
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [lʌv]play美 [lʌv]play

  • n. (对家庭成员或挚友的)喜爱,关爱;爱情,恋爱;喜好,喜爱;<英,非正式>(昵称)亲爱的;(用于信尾署名前)爱你的;心爱之人,心爱之物;(网球、软式墙网球和其他运动)零分;<非正式>(用于表示对某人的亲切好感)宝贝(a love);仁慈的人,乐于助人的人;爱神(Love)
  • v. 爱恋(某人);关爱(尤指家庭成员或密友);喜欢(某物或某事);热爱(国家、组织等);很愿意;<非正式>感到好笑;适于(某些特定的条件)
  • 【名】 (Love)(英、菲、瑞、美)洛夫(人名)

复数 loves 第三人称单数 loves 现在分词 loving 过去式 loved 过去分词 loved

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


love /lʌv/ CET4 TEM4 [ loving loved loves ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you love someone, you feel romantically or sexually attracted to them, and they are very important to you. 爱

    Oh, Amy, I love you.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Love is a very strong feeling of affection toward someone who you are romantically or sexually attracted to. 爱情

    Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been through together.


    例: old fashioned love story.


  • 3.
    及物动词 You say that you love someone when their happiness is very important to you, so that you behave in a kind and caring way toward them. 疼爱

    You'll never love anyone the way you love your baby.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 Love is the feeling that a person's happiness is very important to you, and the way you show this feeling in your behaviour toward them. 疼爱

    My love for all my children is unconditional.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If you love something, you like it very much. 非常喜欢

    We loved the food so much, especially the fish dishes.


    例: of these people that loves to be in the outdoors.


  • 6.
    及物动词 You can say that you love something when you consider that it is important and want to protect or support it. 热爱

    I love my country as you love yours.


  • 7.
    不可数名词 Love is a strong liking for something, or a belief that it is important. 热爱

    This is no way to encourage a love of literature.


  • 8.
    可数名词 Your love is someone or something that you love. 心爱之人; 心爱之物

    "She is the love of my life," he said.


  • 9.
    及物动词 If you would love to have or do something, you very much want to have it or do it. 很愿意

    I would love to play for England again.



    I would love a hot bath and clean clothes.


  • 10.
    数词 In tennis, love is a score of zero. (网球比赛中的) 零分

    He beat Thomas Muster of Austria three sets to love.


  • 11.
    习惯表达 You can use expressions such as love, love from, and all my love, followed by your name, as an informal way of ending a letter to a friend or relative. (给亲友的书信结尾,置于写信人名前) 爱你的

    ...with love from Grandma and Grandpa.


  • 12.
    不可数名词 If you send someone your love, you ask another person, who will soon be speaking or writing to them, to tell them that you are thinking about them with affection. 问候

    Please give her my love.


  • 13.
    →see also   loving
  • 14.
    习语 If you fall in love with someone, you start to be in love with them. 爱上 (某人)

    I fell in love with him because of his kind nature.


  • 15.
    习语 If you fall in love with something, you start to like it very much. 非常喜欢 (某物)

    I fell in love with the movies.


  • 16.
    习语 If you are in love with someone, you feel romantically or sexually attracted to them, and they are very important to you. (与某人) 恋爱

    Laura had never before been in love.


  • 17.
    习语 If you are in love with something, you like it very much. 迷恋 (某物)

    He had always been in love with the enchanted landscape of the West.


  • 18.
    习语 When two people make love, they have sex. 做爱

    Have you ever made love to a girl before?




  • adj.

    lovely 可爱的;令人愉快的

    loving 亲爱的;钟情的;忠诚的

    lovable 可爱的,讨人喜欢的

    loved 恋爱的;受珍爱的

    loveless 不可爱的;无爱情的

    loveable 可爱的;惹人爱的(等于lovable)

  • adv.

    lovingly 亲切地;钟爱地

  • n.

    lover 爱人,恋人;爱好者

    loveliness 可爱;漂亮;魅力;美好

    lovingness 钟情;爱;忠诚

  • v.

    loved 热爱(love的过去分词)



love adore worship 【导航词义:热爱,爱慕】

love v. 热爱,爱慕

〔辨析〕 指热爱国家、组织等,词义庄重,感情色彩浓厚;也指爱慕某人或深爱亲友等。

例1: He loves freedom.


例2: Everyone loves his hometown.


例3: We love our motherland.


例4: I love you, David.


例5: I love my dad very much.


adore v. 深爱,敬慕,爱慕

〔辨析〕 指非常热爱或敬佩某人,并以其为骄傲。

例1: The boys adore their mothers.


例2: She adores her grandson.


worship v. 热爱,景仰,爱慕

〔辨析〕 尤指非常爱慕某人乃至看不到其缺点。

例1: He absolutely worships her.


例2: She worshipped him and refused to listen to his critics.


like v. 喜欢

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指对某人、某事物或做某事产生好感或兴趣,语义较弱;也指赞同某事。

例1: You'll like my mother.


例2: He likes swimming.


例3: I like the way you've had your hair done.


例4: I don't like swearing in front of children.


enjoy v. 喜欢

〔辨析〕 指享受某事物带来的乐趣,其后常接动名词而不接动词不定式。

例1: I don't enjoy travelling a lot.


例2: How did you enjoy the concert?


love v. 喜欢,喜爱

〔辨析〕 指喜爱(做)某事,语义较强,常可与 like 换用。

例1: Do you love/like calligraphy?


例2: I love/like taking a long walk in the morning.


例3: He loves/likes to talk about himself.



