
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈɪndəstri]play美 [ˈɪndəstri]play

  • n. 工业,生产制造;行业,产业;勤奋,勤劳;范围,领域

复数 industries

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


industry /ˈɪndəstrɪ/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Industry is the work and processes involved in collecting raw materials, and making them into products in factories. 工业

    Our industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A particular industry consists of all the people and activities involved in making a particular product or providing a particular service. 行业

    ...the motor vehicle and textile industries.


  • 3.
    可数名词 If you refer to a social or political activity as an industry, you are criticizing it because you think it involves a lot of people in unnecessary or useless work. 兴师动众表不满

    ...the industry of western capitalism.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 Industry is the fact of working very hard. 勤奋

    No one doubted his ability, his industry or his integrity.


  • 5.





1. tourism industry 旅游业

2. video game industry 电子游戏产业 ; 产业

3. service industry 服务行业

4. chemical industry 化学工业

5. paper industry 造纸工业

6. information industry 信息产业;情报企业

7. film industry 电影工业 ; 电影业 ; 电影界 ; 电影产业

8. culture industry 文化工业 ; 产业文化 ; 文明工业 ; 文明产业

9. food industry 食品工业,食品产业

10. tertiary industry 经 第三产业 ; 三产 ; 第三次产业 ; 第三财富

11. auto industry 汽车工业;汽车业;汽车行业

12. power industry 电力工业

13. manufacturing industry 制造业,制造工业

14. petroleum industry 油气 石油工业 ; 石油化学工业 ; 石油行业

15. petrochemical industry 石油化学工业

16. automobile industry 汽车产业,汽车业;汽车工业

17. construction industry 建筑工业

18. mining industry [经]采矿工业

19. coal industry 煤炭工业

20. light industry 轻工业

21. pillar industry 支柱产业;主要工业

22. industry and commerce 工商业

23. textile industry 纺织工业

24. processing industry 加工工业

25. steel industry 钢铁工业;钢铁业;炼钢工业


1. In 1961 , the electrical equipment industry was found guilty of fixing prices in restraint of competition.

§1961年, 电气设备工业为了限制竞争而规定各种价格,被查明有罪.《英汉非文学 - 政府文件》

2. Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots.


3. Inflation is rampant and industry in decline.


4. The college has strong links with local industry.


5. In context the already innovative food arena, the chocolate industry is particularly active.

在已有的创新类食品中, 巧克力产业尤为活跃.《期刊摘选》

6. And to knowledge industry, copyright person is the most important element undoubtedly.

而对于知识产业来说, 著作权人无疑是最重要的元素.《期刊摘选》

7. We are hoping for an alliance between government and industry.


8. Actually, software industry included any related to software shares in any computers and Information Industry.

实际上, 软件产业包含了任何计算机及信息产业中任何与软件相关的部分.《期刊摘选》

9. Some Afro-Caribbeans are rejecting the whole race relations industry...


10. The industry is feeling the effects of recent price rises.


11. the steel industry


12. But mostly, I hate tipping because I believe I would be in a better place if pay decisions regarding employees were simply left up to their employers, as is the custom in virtually every other industry.

但最主要的,我讨厌付小费是因为我相信如果雇员的工资完全由雇主决定,就像几乎所有其他产业一样,我会更加享受。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

13. Honesty, industry and kindness are of a good life.

诚实 、 勤劳和善良是美好生活的要素.《期刊摘选》

14. It grows with the development of modern industry and urbanization and modernization Tangshan.


15. We must make a fortune by means of industry.


16. Through academia and industry to understand, I realize that this area of biochemistry is the key.

通过对学术界和工业界的了解, 我认识到生物化学是这个领域的关键.《期刊摘选》

17. They made an investment in heavy industry.


18. First , plasticizers are modern plastics industry biggest auxiliary species, for Plastic Additives 60 % of total output.

增塑剂是现代塑料工业最大的助剂品种, 占塑料助剂总产量的60%.《期刊摘选》

19. God gives all things to industry.


20. We should also study ways of organizing enterprise groups in the automobile industry.


21. Speech at a conference on key enterprises of the national defence industries.


22. The third is the level of end equipment industry.


23. Provincial coal industry administration said the head firmly.


24. ...the Scottish tourist industry.


