more fairly翻译_more fairly短语搭配_more fairly权威例句

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more fairly

adv. 公正地;公平合理地;(用以强调)简直,竟然;一定地;相当地


英 [mɔː(r) ˈfeəli]play 美 [mɔːr ˈferli]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. Let's be clear: Regulating the market in this area does not mean fighting the market. Regulating the market means improving the way it operates so that wealth is more fairly Shared.


2. They can also do it more fairly.


3. This outward mutability indicated, and did not more than fairly express, the various properties of her inner life.

外表上的千变万化说明其实是恰到好处地表现出&她内在生命的多方面的特性。《provided by jukuu》

4. Do not worry about personal fortunes as after the changes have taken place, everyone will be cared for and wealth will have been spread more fairly.


5. You can talk fairly rapidly for information that may be familiar, but then slow down for more unfamiliar sections.


6. This installation is much more stripped down than, say, the fairly elaborate setup of the TiVo.


7. There are many varieties and grades of paper materials, and whilst it is fairly easy to spot the varieties, it is far more difficult to spot the grades.


8. RPR is a new data-oriented technique that can be used to transmit data information in optical channel. It can not only keep the reliability of SONET/ SDH, but also can allocate the bandwidth more fairly and transmit data more effectively.


9. If you install more memory, you can use it fairly well.


10. The films characterized the special people more objectively and fairly to represent the truth.


11. But given a 5 per cent or so appreciation each year, the renminbi will soon become more fairly valued.


12. and with the renminbi more fairly valued today it is difficult to see China running big balance of payment surpluses again.


13. STUDENT: "A simplified tax code and a that more fairly and correctly taxes the wealth in this country is obviously preferable."


14. In an online trust game where players could lower their chances of winning by warning others about cheaters, the threat of being the subject of bad gossip encouraged people to play more fairly.


15. Therefore, people's court information management and the application are the development tendency, the people's court trial and each work information application level is higher, more can realize fairly with the efficiency, more can impel the social progress and the development.


16. If this feels like yet one more piece of fairly routine code, then you're right& it is!


17. This will enable the financial sector to contribute to economic prosperity, while more fairly sharing the proceeds and making crises on the scale we have witnessed less likely and ultimately less damaging.


18. The calculated results of lateral movement of the improved method are checked more fairly well with field measurements than those of the unimproved ones.


19. Most importantly of all, Chinas accession to the WTO in November 2001-which the UK fully supported-marked the opening up of new opportunities for British business and the chance to compete more fairly in a huge market place.


20. The testing result indicates that the fuzzy policy is more fairly, interactive and flexible, and it makes the system more general.


21. While no one is predicting the accord will unleash a flood of new investment right away, it will at least force Vietnam to play more fairly with foreign investors.


22. They have been swollen by the 35-hour limit on the work week and the burden of social welfare contributions for programmes such as family subsidies – which would be more fairly funded by the entire population, via sales taxes such as value added tax.


23. One of these was how we can help countries manage and transform their natural resource wealth into long-term economic growth that spreads the benefits more fairly among their people.


24. It's also fairly easy to fabricate, making it far more commercially viable than other methods of downsizing battery technology.


25. They can also do it more fairly.


26. Theoretically, if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to competing business which treats its customers more fairly.


27. Humans and chimpanzees share more than 97% of DNA, but there are some fairly obvious differences in appearance, behavior and intellect.


28. But perhaps if the upside were better understood, the benefits might be more fairly Shared.


29. The Hazaras, it seems fairly clear, have more claim to sympathy.


30. But perhaps if the upside were better understood, the benefits might be more fairly shared.


31. For example, one well-known study showed that musicians auditioning for an orchestra were evaluated more fairly when they performed behind a curtain and judges didn't know their gender.


32. As an example of a fairly complex analysis approach, consider what happens when more general processing exceptions occur.


33. Such low bond yields do give the equity bulls one more (fairly powerful) argument-that dividend yields look good by comparison.


34. Full disclosure, my grandfather was a Norwegian and I was fairly predisposed to overlook some of Egil's more pathological mental states.


35. But given a 5 per cent or so appreciation each year, the renminbi will soon become more fairly valued.


36. In an online trust game where players could lower their chances of winning by warning others about cheaters, the threat of being the subject of bad gossip encouraged people to play more fairly.


37. In recent weeks China's leaders have been talking up the need to enhance the rule of law.Their aim is to strengthen the Communist Party's grip on power while at the same time ensuring that justice is served more fairly. This may improve thelives of some.


38. Had the news about the torture come out while Moore was making his film, there would have been some more fairly devastating material.