1. Endless Love 无尽的爱 ; 蓝色生死恋 ; 不了情 ; 新不了情

2. fall in love with 爱上

3. love life n. [口]爱情生活

4. for the love of 为了…起见

5. Love Letter 情书 ; 日本版 ; 爱的情书 ; 爱情信

6. of love 论爱情

7. I Love You 我爱你 ; 爱老虎油 ; 王若琳 ; 爱很简单

8. First Love 初恋 ; 初恋这件小事 ; 魔女的条件主题曲

9. the one you love 你的爱人;你的至爱

10. in love 相爱;恋爱中

11. true love 真爱;挚爱,真情

12. love for 对…的热爱

13. would love to (表示喜欢,愿意)很想

14. make love v. 做爱;示爱(献殷勤)

15. for love ◎为了爱情

16. fall in love 坠入爱河;爱上某人

17. falling in love 坠入情网

18. with love (信末用语)良好的祝颂

19. Kevin Love 凯文·乐福 ; 凯文 ; 凯文乐福 ; 勒夫

20. Secret Love 秘密爱 ; 神秘爱情 ; 秘恋 ; 珍爱

21. love story n. 爱情故事,恋爱小说

22. Love Actually 真爱至上 ; 真的恋爱了 ; 爱是我 ; 爱是您爱是我

23. Love Hina 纯情房东俏房客 ; 浦岛景太郎 ; 淳情房主俏佃农

24. love at first sight 一见钟情

25. fell in love with 爱上…(fall in love with的过去式)

26. in love with 热爱;与…相爱

27. love all 双方打成零比零

28. love you forever 永远爱你




love a girl/guy 爱一个女孩/男孩

love your husband/wife 爱丈夫/妻子

love a man/woman 爱一个男人/女人

love -hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系

love and marriage 恋爱与婚姻

love music 爱情音乐

love of books 对书本的喜爱

love of life 对生活的热爱

love of nature 对大自然的热爱


passionate love 热烈的爱

romantic love 情爱

sexual love 性爱

great love 至爱

true love 真爱


1. Zhen Zi Dan plays Pang Yong loves rigid: Takes anything to save me the spouse.

甄子丹饰演的庞勇爱得执着: 拿什么拯救我的爱人.《期刊摘选》

2. W: Charles, among other things, you are regarded as one of the America’s great masters of the Blues, a musical idiom that’s essentially about loss, particularly the loss of romantic love.

女: Charles ,除了其他一些身份,你还被看作是美国最伟大的蓝调大师之 一,蓝调这种音乐风格基本上是关于失去的,尤其是失去爱情。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

3. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.

凡我所疼爱的,我就责备管教他. 所以你要发热心, 也要悔改.《期刊摘选》

4. No man loves his fetters, be they made of gold.

[谚]金铸的脚镣, 也没人喜爱.《现代英汉综合大词典》

5. I love the falling leaves in autumn. They cover the ground with golden yellow.

我喜好秋天的落叶, 铺在地上金黄一片,踩上去沙沙作响.《期刊摘选》

6. He has loved manual labour since he was a child.


7. It is also Austens epitome of love.


8. I really love summer evenings.


9. Don't cry, my love.


10. He serves the public heart and soul and is loved and supported by everyone.


11. Thank you for your love, your tolerance and patience.

谢谢你的疼爱, 你的包容与忍让.《期刊摘选》

12. The 19 hour epic lead Qian Yi was seen and loved by audiences around the world.


13. There were twelve great gods of Greece. The handsomest and best loved of these was Apollo.

希腊有十二位伟大的神, 其中最漂亮和最受爱戴的是阿波罗.《期刊摘选》

14. She gave the child a loving caress.


15. Those monstrous beasts just love to rip performers to shreds.


16. And farewell to you, my only love.

再见吧, 我唯一的爱人.《期刊摘选》

17. He had always been in love with the enchanted landscape of the West.


18. As a noun, love is defined as a feeling of affection or desire for someone.

作为名词, 爱的定义是一种喜爱或渴望某人的感觉.《期刊摘选》

19. I’m going to define what love is, but then most of the experiments I’m going to talk about are really focused more on attraction than love.

我要定义一下什么是爱情,但在那之后我将要谈到的大部分实验,比起爱情,实际上更 关注的是吸引力。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

20. Better to be loved or feared in this game?


21. Father, we love you, we and adore you, Glorify Thy name in all the earth.

天父, 我爱你, 我赞美你,敬拜你.荣耀主圣名,全地赞美. 荣耀主圣名,荣耀主圣名, 荣耀主圣名,全地赞美.《期刊摘选》

22. The chemical cleansing products for daily use produced by our company are deeply loved by consumers.


23. The boy was named Ahmad and the B á b and His wife loved the boy dearly.


24. We love peace, but we are not afraid of war.

我们热爱和平, 但我们不害怕战争.《期刊摘选》

25. Abraham Lincoln, the president loved by American people was always close to the people.

亚伯拉罕·林肯, 这位美国人民所爱戴的总统,与人民群众的联系始终很密切.《期刊摘选》

26. He kept telling her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her.


27. I was lucky that I am more than you my love.


28. A frisky love bite or two, and then, well, anything goes.

一个充满爱意的调皮的咬痕,或是两个, 然后, 恩, 什么事都可能发生.《期刊摘选》

29. This is a Tang Dynasty poet, Meng Jiao's written a poem praising motherly love.


30. Bull race winner and wrestling experts, often by girls and the pursuit of love.

斗牛比赛中的优胜者和摔跤能手, 往往成为姑娘们所追求和爱慕的人.《期刊摘选》

31. Her face reflected how she loved him.


32. I would love to play for England again...


33. Love is object of attachment, devotion, or admiration.

爱情是依恋, 是爱慕, 是赞美.《期刊摘选》

34. Tony Leung Chiu Wai stars a futuristic fantasy about the impossibility of romantic love.


35. Sanford loves to travel around the world. He is always on the move.

杉福喜爱环游世界, 他总是马不停蹄地四处跑.《期刊摘选》

36. I loved history when I was at school.


37. Because I also love her, I wish to release her from the suffering of poverty.

我也疼爱老奶奶, 希望帮助她摆脱穷困苦楚的境地.《期刊摘选》

38. A recent Harris poll revealed that 79% of Americans say they enjoy cooking and 30% “love it”; 14% admit to not enjoying kitchen work and just 7% won’t go near the stove at all.

近期,Harris 公司的一份民意调查显示,79% 的美国人表示喜欢下厨,且有30% 的人表示“热爱烹饪”;14% 的人坦言不太喜欢下厨,只有7% 的人表示绝不会靠近炉灶。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

39. Well, time to love you and leave you.


40. “Most people would love to get students from more underserved populations, but they just can’t get them in the door.

