pressing in是什么意思_pressing in短语搭配_pressing in权威例句

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pressing in

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  • 压入:指用力将某物压入另一物体中。
  • 紧迫:指某种情况或问题非常紧急或迫切。

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. pressing in method 压痕法

2. pressing-in technology 压入技术

3. pressing-in 注入

4. pressing-in guide bushes 压入型导套

5. pressing-in method 压痕法

6. pressing in pile 压入桩

7. hot-pressing in vacuum 真空热压

8. pile pressing-in machine 压桩机

9. PRESSING WORK IN PROGRESS 烫半成品 ; 烫半制品 ; 烫未成品 ; 烫半废品


1. Objective To explore the efficacy of human fetal membranes ( HFM) pressing in combination with infrared irradiation ( II) in treating ulcer stage pressure sores.


2. I roll in all memories, pressing in the heart bottom, to that vicissitudes of life my material life make the last one time to return to.


3. The development history of the homogeneous graphite produced by cold isostatic pressing in China is reviewed.


4. In other words, by pressing the pass paddle, the dolphin avoided having to wait and hasten the possibility of a full reward by moving directly to the next trial.


5. Given high unemployment, inflationary problems, and slow growth in real earnings, a working wife can increase household income and relieve some of these pressing financial burdens.


6. Observations on the Recovery of Gastrointestinal Function Facilitated by Point Pressing in Patients Who Underwent Laparoscopic Surgery


7. United Record Pressing in Nashville, one of the biggest plants, has 30 presses running 24 hours a day and has acquired 16 more machines.

纳什维尔的“联合唱片压制公司”(United Record Pressing)是最大的压盘厂之一,拥有30台机器,一天24小时运转,并且新近订购了16台机器。

8. A real and pressing issue is that many plant species have not yet been cataloged, and so their place in the ecosystem is unknown.


9. Next, the researchers trapped the robots in cages and gave the rats the opportunity to release them by pressing a lever.


10. The matter is pressing in its own right, but also because most of the advanced economies are either already in or on the verge of recession.


11. "Do I have to be reborn in this same body?" asked Tyrion. The crowd was growing thicker. He could feel them pressing in around them. "Who is Benerro?"


12. When you sleep on your side or stomach, you bury your face into the pillow, "pressing in" wrinkles and crevices.


13. The demographic shift is more pressing in Europe than almost any other major region, save Japan.


14. You can do a quick test to confirm this in any database by opening a view and then pressing the down arrow.


15. Study of acupoint pressing in advance to prevent side effects on digestive tract caused by intravenous injection of iodine contrast medium


16. The building product may be a concrete roof tile formed by a roller and slipper extrusion method, a clay tile made by pressing in a clay tile press, or a cast concrete roof tile.


17. This paper discusses how to select the parameters while applying the vibrating age pressing in the production of precision cold-drawing tubes.


18. Ralph stood up, feeling curiously defenseless with the darkness pressing in.

拉尔夫站了起来, 随着暮色逐渐深沉,他产生了一种奇怪的失去防护的感觉.《辞典例句》

19. The Effect of Acupuncture Point Pressing in Order and Massage on the Head on Improving Flashlight Blending Frequency and Speed Quality of Dashers


20. Only slightly all the wine is filtered to avoid over-pressing in order to maintain adequate fruity.


21. Application of Blasting and Mud Pressing in Engineering Works


22. Therefore the influence of the longitudinal and lateral rigidity of the cone and tooth pressing in the adjacent holes must be taken into account in the design and machining of the cone.


23. Release the fuel line by pressing in the circlip.

按下卡环,松开燃油管路。《provided by jukuu》

24. Pressing in a pneumatic press, then systematic malolactic fermentation.


25. The soldiers were pressing in on the enemy.


26. Cooperation of College-enterprise is very important and pressing in higher vocational education development at present.


27. When you sleep on your side or stomach, you bury your face into the pillow, "pressing in" wrinkles and crevices.


28. This paper discusses how to select the parameters while applying the vibrating age pressing in the production of precision cold-drawing tubes.


29. Night was already pressing in as we reached the small town.


30. Night was already pressing in when we reached the village.


31. The adjustment of agriculture and forest structure is pressing in Longdong district.


32. Night was already pressing in when we reached the village.


33. But that argument is not pressing in this year's budget debate.


34. Conclusion: To some extent, exerting a cuniform pad on the pressing ball can ameliorate the effect of ureter pressing in the obese patient vein urography.


35. Investment in equipment is reduced and corrosion is eliminated by application of filter pressing in Ag slurry rinsing.


36. If you can elicit pain at a specific point in a bone, muscle or joint by pressing your finger into it, you may have a significant injury.


37. Roger was holding the man again with his thumbs pressing in on the inside of his elbows.

罗杰再次把那人抓住,还是用拇指按住那人肘弯内侧。《provided by jukuu》

38. Unlock the support bracket sleeves by pressing in both plastic clips.

按下两个塑料夹来解锁支架套管。《provided by jukuu》

39. This unit allows circuit panels pressing in line with a force of60 tons by means of rectified metallic plates, which are kept at high temperature during the process.