39. But if what Matthew is going through is fairly common, then I'm sure more than a few men have thought it.


40. Possibly in future the wealth of the whole world will be shared more fairly among countries than it is now.

将来整个世界的财富有可能比现在更加公平地在国与国之间分配。《provided by jukuu》

41. Had the news about the torture come out while Moore was making his film, there would have been some more fairly devastating material.


42. We would like to be able to even out the workload more fairly.

我们希望能够更公平地平均公配工作量。《provided by jukuu》

43. They urge the government to become aware of inequalities and to distribute wealth more fairly.

他们鼓励政府重视不平等问题,并更公平地分配财富。《provided by jukuu》

44. I wonder people cannot judge more fairly of each other and themselves.


45. Finally, the specific measures are put forward in the paper from the perspective of pursuing efficiency more fairly. The paper illustrates the relationship between equality of financial investment of higher education and efficiency of higher education.


46. But even fairly fit older people need more health care than younger ones, not least because they often suffer from chronic diseases that are expensive to treat.


47. Over the past one year since the introduction of Chinese anti-monopoly law, it playing an important role in creating more fairly competition environment and protecting consumers' right.


48. This is a core purpose of the report: to help countries get the policies right, whether to collect more resources for health or distribute these resources more fairly.


49. We should more fairly envy them for their luck.


50. Finally non-linear programming model which has object function as investment yield is established in stock distribution center, so that every retailer stockholder's yield is balanced more fairly.


51. So far, adverbs of degrees have been always more significant, fairly complicated and used frequently in adverbs in Chinese.


52. Although many sources of gas are already bound up in long-term contracts, optimists think Britain might be able to get more of it fairly easily.


53. The same philosophy informs the Cisco and Deloitte programmes, which generate a scatter chart of team performance, rather than a single number, allowing managers to spot outliers and assess how individuals are doing more fairly and accurately.


54. Money worries occupy many people, but even these will disappear in time as debts are forgiven, and wealth is distributed more fairly.


55. One of these was how we can help countries manage and transform their natural resource wealth into long-term economic growth that spreads the benefits more fairly among their people.


56. He characterized China's move as'a small step on the long road toward playing more fairly in global trade, but only time will tell.'


57. Yes, we have to make sure that the economic pie is sliced more fairly, but we also have to make sure that the economic pie is growing.



1. And even though the syntax, the characters you are about to see on the screen and in programs today onward is a little more arcane, it's a little uglier looking, you've got semicolons and parentheses and fairly arcane syntax, realize that at the end of the day these are just arbitrary human conventions, the ideas are identical to this thing here.

可能你在屏幕上,编程中见识到的,语法,字符看起来非常晦涩难懂,甚至可以说是丑陋,像什么分号啊,括号啊等等,还有一些难七八糟的语法,但是到了最后,你会发现,这些都不过是一些人为约定而已,而蕴含在里面的编程思想跟这个例子并无二致。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

2. Not only industry but also public services will be spread more fairly with medical facilities and schools upgraded.

FORBES: A City of 260 Million. Where Else But China?

3. Higher earners will suffer what tax consultants describe as a "brutal" increase under a government policy to distribute sacrifices more fairly.

CNN: Portugal braced for 'fiscal earthquake'

4. The challenge for governments is to find ways to share out the fruits of globalisation more fairly without undermining the economy's ability to reap the benefits.

ECONOMIST: Playing leapfrog

5. Depending on how bold he decides to be, he could let Microsoft keep its monopoly but require it to play more fairly.

CNN: Gates gets slammed

6. They are increasingly focusing on building-up their credibility on the economy in the run-up to the 2015 General Election, accepting that deficit reduction must continue into the next Parliament but devising ways of distributing the pain more fairly, they'll say, than the present government.

BBC: More local authorities look set to increase council tax

7. Let us see how all the questions that have arisen out of this unhappy subject of slavery can be better settled more fairly and justly than the plan I have offered.

VOA : special.2009.03.19

8. The government says it has been working with local authorities over the past year to ensure that funding is distributed more fairly across the country and that this has involved gathering more detailed data about local needs.

BBC: School funding for councils announced

9. Therefore, reforms should center on ensuring that market risks become more readily identifiable, and that the costs of future mishaps are more fairly shared among borrowers, investors and governments.


10. Although iOS users can be fairly characterized as more affluent and tech-savvy then their Android counterparts, they are, in fact, quite diverse in terms of age, tech mastery and even income.

FORBES: Class Warfare, Fragmentation, Usability Gap? The Android vs iOS Engagement Paradox

11. The balance between social rights and individual responsibility appears to be more fairly balanced In New Labour social policy than it does with the Conservatives.

BBC: Unit 4: Political issues

12. The conservative leader also said she wanted to treat smaller members of the European Union more fairly, and to maintain strong ties with neighbouring Poland and France.