“多数人喜欢从更得不到照顾的群体中找学生,但他们根本没法让他们进入这个世界。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

41. The entire novel author thorn in tune with the main character: Mathilde's love vanity.

整篇小说作者都在调刺着主人公: 玛蒂尔德的爱慕虚荣.《期刊摘选》

42. Happiness is a healthy mental attitude, a grateful spiritclear conscience, and a heart full of love.

快乐是一种健康的心态, 满怀感激的情怀, 青春的心境和充满爱意的心地.《期刊摘选》

43. You'll never love anyone the way you love your baby.


44. There's never far had a panda been so fears, and so loved.

从没有哪只熊猫让人如此恐惧, 又让人如此爱戴.《期刊摘选》

45. BW : What are a few things you really love and can't live without?


46. She almost loved Lola for the sympathy and praise she extended.

她差不多要爱上萝拉了,因为萝拉给了她同情和赞美.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

47. I have a good relationship with the students andam loved by them.


48. Boston drivers love the tunnel.


49. A young boy grasps those lessons quickly: Do what you love. Respect life.

一个小男孩很快领悟了这些道理: 做你热爱的事, 尊重生命.《期刊摘选》

50. People love all kinds of nuts: peanuts, cashews, walnuts, pecans and more.

各式各样的坚果广受人们喜爱: 有花生 、 腰果 、 胡桃 、 美洲薄壳胡桃等许多种.《期刊摘选》

51. Maybe she is in love.


52. Music, dancing, drinking, love and general merriment are more than simple pastimes.

对音乐 、 舞蹈 、 美酒 、 爱情还有各种各样的游戏的追求远远超越了普通消遣的水平.《期刊摘选》

53. The Neapolitan fans had with Diego a affection and love, honoring him as a God.

他赢得了那不勒斯队球迷们的爱戴, 称他为足球之神.《期刊摘选》

54. (ironic) You're going to love this. They've changed their minds again.


55. I'd love her to come and live with us.


56. I fell in love with him because of his kind nature...


57. My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing books myself.


58. He seems incapable of love.


59. They've been showing me nothing but love.


60. Love yourself , others, and all sentient beings; rescue yourself, others, and all sentient beings.

自爱爱人, 爱一切众生; 自救救人, 救一切众生.《期刊摘选》

61. Working with Ford closely, I fell in love with the cinema.


62. It was one of his best-loved songs.


63. His feelings towards Susan changed to love and affection.


64. I loved reading.


65. She's got a great capacity for love.


66. Just for you, this comes with warm affection and loving thought of you.

请接受我的礼物, 它带给你温存的爱慕和深情的思念.《期刊摘选》

67. He enjoyed the love and esteem of his friends.


68. She loves to paint portraits.


69. The Brits love their games and play and watch them with fierce , competitive dedication.


70. Accommodate when encouraging others, Love with open Heart, then you will have life Happiness.

待人退一步, 爱人宽一寸, 就会活得很快乐.《期刊摘选》

71. Put your love and your family first, your job and hobbies second.

把爱和家庭放在第一位, 把工作和喜好放在第二位.《期刊摘选》

72. This last old man loved me above the measure of a father, nay, godded me indeed.

这最后一位老人比父亲还要疼爱我; 不, 简直把我当成神.《现代英汉综合大词典》

73. Every child needs to know that he is loved.


74. Is valuable, both men and women, they not mind a loved one's backing, behind the contributors.

可贵的是, 无论是男女, 他们都不介意成为爱人的后盾, 背后的贡献者.《期刊摘选》

75. You're quick to forget our boundless love.

你怎么 这么 快就忘了我们之间无限的深情爱意呢?《期刊摘选》

76. Teacher, we love you not only as our teacher, but also friend.

老师, 我们爱戴您是因为您不仅是老师, 同时也是我们的朋友.《期刊摘选》

77. Please accept my love. Congratulations and warmest wishes for this day and every day.

请接受我的爱慕, 庆贺和最温馨的祝愿,为今天也为每一天.《期刊摘选》

78. Katherrine loved Facebook.

Katherine 曾经很喜欢脸谱网。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

79. Mercy has the idea of steadfast loving kindness ? kindness that is constant and abundant.

“慈爱”有不变的、充满爱意的仁慈的意思 —— 是恒久丰盛的慈爱.《期刊摘选》

80. In the field by the river my love and I did stand.


81. Write an acrostic love note or poem.


82. Feeling loved by you is a relief to your customers.


83. I love these types of books.


84. We love each other. We want to spend our lives together.


85. Spring feels the love of grass, falls in love with her on the quiet.

春天感受到了小草的爱意, 无语的和小草爱恋.《期刊摘选》

86. Love is the antithesis of selfishness.


87. He beat Thomas Muster of Austria three sets to love.


88. Bernice, Annabelle , and Bruce were fond of entertaining and the crowds loved them in return.


89. And every day of my life is filled with loving you.


90. After the death of their parents, the family lost the deep love of the senior generation.

自从父母弃养, 这个家就失去了长辈的疼爱.《期刊摘选》

91. Please accept my love, congratulations and warmest wishes for this day and every day.

请接受我的爱慕 、 祝贺和最温馨的祝愿,为今天也为每天.《期刊摘选》

92. Man are best loved farthest off.


93. He is loved by the whole nation.


94. Whoever loves correction loves knowledge, But he who hates reproof is stupid.

1喜爱管教的,就是喜爱知识; 恨恶责备的,却是愚蠢.《期刊摘选》

95. You need a day to rest and relax with the ones you love.


96. I love looking after the children.


97. I love my country as you love yours.


98. Having strong feelings of love for someone is true love.


99. I felt healed by his love.


100. I would love a hot bath and clean clothes...


101. I didn't really share in her love of animals.


102. To inspire with unreasoning love or attachment.


103. Also, love may be strong on this day.

同时, 这一天爱意深深.《期刊摘选》

104. the book celebrated the sublime joys of physical love.


105. Beauty became chief of the herd and lived a long life, loved and admired by all.

布提继任为王,得享高寿, 广受群鹿的爱戴和钦佩.《期刊摘选》

106. To love others and to be loved are blessings.


107. Build a bridge of loving respect between you your desire.


108. W: I thought one interesting thing in the video was the idea of passion being so important and that people who really love what they do.

