qualify as ...翻译_qualify as ...短语搭配_qualify as ...权威例句

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. qualify as 作为

2. Qualify As Functional Foods 可以算作功能食物

3. qualify sb as an expert 使某人有专家的资格

4. qualify as a doctor 取得医生资格

5. qualify as a typist 取得打字员的资格

6. qualify one as 把某人称为

7. qualify as a secretary 适合当秘书


1. Lots of people may need trousers, but only a few qualify as likely buyers of very expensive designer trousers.


2. 13 percent of American households qualify as poor, says Mr. Mishel.


3. Google glass would also qualify as a screen.


4. To qualify as a group it must contain5or more people with similar travel study plans.

团体申请的成员必须至少包括5人,并且拥有相似的旅行或学习计划。《provided by jukuu》

5. It takes six years to qualify as a doctor.


6. It takes twenty to twenty-five years of study and meditation to qualify as a lama.


7. Does the behaviour of cats in science experiments actually qualify as dreaming?


8. The proportion of graduates to qualify as graduate students and civil servants are low. 2.


9. Long-term liabilities are obligations that do not qualify as current liabilities.


10. These documents don't qualify as leisure reading, but they can work wonders if you're looking for a way to do excellent research on the company.


11. It's a problem so common it may qualify as a new American epidemic1: We've got no time. Too busy.


12. But your mouth could qualify as the11th plague of egypt.

但是你的嘴可以跟埃及的第11次瘟疫相比。《provided by jukuu》

13. A model that fails to resolve and load subunits or the framework library that it references does not qualify as a closure.


14. According to Aristotle—a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great—most relationships don't qualify as true friendships.


15. I have only a small private income on which to live until I qualify as a doctor.


16. This is an agreement that a certain number of cars need to be constructed for road use in order to qualify as a "production" car.


17. Only Knorr soups and Lipton tea qualify as healthier fare.


18. Now, what exactly would qualify as a long absence?


19. "For property to qualify as" stolen ", the person who took the property must have intended permanently to deprive the owner of that property."


20. How do you know whether or not you qualify as smart?


21. A simple shortage of food is not enough to qualify as a famine.


22. The number of hours that qualify as "recently" is configurable as a query argument, with the default being 12 hours.

标为 “最近”的小时数,是作为一个查询论据而可设置的,其默认值是 12 小时。

23. Such bans often contained exceptions for "tobacco specialty shops"; many hookah bars qualify as such by not serving food or alcohol.


24. Even now it does not qualify as change you can take to the bank.


25. An expenditure for clothing will qualify as a trade or business expense.


26. It takes a significant investment of time and money to qualify as a lawyer, for example.


27. None (which is a placeholder for values that do not qualify as requirements as defined by the default types)

None (无,充当占位符,容纳那些不符合默认类型定义的需求的值)

28. At the end of three years, my son hopes to qualify as a lawyer.


29. In many cases. a test may contain a failed verification point but still qualify as passed.


30. I hope to qualify as a teacher.


31. Your gut reaction and dismissive rejection, even of a worthless idea, might not qualify as systematic or fair.


32. To qualify as a doctor you have to study a long time and pass exams.


33. Why does this theory of intervention, and the noble sentiment attached to it, fail to qualify as a “doctrine”?


34. The survey did not quote the mean income considered necessary to qualify as rich.


35. These are both mistaken, since the GNU GPL qualifies as an open source license and most of the open source licenses qualify as free software licenses.

二者都理解错了,因为GNU GPL有开源许可证的资格,而多数开源的许可证也有自由软件许可证的资格。

36. Does he qualify as a foreign power?

他也算是一个国外大公司吗?《provided by jukuu》

37. After two years’ training, her apprentice will qualify as a hair stylist, with a certificate to boot.


38. That doesn't really qualify as having a history.


39. But according to Aristotle—a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great—most relationships don't qualify as true friendships.


40. "A painting by Francis Bacon may have great artistic merit but may not qualify as beautiful", he added.


41. What exactly would qualify as a long absence?

什么才能算是长时间的分别呢?《provided by jukuu》

42. All other Boolean values qualify as a value equal to true.


43. The EU said China had met one of the five technical criteria to qualify as a market economy.


44. Even today it's possible for something to qualify as good design simply by fulfilling its function efficiently.


45. Some of the newfound objects may be large enough to qualify as dwarf planets.


46. He will qualify as a solicitor next year.


47. All the SOA design issues I've described qualify as architectural decisions ac-cording to the definition presented in the introduction.


48. And while some or all of these symptoms are common after terrible things happen, symptoms have to last for at least a month to qualify as PTSD.


49. Qualify as supplier to world first class enterprises.

成为世界一流企业的合格供应商。《provided by jukuu》

50. That could qualify as a happy ending.


51. 13 percent of American households qualify as poor, says Mr. Mishel


52. But according to Aristotle — a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great — most relationships don't qualify as true friendships.

但据亚里士多德——柏拉图的学生,亚历山大大帝的老师——所说,大多数的人际关系都算不上是真正的友谊。《四级真题- 2016年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

53. If a manager's charter is to ensure that a project delivers on all its scope, then a schedule slippage might not qualify as a failure.


54. After two years' training, her apprentice will qualify as a hair stylist, with a certificate to boot.


55. In fact, to qualify as a witness in a court of law a man had to be able to count to nine!


56. Such electronic actions may qualify as unfair competition and will therefore be referred to as electronic unfair competition.


