
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ɡɜːl]play美 [ɡɜːrl]play

  • n. 女孩;姑娘,未婚女子;女职员,女演员;(男人的)女朋友
  • n. (Girl)(捷)吉尔(人名)

复数 girls

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


girl /ɡɜːl/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A girl is a female child. 女孩
    例: eleven-year-old girl.


  • 2.
    可数名词 You can refer to someone's daughter as a girl. 女儿

    We had a little girl.


  • 3.
    可数名词 Young women are often referred to as girls. This use could cause offence. 妞儿 (常指年轻女人,可能有冒犯之意)

    ...a pretty twenty-year-old girl.


  • 4.
    可数名词 Some people refer to a man's girlfriend as his girl. 女朋友

    I've been with my girl for nine years.





  • n.女孩,姑娘;女儿;女朋友

    daughter   /   bride


lady female girl woman 【导航词义:女性】

lady n. 女士,女子

〔辨析〕 指某一类型或年龄的女性,尤指成年女子。

例1: A young lady is sitting at the counter.


例2: A maiden lady is an unmarried lady.


female n. 女性;雌性

〔辨析〕 强调性别,既指女性,也指雌性动植物。

例1: Males and females are equal in their right to inheritance.


例2: We've got three cats - two females and a male.


girl n. 女孩,姑娘

〔辨析〕 指小女孩或年轻女子,作后者解时有时具有冒犯性;也可指母狗、母猫、母马等。

例1: This girl has a light hand for knitting.


例2: This school is for girls only.


例3: Bring me the ball, good girl!


woman n. 妇女;[正式] 女人

〔辨析〕 普通用词,泛指成年女性或对女性的总称。

例1: the oppression of women


例2: He goes after every woman he meets.


例3: The prize was won by a woman from China.



1. My Sassy Girl 我的野蛮女友 ; 美国版我的野蛮女友 ; 电影原声大堞 ; 我的野蛮女

2. Afghan Girl 阿富汗女孩 ; 阿富汗少女

3. flower girl 卖花女;婚礼中持花少女

4. Shaolin Girl 少林少女 ; 片 ; 译

5. good girl 好女孩,好姑娘

6. girl student 女学生

7. girl friend n. 女朋友

8. cover girl 封面女郎

9. pretty girl 漂亮女孩

10. bad girl 坏女孩;坏女郎

11. Japanese Girl 东方女孩 ; 日本女孩 ; 曰本女孩 ; 东方女子

12. sweet girl 甜美女孩

13. lovely girl 可爱的姑娘

14. Little girl 小女孩 ; 借物小人 ; 没有孤独的

15. My girl 小鬼初恋 ; 兄妹契约 ; 我的乖乖女

16. dancing girl 舞女(以伴人跳舞为业的女人)

17. The Danish Girl 丹麦女孩 ; 变性女郎 ; 丹麦女孩丹麦女孩 ; 变性女孩

18. shy girl 害羞的女孩

19. big girl 大姑娘;大女孩

20. gossip girl 绯闻少女(美国一青春偶像剧)

21. school girl 女生(中小学)

22. old girl n. 老校友;老太婆;大姐(用于招呼语)

23. Gossip Girl 绯闻女孩 ; 绯闻少女 ; 八卦天后 ; 花边教主

24. baby girl 女婴;小女孩

25. call girl 电话应召女郎

26. super girl 超级女声 ; 迷你专辑 ; 超级女生 ; 亲笔签名

27. cute girl 可爱女孩

28. hot girl 惹火女郎

29. beautiful girl 美丽姑娘


1. The two girls were taken into care after their parents were killed.


2. When she married the boss, she looked down on the office girls she had worked with.

她嫁给老板后, 便瞧不起曾同她在一起工作的女职员了.《辞典例句》

3. It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking.


4. You're a big girl now.


5. Miguel: Then what about the girl in the bakery?

米盖尔: 那面包店的那个女孩 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

6. Girl painful twist of the body, a wry face, not to blubber out.

小姑娘疼得扭动着身子, 扭歪了脸, 不让自己大声哭出来.《期刊摘选》

7. He's really a playboy as he is only interested in dating new girls.


8. ...a pretty twenty-year-old girl.