女:我认为视频中关于热情很重要的观点很有意思,还有那些确实热爱自己职业的人。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

109. Ive loved, Ive laughed and cried.

学院爱戴, 学院就笑,哭.《期刊摘选》

110. Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

你们要赞美耶和华. 要称谢耶和华, 因他本为善. 他的慈爱永远长存.《期刊摘选》

111. Your God loves your people and hates mine!


112. He told me that he loved the picture of his daughter in The Daily Telegraph.


113. They love walking the moors.


114. The expected outcome would be a greater understanding, love and effectiveness in writing.

学员最终将能更明白, 更热爱和更有效的参与写作工作.《期刊摘选》

115. Mother loves her as dearly as she loves him.


116. I'll always love you.


117. They love to share their ideas and materials and help others find markets for their work

他们喜欢彼此交流想法、分享材料, 帮助他人找寻市场。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

118. Of all pains, the greatest pain, is to be love, but love in rain.

在所有的痛苦中, 最坏的痛苦就是爱人而不为人所爱.《期刊摘选》

119. I'd love to come, only I have to work.


120. John loves showing off his knowledge of the stock market.


121. In spite of his vices, he was loved by all.

尽管他有缺点, 还是受到大家的爱戴.《简明英汉词典》

122. I love you purely, as they turn from Praise.

我纯洁地爱着你, 如人们在赞美前回垂首.《期刊摘选》

123. Luckily, we both love football.


124. Those whom I love, I reprove and chastise. Be earnest, therefore, and repent.

凡我所疼爱的人, 我要谴责他,管教他;所以你应当发奋热心, 痛悔改过!《期刊摘选》

125. What a man desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar.

22施行仁慈的、令人爱慕. 穷人强如说谎言的.《期刊摘选》

126. I love creating, he say”,

我热爱创造,”他说。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

127. Love means to share with others.


128. She was loved by the people around her as a great manager.


129. With all her faults I still love her.


130. We seek shelter, nourishment, a mate, warmth, clothing, family, friends; we seek approval, love and esteem.

我们寻求庇护所 、 食物 、 伴侣 、 温暖 、 衣服 、 家庭 、 朋友 、 追求赞美 、 爱情和自尊.《期刊摘选》

131. When one restless summer we found love growing wild.


132. You actually love tipping!

你其实喜欢付小费!《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

133. He is a bad man on drums, and the fans love him.

他是一个很棒的鼓手, 鼓迷们都喜爱他.《现代英汉综合大词典》

134. But eventually her love of coding drew her away from natural languages to artificial ones.


135. Once they have a common goal, nothing get in the way of their love.

一旦他们有了一个共同的目标, 就没什么可以阻拦他们的爱情.《期刊摘选》

136. She'd love to be able to play the piano.


137. I'd love to go to France this summer.


138. I really and truly am in love this time.


139. Actually, only love in a natural waycan go on little by little without stream.

其实, 不做作,流于自然的爱情才是细水长流的.《期刊摘选》

140. We have been created in His image for greater things, to love and to be loved.

上帝以自己的形象创造了我们,为的是让我们做一些更为伟大的事情: 我爱人人,人人爱我.《期刊摘选》

141. Audiences loved Liu's funny character , Alex Munday.


142. I like most sports but tennis is my first love.


143. And loved your beauty with love false or true.


144. Galaxy fall, love boil, a total than Acacia.

银河陷落, 爱意沸腾, 总不比乞巧合欢.《期刊摘选》

145. I just really love to kvetch.


146. We should all love our neighbours.


147. He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him chastens him early.

24不忍用杖打儿子的,是恨恶他;疼爱儿子的, 趁早管教.《期刊摘选》

148. If you love me, loved, forgive me my joy.

如果你爱我, 爱人, 请饶恕我的欢乐.《期刊摘选》

149. Every person needs to give and receive love.


150. Youre the love of my life, your my lady!

你是我一生的爱, 你,是我的,爱人!《期刊摘选》

151. I love travelling by train.


152. His love for her was not just physical attraction.


153. As I closed the book, love and reverence possessed me.


154. The interest in and love for sport are the intrinsic rewarding mechanism in sports training.


155. I loved experimenting with new materials, and I always tried to develop new techniques to make the most unique textiles for my fashion projects

我喜欢尝试新的材料,总会试着用新技术做出独一无二的纺织品来完成我的时装项目《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

156. At the food sales exhibition, there are a lot of delicacies loved by all.


157. Aragorn is reunited with his love , the Lady Arwen.


158. Won the love and esteem of entire factory worker.


159. I expect she does love you in her own way.


160. Lee Hom sang crowd favourite Big City Small Love accompanied only by his acoustic guitar.


161. a love song/story

爱情歌曲 / 故事《牛津词典》

162. Can I help you, love?


163. Her heart brimmed over with love and adoration for Charles.


164. I'll love you forever!


165. M: Music, I don’t especially love life on the road, but I figure if you are lucky enough to be able to do what you truly love doing, you’ve got the ultimate of life.

男:音乐,我并不是特别喜欢在路上的生活,但是如果你有幸能够做你真正热爱的事情,你就实现了人生的终极意义。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

166. And to walk, like Christ, in grace and love.

优雅的,满怀爱意的, 像基督一样的, 走来了.《期刊摘选》

167. All pets need loving homes.


168. She had loved him at a distance for years.


169. It was true love between them.


170. Please give her my love.


171. One night, after 18 months of friendship, they made love for the first and last time.


172. Another thing Katherine loved about Facebook was that she didn’t have to think about time zones when updating family.

