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英 [əˌsəʊsɪˈeɪʃnz]play美 [əˌsoʊsɪˈeɪʃnz]play

  • n. 协会,[遗]关联(association 复数);关联分析,协会组织

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association /əˌsəʊsɪˈeɪʃən/

  • 1.
    可数名词 An association is an official group of people who have the same job, aim, or interest. 协会

    ...the National Basketball Association.


  • 2.
    可数名词 Your association with a person or a thing such as an organization is the connection that you have with them. (与某人、某物的) 关联

    ...the company's six-year association with retailer J.C. Penney Co.


  • 3.
    可数名词 If something has particular associations for you, it is connected in your mind with a particular memory, idea, or feeling. (与某记忆、观念、情感的) 关联

    He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him.


  • 4.
    习语 If you do something in association with someone else, you do it together. 与…联合

    The changes I instigated in association with the board 18 months ago were because I love this company.




1. Heterogeneous Associations 异类关联 ; 异质关联

2. medical association 医学会;医疗协会

3. freedom of association 结社自由

4. negative association 负相联,负结合

5. Colours and Their Associations 色彩及其联想意义 ; 颜色及其联想意义

6. mortgage bankers association 抵押贷款银行家协会

7. Unidirectional associations 单向关联

8. word association 词联想

9. free association 自由联想

10. alumni association 校友会

11. american psychological association 美国心理学协会

12. Clubs and Associations 社团协会

13. Union of European Football Associations 欧洲足球协会联盟 ; 欧洲足球联合会 ; 欧洲足球联合协会 ; 欧洲足球协会联合会

14. professional association 专业协会;专业组织

15. an association 协会;社团

16. Ternary associations 三重关联

17. File Associations 文件关联 ; 档案关联 ; 设定可兼容的文件类型 ; 文件相关编辑器

18. business association 商业协会;业务联系

19. Top Ten Outstanding Associations 十佳社团

20. mineral association 矿物组合;共生矿物

21. trade association 贸易协会;同业公会

22. in association with 与…相联系;与…联合

23. bar association 律师协会

24. national basketball association 国家篮球协会(简称NBA)

25. press association 通讯社

26. articles of association 公司章程;组织章程

27. File Associations Management 文件关联管理 ; 档案关联管理

28. association with 与…的交往;与…联合

29. credit association 信用社


1. Associations are relationships between two types.


2. The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me.


3. Thousands of Victorian workers joined educational associations in an attempt to better themselves.


4. Black was considered inappropriate because of its associations with death.


5. We claimed a refund from the association, but they would not pay up.


6. Associations are classed into alliances.


7. Stay connected to industry associations.


8. Colleges may be accredited by regional associations.


9. I thought perhaps the alternations had disturbed some old associations he valued.


10. Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.


11. These were essentially professional associations that provided for the mutual aid and protection of their members, and allowed for the maintenance of professional standards.


12. The cat soon made the association between human beings and food.


13. Manage complexity of associations.


14. Within the larger ethnic community, rotating credit associations have been used to raise capital.


15. Communities and civic associations in every corner of the country erupted in parades, concerts, balls, lectures, and military displays.


16. All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice


17. The Football Association have had their say.


18. Create a profile that USES stereotype associations.


19. The book was published in association with British Heritage.


20. Irish immigrants in American cities organized many building and loan associations to provide capital for home construction and purchase.


21. These associations are informal clubs of friends and other trusted members of the ethnic group who make regular contributions to a fund.


22. The Association gives a free handbook to all new members.


23. They have maintained a close association with a college in the US.


24. ' The community are getting impatient, 'said a representative of the Residents' Association


25. Most galaxy associations are small and have a low density contrast.


26. He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him


27. The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team.


28. The power of words, then, lies in their associations -- the things they bring up before our minds.

——文字的威力就在于它们使人产生的联想 —— 那些令我们想起的某些事物.

29. "When our minds are at ease, we're more likely to direct the spotlight of attention towards that stream of remote associations emanating from the right hemisphere," Lehrer writes.


30. Commensal associations sometimes involve one species' obtaining food that is inadvertently exposed by another.


31. Associations do not have to be logical.


32. Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.


33. To capture associations.


34. Our association with him goes back four years.


35. In other words, then we are less likely to make those vital associations.


36. The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me.


37. The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists.


38. Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning of such a fundamentally "grassroots" concept as community sports associations.


39. The association between the two companies stretches back thirty years.


40. The company is a fully bonded member of the Association of British Travel Agents


41. Do you belong to any professional or trade associations?


42. Several private historical associations have research collections of special interest to their members.


43. This figure was made up of 5,893 women and 3,220 men, with the strongest associations being with breast and colon cancers.