9. Your teasing of the new office girl has gone beyond a joke.


10. She was a shy, quiet girl.


11. One girl was chewing gum.


12. Harriet was an easy, responsive little girl.


13. He didn't have many friends any girl friend.


14. Fred has plenty of girl friends , although he is no oil painting.


15. Marta: Pedro's always flirting with girls and he has about twenty girlfriends.

玛尔塔: 佩德罗总是跟女孩子调情,有差不多二十个女朋友.《期刊摘选》

16. The minds of the two girls, being toned in harmony, often chimed very sweetly together.

这两位姑娘的心意十分合拍, 因而她们的意见也常常合拍得十分美妙.《辞典例句》

17. Yes, but is it possible ( that ) your girl friend leaves you because you smoke?

是的, 但是你的女朋友会不会因为你抽烟而离开你 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

18. Hello, girls and boys!


19. She saved a little girl from falling into the water.


20. I'm afraid the heavy bag will be too much for a little girl.


21. I must have been a horrid little girl.


22. He choked the girl to death.


23. Almost every girl would like to be a rich, famous and beautiful actress.

几乎每个女孩子都梦想成为一个富有, 出名,而且漂亮的女演员.《期刊摘选》

24. Would you sacrifice a football game to go out with a girl?


25. You to live in a big city and have your English girl to cuddle you.


26. Pretty in pink: adult women do not remember being so obsessed with the colour, yet it is pervasive in our young girls' lives.

穿粉色衣服好看: 成年女性已不记得曾经对这个颜色的痴迷,然而它在我们年轻女孩的生活中却非常普遍。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

27. His girl friend was blue about not being invited to the dance party yesterday.


28. Mike was pretty excited about his girl friend.


29. He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party.


30. When a boy got the football, three or four girls rushed to him.

当一个男孩得到了足球的时候, 三或四个女孩对他冲了.《期刊摘选》

31. Who's the girl standing behind Jan?


32. The girl held her father's hand tightly.


33. Some parents choose to end a pregnancy if the fetus is a girl.


34. As a matter of fact, I’ve already contacted one of the girls who would be living in the same house as me, and she seemed really nice

事实上,我已经联系了和我住一个房间的其中一个女孩,她看起来非常友善。《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

35. Annah is a tiefling, a brash girl on the brink of womanhood.

阿娜是一名提夫林, 是个即将成为女人的粗率女孩.《期刊摘选》

36. The girl was walking in the woods when a gang of boys set on her.


37. Joe's mother consents to let him live with his girl friend, but his father doesn't.

乔的母亲同意让他和女朋友住在一起, 但父亲却反对.《简明英汉词典》

38. Not long since, I changed three girl friends in a week.

曾几何时, 我一个礼拜内换了三个女朋友.《期刊摘选》

39. I've been with my girl for nine years.


40. Even today, says the legend, the girls can be seen above the towering rock as seven shining stars in the night sky.

传说至今人们还能在高耸的岩石上看到小女孩们的身影,她们化成了夜空中七颗闪亮的星星。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

41. She said it was just girl talk that a man wouldn't understand.


42. In theory,a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen.

理论上,女孩可以反对父母为其所挑选的对象。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

43. Of course. But do you mind if I bring my girl friend?

可以, 不过我可以带我女朋友来 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

44. I'm having a night out with the girls.


45. The God caused the rock to grow and to lift the girls far above the ground, while its sides were scored by the claws of the angry bears.

石神让小岩石变高,使女孩们远离地面,愤怒的熊群便用爪子把岩石壁抓出一道道印痕。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

46. Priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistant's sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to department stores and to the bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment.

普利斯特里解释了其助理的毛衫所采用的深蓝色是如何逐年过时的:从时装展销到百货商店,最后出现在打折区。毫无疑问,这可怜的女孩就是从打折区淘来了这件衣服。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

47. The girl sassed the teacher all day.


48. The girl often wears a pair of sunglasses, and she looks very cool.

那个姑娘经常戴着墨镜, 看起来很酷.《期刊摘选》

49. On that night, unmarried girls prayed to the Maid star for the special gift.

七夕之夜, 未婚女子通常会向织女星乞巧,也会乞求姻缘.《期刊摘选》

50. "You should do it," the girl said, boldly.