Katherine 喜欢脸谱网的另一个原因是她在告知家人自己的最新情况时不必考虑时差。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

173. The children are in desperate need of love and attention.


174. The shy boy demonstrated his love for her by offering a free lunch.


175. Now he felt admiration and love for the big , bearded man.


176. Kids love dressing up.


177. Well, I'll take your word for it then, love...


178. Bertha loved the calm of winter.


179. It is said that besides love and friendship, there is another kind of emotion.

据说除了爱情和友情, 还有一种感情.《期刊摘选》

180. Oh, Amy, I love you...


181. Buck had a trick of love expression that was akin to hurt.


182. God loves man's lamp lights better than his own great stars.


183. I was sure you loved our girls too well to neglect such an acquaintance.


184. When you are the parents of small, growing up is that you love.

你小的时候是父母, 长大了是你的爱人.《期刊摘选》

185. We extol your love more than wine.


186. All parents love their children, but the point is whether they choose the right methods.

哪个爹妈不疼爱自己的孩子, 可关键是要注重方法.《期刊摘选》

187. Love your children but do not smother them with love.


188. Be with her friends, hope you can more love her and take care her than before.

在她的朋友面前, 希望你可以表现得比平时更疼爱她和紧张她的样子.《期刊摘选》

189. Spirit, we love you, we and adore you, Glorify Thy name in all the earth.

圣灵, 我爱你, 我赞美你,敬拜你.荣耀主圣名,全地赞美. 荣耀主圣名,荣耀主圣名, 荣耀主圣名,全地赞美.《期刊摘选》

190. Respect and love your students, only in this way, can you be respected and loved them.

尊重并爱你的学生, 只有这样, 你才能受到学生的尊重和爱戴.《期刊摘选》

191. In the case of Hamish Fulton, you can't help feeling that the Scottish artist has simply found a way of making his love of walking pay.

说到哈米什·富尔顿,你会忍不住感慨,这位苏格兰艺术家只是找到了一种方式,来回馈他对步行的热爱。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

192. If your neighbor loves to gossip, don't add up to the gossiping but just be indifferent.

如果你的邻居喜好闲言碎语, 那么别去凑热闹,只要一笑了之就行了.《期刊摘选》

193. The veteran worker ranks high in public love and esteem.


194. Are you in love with him, by any chance?


195. What was one particular convenience Katherine loved about Facebook?.

Katherine 格外喜欢脸谱网提供的哪一项便利?。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

196. He had become a well-loved member of staff.


197. When one loves one's art no service seems too hard.


198. She loved clothes and wanted people to admire her.


199. We suddenly can’t remember where we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance’s name, or the name of an old band we used to love.

我们会突然想不起刚刚把钥匙放在了哪儿,想不起老熟人的名字,或者想不起过去喜欢的一个老牌乐队叫什么。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

200. Most of the child love to read the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.


201. The old teacher was much loved and esteemed.


202. We loved the Luzhu tofu and set fire to the same eating, is a tastefully vegetarian.

大家喜爱将卤煮豆腐与火烧同吃, 是一种别有风味的素食.《期刊摘选》

203. Bow down before Him, Love adore Him.

俯伏敬拜祂, 爱戴敬仰祂.《期刊摘选》

204. Maybe not the heart to God, and he loved him around the back of God.

也许是上帝都不忍心了, 他把他疼爱的神带回身边了.《期刊摘选》

205. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

19凡我所疼爱的, 我就责备 管教 他.所以你要发热心, 也要悔改.《期刊摘选》

206. to love your country


207. The hugely popular blog the Skint Foodie chronicles how Tony balances his love of good food with living on benefits.

广受欢迎的博客“穷光蛋美食家”记录了托尼在靠救济金度日的冏时如何平衡自己对美食的热爱。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

208. But this seems to be the irony of office speak:  Everyone makes fun of it, but managers love it, companies depend on it, and  regular people willingly absorb it. 

然而,这似乎是对办公室用语的讽刺:每个人都拿它寻开心,但经理们喜欢它,公司依赖它,普通人乐于接受它。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

209. They spread a lot of tacky gossip about his love life.


210. For the love of God, tell me what he said!


211. The tears in their eyes showed their love and loyalty to Lenin.


212. Their friendship blossomed into love.


213. We always love those who admire us; we do not always love those whom we admire.

我们永远爱那些称赞我们的人; 我们不会永远爱那些我们称赞的人.《期刊摘选》

214. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten . Therefore be zealous and repent.

19凡我所疼爱的, 我就责备管教他; 所以你要发热心,也要悔改.《期刊摘选》

215. He argued that you don’t have love if you don’t have all three of these elements.

他指出,如果你不是同时拥有这三个要素,那么就不曾拥有爱情。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

216. I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

我纯洁地爱你, 象他们在赞美前低头.《期刊摘选》

217. Love means never having to say you're sorry.


218. They're madly in love.


219. All true love is a peak which sexuality cannot dwarf.


220. Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.


221. This is no way to encourage a love of literature...


222. At the beginning, Zhi Na for him real is love have to add.

一开始, 芷娜对他真是疼爱有加.《期刊摘选》

223. You are the living reminders that adoptions are of celebration of hope, and stories of love.

是你们生动地提示了(我们)收养讲述了就是关于赞美、希望 、 和爱的故事.《期刊摘选》

224. Pretty faces win over people's love.


225. And the funny thing is that if you love what you do and are really passionate about it and work really hard, the money kind of comes automatically.

有意思的是,如果你热爱自己的职业,对其充满激情,并且付出极大努力,金钱也会自然随之而来。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

226. He loved the way she smiled.


227. Give my love to Mary when you see her.


228. This invariably wins them the love and respect of others.


229. That time was the springtime of love for Eugenie.


230. Show love and appreciation generously to family and friends today.


231. Our dog loves a roll on the grass.


232. My elder brother loves me, but he is strict with me and brooks no errors.

老哥特别疼爱我, 对我的要求也很严格,不容我犯一点错.《期刊摘选》

233. This much - loved and active sport is enjoyed by many, for fun and exercise.

许许多多的人喜爱这项运动, 无论是为了乐趣或者是锻炼身体.《期刊摘选》

234. Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been through together.


235. As many as I love, I rebuke chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

凡我所疼爱的 、 我就责备 管教 他所以你要发热心 、 也要悔改.《期刊摘选》

236. Promise me. When you leaving, don't forget the scene of the doom, and our faithful love.

答应我, 离开的时候, 记住末日的景象, 还有我们不悔的爱情.《期刊摘选》

237. The “ Love Food, Hate Waste ” campaign entered into a

collaboration last year with another such network — the Women ’ sInstitute .“热爱食物,拒绝浪费”的活动与另一大组织——妇女协会达成合作。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

238. You love the activity; it’s great fun.

你喜爱这项活动,它给你带来很大乐趣。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

239. The next morning Aunt Polly and Mary were very loving toward Tom.


240. New Age hippies love fashion but don't want to be fashion victims.


241. Her heart overflowed with love.


242. Sternberg would argue it’s not love?if you don’t call it love and if you don’t have some desire to maintain the relationship.