44. They should not conflict with common mental associations.


45. The Japanese Imperial family patronises the Japanese Art Association.


46. The English word uncle has , for various reasons, a cozy and slightly comic set of associations.


47. And what are your associations?


48. The Association relies on member subscriptions for most of its income.


49. Some associations provide homes to buy or part-buy.


50. In the Braun - Blaoquet school the description of synusial associations was not confined to cryptogam communities.

在 Braun -Blaoquet学派中,层片群丛的描述不限于隐花植物群落.《辞典例句》

51. We have three suppliers in all who are approved by the Organic Farm Food Association.


52. Some associations of species are almost a form of commensalism.


53. He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him.


54. The local club has disaffiliated from the National Athletic Association.


55. Associations are more likely to occur when the partial pressure is high.


56. There are many such casual associations of species.


57. Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning of such a fundamentally "grassroots", concept as community sports associations.


58. Associations differed from one another in response to climatic differences within the region of the formation.


59. The association believes new technology will provide a long-term solution to credit card fraud.


60. It can mean lobbying and forming associations.


61. The Professional Cricketers' Association held its annual dinner in London.


62. She became famous through her association with the group of poets.


63. The National Collegiate Athletic Association introduced drug testing in the mid-1980s.


64. The support of our members is of great importance to the Association


65. Some intense associations of a most distressing nature were vividly recalled, I think.

我认为是某种最痛苦的紧张联想又在记忆中活跃了起来.《英汉文学 - 双城记》

66. The Association has put the event off until October.


67. Respondents to the survey noted that many of their olfactory likes and dislikes were based on emotional associations.


68. The employers' association was seen as a counter to union power.


69. The four new stamps mark the 100th anniversary of the British Astronomical Association


70. I believe that a modern reader cannot know the associations that a line of ancient oman poetry or prose had for any particular educated sixteenth-century reader.


71. Certainly, rational appeals in advertising aimed at children are limited, as most advertisements use emotional and indirect appeals to psychological states or associations.


72. Interest groups are free associations.



1. They need to be active with their alumni associations."

VOA : standard.2010.07.28

2. Did the President speak with members of the nuns group or the health associations personally?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

3. When we need an insight, those associations are often the source of the answer.

WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on How to Be Creative

4. It further calls on news associations to promote actions that secure the safety of journalists.

UNESCO: World Press Freedom Day 2013

5. Most of it would present learning as the acquisition of associations, of skills and capacities that are external and not intrinsic to the human character, " to the human personality, to the person himself."

大部分内容把学习展现为获得联想,技能和能力,这些对于人的性格,人的个性,人本身来说只是外在而并非本质的“幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

6. Spaniards do not tend to subscribe in great numbers to clubs and associations, political or otherwise.


7. He has also worked as anti-corruption consultant for a number of European football associations.

BBC: Viewpoint: The murky world of illegal Asian gambling

8. That moved the battle to lawyer-friendly states, where bar associations have taken over the campaign.

FORBES: We the Undercutters

9. Two hundred and eight national associations are members.

VOA : special.2010.06.09

10. Frost loves verbal sounds and he loves to play with their metaphorical associations.

弗罗斯特喜欢动作的声音,他喜欢巧妙地用这个打个比方。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. It has provided assurances that the reforms will not undermine the financial viability of housing associations.

BBC: Universal Credit: MPs raise fraud concerns

12. They want to understand the person looking at the screen, their likes, their dislikes, their associations.

FORBES: Zuckerberg Goes Cuckoo To Test Facebook Home's Mobile Strategy

13. The execution was eloquent and conjured up all the right associations we have with the brand.

FORBES: P&G, Bud, and Jeep Know the Three Things That Give a Brand -- and a Super Bowl Ad - the Edge

14. Muslim Student Associations members are documented in their own voices expressing loyalty to Osama Bin Laden.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Islamists Media Jihad: The Deadly Embrace

15. So, these names drag associations with them, and one question I want to ask is: what to do with those?

这些名字带来了许多联系,我想问的问题是:,怎么去对待这些名字?1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. In the middle of April, 24 domestic trade associations advised member businesses to show price restraint.

FORBES: China Imposes Price Controls, Informally

17. We like certain foods, we have positive associations with them because of our families and all these-- and marketing of course, and all these factors come into play in shaping how we feel about food.

我们喜欢某些食物,对它们会产生正面联想,因为,我们的家庭,当然还有市场营销,以及所有的这些因素都影响着,我们对食物的感觉关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Lawyer complaints go to state bar associations, and doctor complaints are in the form of lawsuits.

FORBES: Surprise: Financial Advisors, Rogues to Some, Are Actually Decent Folks

19. So, we're used to making associations with major and minor.

我们习惯于对大调和小调进行联想聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. If developed outside the company, please list the institutions, associations, or entity that developed them.

