
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [brɪŋ]play美 [brɪŋ]play

  • v. 拿来,带来; 使……转入(新的话题);移动;使处于某种状况;导致,引起;起诉;提供;强迫(自己)做;标价,售价为
  • 【名】 (Bring)(英、瑞典)布林(人名)

第三人称单数 brings 现在分词 bringing 过去式 brought 过去分词 brought

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


bring /brɪŋ/ CET4 TEM4 [ bringing brought brings ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you bring someone or something with you when you come to a place, they come with you or you have them with you. 带来

    Remember to bring an apron or an old shirt to protect your clothes.



    Someone went upstairs and brought down a huge kettle.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you bring something somewhere, you move it there. 把…移动到

    Reaching into her pocket, she brought out a cigarette.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If you bring something that someone wants or needs, you get it for them or carry it to them. 拿给

    He went and poured a brandy for Dena and brought it to her.


  • 4.
    及物动词 To bring something or someone to a place or position means to cause them to come to the place or move into that position. 把…引到

    I told you about what brought me here.



    The shock of her husband's arrival brought her to her feet.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If you bring something new to a place or group of people, you introduce it to that place or cause those people to hear or know about it. 把…引入 (某地); 把…介绍给 (某些人)

    ...the drive to bring art to the public.


  • 6.
    及物动词 To bring someone or something into a particular state or condition means to cause them to be in that state or condition. 使处于 (某种状态、情势等)

    He brought the car to a stop in front of the square.



    They have brought down income taxes.


  • 7.
    及物动词 If something brings a particular feeling, situation, or quality, it makes people experience it or have it. 带来

    He called on the United States to play a more effective role in bringing peace to the region.



    Her three children brought her joy.


  • 8.
    及物动词 If a period of time brings a particular thing, it happens during that time. 带来

    For Sandro, the new year brought disaster.


  • 9.
    及物动词 When you are talking, you can say that something brings you to a particular point in order to indicate that you have now reached that point and are going to talk about a new subject. 带入 (某话题)

    And that brings us to the end of this special report from Germany.


  • 10.
    及物动词 If you cannot bring yourself to do something, you cannot do it because you find it too upsetting, embarrassing, or disgusting. 使自己 (做某事)

    It is all very tragic and I am afraid I just cannot bring myself to talk about it at the moment.


  • 11.
    to bring something alive →see   alive
  • 12.
    to bring the house down →see   house
  • 13.
    to bring up the rear →see   rear



cause arouse bring effect 【导航词义:引起】

cause v. 引起,使发生

〔辨析〕 尤指引起不好的事情。

例1: Smoking can cause lung cancer.


例2: What caused Tom to quit his job?


arouse v. 引起

〔辨析〕 指引起某种情感、态度等。

例1: Their sufferings aroused our sympathy.


例2: It may arouse his interest in these subjects.


bring v. 引起,使产生

〔辨析〕 指导致某种情况或某种情感产生。

例1: War brings death and famine.


例2: The success brought the old man great satisfaction.


effect v. [正式] 引起,使发生

〔辨析〕 指引发某事,强调产生的效果。

例1: The drugs effected his death.


例2: The new manager effected great changes in the firm.


take v. 带去,拿去

〔辨析〕 指从说话人所在或所说之处把某人或某物带走,侧重方向而非方式,与 bring 的方向正相反。

例1: May I take the letter to her?


例2: The teacher took the students to the art museum.


例3: Take your raincoat with you when you go to work.


bring v. 带来,拿来

〔辨析〕 指从别处把某人或某物带到说话人所在或所说之处。

例1: I brought the novel to you.


例2: The soldiers came back and brought seven prisoners.


例3: Go down to my bedroom, and bring a clean tie.


fetch v. [尤英] (去)拿来

〔辨析〕 指去取了某物或带上某人再返回原处,即一往一返,相当于 go and bring,但有时也可说 go and fetch,意思和 fetch 并无不同。

例1: Please fetch me my coat.


例2: Have you fetched the doctor?


例3: Let's go and fetch some water.


get v. 带来,去拿

〔辨析〕 指从别处带来或拿来,常可与 fetch 换用,但语气较随便,多用于口语。

例1: Get/fetch me some water.


