temporary worker翻译_temporary worker短语搭配_temporary worker权威例句

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temporary worker

网络 临时工;临时工人;临时劳工

英 [ˈtemprəri ˈwɜːkə(r)]play 美 [ˈtempəreri ˈwɜːrkər]play

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1. Temporary Worker Visa Applications 临时工作签证申请

2. Especially A Temporary Worker 尤其指临时工

3. temporary worker from an agency 派遣社员

4. temporary worker visa 签证

5. Temporary Worker Program 临时工人计划

6. be a temporary worker 为别人做短期雇工

7. temporary foreign worker program 临时外国劳工计划 ; 临时外劳计划 ; 劳工计划

8. casual temporary worker 临时工

9. Part-time temporary worker 钟点临时工


1. I propose a new temporary worker program to match willing foreign workers with willing employers when no Americans can be found to fill the job.


2. The outline also includes proposals for a temporary worker program and penalties that would allow illegal immigrants to stay such as paying fines and back taxes and performing community service.


3. Yet even with all these steps, we cannot fully secure the border unless we take pressure off the border - and that requires a temporary worker program.


4. My father is a temporary construction worker.


5. And, interestingly for the MPs currently lobbying for the adoption of a "guest-worker" scheme, a (slim) majority said they preferred permanent migration to the temporary sort.


6. Yet even with all these steps, we cannot fully secure the border unless we take pressure off the border-and that requires a temporary worker program.


7. Whatever the land yields during the Sabbath year will be food for you-for yourself, your manservant and maidservant, and the hired worker and temporary resident who live among you.


8. What about a temporary worker program, as President Bush proposed?


9. Please state "Application for Temporary Worker" on the envelope.


10. One that serves or appears at irregular intervals, especially a temporary worker.

'临时工'.''不定时服务或出现的人, 尤其指''.'临时工'. ''.《互联网》

11. A temporary worker program will help protect our homeland, allowing Border Patrol and law enforcement to focus on true threats to our national security.


12. A spokesman for the Camden County Prosecutor's Office says the 29-year-old temporary worker at Cocoa Services Inc. plant fell after a blade used to mix raw chocolate hit him.


13. A temporary worker is an individual seeking to enter the United States temporarily for a specific purpose.


14. XML's status in databases has changed in the last couple of years from a temporary worker to that of a first class citizen.


15. During the Spring Festival, many people hire temporary worker to do the cleaning.

过年的时候, 许多人都雇请临时工来打扫卫生.《互联网》

16. It hired Samuel as a temporary worker to do the job.


17. Under law, your employer has the right to hire a temporary worker to replace you.


18. It hired Samuel as a temporary worker to do the job.


19. As a temporary worker, Mr. Hirano was technically the employee of a staffing agency, and not of the factory where he worked.


20. One former temporary worker at BMW recalls that whereaspermanent staff get a 1 Eurodiscount on meals in the canteen, Zeitarbeitermust pay full price.


21. The Senate version includes a temporary guest worker program and a formula that would enable some illegal immigrants to eventually apply for citizenship.


22. But a temporary resident and a hired worker may not eat of it.


23. The scrapping of the EU's agency-worker directive, which gives temporary staff the same rights as regular employees, would be cheered by business, too.


24. Temporary workers allow companies to fill needed positions without taking on the cost of a full-time worker.


25. UPS is so busy that it has filled 55,000 temporary worker positions during the holiday season.


26. Under law, your employer has the right to hire a temporary worker to replace you.


27. The temporary worker was soon replaced by a permanent employee.


28. I propose a new temporary worker program to match willing foreign workers with willing employers when no Americans can be found to fill the job.


29. Starting a help desk to funnel help requests, WidgetCo hires a temporary worker.

通过帮助台可集中处理帮助请求,因此Widget Co雇用了一名临时员工。

30. My father is a temporary construction worker. He moves around all the time.


31. He also supports a temporary worker program that would create a legal way to match foreign workers with American employers to fill jobs Americans do not want.

他也支持建立一项雇佣外国临时劳工方案,为那些从事美国人不愿干的工作岗位的外国劳工提供一条在美务工合法途径。《provided by jukuu》

32. A temporary Wal-Mart worker died after a throng of unruly shoppers broke down the doors and trampled him moments after the Long Island store opened the day after Thanksgiving.


33. The outline also includes proposals for a temporary worker program and penalties that would allow illegal immigrants to stay such as paying fines and back taxes and performing community service.


34. He is to be treated as a hired worker or a temporary resident among you; he is to work for you until the Year of Jubilee.


35. So for a week or more, the couple and the children still living at home had been getting by with the help of only two maids and one temporary worker they had hired.



1. The issue helped sink the last major attempt at immigration overhaul in 2007, when the legislation foundered on the Senate floor after an amendment was added to end a temporary worker program after five years, threatening a key priority of the business community.

WSJ: Business, labor close on deal for immigration bill

2. The problems stemmed from not registering the workers, inadequate temporary worker housing on site, improper sanitation, no break-room area for lunch and no restrooms.

FORBES: Brazilian Home Builder Nailed For 'Slave' Labor

3. Senators working on the bill gave the Chamber and the AFL-CIO the job of helping negotiate an agreement on the temporary worker issue.