FORBES: An Open Letter to Senator Rockefeller

21. The watchdog has asked professional associations and regulators to draw up a code of conduct.

BBC: Obesity surgery 'seen as quick fix'

22. They had even obtained, with the help of the attendant spirit, Haemony the magical herb Haemony with all of its Homeric associations, but this, too, seemed inadequate to the task of rescuing their sister.

他们甚至在随从的帮助下拿到了,有所有荷马史诗联系的神奇的草药,但是看来这些对于解救妹妹的任务来说都是不够充足的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. And it turns out that this version people are slower at than the other version suggesting that their associations run one way and not the other.

结果发现在第二个实验中,人们比第一个实验时的反应要慢,这表明他们倾向于把白人和好词,把黑人和坏词联系一起,而不是反过来。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. The cost of joining associations varies greatly and often depends on the type of membership.

WSJ: If You Want to Stand Out, Join the Crowd

25. But Blatter wants national associations to make a "gentlemen's agreement" at Fifa's annual conference in May.

BBC: Blatter steps up player veto plan

26. He has been a consultant for cattle breeding associations and for the European Development Fund, too.

FORBES: Train like Muhammad Ali: Read These Tips For Boomer Entrepreneurs

27. The First Amendment protects both citizens and associations of citizens, argues Justice Anthony Kennedy.

ECONOMIST: Free speech and campaign cash

28. Through it, conservatives hope to persuade trade associations and corporations to hire only GOP lobbyists.

NPR: Republican Lobbyists on the Rise in Washington

29. Across Washington, corporations and trade associations are increasing the number of Democrats on their lobbying rosters.

WSJ: Lobbyists Put Democrats Out Front as Winds Shift

30. Frame Homes' new factory in Redruth will supply four housing associations with homes on sites around the region.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Devon | Production line rolls for houses

31. He said the government had not intervened effectively during negotiations between owner associations and unions.

BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Strike halts Assam tea production

32. Some of the tickets available from touts have reportedly come from foreign football associations and sponsors.

BBC: England fans have paid inflated sums to see World Cup games

33. He said corporations,universities, non-profit organizations, and professional associations representing millions of scientists,engineers and teachers have embraced the call.

VOA : standard.2009.11.24

34. Councils, housing associations, builders and developers have until 20 December to apply to join the scheme.

BBC: Off-site construction sector forecast to grow

35. What's more interesting is below even that there may be unconscious associations that work that people don't actually know about but affects their thoughts about race, gender and other social groups.

更有趣的是第三层,刻板印象还会在潜意识在起作用,人们根本意识不到这点,但它现样会影响人们关于种族,性别和其他社会群体的看法。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Emotions, making sense of information and relative associations are special skills and strengths of women.

FORBES: Why The Web And Global Financial Systems Need Female X Factor

37. Life insurers are also backstopped by guaranty associations, whose benefit limits vary by state.

FORBES: Safety in Numbers

38. Saving and Loan Associations were making bad loans, especially in Texas, but in lots of other states as well -this is when Ronald Reagan was President.

当时储蓄贷款协会出现了不良贷款,尤其在德克萨斯州,不过在其它很多州也同时出现了...,当时的总统是罗纳德·里根金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. After the long sway of Theocritus' and Virgil's pastorals, ; of course Christianity entered the scene,a new dispensation; and Christianity began to load this pastoral literary tradition with its own set of associations.

在维吉尔等两人对田园诗的长久统治之后,基督教义作为新的统治思想兴起了;,并且开始以它自身的一套体系,附在田园诗的文学传统之上。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Milton is essentially inheriting both of these traditions, both of these sets of associations with pastoral poetry.

弥尔顿实质上继承了这两种传统,这两种与田园诗之间千丝万缕的联系。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Also be sure to investigate plans offered by the professional associations you belong to.

FORBES: Self-Employment

42. Fifa president Sepp Blatter has ignored G14, arguing that national associations should reimburse clubs.

BBC: SPORT | Football | Europe | G14 eyes Champions League changes

43. Milton is able in this speech to combine, I think, for the first time the two associations borne by that Latin word pastor.

弥尔顿能够在这场演说中,第一次把拉丁语牧师的两种联想结合起来。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Another area is for associations, partners and businesses proposing projects linked to water conservation.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

45. Another area is for associations, partners and businesses proposing projects linked to water preservation.

UNESCO: Race for Water victim of ocean pollution

46. Global research company REN 21 - a network of governments, non-government organizations, and industry associations - reports China's total wind power doubled for the fifth year in a row in 2008, ending that year producing 12 gigawatts and passing its 2010 development target of 10 gigawatts two years early.

VOA : standard.2010.08.03

47. Saving and Loan Associations, by the way, no longer exclusively limit themselves to mortgage lending -either they do home improvement lending and auto loans and the like as well.

顺便提一下,储贷协会,现在也不仅限于发放抵押贷款,他们也发放住房装修贷款,及汽车消费贷款之类的金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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