例2: Please go and get/fetch her.


例3: He's just gone to get/fetch the kids from school.



1. bring into effect 实施;实行;使生效

2. bring down 降低;打倒,打死;击落

3. bring forward 提出;提前;结转

4. bring back 拿回来;使…恢复;使…回忆起来

5. bring together 集合;使…团结起来

6. bring into play 发挥;启用

7. bring to mind 想起

8. bring with v. 带来;拿来;取来

9. bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;[航](船等)停下

10. bring about 引起;[航]使掉头

11. bring it on 魅力四射(电影名,又译美少女啦啦队)

12. bring forth v. 产生;发表

13. bring on 导致;引起;使…发展

14. bring in 引进;生产;增加

15. Bring It On 美少女啦啦队 ; 魅力四射 ; 潜伏者 ; 美少女拉拉队

16. bring along 带来;使……发展

17. bring an end to vt. 结束,使完结

18. bring out 出版,生产;使显示;说出

19. bring into v. 使开始;使进入某种状态

20. bring home 清楚说明;将…带回家

21. bring into being 使…形成;使…存在




bring to a boil 使沸腾

bring to life 使复苏

bring together 使在一起

bring bad/good luck 带来坏/好运气

bring to someone's attention 引起某人注意

bring someone/something home 使充分认识到

bring to justice 将…绳之以法

bring to mind 使想起


1. I will bring it to you if I think on.


2. Gibbs: Quiet, missy. Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them.

别出声, 小姐. 这片水域里有被诅咒的海盗们出没. 你可不想把他们给引来吧.《期刊摘选》

3. A home's history and a juicy story can help bring tourists.


4. Entrepreneurs assume business risk or bring a new product to market.


5. The new manager brings a great wealth of experience to the job.


6. Some employers request that applicants bring a college transcript with them when they come to apply.


7. When next you come, bring it.


8. Frankly, I hadn't planned to bring the matter to your attention.

老实说, 我并不想让事情引起你的注意.《辞典例句》

9. Don't forget to bring your books with you.


10. And what's more, bring me my breakfast.

另外, 把我的早饭带来.《期刊摘选》

11. I fear they might succeed to bring a division inside Stamford Bridge.


12. We attempt to bring into attention the importance of stochastic forcings.


13. He beckoned to the waiter to bring the bill.


14. The application of this technology will bring up a revolution in fruit production.


15. The 2 nd, afraid inventory sells do not drop, bring about inventory level to drop.

第二, 担心库存卖不掉, 导致库存水平下降.《期刊摘选》

16. You understand the health 30 benefits that the activity can bring.

你知道这项活动能带来健康方面的 (30) 益处。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

17. Her success bring credit to her family.


18. The ship's captain and crew may be brought to trial and even sent to prison.


19. Remember to bring an apron or an old shirt to protect your clothes...


20. It took two hours to bring the fire under control.


21. This will also bring negative effect towards term development of Hong Kong economics.


22. Pay attention to the following and your candles will bring you hours of serenity and pleasure.


23. Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery.


24. Cups will bring no money to the clubs, but will also be injury and tiredness free.

这并不意味着这些比赛会漏洞百出,这些比赛无门票, 但可能导致受伤,会带来疲劳.《期刊摘选》

25. For Sandro, the new year brought disaster...


26. This warm weather should bring on the crops.


27. Chronic copper toxicity will bring respiratory disease, disease of ocular conjunctivitis, skin disease and so on.

慢性铜中毒,会引起呼吸系统疾病 、 眼部疾病 、 皮肤疾病等.《期刊摘选》

28. Any attempt to disturb the implantation process will bring the adults on you in a nanosecond.


29. It could catalyse further mergers that would bring gains of their own.


30. Recently, the power supply is tight, which bring the attentions of all levels.

近几年, 我国电力供应紧张现象再次引起了各方面的关注.《期刊摘选》

31. It is inadvisable to bring children on this trip.


32. Some new technology will also bring about some disadvantages which must be paid attention to.


33. And the tiniest spark of warmth will bring them in Iike moths.


34. Now we bring up a new theory that magnetoexpansion leads to the buckling of plate.


35. All you need bring are sheets.


36. His writing brings him$ 10000 a year.


37. The pictures bring the book alive.


38. A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.


39. I offered to act as mediator and tried to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties.


40. The person's nature is hoggish, lose supervisory power to bring about corruption necessarily.

人的本性是利己的, 失去监督的权力必然导致腐败.《期刊摘选》

41. I just love it when you bring me presents!


42. Bring Helen a present.


43. ...a brave reporter who had risked death to bring the story to the world.