40. Technology Application Study on Hydraulic Pressing in Coal Face of Medium Hard Seam


41. The Value of Magnification Mammography with Spot Pressing in the Diagnosis of Breast Masses


42. If big sums are to be spent on cleaning up environmental disasters, it is better to spend them on unglamorous but pressing problems such as unsanitary water in Third World countries.


43. The Influencing Factors and Mechanics Analysis of the Manipulation of Pressing in Palms on the Thoracic Vertebrae


44. Therefore the influence of the longitudinal and lateral rigidity of the cone and tooth pressing in the adjacent holes must be taken into account in the design and machining of the cone.


45. Development of homogeneous graphite by cold isostatic pressing in America 、 Germany 、 France 、 Russia and Poland


46. Objective To explore the efficacy of human fetal membranes(HFM) pressing in combination with infrared irradiation(II) in treating ulcer stage pressure sores.


47. Therefore we point out a new method of testing fragile material's strength of extension. That is to say we can measure the disk's strength of extension by pressing in its diametric.


48. A host of unwelcome thoughts were pressing in on him.


49. I roll in all memories, pressing in the heart bottom, to that vicissitudes of life my material life make the last one time to return to.


50. Both the state media and activists on the ground are reporting that troops and tanks are pressing in around Jisr al-Shughour.


51. Harry had a confused impression of noise and bodies pressing in on him.


52. It is said that in England death is pressing, in Canada inevitable and in California optional.


53. The filling structure of silicon delay composition was studied by two ways: filling and pressure pressing in directly and the delay cord.


54. The above-mentioned problems are pressing in the study on environmental vulnerability.


55. Loud. Dizzying. It gets distorted and , slow and thick, pressing in on him from all sides.

陌生、嘈杂、令人眩晕, 这一切开始扭曲、失真,从四周缓慢 、 沉重地向他挤压过来.《互联网》

56. Because of the great weight pressing down on them, these layers tend to fold downward at weak spots, and this finally causes an actual break in the crust.


57. By pressing the appropriate buttons on Cyclops's keyboard, a blind person can "read" any printed document in the English language.

通过按下 Cyclops 键盘上适当的按钮,盲人可以“阅读”任何英文打印文件。

58. Applications and Developments of Hot Isostatic Pressing in Engineering Ceramics


59. Usage: suitable for auto starting motor armature commutator pressing in and pressing into commutator welding slot after wire winding.


60. The development of hot rolling sheet for pressing in converter& csp process


61. Night was already pressing in as we reached the little town.


62. The filling structure of silicon delay composition was studied by two ways: filling and pressure pressing in directly and the delay cord.


63. A host of unwelcome thoughts were pressing in on him.



1. Now, most of you will say someone that wealthy surely we can tax them to meet the pressing needs of people who lack in education or lack enough to eat or lack decent housing.

你们很多人会说,这么有钱的人,我们当然可以向他收税,以满足那些得不到教育,缺乏食物或者无家可归者的迫切需求。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. But these drawings were made by pressing paper against broken sheets of glass covered in ink.

VOA : special.2009.05.06

3. Mr Mandel says it will take big companies to solve America's most pressing problems in health care and education.

ECONOMIST: Why large firms are often more inventive than small ones

4. But the most pressing problems were in Texas, where Ike made landfall on September 13th.

ECONOMIST: The Gulf coast is still recovering from hurricane season

5. Israel has been agitated by President Obama's plan to open a dialogue with Iran, while pressing for a one year freeze on Jewish settlement activity in the West Bank.

VOA : standard.2009.08.06

6. Access to a Caesarean section to relieve the pressure of obstructed labor is the most common way of preventing an unborn child from pressing so tightly in the birth canal that it cuts off blood flow to surrounding tissue.

VOA : standard.2009.12.23

7. Dark energy is one of the most pressing problems in astrophysics today and, given its role in identifying the problem, you would have thought it would be the US announcing such a mission.

BBC: Dark discussion ahead for Europe and US

8. Then, Dortmund rattled Real Madrid with its high-energy pressing game in a 4-1 victory.

WSJ: The Secret of Germany's Success

9. Malkin is seized with several particularly pressing defects in the conduct of U.S. immigration policy and warns that, all other things being equal, the Homeland Security Department is unlikely to address them.


10. From that point, a guide leads you on foot through the smaller chambers and here, you can feel the walls pressing in on you, although there is a current of fresh air all about.

FORBES: Slovenian Landscapes: Above and Below

11. But Ms Kelly declined to answer questions on proposed reforms to exams for 14 to 19-year-olds in England, considered by many to be the most pressing issue in education at the moment.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Kelly vows to 'put parents first'

12. Clinton said the United States is pressing DRC authorities in Kinshasa "very hard" to bring to justice five military officers who have either been directly implicated in rape and violence against young women, or created the environment in which the abuses could occur.

VOA : standard.2009.09.25

13. "But I like the concept of knowing something in class but then going back and pressing pause or rewind and actually getting a deeper understand of it."