51. If Jack was a playboy, he might betray his girl friend.

如果杰克是个花花公子的话, 他可能才会背叛他的女朋友.《期刊摘选》

52. She primarily speaks to students in health classes, but sometimes the school will arrange for her to speak to several different groups of girls

她的听众主要是健康课上的学生,但有时学校也会安排她给几群不同的女孩讲话。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

53. The little girl gave her widow's mite to the cause.


54. Alex is not interested in girls yet.


55. The girl jabbered incomprehensibly.


56. “Seventy  percent of girls aged 10 to 18 report that they define perfect  body image based on what they see in magazines.”

“10 岁至18 岁的女孩中有70% 都反馈说她们对完美身材的定义基于她们在杂志上看到的形象。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

57. You're not still hung up on that girl?


58. Boys are often more inhibited than girls about discussing their problems.


59. While girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities.


60. When my girl friend went away from me, I did a double take.

就在我的女朋友离开我的时候, 我突然明白了她的意思.《期刊摘选》

61. My son is completely gone on the girl who has just come to live next door.


62. He married a girl from out of town.


63. In my younger days girls never went in for cosmetics and fancy dresses.


64. He prayed intensely for her luscious aunt as he ran, or for a luscious girl friend.

他一面赶路,一面却一个劲地默默祈祷,希望能弄到她的一位性感的姑姑, 或是一位性感的女朋友.《辞典例句》

65. This picture shows the girl in profile.


66. Our youngest girl is at college.


67. As it turned out, he lost his girl at this party.

结果, 他在这个聚会上失去了他的女朋友.《英汉非文学 - 科幻》

68. an office girl


69. “Especially girls and teens,” says Record.

“尤其是小女孩和青少年。”Record 说道。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

70. The court assumed responsibility for the girl's welfare.


71. Try to forget about your girl friend.


72. Now , barring all that, I mean to say she is a deuced fine girl!


73. She was a thin, nervous girl.


74. Janice is his girl friend's name.


75. ‘ I want my ma, ’ sobbed the little girl.


76. He married the girl next door.


77. Get me confirmation on the first available flight.


78. Thrombosis can be symptom - free or trigger cramps, soreness and swelling in affected areas.

血栓形成可能没有症状,也可能会引起受累区域的痉挛 、 疼痛和肿胀.《期刊摘选》

79. One of the office girls was down with the flu.


80. Old girls, now rejected, would quote chapter and verse.

过去的女朋友, 现在失宠了, 会提出旁证.《辞典例句》

81. The police doctor says that the dead girl had been interfered with before her death.


82. The little girl was wailing miserably.


83. The girl watched anxiously as he circled high above her.


84. I wish he would stop picking at the little girl so much.


85. Unhappily, he never saw that girl again.


86. I mean, girls went around in really short skirts, and wore flowers in their hair.

我是说,姑娘们穿着非常短的短裙走来走去,头上还戴着花。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

87. His girl friend is of the Benglong ethnic minority.


88. a little girl of six


89. The girls gradually quieted down.


90. The boss took a shine to the new girl.


91. The girl that takes orders for supplies isn’t here this morning.

负责日用品订单的女孩今天早上没来。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

92. He has a girl now, who he lives with. — Good for him.


93. a baby girl


94. This girl was a bit strange.


95. Her biggest concern is the emphasis American culture places on thinness and the negative ways this affects girls today

她最担忧的是美国文化太关注“以瘦为美”观念以及如今这对女孩的消极影响。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

96. I saw a girl riding a horse.


97. The girls froze him off when he wanted to join the party.


98. Miguel : He's celebrating his first job with one of his girls.


99. Get dressed now, there's a good girl.


100. The legend says that when seven girls were attacked by bears, they took refuge on top of a small rock, and they appealed to the Rock God for help.

