.13

55. Now how it might be able to offer some quality of life improvement for these patients.

现在,我们如何帮助这些病人,提高他们的生活质量。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

56. Doctors,nurses,social workers and others work with patients and their families to raise the quality of a patient's last days.

VOA : special.2010.05.04

57. The aim is to improve performance and quality of service, reduce costs, and simplify management.

BBC: Network Rail faces a 'monumental' task, says Mr Bowker

58. Happiness is an elusive quality.


59. So, if you want to attack urban air quality, this is probably moving in the wrong direction, OK?

所以如果你想攻击都市的空气质量,这可能是一个错误的方向,对吗?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

60. Birds and mammals invest in quality and not quantity, as opposed to fish and reptiles.

鸟类和哺乳类靠质生存,而非以量取胜,这与鱼类和两栖类不同。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. This is a salvation for a city straining to comply with federal air quality regulations.

FORBES: Drive-By Pricing

62. When you use your investment so much, of course you need better quality products.

FORBES: Big Trucks On A Bumpy Road

63. They also advise the farmers on the quality levels that the World Food Program requires to buy their produce.

VOA : special.2009.11.17

64. It offers drop-in loading and a 24mm film that results in a high-quality, palm-size camera.

FORBES: How an outsider's vision saved Kodak

65. The problem, however, is that the cottonseed varieties that produce high-quality flour do not produce high-quality lint.

NPR: Texas Cotton: 'Farmer Profits at Every Step'




















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