
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ləˈdʒɪstɪkli]play美 [ləˈdʒɪstɪkli]play

  • adv. 逻辑地,运筹地;在后勤方面

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. logistically thinking 较好的逻辑思维能力


1. But it was because Curry was so underpaid that the Warriors could logistically afford to add Durant to a team that already had three All-NBA players.


2. 'it [a Shanghai listing] is something that we haven't ruled out, but it would be logistically impossible for at least a year and a half anyway,' he said.


3. To make the walk logistically possible, she has lived out of a 1982 van — complete with gold-colored shag carpeting and rust velour sofas — that is, by her own admission, “a disgusting gas guzzler.”


4. The IOM said it is working on an evacuation plan from Tripoli, but it will be an extremely challenging operation politically as well as logistically.


5. Unfortunately, primary prevention trials that start in childhood would be lengthy, expensive, and logistically nearly impossible, "said Ulrich and Potter."


6. but they said it wouldn't scale because it was logistically difficult.


7. Logistically, all that is left is to get her alone.


8. "Otherwise it's just impossible logistically to feed so many people at the same time," explains Liu Kun, a Foxconn spokesman.


9. But, even if community-based isolation measures can be financed and logistically provided for, they could still lead to stigma and discrimination.


10. Picture this-you're in Shanghai, sitting in a hotel room, with five different maps of the city sprawled on the bed before you, and you're trying to logistically plan a day in this grand city.


11. What America needs is an environmentally friendly, logistically feasible, and economically responsible alternative fuel source.


12. The longest previous hypersonic scramjet flight test, performed by a NASA X-43 in 2004, was faster, but lasted only about 10 seconds and used less logistically supportable hydrogen fuel.


13. If we can demonstrate that social media accurately captures a population's sentiment, it could be a more affordable, accessible and timely alternative to what are otherwise expensive and logistically challenging surveys.


14. The two projects had similarities, including visually huge and logistically difficult locations.

这两部影片有许多相似之处, 包括庞大的视觉形象和后勤供应困难的外景拍摄场地.《互联网》

15. Additionally, a logistically configured loading area with four dock high positions, two ground level doors and a secured and private yard.


16. Logistically it is very difficult to value unit-linked policies.


17. VO: What America needs is an environmentally friendly, logistically feasible and economically responsible alternative fuel source.


18. It is about time that the U.N. considers logistically deploying additional military resources.


19. Picture this - you're in Shanghai, sitting in a hotel room, with five different maps of the city sprawled on the bed before you, and you're trying to logistically plan a day in this grand city.


20. What mankind need is an environmentally friendly , logistically feasible, and economically responsible, alternative fuel source.

人类需要的是一种对环境友好, 逻辑上可行, 经济适用的替代能源.《互联网》

21. Unfortunately, the idea of providing and delivering so many drugs to so many people is logistically implausible.


22. The reason is twofold: For one, logistically, there are simply too many opportunities to get caught job searching.


23. Some women find breast-feeding logistically difficult because of work.


24. And while the recall decision was bold, it was not logistically complicated.


25. A runoff would likely have to be delayed until next year if not held very soon to avoid the impending winter, which would not make balloting logistically possible in much of rural Afghanistan.


26. But he added: "I'm not sure we logistically can pull it off."


27. Logistically, they are easier to store and distribute.


28. The reports from students after the study suggest that giving up technology cold turkey not only makes life logistically difficult, but also changes our ability to connect with others.


29. Quite apart from the cost to the FDIC's deposit-insurance fund, anything close to that would prove logistically overwhelming for regulators.


30. logistically, won the war for us.


31. Logistically, Afghanistan is not ready for all the troops.


32. But outside the rural areas, where one indigenous language prevails, this is neither financially nor logistically feasible.


33. Already, this disaster ranks among the most devastating and logistically challenging in recent history.


34. However, he warns that, although microbiological tests carried out in the field are hugely valuable, they are logistically very difficult.


35. So when she asked me if I thought getting a classroom M.B.A. would be helpful, I responded that I did not think it made much sense for her, logistically or academically.


36. China, for instance, was 30th out of 150, while some higher-income oil exporters, such as Algeria (140th) performed below their potential logistically, according to the study.


37. Thee reason is twofold: For one, logistically, there are simply too many opportunities to get caught job searching.


38. Services that would be logistically difficult to deploy in much of the United States scale easily in the capital.


39. The use of asynchronous code in previous versions of Visual Studio was difficult logistically for developers to implement and debug.

而在Visual Studio的早期版本中使用异步代码对于开发者的实现和调试而言在逻辑上都是很困难的。

40. They suggest that the rush to develop the nation's vast, unconventional sources of natural gas is logistically impractical and likely to do more to heat up the planet than mining and burning coal.


41. Logistically it is very difficult to value unit-linked policies.



1. Such an effort would be logistically impossible and wildly expensive.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

2. How to do that logistically would not have been as easy as it sounds, because you're shuttling back and forth between the House, the Senate, different offices, et cetera, different legislators.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House

3. "Such an attack would be highly symbolic, practically significant, and logistically easier" than trying to mount an attack in the United States, said Mancuso.