传说中有七个女孩受到熊群的攻击,她们为了避难爬上一块小岩石,祈求石神的庇佑。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

101. We had a little girl.


102. The little girl was as light as a feather.


103. One of the boys has been careless enough to prang up his girl friend.


104. It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys.


105. She is a beautiful, uncomplicated girl.


106. The little girl presented the princess with a large bouquet of flowers.


107. Looking around, despaired at the singular lack of imagination about girls' lives and interests.

环顾四周,我失望地发现,人们对女孩们的生活和兴趣极度缺乏想象力。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

108. Jiaolong : And since he could not find the stars, he robs young girls of their combs.

娇龙: 他找不到星星, 就抢小女孩的梳子.《期刊摘选》

109. He had a snapshot of his girl friend.


110. I've put a star by the names of the girls in the class.


111. He enjoys flirting ( with the girls in the office ).

他爱 ( 与办公室的女职员 ) 调情.《辞典例句》

112. An older girl befriended me.


113. She's a dead ringer for a girl I used to know.


114. The young man blushed when his girl friend called him her sweetie pie.


115. Joe is sad because he just got the gate from his girl.


116. I'm a simple country girl.


117. My dear girl, you're wrong.


118. Is it a boy or a girl?


119. He spent his time philander with the girls in the village.


120. Good morning, girls!


121. Girls' attraction to pink may seem unavoidable, somehow encoded in their DNA, but according to Jo Paoletti, an associate professor of American Studies, it is not.

女孩对粉色的青睐看起来似乎是无法避免的,似乎在某种程度上被编码进了她们 的DNA。不过,根据美国研究副教授乔•帕雷提的说法,情况不是这样的。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

122. It is not that pink intrinsically bad, but it is such a tiny slice of the rainbow and, though it may celebrate girlhood in one way, it also repeatedly and firmly fused girls' identity to appearance.

并不是说粉色本身有什么不好,而是它只是七色彩虹中微小的一部分。虽然从某种程度上来讲它可以烘托少女的特质,但它也会反复强化女孩的身份与其外表的融合。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

123. Place the girl as a typist.


124. A girl clerk joined in the discussion, and he appered more interested.

一个女职员也加入了他们的讨论, 他似乎起劲了些.《辞典例句》

125. The models the fashion magazines are greatly identified by the young girls.


126. The girl in the corner talking to John is pianist.


127. I stood the little girl on a chair so that she could see.


128. On one occasion, I saved a girl from frowning in a river.

一个偶然的机会, 我救了一个落水的姑娘.《期刊摘选》

129. You wouldn't know what it means ─ it's a girl thing.


130. As you know, Jane gave birth to a girl baby . Both are doing very well.


131. He was eighteen before he started going out with girls.


132. The girl, tears streaming down face, begged to be allowed to slip into the guard's van.

这个姑娘的脸上流下了泪水, 哀求让她溜进列车员的车厢.《期刊摘选》

133. The girl twined her arms about her mother's neck.


134. Is this for your girl friend?

这是为女朋友买的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

135. How is the old girl these days?


136. eleven year old girl...


137. Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl.


138. They have two boys and a girl.


139. Her sister is a big girl, isn't she?


140. She's a really weird girl.


141. Don was deep in conversation with the girl on his right.


142. He tried to ingratiate himself with his girl friend.


143. She isn't that kind of girl.


144. My girl friend is a cheer leader.


145. Every week a fresh scandal emerges about ministers carrying on with film actresses and call girls.


146. Who is the girl whose mother is an actress?


147. No matter which girls he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother.

无论年轻人带怎样的姑娘回家, 母亲总是不赞成.《期刊摘选》

148. George won't put up with any more broken promises from his girl friend: they're through.

乔治的女朋友老是说话不算数,他再也无法忍受了: 他们的关系已经完了.《期刊摘选》

149. 'I want my ma,' sobbed the little girl.


150. There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class.


151. And Record and Austin are  worried not just about the models themselves, but about the vast  number of girls and women their images influence.

Record 和Austin 担心的不仅仅是这些模特自身,他们更担心受这些模特的形象影响的广大年轻女孩和成年女性。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

152. They play poker and Scrabble together , and the girls often shop with each other.

他们在一起打牌,玩拼字游戏, 女演员们经常一起去逛街.《期刊摘选》

153. She's a very charming and very pretty girl.



1. Let's say that your brother who you are really close to is dating a girl that is not telling him the truth.

假设你有个关系非常亲密的哥哥,他正和一个女孩谈恋爱,但这女孩却并没有以诚相待。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : The thing is 课堂

2. The tourist was taking a picture of this girl.

这个游客正在拍这个女孩。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

3. There are solar-powered shelters, and the Girl Scouts helped set up 21 bluebird boxes.

FORBES: How Bridgestone's Innovative New Tires Will Save You Fuel

4. The kind of girl you read about--" Well, it turns out that nobody really knows.

你所读到的女孩",结果没人知道究竟在说什么心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. `Who's the girl?' Schneider faltered.