VOA : standard.2010.03.26

14. For diplomatic reasons which are as pressing in the 21st century as they were in the seventh, particular prominence is given to a copy of the achtinames a document said to bear the handprint of the Prophet Muhammad, along with his acceptance of the monks as worthy residents of the mountain.

ECONOMIST: Saint Catherine's monastery

15. involvement in Afghanistan. On one hand, congressional Republicans are pressing the president to beef up U.S.forces to ensure a victory over al-Qaida and the Taliban.

VOA : standard.2009.09.28

16. Many other related issues are pressing in on the 17 eurozone members.

BBC: Eurozone leaders to begin crucial bail-out fund talks

17. The first step in pressing the oil from seeds is to crush the seeds between two stones.

VOA : special.2009.09.29

18. For now, basic supplies are not a pressing problem in Damascus - but every time you go to a store, there will be something missing from the shelves.

BBC: Syria crisis: Daily life during Damascus blackout

19. He says the projects interest him and address pressing issues in Taiwan.

FORBES: Magazine Article

20. Executives have been pressing officials in China to include GE's advanced boiling-water reactors in their next five-year economic plan (China uses the pressurized reactors championed by perennial GE rival Westinghouse, now part of British Nuclear Fuels Ltd.).

FORBES: GE Turns Green

21. Issues like homelessness and foreclosures continue to be pressing matters in central Florida.

CNN: Latino boom makes Orlando proving ground for Obama

22. Its regular Family Planet staff address parents' most pressing questions in this section: can our children trick-or-treat where we work?

CNN: Halloween spirits are on The Web

23. This is a particularly pressing problem in insurance IT because policy administration systems for life insurance are often running on Cobol.

FORBES: Outsourcing -- There's No Place Like Home

24. But power shortages have become a major and pressing issue in Pakistan, and the government there insists it will not bow to pressure.

BBC: Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline defies US

25. One of the most pressing problems in our education system today is the high number of students who do not complete high school.

FORBES: U.S. Sen. Michael Enzi

26. But there is a larger and arguably more pressing issue in Venezuela than just free and fair elections: rebuilding civil society.

FORBES: What's Next For Venezuela

27. "It was highlighted in our latest residents survey as one of the most pressing issues in communities, " he said.

BBC: Denbighshire hires Xfor over litter and dog mess

28. But there are pending issues, such as immigration reform, trade and a pressing question in this capital: Who will the next U.S. ambassador be?

CNN: Behind the scenes: Will Latin America welcome Obama?

29. It looks like those opposed to tracking may have a hard time winning their war in the courts, but they are pressing on in Washington, D.

FORBES: 'History Sniffing' Lawsuit Against Interclick Partially Snuffed

30. But the sky-rocketing youth unemployment may actually prove to be the more pressing problem in the long run.

FORBES: Is There Hope For Employment In Europe?

31. The United States and European Union are among the voices in the international community still pressing for accountability for thousands of civilian deaths at the end of the Sri Lankan civil war.

VOA : standard.2009.11.09

32. Sorting out the interior ministry is one of the most pressing tasks in building the Iraqi state.

ECONOMIST: Mr Maliki’s challenge | The

33. "Darfur also provides the unique opportunity for donors and development program managers to deal with some of the most pressing global issues - like globalization,desertification, water management and climate change - in a holistic way and manner."

VOA : standard.2010.03.21

34. The writers discuss how women represent the most pressing human rights problem in the world.

VOA : special.2010.06.16

35. Chrysler already began pressing competitors in the pickup segment by hurrying the introduction of a greatly overhauled version of Ram 1500 last April.

FORBES: Forces Of Diesel Pick Up Major New Ally in Ram 1500 Version

36. If anything the question has become more pressing in the last ten years.

FORBES: The Creative Economy: Can Industrial Giants Reinvent Themselves?

37. Richard Notebaert is pressing on in his bid to buy MCI (nasdaq: MCIP - news - people ), seemingly at any price.

FORBES: Notebaert: Qwest Looks To Raise More Cash For MCI Bid

38. He can lead Americans of all races, religions, and persuasions, from students at Oral Roberts University to urban artists and musicians from the other side of the tracks in Detroit, in locking arms and marching together in a shared desire to solve our pressing problems in new and creative ways.

FORBES: Obama's Second Chance: Fulfilling the Untapped Potential

39. In the 17th century an ingenious smoker came up with the pipe tamper, or stopper, as it's known in England, a tool for pressing down lit tobacco in the pipe's bowl.

FORBES: Where There's Smoke, There Are Buyers

40. Well, I think the pressing example in the United States right now has to do with people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered.

恩,我觉得,就当前美国的情况来说,最能说明问题的例子就是,同性恋,双性恋,以及变性人。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

41. All of the knobs on the front and back can be stowed flush with the unit by pressing them in, which is a nice touch to prevent them from getting damaged in transit.

ENGADGET: Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol S4 review Alt

42. So you have this firmament, ; Which is beaten back to hold back primeval waters that are pressing in; you have land which is holding down the waters here.

现在有了苍穹,它被锤平来阻挡汹涌而至的水流;,也有阻挡下面水流的土地。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. The issue has become pressing, in recent years, for reasons of expense.






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