4. This will undoubtedly be more logistically complicated for Wal-Mart that has operations spanning the globe.

FORBES: Wal-Mart Is Fumbling Online, But Still Worth $73

5. Two of the world's best boutique luxury hotel chains, Aman Resorts and Como Resorts, have multiple lodges here set up for logistically easy - and decadent - explorations of Bhutan.

FORBES: Exotic Journey: Bhutan

6. We are also focused on preventing Iran from continuing to financially, materially and logistically support the Syrian regime.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

7. Nor will it provide two things most ex-soldiers want: land (too many legal disputes) and cows (tricky logistically).

ECONOMIST: Turning swords into ploughshares is proving tricky

8. One reason few cyclists traverse Trail Ridge Road is that it logistically difficult to do.

FORBES: Team Building, Corporate Outings & Non-Profit Fundraisers Get Active - In High Style

9. International adoptions also offer families who don't want open adoptions more distance from biological parents -- geographically, psychologically and logistically.

CNN: Families 'in limbo' after Russian adoption ban

10. And, back in 1787, representative government was the only form logistically possible in the world before steam engines, telegraph and even a managed mail service.

FORBES: Global Prosperity Hiding Behind Government Bureaucracy

11. But it becomes an issue of logistically, what was he able to engage while potentially being surveilled, and how long would that method of transportation, or that network, take to get him there.

CNN: Kelly McCann: The role of special operations in finding bin Laden

12. It is about time that the U.N. considers logistically deploying additional military resources.


13. Mr. BABA GANA KINGIBE (A.U. Ambassador): Every one of the rebel groups in Darfur are better armed and logistically better supported than the African Union troops.

NPR: African Union Darfur Forces Look to UN for Help

14. Logistically, AR tasks are far more difficult to perfect than VR applications.

CNN: Turning virtual visions into reality

15. It said the location was "logistically attractive" and offered "significant labour cost savings".

BBC: Jobs vow after overseas expansion

16. Neither pizza nor chinese is delivered cold, and logistically speaking, pizza is larger and requires more effort to keep the heat retained.

FORBES: Will McDonald's and Burger King Deliver...to Your House?

17. Ms. BROCKWELL: Well, we have one of the best locations logistically in North America.

NPR: Arkansas City Spurned Twice By Toyota

18. The policy was intent on breaking down the bigger schools and creating more manageable schools and almost starting from scratch, educationally, academically and logistically.

NPR: Big Urban Schools Grapple with Multiple Problems

19. This is a major problem both logistically and legally.

FORBES: The FTC's New Kid Privacy Rules (COPPA) Are a Big Mess

20. Organised junior football was either restricted or logistically impossible to operate.


21. Quite apart from the cost to the FDIC's deposit-insurance fund, anything close to that would prove logistically overwhelming for regulators.

ECONOMIST: Repaying TARP money

22. But outside the rural areas, where one indigenous language prevails, this is neither financially nor logistically feasible.

ECONOMIST: English is dangerously dominant

23. "All of that costs money and is logistically not simple, " said Bowser.

CNN: In voting, the early bird skips the line

24. The base had been a logistically important supply centre and housed helicopters which had been used to drop bombs on rebel-held areas in the north.

BBC: Syria crisis: Rebels 'seize northern air base'

25. Logistically, it still counts sturdy sleeping cells which can be easily reactivated whenever necessary.

BBC: Siege awakens ghosts of Algeria's 'dirty war'

26. Though Russia is more equipped logistically to handle a World Cup compared to Qatar, it is still extremely surprising that they bested England for the 2018 honor.

FORBES: Blatter Control: FIFA's Financially Illogical World Cup Site Selections

27. In these places, distances are greater between things, arrangements more logistically difficult, good quality travel information harder to come by, and in some cases, personal safety more of an issue.

FORBES: The Best Golf Tour Operators

28. It has argued that this would jeopardise future efforts to borrow in the global capital markets, and that it is logistically complicated because it could involve negotiating with hundreds of investors.

ECONOMIST: Test case

29. And of course, this has to be balanced against the added costs of logistically configuring a stadium to host the Final Four.

FORBES: Stadiums vs Arenas, Large vs Mid-Sized Markets: The NCAA's Method to March Madness

30. Hobica suggested it was successful because the South Pacific carrier is a very small, regional airline that typically carries fewer than 30 people per flight, making weigh-ins logistically possible.

BBC: Should heavy travellers pay more?

31. "The U.S. homeland is relatively harder now, logistically, " he said.


32. Recall that the last World Cup held in the United States in 1994 was hailed as one of the larger World Cup successes both logistically and financially.

FORBES: Blatter Control: FIFA's Financially Illogical World Cup Site Selections

33. Logistically it is very difficult to value unit-linked policies.




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