44. Bring for body fitness convenient, also provide a good space to enjoy healthy life.

为瘦身健身带来方便, 也为享受健康生活提供一个良好的空间.《期刊摘选》

45. What did you bring the kids back from Italy?


46. Bring a present for Helen.


47. Interests are anchors, and I believe they will bring peace and even happiness in the end.

兴趣是锚, 我相信它最终会带来和平,甚至幸福.《期刊摘选》

48. He was suffering from stress brought on by overwork.


49. The breakthrough in culture provided the ideological foundation to bring forth the Political Strategists.


50. His work as a historian brought him into conflict with the political establishment...


51. In addition, the local currency clearing operations for commercial banks to bring good economic benefits.

此外, 本币结算业务也为商业银行带来了良好的经济效益.《期刊摘选》

52. Her mother brought her hands up to her face.


53. Flowers can bring a dull room back to life.


54. I don't want to bring shame on the family name.


55. It is all very tragic and I am afraid I just cannot bring myself to talk about it at the moment.


56. He went and poured a brandy for Dena and brought it to her...


57. Each soldier's death raises public clamor to bring U.S. soldiers and Marines home.


58. It'll take months to bring the band up to scratch.


59. Speaker Pelosi said House leaders will bring the bill for a vote at the earliest date.


60. Global warming will bring about changes to insect populations, flooding and soil erosion.

全球变暖会引起一系列的变化,例如虫害 、 洪水、土壤侵蚀等.《期刊摘选》

61. She felt that her failure would bring shame on her family.


62. The revolution brought many changes.


63. The job brings with it status and a high income.


64. Instead it threatens to bring down the now combined Lloyds Banking Group ( LBG ).


65. It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside.


66. Obviously we have offered to bring the bears to our sanctuary and help the farmers too.


67. To intervene between two or more disputants in order to bring about an agreement aa compromise.


68. When we generate precipitation by static electricity we can bring about a stable negative ion supply.


69. Eclipses sometimes bring difficult weather conditions another reason safety first.


70. His jokes always bring down the house.


71. What reason can bring about menstruation to defer?


72. Such characters bring out a serials behavior which violate the interests of the consumer.


73. He called on the United States to play a more effective role in bringing peace to the region...


74. The pressure that comes from Intel will bring about AMD respect to lower the price morely.


75. Several causes operated to bring on the war.


76. One soft scream that would not bring anyone running.


77. The new manager has a lot of international experience to bring table.


78. The new policy did not bring the hoped-for economic recovery.


79. The hostel provides clean quilts and pillows . There is, therefore, no need to bring sleeping bags.

旅店提供干净的被子、头等用品. 可不用考虑使用自带的睡袋用具.《期刊摘选》

80. A new era was brought into being by the war.


81. Please bring back all library books by the end of the week.


82. Rivaries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.


83. Bring about a lot of happening that violate discipline to violate act consequently.


84. Members are advised to bring a brown-bag lunch.


85. Bring a coat. It might turn chilly later.


86. I hope nobody's forgotten to bring their passport with them.


87. More killing and chaos will not bring peace with Israel nearer.


88. Up tempo, or heavy metal music, played loudly, can bring a belligerent attitude.

节奏, 或是重金属音乐, 如果演奏得很大声, 能导致好斗的态度.《期刊摘选》

89. Bring it into the light so I can see it.


90. Therefore, we could use power of corporate culture for marketing bring vitality.

故而, 利用企业文化力进行营销必能给企业带来勃勃生机.《期刊摘选》

91. It is a fallacy to suppose that riches always bring happiness.


92. Next time I'll bring a book.


93. We bring consistency, efficiency and a flair to complex global campaigns ( www . tagworldwide . com ).

我们提供统一, 高效,并且品质卓越的全球推广活动.《期刊摘选》

94. The article enthused about the benefits that the new system would bring.


95. Bring cold best way arousing because of pharynx and larynx pain under control?


96. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was necessary to bring about the surrender of Japan.