WSJ: Business, labor still at odds on temporary workers

4. Still, Republicans and Democrats placed strict new conditions on the immigration measure on Wednesday, voting overwhelmingly to slash the number of foreign workers who could come to the U.S. on temporary visas, capping the guest-worker program at 200, 000 a year.

NPR: Bush Touts Deals on Iraq, Immigration; Chides Iran

5. Those guidelines called for "improvement, not expansion" of temporary worker programs.

CNN: Unions could again be key to immigration reform

6. When the first wave of former East European states joined the EU in 2004, the UK was one of just three existing members that did not bring in any temporary work restrictions - instead the UK introduced a Worker Registration Scheme to prevent "benefit tourism" by EU migrants coming to the UK for less than a year and claiming benefits.

BBC: No 10 considering curbs to tackle 'benefit tourism'

7. Bush opposes that idea, but he is considering the expansion of a temporary worker program, which would allow Mexicans living illegally in the United States to gain permanent legal residency.

CNN: Bush, Fox to talk immigration, trade

8. Immigration attorneys said the J-1 visa program doesn't face the same oversight as other temporary-worker programs, such as the H-1B, commonly used to bring in skilled workers, or the H-2A, for seasonal agricultural laborers.

WSJ: Guest Worker Visa Troubles Visit McDonald's

9. Professor Jefferys had put Botmeh forward to be interviewed five years ago as a part-time casual administrative worker on a temporary contract, despite his criminal record, the union said.

BBC: London Metropolitan University

10. Second, the bracero program, a temporary annual guest worker permit for low skilled Mexican farm workers, was discontinued on the eve of the Immigration Act of 1965 due to labor union pressure.

FORBES: The Rise of Asian Immigration

11. Under current temporary worker programs, workers can't move from employer to employer and have no path to permanent U.S. residence and citizenship.

NPR: Business, Labor Close On Deal For Immigration Bill

12. In the House, many Republicans want to tighten the border before they even consider a temporary worker plan.

NPR: Bush Promotes Immigration Reform

13. On Tuesday, Republican Party platform drafters agreed to add a plank calling for a guest worker program for temporary migrants.

FORBES: The GOP Battle Over Immigration Policy

14. Unlike in 1986, growers and worker advocates say the current reform proposal would also ensure that a poor, illegal class of farmworkers isn't created again by including a viable guest worker program that would allow for a flow of legal temporary workers into California's fields.

NPR: In Prior Overhaul, Legalized Farmworkers Prospered

15. My temporary worker program will preserve the citizenship path for those who respect the law, while bringing millions of hardworking men and women out from the shadows of American life.

CNN: Transcript of State of the Union

16. At the time of his death, Ivins was under a temporary restraining order sought by a social worker who had counseled him in private and group sessions.

CNN: U.S. officials declare researcher is anthrax killer

17. Bush opposes a blanket amnesty but is considering the expansion of a temporary worker program that would allow Mexicans living illegally in the U.S. to gain permanent legal residency.

CNN: Mexico's leader seeks immigration deal this year

18. All those thus allowed to gain temporary worker status (and, in due course, permanent status and then citizenship) would be able to bring their families, as well.


19. Cruz would welcome more legal immigrants by expanding the high-skilled temporary worker program.

CNN: Gay rights, immigration reform on collision course

20. In many states, that worker might lose temporary financial support if he enrolls in a training program.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on New Training for New Job Creation

21. Furthermore, temporary worker hiring continued to be strong with 40, 000 jobs gained, which is normally a positive leading indicator for future job growth.

FORBES: Discouraged Workers And The Illusion Of The V-Shaped Jobs Recovery

22. Number two he still wants a temporary worker program that starts to get into the controversial area, but that's what business people are looking for.

NPR: Political Week Ahead: Bush on Immigration

23. The issue helped sink the last major attempt at immigration reform in 2007, when the legislation foundered on the Senate floor after an amendment was added to end a temporary worker program after five years, threatening a key priority of the business community.

NPR: Business, Labor Close On Deal For Immigration Bill

24. The presidents also discussed a temporary worker proposal Bush announced in January that would grant undocumented workers who were in the United States prior to that date the right to remain in the country legally for a period of three years that could be renewed.

CNN: Fox: U.S. to ease security checks on Mexicans

25. No employer is going to hire a worker based on such a small and temporary decrease in employment costs, as this year's tax holiday has demonstrated.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: The GOP's Payroll Tax Fiasco

26. And I'm wondering to the extent he thinks a deal might be possible between both sides in the debate on a temporary worker program.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

27. The president supports what he calls a temporary worker program.

NPR: Bush Promotes Immigration Reform

28. Marco Rubio, are again pushing a temporary guest worker program that is favored by the business community and agricultural interests that depend on seasonal employment.

CNN: Unions could again be key to immigration reform

29. Under current temporary worker programs, personnel can't move from employer to employer and have no path to permanent U.S. residence and citizenship.

WSJ: Business, labor close on deal for immigration bill

30. So while 'temporary' or 'contract worker' may have a certain reputation or connotation, we take them very seriously.

CNN: Controversy surrounds health care contract workers











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