Sternberg认为,如果你不称它为爱情,没有意愿去维持这段关系,那么它就不是爱情。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

243. He was the love of my life.


244. Fibs can help us protect a loved one , as Sadie Alexander of Paris, Texas, can attest.

正如德克萨斯州巴黎的塞迪?亚历山大( SadieAlexander )可以证实的那样,一点小谎还能帮助我们保护爱人.《期刊摘选》

245. I love to go out dancing.


246. We are energised by love if we put our energy into loving.


247. Love cannot be enforced [ compelled ].

[ 谚 ] 爱情不能强求.《期刊摘选》

248. Her Bible tells her to love, above all.


249. My love, he takes my hand and let stand on his left side.


250. He's in love with his work.


251. Feeling both guilty and loving, she expresses her deepest feelings with grace and clarity.


252. I love Africa. There, it's not strange seeing big scaring lions walking all along the road.

我喜爱非洲. 在那儿看到吓人的大狮子走在路上根本不足为奇.《期刊摘选》

253. I love listening to his tales of life at sea.


254. Come on Rory, the kids would love to hear you sing.


255. I sometimes donate money to WWF because I love animals.


256. There was no love lost between the two men who were supposed to be working in harmony on a mounting crisis.


257. In time she came to love him.


258. I fell in love with the house.


259. There are many moving love legends, which give many romantic auras to Hangzhou.

这里有很多感人的的爱情传说, 给杭州平添了几分浪漫的气氛.《期刊摘选》

260. She's madly in love with him.


261. I like most sports but tennis is my first love .


262. My love for all my children is unconditional...


263. I just love it when you bring me presents!


264. My father didn't really love her.


265. I love this type of book.


266. The word 'love' is used in different senses by different people.


267. Those most loved invariably those who have the capacity for believing in others.


268. What does Robert Sternberg argue about love?.

关于爱情,Robert Sternberg有何观点?。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

269. Bt Dhristmas and always, may peace and love fill your heart fill your world.

圣诞的祝福,常日的希冀,愿你情怀祥以及 、 布满爱意,愿你的世界全是完满.《期刊摘选》

270. Have you ever made love to a girl before?...


271. I dearly love my dad and mama.


272. How worthy you are of being loved!

你是多么值得爱慕 啊 !《期刊摘选》

273. The old professor was greatly loved and esteemed.


274. He said he would love her for ever.


275. That love can ever lose is a fact that we cannot as truth.


276. He sees the poem as a celebration of human love.


277. As I close the book, love and reverence possess me.


278. His preeminent services had entitled him to the first place in his country's love.


279. She has been loving David very much , but she has never fallen all over him.

她一直非常爱大卫, 但她从未向他表达爱慕之情.《期刊摘选》

280. He that plants trees loves others besides himself.


281. She loved finding out people were getting married, having babies and traveling.

她喜欢了解这些人结婚、生孩子或者出去旅游的消息。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

282. She loved learning about the success of people she knew when she was just a teenager.

她喜欢知道她十几岁时就认识的那些人的成就。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

283. It is the only thing I can admire and yet not love.


284. He did not return her love.


285. Laura had never before been in love...


286. Then, love for the inner satisfaction will be substituted with property in material form.

这时, 因灵魂(或精神)的需求和满足而产生的爱情,已被具有实物状态的财产所征服.《期刊摘选》

287. Rain to listen to stars Potaninia heart, I love Long Yuet height.

淅沥绵雨听星心, 朗月高空爱意真.《期刊摘选》

288. My true love will buy me a gay golden ring.


289. If you love each other, why not get married?


290. To me friendship is more important even than love.


291. I love thee purely, as they turn from 4 Praise.

我纯洁地爱着你, 如人们在赞美前会垂首.《期刊摘选》

292. I've never really been in love with anyone...


293. Bring the family round one evening; we'd love to meet them.


294. The happiness and achievement for teachers are not material reward but love and respect from students.


295. In a field by the river my love and I stand.


296. The prince is very upset. He knows witch has taken his love away.

王子很伤心, 他知道巫婆把他爱人带走了.《期刊摘选》

297. Second, Miss T'ang had many boy friends and might already be in love with someone.

第二, 唐小姐的男朋友很多,也许已有爱人.《汉英文学 - 围城》

298. Yet few seem to have loved Mr Chaudhry, until he refused General Musharraf's order to resign.


299. He loved her to sing to him.


300. love of your country


301. Confucius advocated the importance to love other people.


302. ...with love from Grandma and Grandpa.


303. Take care, my love.


304. So if you have all three of these, intimacy, passion and commitment, in Sternberg’s theory you have love.

所以,如果你拥有了亲密关系、情欲和承诺这三个要素,按照Sternberg 的理论,你就拥有爱情。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

305. Let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow.

不要让任何一个能爱人的人被说成是毫无幸福的, 甚至那没有回报的爱情也有它的光彩.《期刊摘选》

306. He had always had a good memory, but the thrill of young love seems to have shifted a gear in his mind: from now on, he would start recording his whole life in detail.

尽管他的记忆力一向不错,但是年少爱情带来的兴奋感似乎改变了他的大脑:自此,他开始记住生活的每个细节。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

307. And she knew that expressing love was as simple as tossing pie scraps a waiting child.


308. And he has a theory of love that argues that it’s made up of three components: intimacy,passion and commitment, or what is sometimes called decision commitment.

他提出了一个理论,指出爱情由三部分组成:亲密关系,情欲和承诺,或有时候被称为决定承诺。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

309. It is a circle of love that surrounds the whole family.


310. Optical their colorful, gorgeous dazzling as controversial, but also by the love of the new material.

光因其色彩斑斓, 绚烂夺目,成为受争议, 也受爱戴的新材料.《期刊摘选》

311. Her love has slowly gone out.


312. That sort of boy is loved by everyone.


313. My family always be very important in my life. I'm raised in a loving family.

在我的生命中,家总是占有重要的地位, 我被成长在一个充满爱意的家庭.《期刊摘选》

314. Music's one of my great loves.


315. ...a old fashioned love story.