97. Why can you bring about dextrose ( GLU ) on the low side? What treats plan?

为什么会导致葡萄糖 ( GLU ) 偏低? 有什么治疗方案?《期刊摘选》

98. High school student everyday can Morpheus inadequacy bring about eye myopia?

中学生每天都睡眠不足会导致眼睛近视 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

99. As a result, optimization theory can bring hydraulic engineering construction better reference analogy by experience.

研究结论表明, 最优化理论能更好地为水利水电施工管理与决策提供科学参考依据.《期刊摘选》

100. Because factory management level is different, bring about benefit differ also.


101. Eg : Household appliances not only save time but also bring convenience to people.

家用器具 不仅省时而且为人们提供方便.《期刊摘选》

102. We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over.


103. Everything will be done to bring those responsible to justice.


104. If transition a circular shaft adopting closed angle will bring biggish stress concentration as bearing load.


105. The scandal may bring down the government.


106. What be after all bring about myopia?

到底是什么导致近视的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

107. Did you bring the contract and (all) that?


108. They've brought out the magazine in a new format.


109. To bring strong planning and process skills to the team.


110. As Shanghai's first virtual office premises, business management engine to bring you a revolution in office.

作为上海首家虚拟办公的场所, 引擎企管给您带来一场办公革命.《期刊摘选》

111. And that brings us to the end of this special report from Germany.


112. The photographs brought back many pleasant memories.


113. A trivial thing may sometimes bring about undesirable consequences.


114. Will for a long time look, of mortality reduce what will bring about birthrate.

长期来看, 死亡率的降低将导致出生率的降低.《期刊摘选》

115. Can mouse mat also bring about skin allergy?

鼠标垫也会导致皮肤过敏 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

116. Several causes operated bring on the war.


117. Several circumstances concurred to bring about the result.


118. He brought up a subject rarely raised during the course of this campaign...


119. Can dispute of the processing on whole journey net bring about imprudent arbitration?


120. I didn't know how much to bring.


121. Come to the New Year disco and bring your partner!


122. In addition, the arbitration net will bring more economic benefit to party.

此外, 网上仲裁将会给当事人带来更多的经济实惠.《期刊摘选》

123. The winter sports bring the jet set to town.


124. The shock of her husband's arrival brought her to her feet...


125. What's more, we find that penalty will bring more corruption when tax corruption is concerned.

而且在引入腐败因素之后, 我们发现对逃税的严惩会导致更多是税收腐败.《期刊摘选》

126. She could not bring herself to tell him the news.


127. They were going to try to help bring about a rapid solution of the war.


128. The binary rare earth oxides bring us variety of interesting characteristics.


129. The stewardess kindly brought me a blanket.


130. Waiter, could you bring me some water?


131. It is one of the functions of art to bring order out of chaos.


132. Bring happiness for children and convenience for old and disabled.


133. Pressure can bring out the worst in people.


134. I told you about what brought me here...


135. At last , we bring forward JW rule based on the enlighten idea.

采用启发式思想提出了jw准则,为K值 的选择提供依据.《期刊摘选》

136. Is spermatozoon insalubrious bring about not can Yo cure?

精子不健康导致的不育能治好 么 ?《期刊摘选》

137. The loss of their son brought the two of them together.


138. He brought the car to a stop in front of the square...


139. A crisis brings out the best in her .


140. A good second round brought him level with the tournament leader.


141. The financial crisis has brought new factors into play.


142. Economic overgrowth will bring about a series of problems.


143. Reading in a poor light may bring on a headache.


144. It was decided to bring the meeting forward two weeks.


145. We must bring things to a crisis.


146. We need torch relay, not irreverence to dead, but to bring pride to China!

我们需要快乐的火炬传递, 这不是对死者的不敬, 而是为了给所有的中国人带来骄傲.《期刊摘选》

147. Nobody has done more to bring these discoveries to public attention than Malcolm Gladwell.


148. The implement of Knowledge Management ( KM ) bring comprehensive research in the Construction of Knowledge Management System ( KMS ).