6. I met a Swedish girl.


7. " A 13-year-old girl burned herself to death "to escape forcible marriage to an adult man.

CNN: Rights report cites abuses in Kurdish Iraq

8. Lindi seemed a nice, accommodating girl.


9. Talackova, in a 2010 interview, said she knew she was a girl at age 4.

CNN: Miss Universe pageant opens to transgender contestant

10. Her mother, Sun Fuyou, rifles through faded photos of a beaming young girl in ski gear.

NPR: Many Chinese Athletes Find No Glory In Retirement

11. She shook a little bell on the table, and a small black girl about 12 years old ran into the room.

VOA : special.2009.01.17

12. That shortlist is completed by The Girl's Toby Jones for his portrayal of Alfred Hitchcock.

BBC: Damian Lewis and Sienna Miller on TV awards shortlist

13. Two of the hawkers, the ponytailed girl and the shirtless boy, come closer, hand in hand.

NEWYORKER: Baptizing the Gun

14. Agamemnon gets furious with Achilles and he says, "No, I'm not giving back my girl.

阿伽门农听罢怒火中烧,他说,"我绝对不会把这姑娘送回去古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Oh, I'll leave that little girl up.

我们就先放这张小姑娘的图片吧美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Here, girl!


17. The story is told by Sara Louise Bradshaw, a 13-year-old girl who lives with her parents and her twin sister Caroline.

VOA : special.2009.02.14

18. Excitable bouts of windbreaking will not endear you to a girl, just to pick one example.

NPR: What Every Boy Needs to Know

19. When the girl heard Mr. Morsi had won, said Ms. Matta, the girl cursed.

WSJ: In Cairo,Drowning Fears in Beer and Tattoo Ink

20. Not with this girl, this girl is perfect. But in the past, I've had lots of problems with roommates.

和这个女孩没吵过,她太完美了。但在过去,我和室友之间存在很多问题。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 布鲁克林的房价

21. She handed the girl a five dollar bill and waited for her change and the wrapped box with the stockings.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

22. It's the story of Aengus' longing and quest for union with a fairy girl whom he desires.

是安古斯渴望,寻求,和一个仙女结合的故事。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. The girl in the school children crossing sign is based on a picture of herself.

BBC: The road sign as design classic

24. The girl told her family a man attacked her as she walked along an alleyway.

BBC: Crawley inquiry over girl, 13, 'raped in bushes'

25. The Harbor Investment Conference raises funds for the Boys and Girl Harbor, a respected social charity.

FORBES: Trading The Harbor Investment Conference Today

26. Wait, let me clarify: a place where you can actually buy a girl her life back.

FORBES: The Girl Store: Is It Too Provocative?

27. " A mother of three, she also considers Girl Scout cookies to be "pure junk food.

WSJ: When Girl Scout Cookies Create Turmoil

28. Today,if a girl acts like she is better than everyone else, you might say she should get off her high horse.

VOA : special.2009.07.12

29. So does the Girl Scouts, according to Michelle Tompkins, a spokeswoman for the global organization.

WSJ: When Girl Scout Cookies Create Turmoil

30. A young girl who stood behind the counter asked her if she wished to examine the silky leg coverings.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

31. In Nineteen Twenty-Seven, Benny married Sadie Marks, a sales girl from the May Company store in Los Angeles.

VOA : special.2009.10.11

32. The name "Molly" was often used as an insult for an Irish girl, and nobody in her own life called her that.

VOA : special.2010.03.08

33. The whole point is the excitement a girl feels, wondering who finds her attractive.

NPR: What Every Boy Needs to Know

34. Now the girl is in her 20s and has a family of her own.

FORBES: Weaving Connections

35. What's really remarkable about this epic, though, is that it's headed by a little girl.

NPR: This Season, the Scrappy Heroes Are Wearing Skirts

36. Eddie has trouble accepting that she is no longer a little girl, but has become a beautiful woman.

VOA : special.2010.03.12

37. Let's hear a little snippet of Pony describing what Billie Holiday was like as a young girl.

NPR: 'With Billie': A Jazz Great, As Others Saw Her

38. Okay. That eating healthy is a girl thing to do, correct. What else?

追求饮食健康是女孩子的事,很好,还有呢关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. It's almost like what you looked for in a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout.