316. I love it in Spain (= I like the life there) .


317. Men love to be complimented.


318. Mother loves her as dearly as he.


319. Love means that I about the welfare of the person I love.


320. Nevertheless, Marylanders love their crab and eat them by the bushel at crab houses.

然而, 马里兰的居民热爱他们的在地螃蟹,而且也喜欢在螃蟹屋大啖朵颐.《期刊摘选》

321. I love games and hobby groups

我喜欢游戏以及兴趣小组。《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

322. I have extensive interest, have deep love for studying, order to remedy one's own deficiency.

留学解答资讯网:我兴趣广泛, 热爱学习, 以弥补自己的不足.《期刊摘选》

323. Jesus, we love you, we and adore you, Glorify Thy name in all the earth.

耶稣, 我爱你, 我赞美你,敬拜你.荣耀主圣名,全地赞美. 荣耀主圣名,荣耀主圣名, 荣耀主圣名,全地赞美.《期刊摘选》

324. Men love to be complimented. Sincerely , however, not artificially.

男人爱听赞美的话, 不过必须是发自内心, 决不可虚情假意.《期刊摘选》

325. I’m still amazed by the love people express for me and my music.

人们对我和我的音乐的喜爱仍然让我感到惊奇。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

326. She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her.

她不仅是我们的老师,同时又是我们的朋友, 我们都尊敬和爱戴她.《期刊摘选》

327. The old couple called her the Bamboo Princess and loved her dearly.


328. Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.

97我 何等 爱慕你的律法、终日不住地思想.《期刊摘选》

329. He meant his love by giving flowers.


330. He knew my love for yoga and had seen a space close to where he lived that he thought might be good to serve as a yoga studio.

Ryan 知道我对瑜伽的热爱,他看中了一个离他住处不远的地方,觉得那里可能会适合开瑜伽工作室。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

331. Sam finally unbosomed himself to his friend about his love for Kate.


332. 'She is the love of my life,' he said...


333. I used to love her but she's nothing to me any more.


334. He composed mystery stories as well as love poems.


335. I love my hometown although it is not better than Beijing. I miss it very much.

虽然我的家乡没有北京壮观, 但是我很热爱它、想念它.《期刊摘选》

336. No one will love to the moth, pain, a little to close.

没人再会去疼爱蛾了, 疼痛, 一点点地靠近.《期刊摘选》

337. Better is open rebuke Than love that is concealed.


338. He often talks about his girlfriend in terms of love.


339. We loved the food so much, especially the fish dishes...


340. They both love outdoor pursuits.


341. He was very curious to see whether Catherine might really be loved for her moral worth.


342. In a certain country, a president loves war very much.

在某一个国家里, 有一个总统非常喜好战争.《期刊摘选》

343. Their love grew with the years.


344. The French are known for their love of their language.


345. I love working with tools.

“我喜欢与工具打交道。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

346. And not so much to be loved, as to love another.

并非那么多人被爱, 所以才去爱人.《期刊摘选》

347. We fell madly in love.


348. Jupiter is Love Europa.


349. I love my kids to bits.


350. Because he doesn't have a daddy a mommy who love him.


351. Such is my mother, a kind working woman. I'll respect love her forever.

你母亲就是这样一位妇女, 善良、勤劳, 永远值得你尊敬和爱戴.《期刊摘选》

352. Love rules its kingdom without a second.


353. Why is my lord enraged against his love?



1. He taught us how to love a little more and to hug a little tighter.

CNN: Students dress like Superman to remember football player

2. What else does this novel bring out in you: what other thoughts, what other responses? Does anyone absolutely love this novel?

这部小说还带给了你们什么,有其他的看法吗,其他的回应,有谁完全爱上了这部小说?1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Such was their love, a love so sublime that only God's love surpasses it.

NPR: Obama, McCain Speak At Community Service Forum

4. Adrian Mourby has visited Budapest for more than 25 years, and his love of goulash remains undiminished.

BBC: Budget and blowout guide to Budapest

5. People love to bet on the favorite, ask any Vegas Bookie and they will tell you.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

6. Of course, more generally, you get excited, your heart goes pitter-pat, when your girlfriend or boyfriend says they love you.

当然,更常见的情况下,在你的爱人说爱你的时候,你会很激动,心跳加速死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Lawmakers from corn-farming states love the emphasis on that crop, but they don't represent everyone in Congress.

NPR: Farm Bill Offers Aid to Fruit, Vegetable Growers

8. Her voice and singing style are still easy to recognize, just like the sadness and longing in her love songs.

VOA : special.2010.04.23

9. Movie-goers can find love in films like "Crazy Stupid Love," All's Faire in Love" and "A Love Affair of Sorts."

VOA : special.2011.06.20

10. It was, in truth, the way I fell in love with the place for good.

BBC: The walk that made me love Japan

11. "I didn't really think about it as an educational program, I just really fell in love with the characters.

VOA : special.2009.11.27

12. The only thing approaching the pain of losing someone you love is losing the keepsakes.

NPR: A Call to Rebuild New Orleans

13. "The second I saw this place, I fell in love it, " Yannis Vlatakis says.

CNN: West Flores: So much more than Komodo dragons

14. The band's lead singer Erika Lewis moved to New Orleans from New York state because of her love of music.

VOA : special.2010.01.22

15. The single is titled `White Love'.


16. He had so totally given himself to scientific studies that he could not be weakened by a second love.

VOA : special.2009.09.26

17. He's been a television and radio host sharing his love of jazz with audiences around the country.

NPR: Twenty Years Of A Jazz Piano Christmas

18. At this point I think it is kind of obvious why I love the Sanctuary Lodge.

FORBES: Hotels I Love: Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge

19. Elissa says she'd love to meet the right man, but it will happen when it happens.

BBC: China's 'leftover women', unmarried at 27

20. The single "Say Goodbye to Love" was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Urban/Alternative Performance in two thousand nine.

VOA : special.2010.09.03

21. This was important to Milton, - and one of the big set-piece speeches in Paradise Lost -- - and you may remember it if you've read that poem -- is the hymn that begins "Hail, wedded Love."

这对弥尔顿来说是至关重要的,在《失乐园》中有一个让人印象深刻的片段-,如果你们读过那首诗也许还记得-,那是一首赞美诗,以“致敬,已婚的爱情“开头“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. More recently, a heartbroken Colin Firth retreated to a house near Vidauban in the 2003 romance Love Actually.