25. At that time the industry was floundering.


26. I am not too optimistic about influencing a multibillion industry.


27. Basically the tech industry seems to be in an awkward period now.

基本而言,科技产业现在看起来正处于一个尴尬期。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

28. The rise of computer technology has transformed industry.


29. Infrared is widely used in industry and medical science.


30. The main purpose of industry is to create wealth.


31. Much effort has been spent in the database industry and research community towards achieving this goal.


32. There has been a big input of resources into the project from industry.


33. Industry accord may help make this longevity a reality.


34. His success was due to industry and thrift.


35. Each year two teachers are seconded to industry for six months.


36. This paper aimed at how to promote the competitiveness of Zhejiang textile industry towards foreign coutries.


37. The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival.


38. Schools are now teaching about the pollution problem and industries are beginning to help clean up.


39. Firms are flocking after the government's offer of money to help them move to areas needing industry.


40. There should be closer links between education and industry.


41. Solid working knowledge of modern manufacturing techniques attained in a related industry.


42. It will require positive action by all in the industry.


43. His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry.


44. The Summer Palace a monument to the industry and wisdom of the labouring people of China.


45. China's industry is developing at an unprecedented rate.


46. countries where industry is developing rapidly.


47. Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry.


48. Higher salaries are seducing many teachers into industry.


49. High interest rates have squeezed the industry hard.


50. She got a job in industry .


51. All levels of the oil industry are prone to talk themselves into a crisis.


52. Industry in order to craft the main products are cork paintings, bottle King, Christmas gifts, products.

工业以工艺品为主,产品有软木画 、 瓶景 、 圣诞礼品 、 木制品等.《期刊摘选》

53. The small potato patches are scratched with heroic industry in.


54. As a result, data warehousing has become very popular in industry.

这样, 建立数据仓库在工业界已非常流行.《期刊摘选》

55. ...the motor vehicle and textile industries.


56. The committee includes representatives from industry.


57. Is the problem one that's industry-wide?


58. Developing opportunities with bearing repair and other related industry services, achieve sales business plan.

发展轴承维修及其他相关工业服务机会, 完成商务销售计划.《期刊摘选》

59. His novels are a rich source of material for the movie industry.


60. Need large quantities of steel, aluminum industry, iron, plywood and other materials peritoneum.

需要大批量的钢材, 工业铝材, 铁 、 腹膜胶合板等材料.《期刊摘选》

61. Investment Orientation: Commercial Industry, Auto Industry, Industrial Design, Science and Technology Industrial Parkand and Entertainment Industry.

投资导向: 商贸商务产业 、 汽车服务业 、 工业设计产业 、 科技服务业产业、休闲娱乐产业.《期刊摘选》

62. The government is waging a campaign against sex discrimination in industry.


63. Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry.


64. Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achelloevement.


65. Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals.


66. They attempted in vain to modernise these antiquated industries.


67. Chinese people are known for their hospitality and industry.


68. the catering/tourist, etc. industry


69. Atomic energy has been discovered for many years, but so far it has not been widely used in industry or in our daily life.