149. The slightest disagreement tended to bring to the fore his underlying suspicion and resentment.


150. Conduction, Convection and radiation can bring heat influxes.

计算过程考虑了核热沉积以及热传导、热辐射 、 对流引起的换热过程.《期刊摘选》

151. Often dance can you bring about knee joint motile to injure?

经常跳舞会导致膝关节运动型损伤 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

152. Which brings me to a delicate matter I should like to raise...


153. What if she forgets to bring it?


154. They intend to bring their complaints out into the open.


155. Addiction to drugs can bring a multitude of other problems.


156. Come to my party and bring a girl with you...


157. We'll be bringing you all the details of the day's events.


158. How much does she bring in now?


159. The government is making car makers bring their cars up to standard for safety reasons.


160. Without supervisory power, bring about corruption necessarily.

没有监督的权力, 必然导致腐败.《期刊摘选》

161. Thankfully this is a great opportunity to bring more attention to this situation.


162. There wasn't enough evidence to bring the case to court.


163. ...the drive to bring art to the public.


164. Why are you bringing it up now?


165. He campaigned relentlessly to bring charges of corruption against former members of the government...


166. Old age can bring many problems.


167. A unilateral withdrawal would not bring formal peace, but it could at least bring calm.

单边撤离计划虽然不能带来真正的和平, 但至少能带来平静.《期刊摘选》

168. They also bring new skills and experiences to enrich our economy.


169. Microorganisms are the agents that bring about the chemical change.


170. The new teacher really brought French to life for us.


171. Globalization did not bring about odd polarization or Americanization, cannot both confuse sth with sth else.

全球化并未导致单极化或美国化, 不能把两者混同.《期刊摘选》

172. Kinkel said the attacks had brought disgrace on Germany...


173. Winter storms bring ice, sleet and snow.

冬天的暴风雪带来了冰, 雹和雪.《期刊摘选》

174. They bring good and their commissions are not exorbitant.


175. We accepted his idea in the thought that it would bring benefit to both sides.


176. These butylraidicals bring about a rapid polymerization of styrene.


177. The reforms will bring benefits, socially and politically.


178. And I think that will bring about a change in that character.


179. Conducive: Tending to cause or bring about; contributive.

趋向于引起或发生的; 导致的.《期刊摘选》

180. This case brings into question the whole purpose of the law.


181. The referendum will bring Puerto Rico one step closer to cutting the island's umbilical cord to the United States.


182. For most women, marriage used to bring a higher status than spinsterhood.


183. Gentamycin is a kind of ototoxic drug, which can bring about hearing loss.

庆大霉素是一种耳毒性药物, 能够导致感音神经性聋.《期刊摘选》

184. It's hard for the baby to bring up wind.


185. EP notesL reminds: myopia, bring on blind!

护眼专家提醒您: 近视, 导致暴盲!《期刊摘选》

186. This warm weather should bring the crops forward.


187. We don't know what the future will bring.


188. Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time.


189. Will the disaffection of the young bring down the regime?

年轻人的不满会导致政府倒台 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

190. Reaching into her pocket, she brought out a cigarette...


191. Polluted water might bring forth a host of diseases.


192. Bring about : It is the bill that violate discipline much.

导致: 一是违纪票据多.《期刊摘选》

193. He would like to bring back streams to the city and build windmills to provide power.


194. Psychology To bring about the integration of ( personality traits ).

导致 ( 性格特点 ) 的融合.《期刊摘选》

195. You're listening to Science in Action, brought to you by the BBC World Service...


196. Rivalries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.


197. She brought her boyfriend to the party.


198. Bring it into the light so I can see it.



1. So they bring like... I don't know, business people are like, different companies to like talk with students here

所以他们把……我不知道,把商人,不同公司的商人找来和学生谈话,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来自西班牙的留学生

2. He said later that he did so because he was finding it difficult to bring up the question of surrender.

VOA : special.2009.12.24

3. In the next few years, the group hopes to empower hundreds of Sudanese who will help bring peace to their country.

VOA : special.2009.01.28

4. Sanctity lies not in any object but in the spirit you bring to it.

BBC: The walk that made me love Japan

5. In section please bring Lolita. I think you're going to spend most of your time talking about Lolita.

下次课上请带好洛丽塔,我想你们可能得花大部分时间讨论洛丽塔。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. But this simplicity helps bring attention to the creativity of the music and the strength of the actors' performances.