BBC: NEWS | Europe | Merkel defends German reform plan

13. So we looked at a number of fairly small programs that at the end of the day did very little more than print hello world and the like.

这堂课最后,如果我们只是看几个小程序,根本没啥用,还不如hello,world程序呢。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

14. More transparency is what is needed to ensure that resource wealth is used better and distributed more fairly.

ECONOMIST: Africa, oil and the West

15. Fairtrade USA left Fairtrade International in 2011, and other groups such as Equal Exchange have expanded consumer options for more fairly traded products.

FORBES: Are Consumers Growing Weary of 'Eco-Labels?'

16. As a result of the extensive use of gerrymandering made possible by the big wins accomplished by Republicans in 2010, Red States have effectively stuffed as many Democrats as possible into just a few congressional districts creating the opportunity to send many more Republicans to fill Congressional seats that would have otherwise gone to Democrats were the districts to have been more fairly apportioned.

FORBES: It's Time To Stop Pretending That Republicans Have Cornered The Market On Dirty Politics

17. Citi will resolve the conflicts between research and investment banking, file its financial reports sooner, allocate public offerings more fairly, project gains in pension funds more conservatively, treat stock options as an expense, and insist that structured transactions be more clearly disclosed.

ECONOMIST: Citigroup: Passing the buck | The

18. It would curtail the powers of the president and redistribute them more fairly across government.

ECONOMIST: If only the president were more vigorous

19. We must share the wealth more fairly and not let so much accumulate into the hands of the few.

FORBES: What To Do About The Rise Of The Robots?

20. Last year I asked Treasury Secretary--then-- Regan to develop a plan to simplify the tax code, so all taxpayers would be treated more fairly and personal tax rates could come further down.

CNN: State of the Union Address

21. While New Labour more fairly distributed the benefits of a growing economy, One Nation Labour will have to "rescue capitalism from itself".

BBC: Labour conference: One-nation under an Ed?

22. Although many sources of gas are already bound up in long-term contracts, optimists think Britain might be able to get more of it fairly easily.

ECONOMIST: Britain's energy crisis

23. I've got to tell you that I realized fairly late in life they are more subtle than I imagined the first time.

我得告诉你们,我是很晚的时候才意识到,它其实比我之前想象的要精妙得多基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. More speculatively, there has been some fairly recent work studying the genetic basis of language, looking at the genes that are directly responsible for the capacity to learn and use language.

更具体的来说,一些最新的语言遗传基础研究,探查了直接影响语言学习,及使用能力的基因心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The ruling Christian Democrats proffer a raft of more cautious reforms with fairly similar aims.

ECONOMIST: Germanys choice

26. For centuries women have been improving their rights and status through advocacy asking those in power to change laws and behaviors and treat them more fairly.

FORBES: How I, A Woman, Learned To Break The Rules And Do My Part To Help Better The World

27. Mr. Harris attributes this to the belief that they will be treated more fairly and get a quicker resolution in the United States than they would in either their home countries or in the countries of their adversaries.

FORBES: Why More U.S. Firms Are Suing Chinese Companies

28. Mr Miliband urged other European countries to respond to American requests for help by sharing the burden more fairly.

BBC: Miliband denies UK troops claim

29. During the summit at the BT Convention Centre, a parliamentary e-petition will be launched calling for the government to urgently rethink its policy and to apply the cuts more fairly across the country.

BBC: Joe Anderson and Bishop James Jones

30. Shatkin says these types of jobs offer a high level of intellectual satisfaction, and, because more education typically results in higher pay, the women are able to feel more secure and fairly compensated.

FORBES: The Best Jobs For Women In 2013

31. Not getting some, mind you, but taxing it more fairly.

FORBES: Toking And Taxes Don't Mix, Says IRS

32. That leads to the second reason the word is counter-productive: it makes it more difficult to look fairly at who might actually be causing the run-up in prices.

FORBES: A Challenge: Stop Saying 'Speculators'

33. And we also made sure that consumers are treated more fairly -- because part of what happened in this financial crisis was people were getting mortgages that they didn't understand.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Talks with Virginia Families on the Economy | The White House

34. When you've got a tight single layer, cut the remaining apple quarters in half and strew them over the first layer. (You might have to cut more apples to get a fairly even layer here, or you might have apple quarters left over.) Don't worry about making this layer beautiful no one will see it, but it will give the finished tart a little height.

NPR: Cookbook Author Celebrates Apple Season

35. However, Mr Speaker, I can bring forward a proposal for this year that will offset the average loss and which will provide financial support more fairly, quickly and efficiently than any one-off rebate scheme - providing we legislate for it now in this year's Finance Bill.

BBC: Full statement: Tax changes













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