原子能已发现多年, 但至今仍未广泛用于工业或日常生活方面.《现代汉英综合大词典》

70. Health, Safety and Environmental management system are applied in the oil and gas industry.

健康 、 安全与环境管理体系已在石油天然气工业界得到广泛实施.《期刊摘选》

71. But civilian battalion industry group many restricting is faced with in developing a process further element.


72. Prolonged strike action debilitated the industry.


73. Farming is an important industry in every country.


74. No one doubted his ability, his industry or his integrity.


75. Industry and thrift favor success.


76. We need to develop local industries.


77. Forensic science is a growth industry.


78. Men traditionally monopolized jobs in the printing industry.


79. The area's wine industry still has a way to go to full maturity.


80. It's brain mass , not people mass, that transforms an industry.

翻转产业的, 不是[人海], 而是[脑海].《期刊摘选》

81. His industry rebukes me.


82. Most industries are suffering at present, but few are doing as badly as the news business.

当前绝大多数产业都受到了影响, 但却很少有像新闻业这样经营得如此惨淡.《期刊摘选》

83. As capital intensive industry, the capital support is needed for the real estate industry.

作为资本密集型行业之一, 房地产业的发展离不来资本市场的支持.《期刊摘选》

84. The purpose of industry is to create wealth.


85. Poverty is a stimulus to industry.


86. Honesty, capacity, and industry are nowhere more indispensable than in public employment.

诚实 、 才华和勤劳是公职人员最应具备的条件.《期刊摘选》

87. The music industry is an incestuous business.


88. The industry needs more investment across the board.


89. The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry.


90. Poverty is a stranger to industry.


91. Finally, with improvements in video compression, the industry will see an explosion groupware.

最后, 随着视频压缩的改进, 工业界将会见到群件的急剧增加.《期刊摘选》

92. Whale-watching has become a growth leisure industry.


93. We were impressed by their industry.


94. Good afternoon. Excel Industry.

午安, 是Excel工业公司.《期刊摘选》

95. Industry and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinese nation.


96. In America the kitchen market is now worth $170 billion, five times the country’s film industry.

在美国,厨房市场如今的市值为1,700 亿美元,是美国电影产业的五倍。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

97. heavy/light industry

重 / 轻工业《牛津词典》

98. This control mode is mature and simple and used widely in industry.


99. “Many industries are going out of infancy and becoming adolescents,”Shapiro said

“许多产业正在走出婴儿期并成为青少年。”Shapiro 说。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

100. The feature computer animation industry has grown tremendously in the past 10 years.


101. Industry is the soul of business and the keystone of prosperity.


102. The multibillion-dollar fitness industry rakes in fat profits from our hunger to look good.


103. Industry: petroleum, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, feldspar, bauxite, uranium, gold.

工业: 原油, 钻石, 铁矿, 磷酸盐, 长石矿, 铝氧石, 铀, 黄金.《期刊摘选》

104. The ivory industry employed about a thousand carvers.


105. Industry is being starved of technical expertise.


106. It remains to be seen whether the industry will embrace the products resulting from this technology.


107. Industry is fortune's right hand, and frugality is her left.

勤劳是财富的右手, 节俭是她的左手.《期刊摘选》

108. No one doubted his industry.


109. Herren says pirated goods are a growth industry.


110. The industry today is nothing to what it once was.


111. A bilingual site dedicated to people in the Chinese entertainment industry.


112. A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry.


113. The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold.


114. Venture capital is the propulsive force of the high technology industry.


115. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop very quickly.


116. He doesn't invest in the arms industry on principle.


117. The chairman led in with some flattering references to the visiting speaker's record in the industry.


118. By comparison, the light industries that typify southern China are tedious but less overtly hazardous.

相对来说, 轻工业是南方的代表产业,它比较乏味但就没那么危险.《期刊摘选》

119. Wealth flows from industry and economy.


120. He keeps himself afloat by industry and economy.


121. Realistically, we see this all the time in other industries.

实际上, 我们总是可以在其他的工业界也看到这样的例子.《期刊摘选》

122. Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.


123. The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.


124. They have made a fortune by means of industry.


125. Industry looks for personnel trained to advance industry, and poets aren't trained for that.

工业界找那些受过促进工业训练的人, 而诗人并没受过那种训练.《期刊摘选》

126. It is often helpful for teachers to shadow managers in industry.


127. Shares in the industry proved a poor investment.


128. The industry is in terminal decline.


129. Its emergence brings high recognition of industry, academe and government.

它的出现引起了工业界 、 学术界,甚至政府部门的高度重视.《期刊摘选》

130. They are the top brass of steel industry.


131. At Harvard in the general sense I'm just like before, collaborating with industry.

我在哈佛基本上还是跟以前一样, 与工业界合作.《期刊摘选》

132. the needs of British industry


133. There is no quick fix for the steel industry.


134. These characteristics make the swing rod movable teeth drive have vast application vistas in industry.


135. Life without industry is guilt, industry without art is brutality.

不勤劳的人生是罪过, 无艺术的勤劳是残暴.《期刊摘选》

136. They discussed the problems ailing the steel industry.


137. Poverty is stranger to industry.


138. The unions have always been weak in this industry.


139. The car industry just came out with an electric car.


140. The strikes brought the industry to its knees.


141. The shipbuilding industry is rapidly expanding.


142. We look forward to receiving the challenge and opportunity of information industry.


143. Parametric design, as an new method of design, has been introduced abroad by industry.


144. By the 1980s, the computer industry was booming.


145. Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life.