这就像对男童军,或女童军的要求金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Think about an eight year old girl, who's very unhappy, and then reads some magazine about that study, saying that basically you are genetically set point what you are born with is there for life.

设想一个8岁的女孩,她很忧伤,然后在杂志上读到那个研究,研究告诉她,基本上你的基因决定了一切,你与生俱来的一切,将伴随你终生。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

41. It doesn't have every potential, it's a boy or a girl, it's not going to go back, but it has lots of potential in that eventually when it becomes an adult it could become a cellist, or a biologist, or an auto mechanic, or a biomedical engineer, all those potentials are still there.

但不是全部,比如性别已有定论,无法改变,但还是有很多潜能,当孩子长大,他可以成为大提琴家,生物学家,机械师或者生物医学工程师,他仍有所有的潜能生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. The story is about a girl whose brother is a soldier who gets killed in a desert war.

VOA : special.2009.07.27

43. A Life of Her Own. And it's about being a young girl and a woman, but it's an extraordinary thing.

她的一生》,是关于做一个小姑娘和女人的,真的很不错1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. At that moment I was not frightened because I needed to save the girl.

BBC: Bangladesh rescuer: 'I cut off limbs to save lives'

45. The girl looked like a rag doll, with her striped stockings and limp bangs.

NEWYORKER: The Repatriates

46. Used French only when she was a very good little girl. " Okay, Entendu. Now hop, hop, hop, Lenore, or you'll get soaked."

只有当她是个很乖的小东西的时候才讲法语“,“好吧,说定了,现在快点,快快快,不然就要湿透了“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. Yes, it was joyous to watch a 9-year-old girl welcome her father home from Afghanistan.

CNN: Will my grandkids be fighting our 'forever war'?

48. Next to him is a very young French girl in a red and white dress and wooden shoes.

VOA : special.2010.09.20

49. After 50 years, the old girl is having a bit of a resurgence (at least domestically).

FORBES: Why You Should Bet On Barbie This Holiday Season

50. There, she met a young girl who wanted to find her family in Nepal.

CNN: Hero Maggie Doyne

51. At a slam earlier this month, one poet performed a piece about a girl with a very troubled mother.

VOA : special.2009.04.27

52. You can always count on seeing tourist on the train with an American Girl bag or an American Girl box

你总是可以在火车上看到拿着“美国女孩”的包和盒子的游客,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 小心超额消费

53. Police are investigating after a 13-year-old girl told her family she had been raped in Crawley.

BBC: Crawley inquiry over girl, 13, 'raped in bushes'

54. She shook a little bell on the table, and a small black girl about twelve years old ran into the room.

VOA : special.2010.06.12

55. and I live with this very nice girl, my roommate who writes plays for a living and works at a theater.

我和一个女孩一起住,她人很好,在剧院工作,靠写戏剧为生,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 布鲁克林的房价

56. Police search teams looking for missing teenager Georgia Williams have found a girl's body.

BBC: Georgia Williams

57. The ad opens with a young girl making the sign of a heart with her hands.

NEWYORKER: The Olympian

58. On New Year's Eve, an Uber driver struck and killed a six-year-old girl in San Francisco.

BBC: Sharing homes, cars C and lawsuits

59. As a young girl, Professor Nyokong says she went to school on some days and took care of sheep on other days.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

60. Thirty years ago the name Taylor was much more likely to go to a boy than a girl.

VOA : special.2009.07.06

61. And in fact in one with the girl describing her side, she several times emphasizes this need for protection, need to be free from being torn down from people around them.

事实上像一个女孩子表达的那样,她好几次强调了需要保护的愿望,需要逃离那些打倒她的东西,逃离身边的人们。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. The little girl became so exhausted just unwrapping gifts that she actually gave up.

FORBES: The Anti Gift Giving Holiday Season

63. Reno informs us that, as a young girl, she loved the celebrated land-speed-record holder, Flip Farmer.

NEWYORKER: Youth in Revolt

64. `You clever girl!' Polly cackled triumphantly.


65. One example was a girl in Nepal who was funded for a heart treatment through Watsi.

FORBES: Crowdfunding A Focus At Y Combinator Demo Day




















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