VOA : special.2009.08.05

7. How many of you did not bring the passages that I sent to you by e-mail last night?

你们中有多少人没有带讲义,我昨晚用邮件发给你们的?文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Milongas bring together a cross-section of all walks of life: local, international, young and old.

BBC: The tango Buenos Aires tourists never see

9. When squatters move in, they bring a new life to the space, often surprising in its incongruity.

CNN: Making a 'squat' a home

10. They bring meat, grain, and vegetables to sell or barter.


11. With lowered restrictions, private-equity infusions could bring relief to many U.S. small and regional banks.

FORBES: Private Equity Allowed A Bigger Bite Of Banks

12. EatWith is only one of several sites that bring strangers together for unconventional dining experiences.

BBC: Would you eat in a stranger's home?

13. Nearby is the Falcon Hospital, where owners of the fierce creatures bring them for treatment.

BBC: Souq Waqif, Dohas resilient, labyrinthine market

14. Mister Branson says he plans to bring his son and daughter and his parents with him on the first flight.

VOA : special.2009.12.18

15. Prof Bullmore expects to see changes in the brain's wiring that gradually bring impulsive behaviour under control.

BBC: Brain scan study to understand workings of teenage mind

16. The Canadian government quickly approved a law that said each person must bring enough supplies to last for one year.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

17. Advertisers are already drooling at reports that this might bring 20 million dollars.


18. When ownership changed hands again in 2010, efforts began to bring the brand home.

BBC: Whisky returns to the Irish Midlands

19. Web sites can bring customers and credibility, even to young entrepreneurs like the Steeds.

FORBES: Better Late Than Never

20. Rent a bike (or bring your own) and follow the only pathway out of the village.

BBC: Singapores curious bicycle island

21. Years of worry that the same rockets that could take people to the moon could also bring nuclear war to Earth.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

22. It describes how a hunter can use both barrels of a shotgun to bring down two birds very quickly.

VOA : special.2010.07.25

23. Hi, Mike. We're having a party tonight, wanna come join us? You can bring your girlfriend.


24. It's part of the process of international diplomacy to try to bring others on board.

NPR: U.S. Officials Look for Political Solution to Darfur

25. Tokyo is our first stop, although the trip will bring us all the way to Harazka Harazka where the Star Festival takes place.

东京是我们的第一站,虽然这次我们最终将把我们带去,庆祝七夕节的。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. His theory was that Martians were trying to bring water to the warm areas near the equator of the planet.

VOA : special.2010.07.11

27. The change will bring an end to this system of "contracting out", with two consequences.

BBC: Flat-rate state pension 'expected to start in 2017'

28. It said that it would bring new regulations forward straight away, allowing these schemes to continue.

BBC: Back-to-work scheme breached laws, says Court of Appeal

29. In December,the East African nation agreed to deploy police on international warships who would bring suspects to Kenya for trial.

VOA : special.2009.05.27

30. I asked each of them to bring a book that had informed that question for them, inside or outside of the classroom that they had read or what in Princeton.

我让他们每人带一本书来,这本书该为他们提供了对这个问题的提示,只要是他们在学校里课堂内外读过的都行。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

31. Wear wellies or rubber boots, old clothes and bring moist towelettes for wiping hands down after.

BBC: London from the tide line

32. Every once in a while we'll bring up an issue of well, how has this been interpreted over the centuries?

偶尔我们会提到,几个世纪以来是如何解读的?新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. We have to bring the best people in, edit the best people in so we have a good cast of characters, and edit away any negative elements.

我们必须招揽最优秀的人,吸纳最优秀的人,所以我们有了强大的阵容,剪辑走了负面元素。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

34. Unalterable shall be what I may bring into being, Neither recalled nor changed shall be the command of my lips."

我所创造的事物永不得更改,一言既出,永不召回或更改“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. In fact, our own Senator Christopher Dodd has a bill in Congress right now to bring back the HOLC, basically.