诚实 、 勤劳和善良是幸福生活的要素.《期刊摘选》

146. I honour endurance, perseverance, industry, talent.

我尊敬忍耐 、 坚毅, 勤劳 、 才干.《辞典例句》

147. Their small potato patches are scratched with heroic industry in the hard rock.


148. The government is ready to introduce protection for the car industry.


149. The theme of this forum is about the safety and the responsibility of the plastics industry.


150. The industry has slid into decline.


151. In industry, if a man was not doing his job adequately, you fired him.

在工业界里, 一个人若是不能胜任他的工作, 解雇他就是了.《辞典例句》

152. Oil monitoring is one of monitoring and diagnosis technology used widely in industry.


153. Current, industry of machinery of our country project already built whole industrial system.

目前, 我国工程机械行业已建成了完整的工业体系.《期刊摘选》

154. Higher vocational education has tight contact with the structure of social economy and industry.


155. All things are easy to industry, all things difficult to sloth.

勤劳面前万事易, 懒散面前万事难.《期刊摘选》

156. The industry may have to slim down even further.


157. The industry is strictly regulated.


158. (figurative)the Madonna industry (= the large number of people involved in making Madonna successful)


159. Accordingly, system of green food industry will accompany socialization, specialization division labor develops and grow ceaselessly.

因此, 绿色食品产业体系将伴随社会化 、 专业化分工发展而不断成长.《期刊摘选》

160. The arrival of canals was of great value to many industries.


161. Prawn aquaculture is the industry of important economy pillar of Asia area.


162. The computers are already widely used in industry and in universities.


163. So industry itself is a treasure.


164. Industry, perseverance , and plurality, make fortune yield.

勤劳 、 坚韧和节俭, 会给你带来财富.《期刊摘选》

165. Barcelona is the locus of Spanish industry.


166. There is huge overcapacity in the world car industry.


167. Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.


168. Our products are widely used in agriculture and industry ventilation cooling system and heating system.


169. New media provided mighty power for the rapid dilate of dimensions of Chinese medium industry.


170. These factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific research in industry.


171. This paper introduced some applications of BT fiber, a newinorganic fiber material, in petroleum industry.


172. The present situation of Chinese bauxite resource and alumina industry is reviewed.


173. What men in industry provided the subsidies.


174. She got a job in industry.


175. Railroad is the fundamental industry that has network character, its reform issue is complex.

铁路是具有网络特性的基础产业, 其改革问题复杂.《期刊摘选》

176. Community organizations, government, industry, academic institutions, and other groups would be represented on NEJAC.

社会团体 、 政府 、 工业界 、 学术机构及其他一些组织都将派代表参加国家环境衡平顾问团.《期刊摘选》

177. Used as insulating structural parts for motors, apparatuses as well as electronic industry.

适用于电机 、 电器和电子工业中做绝缘结构零部件.《期刊摘选》

178. The war boomed the aircraft industry.


179. This development could spell disaster for the steel industry.


180. The Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO), a trade group, assured members that this was just a “preliminary step” in a longer battle.

作为一个贸易组织,生物技术工业组织(BIO)向其成员保证这个裁决只是长期战斗的初级阶段。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

181. British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs.


182. British industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.


183. Note: Statistical scope of economic efficiency of industry in this table is designated size since 2006.

注: 本表工业企业经济效益2006年以后数据为规模以上口径.《期刊摘选》

184. Diligence is the mother of good luck, and God gives all things to industry!

奋斗是幸运之母, 上帝将万物赐予勤劳!《期刊摘选》

185. She has been all in favour of new technology in industry.



1. So, you know, I'm in the entertainment industry as well, so I party with a lot of celebrities.

所以你知道了,我也在娱乐行业工作,所以我参加很多名人的聚会。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 好莱坞是什么样的?