FORBES: Provencal Retreat

23. Bireli is versatile: You'll hear his love for American guitarist Wes Montgomery and even Frank Sinatra.

NPR: Bireli Lagrene At The Cully Jazz Festival

24. While both love and hate are four letter words, one is viewed positively, and the other as unfortunate.

FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

25. You can only hurt the one you love because you are expecting positive feedback from the one you love.

之所以这样说,是因为,你总期待着他们给你积极地回应。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. In other words, the mid-life crisis is a fable - but we all love fables, don't we?

BBC: Viewpoint: Just what is middle age?

27. I love chemistry now. Be very careful what you say. Have any of you made that statement about hating a subject?

我现在很喜欢化学,所以你们说话的时候,可要小心咯?化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. One reviewer wrote that "Lorraine" has songs describing all the ways love can break and all the ways it can heal.

VOA : special.2011.02.11

29. And they might get married,or they might not get married, but they don't get to consummate their love.

然后他们可能会结婚,可能不会,但是他们不会完婚圆房的。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. "True Love On Three With Feeling" is actually a jaunty duet, backed by trumpet and a peppy chorus.

NPR: The Awkward Stage: 'The Sun Goes Down On Girlsville'

31. "It was the genius of my teacher, her sympathy,her love which made my first years of education so beautiful.

VOA : special.2009.11.15

32. That reputation is founded upon his extraordinary dedication, his deep intelligence, and his love of country.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Statement on General McChrystal and Afghanistan | The White House

33. Nudists resorts tend to be focused on self-acceptance and freedom rather than free love.

BBC: Strip down for the end of summer

34. I mean, I love Stanford and this is a really beautiful campus, but to go and see all those different things...

我的意思是,我爱斯坦福大学,这是一个非常美丽的校园,但我想去看看与这些不一样的东西……SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 留学的优点是?

35. Thanks, Frank. I’d love to come. When is it?


36. Sweetness call it lyricism is Oberst's great gift even when love turns sour.

NPR: Conor Oberst: When Love Turns Sour

37. Through travel, I had fallen in love with the thrill of the new, with the untested border.

BBC: The end of a wandering way of life?

38. So let me take this but -- (applause) -- I love the front row.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

39. Are you OK, love?


40. He also loved words and writing. The museum has special proof of Porter's love of language -- his dictionary.

VOA : special.2010.12.17

41. So I love that link and actors are very good at that. They are good at body work

所以我喜欢这种理论和实践的结合,演员们也很能接受。 他们也想工作时精力充沛,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 健康管理的重要性

42. Deuteronomy emphasizes God's gracious and undeserved love of Israel, and that's expressed in his mighty acts on Israel's behalf.

申命记强调上帝对以色列亲切甚至不相称的爱,这在他对以色列人全能的行为上表现出来。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. She says her feelings towards them have changed radically and have nothing to do with love.

BBC: World

44. I love travelling.


45. And for her, love doesn't mean say I love you my little baby, to her kitten or make a cooing noise to show her love.

对于它来讲,爱并不意味着,要对它的宝宝说,我爱你宝宝,或者制造呜呜的叫声来表达它的爱。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. I wrote this sappy love song.


47. Programming was a late love for Penny Herscher, who became interested in computer science during college.

FORBES: Connect

48. It's like a child, raised with hope rather than expectation, love rather than fiscal projection.

BBC: Trick of the light: A California road trip

49. "My World 2.0" includes a lot of slow,romantic songs, but here is one you can dance to, "Somebody to Love."

VOA : special.2010.04.30

50. And if we're stressed out all the time and working in counseling, never doing what we love, we're always complaining.

假如我们自己总是惶惶不可终日,却还做着顾问的工作,而不做自己喜爱的工作,就像我们总抱怨的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

51. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the love and compassion they have shown me.

NPR: Gov. Spitzer Resigns amid Call-Girl Scandal

52. Liev Schreiber does an excellent job of expressing his characters growing anger toward Rodolpho and his own problematic love for Catherine.

VOA : special.2010.03.12

53. Like many of U2's songs, it is an expressive love song with a melody that is hard to forget.

VOA : special.2009.04.10

54. One day, the insects' love of sweets caused them to attack a ship that was bringing sugar to the camp.

VOA : special.2009.01.24

55. Officials at Love Field hope to deploy the improved checkpoints within the next three years.

BBC: New measures in airport security

56. In my case, my visit was primarily driven by an innate love for Buddhist temples.

BBC: Where Buddha was born

57. What is the meaning of an untrodden way, or of "there are none to praise" her but "very few to love"?

没有人走过的路是什么意思呢?,还有“没有人赞扬她“但是“几乎没有人爱她“又是什么意思呢?文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. Deny thy father and refuse they name, or if thou wilt not, be but sworn, my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet." She's a Capulet.

否认你的父亲,抛弃你的姓名吧,也许你不愿意这样做,只要你宣誓做我的爱人,我也不愿再姓凯普莱特了,她姓凯普莱特。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. He was the first of many foreign filmmakers to fall in love with the country.

BBC: The evolution of Irish cinema

60. The love songs that predominate, as they usually do with Oberst, are long on social context.

NPR: Conor Oberst: When Love Turns Sour

61. I love to bake so anything with fruits that I can , like pies now because it's getting cooler.

我喜欢烘烤能带水果的任何食物,比如说现在我做馅饼,因为天气变凉了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 联合广场呢

62. He has that phrase, / "Anything more than the truth would have seemed too weak / to the earnest love that laid the swale in rows.

他写了这样一句,任何超过真理的东西都显得很脆弱/,用最真挚的爱意割下一排排草。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. This is a how-to manual of witchcraft and wizardry, filled with talismans, horoscopes and recipes for love potions.

BBC: The Channel Islands surviving lore

64. Let your repentance salt my shoe leather," I said presently, " and then, as I lately sheathed my blade of anger, so sheath you my blade of love."

你的悔意只配擦我的皮鞋,我当即就说“,方才我收起愤怒之剑时,也收起了对你的爱情之剑“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. We must not be enemies. Though emotion may have damaged them, it must not break our ties of love."

VOA : special.2009.07.30









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