事实上,参议员克里斯托弗·多德,已向国会提交了议案,意思就是要求恢复房主贷款公司金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. An evening here will bring you right back to that gilded age of movie going.

BBC: Portland, Oregons Art Deco movie houses

37. But not too clean: Kramer says he was trying to bring out the essence of Jimi Hendrix.

NPR: Jimi Hendrix's 1969 Album Set For Release

38. Michael cared deeply and used that talent to help bring attention to famine and poverty in Africa.

CNN: Commentary: A day to celebrate Michael Jackson

39. It's not as though if you kill yourself you somehow bring it about that you've never been born at all.

不是说如果你自杀了就能够扭转,你出生了这个事实。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. We have a choice, a real choice to bring kindness into our workplaces, in the right ways.

FORBES: Kindness At The Office

41. They welcome the prospect of prosperity and the rule of law, whoever helps to bring it.

ECONOMIST: Western mans burden

42. Supporters were encouraged to bring along canned food and essential supplies to help those trapped.

BBC: Sandy steals spotlight from Romney

43. "Anytime you bring jobs back there is a positive effect on the American economy, " she says.

BBC: Is 'Made in the USA' coming back?

44. Bring to the boil, skimming off any froth that rises to the surface.


45. But at the same time the Market Revolution is going to bring a certain sense of anxiety, even dread, even despair.

同时市场革命将,带来某种焦虑,甚至是可怕的和绝望的美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. If the grass was good, and the herd moved slowly, the cattle would get heavier and bring more money.

VOA : special.2010.03.18

47. High-tech and futuristic smart cars can bring high demand, premium prices and high margins.

FORBES: Blue Chips Stack Up On Nanotechnology

48. She says many times the school nurse is the first one to bring health problems to the attention of parents.

VOA : special.2009.08.13

49. Mr. BRYANT: Well, I think that another team will bring him in the park.

NPR: Giants Say Goodbye to Bonds

50. And when you have an optimal substructure and the local solutions overlap, that's when you can bring dynamic programming to bear.

当你得到一个最优子结构,但局部解决方案有重跌时,你就可以引入动态编程,来解决这个问题了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. The album aims to bring young MCs from Africa together to explore their history and unite for a better future.

VOA : special.2009.10.14

52. You can bring any calculator you want, we don't actually have restrictions for calculator types here, but what you can't do, is you can't program any relevant chemical or information about constants in there.

你可以带你想用的任何一种计算器,我们并不限制计算器的类型,但是有一点是不允许的,那就是你不能使用编程的功能来记录,相关的化学常数或其它信息。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. The Proficient MaxTV is uniquely designed to bring high fidelity audio performance to flat panel TVs.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

54. Can I bring a friend?


55. The women of Paris in October, many of them will walk to versailles to bring the king back to Paris.

在10月份的时候,许多巴黎的妇女会步行去凡尔赛迎驾欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Loyalty can bring just as good results as fear or greed, and probably more sustainable growth.

FORBES: Kindness At The Office

57. The bigger issue is whether Western governments will choose to bring them into reality.

BBC: The joylessness of shopping

58. It is a shame Michael was allowed to bring the name of Forbes into such disrepute.

FORBES: Readers Say

59. He shall bring together every joint and member, and shall mould them into an immortal feature of loveliness and perfection.

他会将每个碎片和部分都带到一起,会将他们铸成永世不朽的可爱和完美的样子。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. We could not bring in a recorder, but the courtroom is mostly quiet except for the lawyers, witnesses and judge talking.

VOA : special.2009.08.31

61. But life's certainability will bring your life into me as I breathe it in.

NPR: 'BPP' Jukebox: Peter, Bjorn and John Soloist

62. Stop and listen to the universal language of music and bring that positive energy with you everywhere you go."

VOA : special.2009.07.31

63. Attendees are invited to bring their own picnics, but no outside alcohol is allowed.

BBC: The best outdoor cinemas in Los Angeles

64. What else does this novel bring out in you: what other thoughts, what other responses? Does anyone absolutely love this novel?

这部小说还带给了你们什么,有其他的看法吗,其他的回应,有谁完全爱上了这部小说?1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. The Maremma seems to bring out the inner buttero in many people, visitors and locals alike.

FORBES: The Other Tuscany





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