2. Rather than have the government regulate, we have an industry organization that does it so that the government doesn't have to.

与其由政府出面监督,不如由行业监督组织去进行监管,因此不需政府出头金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. His lawyers sought to have the conviction dismissed and appealed the ban from the industry.

FORBES: Frank's Back!

4. Western countries, and especially the United States say, "We have a big pharmaceutical industry that develops new drugs.

西方国家,尤其是美国宣称,我们拥有研发新药品的大制药业。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. This is a far cry from southern India, which has its own thriving film industry.

BBC: Poonam Dhillon

6. Industry was growing quickly -- but not quickly enough to give jobs to all the farmers out of work.

VOA : special.2010.05.13

7. Many in the shipping industry oppose the speed limit, saying it would be too costly.

CNN: Plan to save whales strangling in red tape

8. That would at least give the industry certainty about what it must buy and when.


9. He said it was for the industry to "get out there and reassure the public".

BBC: Horsemeat: Compass and Whitbread find horse DNA in products - BBC News

10. Well, these places are the ones that have the trade, the industry, and also engage in colonization.

如此,这些地方有贸易,有工业,同时也进行殖民古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. The crisis at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear energy center has raised questions about the future of the nuclear energy industry.

VOA : special.2011.03.18

12. But Wally Stevens of the trade group Global Aquaculture Alliance says the industry must continue developing to feed growing populations.

VOA : special.2011.02.08

13. Amid all this innovation, you might think that the global technology industry was in fine fettle.

BBC: CES: The selling starts

14. His latest book, "Circling the Bases: Essays on the Challenges and Prospects of the Sports Industry" will be published in September.

VOA : special.2010.07.26

15. The industry has already settled the thorniest issue: what type of connector to use.

FORBES: Smarter Phone Charger On Way

16. She's quite suddenly a very powerful woman in what's still a man's music industry.

NPR: Lady Gaga: Most Fascinating Of The Year?

17. For the first time in years the U.S airline industry is in terrific shape.

FORBES: Teaching an airline to fly

18. But consolidation has also helped stabilise the airline industry, reported the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

BBC: The skys the limit for American Airlines

19. Literature is one of seven creative industry fields which UNESCO recognises through its Creative cities network.

UNESCO: Recognises Dunedin Creativity

20. In terms of unemployment, the troubles of the Detroit auto industry have hit Michigan in the Midwest especially hard.

VOA : special.2009.05.08

21. The industry is normally made up of three categories of workers: casuals, part-timers and permanent.


22. The Swedish film "Cows Are Nice" looks at cow farmers trying to make a living in the milk industry.

VOA : special.2009.03.25

23. The health-care industry is being mauled by government.


24. And Star Scientific beat industry giant RJR to market with its own low-nitrosamine tobacco.

FORBES: Blowing smoke

25. The goal is to support a private space transportation industry that makes it easier and less costly to reach space.

VOA : special.2010.04.28

26. Such an industry could pay very good wages and still be competitive with upstarts abroad.

FORBES: Side Lines

27. The euro's weakness, say the euro fans, actually helped the eurozone economy, boosting its export industry.

BBC: The euro: Still in the doldrums

28. That is a very difficult time for people in the Internet industry.


29. For 2002, Weiner estimates a 20% drop in capital spending for the semiconductor industry.

FORBES: Pick One Stock

30. Horticulture represents Queensland's largest primary industry.


31. So there's all sorts of things that we have to obviously monitor, to keep track of that can influence our industry.

所以我们要观察的,显然有很多,才能跟得上信息技术行业的发展。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

32. This is another organic chemistry reagent, it's also used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry.

这也是一个有机化学试剂,而且还在制药业中广泛应用。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. Example: The Covisint auto industry exchange will strip 10% out of the cost of a car.