57. How can an organisation qualify as a charity if we don't even know whose interests it is promoting?



1. Lead singer Joe Swarbrick is a charismatic and dynamic frontman, and his effervescent hair could almost qualify as a fifth member.

BBC: Oxford - Gig Review: Battle of the Bands

2. But if provocation includes following the victim and harassing him, then Zimmerman may well qualify as a provocateur.


3. Back to our hypothetical, you know, our initial discussion of Flaming Hot Cheetos: by his definition that would not qualify as food.

再回过头来谈谈我们之前的假定,我们曾讨论过关于火焰辣奇多的问题,按照他的定义,奇多不能算作食物关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. As far as responsible journalism goes I do not qualify as an expert.

FORBES: Tata's Revelation Highlights India's Culture Of Corruption

5. So we moved into a sublet condo and demolished most of the house keeping the chimney so the work would qualify as a redo.

WSJ: The House That 'Hound Dog' Built | House Call

6. Amid all the hammerings investors have endured since early 2000, the market plunge after September's terrorist attacks would seem to qualify as a bottom.

FORBES: Magazine Article

7. Expenses for a child in nursery school, preschool, or similar programs for children below the level of kindergarten are deductible for purposes of the child care tax credit if they otherwise qualify as child care.

FORBES: Ask The Taxgirl: Paying For Kindergarten

8. Some annuities might qualify as well.

FORBES: How A High-Earning Couple Got Roth IRAs And You Can Too

9. But ahead of the London Games last summer, the U.S. failed to qualify as a team in the sport for the first time a low-water mark for a nation that dominated synchronized swimming from its glittery Olympic launch in 1984.

WSJ: Synchro de Mayo: A Struggling U.S. Sport Throws Itself a Party

10. In the not-too-distant future, a car with a radio that receives only AM or FM will qualify as an antique.

WSJ: Mobile Hot Spots: Web Radio, Apps Move to the Dashboard

11. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 7.7 million Americans currently qualify as severely mentally disordered.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

12. Forcing a woman to violate her religious beliefs to testify would seem to qualify as harassment and embarrassment.

FORBES: Justice may be blind, but she needs to see your face

13. Richard Segarra, director of research for Ford, says several home builders, including Toll, still pass the quantitative model he uses, but that when the next issue comes out at the end of the month, there's a chance that some of the builders will no longer qualify as buys.

FORBES: Lone Wolf Home Builder Bull

14. It is currently seeking regulatory advice to see if TA-65 can legally qualify as a medical food.

WSJ: 'Medical Foods' and Supplements for Brain Health Advance

15. So far the IRS has not ruled on whether solar farms would qualify as REITs.

FORBES: REITs Boom As More Industries Discover This Tax-Friendly Structure

16. Other Iraqis echoed that sentiment. But al-Zaidi argued in court that Mr.Bush did not qualify as a guest.

VOA : standard.2009.09.15

17. For example, if someone from LinkedIn connects you with a significant government contract, then that would certainly qualify as a Big Win.

FORBES: The Hidden Benefits of Social Media Marketing: Why Your Strategy May Be Working Better Than You Think

18. But the MPs said the definition is too wide for the British economy, because 95% of UK companies qualify as micro-businesses.

BBC: Debate on lending to small businesses

19. Many people are driving cars that barely qualify as junk.

FORBES: Memo To Tyler Cowen: A Lack Of New Ideas Is Not The Problem

20. But according to the National Institute of Mental Health, of the 7.7 million Americans who currently qualify as severely mentally disordered, less than half (3.5 million) never receive treatment.

FORBES: Why Gun Regulation Is Uncivilized

21. While a repetition of the 1859 event would not be pleasant by any means, it would not necessarily qualify as apocalyptic.

FORBES: Sky Full of Trouble; Bracing for Super Solar Storms

22. There is no mention of e-Bay in hte list and whatever it is that e-Bay is doing I would certainly qualify it as retail.

FORBES: Only Amazon Beats Apple

23. Such analogies are so familiar they surely qualify as cliches.

BBC: Magazine

24. Look at the Rally for France: its Gaullist leader, Charles Pasqua, many times a minister, failed even to qualify as a presidential candidate.

ECONOMIST: The French elections

25. But as the two-week nomination period for the election opened this week, it seemed likely that two further candidates would receive the endorsement of at least 150 election-committee members, and so qualify as candidates.


26. Like every other law governing fluid disclosure, the Texas law contains a provision that allows contractors to protect chemical ingredients or compounds that qualify as proprietary information.

FORBES: Clearing The Air On Hydraulic Fracturing Laws In Texas

27. It's entirely possible, of course, that political and promotional considerations qualify as cynical overthinking.

WSJ: Fairway to Rio: Golf Comes to the Olympic Games

28. If it did, many junk bonds might not qualify as debt.

FORBES: Is There A Metaphysican In The House?

29. Under the Methodology Test, as it's known, of the Internal Revenue Code -- of the Internal Revenue Service both of these projects did qualify as educational.


30. Only about one in 10 million diamonds possesses a color pure enough to qualify as fancy vivid.

FORBES: Flaming Yellow 32-Carat Diamond May Fetch $8M at Auction

31. Of all the hammerings investors have endured since early 2000, the market plunge after September's terrorist attacks seems to qualify as a bottom.

FORBES: Magazine Article

32. Two appetizers are generally more than enough food to qualify as a healthy meal.

FORBES: My Weight Watchers-Inspired Money Diet
















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