FORBES: Slaughter Of Innocents

34. an uncompetitive industry


35. The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a group in New York supported in part by the drug industry.

VOA : special.2010.02.22

36. Ghosn predicts that carmakers that are struggling will suffer if industry sales fall in 2007.

FORBES: A Downbeat Forecast From Nissan

37. And when we talk about the communities of Prudhoe Bay, they're there just for the industry.

NPR: Alaskans Speak Up About Oil Field Shutdown

38. Optimists point to signs of a backlash in Congress and among some parts of American industry.

ECONOMIST: Climate change

39. If both firms behave that way, prices will get driven down towards marginal cost and industry profits will suffer.

如果双方都采取这种策略,那么价格将会下降到边际成本,行业利润将会遭受损失博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. The Department of Labor announced the grant in September, along with seven million dollars promised by the international cocoa industry.

VOA : special.2010.10.26

41. The administration says a new private space industry could create ten thousand new jobs across the country in five years.

VOA : special.2010.04.28

42. Bourke-White was no longer satisfied just to show the products of industry in her pictures, as she had in the past.

VOA : special.2009.05.17

43. In the U.S., industry uses more water than agriculture thanks to its use in power generation.

FORBES: The Water-Industrial Complex

44. Some Afro-Caribbeans are rejecting the whole race relations industry.


45. Conservatives object to the cost, and the idea of what they say is just another bailout for the car industry.

VOA : special.2009.08.07

46. Though the recording industry remains in flux, Slim says he still finds confidence to keep going.

NPR: Langhorne Slim's Folk-Rock Live Wire

47. And specifically -- our industry's constantly transitioning from one technology to another, and we sort of screwed up one of the transitions.

具体来说,就是这个行业的技术,不断地经历着转型,在其中的一个转型中我们搞砸了。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

48. Securities industry rules forbid your old brokerage firm to drag its feet in transferring your account.

FORBES: Don't Fence Me In

49. The Alaska Travel Industry Association says tourism directly pumps a billion and a half dollars a year into the state economy.

VOA : special.2009.03.02

50. The Kremlin is re-establishing control over the oil industry and other key economic sectors.

NPR: Russia Under Putin: Echoes of the Soviet Era

51. So we'll discuss whether the same thing is happening with food and the tobacco industry.

我们会讨论发生在烟草工业的事情,会不会在食品工业上重演关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. And we invite professors from other schools or people in industry to come talk to the students here.

我们会邀请其他学院的教授,还有行业内的人员来给我们的学生演讲。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 重建社团小组

53. So, an alternative to that that is incredibly common in just the programming world and in industry is to actually not write programs on your own personal computer but to actually write and run them on a server, someplace where the software is all standardized.

那么,在编程界和工业界普遍,使用的一个解决方案是,不在你自己的电脑上写程序,而是在服务器上编程运行,服务器上的软件都是标准化的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

54. The main industry in the southern city of Jacmel, for example, was once harvesting coffee.

BBC: How voodoo is rebuilding Haiti

55. What are - this understanding of receptor-ligand interactions has been really the biological basis of much of the pharmaceutical industry.

受体-配体相互作用理论,现在已经成为很多,制药工业的生物学基础生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. On the right bank of the Ohio everything is activity, industry, labor is honored, there are no slaves.

俄亥俄河的右岸,一切都是积极向上的,工业兴旺,人们尊重劳动,没有奴隶美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. This illustrates an age-old, auto industry balancing act: new-and-improved versus tried-and-true.

FORBES: Most Anticipated 2008 Luxury Cars

58. which of course has relationships to India's sort of...armaments and its newclear industry... rather... -India has newlear bombs.

当然这也跟印度的,军事实力相关,还有其核工业。,非常。。。,-印度有核炸弹。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

59. And it appears to be part of a larger downward trend in the industry.

BBC: Is this the end of the guidebook?

60. She hoped women would have jobs at every level of the industry when flying became a common form of transportation.

VOA : special.2010.05.26

61. They can be people in the industry trying to acquire new skills.

而是在行业里,试图掌握新技术的人员。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. Day by day, Congress is asking more questions about the bailout of the financial industry.

NPR: Senators Skeptical Of Bailout Package

63. It was 2010, and the travel industry was just starting to turn its attention to bloggers.

BBC: How I quit my job to travel: The wedding photographer

64. It's about getting the industry to be joined up again and the industry requires some leadership.

BBC: George Muir and Stuart Francis



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